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Because myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease mediated by Abs specific for the acetylcholine receptor, helper T cells play a role in Ab production. In this study, we have performed large-scale cross-sectional and longitudinal TCR studies by CDR3 spectratyping using PBL and thymus tissues from MG patients. We found that there was no preferential usage of any particular TCR beta-chains that was identical among MG patients. However, the longitudinal study clearly demonstrated that one or more TCR Vbeta expansions persisted frequently in MG patients. Importantly, persistent TCR expansions correlated with clinical severity and high anti-acetylcholine receptor Ab titer. Finally, examinations of T cells expressing CXCR5, i.e., follicular B-helper T cells, revealed that spectratype expansions in MG patients were detected mainly in the CD4+ CXCR5+ T cell populations, whereas CD8+ T cells were the major source of clonal expansion in healthy subjects. These findings suggest that persistent clonal expansions of T cells in MG patients are associated with the development and maintenance of MG. Close examination of pathogenic T cells in MG provides useful information to elucidate the pathogenesis and to estimate the disease status.  相似文献   

Chen H  He X  Wang Z  Wu D  Zhang H  Xu C  He H  Cui L  Ba D  He W 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2008,283(18):12528-12537
Human T lymphocytes, bearing T cell receptor (TCR) gammadelta, play an important role in anti-tumor/microbe immune responses. However, few tumor antigens recognized by TCRgammadelta have been defined so far. To investigate antigenic epitopes/proteins recognized by gammadeltaT cells, we have established a new immunobiochemical strategy that uses complementarity-determining region 3 of TCR delta chain (CDR3delta) peptide-mediated epitope/protein-binding assays. CDR3delta peptides synthesized using the CDR3 region in TCR Vdelta2 chain were validated for their binding specificity to target cells or tissues. These CDR3delta peptides were then employed as probes to pan putative epitopes in a 12-mer random peptide phage-displayed library and to identify putative protein ligands within tumor protein extracts by affinity chromatography and liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry analysis. As a result, we have identified nine peptides and two proteins for TCRgammadelta, including human mutS homolog 2 (hMSH2) and heat shock protein (HSP) 60. All nine tested epitope peptides not only bind to gammadeltaT cells but also functionally activate gammadeltaT cells in vitro. Identification of HSP60 confirms the validity of this method as HSP60 is an identified ligand for TCRgammadelta. We show that hMSH2 is expressed on the surface of SKOV3 tumor cells, and cytotoxicity of Vdelta2 gammadeltaT cells to SKOV3 cells was blocked by anti-hMSH2 antibody, suggesting that hMSH2 may be a new ligand for TCRgammadelta. Taken together, our findings provide a novel immunobiochemical strategy to identify epitopes/proteins recognized by gammadeltaT cells.  相似文献   

Although the mechanisms that determine TCR-alpha beta V gene repertoire are well studied, the genetic influences involved in TCR-gamma delta repertoire development are unclear. Unlike the TCR-gamma delta populations that localize in epithelial tissues, the circulating peripheral TCR-gamma delta V region repertoire is quite diverse. Previous studies have shown that three TCR-gamma chains and at least six TCR-V delta genes are expressed by splenic TCR-gamma delta cells. However, the relative frequency of individual gamma delta subsets among genetically diverse mice has not been determined. Therefore, the repertoire of TCR-gamma delta cells was examined using anti-TCR V region specific mAb against V gamma 2 and V delta 4 on TCR-gamma delta + cells from total splenocytes. We found that there was a strain-specific variation in TCR-gamma delta usage. The frequency of V gamma 2 expression in different strains varied from 54 to 12%, and the frequency of V delta 4 expression in different strains varied from 38 to 10%. However, the level of V delta 4 and V gamma 2 expression for an individual strain was highly consistent from experiment to experiment. F1 analysis between parental strains that differed in relative frequency of either V gamma 2+ or V delta 4+ cells revealed that high expression was genetically dominant, suggesting that positive selection events play a major role in the peripheral gamma delta repertoire. Variations in the levels of V gamma 2+ cells and V delta 4+ cells was not associated with Mls or MHC haplotype. Analysis of recombinant inbred strains revealed that high V delta 4 expression mapped to the TCR-gamma locus, while high V gamma 2 expression was influenced by the TCR-delta locus. Back-cross analysis confirmed that the TCR loci dominantly influenced the level of V delta 4+ cells and V gamma 2+ cells; however, there was clear evidence that multiple genes affect the TCR-gamma delta repertoire.  相似文献   

mAb directed against the TCR/CD3 complex activate resting T cells. However, TCR/CD3 signaling induces death by apoptosis in immature (CD4+CD8+) murine thymocytes and certain transformed leukemic T cell lines. Here we show that anti-TCR and anti-CD3 mAb induce growth arrest of cloned TCR-gamma delta + T cells in the presence of IL-2. In the absence of exogenous IL-2, however, the very same anti-TCR/CD3 mAb stimulated gamma delta (+)-clones to proliferation and IL-2 production. In the presence of exogenous IL-2, anti-TCR/CD3 mAb induced the degradation of DNA into oligosomal bands of approximately 200 bp length in cloned gamma delta + T cells. This pattern of DNA fragmentation is characteristic for the programmed cell death termed apoptosis. These results demonstrate that TCR/CD3 signaling can induce cell death in cloned gamma delta + T cells. In addition, this report is the first to show that apoptosis triggered by TCR/CD3 signaling is not restricted to CD4+CD8+ immature thymocytes and transformed leukemic T cell lines but can be also observed with IL-2-dependent normal (i.e., TCR-gamma delta +) T cells.  相似文献   

The surface expression of CD3-associated TCR chains on hybridoma cell lines derived from adult gamma delta thymocytes was analyzed. These cell lines were unusual, in that a) they expressed a surface heterodimer consisting of a 40- and a 42-kDa chain, i.e., comprised of chains different from any previously reported gamma delta-TCR all of which express C gamma 1- or C gamma 2-encoded gamma-chains; b) their CD3-associated TCR could not be categorized as alpha beta-TCR dimers, despite the similarities in m.w. of the TCR chains, because full size 1.3-kb beta-chain mRNA capable of encoding a functional beta-chain could not be detected in these cells; c) neither of the receptor chains could be precipitated with anti-C gamma 1C gamma 2-peptide antisera. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that the 42-kDa delta-chain is a novel chain, which differs from any reported delta-chains in size, charge and number of glycosylation sites. Collectively, the data on analysis of the 40-kDa chain strongly suggest that it represents a gamma-chain encoded for by the C gamma 4 locus, protein products of which have not yet been reported in the thymus. This gamma-chain was also unique, in that its isoelectric point was much lower than that of other gamma-chains. The gamma- and delta-chains on these C gamma 4-expressing hybridomas were indistinguishable from one another in size and charge (as determined by nonequivalent pH gradient electrophoresis/SDS-PAGE analysis and analysis after endoglycosidase treatment). Because the cell lines were randomly chosen from large panels of hybridomas, these results may well imply strikingly nonrandom pairing of thymocyte-derived C gamma 4 chains and the delta-chains reported here. Thus, only limited additional gamma delta repertoire diversity may be generated by availability of this gamma delta-TCR in the thymus.  相似文献   

The third complementarity-determining regions (CDR3s) of antibodies and T cell receptors (TCRs) have been shown to play a major role in antigen binding and specificity. Consistent with this notion, we demonstrated previously that high-affinity, peptide-specific TCRs could be generated in vitro by mutations in the CDR3alpha region of the 2C TCR. In contrast, it has been argued that CDR1 and CDR2 are involved to a greater extent than CDR3s in the process of MHC restriction, due to their engagement of MHC helices. Based on this premise, we initiated the present study to explore whether higher affinity TCRs generated through mutations in these CDRs or other regions would lead to significant reductions in peptide specificity (i.e. the result of greater binding energy gained through interactions with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) helices). Yeast-display technology and flow sorting were used to select high-affinity TCRs from libraries of CDR mutants or random mutants. High-affinity TCRs with mutations in the first residue of the Valpha, CDR1, CDR2, or CDR3 were isolated. Unexpectedly, every TCR mutant, including those in CDR1 and CDR2, retained remarkable peptide specificity. Molecular modeling of various mutants suggested that such exquisite specificity may be due to: (1) enhanced electrostatic interactions with key peptide or MHC residues; or (2) stabilization of CDRs in specific conformations. The results indicate that the TCR is positioned so that virtually every CDR can contribute to the antigen-specificity of a T cell. The conserved diagonal docking of TCRs could thus orient each CDR loop to sense the peptide directly or indirectly through peptide-induced effects on the MHC.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is considered to be an autoimmune disease mediated by T cells reactive with Ags in the CNS. Therefore, it has been postulated that neuroantigen-reactive T cells bearing particular types of TCRs are expanded clonally during the course of the disease. However, there is a controversy with regard to the TCR usage by T cells associated with the development of MS. By the use of complementarity-determining region 3 spectratyping analysis that is shown to be a useful tool for identification of pathogenic TCR in autoimmune disease models, we tried to demonstrate that spectratype was T cells bearing particular types of TCR are activated in MS patients. Consequently, it was found that Vbeta5.2 were often oligoclonally expanded in peripheral blood of MS patients, but not of healthy subjects. Sequence analysis of the complementarity-determining region 3 region of spectratype-derived TCR clones revealed that the predominant TCR clone was different from patient to patient, but that similar results were obtained in a patient examined at different time points. More importantly, examination of cerebrospinal fluid T cells and longitudinal studies of PBLs from selected patients revealed that Vbeta5.2 expansion was detectable in the majority of patients examined. These findings suggest that Vbeta5.2 spectratype expansion is associated with the development of MS and that TCR-based immunotherapy can be applicable to MS patients if the TCR activation pattern of each patient is determined at different stages of the disease.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity and T cell receptor (TCR) V repertoire in tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) of three primary adrenal cell carcinomas were analyzed. Fresh, non-cultured TIL from two of the three tumors showed low but significant lysis of the autologous tumor, and for one of the patients this activity was strongly enhanced upon culture in interleukin-2. An allogeneic adrenal cell carcinoma line and the K562 or Daudi targets included as controls were not killed. Phenotypic analysis of freshly isolated TIL demonstrated that the cells from the two patients that demonstrated cytolytic capacity mainly consisted of CD45RO+ T cells. In vitro cultured TIL lines from these patients demonstrated a high percentage of CD8+ cells expressing either the V6 gene or the V8 gene product, as measured with a panel of mAb specific for TCR V and V gene products. Analysis of the TCR V gene mRNA expression in freshly isolated non-cultured TIL, using a polymerase-chain-reaction-assisted cDNA-amplification assay, confirmed the strong expression of the genes coding for the TCR V6 or the V8. This assay also demonstrated a more restricted TCR V gene usage in the TIL as compared to peripheral blood lymphocytes from the same patient.This study was supported by the Swedish Cancer Society and by the Cancer Society in Stockholm  相似文献   

αβ T cells and γδ T cells perform nonoverlapping immune functions. In mammalian species with a high percentage of very diverse γδ T cells, like ruminants and pigs, it is often assumed that αβ T cells are less diverse than γδ T cells. Based on the bovine genome, we have created a map of the bovine TRA/TRD locus and show that, in cattle, in addition to the anticipated >100 TRDV genes, there are also >300 TRAV or TRAV/DV genes. Among the V genes in the TRA/TRD locus, there are several genes that lack a CDR2 and are functionally rearranged and transcribed and, in some cases, have an extended CDR1. The number of bovine V genes is a multiple of the number in mice and humans and may encode T cell receptors that use a novel way of interacting with antigen. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The composition of the T cell receptor repertoire in nude mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Previous results from several laboratories have demonstrated the presence of functional T lymphocytes in congenitally athymic (nude) mice. The present study represents an analysis of the T cell receptor repertoire exhibited by such cells. Clones of H-2Kb-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were generated under primary limiting dilution conditions by using spleen cells from nude mice. These clones were analyzed on a panel of Kb mutant target cells to assess the receptor specificity of each clone. Unlike thymic bearing mice the CTL repertoires of which are exceedingly diverse, it was found that in most cases the vast majority of clones from each individual exhibited the same reactivity pattern. The particular pattern varied from individual to individual. Clones from three animals that exhibited this phenomenon were additionally analyzed by using a monoclonal antibody that can detect the utilization of the gene products of the V beta 8 family. In one animal all clones were V beta 8 positive, whereas in the others, all clones were negative. We conclude that the T cell receptor repertoire in nude mice is extremely limited and represents in vivo expansion of a relatively small number of functional precursors.  相似文献   

Antigen processing and the human T cell receptor repertoire for insulin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Three human T cell lines specific for the A loop of beef insulin were studied to determine the requirements for Ag processing. The data show that the conformation of the A loop of insulin is required for recognition and that the B chain of insulin per se is not necessary for this response. Processing of native insulin was required for responses of all three T cell lines; however, each displayed a different pattern of sensitivity to inhibition of processing and aldehyde fixation of APC. A peptide comprised of two disulfide-linked A chains was partially stimulatory when presented by fixed APC whereas A chain monomers and disulfide-linked A and B chain peptides were not. The response to native insulin, peptides, and A chain dimers was sensitive to chloroquine suggesting that none of these moieties is the terminal processed peptide recognized by insulin immune T cells. The unique patterns of fine specificity, processing requirements, and recognition of aldehyde-fixed antigen-MHC for each T cell line suggest the hypothesis that Ag processing leads to heterogeneity of the T cell repertoire for a single epitope of insulin.  相似文献   

Although their precise roles are not well defined, gammadelta T lymphocytes are recognized as regular components of immune responses. These cells express a limited T cell receptor repertoire and they can be stimulated by soluble ligands without conventional processing and presentation by major histocompatibility antigens. Progress in this area has been limited by the substantial differences between murine and human gammadelta T cells and the lack of knowledge about these cells in nonhuman primates. We used molecular analysis of T cell receptor diversity to characterize gammadelta T cell populations from peripheral blood and colon of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). The gammadelta T cell receptor diversity was limited and distinct for these tissue compartments, particularly in the TCRGV2 family. Furthermore, the TCRDV1 + subset of peripheral blood gammadelta T cells showed signs of progressive oligoclonalization as a function of age. Similar observations have been reported for human tissue samples and our results validate rhesus macaques as an appropriate animal model for studying primate gammadelta T cell populations.  相似文献   

The specificity of lymphocyte proliferative responses of 22 family contacts and 7 patients with leprosy were analyzed using Ag fractions from soluble extracts of Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Fractions 10-100 kDa m.w. from each extract were separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, electroblotted to nitrocellulose membrane and solubilized for use in lymphocyte culture. The main immunogenic fractions for both contacts and patients had m.w. of 12,000 to 22,000, 35,000 to 40,000, and 65,000. Determinants which were either distinct or shared by the two extracts were active in each of the immunogenic fractions. Lymphocyte proliferation following stimulation with separated Ag was found also in five subjects who failed to respond to the whole soluble extracts. Stimulatory synthetic peptides were identified for the 65 kDa protein Ag. This technique has permitted the screening of the T cell immune repertoire for the identification of the immunodominant Ag which merit further purification and molecular characterization.  相似文献   

We examined TCR gene usage in a panel of beef insulin/I-Ad-restricted T cell hybrids obtained from BALB/c mice. These hybrids demonstrated several distinct patterns of reactivity defined by their ability to respond to species variants of insulin. Correlation of TCR-alpha and -beta-gene usage with these patterns of reactivity demonstrated that TCR gene usage was restricted within Ag reactivity groups. In particular, V-J junctional regions (CDR3 equivalent) were restricted with conserved junctional amino acid motifs present in both TCR-alpha- and -beta-chains. Comparison of TCR gene usage in hybrids expressing identical V alpha and V beta gene segments but demonstrating different patterns of reactivity revealed that changes in either J alpha and/or J beta gene segment usage could alter antigenic reactivity. Indeed, single or limited amino acid differences within the CDR3 region were sufficient to markedly alter fine specificity. These data demonstrate the critical role for CDR3 in determining antigenic reactivity in beef insulin-reactive hybrids and are compatible with the current model of TCR/peptide/MHC interaction.  相似文献   

Activated T cells and their naive precursors display different functional avidities for peptide/MHC, but are thought to have identical antigenic repertoires. We show that, following activation with a cognate mimotope (NRP), diabetogenic CD8(+) T cells expressing a single TCR (8.3) respond vigorously to numerous peptide analogs of NRP that were unable to elicit any responses from naive 8.3-CD8(+) T cells, even at high concentrations. The NRP-reactive, in vivo activated CD8(+) cells arising in pancreatic islets of nonobese diabetic mice are similarly promiscuous for peptide/MHC, and paradoxically this promiscuity expands as the aviditiy of the T cell population for NRP/MHC increases with age. Thus, activation and avidity maturation of T lymphocyte populations can lead to dramatic expansions in the range of peptides that elicit functional T cell responses.  相似文献   

In view of the recently determined three-dimensional structures of complexes formed by the T cell receptor for antigen (TCR), the processed peptide and the MHC class I molecule, it is expected that the combined configuration formed by the third complementarity determining regions (CDR3) of TCR alpha and beta chains will be very restricted in size and shape due to the limited length variations of the processed peptides. Thus, the combined TCR alpha and beta chain CDR3 lengths should have a fairly narrow distribution. This feature can be due to the selective association of long alpha chain CDR3 with short beta chain CDR3 and vice versa or due to random assortment of alpha and beta chain CDR3 of even narrower length distribution. Based on existing translated amino acid sequence data, it has been found that the latter mechanism is responsible.  相似文献   

T cells expressing T cell receptor (TCR) complexes that lack CD3 delta, either due to deletion of the CD3 delta gene, or by replacement of the connecting peptide of the TCR alpha chain, exhibit severely impaired positive selection and TCR-mediated activation of CD8 single-positive T cells. Because the same defects have been observed in mice expressing no CD8 beta or tailless CD8 beta, we examined whether CD3 delta serves to couple TCR.CD3 with CD8. To this end we used T cell hybridomas and transgenic mice expressing the T1 TCR, which recognizes a photoreactive derivative of the PbCS 252-260 peptide in the context of H-2K(d). We report that, in thymocytes and hybridomas expressing the T1 TCR.CD3 complex, CD8 alpha beta associates with the TCR. This association was not observed on T1 hybridomas expressing only CD8 alpha alpha or a CD3 delta(-) variant of the T1 TCR. CD3 delta was selectively co-immunoprecipitated with anti-CD8 antibodies, indicating an avid association of CD8 with CD3 delta. Because CD8 alpha beta is a raft constituent, due to this association a fraction of TCR.CD3 is raft-associated. Cross-linking of these TCR-CD8 adducts results in extensive TCR aggregate formation and intracellular calcium mobilization. Thus, CD3 delta couples TCR.CD3 with raft-associated CD8, which is required for effective activation and positive selection of CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

After initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV loads and frequencies of HIV epitope-specific immune responses decrease. A diverse virus-specific T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire allows the host to respond to viral epitope diversity, but the effect of antigen reduction as a result of ART on the TCR repertoire of epitope-specific CD8(+) T cell populations has not been well defined. We determined the TCR repertoires of 14 HIV-specific CD8(+) T cell responses from 8 HIV-positive individuals before and after initiation of ART. We used multiparameter flow cytometry to measure the distribution of memory T cell subsets and the surface expression of PD-1 on T cell populations and T cell clonotypes within epitope-specific responses from these individuals. Post-ART, we noted decreases in the frequency of circulating epitope-specific T cells (P = 0.02), decreases in the number of T-cell clonotypes found within epitope-specific T cell receptor repertoires (P = 0.024), and an overall reduction in the amino acid diversity within these responses (P < 0.0001). Despite this narrowing of the T cell response to HIV, the overall hierarchy of dominant T cell receptor clonotypes remained stable compared to that pre-ART. CD8(+) T cells underwent redistributions in memory phenotypes and a reduction in CD38 and PD-1 expression post-ART. Despite extensive remodeling at the structural and phenotypic levels, PD-1 was expressed at higher levels on dominant clonotypes within epitope-specific responses before and after initiation of ART. These data suggest that the antigen burden may maintain TCR diversity and that dominant clonotypes are sensitive to antigen even after dramatic reductions after initiation of ART.  相似文献   

Superantigens (SAgs) are microbial toxins defined by their ability to activate T lymphocytes in a T cell receptor (TCR) β-chain variable domain (Vβ)-specific manner. Although existing structural information indicates that diverse bacterial SAgs all uniformly engage the Vβ second complementarity determining region (CDR2β) loop, the molecular rules that dictate SAg-mediated T cell activation and Vβ specificity are not fully understood. Herein we report the crystal structure of human Vβ2.1 (hVβ2.1) in complex with the toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) SAg, and mutagenesis of hVβ2.1 indicates that the non-canonical length of CDR2β is a critical determinant for recognition by TSST-1 as well as the distantly related SAg streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin C. Frame work (FR) region 3 is uniquely critical for TSST-1 function explaining the fine Vβ-specificity exhibited by this SAg. Furthermore, domain swapping experiments with SAgs, which use distinct domains to engage both CDR2β and FR3/4β revealed that the CDR2β contacts dictate T lymphocyte Vβ-specificity. These findings demonstrate that the TCR CDR2β loop is the critical determinant for functional recognition and Vβ-specificity by diverse bacterial SAgs.  相似文献   

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