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Restriction endonuclease cleavage map of the DNA of JC virus.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A physical map of the sites cleaved by the following restriction endonucleases was derived for the DNA of JC virus, a human polyomavirus: EcoRI, HpaI, and PstI (one site each); HindII (four sites); and HindIII (three sites). By agarose gel electrophoresis of fragmented DNA, the size of full-length DNA of JC virus was estimated to be 5,125 +/- 105 base pairs (98 +/- 2% of the length of simian virus 40 DNA).  相似文献   

The entire genome and the DNA fragments of the lipid-containing bacteriophage pM2 were cloned in the pBR322 plasmid vector. A physical map including the sites for the following restriction enzymes was obtained: HpaII, HaeIII, TthI, Sau96I, AvaII, PstI, BstNI, AccI, HincII, HpaI and HindIII. No restriction sites on PM2 DNA were found for BalI, BamHI, BclI, BglI, BglII, BstEII, KpnI, PvuII, SacI, SalI, Sau3A, XbaI and XhoI.  相似文献   

New physical map of bacteriophage T5 DNA.   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The locations of 103 cleavage sites, produced by 13 restriction endonucleases, were mapped on the DNA of bacteriophage T5. Single- and double-digest fragment sizes were determined by agarose gel electrophoresis, using restriction fragments of phi X174 DNA and lambda DNA as molecular weight standards. Map coordinates were determined by a computer-based least-squares procedures (J. Schroeder and F. Blattner, Gene [Amst] 4:167-174, 1978). The fragment sizes predicted by the final map are all within 2% of the measured values. Based on this analysis, T5st(+) DNA contains 121,300 base pairs (Mr, 80.3 X 10(6) and has a terminal repetition of 10,160 base pairs (Mr, 6.7 X 10(6)). Restriction endonuclease analysis after treatment with exonuclease III and a single-strand-specific endonuclease allowed precise localization of five of the natural single-chain interruptions in T5 DNA. Revised locations for several T5 deletions were also determined.  相似文献   

Summary Clone banks of PvuII, BamHI and XhoI fragments were generated of the Solanum tuberosum cv Katahdin plastome. These clone banks, in conjunction with molecular hybridization to tobacco ctDNA probes, were used to construct a physical map of potato ctDNA. The potato plastome was found to be a circular molecule of 155–156 Kbp containing two inverted repeat regions of 23–27 Kbp. The arrangement of restriction sites is very similar to that of other Solanaceae plastomes. Heterologous hybridization to known ctDNA encoded gene probes from tobacco allowed us to establish a genetic map of the potato chloroplast genome. The arrangement of these genes on the potato plastome resembles that on most higher plant ctDNAs.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from the cryptomonad Pyrenomonas salina was isolated by CsCl-buoyant density centrifugation of whole-cell DNA in the presence of Hoechst dye 33258. mtDNA consists of circular molecules about 47 kb in size as estimated from restriction enzyme analysis. A physical map for six restriction enzymes (Bam HI, Bge I, Eco RI, Pst I, Sac I and Sac I) has been constructed. Genes coding for the small subunit of rRNA, cytochrome oxidase subunits I and II, and apocytochrome b were localized on this map using Southern blot hybridization with heterologous gene probes from Oenothera. Genes for 5S rRNA and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 are absent from P. salina mtDNA. The mitochondrial genome, being the first analysed to this extent in chromophytic algae, should be valuable for taxonomic and phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

A physical map of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) of pear [Pyrus ussuriensis var. hondoensis (Nakai et Kikuchi) Rehder] was constructed using five restriction enzymes, SalI, XhoI, BamHI, SacI and PstI. This information will make it possible to investigate the phylogenetic relationships between Pyrus species. Pear cpDNA was found to be a circular molecule with a total size of about 156 kb in which two inverted repeats of 24.8 kb divide the molecule into small (17 kb) and large (90 kb) single-copy regions. The endonuclease recognition sites in the physical map were determined by single and double digestion of 13 lambda phage clones which covered the entire sequence of the pear cpDNA. Twenty nine genes were localized on the physical map of the pear cpDNA. The structure of pear cpDNA was almost the same in terms of genome size and gene order as that of tobacco cpDNA. RFLP analysis was carried out on cpDNAs from five Pyrus species (Pyrus pyrifolia, Pyrus ussuriensis, Pyrus calleryana, Pyrus elaeagrifolia and Pyrus communis). Two mutations, a recognition-site mutation and a length mutation (deletion), were found only in the cpDNA of P. pyrifolia cultivars. These mutations were localized on the physical map of pear cpDNA. The number of mutations of cpDNA in Pyrus species are small in comparison with those of other angiosperms, suggesting a high degree of genome conservatism in Pyrus species.  相似文献   

We analyzed, by restriction endonuclease mapping and electron microscopy, the genome of the lytic Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides-specific bacteriophage RS1 and characterized it as a linear molecule of approximately 60 to 65 kilobases. When the DNA from purified phage particles was examined by several independent methods, considerable size heterogeneity was apparent in the RS1 DNA. This size heterogeneity was concluded to be of biological origin, was independent of the specific host strain used to propagate virus, and was not due to the presence of host DNA within or nonspecifically associated with purified virions. In addition, treatment of RS1 DNA with either BAL 31 nuclease or DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment revealed that several distinct regions exist within the viral chromosome which contain free 3' hydroxyl groups. A restriction endonuclease map of the RS1 genome was constructed by using the restriction endonucleases EcoRI, ClaI, KpnI, BamHI, MluI, SmaI, and BclI; thereby allowing the positioning of some 40 restriction sites within the viral genome. The results are discussed in terms of the significance and the possible biological origin of the unique features discovered within the phage RS1 DNA.  相似文献   

A partial physical map of the human chromosome 21 including 26 genes and anonymous sequences was established by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis analysis of restriction fragments obtained from lymphocyte and fibroblast DNAs. The sizes of the restriction fragments obtained by total digestion with eight different enzymes were compared in these two tissues. Differences resulting from the variations in the methylation state of the restriction sites were frequently observed. These differences and partial digestions were used to estimate the order and the distances between genes and sequences. Six linkage groups were defined: D21S13-D21S16, D21S1-D21S11, D21S65-D21S17, (D21S55,ERG)-ETS2, BCEI-D21S19-D21S42-D21S113-CBS-CRYA1, and COL6A2-S100B. For six intergenic distances the resolution of previous maps was significantly increased.  相似文献   

The ribosomal DNA repeat unit of Aspergillus nidulans has been cloned in pBR322 and a restriction map constructed. The genes coding for the 17S, 5.8S and 25S rRNAs are found in blocks separated by a 1.7 kb spacer region, with the 5.8S RNA gene lying between the genes for the two larger RNAs. The total length of the repeat unit is 7.7 kb. The 5S rRNA is not present in the repeat unit.  相似文献   

The genus Asparagus consists of 100–300 species of both dioecious and hermaphrodite plants. Since there are diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid plants in this genus, RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) analysis of chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) is suitable for examining the phylogenetic relationships. We have constructed a physical map of the ctDNA of garden asparagus (A. officinalis L. cv Mary Washington 500 W) using five restriction endonucleases, namely, BamHI, PstI, SalI, HindIII, and XhoI. Asparagus ctDNA was digested with restriction enzymes and cloned into plasmid and phage vectors, and a clone bank was constructed that covered 70% of the genome. A physical map was constructed by Southern hybridization of total DNA from asparagus with homologous and heterologous probes. The asparagus ctDNA was about 155 kb long and it contained two inverted repeats (23kb each) separated by a large single-copy region (90kb) and a small single-copy region (19kb). Fifteen genes, encoding photosynthesis-related proteins, rDNAs, and tRNAs, were localized on the physical map of asparagus ctDNA. Comparing the length and the gene order of asparagus ctDNA with that of other plants, we found that asparagus ctDNA was similar to tobacco ctDNA but different from rice ctDNA. The restriction patterns of the ctDNAs from several varieties of A. officinalis and three species of Asparagus were analyzed. The restriction patterns of the varieties of A. officinalis were very similar, but polymorphisms were detected among the three species of Asparagus.  相似文献   

Bleomycin treatment of PM2 DNA results in fragmentation of the genome at several specific sites. Application of restriction endonuclease digestion followed by bleomycin treatment has provided the basis for constructing a physical map of bleomycin fragmentation sites. Eleven sites have been located on the physical map relative toHpa II,Pst I, andHindIII cleavage sites. The fragmentation sites are not clustered in a particular region of the PM2 genome but 3 of the 11 sites do occur between theHpa II andPst I cleavage sites, a segment of DNA which comprises 14% of the PM2 DNA length.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) provokes a DNA damage response that mimics a stalled replication fork. We have previously shown that this response is dependent on ataxia telangiectasia-mutated and Rad3-related kinase and involves recruitment of DNA repair proteins into foci associated with AAV2 DNA. Here, we investigated whether recombinant AAV2 (rAAV2) vectors are able to produce a similar response. Surprisingly, the results show that both single-stranded and double-stranded green fluorescent protein-expressing rAAV2 vectors are defective in producing such a response. We show that the DNA damage signaling initiated by AAV2 was not due to the virus-encoded Rep or viral capsid proteins. UV-inactivated AAV2 induced a response similar to that of untreated AAV2. This type of DNA damage response was not provoked by other DNA molecules, such as single-stranded bacteriophage M13 or plasmid DNAs. Rather, the results indicate that the ability of AAV2 to produce a DNA damage response can be attributed to the presence of cis-acting AAV2 DNA sequences, which are absent in rAAV2 vectors and could function as origins of replication creating stalled replication complexes. This hypothesis was tested by using a single-stranded rAAV2 vector containing the p5 AAV2 sequence that has previously been shown to enhance AAV2 replication. This vector was indeed able to trigger DNA damage signaling. These findings support the conclusion that efficient formation of AAV2 replication complexes is required for this AAV2-induced DNA damage response and provide an explanation for the poor response in rAAV2-infected cells.  相似文献   

We detected unintegrated linear 7.0-kilobase pair DNA and covalently closed circular DNA species in NIH3T3 cells recently infected with Kirsten murine sarcoma virus. Using the linear DNA, we constructed a restriction endonuclease cleavage map and compared it with the map of Harvey murine sarcoma virus. The restriction endonuclease maps of two segments, one 1.2 kilobase pairs (SmaI site) to 3.7 kilobase pairs (HindIII site) from the right end (corresponding to the viral 3' side) and the other 0.5 kilobase pair (SmaI and KpnI sites) to 0.9 kilobase pair (KpnI site) from the left end, were identical in the two virus types.  相似文献   

The two segments of double-stranded RNA from infectious pancreatic necrosis virus Sp were cloned into the plasmid vector pUC8. Two sets of overlapping clones were identified by restriction enzyme and Southern blot analyses. Each of these sets was shown by Northern blot analysis to be exclusively related to either segment A or B of the genomic RNA. The entire lengths of the cloned segments were estimated to be 2.9 and 2.6 kilobases, respectively. Sequences from the two segments of viral cDNA were subcloned into the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase vectors pT71 and pT72. The activity of the single-stranded RNAs transcribed from these subclones in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate translation system provided information on the polarity of and the protein products coded for by each subclone. The four proteins encoded by the genome of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus were identified among the translation products of the individual cloned segments by immunoprecipitation and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. By constructing plasmids containing deletions in the sequences from either the 5' or 3' end of segment A, we were able to construct a physical map for the larger segment of double-stranded RNA. The proteins derived from these plasmids indicated that the linear gene order for viral proteins encoded in segment A is beta, gamma 2, and gamma 1.  相似文献   

     We constructed a physical map of Campylobacter fetus TK(+) chromosomal DNA digested by either SmaI, SalI, or NotI using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and Southern hybridization data. The genome size of C. fetus TK(+) is 2016 kb, larger than that reported by the others. To locate the sapA gene, which encodes the surface array protein (SAP), on the physical map, we performed Southern hybridizations with probes based on the conserved region of the sapA gene. The results showed that more than seven copies of the conserved region were present on C. fetus chromosomal DNA and that the sapA gene was located on a limited number of fragments forming a cluster of genes. By comparing fingerprint patterns of strain TK(+) and strain TK(–), which lost the ability to produce SAP during culture on agar medium, an approximately 10 kb deletion was observed in the fragments of strain TK(–). The results of Southern hybridization with two probes, one from the upstream region and the other from the variable region of sapA, suggest that the loss of SAP expression might not be the result of the loss of the sapA gene itself, but only a loss of its control systems. Received: 25 May 1994 / Accepted: 1 September 1994  相似文献   

H. A. Wood  P. R. Hughes 《BioControl》1996,41(3-4):361-373
Biological control agents such as baculovirus insecticides have many attributes which make them attractive alternatives to synthetic chemical pesticides. However, there have been several economic and agronomic barriers to their widespread use. Among the obstacles to commercialization of viral insecticides have been high production costs, the lack of efficacious formulation and application technologies, and a slow speed of action. Biotechnology has contributed several advances toward overcoming these obstacles. The high cost ofin vivo production can be reduced significantly using a newly developed high-density rearing system termed HeRD. The HeRD technology can be used to rear many different species of lepidopterous larvae for production of viral insecticides, as hosts for parasitoid production, or for sterile-male release programs. Using this technology, the baculovirus production costs are equivalent to sprayable Bt toxins. The field efficacy of viral pesticides and other biological control agents requires cost effective, biologically based formulation and application technologies. Based on current field efficacy evaluations of baculovirus pesticides, formulation/application technologies must be improved for viral pesticides to compete effectively and consistently in most pesticide markets. Through recombinant DNA technology, it is now possible to insert foreign pesticidal genes into viral pesticides, resulting in faster time to death or, more importantly, time to cessation of feeding of the target pests. However, the commercial use of recombinant pesticides has raised several potential environmental issues, including possible effects on non-target organisms, ecological interactions, mitigation and genetic stability. Genetic strategies have been developed to mitigate most of the potential problems associated with recombinant baculovirus pesticides. Five field tests have been conducted in the U.S. to evaluate these strategies. The laboratory and field results illustrate that the genetic strategies employed ensure environmental safety while also reducing production costs.  相似文献   

Three species of unintegrated viral DNAs were found in permissive cells infected with baboon type C virus. The major species was a 9.0-kilobase (kb) linear DNA that was infectious. A restriction endonuclease map of this DNA was constructed and oriented with respect to the viral RNA. The linear DNA had a 0.6-kb sequence repeated at each terminus. These terminal repeat sequences were required for infectivity of the viral DNA. The minor species of the unintegrated viral DNAs were covalently closed circles of 9.0 and 8.4 kb. The smaller circle was in two- to threefold excess over the larger circle. The difference appeared to be that the smaller circle lacked one of the two 0.6-kb repeat sequences found in the larger circle. Restriction endonuclease maps of the integrated viral DNAs were constructed, and the sequences on both viral DNA and cellular DNA that are involved in integration were determined. The integrated viral DNA map was identical to that of the unintegrated infectious 9.0-kb linear DNA. Therefore, a specific site in the terminal repeat sequence of the viral DNA was used to integrate with the host cell DNA. The sizes of the cellular DNA fragments were different from clone to clone but stable with cell passage. Therefore, many sites in the cell DNA can recombine with the viral DNA.  相似文献   

Role of JC virus agnoprotein in DNA repair   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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