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Creatine kinase (CK) is a key enzyme for maintaining a constant ATP/ADP ratio during rapid energy turnover. To investigate the role of CK in skeletal muscle fatigue, we used isolated whole muscles and intact single fibers from CK-deficient mice (CK(-/-)). With high-intensity electrical stimulation, single fibers from CK(-/-) mice displayed a transient decrease in both tetanic free myoplasmic [Ca(2+)] ([Ca(2+)](i), measured with the fluorescent dye indo-1) and force that was not observed in wild-type fibers. With less intense, repeated tetanic stimulation single fibers and EDL muscles, both of which are fast-twitch, fatigued more slowly in CK(-/-) than in wild-type mice; on the other hand, the slow-twitch soleus muscle fatigued more rapidly in CK(-/-) mice. In single wild-type fibers, tetanic force decreased and [Ca(2+)](i) increased during the first 10 fatiguing tetani, but this was not observed in CK(-/-) fibers. Fatigue was not accompanied by phosphocreatine breakdown and accumulation of inorganic phosphate in CK(-/-) muscles. In conclusion, CK is important for avoiding fatigue at the onset of high-intensity stimulation. However, during more prolonged stimulation, CK may contribute to the fatigue process by increasing the myoplasmic concentration of inorganic phosphate.  相似文献   

1. The purification of creatine kinase (ATP-creatine phosphotransferase, EC from ox brain by a method that is quicker, simpler and gives much higher yields than other published procedures is described. 2. Stoicheiometric inhibition studies with iodoacetate showed that the enzyme, like that from muscle, has two reactive thiol groups that are essential for enzyme activity. 3. The amino acid sequence around the essential thiol groups was determined and found to be virtually identical with that in creatine kinases from rabbit and ox muscle, and very similar to that found in arginine kinase; the evolutionary significance of this is discussed. 4. The identification of DNS-amino acids on thin layers of silica gel was found to have, in many cases, distinct advantages over that on polyamide layers.  相似文献   

This article examines how the rise of planning in conservation influences the conservation practitioners’ approach to conflicts in a region where protected areas have limited power. It is based on an analysis of the management plans of ten nature reserves of the Northern French Alps, complemented with interviews with the practitioners involved in elaborating these plans. It shows that the collaborative paradigm, predicated on the idea that deliberation between parties can lead to a shared understanding of the common good, has pervaded conservation planning. Collaborative planning enriches the planners’ view of the practices and values at work in the reserves. But it also encourages them to develop conflict avoiding strategies that contribute to maintaining existing power imbalances, which in such regions are often detrimental to conservation goals. Analysing the power relationships at play locally, encouraging the planners’ reflexivity, and increasing their agency would help realize the transformative potential of contentious situations.  相似文献   

We calculate here the Raman frequencies of the lattice modes A(A g ), B(B 2g ) and C(B 1g B 3g ) as a function of pressure at room temperature for the solid phases (II, III and III’) of benzene. This calculation is performed using volume data through the mode Grüneisen parameter. It is found that our calculated frequencies of those lattice modes increase with increasing pressure, as expected. Calculated frequencies are in good agreement with the measurements of the three lattice modes for the solid phases studied in benzene.  相似文献   

An earlier article described the mid-twentieth century origins of the method of “paradigms” in paleobiology, as a way of making testable hypotheses about the functional morphology of extinct organisms. The present article describes the use of “paradigms” through the 1970s and, briefly, to the end of the century. After I had proposed the paradigm method to help interpret the ecological history of brachiopods, my students developed it in relation to that and other invertebrate phyla, notably in Euan Clarkson’s analysis of vision in trilobites. David Raup’s computer-aided “theoretical morphology” was then combined with my functional or adaptive emphasis, in Adolf Seilacher’s tripartite “constructional morphology.” Stephen Jay Gould, who had strongly endorsed the method, later switched to criticizing the “adaptationist program” he claimed it embodied. Although the explicit use of paradigms in paleobiology had declined by the end of the century, the method was tacitly subsumed into functional morphology as “biomechanics.”  相似文献   


Purpose:?Localized mechanical vibration, applied directly to a muscle, is known to have powerful, duration-dependent effects on the muscle spindle’s reflex arc. Here, the conditioning of the function of the spindle reflex arc via vibration was examined with considerations for use as a non-invasive, sensorimotor research tool.

Methods:?Muscle spindle function was examined with patellar tendon taps prior to and following exposure to muscle vibration applied to the quadriceps femoris for acute (<5?s) and prolonged (20?min) durations. Surface electromyography (sEMG), torque, and accelerometry signals were obtained during the taps to quantify various measures of reflex magnitude and latency.

Results:?Our findings suggest that acute vibration had no effect on normalized reflex torque or sEMG amplitude (p?>?0.05), but increased total reflex latency (p?=?0.022). Alternatively, prolonged vibration reduced normalized reflex torque and sEMG amplitude (p?<?0.001), and increased reflex latency (p?<?0.001).

Conclusions:?Our findings support the use of prolonged vibration as a practical means to decrease the function of the muscle spindle’s reflex arc. Overall, this suppressive effect was evident in the majority of subjects, but the extent was variable. This approach could potentially be used to help delineate the muscle spindle’s role in various sensory or motor tasks in which more direct measures are not feasible. Acute vibration, however, did not potentiate muscle spindle function as hypothesized. Rather, our results suggest that acute vibration increased total reflex latency. Accordingly, potential mechanical and neurophysiological mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Human and rabbit masticatory muscles were analyzed immuno-and enzyme-histochemically using antibodies specific to cardiac , slow and fast myosin heavy chain isoforms. In human masseter, temporalis, and lateral pterygoid muscle cardiac myosin heavy chain is found in fibres that contain either fast, or fast and slow myosin heavy chain. In rabbit masseter, temporalis and digastric muscles, fibres are present that express cardiac myosin heavy chain either exclusively, or concomitantly with slow myosin heavy chain or fast myosin heavy chain. Our results demonstrate a much broader distribution of cardiac myosin heavy chain than hitherto recognized and these might explain in part the specific characteristics of masticatory muscles. The cardiac myosin heavy chain is only found in skeletal muscles originating from the cranial part of the embryo (including the heart muscle) suggesting that its expression might be determined by the developmental history of these muscles.  相似文献   

Wielkopolska (western Poland) is a region, with good reason, called the main food base of Poland. All indices of agricultural production have always been there (since 19th century) much higher than elsewhere in the country (Ratajczak 1977/1978, Buszko 1984, Gorzelak 1989, Czyzewski et al. 1992; table 1). Such a situation had a beneficial effect on the amount of the income generated by a family of Wielkopolska and, thus, decided on its better financial status. Additionally, rural inhabitants of this region have always been characterised by a more advantageous educational structure in comparison with people of other Polish villages. Generally, it is easy to detect the relationship between the life standard, the level of education and family planning. The aim of this paper is to assess fertility of women from villages of Wielkopolska in the period of transformation of the political and economic system in Poland.  相似文献   

We identified and sequenced from the squid Euprymna scolopes two isoforms of haemocyanin that share the common structural/physiological characteristics of haemocyanin from a closely related cephalopod, Sepia officinalis, including a pronounced Bohr effect. We examined the potential roles for haemocyanin in the animal''s symbiosis with the luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri. Our data demonstrate that, as in other cephalopods, the haemocyanin is primarily synthesized in the gills. It transits through the general circulation into other tissues and is exported into crypt spaces that support the bacterial partner, which requires oxygen for its bioluminescence. We showed that the gradient of pH between the circulating haemolymph and the matrix of the crypt spaces in adult squid favours offloading of oxygen from the haemocyanin to the symbionts. Haemocyanin is also localized to the apical surfaces and associated mucus of a juvenile-specific epithelium on which the symbionts gather, and where their specificity is determined during the recruitment into the association. The haemocyanin has an antimicrobial activity, which may be involved in this enrichment of V. fischeri during symbiont initiation. Taken together, these data provide evidence that the haemocyanin plays a role in shaping two stages of the squid–vibrio partnership.  相似文献   

Simple mixing of acid purified histones H3 and H4 in equimolar quantities at low ionic strength near pH 7 does not yield the tetramer but rather a high Mr aggregate. Dialysis of acid extracted total or core histones into 2 M NaCl 150 mM phosphate (pH 7.4) followed by fractionation of the histone complexes at lower ionic strength (150 mM NaCl) results in an H3H4 tetramer of a structure identical to that derived from salt-extracted histones. Dialysis of acid extracted total or core histones directly into the lower ionic strength buffer with subsequent fractionation, results in H3H4 tetramer of closely similar structure.  相似文献   

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