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Metamorphosis and fish vision   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many species of fish exhibit metamorphosis in which dramatic external transformations occur as a consequence of coordinated changes in gene expression within an organism. Because postembryonic development and change appears to be the rule rather than the exception in teleost fish species, we view metamorphosis as one of many developmental strategies in fish which have continued plasticity as a common theme. Metamorphic changes are manifested in the visual system by modification of photoreceptor peak sensitivity, rod photoreceptor cell addition, and retinal reorganization. These changes correspond to significant changes in the natural habitat of the animal and in its visual capabilities as demonstrated behaviorally. Thyroxine is the main metamorphic hormone as has also been found in amphibia. The sequence of metamorphic events occur in all teleosts, but they are compressed in time in direct developing animals suggesting that such animals might prove useful for understanding the evolution of metamorphosis in fish. It seems likely that rod photoreceptors may have evolved in conjunction with the change from larval to juvenile stage through metamorphosis in indirect developing fishes. During evolution, the contraction and/or loss of the larval stage has resulted in earlier appearance of rod photoreceptors during development although they always arise later than cone photoreceptors. This ontogenetic developmental sequence supports Walls's (1942) proposal that cones are phylogenetically older than rods and suggests that rods may have evolved several times.  相似文献   

Many species of fish exhibit metamorphosis in which dramatic external transformations occur as a consequence of coordinated changes in gene expression within an organism. Because postembryonic development and change appears to be the rule rather than the exception in teleost fish species, we view metamorphosis as one of many developmental strategies in fish which have continued plasticity as a common theme. Metamorphic changes are manifested in the visual system by modification of photoreceptor peak sensitivity rod photoreceptor cell addition, and retinal reorganization. These changes correspond to significant changes in the natural habitat of the animal and in its visual capabilities as demonstrated behaviorally. Thyroxine is the main metamorphic hormone as has also been found in amphibia. The sequence of metamorphic events occur in all teleosts, but they are compressed in time in direct developing animals suggesting that such animals might prove useful for understanding the evolution of metamorphosis in fish. It seems likely that rod photoreceptors may have evolved in conjunction with the change from larval to juvenile stage through metamorphosis in indirect developing fishes. During evolution, the contraction and/or loss of the larval stage has resulted in earlier appearance of rod photoreceptors during development although they always arise later than cone photoreceptors. This ontogenetic developmental sequence supports Walls's (1942) proposal that cones are phylogenetically older than rods and suggests that rods may have evolved several times.  相似文献   

系统研究了我国本土两栖动物种黑斑蛙(Rana nigromaculata)变态发育过程中甲状腺组织学和甲状腺激素水平的变化,为甲状腺生物学和甲状腺干扰研究提供基础数据。黑斑蛙蝌蚪发育的形态变化: 第26-40阶段,后腿芽生长并逐渐分化出五趾结构;42阶段,开始进入变态高峰期,前肢展开,尾吸收,蝌蚪身体发生巨大形变;46阶段,蝌蚪完全变态成小蛙。随着形态学的变化,甲状腺的组织结构也发生明显的变化: 26-37阶段,甲状腺体积较小,增长缓慢;38阶段甲状腺体积迅速膨大,进入高峰期,甲状腺的发育达到顶峰;随着变态完成,甲状腺又逐渐缩小。甲状腺组织学变化的同时,甲状腺激素水平也相应发生变化: 在变态前期,下颌中3,3',5-三碘代-L-甲腺原氨酸(T3)水平增长缓慢,进入变态期后,T3含量迅速升高,在变态高峰期达到峰值,随后下降。以上结果表明,黑斑蛙发育过程中甲状腺组织学的变化与甲状腺激素水平的波动相吻合。对黑斑蛙甲状腺系统的研究,可为日后使用黑斑蛙开展甲状腺干扰作用的研究提供基础。    相似文献   

Amphibian metamorphosis affords a useful experimental system in which to study thyroid hormone regulation of gene expression during postembryonic vertebrate development. In order to isolate gene-specific cDNA probes which correspond to thyroid hormone-responsive mRNAs, we employed differential colony hybridization of a cDNA library constructed from poly(A)+ RNA of thyroxine-treated premetamorphic tadpole liver. From an initial screening of about 6000 transformants, 32 "potentially positive" colonies were obtained. The recombinant cDNA-plasmids from 13 of these colonies plus two "potentially negative" colonies were purified for further study. Southern blot analysis of the plasmid DNA was employed to determine whether different cDNAs encoded for the same mRNA. The effect of thyroid hormone on the relative levels of specific mRNA species was examined by Northern analysis of liver RNA from premetamorphic tadpoles, thyroxine-treated tadpoles, and adult bullfrogs. Three independent cDNA clones were obtained which encoded thyroid hormone-enhanced mRNAs. We also obtained two independent cDNA clones encoding thyroid hormone-inhibited mRNAs and three independent clones encoding thyroid hormone-unresponsive mRNAs. The levels of two thyroid hormone-enhanced mRNAs and one thyroid hormone-inhibited mRNA were essentially the same in the thyroid hormone-treated tadpole liver and adult liver, suggesting that thyroid hormone induces stable changes in liver gene expression during spontaneous metamorphosis. Using selected cDNAs, RNA dot blot analysis of liver mRNA from tadpoles at different stages of metamorphosis showed that the level of one thyroid hormone-enhanced mRNA increased during late prometamorphosis and metamorphic climax. Similarly, a mRNA which was strongly inhibited by thyroid hormone treatment was observed to decline during prometamorphosis and reach undetectable levels during metamorphic climax. One mRNA was detected which was reproducibly inhibited by thyroid hormone treatment but which remained essentially unchanged during spontaneous metamorphosis. These results provide the first direct evidence for the coordinate and selective pretranslational regulation by thyroid hormone of several liver genes during the developmental process of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The actions of steroid hormones on vertebrate and invertebrate nervous systems include alterations in neuronal architecture, regulation of neuronal differentiation, and programmed cell death. In particular, central nervous system (CNS) metamorphosis in insects requires a precise pattern of exposure to the steroid molting hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (ecdysterone). To test whether the effects of steroid hormones on the insect nervous system are due to changes in patterns of gene expression, we examined Drosophila mutants of the ecdysterone-regulated locus, the Broad Complex (BR-C). This report documents aspects of CNS reorganization which are dependent on BR-C function. During wild-type metamorphosis, CNS components undergo dramatic morphogenetic movements relative to each other and to the body wall. These movements, in particular, the separation of the subesophageal ganglion from the thoracic ganglion, the positioning of the developing visual system, and the fusion of right and left brain hemispheres, are deranged in BR-C mutants. In addition, a subset of mutants shows disorganization of optic lobe neuropil, both within and among optic lobe ganglia. Optic lobe disorganization is found in mutants of the br and l(1)2Bc complementation groups, but not in those of the rbp complementation group. This suggests that the three complementation groups of this complex locus represent distinct but overlapping functions necessary for normal CNS reorganization. This study demonstrates that ecdysterone-regulated gene expression is essential for CNS metamorphosis, illustrating the utility of Drosophila as a model system for investigating the genetic basis of steroid hormone action on the nervous system.  相似文献   

The fat body in Calpodes undergoes sequential organelle specific autophagy as a first step in the cell remodeling process necessary for metamorphosis to the pupa. This autophagy begins at about 36 hr before pupation and coincides with a critical period after which an isolated abdomen will pupate without further influence from the prothoracic glands. This suggested that autophagy might be induced by ecdysone. Fat body taken before the critical period and cultured in a medium containing β-ecdysone undergoes autophagy. Fat body from the same animal maintained in hormone-free medium retains the pre-critical period morphology with no autophagy. Autophagy is therefore directly induced by β-ecdysone. Fat body taken soon after the critical period continues with the autophagic sequence in hormone-free medium. Therefore the entire autophagic sequence is induced and does not require the continuing presence of hormone. Protein storage granule formation and cell dissociation, which occur in fat body at metamorphosis, are also induced by β-ecdysone.  相似文献   

Aspects of visual optics were investigated in the American toad (Bufo americanus). The development of the refractive state of the eye during metamorphosis was followed with IR photoretinoscopy. Frozen sections documented the changes in optical parameters before and after metamorphosis. There is a difference in light sensitivity between juvenile and adult toads. Binocular accommodation in adult toads was observed. 1. IR photoretinoscopic measurements showed that the refractive state of the eye changed very rapidly during metamorphosis, about 10 D/h while the animal entered the terrestrial habitat. 2. Frozen sections showed that the almost spherical lens in a tadpole eye had flattened in a just metamorphosed toad's eye while at the same time the distance of the lens to the retina had decreased. However, the morphological measurements were not sufficiently sensitive to record the relatively small changes in ocular dimensions that were responsible for the rapid changes in refractive state during metamorphosis. 3. Schematic eyes, with homogeneous and non homogeneous lenses, were constructed for tadpoles, juvenile toads, and adult toads. 4. Nonparaxial raytracing studies in schematic eyes suggested that the lenses of animals of the three developmental stages tadpole, juvenile toad, and adult are not homogeneous but have a refractive index gradient. The raytracing studies indicated that the refractive index gradient is different for the different developmental stages, being highest in the tadpole lens. 5. The observations of toads during feeding behavior at different light levels showed an increased light sensitivity in the adult nocturnal toads in contrast to the juvenile animals, which are diurnal. The increased light sensitivity could partly be explained with an increase in aperture and an increase in red rod outer segments. To fully explain the higher light sensitivity in adult toads, changes in neuronal parameters had to be assumed. 6. Retinoscopic measurements of the resting refractive state in the adult toad showed a hyperopic defocus of about +8 D. By subtracting the measurement artefact for retinoscopy, the true resting focus was found to be nearly emmetropic. 7. The amount of natural accommodation in adult toads during normal feeding behavior was investigated with IR photoretinoscopy. Binocular accommodation of about 8 D was observed.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis displays a striking diversity in chordates, a deuterostome phylum that comprises vertebrates, urochordates (tunicates), and cephalochordates (amphioxus). In anuran amphibians, the tadpole loses its tail, develops limbs, and undergoes profound changes at the behavioral, physiological, biochemical, and ecological levels. In ascidian tunicates, the tail is lost and the head tissues are drastically remodeled into the adult animal, whereas in amphioxus, the highly asymmetric larva transforms into a relatively symmetric adult. This wide diversity has led to the proposal that metamorphosis evolved several times independently in the different chordate lineages during evolution. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in metamorphosis are largely unknown outside amphibians and teleost fishes, in which metamorphosis is regulated by the thyroid hormones (TH) T3 and T4 binding to their receptors (thyroid hormone receptors). In this review, we compare metamorphosis in chordates and then propose a unifying definition of the larva-to-adult transition, based on the conservation of the role of THs and some of their derivatives as the main regulators of metamorphosis. According to this definition, all chordates (if not, all deuterostomes) have a homologous metamorphosis stage during their postembryonic development. The intensity and the nature of the morphological remodeling varies extensively among taxa, from drastic remodeling like in some ascidians or amphibians to more subtle events, as in mammals.  相似文献   

The role of thyroid hormone (TH) in anuran metamorphosis has been documented from a variety of approaches, but the sequence of morpho-histological development of the thyroid glands that produce the secretion of the hormone was assumed invariant from studies of relatively few species even when the effects of environmental influences on larval development and metamorphosis have been largely documented. There are anurans in which developmental and growth rates diverge, and the resulting heterochrony in growth and development produces giant/miniature tadpoles, and or rapid/delayed metamorphosis suggesting changes of the activity of the thyroid glands during larval development. Herein, we analyze the morpho-histological variation of the thyroid glands in larval series of Ceratophrys cranwelli, Chacophrys pierottii, Lepidobatrachus laevis and L. llanensis that share breeding sites along semiarid environments of the Chaco in South America, belong to a monophyletic lineage, and present accelerated patterns in growth and development in order to have a morphological evidence about a possible shift of TH physiology. We describe gross morphology and histology of the thyroid glands and find features shared by all studied species such as the presence of supernumerary heterotopic follicles; changes in the volume and number of follicles towards the metamorphic climax, and cuboidal epithelia with occasional intra-cellular vacuoles as signs of low glandular activity without a manifest peak at the climax as it was assumed for anurans. We discuss different lines of evidence to interpret sources of extra supplement of TH to support the rapid metamorphosis. These interpretations highlight the necessity to design a research program to investigate the endocrine variation during development of ceratophryids taking in account their morphology, physiology and ecology in order to learn more about the effects of environmental and developmental interactions involved in the anuran evolution.  相似文献   

A pituitary hormone, prolactin (PRL) shows various effects on cellular metabolism in amphibians, such as stimulation of larval tissue growth and inhibition of metamorphic changes. All these effects are mediated by its cell surface receptor. However, lack of information on PRL receptor (PRL-R) gene expression has made the physiological importance of the PRL/PRL-R system obscure in amphibian metamorphosis. Hence, a Xenopus PRL-R cDNA was cloned, its structure was characterized, and specific binding of PRL to Xenopus PRL-R expressed in COS-7 cells was confirmed. In adult tissues, high level expression was found in the lung, heart, brain, thymus and skin, and low level in the oviduct, kidney and spinal cord. The developmental expression pattern showed that PRL-R messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) was expressed in the brain and tail from premetamorphosis and the level increased toward late metamorphosis, suggesting that PRL may inhibit the metamorphic changes in those organs. The level of brain PRL-R mRNA reached a peak just at the start of the metamorphic climax stages and then decreased, whereas in the tail, mRNA expression peaked at late metamorphosis. In the kidney, mRNA expression increased and reached a maximum level at the end of metamorphosis. The results obtained were discussed in relation to metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Insect metamorphosis is controlled by a small ensemble of developmental hormones including a class of steroids--the ecdysteroids. In the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, the progression from the larval to pupal to adult stages is controlled by the relative blood titers of ecdysteroids and juvenile hormone (JH). The cellular events in the nervous and muscular systems which accompany metamorphosis resemble those of embryonic development, but they occur in an animal which is larger and experimentally more tractable than an embryo. In this paper we review the role of ecdysteroids in directing the metamorphosis of the nervous and muscular systems in Manduca, and how JH modifies the cellular responses to the steroids. In particular, we describe how these hormones control muscle degeneration, changes in the structure and function of identified neurons, and programmed neuron death. One general finding is that interactions between cells (e.g., neurons and their target muscles) are not involved in their hormonal responses, but rather the hormones act independently and in parallel at the different sites. Another key finding is that the critical periods and hormonal requirements for the commitment to a particular differentiative pathway, and the phenotypic expression of that pathway, can differ, and are therefore experimentally separable. Finally, we find that the significance of a hormonal signal (e.g., a rise in blood ecdysteroids) is interpreted differently depending upon the previous history of hormone exposure of a neuron or muscle. This progressive change in the interpretation of hormonal signals is a major mechanism by which a limited number of hormones can orchestrate a complicated phenomenon such as metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The drastic morphological changes of the tadpole are induced during the climax of anuran metamorphosis, when the concentration of endogenous thyroid hormone is maximal. The tadpole tail, which is twice as long as the body, shortens rapidly and disappears completely in several days. We isolated a cDNA clone, designated as Xl MMP-9TH, similar to the previously reported Xenopus laevis MMP-9 gene, and showed that their Xenopus tropicalis counterparts are located tandemly about 9 kb apart from each other in the genome. The Xenopus MMP-9TH gene was expressed in the regressing tail and gills and the remodeling intestine and central nervous system, and induced in thyroid hormone-treated tail-derived myoblastic cultured cells, while MMP-9 mRNA was detected in embryos. Three thyroid hormone response elements in the distal promoter and the first intron were involved in the upregulation of the Xl MMP-9TH gene by thyroid hormone in transient expression assays, and their relative positions are conserved between X. laevis and X. tropicalis promoters. These data strongly suggest that the MMP-9 gene was duplicated, and differentiated into two genes, one of which was specialized in a common ancestor of X. laevis and X. tropicalis to be expressed in degenerating and remodeling organs as a response to thyroid hormone during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

During insect metamorphosis, the nervous system must be reorganized to allow the production of unique behaviors during each life stage. In the hawkmoth, Manduca sexta, it has been possible to follow this postembryonic phase of neuronal development at the level of identified neurons. Of particular interest in the present context are sensory neurons, motoneurons, and interneurons which persist through metamorphosis, but participate in different types of behavior at different stages of life. Many of these neurons undergo striking changes in their dendritic arborizations and axonal projection patterns, which can be correlated with changes in their synaptic interactions with other neurons. Manipulations of the ecdysteroid and juvenile hormone titers, both in vivo and in vitro, implicate these hormones in the regulation of metamorphic changes within the nervous system. Taking advantage of this endocrine control, it has been possible to create heterochronic mosaic animals that allow the relationship between specific cellular changes and behavioral alterations to be tested directly.  相似文献   

Most previous research on metamorphosis of the musculoskeletal system in vertebrates has focused on the transformation of the skeleton. In this paper we focus on the transformation of the muscles of the head during metamorphosis in tiger salamanders ( Ambystoma tigrinum ) in order (1) to provide new data on changes in myology during ontogeny, and (2) to aid in interpreting previous data on the metamorphosis of function in the head of salamanders.
The physiological cross-sectional area of nine head muscles was calculated by measuring fibre angles, fibre lengths, and muscle mass in two samples of tiger salamanders obtained just before and just after metamorphosis. The major mouth-opening muscles (rectus cervicis and depressor mandibulae) exhibit a significant decrease in estimated maximum tetanic tension (MTT) across metamorphosis of about 36%. The jaw-closing muscles (adductor mandibulae internus and externus) and the head-lifting muscles (epaxials) also decrease in MTT but not significantly. The muscles associated with tongue projection during feeding on land (the subarcualis rectus I, geniohyoideus, interhyoideus and intermandibularis) all show a slight increase in MTT at metamorphosis.
Metamorphic transformation of feeding behaviour in Ambystoma tigrinum involves changes in performance, the design of skeletal elements, changes in muscle force-generating capability, and changes in hydrodynamic design from unidirectional flow in larvae to bidirectional flow during aquatic feeding after metamorphosis. Although muscle activity patterns during aquatic feeding do not change across metamorphosis, tongue-based terrestrial feeding involves a suite of novel muscle activity patterns, morphological characters acquired at metamorphosis, and a metamorphic increase in the masses of muscles important in tongue projection.  相似文献   

甲状腺激素在两栖动物变态过程中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两栖动物的幼体变态是研究甲状腺激素调节组织和器官重构的理想模式。本文主要综述了近年来两栖动物甲状腺激素合成过程中3种脱碘酶D1、D2和D3的特点及其生物学功能;甲状腺激素受体的蛋白结构、类型和机能;以及甲状腺激素对两栖动物幼体变态过程中各个类型组织和器官重构的调节;甲状腺激素、甲状腺激素受体和脱碘酶的互作,并展望了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

家蚕蜕皮与变态的内分泌调控   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
顾世红 《昆虫知识》1999,36(2):70-74
家蚕的蜕皮与变态是由前胸腺分泌的脱皮素(molting hormone或 ecdysteroid简称 MH)及由咽侧体分泌的保幼激素(juvenile hormone)控制的,而促有前胸腺激素(prothoracicotropic hormone,以下简称PTTH)的功能为刺激前胸腺分泌蜕皮素。笔者近10年来从家蚕内分泌体系的一系列研究中发现,蜕皮素浓度的变化可以通过控制咽侧体的保幼激素的生物合成来影响幼虫发育,而PTTH的信息传递可通过调控前胸腺的功能,进而影响血淋巴中蜕皮素浓度。  相似文献   

This article introduces this special issue of the Journal of Neurobiology by reviewing several basic issues in metamorphosis as they specifically relate to the nervous system. It promotes the idea that metamorphic changes in the nervous system (neurometamorphosis) represent adaptive restructurings rather than recapitulations of evolutionary transitions. It introduces, but leaves unresolved, the question of whether neurometamorphosis is achieved primarily as a delayed phase of embryonic neurogenesis or as a special neurogenic period. It points out that respecification of old neurons and the addition of new neurons are the main contributory pathway of neural restructuring at metamorphosis, that respecification can be dramatic and seems to be preferred over the elimination and replacement of particular neurons. It also highlights the question of how much the central rewiring during metamorphosis is driven by trophic interactions with the changing body of the metamorphic animal and to what extent neurometamorphosis is driven by the direct action of metamorphic hormones on the neural elements themselves. Finally, this article introduces the question of the cellular and molecular pathways of neurometamorphosis, from the role of the nervous system in triggering the event to the receptor mediated changes in gene expression. Further details on all of these issues are to be found in the articles that make up the rest of this special issue.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormones play a crucial role in development, metamorphosis, and reproduction of insects. This mini-review discusses the nature of the juvenile hormones identified in insects and their changes in concentration in the hemolymph during development and reproduction. The hemolymph titer is largely determined by the rate at which juvenile hormones are synthesized and released by the corpora allata, but other factors are also involved in titer regulation, such as the affinity and concentration of juvenile hormone binding proteins in the hemolymph and the rate of juvenile hormone degradation in hemolymph and tissues. Juvenile hormone specific esterases occur in hemolymph and tissues, whereas epoxide hydrolases, which may degrade the hormone, are exclusively tissue bound. The activities of these degradative enzymes and the concentration of binding proteins change during the insect life cycle and these changes are related to fluctuations in hormone titer. However, we are still a long way from understanding the subtle interactions between these components in regulation of juvenile hormone titers. In particular, our knowledge is hampered by lack of information about the types, concentrations, and affinities of intracellular juvenile hormone receptors. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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