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Abstract— For the GABA shunt to operate in rivo , GABA must be able to enter brain mitochondria. GABA causes reduction of intra-mitochondrial NAD+; glutamate or 2-oxoglutarate stimulate this reduction at concentrations at which they do not themselves cause reduction. This stimulation is not abolished by Triton X-100. The rates of swelling of brain and liver mitochondria are similar in iso-osmotic GABA and in several analogues. The rate of swelling is proportional to the concentration of GABA in the iso-osmotic suspension medium. GABA penetrates 60% of the mitochondrial matrix volume, this value is unaffected by energizing the mitochondria. The activity of GABA-oxoglutarate aminotransferase is not latent. We conclude that GABA diffuses into both brain and liver mitochondria as a species with no net charge at rates which are able to sustain maximum activity of the GABA shunt.  相似文献   

脂肪细胞分化相关基因在大鼠再生肝中表达变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肝脏由多种细胞构成,肝再生与细胞分化密切相关,细胞分化受基因转录水平调控。为在基因转录水平了解脂肪细胞分化基因在大鼠肝再生中作用,本文用搜集网站资料和查阅相关论文等方法获得上述基因,用Rat Genome2302.0芯片检测它们在大鼠肝再生(liver regeneration,LR)中表达情况,将三次检验结果相同或相似、在肝再生中表达变化2倍以上、真手术组和假手术组相比差异显著的基因视为肝再生相关基因。初步证实上述基因中75个基因与肝再生相关。肝再生启动(PH后0.5-4h)、G0/G1过渡(PH后4-6h)、细胞增殖(PH后6-66h)、细胞分化和组织结构功能重建(PH后72-168h)等四个阶段起始表达的基因数为44、13、30和1;基因的总表达次数为88、58、302和90。表明相关基因主要在肝再生启动阶段起始表达,在不同阶段发挥作用。它们共表达上调313次、下调167次,分为43种表达方式。表明肝再生中脂肪细胞发生和分化相关基因活动多样和复杂。根据本文研究结果推测,上述基因不仅调节脂肪细胞分化,而且参与肝再生的生理生化活动。  相似文献   

The biological significance of phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C (PC-PLC) in hepatocarcinogenesis and the proliferation and differentiation of rat liver cancer cells was investigated. The Ca2+-dependent activities of PC-PLC gradually increased during N-nitrosodiethylamine (DEN)-induced hepatocarcinogenesis and peaked at weeks 18–20 when the tumour formed. There was a close relationship between Ca2+-dependent PC-PLC activities and cellular DNA content, membranous γ-glutamyltranspeptidase (γ-GT), and tyrosine protein kinase. In contrast, Ca2+-independent PC-PLC activities decreased during hepatocarcinogenesis. Similarly, when CBRH-7919 rat liver cancer cells were treated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, a proliferation stimulator of the cells, γ-GT and Ca2+-dependent activities of PC-PLC and the expression of α-fetoprotein increased significantly. However, when these cells were induced by retinoic acid to differentiate, Ca2+-dependent PC-PLC and γ-GT activities decreased significantly, together with α-fetoprotein expression. There was a close relationship between Ca2+-dependent PC-PLC and γ-GT activities during differentiation as there was during proliferation. We suppose that Ca2+-dependent PC-PLC is involved in rat hepatocarcinogenesis induced by DEN and that it plays an important role in the phorbol ester-induced proliferation or retinoic acid-induced differentiation of liver cancer cells.  相似文献   

Abstract— Phospholipid transfer to mqelin subfractions isolated from adult. 15-day old and 21-day old rats has been investigated by incubating myelin with radioactively labelled sonicated lecithin Lesicles and subsequently fractionating the myelin on discontinuous sucrose density gradients. The transfer process is greatly stimulated by the addition of rat brain pH 5.1 supernatant and is dependent on the amount of supernatant present in the incubation mixture and on the incubation time. Lecithin is transferred much more rapidly to the most dense mqelin subfraction than to the less dense fractions. This difference in transfer rate is most marked in myelin isolated from adult rats. The possible relevance of these obsenations to mkelin sqnthesis and turnover is discussed.  相似文献   

—After in vivo administration of [14C]uridine monophosphate to rats, radioactivity appears in cytidine nucleotides at comparable rates in the brain and the liver. An in vitro assay, on the soluble fraction of rat brain showed that the enzyme required for amination of uridine nucleotide to cytidine nucleotide occurs in the brain.  相似文献   

—Maternal pyridoxine deficiency begun 2 weeks before mating and continued throughout pregnancy and the nursing period resulted in diminished wt. gains in the brain, the liver and the body in the first 16 days of life, as well as lowered levels of the aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase in both brain and liver tissue. The fetus was protected from the effect of vitamin B6 deficiency during pregnancy, since at birth the body wt., organ weights, and decarboxylase levels in these tissues were comparable to those of control litters. The brain was affected less than the liver, both in rate of wt. increase and decarboxylase activity. The cerebellum normally developed measurable decarboxylase activity only during the second week of life. The cortex normally slowly increased its low decarboxylase activity during the first week postnatally, with a more rapid increase during the second week. This rapid increase was primarily in the holoenzyme moiety. The rest of the brain, which had well developed levels of decarboxylase activity at birth, normally showed a sharp increase during the second week of life which was also largely in the holoenzyme portion. When the increasing weights of these tissues were considered, it became obvious that the total amount of apoenzyme as well as the amount of holoenzyme were increasing in the normally developing rat, although the greatest amount of the change was in the holoenzyme form. The liver normally showed a much more rapid increase in decarboxylase activity than did the brain, and showed the increase much earlier. The holoenzyme normally increased rapidly after the first 4 days, whereas the apoenzyme concentration levelled off at this time. The effect of the pyridoxine deficiency on decarboxylase activity was almost entirely on the holoenzyme form of the decarboxylase, since the apoenzyme form generally remained the same in the control and the deficient pups during development. There appeared to be no decarboxylase inhibitor present in pyridoxine deficient tissues, nor any evidence in control tissues for an enzyme required for the activation of the decarboxylase by cofactor.  相似文献   

Histochemical reactions and radioautography were used to investigate the sequence of mast cell development in rat embryos. Mast cells arise ubiquitously in and are confined to the loose connective tissue in the embryo. The alcian blue-safranin reaction distinguishes between weakly sulfated and strongly sulfated mucopolysaccharides by a shift from alcian blue to safranin staining. Based on this reaction and morphologic characteristics, four stages were identified. Stage I mast cells are lymphocyte-like cells with cytoplasmic granules which invariably stain blue with the alcian blue-safranin reaction. In Stage II cells the majority of granules are alcian blue-positive, but some safranin-positive granules have appeared. Stage III mast cells are distinguished by a majority of safranin-positive cytoplasmic granules; some alcian blue-positive granules still remain. Stage IV cells contain only safranin-positive granules. Thymidine-H3 uptake and identification of mitotic figures indicates that mast cells in Stages I and II comprise a mitotic pool while those in Stages III and IV are mitotically inactive. The pattern of S35O4 incorporation and the sequence of appearance of histochemically identifiable mast cell constituents corroborates division of the proliferation and differentiation of embryonic mast cells into the four stages described above. The process of formation of mast cell granules is interpreted as reflecting the synthesis and accumulation of a heparin precursor in alcian blue positive granules followed by the synthesis and accumulation of highly N-sulfated heparin along with mast cell chymase and finally histamine in safranin-positive granules.  相似文献   

  • 1 Relatively pure brain nuclei were prepared on a discontinuous sucrose gradient which gave yields of between 40 and 60 per cent.
  • 2 An extraction procedure has been developed for the isolation of total histones from brain and liver nuclei. This procedure is also applicable to the isolation of histones directly from whole brain and liver.
  • 3 The electrophoretic pattern of histones prepared from brain and liver by the above procedure was similar to that of calf thymus histones.

CFU-E和其分化细胞的生物物理特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用可诱发小鼠贫血的病毒(anemia-inducing strain friend’s virus,FVA)感染BALB/c小鼠,13d后取其脾脏,用Ficoll-Urografin分层液(1.070)分离出红系集落形成单位(colony forming unit-etythroid,CFU-E)细胞,用Wright-Giemsa染液染色并用透射电镜进行形态学观察,在培养液加细胞因子,如促红细胞生成素(erythropoietin,EPO)、白介素3(interleukin-3,IL-3)、干细胞刺激因子(stem cell factor,SCF),诱导其分化的情况下培养12、24和36h,分别对0、12、24和36h的细胞进行电泳率、膜的流动性和变形性的测量及红系特异转录因子GATA-1表达(0、12、24和48h)的检测,发现CFU-E细胞随着分化培养时间增加,其电泳率不断减少,膜的流动性不断增大,细胞的变形性和取向性逐渐变好;CFU-E在0、12和24hGATA持续高水平表达,而48h后,其表达明显降低.  相似文献   

RAPD技术的特点及其在昆虫分类中的应用   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
鲁亮  归鸿 《昆虫学报》1995,38(1):117-122
随机扩增的多态性DNA(RAPD)技术,是近年来发展起来的一项DNA分子水平上 的大分子多态检测手段。由于它具有简捷、灵敏、对材料要求不高,取材少、成本低等优点, 备受人们青睐,在遗传学、分子进化、生物分类等领域被广泛地运用。在昆虫分类的过程中, 由于昆虫的种类繁多,形态、生态差异很大,许多在其它领域被广泛运用的分子生物学技术不能在昆虫分类中充分发挥作用。同时在昆虫分类中出现的一些问题却又需要用涉及遗传本质的分子生物学技术进行探讨和研究。本文就RAPD技术的特点及其在解决昆虫分类中的问题时的优势作一简介。  相似文献   

肌细胞分化基因与大鼠肝再生的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肌细胞是组织器官的重要组成部分。为在基因转录水平了解肌细胞分化相关基因在大鼠肝再生中的作用,本文用搜集网站资料和查阅相关论文等方法获得上述基因.用Rat Genome2302.0芯片检测它们在大鼠肝再生(liver regeneration,LR)中表达情况,用比较真、假手术基因表达的差异性方法确定肝再生相关基因。初步证实上述基因中52个基因与肝再生相关。根据肝再生中基因表达的时间相关性将上述基因聚合为0.5-1h;2—12h;16、30、42、96h;18—24、36、48—60h;66—72、120-168h等5类,表达上调和下调的基因数分别为8和10,24和8,21和24,53和64,28和36。它们表达的相似性分为均上调、上调占优势、均下调、下调占优势、上调和下调次数相近等5类,涉及15、10、17、7和3个基因,共上调表达143次、下调136次,分为8类表达方式。表明肌细胞分化相关基因表达变化多样和复杂。根据上述结果推测,肝再生中成肌细胞和平滑肌细胞分化增强:骨骼肌和心肌细胞分化相关基因参与肝再生的生理生化活动。  相似文献   

大鼠肝再生过程中肝再生刺激物及其mRNA的动态变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本实验先制备大鼠肝再生模型,在该模型中大鼠成活率达95%以上,肝再生情况良好,适合于进行下一步的研究。随后,通过耐热性和肝细胞特异性的检测,初步认为从该模型中所提取的活性成分即为肝再生刺激物(HSS)。用3H胸腺嘧啶核苷测定HSS及其mRNA体外翻译产物的生物活性,结果表明二者在肝再生过程中均存在动态变化,但前者在肝部分(2/3)切除后72h活性最高,后者则在24h达高峰。这一结果为后续的分子克隆工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Abstract— Intracerebral injections of radioactive fucose into developing rats resulted in specific labelling of the brain glycoproteins in their fucose moieties. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate revealed that the radioactive glycoproteins were very heterogeneous with regard to molecular weight. A procedure utilizing [3H]fucose and [14C]fucose together with double-label counting techniques was developed for comparing the electrophoretic patterns of newly synthesized glycoproteins from different samples of tissue. By the use of this procedure we showed that the incorporation of radioactive fucose into the glycoproteins of high mol. wt. was relatively greater in the brains of 5-day-old rats than in those of 25-day-old rats. Intracerebral injection of N -[ Ac -3H]acetyl- d -mannosamine resulted in a high degree of specificity for the labelling of sialic acid moieties in glycoproteins and gangliosides. The ratio of the d.p.m. of N -[3H]acetylmannosamine incorporated into glycoproteins to the d.p.m. incorporated into gangliosides was higher in 5-day-old rats than in 15- or 25-day-old rats. Experiments in which 15-day-old rats were injected with a mixture of [14C]fucose and N -[3H]acetylmannosamine showed that there were differences in the relative degrees of incorporation of the two radioactive precursors into the various glycoproteins. The greatest incorporation of [14C]fucose relative to that of N- [3H]acetylmannosamine occurred in some of the glycoproteins of smaller mol. wt.  相似文献   

Previous experimentation involving the use of dispersed rat liver cells have utilized suspending media common to fractionation and slicing methods. Cells in these media have not remained viable for prolonged periods of time and they have resisted culturing techniques. Suspensions of dispersed parenchymal cells were prepared from rat livers which had been perfused in situ via the dorsal aorta with an EDTA-sucrose solution. The maintenance of surviving cells was attempted in three different media: sucrose buffered with Tris-HCl, Waymouth medium, and Waymouth medium supplemented with 30% calf serum. Cells suspended in sucrose and buffered with Tris-HCl oxidized citrate, succinate, and α-kegoglutarate but did not respire in the presence of other citric acid cycle intermediates. When cells were suspended in Waymouth medium without glucose, they oxidized malate and glutamate plus the above-mentioned substrates. Glucose and pyruvate did not stimulate oxygen uptake in either medium. Cells exhibited respiratory activity for up to 8 hr when incubated in Waymouth medium supplemented with calf serum. Both the ability to oxidize succinate and the morphological integrity of the cells were retained for this period of time. When cells were incubated in Waymouth medium alone, the time interval was reduced to 6 hr. Sucrose-Tris-HCl in the presence of succinate was not satisfactory as an incubation medium, since many of the cells underwent breakdown.  相似文献   

目的观察正常SD大鼠发育过程中海马细胞周期相关蛋白表达及分布特点,探讨其与脑老化的关系.方法采用免疫组织化学方法观察不同发育时期(1周,2月,4月,10月,15月)Cyclin D1、CDK4、P16、NeuN表达的规律.结果在各年龄组Cyclin D1、CDK4、P16、NeuN阳性细胞层的厚度随着增龄而逐渐变薄.各阳性细胞的排列逐渐由紧密变得松散,胞体逐渐增大,各阳性细胞逐渐伸出轴突进入分子层.P16随月龄的增长在海马各区染色增强,但P16阳性细胞数目减少.结论 Cyclin D1、CDK4、P16、NeuN在海马发育的各个时期均有表达,老龄大鼠海马内Cyclin D1、CDK4、P16表达的下调提示细胞增殖活性受限,这可能与脑老化有关.  相似文献   

大鼠舌乳头酶组织化学及扫描电镜的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验采用酶组织化学法和扫描电镜对大鼠舌乳头的酶活性及其表面结构进行了观测。结果表明。大、鼠舌菌状乳头和轮廓乳头的味蕾处Mg^2 -ATPase为强阳性反应( ),ChEase为中等阳性反应( ),使用ChE Ag^ 染色方法显示。味蕾含有丰富的神经末梢,结果提示ATP可能是味觉传导中神经递质或调质。  相似文献   

Livers of rats between the 16th gestational and 100th postnatal day of age were subjected to quantitative biochemical and electron microscope, morphometric analyses. The amount of total mitochondrial protein per gram of liver remained at 34% of the adult level throughout the last 4 days of gestation but this was the period of rapid rise in the levels of cytochrome c oxidase, aspartate aminotransferase, and glutamate dehydrogenase in mitochondria; the nuclear fraction also acquired some glutamate dehydrogenase but lost most of it during postnatal development. During early postnatal life the amount of mitochondrial protein rose in parallel with the levels of cytochrome c oxidase and glutamate dehydrogenase but the upsurges of glutaminase and, later, of ornithine aminotransferase were accompanied by relatively little change in total mitochondrial protein. The surface area of rough endoplasmic reticulum per unit volume of hepatocyte cytoplasm (SvRER) did not change significantly throughout the period of development studied. From the 16th day of gestation to term the surface area of smooth ER (SvSER), the volume occupied by mitochondria (VvMT) and their number (NvMT) remained at 30, 66, and 45% of their adult values, respectively. VvMT and NvMT attained their maximal levels by the 2nd postnatal day and SvSER between days 2 and 12. Mitochondria of adult liver are thus smaller and contain more protein per unit volume than do those of fetal liver. After the 12th postnatal day, hepatocytes treble their size; they acquire more cytoplasm with additional enzymes but without further change in organelle concentration. The data reveal several distinct phases in the differentiation of hepatocytes. Each phase can be characterized by the extent to which the quantity and composition of various subcellular compartments evolve.  相似文献   

In liver regeneration or neoplastic transformation, phosphorylation of nuclear proteins is stimulated. In the regenerating liver all main histone fractions are involved in this process. The type of histone phosphorylated seems to be dependent on the position of the partially synchronized cells within the generation cycle. At a time when most cells are exhibiting maximum HnRNA-synthesis, histone F2a2 belongs to those fractions with highly stimulated phosphate incorporation. Phosphorylation of this fraction alone is stimulated by cyclic AMP in parallel to a stimulation of HnRNA-synthesis. The preneoplastic liver is characterized by oscillating phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactions of nearly all histone fractions during the first days of N-nitroso-diethylamine administration. After 2 months of carcinogen feeding a 50–150% stimulation of the phosphorylation of Fl subfractions is observed. The phosphate content of the other histones, however, has returned to the original level. A series of further proteins, isolated together with the histones, show very similar phosphorylation characteristics. These proteins are mostly of non-histone origin. It is suggested that some of them are responsible for the transport of RNA with messenger properties within the cell.  相似文献   


大鼠再生肝抗CCl4损伤与其线粒体呼吸活性变化的关系   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
张宝弘  沈杰 《生理学报》1991,43(1):46-52
本工作观察了肝部分切除(68%)后96h 大鼠再生肝的抗 CCl_4损伤作用,并用氧电极法测定了再生肝线粒体的呼吸活性。结果如下: (1)CCl_4(50%,10ml/kg)引起的动物死亡率,肝切除组大鼠较假手术组明显降低;(2)CCl_4(50%,5 ml/kg)损伤后,肝切除组大鼠血清胆红素、血清谷丙转氨酶(sGPT)均明显低于假手术组,组织学检查损伤程度也明显减轻;(3)无论是否伴有 CCI_1损伤,肝切除组大鼠肝线粒体的呼吸活性均强于假手术组,且肝线粒体呼吸活性的变化与血清胆红素、sGPT 及肝组织损伤程度的改善是一致的。上述结果提示:再生肝线粒体呼吸活性增高,同时不易受 CCl_4损伤,可能在再生肝抗 CCl_4损伤机制中起一定作用。  相似文献   

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