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The role played by lateral roots and root hairs in promoting plant anchorage, and specifically resistance to vertical uprooting forces has been determined experimentally. Two species were studied, Allium cepa (onion) which has a particularly simple root system and two mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, one without root hairs (rhd 2-1) and another with reduced lateral root branching (axr 4-2). Maximum strength of individual onion roots within a plant increased with plant age. In uprooting tests on onion seedlings, resistance to uprooting could be resolved into a series of events associated with the breakage of individual roots. Peak pulling resistance was explained in a regression model by a combination of a measure of plant size and the extent to which the uprooting resistance of individual roots was additive. This additive effect is termed root co-operation. A simple model is presented to demonstrate the role played by root co-operation in uprooting resistance. In similar uprooting tests on Arabidopsis thaliana, the mutant axr 4-2, with very restricted lateral development, showed a 14% reduction in peak pulling resistance when compared with the wild-type plants of similar shoot dry weight. The uprooting force trace of axr 4-2 was different to that of the wild type, and the main axis was a more significant contributor to anchorage than in the wild type. By contrast, the root hair-deficient mutant rhd 2-1 showed no difference in peak pulling resistance compared with the wild type, suggesting that root hairs do not normally play a role in uprooting resistance. The results show that lateral roots play an important role in anchorage, and that co-operation between roots may be the most significant factor.  相似文献   

Aims Root functional traits and their variations mediate coexistence and adaptive strategy of plant species. Yet, strong environmental constraints may induce convergence of root traits among different plant species. To study the variations of root traits and clarify the diverse adaptive strategies across plant species, we sampled three alpine grasslands along a precipitation gradient in the Xizang Plateau. Methods In three grassland communities along a precipitation gradient: Nagqu, Baingoin and Nyima from east to west of Xizang Plateau, we collected 22 coexisting plant species and measured three key root traits: 1st-order root diameter, 1st-order lateral root length and root branch intensity. Important findings The main results showed that: (1) the root of plants in the alpine grassland was generally thin, and the interspecific variation was also small (22.76%); (2) the root diameter of 86% plant species was in the range from 0.073 mm to 0.094 mm. Compared with the thick-root species, thin-root species had a higher root branching intensity, but shorter lateral root length. In addition, at community-level, plants mainly increased root diameter and lateral root length, but reduced root branching intensity to adapt to the decreasing precipitation; while at species-level, the plant species exhibited diverse adaptive strategies along the precipitation gradient. © Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology.  相似文献   

周玮  李洪波  曾辉 《植物生态学报》2018,42(11):1094-1102
根系功能属性及其变异性能够介导物种共存及环境适应策略, 但强烈的环境约束作用能够引起不同物种间根系属性的趋同性。为了研究西藏高寒草原群落中植物根系属性变异规律, 并阐明不同物种资源获取和适应策略的多样性, 该文对西藏高寒草原不同的环境梯度进行了研究。作者自东向西沿着降水梯度在那曲、班戈和尼玛3个自然草原群落进行群落调查, 并采集了共计22种植物。测定了每种植物的一级根直径、一级侧根长度和根系分支强度3个关键根系属性。结果表明: 在西藏高寒草原群落中, 不同物种根系直径普遍较小, 且种间变异非常小(22.76%), 其中86%的物种一级根直径集中在0.073 mm到0.094 mm之间; 相较于直径较粗的物种, 直径越细的物种分支强度越高, 侧根越短。在群落尺度上, 植物主要通过增加根系直径、侧根长度, 降低分支强度的方式来适应水分的减少; 而在物种尺度上, 植物适应水分变化的策略则呈现多样性。  相似文献   

根系功能属性及其变异性能够介导物种共存及环境适应策略, 但强烈的环境约束作用能够引起不同物种间根系属性的趋同性。为了研究西藏高寒草原群落中植物根系属性变异规律, 并阐明不同物种资源获取和适应策略的多样性, 该文对西藏高寒草原不同的环境梯度进行了研究。作者自东向西沿着降水梯度在那曲、班戈和尼玛3个自然草原群落进行群落调查, 并采集了共计22种植物。测定了每种植物的一级根直径、一级侧根长度和根系分支强度3个关键根系属性。结果表明: 在西藏高寒草原群落中, 不同物种根系直径普遍较小, 且种间变异非常小(22.76%), 其中86%的物种一级根直径集中在0.073 mm到0.094 mm之间; 相较于直径较粗的物种, 直径越细的物种分支强度越高, 侧根越短。在群落尺度上, 植物主要通过增加根系直径、侧根长度, 降低分支强度的方式来适应水分的减少; 而在物种尺度上, 植物适应水分变化的策略则呈现多样性。  相似文献   

Oil spills threaten the productivity of ecosystems through the degradation of coastal flora and the ecosystem services these plants provide. While lab and field investigations have quantified the response of numerous species of emergent vegetation to oil, the effects on submerged vegetation remain uncertain. Here, we discuss the implications of oil exposure for Ruppia maritima, one of the most common species of submerged vegetation found in the region affected by the recent Deepwater Horizon oil spill. We grew R. maritima in a range of manipulated sediment oil concentrations: 0, 0.26, 0.53, and 1.05 mL oil /L tank volume, and tracked changes in growth (wet weight and shoot density/length), reproductive activity (inflorescence and seed production), root characteristics (mass, length, diameter, and area), and uprooting force of plants. While no statistical differences were detected in growth, plants exhibited significant changes to reproductive output, root morphology, and uprooting force. We found significant reductions in inflorescences and fruiting bodies at higher oil concentrations. In addition, the roots growing in the high oil were shorter and wider. Plants in medium and high oil required less force to uproot. A second experiment was performed to separate the effects of root morphology and oiled sediment properties and indicated that there were also changes to sediment cohesion that contributed to a reduction in uprooting forces in medium and high oil. Given the importance of sexual reproduction for these plants, oil contamination may have substantial population-level effects. Moreover, areas containing buried oil may be more susceptible to high energy storm events due to the reduction in uprooting force of foundation species such as R. maritima.  相似文献   

Question: The quantification of functional traits in natural communities can be difficult (e.g. root traits, RGR). Can functional traits measured on pot grown plants be reliably applied to natural communities? Alternatively, can below‐ground plant traits be predicted from above‐ground traits? Location: Southeastern Australia. Methods: We compared 17 shoot, root and whole‐plant morphological traits measured on 14 plant species in a native grassland community to those measured under two different pot conditions: unfertilised and fertilised. Results: The majority of trait values for pot grown plants differed to plants in the field, however, species ranking remained consistent for most leaf traits between the field and the two pot growing conditions. In contrast, species ranking was not consistent for most whole plant traits when comparing field plants to fertilised pot grown plants, providing a caution against the tendency to grow plants in controlled conditions at ‘optimal’ (high) resource levels. Moderate to strong correlations were found between below‐ground and above‐ground plant traits, including between root dry matter content and leaf dry matter content, and between specific root area and specific leaf area. Conclusions: The utility of pot grown plants to quantify traits for field plants is highly dependent on the selection of the growing conditions in the controlled environment. The consistency we observed between above‐ground and below‐ground trait strategies suggests that below‐ground traits may be predictable based on above‐ground traits, reducing the need to quantify root traits on cultured plants.  相似文献   

Plant functional traits are increasingly used in restoration ecology because they have the potential to guide restoration practices at a broad scale. This article presents a trait‐based multi‐criteria framework to evaluate and predict the performance of 17 plant seedlings to improve ecological restoration of marly eroded areas in the French Southern Alps. The suitability of these species to limit soil erosion was assessed by studying both their response to erosive forces and their effect on erosion dynamics. We assumed that species efficiency could be explained and predicted from plant traits and we looked for trait‐performance relationships. Our results showed that root slenderness ratio, the percentage of fine roots and root system topology, were the three root morphology traits best describing anchorage strength. Root system characterized by a long and thin tap root and many fine lateral ramifications would be the best to resist concentrated runoff. Species response to burial mainly depended on growth form and morphological flexibility. The abilities of species in reinforcing the soil and reducing erosion rates were negatively correlated to root diameter and positively to the percentage of fine roots. Moreover, root system density and root tensile strength also influenced root reinforcement. Finally, the ability to trap sediment was positively correlated to leaf area and canopy density. Species were then scored and classified in four clusters according to their global performance. This method allows identifying species that possess both response and effect traits related to the goal of preventing erosion during ecological restoration.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the biomechanical properties of the emergent aquatic macrophyte, Sparganium erectum. We present observations of adjustments in the physical characteristics and biomechanical properties of S. erectum during the growing season (April-November) from the River Blackwater, UK. When a pulling device is attached to plant stems to measure their resistance to uprooting, individual plants show remarkable strength in their above- and below-ground biomass (median stem strength when stems break away from the underground biomass, 78 N, median rhizome strength, 39 N) and high resistance to uprooting (median uprooting resistance when entire plants uproot, 114 N). This provides the potential for the species to protect and reinforce the generally soft, silty sediments that it often retains and within which its rhizomes and roots develop in lower energy river environments. There is a propensity for plant stems to break before the plant is uprooted at the beginning and end of the growth season, but for the stems to have sufficient strength in mid season for plant uprooting to dominate. This ensures that rhizome and root systems remain relatively undisturbed at times when the silty sediments in which they grow are poorly protected by above-ground biomass. In contrast, rhizome strength remains comparatively invariant through the growing season, supporting the plant's potential to have a protective/reinforcing effect on fine sediments through the winter when above ground biomass is absent.  相似文献   

Root traits vary enormously among plant species but we have little understanding of how this variation affects their functioning. Of central interest is how root traits are related to plant resource acquisition strategies from soil. We examined root traits of 33 woody species from northeastern US forests that form two of the most common types of mutualisms with fungi, arbuscular mycorrhizas (AM) and ectomycorrhizas (EM). We examined root trait distribution with respect to plant phylogeny, quantifying the phylogenetic signal (K statistic) in fine root morphology and architecture, and used phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs) to test whether taxa forming different mycorrhizal associations had different root traits. We found a pattern of species forming roots with thinner diameters as species diversified across time. Given moderate phylogenetic signals (= 0.44–0.68), we used PICs to examine traits variation among taxa forming AM or EM, revealing that hosts of AM were associated with lower branching intensity (rPIC = −0.77) and thicker root diameter (rPIC = −0.41). Because EM evolved relatively more recently and intermittently across plant phylogenies, significant differences in root traits and colonization between plants forming AM and EM imply linkages between the evolution of these biotic interactions and root traits and suggest a history of selection pressures, with trade-offs for supporting different types of associations. Finally, across plant hosts of both EM and AM, species with thinner root diameters and longer specific root length (SRL) had less colonization (rPIC = 0.85, −0.87), suggesting constraints on colonization linked to the evolution of root morphology.  相似文献   

Functional traits and root morphology of alpine plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Background and Aims

Vegetation has long been recognized to protect the soil from erosion. Understanding species differences in root morphology and functional traits is an important step to assess which species and species mixtures may provide erosion control. Furthermore, extending classification of plant functional types towards root traits may be a useful procedure in understanding important root functions.


In this study, pioneer data on traits of alpine plant species, i.e. plant height and shoot biomass, root depth, horizontal root spreading, root length, diameter, tensile strength, plant age and root biomass, from a disturbed site in the Swiss Alps are presented. The applicability of three classifications of plant functional types (PFTs), i.e. life form, growth form and root type, was examined for above- and below-ground plant traits.

Key Results

Plant traits differed considerably among species even of the same life form, e.g. in the case of total root length by more than two orders of magnitude. Within the same root diameter, species differed significantly in tensile strength: some species (Geum reptans and Luzula spicata) had roots more than twice as strong as those of other species. Species of different life forms provided different root functions (e.g. root depth and horizontal root spreading) that may be important for soil physical processes. All classifications of PFTs were helpful to categorize plant traits; however, the PFTs according to root type explained total root length far better than the other PFTs.


The results of the study illustrate the remarkable differences between root traits of alpine plants, some of which cannot be assessed from simple morphological inspection, e.g. tensile strength. PFT classification based on root traits seems useful to categorize plant traits, even though some patterns are better explained at the individual species level.  相似文献   

In tropical forests light and water availability are the most important factors for seedling growth and survival but an increasing frequency of drought may affect tree regeneration. One central question is whether drought and shade have interactive effects on seedling growth and survival. Here, we present results of a greenhouse experiment, in which seedlings of 10 Ghanaian tree species were exposed to combinations of strong seasonal drought (continuous watering versus withholding water for nine weeks) and shade (5% irradiance versus 20% irradiance). We evaluated the effects of drought and shade on seedling survival and growth and plasticity of 11 underlying traits related to biomass allocation, morphology and physiology. Seedling survival under dry conditions was higher in shade than in high light, thus providing support for the “facilitation hypothesis” that shade enhances plant performance through improved microclimatic conditions, and rejecting the trade-off hypothesis that drought should have stronger impact in shade because of reduced root investment. Shaded plants had low biomass fraction in roots, in line with the trade-off hypothesis, but they compensated for this with a higher specific root length (i.e., root length per unit root mass), resulting in a similar root length per plant mass and, hence, similar water uptake capacity as high-light plants. The majority (60%) of traits studied responded independently to drought and shade, indicating that within species shade- and drought tolerances are not in trade-off, but largely uncoupled. When individual species responses were analysed, then for most of the traits only one to three species showed significant interactive effects between drought and shade. The uncoupled response of most species to drought and shade should provide ample opportunity for niche differentiation and species coexistence under a range of water and light conditions. Overall our greenhouse results suggest that, in the absence of root competition shaded tropical forest tree seedlings may be able to survive prolonged drought.  相似文献   

Small scale distribution of insect root herbivores may promote plant species diversity by creating patches of different herbivore pressure. However, determinants of small scale distribution of insect root herbivores, and impact of land use intensity on their small scale distribution are largely unknown. We sampled insect root herbivores and measured vegetation parameters and soil water content along transects in grasslands of different management intensity in three regions in Germany. We calculated community-weighted mean plant traits to test whether the functional plant community composition determines the small scale distribution of insect root herbivores. To analyze spatial patterns in plant species and trait composition and insect root herbivore abundance we computed Mantel correlograms. Insect root herbivores mainly comprised click beetle (Coleoptera, Elateridae) larvae (43%) in the investigated grasslands. Total insect root herbivore numbers were positively related to community-weighted mean traits indicating high plant growth rates and biomass (specific leaf area, reproductive- and vegetative plant height), and negatively related to plant traits indicating poor tissue quality (leaf C/N ratio). Generalist Elaterid larvae, when analyzed independently, were also positively related to high plant growth rates and furthermore to root dry mass, but were not related to tissue quality. Insect root herbivore numbers were not related to plant cover, plant species richness and soil water content. Plant species composition and to a lesser extent plant trait composition displayed spatial autocorrelation, which was not influenced by land use intensity. Insect root herbivore abundance was not spatially autocorrelated. We conclude that in semi-natural grasslands with a high share of generalist insect root herbivores, insect root herbivores affiliate with large, fast growing plants, presumably because of availability of high quantities of food. Affiliation of insect root herbivores with large, fast growing plants may counteract dominance of those species, thus promoting plant diversity.  相似文献   

Plant traits associated with resource acquisition strategies (specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf size and plant height) change along gradients of soil properties, being the most conservative in a resource-poor environment and the most dynamic in a resource-rich environment. Clonal attributes also vary along soil and other environmental conditions. We hypothesized that in alpine communities in the Scandian Mts. (1) the average composition of traits in a plant assemblage in terms of i) the predominance of different clonal growth organ types, ii) the number of buds in the bud bank, iii) the distribution of the bud-bank (above- and below ground), iv) the distance of lateral spread and v) the longevity of plant – offspring connections would change along a gradient of soil properties and (2) that this variation would be in correspondence with that of traits associated with resource acquisition strategies (SLA, LDMC, leaf size and plant height). Analysis of clonal and bud bank traits for species of alpine communities supported our first hypothesis: with decreasing soil quality the most common clonal growth organs were rhizomes, and there was a predominance of perennial bud banks located at the soil surface or below-ground, low rates of lateral spread and long persistence of plant – offspring connections. Our second hypothesis was partly supported. As predicted, at the level of the plant assemblage, these clonal and bud bank traits were positively associated with LDMC, and negatively with leaf size and plant height. These observations reinforce the hypotheses about trade-offs between acquisition and retention strategies in plants. The only result that was in contradiction with our expectations was the lack of correspondence between clonal and bud bank traits and SLA that could be attributed to errors associated to the measurement of the area of narrow and small leaves or to the dependence of the SLA index on species-specific morphological attributes.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by plant roots have important functions that can influence the rhizospheric environment. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on the profile of root VOCs. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) plants were grown in pots inoculated with either Glomus mosseae or Glomus intraradices, which formed mycorrhiza with the roots. Control plants were grown in pots inoculated with sterile inoculum and did not form mycorrhiza. Forty-four VOCs were determined using headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Alkanes were the most abundant type of VOCs emitted by both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants. Both the quantity and type of volatiles were dramatically altered by the presence of AM fungi, and these changes had species specificity. Compared with non-mycorrhizal plants, mycorrhizal plants emitted more alcohols, alkenes, ethers and acids but fewer linear-alkanes. The AM fungi also influenced the morphological traits of the host roots. The total root length and specific root length of mycorrhizal plants were significantly greater than those of non-mycorrhizal plants; however, both the incidence and length of root-hair were dramatically decreased. Our findings confirm that AM fungi can alter the profile of VOCs emitted by roots as well as the root morphology of sorghum plants, indicating that AM fungi have the potential to help plants adapt to and alter soil environments.  相似文献   

相同条件下相同生长期的植物根系生长与适应策略及其差异性还不清楚。因此,采集岷江干旱河谷地区25种乡土植物(木本15/草本10种)的种子于2009年3月播种在同一干旱环境中,9月测定了1年生植株的最大根深(RDmax)、根幅(RW)与根生物量(RB),计算了总根长(TRL)、比根长(SRL)及细/粗根生物量比(RBf/c),分析了它们之间的关系,进行了根系功能组划分。结果表明:1)25种植物1年生植株RDmax与RW变异较小,总变异率为14.9%和20.7%;TRL和SRL变异相对较大,分别为28.5%和34.7%,草本植物SRL明显大于木本植物;RB和RBf/c种间变异较大,总变异率分别为50.1%和70.5%;2)25种植物的RDmax、RW、RB和TRL间呈显著正相关关系,表明根系较深的物种RW较大,TRL和RB也较高;SRL与RDmax呈极显著负相关关系,与RBf/c呈极显著正相关关系,表明根系垂直分布较浅的物种细根发达,SRL较大;3)主成分分析显示,25种植物可分为3个功能组:第1组具有较大RDmax、RW和RB,资源利用持续时间较长;第2组具有较大TRL、SRL和RBf/c,资源利用效率较高;第3组根系功能性状没有一致的突出特点,可能通过降低自身生理机能适应生存条件。综合分析表明,岷江干旱河谷区25种植物1年生植株根系的功能性状变异明显,可塑性大,历经长期自然选择压力而形成了不同的环境适应策略,但生长型并不必然表达出1年生植株根系功能性状的差异性。  相似文献   

This study investigated the development of interspecific adaptations of flow-resistance mechanisms to higher flow rates in rigid-stemmed Hygrophila salicifolia (Vahl) Nees (willow leaf Hygrophila sp.) plants placed in simulated water channels. The results indicate that adaptations to higher flow rates include a reduction in: growth rate, average fresh weight, average dry weight, and average diameter; but an increase in the number of parallel shoots. These effects combine to create a streamlined profile, reduce plant damage, and increase propagation through adventitious budding. Higher flow rates also reduced the ratio of average plant height to average root length in rigid-stemmed Hygrophila sp. The increased root length, strengthening of plant anchors, and reduction of uprooting seen at higher flow rates are likely to increase slope stability and reduce riverbank topsoil runoff. Moreover, rigid-stemmed aquatic macrophytes develop different adaptations than flexible-stemmed water plants (e.g., water celery); for these plants, higher flow velocities trigger an increase in the average density of vascular bundles and a reduction of the average root length, which results in uprooting and movement to different locations. These results suggest that different aquatic macrophytes play different roles in water channels. Our methods and findings can inform further investigations into the roles played by different aquatic macrophytes in ecological engineering and help to identify optimal planting materials or precursors for riverbanks.  相似文献   

Salt stress limits crop yield and sustainable agriculture in most arid and semiarid regions of the world. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are considered bio-ameliorators of soil salinity tolerance in plants. In evaluating AMF as significant predictors of mycorrhizal ecology, precise quantifiable changes in plant biomass and nutrient uptake under salt stress are crucial factors. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyze the magnitude of the effects of AMF inoculation on growth and nutrient uptake of plants under salt stress through meta-analyses. For this, data were compared in the context of mycorrhizal host plant species, plant family and functional group, herbaceous vs. woody plants, annual vs. perennial plants, and the level of salinity across 43 studies. Results indicate that, under saline conditions, AMF inoculation significantly increased total, shoot, and root biomass as well as phosphorous (P), nitrogen (N), and potassium (K) uptake. Activities of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase, and ascorbate peroxidase also increased significantly in mycorrhizal compared to nonmycorrhizal plants growing under salt stress. In addition, sodium (Na) uptake decreased significantly in mycorrhizal plants, while changes in proline accumulation were not significant. Across most subsets of the data analysis, identities of AMF (Glomus fasciculatum) and host plants (Acacia nilotica, herbs, woody and perennial) were found to be essential in understanding plant responses to salinity stress. For the analyzed dataset, it is concluded that under salt stress, mycorrhizal plants have extensive root traits and mycorrhizal morphological traits which help the uptake of more P and K, together with the enhanced production of antioxidant enzymes resulting in salt stress alleviation and increased plant biomass.  相似文献   

Quantifying patterns of variation and coordination of plant functional traits can help to understand the mechanisms underlying both invasiveness and adaptation of plants. Little is known about the coordinated variations of performance and functional traits of different organs in invasive plants, especially in response to their adaptation to environmental stressors. To identify the responses of the invasive species Solidago canadensis to drought, 180 individuals were randomly collected from 15 populations and 212 ramets were replanted in a greenhouse to investigate both the response and coordination between root and leaf functional traits. Drought significantly decreased plant growth and most of the root and leaf functional traits, that is, root length, surface area, volume and leaf size, number, and mass fraction, except for the root length ratio and root mass fraction. Phenotypic plasticity was higher in root traits than in leaf traits in response to drought, and populations did not differ significantly. The plasticity of most root functional traits, that is, root length (RL), root surface area (RSA), root volume (RV), and root mass fraction (RMF), were significantly positively correlated with biomass between control and drought. However, the opposite was found for leaf functional traits, that is, specific leaf area (SLA), leaf area ratio (LAR), and leaf mass fraction (LMF). Drought enhanced the relationship between root and leaf, that is, 26 pairwise root–leaf traits were significantly correlated under drought, while only 15 pairwise root–leaf traits were significantly correlated under control conditions. Significant correlations were found between biomass and all measured functional traits except for leaf size. RV, root length ratio, RMF, total area of leaves, and LMF responded differently to water availability. These responses enable S. canadensis to cope with drought conditions and may help to explain the reason of the vast ecological amplitude of this species.  相似文献   

The emergent macrophyte species Sparganium erectum occurs commonly at the margins of low- to medium- energy river systems across the northern temperate zone. It is considered as an invasive species along low-energy water courses in many parts of the US and Australia. The life-cycle and biomechanical properties of this species make it very well adapted to such environments, allowing rapid growth and sediment trapping, such that encroachment into the channel occurs as the growing season progresses. The widespread growth of species such as S. erectum is therefore of particular concern, when considering the flood risk potential of many rivers. As such, the conditions required for survival or uprooting and scouring of this plant are of interest, as are the times of the year and processes by which these plants spread to increase the size of current stands, and to form new stands. It is known that S. erectum reproduces by several vegetative methods including rhizome growth, dispersal of detached rhizomes, and relocation of entire plants. However, the mechanisms and flow conditions necessary for uprooting or scouring of entire plants, and the separation of fragments of this species, at different times of the year, are largely unknown. The aim of this paper is to model the uprooting resistance of S. erectum plants as reported by Liffen et al. (in press), and to investigate the manner by which this species is adapted to proliferate in low-energy, low-gradient streams. The results presented here show that Monte Carlo simulations using the RipRoot root-reinforcement model can be used to accurately model plant pullout forces, rhizome interconnectivity and length changes for S. erectum plants throughout the growing season. Analysis presented here also suggests that plant uprooting forces are several orders of magnitude larger than potential drag forces that could act on the S. erectum plants at the River Blackwater site modeled, and even at sites with much higher channel slopes. This result suggests that the ability of these plants to thrive in low-energy rivers, but not in higher-energy river environments, is less related to driving forces causing drag on the plants, and more related to the energy conditions controlling erosion and deposition of the fine substrate materials these plants thrive in. The critical shear stress of the fine within-vegetation material was shown here to only be exceeded by the average boundary shear stress within the vegetation, during winter months when above-ground biomass and thus Manning's n values were at their lowest. For example, during March and April average boundary shear stress was predicted to exceed critical boundary shear stress for 6% of the time. Erodibility measurements from jet-tests conducted at the River Blackwater fieldsite suggested that this excess in boundary shear stress could result in potential vertical scour of up to 0.09 m in both March and April. During the majority of the growing season sediment trapping rather than erosion dominated, with enough deposition occurring over the summer to protect all but the shallowest, weakest and least interconnected rhizomes and plants from being scoured in the winter months. The balance between erosion and deposition within stands of S. erectum in these low-energy environments therefore allows for the maintenance of established stands of vegetation, whilst still allowing for scouring of weaker S. erectum plants that can establish previously un-colonized channel margins further downstream.  相似文献   

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