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任强  艾鷖  胡健  田黎明  陈仕勇  泽让东科 《生态学报》2021,41(17):6862-6870
放牧作为家畜饲养方式之一,是草地最简单、有效的利用方式,放牧中的家畜对草地生态系统的影响是全球畜牧生态学研究的焦点。过度放牧导致草地退化严重,虽然在青藏高原地区已有较多放牧对草地影响的研究,但探究连续4年放牧对高寒草地生态系统影响的定位实验却鲜见报道。本研究在青藏高原东缘选取典型高寒草地,使用高原特有且分布最广的牦牛作为大型草食放牧家畜,设置了4个牦牛放牧强度(禁牧:无放牧、轻牧:1头/hm2、中牧:2头/hm2和重牧:3头/hm2)以研究其对高寒草地土壤和植物功能的影响。开展4年试验后的结果表明:放牧条件下土壤含水率显著增加;而土壤容重、全磷和有机质含量对放牧强度均无显著性响应;土壤全氮和pH的响应主要在表层0-20 cm,其中全氮为轻牧和重牧处理分别显著高于中牧,中牧处理下的土壤pH为显著高于轻牧;土壤全钾含量在禁牧处理中显著高于放牧处理;而土壤有效氮和速效钾均为中牧处理显著高于禁牧;放牧可以显著降低植物地上生物量。牦牛放牧强度显著影响土壤含水率、有效养分和植物地上生物量,而对其它土壤理化性质影响较弱。本研究结果揭示放牧对高寒草地土壤理化性质和植物地上生物量的影响,为青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统保护、可持续管理和合理放牧率提供理论依据。  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统的恢复能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统呈现退化的趋势.本文利用中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站多年观测的长时间序列数据,采用定量方法度量高寒草甸自然生态系统的恢复能力,评估该系统的持久性,并结合系统现状提出避免系统崩溃的对策.结果表明,高寒草甸净初级生产力的动态行为以对降水和气温的即时直接响应为主.无论是净初级生产力对自身的"记忆"程度,还是主要气候因子对初级生产力的"滞后"作用,均比较微弱,说明高寒草甸生态系统有较强的恢复能力,即有较强的持久能力.与世界其他地区草地生态系统恢复能力度量结果相比较,高寒草甸生态系统显示较强的恢复能力.科学地利用高寒草地资源,积极恢复治理退化草地,是维持脆弱的高寒草甸生态系统持久的关键.  相似文献   

增温对青藏高原高寒草甸呼吸作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统呼吸(ER)和土壤呼吸(SR)是草地生态系统碳排放的关键环节,其对气候变化极为敏感。高寒草甸是青藏高原典型的草地生态系统,其呼吸作用对气候变化的响应对区域碳排放具有重要的影响。以高寒草甸生态系统为对象,于2012—2016年采用模拟增温的方法研究呼吸作用对增温的响应。结果表明:增温对高寒草甸ER的影响存在年际差异,2013年和2014年增温对ER无显著影响,其他年份显著增加ER(P<0.05),综合5年结果,平均增幅达22.3%。增温显著促进了高寒草甸SR(P<0.05),较对照处理5年平均增幅高达67.1%;增温总体上提高了SR在ER中的比例(P<0.05),最高增幅达到59.9%。ER和SR与土壤温度有显著的正相关关系(P<0.05),与土壤水分没有显著的相关关系(P>0.05)。对照样地中,土壤温度分别能解释33.0%和18.5%的ER和SR变化。在增温条件下,土壤温度可以解释20.5%和13.0%的ER和SR变化。在增温条件下,SR的温度敏感性显著增加,而ER的温度敏感性变化较小,导致SR的比重进一步增加。因此,在未来气候变暖条件下,青藏高...  相似文献   

设计增温和放牧耦合试验研究增温和放牧对高寒植物气孔密度和气孔长度的影响,选择矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)、高山唐松草(Thalictrum aplinum)、垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans Griseb.)和麻花艽(Gentiana straminea)作为试验材料。结果表明增温与放牧分别影响这4个物种气孔形态参数的不同方面:温度使4个物种气孔长度一致性地变小(P<005),放牧使气孔密度和潜在气孔导度指数(PCI)一致性地上升(P<0.05)。气孔密度对增温的响应趋势和气孔长度对放牧的响应趋势在不同物种间存在差异。气孔长度减小可能是对增温引起的水分胁迫的响应,气孔密度和潜在气孔导度指数上升反映出四种植物在本研究相应的放牧强度下存在补偿性生长的可能。  相似文献   

Alpine meadow covers ca. 700,000 km2 with an extreme altitude range from 3200 m to 5200 m. It is the most widely distributed vegetation on the vast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Previous studies suggest that meadow ecosystems play the most important role in both uptake and storage of carbon in the plateau. The ecosystem has been considered currently as an active “CO2 sink”, in which roots may contribute a very important part, because of the large root biomass, for storage and translocation of carbon to soil. To bridge the gap between the potential importance and few experimental data, root systems, root biomass, turnover rate, and net primary production were investigated in a Kobresia humilis meadow on the plateau during the growing season from May to September in 2008 and 2009. We hypothesized that BNPP/NPP of the alpine meadow would be more than 50%, and that small diameter roots sampled in ingrowth cores have a shorter lifespan than the lager diameter roots, moreover we expected that roots in surface soils would turn over more quickly than those in deeper soil layers. The mean root mass in the 0–20 cm soil layer, investigated by the sequential coring method, was 1995?±?479 g?m?2 and 1595?±?254 g?m?2 in growing season of 2008 and 2009, respectively. And the mean fine root biomass in ingrowth cores of the same soil layer was 119?±?37 g?m?2 and 196?±?45 g?m?2 in the 2 years. Annual total NPP was 12387 kg?ha?1?year?1, in which 53% was allocated to roots. In addition, fine roots accounted for 33% of belowground NPP and 18% of the total NPP, respectively. Root turnover rate was 0.52 year?1 for bulk roots and 0.74 year?1 for fine roots. Furthermore, roots turnover was faster in surface than in deeper soil layers. The results confirmed the important role of roots in carbon storage and turnover in the alpine meadow ecosystem. It also suggested the necessity of separating fine roots from the whole root system for a better understanding of root turnover rate and its response to environmental factors.  相似文献   

赵彬彬  牛克昌  杜国祯 《生态学报》2009,29(3):1596-1606
通过对比研究青藏高原高寒草甸27种植物群落组分种在放牧和长期排除放牧生境中的生物量分配差异,试图揭示长期放牧干扰对植物生活史对策的影响.结果表明:(1)放牧对群落物种个体生物量大小和生物量分配有着显著的影响;(2)总体来看:多数物种(24)放牧生境中的平均个体生物量明显小于禁牧地中的平均个体生物量;而多数物种在放牧后(23种)繁殖分配明显增加;茎分配有增有减(15减小12种增加);叶分配呈减小趋势(20种减小7增加).(3)放牧的影响在不同物种间和功能群间都存在着明显的差异.放牧使毒草茎分配减小叶分配增加,繁殖分配几乎不受影响;豆科和杂草繁殖分配增加,茎分配和叶分配减小,其中豆科两个种的生物量分配变化都不显著;禾草叶分配减小,繁殖分配和茎分配增加; (4)在群落水平上,放牧使繁殖分配和叶分配增加,茎分配减少.  相似文献   

高艳美  吴鹏飞 《生态学报》2016,36(8):2327-2336
土壤昆虫是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,在物质循环和能量转化过程中起着重要的作用。为了查明高寒草甸生态系统退化对土壤昆虫群落的影响,于2011年的4、5、7和10月份别对青藏东缘的若尔盖高寒草甸的沼泽草甸、草原草甸、中度退化草甸和重度退化草甸的土壤昆虫群落进行了调查。共捕获土壤昆虫4172只,隶属于8目35科,共46类。优势类群有尖眼蕈蚊科幼虫(Sciaridae larvae)、摇蚊科幼虫(Chironomidae larvae)和象甲科幼虫(Curculionidae larvae),其中尖眼蕈蚊科幼虫为各退化阶段的共同优势类群。重度退化草甸的土壤昆虫密度和多样性指数均显著低于其它退化阶段(P0.01)。各退化阶段间的Sorenson相似性和Morisita-Horn相似性指数变化趋势表明退化对土壤昆虫的类群组和优势类群的个体数量影响较大。而土壤昆虫的群落密度和多样性指数的季节动态在不同退化阶段间也存在差异。此外,高寒草甸的退化还可影响昆虫群落优势类群的时空分布,但不同类群间存在差异。相关分析结果表明土壤昆虫多样性与土壤p H值呈显著负相关(P0.01),与地下生物量和磷含量呈显著正相关(P0.01),而密度仅与p H值呈显著负相关(P0.01)。研究结果表明高寒草甸退化可通过改变植物群落及土壤等环境因子影响土壤昆虫群落组成和多样性的空间分布和季节动态。  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘高寒草甸植物群落的开花物候   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Based on the observation on the flowering phenology in the whole growth season of 2008, the dynamics, patterns, and relationships among various parameters of flowering phenology of alpine meadow plant community in eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were studied, and the potential effects of above-mentioned factors on the species coexistence of the plant community were approached. The flowering period of the plant community started from early May, came into peak period in the first ten days of August, and ended in early October, extending all over whole growth period. Different species had their different first flowering date, peak flowering period, and flowering duration, and their flowering phenologieal niches differentiated obviously. Most species had their peak flowering period centralized in July-August. There was a negative rela-tionship between peak flowering period and flowering duration: the earlier the flowering, the lon-ger the flowering duration. The differences in flowering phonology among the species were mainly determined by species per se characteristics and environmental conditions, but the flowering phe-nological pattern on community level was primarily controlled by abiotic factors.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is located in the ‘Third Pole’ of the world, characterized by a harsh environment. Despite this, the alpine meadow ecosystem have developed over a wide area but serious grassland degradation is threatening the ecological environment on the Plateau. Recruitment of new plants to the population, via germination and establishment, is vital to plant community survival. Previous work on the seeds in this area has mainly focused on community-wide germination strategies, seed germination characteristics and their correlations with seed size and seed mass. However, there have been no studies on the effects of soaking in rumen contents on the plant seed germination characteristics of alpine meadow species. The present study had two main objectives: (i) to determine the effect of fresh rumen content from yaks on seed germination characteristics and seedling growth of species common to the eastern Tibetan Plateau alpine meadow, and (ii) to develop an effective method to enhance seed germination. Seeds of 11 common species were collected together with fresh rumen content from three yaks that grazed there. Seed germination tests were conducted after they had been soaked in rumen content for one of six soaking periods (12, 24, 36, 48, 60 or 72 h). The seeds were incubated under natural light conditions of 8 h light at 25 °C and 16 h darkness at 15 °C, for the germination period of 34 days. The results showed that seed germination and seedling growth were affected by soaking time, seed coat completeness and seed type. After soaking in rumen content, the germination percentages of scarified (peeled or with the seed coat cut through) seeds of some species (true seeds Oxytropis ochrocephala and Medicago ruthenia var inschanica, nutlet Carex enervis, achenes Anemone rivularis and Polygonum sibiricum) and complete seeds of C. enervis, and A. rivularis were improved but the duration of soaking was also important. Seed germination of caryopsis Achnatherum inebrians (a toxic grass) was significantly inhibited by any exposure to rumen fluids. Scarified seeds generally had higher germination percentages than complete ones after treatment, but with the increase in soaking time, germination percentages declined and scarified seeds were more sensitive to the treatment than the complete seeds. After soaking in yak rumen content, the germination indices of scarified M. ruthenia at 12 h treatment, O. ochrocephala and achene Rumex acetosa at 12–24 h treatment, nutlet Kobresia humilis at 24 h treatment, P. sibiricum at 24–48 h treatment, C. enervis at 12–48 h treatment and A. rivularis at 12–60 h treatment were significantly higher than the control (P < 0.05), while the germination indices of complete C. enervis seeds at 12 h and 36 h treatment, and A. rivularis at 12–60 h treatment were significantly higher compared with the control. The germination indices of other species gradually decreased with the increase in soaking time. We concluded that yak rumen digestion could enhance, inhibit or not affect seed germination and seedling growth of the alpine meadow species, which might influence seedling recruitment, interspecific competition, and the plant community structure of the eastern Tibetan Plateau alpine meadow. Overall, yak digestion has a positive effect on alpine meadow seed germination and seed dispersal.  相似文献   

王蓓 《生态学报》2011,31(6):1506-1514
土壤活性、惰性有机质库和微生物生物量在数量和分配上的变化是陆地生态系统土壤有机质贮存和动态变化的决定性因素。采用OTCs(Open top chambers)升温以及刈割+粪便归还的方法,对青藏高原东部高寒草甸土壤有机碳氮组分和微生物生物量对气候变暖和放牧的响应进行了研究。结果表明,模拟升温在短期内显著降低土壤活性有机碳Ⅰ、活性有机氮Ⅰ和惰性有机碳的含量,而由于粪便归还作用,放牧明显增加土壤活性有机碳、氮Ⅰ的含量。模拟升温和放牧对有机碳、氮组分的作用效应相互抵消,两者共同作用下有机碳、氮组分仅略有降低。单一的模拟升温或放牧没有显著改变微生物生物量碳,但是两者共同作用却能够大大增加微生物生物量碳。放牧和取样时间存在着明显的交互作用,放牧效应随时间递减。本研究表明,气候变暖对放牧草甸有机碳、氮组分影响不大;放牧过程中的牲畜粪便归还作用不容忽视。  相似文献   

徐满厚  薛娴 《生态学报》2013,33(10):3158-3168
以广布于青藏高原的高寒草甸为研究对象,进行模拟增温实验,探讨高寒草甸植被特征与温度、水分因子关系,并试图论证高寒草甸植被是否符合生物多样性代谢理论.结果表明:①高寒草甸植被物种多样性的对数与绝对温度的倒数呈显著线性递减关系,空气-地表-浅层土壤(0-20 cm)温度(R2 >0.6,P<0.01)较深层土壤(40-100 cm)温度(R2<0.5,P<0.05)对物种多样性影响大;其植被新陈代谢平均活化能为0.998-1.85 eV,高于生物多样性代谢理论预测值0.6-0.7 eV,这是高寒草甸植被对长期低温环境适应进化的结果.②除趋势对应分析和冗余分析显示,温度对植被地上部分影响较大,而土壤水分对全株影响均较大,适当的增温与降水均可极显著促进高寒草甸植被生长.③逐步回归和通径分析显示,40 cm、60 cm深度土壤水分对植被地上部分产生直接影响,20 cm高度空气相对湿度和40 cm深度土壤温度对其产生间接影响;40 cm深度土壤温度和60 cm深度土壤水分对植被地下部分产生直接影响,红外地表温度对其产生间接影响.深层土壤温度和水分对高寒草甸植被具有影响作用,这可能与增温后冻土的融化有关,但其机理尚待进一步研究.  相似文献   

张艳博  罗鹏  孙庚  牟成香  王志远  吴宁  罗光荣 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4605-4617
为认识放牧对青藏高原东部中生性的高寒草甸草地和半湿生的沼泽草地凋落物分解的影响,在这两种草地上分别设置了围栏和放牧样地,研究了其各自的混合凋落物样品和4个优势物种(发草Deschampsiacaespitos、鹅绒委陵菜Potentilla anserine、木里苔草Carexmuliensis、藏嵩草Kobresiatibetica)凋落物的分解和养分释放动态,这4个优势物种也大致代表了当地沼泽草地生态系统在放牧和气候变暖驱动下逆行演替不同阶段的优势物种类群。结果表明,各优势物种凋落物的分解速率有显著差异;放牧在总体上促进了凋落物的分解,但不同物种的响应有所不同;放牧对凋落物C的释放影响不显著或有抑制作用,但对N、P的释放具有一定促进作用。对各优势物种凋落物分解和养分释放模式的分析表明,群落逆行演替过程中,凋落物分解和C释放加速,可能促进沼泽湿地退化的正反馈效应。草甸草地的退化标志物种鹅绒委陵菜具有较高的凋落物质量和分解速度,反映了中生条件下植物应对牲畜啃食采用"逃避"而非"抵抗"策略的趋向。  相似文献   

At what intensity the grazing should be practiced on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China is always confusing farmers, scientists and policy makers for a long time owing to its geographical exception. In order to develop a strategy for sustainable grazing management, we used the dominant Stipa purpurea as a model species to detect genetic diversity and fine spatial structure under different grazing intensities. Intra-population neutral genetic diversity in non-grazed population was significantly higher than three grazed populations; however, the highest value among grazed populations appeared in the moderately grazed population. A relatively low degree of genetic differentiation among populations by AMOVA analysis and a high level of gene flow existed among populations (Gst = 0.2649, Nm = 1.3875 〉 1). The genetic ‘patch’ size increased from 4 m to 16 m and subpopulation number within the S. purpurea populations ranged from 7 to 5 with increasing grazing intensity, therefore grazing will be beneficial to reduce the fragmentation and to increase the population-level adaptation. Though enclosure or no grazing is the best protection of plant germplasm like wind-pollination S. purpurea, moderate grazing is better strategy for grassland use on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

在草地生态系统中, 施肥通常会导致生物多样性下降, 但是关于引起生物多样性下降的机制还存在着很大的争议。该研究基于一个4年的施肥实验, 试图通过个体大小的不整齐性和单位植物氮含量, 定性地揭示青藏高原东部高寒草甸施肥后多样性下降的原因。研究显示: 在封育地, 施肥致使个体大小不整齐性增加了15%, 并不同程度地增加了物种的高度。同时, 施肥使物种间单位植物氮含量存在显著差异的数目降低了65%。施肥后光竞争加剧, 导致大个体植物排斥小个体植物, 进而引起了物种丰富度下降29.6%。与封育地不同, 放牧地施肥并没有改变个体大小不整齐性和物种的高度, 而是使物种间单位植物氮含量存在显著差异的数目增加了11.4%。施肥并没有改变放牧地的光竞争强度, 而是增加了物种间对土壤营养元素氮的竞争强度, 进而引起了物种丰富度下降17.3%。该研究还发现, 放牧施肥地的物种丰富度下降速度和等级显著低于封育施肥地的物种丰富度下降速度和等级, 这表明放牧减缓了施肥对物种丰富度的影响力。  相似文献   

Plant traits and individual plant biomass allocation of 57 perennial herbaceous species, belonging to three common functional groups (forbs, grasses and sedges) at subalpine (3700 m ASL), alpine (4300 m ASL) and subnival (⩾5000 m ASL) sites were examined to test the hypothesis that at high altitudes, plants reduce the proportion of aboveground parts and allocate more biomass to belowground parts, especially storage organs, as altitude increases, so as to geminate and resist environmental stress. However, results indicate that some divergence in biomass allocation exists among organs. With increasing altitude, the mean fractions of total biomass allocated to aboveground parts decreased. The mean fractions of total biomass allocation to storage organs at the subalpine site (7%±2% S.E.) were distinct from those at the alpine (23%±6%) and subnival (21%±6%) sites, while the proportions of green leaves at all altitudes remained almost constant. At 4300 m and 5000 m, the mean fractions of flower stems decreased by 45% and 41%, respectively, while fine roots increased by 86% and 102%, respectively. Specific leaf areas and leaf areas of forbs and grasses deceased with rising elevation, while sedges showed opposite trends. For all three functional groups, leaf area ratio and leaf area root mass ratio decreased, while fine root biomass increased at higher altitudes. Biomass allocation patterns of alpine plants were characterized by a reduction in aboveground reproductive organs and enlargement of fine roots, while the proportion of leaves remained stable. It was beneficial for high altitude plants to compensate carbon gain and nutrient uptake under low temperature and limited nutrients by stabilizing biomass investment to photosynthetic structures and increasing the absorption surface area of fine roots. In contrast to forbs and grasses that had high mycorrhizal infection, sedges had higher single leaf area and more root fraction, especially fine roots.  相似文献   

Knowledge about methanotrophs and their activities is important to understand the microbial mediation of the greenhouse gas CH4 under climate change and human activities in terrestrial ecosystems. The effects of simulated warming and sheep grazing on methanotrophic abundance, community composition, and activity were studied in an alpine meadow soil on the Tibetan Plateau. There was high abundance of methanotrophs (1.2–3.4 × 108 pmoA gene copies per gram of dry weight soil) assessed by real-time PCR, and warming significantly increased the abundance regardless of grazing. A total of 64 methanotrophic operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were obtained from 1,439 clone sequences, of these OTUs; 63 OTUs (98.4%) belonged to type I methanotrophs, and only one OTU was Methylocystis of type II methanotrophs. The methanotroph community composition and diversity were not apparently affected by the treatments. Warming and grazing significantly enhanced the potential CH4 oxidation activity. There were significantly negative correlations between methanotrophic abundance and soil moisture and between methanotrophic abundance and NH4–N content. The study suggests that type I methanotrophs, as the dominance, may play a key role in CH4 oxidation, and the alpine meadow has great potential to consume more CH4 under future warmer and grazing conditions on the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

增氮对青藏高原东缘典型高寒草甸土壤有机碳组成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤有机碳动态是陆地生态系统碳平衡研究的关键环节,有关青藏高原高寒草甸土壤有机碳组成对大气氮沉降增加的响应研究至今尚未开展。基于中国科学院海北生态站的大气氮沉降模拟控制实验平台,于2010年5月、7月和9月中旬分别测定不同施氮处理下0—10cm、10—20cm、20—30cm土壤中粗颗粒态有机碳(CPOC)、细颗粒态有机碳(FPOC)和矿质结合有机碳(MOC)含量,研究不同施氮类型(NH4Cl,(NH4)2SO4和KNO3)和施氮水平(0、10、20、40 kgN.hm-.2a-1)对土壤POC和MOC含量以及POC/MOC比值的影响。结果表明:青藏高原高寒草甸土壤POC积聚在土壤表层,占总土壤有机碳(SOC)含量的64%以上,稳定性较差。施氮水平显著改变了土壤CPOC、FPOC和MOC含量,而施氮类型的影响不显著。不同月份土壤POC和MOC含量对增氮的响应不同,反映了SOC组分对增氮响应的时间异质性。在生长季中期,施氮倾向于增加表层土壤POC含量,而在生长季初期和末期恰好相反。土壤MOC对增氮的响应不敏感。另外,施氮显著降低生长季初期表层土壤POC/MOC比例,SOC稳定性增加。表明,青藏高原高寒草甸土壤有机碳活性组分较高,未来大气氮沉降增加短期内即可降低活性有机碳含量,相应地改变了其组成和稳定性。  相似文献   

The response of grassland soil bacterial community characteristics to different grazing intensities is central ecological topics. However, the underlying mechanisms between bacterial abundance, diversity index, and grazing intensity remain unclear. We measured alpine meadow soil bacterial gene richness and diversity index under four grazing intensities using 16S rDNA sequence analysis on the Tibetan Plateau. The results suggest that extreme grazing significantly decreased alpine meadow both bacterial gene abundance and diversity index (p < .05). The lowest operational taxonomic unit numbers were 3,012 ± 447 copies under heavy grazing in the growing season. It was significantly lower than heavy grazing with approximately 3,958 ± 119 copies (p < .05). The Shannon index for medium and high grazing grassland bacterial diversity was slightly higher than for light grazing in the growing season. Furthermore, the lowest index was approximately 9.20 ± 0.50 for extreme grazing of grassland in the growing season. The average bacterial gene abundance and diversity index in the dormancy period were slightly higher than that in the growing season. Soil bulk density, pH, ammonium, and nitrate nitrogen were the main positive factors driving grazed grassland bacterial communities. Our study provides insight into the response of alpine meadows to grazing intensity, demonstrating that moderate grazing increases bacterial community diversity in grazed grasslands.  相似文献   

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