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Abstract. The concentrations and contents of organic matter and nutrients in organic deposits on the forest floor were estimated along a 231-yr chronosequence following fire at the southern limit of the boreal forest in eastern Canada. The sampling design was stratified to take into account the variability related to the presence of the principal tree species as well as to the presence of large gaps created by a recent spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana) outbreak. The forest floor showed a steady accumulation of organic matter and total nutrients with time-since-fire and a 50 % decrease in the concentrations of available P and K, but not N (as determined by aerobic incubation). The increase in forest-floor weight was accompanied by an increased storage of available N, Ca and Mg. The availability of N and Ca was more strongly affected by tree species and gaps than by time-since-fire. A high N-availability was observed under Betula papyrifera and in gaps, while high a Ca-availability was found near Populus tremuloides and Thuja occidentalis. In old sites, the forest floor of gaps, created by a recent spruce budworm outbreak, had a necromass similar to that of a young forest, but the low concentrations of available P and K of an old forest.  相似文献   

Ecosystems worldwide are receiving increasing amounts of reactive nitrogen (N) via anthropogenic activities with the added N having potentially important impacts on microbially mediated belowground carbon dynamics. However, a comprehensive understanding of how elevated N availability affects soil microbial processes and community dynamics remains incomplete. The mechanisms responsible for the observed responses are poorly resolved and we do not know if soil microbial communities respond in a similar manner across ecosystems. We collected 28 soils from a broad range of ecosystems in North America, amended soils with inorganic N, and incubated the soils under controlled conditions for 1 year. Consistent across nearly all soils, N addition decreased microbial respiration rates, with an average decrease of 11% over the year‐long incubation, and decreased microbial biomass by 35%. High‐throughput pyrosequencing showed that N addition consistently altered bacterial community composition, increasing the relative abundance of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, and decreasing the relative abundance of Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia. Further, N‐amended soils consistently had lower activities in a broad suite of extracellular enzymes and had decreased temperature sensitivity, suggesting a shift to the preferential decomposition of more labile C pools. The observed trends held across strong gradients in climate and soil characteristics, indicating that the soil microbial responses to N addition are likely controlled by similar wide‐spread mechanisms. Our results support the hypothesis that N addition depresses soil microbial activity by shifting the metabolic capabilities of soil bacterial communities, yielding communities that are less capable of decomposing more recalcitrant soil carbon pools and leading to a potential increase in soil carbon sequestration rates.  相似文献   

化肥和有机肥长期施用对红壤酶活性的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
选择长期定位试验中的不施肥对照(CK)、单施化肥(NPK)、单施有机肥(OM)及化肥有机肥配施(NPKM)4种处理,研究了长期化肥和有机肥互作对旱地红壤酶活性的影响及酶活性与土壤理化性质、微生物生物量的关系。结果表明,施肥特别是化肥和有机肥的交互作用能不同程度促进参与碳、氮循环的总体酶活性增加;其中,OM对酶活性的促进作用强于NPK,NPKM的酶活性最高。与CK相比,施用有机肥的处理(即OM和NPKM)会降低参与碳循环酶和参与氮循环酶的比值,而NPK不影响该比值。OM处理的单位微生物量碳酶活性和单位有机碳酶活性均显著低于其他处理,而在NPK处理中这两项指标最高,OM和NPKM处理则提高了单位微生物量氮酶活性。一方面说明有机肥可以缓解土壤微生物的碳限制,但是供氮能力相对不足,而与化肥配施缓解了氮素的限制状况;另一方面暗示有机肥可以提高土壤生物的生态效率。总之,化肥和有机肥配施能够在碳氮资源的生物有效性上形成互补关系,能够同时促进土壤生物和作物生长,从而满足土壤生态系统服务功能持续发挥的需要。  相似文献   

The edaphic macroarthropod communities of three sites representative of the forest succession in the Lake Duparquet region (situated in the southern part of the boreal forest, Abitibi, Quebec, Canada) were studied. A 47-year-old deciduous forest, a 144-year-old mixed forest, and a 231-year-old coniferous forest form a successional forest gradient with a vegetation composition that is a function of the time elapsed since the last forest fire. Along with forest succession, there is a reduction in macroarthropod community biodiversity. There is a negative gradient for mean total abundance (237–41 individuals), total richness (63–23 species), density (1792–661 individuals/m2), diversity (H′ = 1.478–1.007) and equitability (J = 0.821–0.739). These community changes affect saprophagous organisms more than predators. Certain species or taxa show preferences for a particular forest type, such as larval Diptera for the deciduous forest. A comparison of these results with the literature suggests an inverse preference as to habitat choice between microarthropods (Acarina and Collembola) and macroarthropods. From a conservation point of view, macroarthropod biodiversity will be favored by the protection of all forest types since each environment possesses a particular community structure and species. Received: 17 April 1995 / Accepted: 1 April 1996  相似文献   

While biochar soil amendment has been widely proposed as a soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration strategy to mitigate detrimental climate changes in global agriculture, the SOC sequestration was still not clearly understood for the different effects of fresh and aged biochar on SOC mineralization. In the present study of a two‐factorial experiment, topsoil samples from a rice paddy were laboratory‐incubated with and without fresh or aged biochar pyrolyzed of wheat residue and with and without crop residue‐derived dissolved organic matter (CRM) for monitoring soil organic matter decomposition under controlled conditions. The six treatments included soil with no biochar, with fresh biochar and with aged biochar treated with CRM, respectively. For fresh biochar treatment, the topsoil of a same rice paddy was amended with wheat biochar directly from a pyrolysis wheat straw, the soil with aged biochar was collected from the same soil 6 years following a single amendment of same biochar. Total CO2 emission from the soil was monitored over a 64 day time span of laboratory incubation, while microbial biomass carbon and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) were determined at the end of incubation period. Without CRM, total organic carbon mineralization was significantly decreased by 38.8% with aged biochar but increased by 28.9% with fresh biochar, compared to no biochar. With CRM, however, the significantly highest net carbon mineralization occurred in the soil without biochar compared to the biochar‐amended soil. Compared to aged biochar, fresh biochar addition significantly increased the total PLFA concentration by 20.3%–33.8% and altered the microbial community structure by increasing 17:1ω8c (Gram‐negative bacteria) and i17:0 (Gram‐positive bacteria) mole percentages and by decreasing the ratio of fungi/bacteria. Furthermore, biochar amendment significantly lowered the metabolic quotient of SOC decomposition, thereby becoming greater with aged biochar than with fresh biochar. The finding here suggests that biochar amendment could improve carbon utilization efficiency by soil microbial community and SOC sequestration potential in paddy soil can be enhanced by the presence of biochar in soil over the long run.  相似文献   

模拟火干扰对森林土壤微生物活性及氮矿化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘发林 《生态学报》2017,37(7):2188-2196
火干扰产生热能从而诱导土壤有机质的化学氧化,改变碳和氮转换,对土壤的结构与功能产生严重影响,影响程度取决于火强度、火干扰持续时间和热渗透。在湖南省株洲市高枧林场选取马尾松次生林火烧迹地,按两种土壤、3个温度和3种土壤水势进行试验设计与方差分析,探讨火干扰对土壤微生物及氮矿化的影响。结果表明:无机氮的浓度与火强度和初始土壤有机质含量呈正相关关系;火干扰后短期内土壤碳和氮浓度较高,微生物生物量碳和潜在可矿化氮较低,温度和土壤水势对基础呼吸速率没有显著影响;当土壤温度达160℃时,未受火干扰土壤中潜在可矿化氮浓度迅速不稳定增加,温度达350℃时破坏90%的非微生物组织;土壤加热后水势对氮矿化过程有显著影响,水势越高,潜在可矿化氮损失越大,火干扰土壤的含水量与硝态氮之间呈正相关关系;培养14d期间,土壤火灾历史、热处理和土壤水势对微生物活性、碳和氮矿化有显著影响,-1.5 MPa水势下加热到380℃后两种土壤的微生物生物量碳含量最高,土壤水势和可溶性糖呈负相关关系;水势和火干扰之间的交互作用显著影响微生物活性和氮转换,低水势土壤中的微生物生物量碳、可溶性糖和潜在可矿化氮浓度较高。  相似文献   

The trajectory of forests establishing on reclaimed oil sands mines in the Canadian boreal forest is uncertain. Soil microbes, namely mycorrhizal fungi, partly underlie successional trajectories of plant communities, yet their role in restoration is often overlooked. Here, we tested the relative importance of common management tools used in restoration—species planted and soil placement—on the recovery of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities over 4 years. Importantly, we further compared the community assembly of fungi on reclaimed landscapes to that in reference ecosystems disturbed to different degrees. This latter test addresses whether disturbance intensity is more important than common management interventions to restore fungal communities in these ecosystems. Three main findings emerged. (1) The effect of tree species planted and soil placement on ectomycorrhizal fungal communities establishing on reclaimed landscapes was dynamic through time. (2) Disturbances that remove or disrupt the organic layer of soils substantially affect the composition of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities. (3) Shifts in the community composition of ectomycorrhizal fungi were driven to a greater extent by disturbance severity than either tree species planted or soil placement.  相似文献   

Nitrogen addition may alter the decomposition rate for different organic-matter pools in contrasting ways. Using a paired-plot design, we sought to determine the effects of long-term elevated N on the stability of five organic-matter pools: organic horizons (Oe+a), whole mineral soil (WS), mineral soil fractions including the light fraction (LF), heavy fraction (HF), and a physically recombined fraction (RF). These substrates were incubated for 300 days, and respiration, mineralized N, and active microbial biomass were measured. Samples with elevated N gave 15% lower cumulative respiration for all five substrates. Over the 300-day incubation, the Oe+a gave twice the cumulative respiration (gCkg–1 initial C) as the LF, which gave slightly higher respiration than the HF. Respiration was 35% higher for the WS than for the RF. Mineralized N was similar between N treatments and between the LF and HF. Net N mineralized by the LF over the course of the 300-day incubation decreased with higher C:N ratio, due presumably to N immobilization to meet metabolic demands. The pattern was opposite for HF, however, which could be explained by a release of N in excess of metabolic demands due to recalcitrance of the HF organic matter. Mineralized N increased with respiration for the HF but showed no pattern, or perhaps even decreased, for the LF. WS and RF showed decreasing active microbial biomass near the end of the incubation, which corresponded with decreasing respiration and increasing nitrate. Our results show that long-term elevated N stabilized organic matter in whole soil and soil fractions.  相似文献   

To improve knowledge on the role of microbial processes in phosphorus (P) transformations in highly weathered subtropical soil, dynamics in microbial biomass C (BC) and P (BP), and Olsen-P in a subtropical Ultisol following amendments with glucose at 2 g C kg−1 soil (G2) and rice straw at 2 and 4 g C kg−1 soil (RS2 and RS4) was studied during a 43-day incubation period at 25°C and 45% of soil water-holding capacity. By 3 days, the amount of soil BC had increased about 3.2, 1.7, and 2.6 times for G2, RS2, and RS4, respectively. The amount of soil BC significantly decreased between 3 and 7 days for G2 and 3 and 14 days for RS4, and thereafter remained almost steady throughout the 43-day incubation period, at levels about 1.6–2.4 times larger than for the control (no organic amendment; CK). The amount of soil BP for G2 and RS4 almost doubled by 3 or 7 days, then remained relatively steady, and for RS2, maintained relatively constant (6.7–8.2 mg kg−1 soil) throughout 43-day incubation period, whereas it declined by about 50% for CK. A significant decrease (3.5 mg kg−1 soil) in Olsen-P occurred in G2 by 3 days; indicating a close response of available P to microbial immobilization. Also, the amounts of Al- and Fe-bound P in G2 and Fe-bound-P in RS4 decreased significantly, as determined at 43 days. In conclusion, organic amendment enhances microbial immobilization and transformations of P, but the turnover of BP behaves in different patterns as BC in highly weathered subtropical soil.  相似文献   

Nagati  Mélissande  Roy  Mélanie  Manzi  Sophie  Richard  Franck  Desrochers  Annie  Gardes  Monique  Bergeron  Yves 《Plant and Soil》2018,432(1-2):345-357
Plant and Soil - While fungi are key drivers of the carbon cycle and obligate symbionts of trees, the link between plant-fungal interactions and landscape vegetation changes has been largely...  相似文献   


Backgrounds and aims

Interactions between plants can be both positive and negative, denoting facilitation and competition. Although facilitative effects of having legume neighbours (focus on yield productivity) are well studied, a better mechanistic understanding of how legumes interact with non-legumes in terms of root distribution is needed. We tested the effects of neighbour identity, its spatial location, as well as the effects of plant order of arrival on above and belowground traits and root distribution.


We performed a rhizotron experiment (4 weeks duration) in which we grew maize alone, with only a legume, only another grass, or with both species and tracked roots of the plant species using green and red fluorescent markers.


Maize grew differently when it had a neighbour, with reduced development when growing with wheat compared to alone. Growing with a legume generally equated to the same outcome as not having a neighbour. Roots grew towards the legume species and away from the wheat. Order of arrival affected aboveground traits to a certain extent, but its effects on maize roots were dependent on spatial location.


Our study provides evidence of facilitation, showing the importance of the identity of the neighbours, together with their spatial location, and how order of arrival can modulate the outcome of these initial interactions.

Disturbances by fire and harvesting are thought to regulate the carbon balance of the Canadian boreal forest over scales of several decades. However, there are few direct measurements of carbon fluxes following disturbances to provide data needed to refine mathematical models. The eddy covariance technique was used with paired towers to measure fluxes simultaneously at disturbed and undisturbed sites over periods of about one week during the growing season in 1998 and 1999. Comparisons were conducted at three sites: a 1‐y‐old burned jackpine stand subjected to an intense crown fire at the International Crown Fire Modelling Experiment site near Fort Providence, North‐west Territories; a 1‐y‐old clearcut aspen area at the EMEND project near Peace River, Alberta; and a 10‐y‐old burned, mixed forest near Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan. Nearby mature forest stands of the same types were also measured as controls. The harvested site had lower net radiation (Rn), sensible (H) and latent (LE) heat fluxes, and greater ground heat fluxes (G) than the mature forest. Daytime CO2 fluxes were much reduced, but night‐time CO2 fluxes were identical to that of the mature aspen forest. It is hypothesized that the aspen roots remained alive following harvesting, and dominated soil respiration. The overall effect was that the harvested site was a carbon source of about 1.6 gC m?2 day?1, while the mature site was a sink of about ?3.8 gC m?2 day?1. The one‐year‐old burn had lower Rn, H and LE than the mature jackpine forest, and had a continuous CO2 efflux of about 0.8 gC m–2 day?1 compared to the mature forest sink of ? 0.5 g C m?2 day?1. The carbon source was likely caused by decomposition of fire‐killed vegetation. The 10‐y‐old burned site had similar H, LE, and G to the mature mixed forest site. Although the diurnal amplitude of the CO2 fluxes were slightly lower at the 10‐y‐old site, there was no significant difference between the daily integrals (? 1.3 gC m?2 day?1 at both sites). It appears that most of the change in carbon flux occurs within the first 10 years following disturbance, but more data are needed on other forest and disturbance types for the first 20 years following the disturbance event.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation can be a viable alternative to traditional, more costly remediation techniques. Three greenhouse studies were conducted to evaluate plant growth with different soil amendments in crude oil-contaminated soil. Growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L., cultivar: Riley), bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L., cultivar: Common), crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis, cultivar: Large), fescue (Lolium arundinaceum Schreb., cultivar: Kentucky 31), and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., cultivar: Marshall) was determined in crude oil-contaminated soil amended with either inorganic fertilizer, hardwood sawdust, papermill sludge, broiler litter or unamended (control). In the first study, the addition of broiler litter reduced seed germination for ryegrass, fescue, and alfalfa. In the second study, bermudagrass grown in broiler litter-amended soil produced the most shoot biomass, bermudagrass produced the most root biomass, and crabgrass and bermudagrass produced the most root length. In the third study, soil amended with broiler litter resulted in the greatest reduction in gravimetric total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) levels across the six plant treatments following the 14-wk study. Ryegrass produced more root biomass than any other species when grown in inorganic fertilizer- or hardwood sawdust + inorganic fertilizer-amended soil. The studies demonstrated that soil amendments and plant species selection were important considerations for phytoremediation of crude oil-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied revegetation patterns after experimental fine-scale disturbance (e.g. uprooting) in an old-growth Picea abies forest in southeastern Norway. An experimental severity gradient was established by manipulation of the depth of soil disturbance; two types of disturbed areas were used. Species recovery was recorded in the disturbed patches in three successive years after disturbance. The cover of vascular plants and, even more so the cover of bryophytes and lichens, recovered slowly after disturbance. The least severe treatments (removal of vegetation and removal of vegetation and the litter layer) was followed by the fastest recovery. The mean number of vascular plant species was usually higher three years after disturbance than before disturbance, while the opposite was true for bryophytes. Several vascular plant species that were abundant in intact forest floor vegetation (Vaccinium myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea and Deschampsia flexuosa) recovered during a three-year period primarily by resprouting from intact rhizomes and clonal in-growth. Other important recovery mechanisms included germination from a soil-buried propagule bank (e.g. Luzula pilosa, Plagiothecium laetum agg., Pohlia nutans and Polytrichum spp.) and dispersal of propagules into the disturbed patches (e.g. Betula pubescens and Picea abies). Microsite limitation seemed to occur in several species that were abundant in the soil propagule bank (e.g. the ferns Athyrium filix-femina, Gymnocarpium dryopteris and Phegopteris connectilis) but which did not appear in disturbed patches. Disturbance severity influenced revegetation patterns, recorded both as trajectories of vegetation composition in a DCA ordination space and as change in floristic dissimilarity. The length of the successional path (compositional change measured in β-diversity units) increased with increasing disturbance severity, and was also influenced by the area of the disturbed patch and the distance to intact vegetation. The rate of succession depended on the method by which it was measured; decreasing year by year in floristic space, while first decreasing and then increasing in ordination space. The reason for this difference is explained.  相似文献   

The accumulation of soil carbon (C) is regulated by a complex interplay between abiotic and biotic factors. Our study aimed to identify the main drivers of soil C accumulation in the boreal forest of eastern North America. Ecosystem C pools were measured in 72 sites of fire origin that burned 2–314 years ago over a vast region with a range of ? mean annual temperature of 3°C and one of ? 500 mm total precipitation. We used a set of multivariate a priori causal hypotheses to test the influence of time since fire (TSF), climate, soil physico‐chemistry and bryophyte dominance on forest soil organic C accumulation. Integrating the direct and indirect effects among abiotic and biotic variables explained as much as 50% of the full model variability. The main direct drivers of soil C stocks were: TSF >bryophyte dominance of the FH layer and metal oxide content >pH of the mineral soil. Only climate parameters related to water availability contributed significantly to explaining soil C stock variation. Importantly, climate was found to affect FH layer and mineral soil C stocks indirectly through its effects on bryophyte dominance and organo‐metal complexation, respectively. Soil texture had no influence on soil C stocks. Soil C stocks increased both in the FH layer and mineral soil with TSF and this effect was linked to a decrease in pH with TSF in mineral soil. TSF thus appears to be an important factor of soil development and of C sequestration in mineral soil through its influence on soil chemistry. Overall, this work highlights that integrating the complex interplay between the main drivers of soil C stocks into mechanistic models of C dynamics could improve our ability to assess C stocks and better anticipate the response of the boreal forest to global change.  相似文献   

不同森林恢复类型对土壤微生物群落的影响   总被引:42,自引:4,他引:42  
为了评价不同森林恢复类型与方式对南方红壤丘陵区退化生态系统土壤微生物群落的影响,借助氯仿熏蒸法、平板涂抹法和BIOLOG检测法,比较研究了4种森林恢复类型土壤微生物的群落特征.结果表明,4种森林恢复类型土壤微生物生物量碳、细菌数量差异显著,2项指标均以天然次生林土壤最高,人工林次之,荒地最差;碳源平均颜色变化率(AWCD法)和微生物代谢多样性指数(丰富度和多样性)在5种植被类型的土壤中也有明显差异,其趋势与微生物量碳、细菌数量基本相同;天然次生林土壤微生物群落利用碳源的整体能力和功能多样性比人工林和荒地强.相关分析表明,0~20和20~40cm土壤微生物的代谢多样性与根系生物量紧密相关(r=0.933,P<0.05;r=0.925,P<0.05).自然恢复更有利于改善土壤微生物的结构和功能.  相似文献   

The effect of disturbance on local communities may operate within the context of the spatial landscape. We examined the scale-dependent effects of windthrow disturbance caused by a large typhoon on three arthropod communities in a temperate forest of Japan. Canopy arthropods were collected by beating foliage, forest-floor arthropods were collected by sweeping the vegetation, and flying arthropods were collected in Malaise traps. To assess the “functional spatial scale” at which arthropods responded to tree-fall disturbance, the gap rate was quantified at different spatial scales by sequentially enlarging the radius of a circular landscape sector in 10-m increments from 10 to 500 m. We then analyzed the responses of order richness and abundance to the gap rate for each arthropod community. The spatial scale of the significant best-fitting model, which was selected from the models fitted to the gap rate at stepwise spatial scales, was regarded as the arthropod-specific functional spatial scale. Arthropod order richness was not dependent on the gap rate. In contrast, arthropod order abundance depended significantly on the gap rate in many orders, but varied in the response direction and functional spatial scale. These order-specific, scale-dependent responses to tree-fall gaps could complicate interactions among organisms, leading to complex community organization. An understanding of the spatial processes that link the use of space by organisms with the spatial scale at which ecological processes are experienced is required to elucidate the responses of populations, communities, and biotic interactions to disturbances in a spatial landscape context.  相似文献   

耕作方式对紫色水稻土有机碳和微生物生物量碳的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
以位于西南大学的农业部紫色土生态环境重点野外科学观测试验站始于1990年的长期定位试验田为对象,研究了冬水田平作(DP)、水旱轮作(SH)、垄作免耕(LM)及垄作翻耕(LF)等4种耕作方式对紫色水稻土有机碳(SOC)和微生物生物量碳(SMBC)的影响。结果表明,4种耕作方式下SOC和SMBC均呈现出在土壤剖面垂直递减趋势,翻耕栽培下其降低较均匀,而免耕栽培下其富集在表层土壤中。同一土层不同耕作方式间SOC和SMBC的差异在表层最大,随着土壤深度的增加,各处理之间的差异逐渐减小。在0—60 cm剖面中,SOC含量依次为:LM(17.6 g/kg)>DP(13.9 g/kg)>LF(12.5 g/kg)>SH(11.3 g/kg),SOC储量也依次为:LM(158.52 Mg C/hm2)>DP(106.74 Mg C/hm2)>LF(93.11 Mg C/hm2)>SH(88.59 Mg C/hm2),而SMBC含量则依次为:LM(259 mg/kg)>SH(213 mg/kg)>LF(160 mg/kg)>DP(144 mg/kg)。与其它3种耕作方式比较,LM处理显著提高SOC含量和储量以及SMBC含量。对土壤微生物商(SMBC/SOC)进行分析发现,耕作方式对SOC和SMBC的影响程度并不一致。SMBC与SOC、全氮、全磷、全硫、碱解氮、有效磷均呈现极显著正相关(P<0.01),与有效硫呈显著正相关(P<0.05);表明SMBC可以作为表征紫色水稻土土壤肥力的敏感因子。  相似文献   

According to the singular hypothesis of plant diversity, different plant species are expected to make unique contributions to ecosystem functioning. Hence, individual species would support distinct microbial communities. It was hypothesized that microbial community dynamics in the respective rhizospheres of, two floristically divergent species, Agrostis capillaris and Prunella vulgaris that were dominant in a temperate, upland grassland in northern Greece, would support distinct microbial communities, in agreement to the singular hypothesis. Phospholipid lipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles of the rhizosphere soil microbial community were obtained from the grassland which had been subjected to factorial nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization over five plant growth seasons. The soil cores analyzed were centered on stands of the two co-occurring target plant species, sampled from five blocks in all four factorial N and P fertilization combinations. Distinct PLFA clustering patterns following principle component analysis of PLFA concentrations revealed that, in the absence of P fertilization, soils under the two plant species supported divergent microbial communities. In the P fertilized plots, however, no such distinction could be observed. Results reveal that nutrient fertilization may mask the ability of plant species to shape their own rhizosphere microbial community.  相似文献   

Abstract. Analysis of pollen, charcoal and loss-on-ignition in peat cores from a Picea aèies-dominated swamp forest in central Sweden show the vegetation changes and disturbance patterns over 9500 yr. Six major sequences of local vegetation development are identified: (A) Pinus period, ca. 9500–7000 cal. BP; (B) Open mire period (ca. 7000–4500 cal. BP; (C) Betula period, ca. 4500–2300 cal. BP; (D) Picea period (ca. 2300–1000 cal. BP; (E) Human impact period (ca. 1000–100 cal. BP); and (F) Period of human abandonment during the last ca. 100 yr. The swamp forest has been highly dynamic in response to various natural and anthropogenic disturbance agencies. Several fires have heavily influenced the vegetation development. During the last ca. 900 yr human influence has been important, initially from grazing and trampling by domesticated animals (ca. 1000–500 cal. BP), and subsequently small-scale cereal growing (ca. 400–100 BP). Cutting, burning and animal browsing influenced the structure and dynamics of the swamp forest by creating a more open stand and suppressing tree regeneration. Recent cessation of human impact has led to increased tree regeneration and a denser swamp forest stand. The present high biodiversity, and subsequent conservation interest does not result from long-term stability or absence of fire and human impact. However, in spite of repeated disturbances, a continuity of old and senescent trees produced a forest type with abundant dead wood. With the relatively minor importance of fire over long periods of time, the swamp forest developed a structure maintaining a high biological diversity. An important issue for maintaining long-term biodiversity in the boreal landscape must be to create a mosaic where different forest types are present, with a variety of structures, substrates and processes, to provide a certain degree of freedom for species to move around in the landscape.  相似文献   

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