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In maize, a layer of basal endosperm cells adjacent to the pedicel is modified for a function in solute transfer. Three genes specifically expressed in this region, termed the basal endosperm transfer layer (BETL-2 to -4), were isolated by differential hybridization. BETL-2 to -4 are coordinately expressed in early and mid-term endosperm development, but are absent at later stages. BETL-2 to -4 coding sequences all predict small (<100 amino acids), secreted, cysteine-rich polypeptides which lack close relatives in current database accessions. BETL-3 and BETL-1 display some sequence similarities with each other and to plant defensins. BETL-2 to -4 promoter regions were isolated and compared, revealing the presence of a promoter-proximal microsatellite repeat as the most highly conserved sequence element in each sequence. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) showed that specific BETL-2 to -4 promoter fragments competed for binding to the same DNA-binding activity in nuclear extracts prepared from maize endosperm. Although BETL-2 to -4 are only expressed in basal endosperm cells, the DNA-binding activities detected were of two types: distal endosperm-specific, or present in both basal and distal endosperm extracts. On the basis of these findings, a model to account for the coordinate regulation of BETL genes in endosperm cells is proposed.  相似文献   

Lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) are members of the family of pathogenesis-related proteins (PR-14) that are believed to be involved in plant defense responses. In this study, a novel gene Ltp 3F1 encoding an antifungal protein from wheat (Sumai 3) was subcloned, overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL-21 (DE3) and enriched using ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by gel permeation chromatography. Molecular phylogeny analyses of wheat Ltp 3F1 gene showed a strong identity to other plant LTPs. Predicted three-dimensional structural model showed the presence of 6 α-helices and 9 loop turns. The active site catalytic residues Gly30, Pro50, Ala52 and Cys55 may be suggested for catalyzing the reaction involved in lipid binding. SDS–PAGE analysis confirmed the production of recombinant fusion protein. The LTP fusion protein exhibited a broad-spectrum antifungal activity against Alternaria sp., Rhizoctonia solani, Curvularia lunata, Bipolaris oryzae, Cylindrocladium scoparium, Botrytis cinerea and Sarocladium oryzae. Gene cassette with cyanamide hydratase (cah) marker and Ltp 3F1 gene was constructed for genetic transformation in tobacco. Efficient regeneration was achieved in selective media amended with cyanamide. Transgenic plants with normal phenotype were obtained. Results of PCR and Southern, Northern and Western hybridization analyses confirmed the integration and expression of genes in transgenic plants. Experiments with detached leaves from transgenic tobacco expressing Ltp 3F1 gene showed fungal resistance. Due to the innate potential of broad-spectrum antifungal activity, wheat Ltp 3F1 gene can be used to enhance resistance against fungi in crop plants.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in the metabolic protein profiles of wheat endosperm   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

Zheng Y  Wang Z 《Plant cell reports》2011,30(7):1281-1288
In cereal seed, there are no symplastic connections between the maternal tissues and the endosperm. In order to facilitate solute transport, both the nucellar projection and its opposite endosperm epithelial cells in wheat caryopsis differentiate into transfer cells. In this paper, we did contrast observation and investigation of wheat endosperm transfer cells (ETC) and nucellar projection transfer cells (NPTC). The experimental results showed that there were some similarities and differences between ETC and NPTC. ETC and NPTC almost developed synchronously. Wall ingrowths of ETC and NPTC formed firstly in the first layer nearest to the endosperm cavity, and formed later in the inner layer further from the endosperm cavity. The mature ETC were mainly three layers and the mature NPTC were mainly four layers. Wall ingrowths of ETC were flange type and wall ingrowths of NPTC were reticulate type. NPTC were not nutrient-storing cells, but the first layer of ETC had aleurone cell features, and the second layer and third layer of ETC accumulated starch granules and protein bodies.  相似文献   

Among the cereals, wheat is the most widely grown geographically and is part of the staple diet in much of the world. Understanding how the cereal endosperm develops and functions will help generate better tools to manipulate grain qualities important to end-users. We used a genomics approach to identify and characterize genes that are expressed in the wheat endosperm. We analyzed the 17,949 publicly available wheat endosperm EST sequences to identify genes involved in the biological processes that occur within this tissue. Clustering and assembly of the ESTs resulted in the identification of 6,187 tentative unique genes, 2,358 of which formed contigs and 3,829 remained as singletons. A BLAST similarity search against the NCBI non-redundant sequence database revealed abundant messages for storage proteins, putative defense proteins, and proteins involved in starch and sucrose metabolism. The level of abundance of the putatively identified genes reflects the physiology of the developing endosperm. Half of the identified genes have unknown functions. Approximately 61% of the endosperm ESTs has been tentatively mapped in the hexaploid wheat genome. Using microarrays for global RNA profiling, we identified endosperm genes that are specifically up regulated in the developing grain.  相似文献   

Thionins are polypeptide toxins of about 5000 molecular weight, present in the endosperms of many Gramineae, which modify membrane permeability and inhibit macromolecular synthesis in cultured mammalian cells. Evidence is presented that they inhibit in vitro protein synthesis at micromolar concentrations in cell-free systems derived from wheat germ or from rabbit reticulocytes. Inhibition seems to occur by direct binding of mRNA by the toxin, as judged by the ability of thionins to mediate retention of RNA in nitrocellulose filters and by the dependence of inhibitory concentrations on the amount of exogenous RNA added to the wheat-germ translation system. Commercial preparations of wheat-germ have been found to include some endosperm contamination (up to 15%), which may result in at least partially inhibitory concentrations of the toxin in the cell-free extracts.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucoisomerase from cytosol of immature wheat endosperm was purified 650-fold by ammonium sulphate fractionation, isopropyl alcohol precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography and gel filtration through Sepharose CL-6B. The enzyme, with a molecular weight of about 130,000, exhibited maximum activity at pH 8.1. It showed typical hyperbolic kinetics with both fructose 6-P and glucose 6-P withK m of 0.18 mM and 0.44mM respectively. On either side of the optimum pH, the enzyme had lower affinity for the substrates. Using glucose 6-P as the substrate, the equilibrium was reached at 27% fructose 6-P and 73% glucose 6-P with an equilibrium constant of 2.7. The ΔF calculated from the apparent equilibrium constant was +597 cal mol-1. The activation energy calculated from the Arrhenius plot was 5500 cal mol-1. The enzyme was completely inhibited by ribose 5-P, ribulose 5-P and 6-phosphogluconate, withK i values of 0.17, 0.25 and 0.14 mM respectively. The probable role of the enzyme in starch biosynthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Storage proteins of wheat grains (Triticum L. em Thell) are deposited in protein bodies inside vacuoles. However, the subcellular sites and mechanisms of their aggregation into protein bodies are not clear. In the present report, we provide evidence for two different types of protein bodies, low- and high-density types that accumulate concurrently and independently in developing wheat endosperm cells. Gliadins were present in both types of protein bodies, whereas the high molecular weight glutenins were localized mainly in the dense ones. Pulse-chase experiments verified that the dense protein bodies were not formed by a gradual increase in density but, presumably, by a distinct, quick process of storage protein aggregation. Subcellular fractionation and electron microscopy studies revealed that the wheat homolog of immunoglobulin heavy-chain-binding protein, an endoplasmic reticulum-resident protein, was present within the dense protein bodies, implying that these were formed by aggregation of storage proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum. The present results suggest that a large part of wheat storage proteins aggregate into protein bodies within the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Because these protein bodies are too large to enter the Golgi, they are likely to be transported directly to vacuoles. This route may operate in concert with the known Golgi-mediated transport to vacuoles in which the storage proteins apparently condense into protein bodies at a postendoplasmic reticulum location. Our results further suggest that although gliadins are transported by either one of these routes, the high molecular weight glutenins use only the Golgi bypass route.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The trafficking of proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of plant cells is a topic of considerable interest since this organelle serves as an entry point for proteins destined for other organelles, as well as for the ER itself. In the current work, transgenic rice was used to study the pattern and pathway of deposition of the wheat high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin sub-unit (GS) 1Dx5 within the rice endosperm using specific antibodies to determine whether it is deposited in the same or different protein bodies from the rice storage proteins, and whether it is located in the same or separate phases within these.


The protein distribution and the expression pattern of HMW sub-unit 1Dx5 in transgenic rice endosperm at different stages of development were determined using light and electron microscopy after labelling with antibodies.

Key results

The use of HMW-GS-specific antibodies showed that sub-unit 1Dx5 was expressed mainly in the sub-aleurone cells of the endosperm and that it was deposited in both types of protein body present in the rice endosperm: derived from the ER and containing prolamins, and derived from the vacuole and containing glutelins. In addition, new types of protein bodies were also formed within the endosperm cells.


The results suggest that the HMW 1Dx5 protein could be trafficked by either the ER or vacuolar pathway, possibly depending on the stage of development, and that its accumulation in the rice endosperm could compromise the structural integrity of protein bodies and their segregation into two distinct populations in the mature endosperm.  相似文献   

Phosphohexose isomerase from amyloplasts of immature wheat endosperm was purified 133-fold. The enzyme had a molecular weight of 130 kDa and maximum activity at pH 8.6. It showed normal hyperbolic kinetics for both fructose-6-P and glucose-6-P with Km of 0.12 mM and 0.44 mM, respectively. pH had a great influence on Km for fructose-6-P. Using glucose-6-P as the substrate, the equilibrium was reached at 23% fructose-6-P and 77% glucose-6-P and an equilibrium constant of about 3.0. The delta F calculated from the apparent equilibrium constant was +742 cal.mol-1. The activation energy calculated from the Arrhenius plot was 7450 cal.mol-1. None of the sulphydryl reagents at 2.5 mM concentration inactivated the enzyme. The enzyme was competitively inhibited by 6-phosphogluconate, ribose-5-P and ribulose-5-P with Ki values of 0.18, 0.14, and 0.13 mM, respectively. The probable role of the enzyme in starch biosynthesis in amyloplasts is discussed.  相似文献   

Growth of the maize (Zea mays) endosperm is tightly regulated by maternal zygotic and sporophytic genes, some of which are subject to a parent-of-origin effect. We report here a novel gene, maternally expressed gene1 (meg1), which shows a maternal parent-of-origin expression pattern during early stages of endosperm development but biallelic expression at later stages. Interestingly, a stable reporter fusion containing the meg1 promoter exhibits a similar pattern of expression. meg1 is exclusively expressed in the basal transfer region of the endosperm. Further, we show that the putatively processed MEG1 protein is glycosylated and subsequently localized to the labyrinthine ingrowths of the transfer cell walls. Hence, the discovery of a parent-of-origin gene expressed solely in the basal transfer region opens the door to epigenetic mechanisms operating in the endosperm to regulate certain aspects of nutrient trafficking from the maternal tissue into the developing seed.  相似文献   

Summary Total endosperm proteins extracted from both several common wheat cultivars and some intervarietal substitution lines derived from them were fractionated according to their molecular weight in a high resolution one-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The four donor cultivars and the recipient one — Chinese Spring, possessed differentially migrating protein bands in the fractions of high molecular weight (HMW) glutenins and gliadins. Several of these bands were identified for the first time in this study. By utilizing intervarietal substitution lines the control of the HMW glutenins and gliadins by chromosomes of homoeologous group 1 was either reaffirmed or, for the new bands, established. Several HMW gliadin subunits showed a considerable variation in their staining intensity in the intervarietal substitution lines indicating that their expression was dependent on the genetic background.This paper is based on a portion of a dissertation to be submitted by G. Galili in partial fulfilment of the Ph.D. requirements of the Feinberg Graduate School, The Weizmann Institute of Science, RehovotThe Marshall and Edith Korshak Professor of Plant Cytogenetics  相似文献   

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