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Grain protein content in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is generally considered a highly heritable character that is negatively correlated with grain yield and yield-related traits. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) for protein content was mapped using data on protein content and protein content conditioned on the putatively interrelated traits to evaluate possible genetic interrelationships between protein content and yield, as well as yield-related traits. Phenotypic data were evaluated in a recombinant inbred line population with 302 lines derived from a cross between the Chinese cultivar Weimai 8 and Luohan 2. Inclusive composite interval mapping using IciMapping 3.0 was employed for mapping unconditional and conditional QTL with additives. A strong genetic relationship was found between protein content and grain yield, and yield-related traits. Unconditional QTL mapping analysis detected seven additive QTL for protein content, with additive effects ranging in absolute size from 0.1898% to 0.3407% protein content, jointly accounting for 43.45% of the trait variance. Conditional QTL mapping analysis indicated two QTL independent from yield, which can be used in marker-assisted selection for increasing yield without affecting grain protein content. Three additional QTL with minor effects were identified in the conditional mapping. Of the three QTLs, two were identified when protein content was conditioned on yield, which had pleiotropic effects on those two traits. Conditional QTL mapping can be used to dissect the genetic interrelationship between two traits at the individual QTL level for closely correlated traits. Further, conditional QTL mapping can reveal additional QTL with minor effects that are undetectable in unconditional mapping.  相似文献   

For discovering the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) contributing to early seedling growth and drought tolerance during germination, conditional and unconditional analyses of 12 traits of wheat seedlings: coleoptile length, seedling height, longest root length, root number, seedling fresh weight, stem and leaves fresh weight, root fresh weight, seedling dry weight, stem and leaves dry weight, root dry weight, root to shoot fresh weight ratio, root-to-shoot dry weight ratio, were conducted under two water conditions using two F8:9 recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations. The results of unconditional analysis are as follows: 88 QTLs accounting for 3.33–77.01% of the phenotypic variations were detected on chromosomes 1A, 1B, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2D, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4D, 5A, 5B, 5D, 6A, 6B, 6D, 7A, 7B and 7D. Among these QTLs, 19 were main-effect QTLs with a contribution rate greater than 10%. The results of the conditional QTL analysis of 12 traits under osmotic stress on normal water conditions were as follows: altogether 22 QTLs concerned with drought tolerance were detected on chromosomes 1B, 2A, 2B, 3B, 4A, 5D, 6A, 6D, 7B, and 7D. Of these QTLs, six were main-effect QTLs. These 22 QTLs were all special loci directly concerned with drought tolerance and most of them could not be detected by unconditional analysis. The finding of these QTLs has an important significance for fine-mapping technique, map-based cloning, and molecular marker-assisted selection of early seedling traits, such as growth and drought tolerance.  相似文献   

In bread wheat, single-locus and two-locus QTL analyses were conducted for seven yield and yield contributing traits using two different mapping populations (P I and P II). Single-locus QTL analyses involved composite interval mapping (CIM) for individual traits and multiple-trait composite interval mapping (MCIM) for correlated yield traits to detect the pleiotropic QTLs. Two-locus analyses were conducted to detect main effect QTLs (M-QTLs), epistatic QTLs (E-QTLs) and QTL × environment interactions (QE and QQE). Only a solitary QTL for spikelets per spike was common between the above two populations. HomoeoQTLs were also detected, suggesting the presence of triplicate QTLs in bread wheat. Relatively fewer QTLs were detected in P I than in P II. This may be partly due to low density of marker loci on P I framework map (173) than in P II (521) and partly due to more divergent parents used for developing P II. Six QTLs were important which were pleiotropic/coincident involving more than one trait and were also consistent over environments. These QTLs could be utilized efficiently for marker assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

Oil content in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is generally regarded as a character with high heritability that is negatively correlated with protein content and influenced by plant developmental and yield related traits. To evaluate possible genetic interrelationships between these traits and oil content, QTL for oil content were mapped using data on oil content and on oil content conditioned on the putatively interrelated traits. Phenotypic data were evaluated in a segregating doubled haploid population of 282 lines derived from the F1 of a cross between the old German cultivar Sollux and the Chinese cultivar Gaoyou. The material was tested at four locations, two each in Germany and in China. QTLMapper version 1.0 was used for mapping unconditional and conditional QTL with additive (a) and locus pairs with additive × additive epistatic (aa) effects. Clear evidence was found for a strong genetic relationship between oil and protein content. Six QTL and nine epistatic locus pairs were found, which had pleiotropic effects on both traits. Nevertheless, two QTL were also identified, which control oil content independent from protein content and which could be used in practical breeding programs to increase oil content without affecting seed protein content. In addition, six additional QTL with small effects were only identified in the conditional mapping. Some evidence was apparent for a genetic interrelationship between oil content and the number of seeds per silique but no evidence was found for a genetic relationship between oil content and flowering time, grain filling period or single seed weight. The results indicate that for closely correlated traits conditional QTL mapping can be used to dissect the genetic interrelationship between two traits at the level of individual QTL. Furthermore, conditional QTL mapping can reveal additional QTL with small effects that are undetectable in unconditional mapping.  相似文献   

Tiller number (TN) and spike number per plant (SN) are key components of grain yield and/or biomass in wheat. In this study, an introgression line 05210, developed by introgression of chromosomal segments from a synthetic exotic wheat Am3 into an elite cultivar Laizhou953, showed a significantly increased TN and SN, but shorter spike length (SL) and fewer grain number per spike (GNS) than Laizhou953. To investigate the quantitative trait locus (QTL) responsible for these variations, the introgressed segments in 05210 were screened by SSR markers and one follow-up segregation population was developed from the cross 05210/Laizhou953. The population showed 3:1 segregation ratios for SN, SL and GNS, indicating that QTLs for these traits have been dissected into single Mendelian factors. Bulked segregation analysis showed that the markers located on the 4B introgressed segment were polymorphic between the two bulks. Therefore, they were further analyzed in the F2 population to construct a linkage map. Three new QTLs, QSn.sdau-4B, QSl.sdau-4B and QGns.sdau-4B, were detected for SN, SL and GNS, respectively, which explained a large portion of the phenotypic variation (30.1–67.6%) for these traits with overlapping peaks. Correlation analysis and multiple-trait, multiple-interval mapping (MMIM) suggested pleiotropic effects of the QTL on SN, SL and GNS. Therefore, the QTL was designated as QSn.sdau-4B. By a progeny test based on F3 families using SN, the QTL was mapped as a Mendelian factor to the proximal region of 4BL. It is a key QTL responsible for variation in spike number and size, which had not been reported previously. Thus, it is an important QTL for wheat to achieve high and stable biomass and grain yield. Dissection and mapping of this QTL as a Mendelian factor laid a solid foundation for map-based cloning of grain yield-related QTLs in wheat.  相似文献   

 Chromosome 5A of wheat carries major gene loci for agronomic traits including the vernalization requirement (Vrn-A1) and ear morphology (Q). To determine whether the genetic variation for ear emergence time and plant height is attributable to either of these major genes as pleiotropic effects or independent QTL, we combined a RFLP map constructed from 120 recombinant substitution lines derived from a cross between ‘Chinese Spring’ (Cappelle-Desprez 5A) and CS(Triticum spelta 5A) with data collected from field trials over 3 years. For ear emergence time the main effects on flowering time were by Vrn-A1 and QEet.ocs-5A.1, the latter a QTL in the 28.6-cM Xcdo584/Q interval linked to Q by less than 10 cM. The CS(T. spelta 5A) allele at QEet.ocs-5A.1 contributed to an earlier ear emergence time by 2.7–6.0 days, which was approximately equal to the effects of Vrn-A1. For plant height, three QTLs were identified on the long arm and linked in repulsion. The CS(T. spelta 5A) allele at Vrn-A1 or closely linked to Xfba068 contributed to a height reduction of 3.5–6.1 cm, whereas both the Q allele and Qt.ocs-5A.1 allele within the Xcdo1088/Xbcd9 interval from CS(Cappelle-Desprez 5A) produced a shorter plant. When plant height was partitioned into culm length and ear length, the Vrn-A1 allele and CS(Cappelle-Desprez 5A) allele at QCl.ocs-5A.1 within the Xcd1088/Xbcd9 interval were found to contribute to a shorter culm. CS(T. spelta 5A) allele at q was a major determinant of a long ear, together with minor effects at QEl.ocs-5A.1 within the Xcdo1088/Xbcd9 interval. Received: 1 April 1998 / Accepted: 13 July 1998  相似文献   

Starch content and its components are important for determining wheat end-use quality and yield. However, little information is available about their interactions at the QTL/gene level in more than one population using different QTL mapping methods. Therefore, to dissect these interactions, two mapping populations from two locations over 2 years were used. The QTLs for the populations were analyzed by unconditional and conditional QTL mapping by two different analysis methods. In the two populations, there were a total of 24 unconditional additive QTLs detected for flour amylose (FAMS), flour amylopectin (FAMP), flour total starch (FTSC), and the ratio of FAMS to FAMP using ICIMapping4.1 methods, but 26 unconditional QTLs were found using QTLNetwork2.0 methods. Of these QTLs, 10 stable major additive QTLs were identified in more than one environment, mainly distributed on chromosomes 3B, 4A, 5A, and 7D. The maximum percentage of phenotypic variance explained (PVE) reached 54.31%. Two new unconditional major additive QTLs on chromosome 3B (Qftsc3B and Qfamp3B) were found. A total of 23 and 19 conditional additive QTLs were identified in the two populations using two different methods, respectively. Of which, eight and six stable major conditional QTLs were detected on chromosomes 3B, 4A, and 7D, respectively. New repressed QTLs were identified, such as Qftsc/fams5B-1 and Qftsc/fams5B-2. There were 20 epistatic unconditional and 15 conditional QTLs detected. In all, important QTLs on chromosomes 3B, 4A, and 7A were found in both populations. However, the number of important QTLs in the special recombinant inbred line (RIL) population was higher than that in the double haploid (DH) population, especially on chromosomes 7D and 5B. Moreover, the QTLs on chromosomes 4A, 7A, and 7D were close to the Wx-1 loci in the RIL population. These indicated better results can be obtained by a special population to target traits than by a common population. The important QTLs on key chromosomes can always be detected no matter what kinds of populations are used, such as the QTLs on chromosome 4A. In addition, QTL clusters were found on chromosomes 4A, 3B, 7A, 7D, and 5A in the two populations, indicating these chromosome regions were very important for starch biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary A study to obtain information on early segregating generations of an intervarietal cross WG 357 X Tobari 66 in spring wheat on the genetics of days to heading, plant height, ear length and spikelets per spike was conducted. WG 357 has amber, hard and lustrous grains and is a well adapted high yielding variety of North India whereas Tobari 66 is red grained introduction from CIMMYT.The parental F1, F2, B1, B2, biparentals, F3 (parents of biparentals), F3 bulk and F4 bulk generations were studied in order to provide analysis of generations means (Mather 1949; Hayman 1958) and variance component analysis (Kearsay 1965; Perkins and Jinks 1970).There were highly significant differences among the generations for all the characters studied. There were significant differences among the F3 lines as well as among the biparental progenies. Only in case of ear length was the contrast between the two also significant. The mean value of most of the generations arising from the cross fell between the parental range.The three-parameter model failed to account for the variation in generation means in the case of days to heading. This character was concluded to be influenced by linkage and higher order interactions. For the other characters the three parameter model was adequate. For all characters, additive gene effects were most important as compared to dominance gene effects.The analysis of gene action as provided by the generation variance indicated that additive variance was much more pronounced as compared to dominance variance. The heritability was high for days to heading (71 per cent for narrow sense and 80 per cent in broad sense) and plant height (62 and 93 per cent in narrow and broad sense respectively.The implications of the results in breeding programmes have been discussed.  相似文献   

QTL mapping of stay-green in two sorghum recombinant inbred populations   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The stay-green trait is a reported component of tolerance to terminal drought stress in sorghum. To map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for stay-green, two sorghum recombinant inbred populations (RIPs) of 226 F(3:5) lines each were developed from crosses (1) IS9830 x E36-1 and (2) N13 x E36-1. The common parental line, E36-1 of Ethiopian origin, was the stay-green trait source. The genetic map of RIP 1 had a total length of 1,291 cM, with 128 markers (AFLPs, RFLPs, SSRs and RAPDs) distributed over ten linkage groups. The map of RIP 2 spanned 1,438 cM and contained 146 markers in 12 linkage groups. The two RIPs were evaluated during post-rainy seasons at Patancheru, India, in 1999/2000 (RIP 2) and 2000/2001 (RIP 1). The measures of stay-green mapped were the green leaf area percentages at 15, 30 and 45 days after flowering (% GL15, % GL30 and % GL45, respectively). Estimated repeatabilities for % GL15, % GL30 and % GL45 amounted to 0.89, 0.81 and 0.78 in RIP 1, and 0.91, 0.88 and 0.85 in RIP 2, respectively. The number of QTLs for the three traits detected by composite interval mapping ranged from 5 to 8, explaining 31% to 42% of the genetic variance. In both RIPs, both parent lines contributed stay-green alleles. Across the three measures of the stay-green trait, three QTLs on linkage groups A, E and G were common to both RIPs, with the stay-green alleles originating from E36-1. These QTLs were therefore consistent across the tested genetic backgrounds and years. After QTL validation across sites and verification of the general benefit of the stay-green trait for grain yield performance and stability in the target areas, the corresponding chromosomal regions could be candidates for marker-assisted transfer of stay-green into elite materials.  相似文献   

Association mapping of dynamic developmental plant height in common wheat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Zhang J  Hao C  Ren Q  Chang X  Liu G  Jing R 《Planta》2011,234(5):891-902
Drought as a major abiotic stress often occurs from stem elongation to the grain filling stage of wheat in northern China. Plant height (PH) is a suitable trait to model the dissection of drought tolerance. The purposes of the present study were to validate molecular markers for PH developmental behavior and identify elite alleles of molecular markers. After the phenotyping of 154 accessions for PH dynamic development under well-watered (WW) and drought stressed (DS) conditions, and the genotyping of 60 SSR markers from six candidate chromosome regions related to PH found in our previous linkage mapping studies, both parameters PH and drought tolerance coefficient (DTC) calculated by the conditional analysis were used for association mapping. A total of 46 significant association signals (P < 0.01) were identified in 23 markers, and phenotypic variation ranged from 7 to 50%. Among them, four markers Xgwm261-2D, Xgwm495-4B, Xbarc109-4B and Xcfd23-4D were detected under both water regimes. Furthermore, 10 markers were associated with DTC, and four with both parameters PH and DTC at the same plant development stage. The results revealed different allelic effects of associated markers; for example, the 155 bp Xgwm495-4B allele was associated with a reduced height of −11.2 cm under DS and −15.3 cm under WW, whereas the 167 bp allele exhibited increased height effects of 3.9 and 8.1 cm, respectively. This study demonstrates a strong power of joint association analysis and linkage mapping for the identification of important genes in wheat.  相似文献   

QTL mapping analysis of plant height and ear height of maize (Zea mays L.)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Zhang ZM  Zhao MJ  Ding HP  Rong TZ  Pan GT 《Genetika》2006,42(3):391-396
Genetic map containing 103 microsatellite loci obtained on 200 F2 plants derived from the cross R15 x 478 was used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in maize. QTL were characterized in a population of 200 F2:4 lines, derived from selfing the F2 plants, and were evaluated with two replications in two environments. QTL determinations were made from the mean of these two environments. Plant height (PH) and ear height (EH) were measured. Using composite interval mapping (CIM) method, a total of 14 distinct QTLs were identified: nine for PH and five for EH. Additive, partial dominance, dominance, and overdominance actions existed among all detected QTL affecting plant height and ear height. The QTL explained 78.27% of the phenotypic variance of PH and 41.50% of EH. The 14 QTLs displayed mostly dominance or partial dominance gene action and mapped to chromosomes 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9.  相似文献   

QTL mapping experiments in plant breeding may involve multiple populations or pedigrees that are related through their ancestors. These known relationships have often been ignored for the sake of statistical analysis, despite their potential increase in power of mapping. We describe here a Bayesian method for QTL mapping in complex plant populations and reported the results from its application to a (previously analysed) potato data set. This Bayesian method was originally developed for human genetics data, and we have proved that it is useful for complex plant populations as well, based on a sensitivity analysis that was performed here. The method accommodates robustness to complex structures in pedigree data, full flexibility in the estimation of the number of QTL across multiple chromosomes, thereby accounting for uncertainties in the transmission of QTL and marker alleles due to incomplete marker information, and the simultaneous inclusion of non-genetic factors affecting the quantitative trait.  相似文献   

不同生长环境下水稻最上节间长度QTL定位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔保建  王盈盈  朱晓彪  洪德林 《遗传》2007,29(8):1001-1001―1007
利用由98 个家系组成的 Nipponbare/Kasalath//Nipponbare 回交重组自交系(backcross inbred lines, BIL)作图群体(BC1F12和BC1F13)和复合区间作图方法(CIM), 在3种不同的生长环境下对水稻最上节间长度进行了 QTL 分析。结果表明, 3种不同的生长环境共检测到 13 个 QTL , 分布于第 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11 染色体上, 解释性状变异的 3.97%~15.21%。其中qUIL-6在3种不同生长环境中均检测到, qUIL-1a, qUIL-3a, qUIL-3b和 qUIL-10a 等4个位点在两种不同生长环境中均被检测到, 说明这些 QTL 位点受环境影响较小, 表达较为稳定。  相似文献   


Key message

The QTL Fhb1 was successfully introgressed and validated in three durum wheat populations. The novel germplasm and the QTL detected will support improvement of Fusarium resistance in durum wheat.


Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) is particularly susceptible to Fusarium head blight (FHB) and breeding for resistance is hampered by limited genetic variation within this species. To date, resistant sources are mainly available in a few wild relative tetraploid wheat accessions. In this study, the effect of the well-known hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) quantitative trait locus (QTL) Fhb1 was assessed for the first time in durum wheat. Three F7-RIL mapping populations of about 100 lines were developed from crosses between the durum wheat experimental line DBC-480, which carries an Fhb1 introgression from Sumai-3, and the European T. durum cultivars Karur, Durobonus and SZD1029K. The RILs were evaluated in field experiments for FHB resistance in three seasons using spray inoculation and genotyped with SSR as well as genotyping-by-sequencing markers. QTL associated with FHB resistance were identified on chromosome arms 2BL, 3BS, 4AL, 4BS, 5AL and 6AS at which the resistant parent DBC-480 contributed the positive alleles. The QTL on 3BS was detected in all three populations centered at the Fhb1 interval. The Rht-B1 locus governing plant height was found to have a strong effect in modulating FHB severity in all populations. The negative effect of the semi-dwarf allele Rht-B1b on FHB resistance was compensated by combining with Fhb1 and additional resistance QTL. The successful deployment of Fhb1 in T. durum was further substantiated by assessing type 2 resistance in one population. The efficient introgression of Fhb1 represents a significant step forward for enhancing FHB resistance in durum wheat.

Kuang  Cheng-Hao  Zhao  Xiao-Fang  Yang  Ke  Zhang  Zhi-Peng  Ding  Li  Pu  Zhi-En  Ma  Jian  Jiang  Qian-Tao  Chen  Guo-Yue  Wang  Ji-Rui  Wei  Yu-Ming  Zheng  You-Liang  Li  Wei 《Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants》2020,26(6):1295-1307
Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants - The spike traits of wheat can directly affect yield. F2 and F2:3 lines derived from the cross of the multi-spikelet female 10-A and the uni-spikelet...  相似文献   

玉米株高和穗位高的QTL定位   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
杨晓军  路明  张世煌  周芳  曲延英  谢传晓 《遗传》2008,30(11):1477-1486
摘要: 用玉米自交系掖478和丹340构建了397个F2:3家系群体, 利用双亲间多态的150个共显性SSR标记绘制分子连锁图谱, 图谱总长度1 478.7 cM, 标记间平均距离10.0 cM。在5种环境下对株高和穗位高性状进行鉴定, 复合区间作图法检测到21个株高QTL和25个穗位高QTL。于第1和5染色体的umc2025-umc1035及umc1822-bnlg1118区域检测到平均贡献率分别为12.2%和14.9%的株高QTL。于第3和5染色体的phi029-umc1102及phi109188-bnlg1118区域检测到平均贡献率达到10.2%和22.8%的穗位高QTL。第5染色体的Bin5.05-5.07区域可能存在控制株高和穗位高的主效QTL。株高和穗位高的基因作用方式主要是加性和部分显性效应。文章还分析了群体大小及试验环境对株高和穗位高QTL定位结果的影响  相似文献   

Wheat head blast is a dangerous fungal disease in South America and has recently spread to Bangladesh and Zambia, threatening wheat production in those regions. Host resistance as an economical and environment-friendly management strategy has been heavily relied on, and understanding the resistance loci in the wheat genome is very helpful to resistance breeding. In the current study, two recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations, Alondra/Milan (with 296 RILs) and Caninde#2/Milan-S (with 254 RILs and Milan-S being a susceptible variant of Milan), were used for mapping QTL associated with head blast resistance in field experiments. Phenotyping was conducted in Quirusillas and Okinawa, Bolivia, and in Jashore, Bangladesh, during the 2017–18 and 2018–19 cropping cycles. The DArTseq® technology was employed to genotype the lines, along with four STS markers in the 2NS region. A QTL with consistent major effects was mapped on the 2NS/2AS translocation region in both populations, explaining phenotypic variation from 16.7 to 79.4% across experiments. Additional QTL were detected on chromosomes 2DL, 7AL, and 7DS in the Alondra/Milan population, and 2BS, 4AL, 5AS, 5DL, 7AS, and 7AL in the Caninde#2/Milan-S population, all showing phenotypic effects <10%. The results corroborated the important role of the 2NS/2AS translocation on WB resistance and identified a few novel QTL for possible deployment in wheat breeding. The low phenotypic effects of the non-2NS QTL warrantee further investigation for novel QTL with higher and more stable effects against WB, to alleviate the heavy reliance on 2NS-based resistance.Subject terms: Biotic, Plant breeding  相似文献   

Grain length in rice plays an important role in determining rice appearance, milling, cooking and eating quality. In this study, the genetic basis of grain length was dissected into six main-effect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and twelve pairs of epistatic QTLs. The stability of these QTLs was evaluated in four environments using an F7 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross between a Japonica variety, Asominori, and an Indica variety, IR24. Moreover, chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) harboring each of the six main-effect QTLs were used to evaluate gene action of QTLs across eight environments. A major QTL denoted as qGL-3a, was found to express stably not only in the isogenic background of Asominori but also in the recombinant background of Asominori and IR24 under multiple environments. The IR24 allele at qGL-3a has a positive effect on grain length. Based on the test of advanced backcross progenies, qGL-3a was dissected as a single Mendelian factor, i.e., long rice grain was controlled by a recessive gene gl-3. High-resolution genetic and physical maps were further constructed for fine mapping gl-3 by using 11 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers designed using sequence information from seven BAC/PAC clones and a BC4F2 population consisting of 2,068 individuals. Consequently, the gl-3 gene was narrowed down to a candidate genomic region of 87.5 kb long defined by SSR markers RMw357 and RMw353 on chromosome 3, which provides a basis for map-based cloning of this gene and for marker-aided QTL pyramiding in rice quality breeding.  相似文献   

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