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Y-family (lesion-bypass) DNA polymerases show the same overall structural features seen in other members of the polymerase superfamily, yet their active sites are more open, with fewer contacts to the DNA and nucleotide substrates. This raises the question of whether analogous active-site side chains play equivalent roles in the bypass polymerases and their classical DNA polymerase counterparts. In Klenow fragment, an A-family DNA polymerase, the steric gate side chain (Glu710) not only prevents ribonucleotide incorporation but also plays an important role in discrimination against purine-pyrimidine mispairs. In this work we show that the steric gate (Phe12) of the Y-family polymerase Dbh plays a very minor role in fidelity, despite its analogous role in sugar selection. Using ribonucleotide discrimination to report on the positioning of a mispaired dNTP, we found that the pyrimidine of a Pu-dPyTP nascent mispair occupies a similar position to that of a correctly paired dNTP in the Dbh active site, whereas in Klenow fragment the mispaired dNTP sits higher in the active site pocket. If purine-pyrimidine mispairs adopt the expected wobble geometry, the difference between the two polymerases can be attributed to the binding of the templating base, with the looser binding site of Dbh permitting a variety of template conformations with only minimal adjustment at the incoming dNTP. In Klenow fragment the templating base is more rigidly held, so that changes in base pair geometry would affect the dNTP position, allowing the Glu710 side chain to serve as a sensor of nascent mispairs.  相似文献   

Recent experiments have presented evidence that Watson–Crick hydrogen bonds in a base pair are not absolute requirements for efficient synthesis of that pair by DNA polymerase enzymes. Here we examine quantitative steady-state kinetic data from several published studies involving poorly hydrogen-bonding DNA base analogues and adducts, and analyze the results in terms of solvation, hydrogen bonding, and steric effects. We propose a mechanism that can explain the surprising lack of hydrogen-bonding requirement accompanied by significant selectivity in pairing. This hypothesis makes use of steric matching, enforced both by the tightly confined polymerase active site and by the DNA backbone, as a chief factor determining nucleotide selection during DNA synthesis. The results also suggest that hydrogen bonds from bases to water (solvation) may be important in increasing the effective size of DNA bases, which may help prevent misinsertion of small bases opposite each other. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 48: 3–17, 1998  相似文献   

The biological properties, classification and phylogeny of eukaryotic DNA polymerases are reviewed.  相似文献   

Knowledge about eukaryotic DNA polymerases has increased considerably during recent years. Much have been learnt about both the structures and the functions of "classical" DNA polymerases alpha, beta, delta, epsilon and gamma. New DNA polymerases that possess very unusual functions have been identified. They are able to perform translesional synthesis, take part in somatic hypermutation and prevent some cancers. Much attention has also been devoted to the role of 3'-->5' exonuclease activity in the accuracy of DNA synthesis. On the other hand, it have been shown that there are also negative aspects of the activity of DNA polymerases. Lack of some DNA polymerases or even their altered functions may lead to carcinogenesis and accelerate the process of ageing.  相似文献   

Albà M 《Genome biology》2001,2(1):REVIEWS3002-4
SUMMARY: Replicative DNA polymerases are essential for the replication of the genomes of all living organisms. On the basis of sequence similarities they can be classified into three types. Type A polymerases are homologous to bacterial polymerases I, Type B comprises archaebacterial DNA polymerases and eukaryotic DNA polymerase alpha, and the bacterial polymerase III class make up type C. Structures have been solved for several type A and B polymerases, which share a similar architecture. The structure of type C is not yet known. The catalytic mechanism of all three types involves two metal-ion-binding acidic residues in the active site. Replicative polymerases are constitutively expressed, but their activity is regulated through the cell cycle and in response to different growth conditions.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases of eukaryotes   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  


Several years ago, we published an hypothesis concerning conformation of the glycone moiety of different substrates in active centers of several DNA metabolizing enzymes (Nucleosides & Nucleotides 1993, 12, 649–670). This hypothesis prompted us to further study the subtle conformational changes on substrates of DNA polymerases. Data collected in our, as well as other laboratories, have been analyzed, and models of active centers of different DNA polymerases are discussed below. Based on the model of substrate requirements, we now can divide DNA polymerases into two distinguished classes.  相似文献   

Discrimination against ribonucleotides by DNA polymerases is critical to preserve DNA integrity. For many DNA polymerases, including those of the Y family, rNTP discrimination has been attributed to steric clashes between a residue near the active site, the steric gate, and the 2′-hydroxyl of the incoming rNTP. Here we used hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry (MS) to probe the effects of the steric gate in the Y-family DNA polymerases Escherichia coli DinB and human DNA pol κ. Formation of a ternary complex with a G:dCTP base pair in the active site resulted in slower hydrogen exchange relative to a ternary complex with G:rCTP in the active site. The protection from exchange was localized to regions both distal and proximal to the active site, suggesting that DinB and DNA pol κ adopt different conformations depending on the sugar of the incoming nucleotide. In contrast, when the respective steric gate residues were mutated to alanine, the differences in HDX between the dNTP- and rNTP-bound ternary complexes were attenuated such that for DinB(F13A) and pol κ(Y112A), ternary complexes with either G:dCTP or G:rCTP base pairs had similar HDX profiles. Furthermore, the HDX in these ternary complexes resembled that of the rCTP-bound state rather than the dCTP-bound state of the wild-type enzymes. Primer extension assays confirmed that DinB(F13A) and pol κ(Y112A) do not discriminate against rNTPs to the same extent as the wild-type enzymes. Our observations indicate that the steric gate is crucial for rNTP discrimination because of its role in specifically promoting a dNTP-induced conformational change and that rNTP discrimination occurs in a relatively closed state of the polymerases.  相似文献   

There are many various chromosomal and gene mutations in human cancer cells. The total mutation rate in normal human cells is 2·10−7 mutations/gene/division. From 6 to 12 carcinogenic mutations can arise by the end of the life, and these can affect the structure of ∼150 protooncogenes and genes encoding suppressors of tumor growth. However, this does not explain the tens and hundreds of thousands of mutations detectable in cancer cells. Mutation is any change of nucleotide sequence in cellular DNA. Gene mutations are mainly consequences of errors of DNA polymerases, especially of their specialized fraction (inaccurate DNA polymerases β, ζ, η, θ, ι, κ, λ, μ, σ, ν, Rev1, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase, and only polymerases θ and σ manifest a slight 3′-exonuclease activity) and also consequences of a decrease in the rate of repair of these errors. Inaccurate specialized human polymerases are able to synthesize DNA opposite lesions in the DNA template, but their accuracy is especially low during synthesis on undamaged DNA. In the present review fundamental features of such polymerases are considered. DNA synthesis stops in the area of its lesion, but this block is overcome due to activities of inaccurate specialized DNA polymerases. After the lesion is bypassed, DNA synthesis is switched to accurate polymerases α, δ, ɛ, or γ. Mechanisms of direct and reverse switches of DNA polymerases as well as their modifications during carcinogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Vertebrate DNA polymerases.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
A Weissbach 《Cell》1975,5(2):101-108

Zinc in DNA polymerases   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  

Evolution balances DNA replication speed and accuracy to optimize replicative fitness and genetic stability. There is no selective pressure to improve DNA replication fidelity beyond the background mutation rate from other sources, such as DNA damage. However, DNA polymerases remain amenable to amino acid substitutions that lower intrinsic error rates. Here, we review these ‘antimutagenic’ changes in DNA polymerases and discuss what they reveal about mechanisms of replication fidelity. Pioneering studies with bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase (T4 Pol) established the paradigm that antimutator amino acid substitutions reduce replication errors by increasing proofreading efficiency at the expense of polymerase processivity. The discoveries of antimutator substitutions in proofreading-deficient ‘mutator’ derivatives of bacterial Pols I and III and yeast Pol δ suggest there must be additional antimutagenic mechanisms. Remarkably, many of the affected amino acid positions from Pol I, Pol III, and Pol δ are similar to the original T4 Pol substitutions. The locations of antimutator substitutions within DNA polymerase structures suggest that they may increase nucleotide selectivity and/or promote dissociation of primer termini from polymerases poised for misincorporation, leading to expulsion of incorrect nucleotides. If misincorporation occurs, enhanced primer dissociation from polymerase domains may improve proofreading in cis by an intrinsic exonuclease or in trans by alternate cellular proofreading activities. Together, these studies reveal that natural selection can readily restore replication error rates to sustainable levels following an adaptive mutator phenotype.  相似文献   

The Y-family of DNA polymerases   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

The primary role of DNA polymerases is to accurately and efficiently replicate the genome in order to ensure the maintenance of the genetic information and its faithful transmission through generations. This is not a simple task considering the size of the genome and its constant exposure to endogenous and environmental DNA damaging agents. Thus, a number of DNA repair pathways operate in cells to protect the integrity of the genome. In addition to their role in replication, DNA polymerases play a central role in most of these pathways. Given the multitude and the complexity of DNA transactions that depend on DNA polymerase activity, it is not surprising that cells in all organisms contain multiple highly specialized DNA polymerases, the majority of which have only recently been discovered. Five DNA polymerases are now recognized in Escherichia coli, 8 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and at least 15 in humans. While polymerases in bacteria, yeast and mammalian cells have been extensively studied much less is known about their counterparts in plants. For example, the plant model organism Arabidopsis thaliana is thought to contain 12 DNA polymerases, whose functions are mostly unknown. Here we review the properties and functions of DNA polymerases focusing on yeast and mammalian cells but paying special attention to the plant enzymes and the special circumstances of replication and repair in plant cells.  相似文献   

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