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Human homogamy may be caused in part by individuals' preference for phenotypic similarities. Two types of preference can result in homogamy: individuals may prefer someone who is similar to themselves (self-referent phenotype matching) or to their parents (a sexual-imprinting-like mechanism). In order to examine these possibilities, we compare faces of couples and their family members in two ways. First, "perceived" similarity between a pair of faces is quantified as similarity ratings given to the pair. Second, "physical" similarity between two groups of faces is evaluated on the basis of correlations in principal component scores generated from facial measurements. Our results demonstrate a tendency to homogamy in facial characteristics and suggest that the tendency is due primarily to self-referent phenotype matching. Nevertheless, the presence of a sexual-imprinting-like effect is also partially indicated: whether individuals are involved in facial homogamy may be affected by their relationship with their parents during childhood.  相似文献   

The Royal Commission on Medical Education recommends that the ratio of doctors to population should undergo an exponential expansion after 1975. It is suggested that the Commission does not appear to have fully recognized the implications of this proposal, nor to have considered other possible modes of expansion, which would result in substantially different estimates of future needs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a statistically based algorithm to quantify the uniformity of illumination in an optical light microscopy imaging system that outputs a single quality factor (QF) score. The importance of homogeneous field illumination in quantitative light microscopy is well understood and often checked. However, there is currently no standard automatic quantitative measure of the uniformity of the field illumination. Images from 89 different laser-scanning confocal microscopes (LSCMs), which were collected as part of an international study on microscope quality assessment, were used as a “training” set to build the algorithm. To validate the algorithm and verify its robustness, images from 33 additional microscopes, including LSCM and wide-field (WF) microscopes, were used. The statistical paradigm used for developing the quality scoring scale was a regression approach to supervised learning. Three intensity profiles across each image—2 corner-to-corner diagonals and a center horizontal—were used to generate pixel-intensity data. All of the lines passed through the center of the image. The intensity profile data then were converted into a single-field illumination QF score in the range of 0–100, with 0 having extreme variation, and therefore, essentially unusable, and 100 having no deviation, i.e., straight lines with a constant uniform intensity. Empirically, a QF ≥ 83 was determined to be the minimum acceptable value based on manufacturer acceptance tests and reasonably achievable values. This new QF is an invaluable metric to ascertain objectively and easily the uniformity of illumination quality, provide a traceable reference for monitoring field uniformity over time, and make a direct comparison among different microscopes. The QF can also be used as an indicator of system failure and the need for alignment or service of the instrument.  相似文献   

Once a questionable substance is found in a polluted area, we determine its MLD, LD50 etc. by animal experiments and then taking the species difference into consideration, we provide its MTD, LD50 etc. for the man. However, there exists clearly a wide difference in its tolerance among persona even with the same sex and age belonging to the same race. Our main themes are (i) what is a rational measure of the biochemical individual variability, (ii) what kind of empirical law holds with respect to this measure, and (iii) what is the reason why it holds. This is a summary of my research sponsored by our Agency of Science and Technology [1979a] with some additional results.  相似文献   

Companion animals are increasingly being recognized by society as beneficial to our health and considered by many owners as authentic and affectional family members. Human relationship theories help us to understand the emotional and supportive aspect of the human– companion animal bond. This study uses attachment theory, social support theory, and the concept of the hierarchical nature of attachment relationships to further understand and measure human–animal attachment. In study 1,161 university-student pet owners completed a modified multidimensional scale of perceived social support (MSPSS) that included pets as a source of support, and we pre-tested a 60-item pet attachment measure. Results showed that students perceived their pets as distinctive sources of social support, at similar levels to their significant others, family, and friends. Principal components analysis of the 60-item measure reduced it to 31 items, and revealed four pet attachment components: (a) Proximity maintenance and interaction, (b) Emotional attachment behaviors, (c) Emotional support given and received, and (d) Emotional and monetary value. The scale was named the Emotional and Supportive Attachment to Companion Animals Scale (ESACA) (Cronbach’s α = 0.96). In study 2, 83 university students completed an attachment hierarchy scale and the ESACA. Companion animals were included in pet owners’ attachment hierarchies and ranked higher than siblings but lower than romantic partners, parents, and close friends. Those who indicated higher attachment to their companion animals ranked them higher in their attachment hierarchy than those less attached. This study supports and extends previous research that has used aspects of attachment theory and social support theory when exploring the human–animal bond. Many companion animal owners perceive their pets as additional sources of emotional support, fulfilling the four features of an attachment relationship and including them in their hierarchy of important attachment relationships.  相似文献   

In this study we develop pronunciation distances based on naive discriminative learning (NDL). Measures of pronunciation distance are used in several subfields of linguistics, including psycholinguistics, dialectology and typology. In contrast to the commonly used Levenshtein algorithm, NDL is grounded in cognitive theory of competitive reinforcement learning and is able to generate asymmetrical pronunciation distances. In a first study, we validated the NDL-based pronunciation distances by comparing them to a large set of native-likeness ratings given by native American English speakers when presented with accented English speech. In a second study, the NDL-based pronunciation distances were validated on the basis of perceptual dialect distances of Norwegian speakers. Results indicated that the NDL-based pronunciation distances matched perceptual distances reasonably well with correlations ranging between 0.7 and 0.8. While the correlations were comparable to those obtained using the Levenshtein distance, the NDL-based approach is more flexible as it is also able to incorporate acoustic information other than sound segments.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological studies of cognitive mechanisms such as visual attention typically ignore trial-by-trial variability and instead report mean differences averaged across many trials. Advances in electrophysiology allow for the simultaneous recording of small populations of neurons, which may obviate the need for averaging activity over trials. We recently introduced a method called the attention axis that uses multi-electrode recordings to provide estimates of attentional state of behaving monkeys on individual trials. Here, we refine this method to eliminate problems that can cause bias in estimates of attentional state in certain scenarios. We demonstrate the sources of these problems using simulations and propose an amendment to the previous formulation that provides superior performance in trial-by-trial assessments of attentional state.  相似文献   

端粒是染色体末端DNA重复序列与特异结合蛋白的复合体。脊椎动物端粒重复序列是 5′TTAGGG3′。端粒长度可以作为细胞的“分裂时钟” ,反映细胞的分裂能力。作为染色体末端的帽状结构 ,端粒还有其他生物学功能 :保证染色体完整性 ,使真正的遗传信息得到完整复制 ;保护染色体末端 ,防止染色体异常重组而影响细胞分裂 ;指导染色体与核膜相接。端粒 端粒酶系统对细胞增殖、细胞衰老、细胞永生化、癌变、发育生物学、HIV感染的免疫反应、免疫缺陷等有重要意义[1~ 3] 。因此端粒动力学的研究十分重要。1 .DNA印迹杂交端粒长度测…  相似文献   

DNA序列信息的一种新的测度   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
根据信息理论给出了测度DNA序列信息的一种新的方法,获得DNA序列4个层次的信息量测度:Ib,If(1),If(2)andIf(3),这4种信息测度可分别用来测度DNA的碱基序列、密码子序列、编码蛋白质序列和功能蛋白质序列的信息量。从M.edulis的线粒体基因组中两个较短的编码蛋白质的DNA序列和使用具有不同倍性的间并密码子组组成的模拟DNA序列中所获得计算结果表明,这些信息测度确实能用来揭示所  相似文献   

Resolving power is a quantitative measure of the ability of an electrophoretic system to separate DNA (and other) molecules of similar size. It is a dimensionless quantity, and hence facilitates comparison of the performance of electrophoretic systems that operate very differently. Resolving power can be determined as a function of molecular length from experimental data consisting of a series of completely resolved bands on a gel or blot; closely spaced bands are not required. We discuss factors such as the mass of DNA in a particular band and the spatial resolution of the system used to image the distribution of DNA on a gel or blot that, while not an intrinsic part of the electrophoretic system, may influence the observed resolving power. We derive an empirical global dispersion function that applies both to images of gels obtained after a fixed time of electrophoresis of all the samples and to images obtained as each species reaches a detector located at a fixed distance from the starting well. We use this dispersion function to show that the improvement in resolving power produced by extending the time or distance of electrophoresis in a static, uniform electric field asymptotically approaches a limiting value that is a function of the length of the DNA. When plotted as a function of molecular length, this limiting value defines an envelope that characterizes the intrinsic limits of performance of a particular electrophoretic system (e.g., electric field strength, gel type and concentration, buffer, temperature). Comparing the resolving power of static field agarose gel electrophoresis as routinely practiced for separating DNA molecules from 103 to 105 bp long with other electrophoretic schemes suggests that significant improvements should be achievable.  相似文献   

Before the present day, when fast-acting and potent rodenticides such as alpha-chloralose were not yet in use, the work of pest controllers was often hampered by a phenomenon known as "bait shyness". Mice and rats cannot vomit, due to the tightness of the cardiac sphincter of the stomach, so to overcome the problem of potential food toxicity they have evolved a strategy of first ingesting only very small amounts of novel substances. The amounts ingested then gradually increase until the animal has determined whether the substance is safe and nutritious. So the old rat-catchers would first put a palatable substance such as oatmeal, which was to be the vehicle for the toxin, in the infested area. Only when large amounts were being readily consumed would they then add the poison, in amounts calculated not to affect the taste of the vehicle. The poisoned bait, which the animals were now readily eating in large amounts, would then swiftly perform its function.Bait shyness is now used in the behavioural laboratory as a way of measuring anxiety. A highly palatable but novel substance, such as sweet corn, nuts or sweetened condensed milk, is offered to the mice (or rats) in a novel situation, such as a new cage. The latency to consume a defined amount of the new food is then measured.Robert M.J. Deacon can be reach at robert.deacon@psy.ox.ac.uk  相似文献   

Satterthwaite's approximation of the distribution of a nonnegative linear combination of independent mean squares is addressed in this article. A measure is developed to quantify the closeness of this approximation by using certain optimization results given by THIBAUDEAU and STYAN (1985). The main advantage of the proposed measure is to provide a theoretical framework for determining conditions under which Satterthwaite's approximation may be inadequate. This is demonstrated in three examples portraying frequently encountered problems in analysis of variance.  相似文献   

In the present paper we investigate the concept of equidirection, i.e. similarity in the direction of variation, or parallelism in the broader sense, among m (m ≧ 2) times series, especially under the assumption that the time series are realizations of processes with independent increments. However, the processes need not be stationary. Furthermore, the probabilities for the direction of variation may be unstable, in which case only upper and lower bounds are known. A measure based on the concept of equidirection was developed that enables identification of clusters of similar time series and analysis of relationships among variables.  相似文献   

We define a new measure of sensory stimuli which has the following properties: It is cross modal, performance based, robust, and well defined. We interpret this measure as the intricacy or complexity of the stimuli, yet its validity is independent of its interpretation. We tested the validity and cross modality of our measure using three olfactory and one visual experiment. In order to test the link between our measure and cognitive performance we also conducted an additional visual experiment. We found that our measure is correlated with the results of the well-established Rapid Serial Visual Presentation masking experiment. Specifically, ranking stimuli according to our measure was correlated at r = 0.75 (p < 0.002) with masking effectiveness. Thus, our novel measure of sensory stimuli provides a new quantitative tool for the study of sensory processing.  相似文献   

A Measure of Population Subdivision Based on Microsatellite Allele Frequencies   总被引:48,自引:9,他引:48  
M. Slatkin 《Genetics》1995,139(1):457-462

In order to characterize the dynamics of adaptation, it is important to be able to quantify how a population’s mean fitness changes over time. Such measurements are especially important in experimental studies of evolution using microbes. The Long-Term Evolution Experiment (LTEE) with Escherichia coli provides one such system in which mean fitness has been measured by competing derived and ancestral populations. The traditional method used to measure fitness in the LTEE and many similar experiments, though, is subject to a potential limitation. As the relative fitness of the two competitors diverges, the measurement error increases because the less-fit population becomes increasingly small and cannot be enumerated as precisely. Here, we present and employ two alternatives to the traditional method. One is based on reducing the fitness differential between the competitors by using a common reference competitor from an intermediate generation that has intermediate fitness; the other alternative increases the initial population size of the less-fit, ancestral competitor. We performed a total of 480 competitions to compare the statistical properties of estimates obtained using these alternative methods with those obtained using the traditional method for samples taken over 50,000 generations from one of the LTEE populations. On balance, neither alternative method yielded measurements that were more precise than the traditional method.  相似文献   

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