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Malaria is caused by intraerythrocytic protozoan parasites belonging to Plasmodium spp. (phylum Apicomplexa) that produce significant morbidity and mortality, mostly in developing countries. Plasmodium parasites have a complex life cycle that includes multiple stages in anopheline mosquito vectors and vertebrate hosts. During the life cycle, the parasites undergo several cycles of extreme population growth within a brief span, and this is critical for their continued transmission and a contributing factor for their pathogenesis in the host. As with other eukaryotes, successful mitosis is an essential requirement for Plasmodium reproduction; however, some aspects of Plasmodium mitosis are quite distinct and not fully understood. In this review, we will discuss the current understanding of the architecture and key events of mitosis in Plasmodium falciparum and related parasites and compare them with the traditional mitotic events described for other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The lethal species of malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, continues to exact a huge toll of mortality and morbidity, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Completion of the genome sequence of this organism and advances in proteomics and mass spectrometry have opened up unprecedented opportunities for understanding the complex biology of this parasite and how it responds to drug challenge and other interventions. This review describes recent progress that has been made in applying proteomics technology to this important pathogen and provides a look forward to likely future developments.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Plasmodium falciparum genome sequence has boosted hopes for a new era of malaria research and for the application of comprehensive molecular knowledge to disease control, but formidable obstacles remain: approximately 60% of the predicted P. falciparum proteins have no known functions or homologues, and most life cycle stages of this haploid eukaryotic parasite are relatively intractable to cultivation and biochemical manipulation. Genetic mapping based on high-resolution maps saturated with single-nucleotide polymorphisms or microsatellites is now providing effective strategies for discovering candidate genes determining important parasite phenotypes. Here we review classical linkage studies using laboratory crosses and population associations that are now amenable to genome-wide approaches and are revealing multiple candidate genes involved in complex drug responses. Moreover, mapping by linkage disequilibrium is practicable in cases where chromosomal segments flanking drug-selected genes have been preserved in populations during relatively recent P. falciparum evolution. We discuss the advantages and limitations of these various genetic mapping strategies, results from which offer complementary insights to those emerging from gene knockout experiments and/or high-throughput genomic technologies.  相似文献   

In the past few years, methods have been developed which allow the introduction of exogenous DNA into the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. This important technical advance known as parasite transfection, provides powerful new tools to study the function of Plasmodium proteins and their roles in biology and disease. Already it has allowed the analysis of promoter function and has been successfully applied to establish the role of particular molecules and/or mutations in the biology of this parasite. This review summarises the current state of the technology and how it has been applied to dissect the function of the P. falciparum genome.  相似文献   

Vitamin B6 is one of nature's most versatile cofactors. Most organisms synthesize vitamin B6 via a recently discovered pathway employing the proteins Pdx1 and Pdx2. Here we present an in-depth characterization of the respective orthologs from the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Expression profiling of Pdx1 and -2 shows that blood-stage parasites indeed possess a functional vitamin B6 de novo biosynthesis. Recombinant Pdx1 and Pdx2 form a complex that functions as a glutamine amidotransferase with Pdx2 as the glutaminase and Pdx1 as pyridoxal-5 '-phosphate synthase domain. Complex formation is required for catalytic activity of either domain. Pdx1 forms a chimeric bi-enzyme with the bacterial YaaE, a Pdx2 ortholog, both in vivo and in vitro, although this chimera does not attain full catalytic activity, emphasizing that species-specific structural features govern the interaction between the protein partners of the PLP synthase complexes in different organisms. To gain insight into the activation mechanism of the parasite bi-enzyme complex, the three-dimensional structure of Pdx2 was determined at 1.62 A. The obstruction of the oxyanion hole indicates that Pdx2 is in a resting state and that activation occurs upon Pdx1-Pdx2 complex formation.  相似文献   

We demonstrate, for the first time, a functional polyamine biosynthetic pathway in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum that culminates in the synthesis of spermine. Additionally, we also report putrescine and spermidine salvage in the malaria parasite. Putrescine and spermidine transport in P. falciparum infected red blood cells is a highly specific, carrier mediated and active process, mediated by new transporters that differ from the transporters of uninfected red blood cells in their kinetic parameters, Vmax and km, as well as in their activation energy.  相似文献   

A series of original quinazolines bearing a 4-thiophenoxy and a 2-trichloromethyl group was synthesized in a convenient and efficient way and was evaluated toward its in vitro antiplasmodial potential. The series revealed global good activity against the K1-multi-resistant Plasmodium falciparum strain, especially with hit compound 5 (IC(50)=0.9 μM), in comparison with chloroquine and doxycycline chosen as reference-drugs. Both the in vitro cytotoxicity study which was conducted on the human HepG2 cell line and the in vitro antitoxoplasmic screening against Toxoplasma gondii indicate that this series presents an interesting selective antiplasmodial profile. Structure-activity- and toxicity relationships highlight that the trichloromethyl group plays a key role in the antiplasmodial activity and also show that the modulation of the thiophenol moiety influences the toxicity/activity ratio.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated whether Plasmodium falciparum 1-Cys peroxiredoxin (Prx) (Pf1-Cys-Prx), a cytosolic protein expressed at high levels during the haem-digesting stage, can act as an antioxidant to cope with the oxidative burden of haem (ferriprotoporphyrin IX; FP). Recombinant Pf1-Cys-Prx protein (rPf1-Cys-Prx) competed with glutathione (GSH) for FP and inhibited FP degradation by GSH. When rPf1-Cys-Prx was added to GSH-mediated FP degradation, the amount of iron released was reduced to 23% of the reaction without the protein (P < 0.01). The rPf1-Cys-Prx bound to FP-agarose at pH 7.4, which is the pH of the parasite cytosol. The rPf1-Cys-Prx could completely protect glutamine synthetase from inactivation by the dithiothreitol-Fe(3+)-dependent mixed-function oxidation system, and it also protected enolase from inactivation by coincubation with FP/GSH. Incubation of white ghosts of human red blood cells and FP with rPf1-Cys-Prx reduced formation of membrane associations with FP to 75% of the incubation without the protein (P < 0.01). The findings of the present study suggest that Pf1-Cys-Prx protects the parasite against oxidative stresses by binding to FP, slowing the rate of GSH-mediated FP degradation and consequent iron generation, protecting proteins from iron-derived reactive oxygen species, and interfering with formation of membrane-associated FP.  相似文献   

Rhoptry associated protein 1 (RAP1) and 2 (RAP2), together with a poorly described third protein RAP3, form the low molecular weight complex within the rhoptries of Plasmodium falciparum. These proteins are thought to play a role in erythrocyte invasion by the extracellular merozoite and are important vaccine candidates. We used gene-targeting technology in P.falciparum blood-stage parasites to disrupt the RAP1 gene, producing parasites that express severely truncated forms of RAP1. Immunoprecipitation experiments suggest that truncated RAP1 species did not complex with RAP2 and RAP3. Consistent with this were the distinct subcellular localizations of RAP1 and 2 in disrupted RAP1 parasites, where RAP2 does not traffic to the rhoptries but is instead located in a compartment that appears related to the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. These results suggest that RAP1 is required to localize RAP2 to the rhoptries, supporting the hypothesis that rhoptry biogenesis is dependent in part on the secretory pathway in the parasite. The observation that apparently host-protective merozoite antigens are not essential for efficient erythrocyte invasion has important implications for vaccine design.  相似文献   

Formation of gametes in the malaria parasite occurs in the midgut of the mosquito and is critical to onward parasite transmission. Transformation of the male gametocyte into microgametes, called microgametogenesis, is an explosive cellular event and one of the fastest eukaryotic DNA replication events known. The transformation of one microgametocyte into eight flagellated microgametes requires reorganisation of the parasite cytoskeleton, replication of the 22.9 Mb genome, axoneme formation and host erythrocyte egress, all of which occur simultaneously in <20 minutes. Whilst high-resolution imaging has been a powerful tool for defining stages of microgametogenesis, it has largely been limited to fixed parasite samples, given the speed of the process and parasite photosensitivity. Here, we have developed a live-cell fluorescence imaging workflow that captures the entirety of microgametogenesis. Using the most virulent human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, our live-cell approach captured early microgametogenesis with three-dimensional imaging through time (4D imaging) and microgamete release with two-dimensional (2D) fluorescence microscopy. To minimise the phototoxic impact to parasites, acquisition was alternated between 4D fluorescence, brightfield and 2D fluorescence microscopy. Combining live-cell dyes specific for DNA, tubulin and the host erythrocyte membrane, 4D and 2D imaging together enables definition of the positioning of newly replicated and segregated DNA. This combined approach also shows the microtubular cytoskeleton, location of newly formed basal bodies, elongation of axonemes and morphological changes to the erythrocyte membrane, the latter including potential echinocytosis of the erythrocyte membrane prior to microgamete egress. Extending the utility of this approach, the phenotypic effects of known transmission-blocking inhibitors on microgametogenesis were confirmed. Additionally, the effects of bortezomib, an untested proteasomal inhibitor, revealed a clear block of DNA replication, full axoneme nucleation and elongation. Thus, as well as defining a framework for broadly investigating microgametogenesis, these data demonstrate the utility of using live imaging to validate potential targets for transmission-blocking antimalarial drug development.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum proliferates within human erythrocytes and is thereby exposed to a variety of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion, and highly reactive singlet oxygen ((1)O(2)). While most ROS are already well studied in the malaria parasite, singlet oxygen has been neglected to date. In this study we visualized the generation of (1)O(2) by live cell fluorescence microscopy using 3-(p-aminophenyl) fluorescein as an indicator dye. While (1) O(2) is found restrictively in the parasite, its amount varies during erythrocytic schizogony. Since the photosensitizer cercosporin generates defined amounts of (1)O(2) we have established a new cytometric method that allows the stage specific quantification of (1)O(2). Therefore, the parasites were first classified into three main stages according to their respective pixel-area of 200-600 pixels for rings, 700-1,200 pixels for trophozoites and 1,400-2,500 pixels for schizonts. Interestingly the highest mean concentration of endogenous (1)O(2) of 0.34 nM is found in the trophozoites stage, followed by 0.20 nM (ring stage) and 0.10 nM (schizont stage) suggesting that (1)O(2) derives predominantly from the digestion of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Infections with the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum typically comprise multiple strains, especially in high-transmission areas where infectious mosquito bites occur frequently. However, little is known about the dynamics of mixed-strain infections, particularly whether strains sharing a host compete or grow independently. Competition between drug-sensitive and drug-resistant strains, if it occurs, could be a crucial determinant of the spread of resistance. We analysed 1341 P. falciparum infections in children from Angola, Ghana and Tanzania and found compelling evidence for competition in mixed-strain infections: overall parasite density did not increase with additional strains, and densities of individual chloroquine-sensitive (CQS) and chloroquine-resistant (CQR) strains were reduced in the presence of competitors. We also found that CQR strains exhibited low densities compared with CQS strains (in the absence of chloroquine), which may underlie observed declines of chloroquine resistance in many countries following retirement of chloroquine as a first-line therapy. Our observations support a key role for within-host competition in the evolution of drug-resistant malaria. Malaria control and resistance-management efforts in high-transmission regions may be significantly aided or hindered by the effects of competition in mixed-strain infections. Consideration of within-host dynamics may spur development of novel strategies to minimize resistance while maximizing the benefits of control measures.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a catabolic pathway typically induced by nutrient starvation to recycle amino acids, but can also function in removing damaged organelles. In addition, this pathway plays a key role in eukaryotic development. To date, not much is known about the role of autophagy in apicomplexan parasites and more specifically in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Comparative genomic analysis has uncovered some, but not all, orthologs of autophagy-related (ATG) genes in the malaria parasite genome. Here, using a genome-wide in silico analysis, we confirmed that ATG genes whose products are required for vesicle expansion and completion are present, while genes involved in induction of autophagy and cargo packaging are mostly absent. We subsequently focused on the molecular and cellular function of P. falciparum ATG8 (PfATG8), an autophagosome membrane marker and key component of the autophagy pathway, throughout the parasite asexual and sexual erythrocytic stages. In this context, we showed that PfATG8 has a distinct and atypical role in parasite development. PfATG8 localized in the apicoplast and in vesicles throughout the cytosol during parasite development. Immunofluorescence assays of PfATG8 in apicoplast-minus parasites suggest that PfATG8 is involved in apicoplast biogenesis. Furthermore, treatment of parasite cultures with bafilomycin A1 and chloroquine, both lysosomotropic agents that inhibit autophagosome and lysosome fusion, resulted in dramatic morphological changes of the apicoplast, and parasite death. Furthermore, deep proteomic analysis of components associated with PfATG8 indicated that it may possibly be involved in ribophagy and piecemeal microautophagy of the nucleus. Collectively, our data revealed the importance and specificity of the autophagy pathway in the malaria parasite and offer potential novel therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a catabolic pathway typically induced by nutrient starvation to recycle amino acids, but can also function in removing damaged organelles. In addition, this pathway plays a key role in eukaryotic development. To date, not much is known about the role of autophagy in apicomplexan parasites and more specifically in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Comparative genomic analysis has uncovered some, but not all, orthologs of autophagy-related (ATG) genes in the malaria parasite genome. Here, using a genome-wide in silico analysis, we confirmed that ATG genes whose products are required for vesicle expansion and completion are present, while genes involved in induction of autophagy and cargo packaging are mostly absent. We subsequently focused on the molecular and cellular function of P. falciparum ATG8 (PfATG8), an autophagosome membrane marker and key component of the autophagy pathway, throughout the parasite asexual and sexual erythrocytic stages. In this context, we showed that PfATG8 has a distinct and atypical role in parasite development. PfATG8 localized in the apicoplast and in vesicles throughout the cytosol during parasite development. Immunofluorescence assays of PfATG8 in apicoplast-minus parasites suggest that PfATG8 is involved in apicoplast biogenesis. Furthermore, treatment of parasite cultures with bafilomycin A1 and chloroquine, both lysosomotropic agents that inhibit autophagosome and lysosome fusion, resulted in dramatic morphological changes of the apicoplast, and parasite death. Furthermore, deep proteomic analysis of components associated with PfATG8 indicated that it may possibly be involved in ribophagy and piecemeal microautophagy of the nucleus. Collectively, our data revealed the importance and specificity of the autophagy pathway in the malaria parasite and offer potential novel therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of Salmonella typhimurium 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine phosphate kinase (HMPP kinase) and its complex with substrate HMP have been determined. HMPP kinase catalyzes two separate ATP-dependent phosphorylation reactions and is an essential enzyme in the thiamin biosynthetic pathway. HMPP kinase is a homodimer with one active site per monomer and is structurally homologous to members of the ribokinase family. A comparison of the structure of HMPP kinase with other members of the ribokinase family suggests an evolutionary progression. Modeling studies suggest that HMPP kinase catalyzes both of its phosphorylation reactions using in-line displacement mechanisms. We propose that the active site accommodates the two separate reactions by providing two different binding modes for the phosphate group of HMP phosphate.  相似文献   

Five polymorphic proteins, detected by two-dimensional electrophoresis, were analysed in the parents and progeny of a cross between two clones of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The information obtained showed that different forms of each protein were determined by allelic variants of each respective gene. One protein was identified as the parasite enzyme adenosine deaminase. Recombinant parasites were produced at a higher than expected frequency.  相似文献   

Summary Recent advances in the ability to culture the hepatic forms of mammalian malaria parasites, particularly of the important human pathogen Plasmodium falciparum have provided novel opportunities to study the ultrastrucural organisation of the parasite in its natural host cell the human hepatocyte. In this electron-microscopic and immunofluorescence study we have found the morphology of both parasite and host cell to be well preserved. The exoerythrocytic forms, which may be found at densities of up to 100/cm2, grow at rates comparable to that in vivo in the chimpanzee. In the multiplying 5- and 7-day schizogonic forms the ultrastructural organisation of the parasite bears striking resemblances to other mammalian parasites, e.g., the secretory activity and distribution of the peripheral vacuole system, but also homology with avian parasites, e.g., in nuclear and nucleolar structure and mitochondrial form. The latter homologies support earlier suggestions of the close phylogenetic relationship of P. falciparum with the avian parasites. Evidence is also presented showing the persistence of the cytoskeleton of the invasive sporozoite within the cytoplasm of the ensuing rapidly growing vegetative parasites.  相似文献   

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