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A number of the electrogenic reactions in photosystem I, photosystem II, and bacterial reaction centers (RC) were comparatively analyzed, and the variation of the dielectric permittivity (ε) in the vicinity of electron carriers along the membrane normal was calculated. The value of ε was minimal at the core of the complexes and gradually increased towards the periphery. We found that the rate of electron transfer (ET) correlated with the value of the dielectric permittivity: the fastest primary ET reactions occur in the low-polarity core of the complexes within the picosecond time range, whereas slower secondary reactions take place at the high-polarity periphery of the complexes within micro- to millisecond time range. The observed correlation was quantitatively interpreted in the framework of the Marcus theory. We calculated the reorganization energy of ET carriers using their van der Waals volumes and experimentally determined ε values. The electronic coupling was calculated by the empirical Moser-Dutton rule for the distance-dependent electron tunneling rate in nonadiabatic ET reactions. We concluded that the local dielectric permittivity inferred from the electrometric measurements could be quantitatively used to estimate the rate constant of ET reactions in membrane proteins with resolved atomic structure with the accuracy of less than one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

Self-assembled monolayers designed to immobilize capture antibodies are usually prepared using a mixture of functional and inactive linkers. Here, using low molar ratios (1:1 to 1:100) of the two linkers resulted in loss of binding capability of the anti-EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) antibody nimotuzumab, as assessed by surface plasmon resonance imaging. We then developed a simple theoretical model to predict the optimal surface density of the functional linker, taking into account the antibody size and linker diameter. A high (1:1000) dilution of the functional linker yielded the best results. As an advantage, this approach does not require chemical modification of the protein.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic organisms transform the energy of sunlight into chemical potential in a specialized membrane-bound pigment-protein complex called the reaction center. Following light activation, the reaction center produces a charge-separated state consisting of an oxidized electron donor molecule and a reduced electron acceptor molecule. This primary photochemical process, which occurs via a series of rapid electron transfer steps, is complete within a nanosecond of photon absorption. Recent structural data on reaction centers of photosynthetic bacteria, combined with results from a large variety of photochemical measurements have expanded our understanding of how efficient charge separation occurs in the reaction center, and have changed many of the outstanding questions.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - P a dimer of BChl molecules - BPh bacteriopheophytin - QA and QB quinone molecules - L, M and H light, medium and heavy polypeptides of the reaction center  相似文献   

On-target affinity capture, enrichment and purification of biomolecules improve detection of specific analytes from complex biological samples in matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) analysis. In this paper, we report a simple method for preparation of a self-assembled nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) monolayer on gold surface which can be used as a MALDI-TOF-MS sample target specifically for recombinant oligohistidine-tagged proteins/peptides and phosphorylated peptides. The NTA functional groups are immobilized to the gold surface via the linkage of 1,8-octanedithiol which forms a self-assembled monolayer on gold. Characterization by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and MALDI analysis of the modified surface are described. The chemically modified surface shows strong affinity toward the analytes of interest, which allows effective removal of the common interferences, e.g. salts and detergents, and therefore leads to improved signal/noise ratio and detection limit. The use of the modified surface simplifies the sample preparation for MALDI analysis of these targeted analytes.  相似文献   

In this study, a direct detection system for triazine derivative herbicides was developed using the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) from the purple bacterium,Rhodobacter sphaeroides, and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) apparatus. The histidine-tagged RCs were immobilized on an SPR gold chip using nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid groups as a binder for one of the triazine herbicide, atrazine. The SPR responses were proportional to the sample concentrations of atrazine in the range 0.1–1 μg/mL. The sensitivity of the direct detection of atrazine using the RC-assembled sensor chip was higher than that using the antibody-immobilized chip. The other types of herbicides, DCMU or MCPP, were not detected with such high sensitivity. The results indicated the high binding selectivity of the RC complex.  相似文献   

Bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides have been spread on an air/aqueous interface, compressed, and transferred quantitatively to either glass or transparent, tin oxide-coated slides. These assemblies permit the concomitant measurement of both optical and electrical activities to be made on protein films under voltage-clamp conditions. Optical spectra of the monolayer-coated slides reveal characteristic reaction center absorptions. Linear dichroism spectra of the monolayers indicate that the reaction center is aligned on the air/aqueous interface with an angle of inclination which is essentially the same as it is with respect to the membrane plane in vivo. The kinetics of the light-induced absorbance changes of the reaction center in the deposited films are essentially unaltered from those in solution; however, there is some loss in the extent of photochemical activity. Measurement of the light-induced electrical transients shows capacitative charging and discharging currents, which can be readily associated with the reaction center bacteriochlorophyll dimer to ubiquinone electron transfer. The extent of the photochemical activity detected by the voltage-clamp is at best only 10–12% of that measured by optical assay. This suggests that on the air/aqueous interface, the reaction centers must be predominately oriented with opposing directions of electron transfer, having only a slight, variable tendency to align with the ubiquinone directed toward the aqueous phase. In spite of the present shortcomings, these assemblies appear to be uniquely useful to study the effect of clamped potentials on the kinetics and mechanisms of electron transfer.  相似文献   

Reaction centers from the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides strain R-26.1 were purified and reconstituted in proteoliposomes formed by the anionic phospholipids phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol and by the zwitterionic phospholipid phosphatidylcholine by size-exclusion chromatography in the dark and under illumination. We report the large stabilizing effect induced by anionic phospholipids on the protein charge separated state which results trapped in a long-living (up to tens of minutes) state with a yield up to 80%. This fully reversible state is formed in oxygenic conditions regardless the presence of the secondary quinone QB and its lifetime and relative yield increase at low pH. In proteoliposomes formed with QA-depleted reaction centers (RCs) the resulting protein is very light-sensitive and the long living charge separated state is not observed. The data collected in negatively charged proteoliposomes are discussed in terms of the electrostatic effect on the primary quinone acceptor and compared with similar long living species reported in literature and obtained in anionic, zwitterionic, and non-ionic detergents.  相似文献   

Laser-induced temperature jump experiments were used for testing the rates of thermoinduced conformational transitions of reaction center (RC) complexes in chromatophores of Chromatium minutissimum. The thermoinduced transition of the macromolecular RC complex to a state providing effective electron transport from the multiheme cytochrome c to the photoactive bacteriochlorophyll dimer within the temperature range 220–280 K accounts for tens of seconds with activation energy 0.166 eV/molecule. The rate of the thermoinduced transition in the cytochrome–RC complex was found to be three orders of magnitude slower than the rate of similar thermoinduced transition of the electron transfer reaction from the primary to secondary quinone acceptors studied in the preceding work (Chamorovsky et al. in Eur Biophys J 32:537–543, 2003). Parameters of thermoinduced activation of the electron transfer from the multiheme cytochrome c to the photoactive bacteriochlorophyll dimer are discussed in terms of cytochrome c docking onto the RC.  相似文献   

A brief review of studies of dielectric and photoelectric properties of photosynthetic reaction centers of purple bacteria as well as photosystem I and photosystem II of cyanobacteria and higher plants is given. A simple kinetic model of the primary processes of electron transfer in photosynthesis is used to discuss possible mechanisms of correlation between rate constant of charge transfer reaction, free energy of electron transition, and effective dielectric constant in the locus of corresponding carriers.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 70, No. 2, 2005, pp. 315–322.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Chamorovsky, Chamorovsky, Semenov.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the post codes.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic reaction centers from a variety of organisms have been isolated and characterized. The groups of prokaryotic photosynthetic organisms include the purple bacteria, the filamentous green bacteria, the green sulfur bacteria and the heliobacteria as anoxygenic representatives as well as the cyanobacteria and prochlorophytes as oxygenic representatives. This review focuses on structural and functional comparisons of the various groups of photosynthetic reaction centers and considers possible evolutionary scenarios to explain the diversity of existing photosynthetic organisms.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll - Chl chlorophyll - Rb Rhodobacter - Rp Rhodopseudomonas  相似文献   


Trehalose and glycerol are low molecular mass sugars/polyols that have found widespread use in the protection of native protein states, in both short- and long-term storage of biological materials, and as a means of understanding protein dynamics. These myriad uses are often attributed to their ability to form an amorphous glassy matrix. In glycerol, the glass is formed only at cryogenic temperatures, while in trehalose, the glass is formed at room temperature, but only upon dehydration of the sample. While much work has been carried out to elucidate a mechanistic view of how each of these matrices interact with proteins to provide stability, rarely have the effects of these two independent systems been directly compared to each other. This review aims to compile decades of research on how different glassy matrices affect two types of photosynthetic proteins: (i) the Type II bacterial reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides and (ii) the Type I Photosystem I reaction center from cyanobacteria. By comparing aggregate data on electron transfer, protein structure, and protein dynamics, it appears that the effects of these two distinct matrices are remarkably similar. Both seem to cause a “tightening” of the solvation shell when in a glassy state, resulting in severely restricted conformational mobility of the protein and associated water molecules. Thus, trehalose appears to be able to mimic, at room temperature, nearly all of the effects on protein dynamics observed in low temperature glycerol glasses.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis was established on Earth more than 3 billion years ago. All available evidences suggest that the earliest photosynthetic organisms were anoxygenic and that oxygen-evolving photosynthesis is a more recent development. The reaction center complexes that form the heart of the energy storage process are integral membrane pigment proteins that span the membrane in vectorial fashion to carry out electron transfer. The origin and extent of distribution of these proteins has been perplexing from a phylogenetic point of view mostly because of extreme sequence divergence. A series of integral membrane proteins of known structure and varying degrees of sequence identity have been compared using combinatorial extension-Monte Carlo methods. The proteins include photosynthetic reaction centers from proteobacteria and cyanobacterial photosystems I and II, as well as cytochrome oxidase, bacteriorhodopsin, and cytochrome b. The reaction center complexes show a remarkable conservation of the core structure of 5 transmembrane helices, strongly implying common ancestry, even though the residual sequence identity is less than 10%, whereas the other proteins have structures that are unrelated. A relationship of sequence with structure was derived from the reaction center structures; with characteristic decay length of 1.6 A. Phylogenetic trees derived from the structural alignments give insights into the earliest photosynthetic reaction center, strongly suggesting that it was a homodimeric complex that did not evolve oxygen.  相似文献   

We present here a theoretical interpretation of the temperature dependence of the rate of dark recombination between a primary quinone (QA) and a bacteriochlorophyll dimer in the reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. We were able to describe qualitatively the nonmonotonous character of this dependence using the energy of interaction between an excess electron and H-bond protons. We considered a molecular model of QA and two reaction center fragments that make H-bonds with QA: His(M219) and Asn(M259)-Ala(M260). We used the two-center approach with regard for electron-phonon interaction in order to calculate the characteristic time of electron tunneling during the recombination reaction. The energy of the phonon emitted/ absorbed during the electron tunneling was determined by the relative shift of donor and acceptor energy levels, the detuning of levels. The detuning was shown to depend on temperature nonmonotonously for H-bonds with double-well potential energy surface. The characteristic time (or the reaction rate) depended on temperature parametrically. The computed dependence was in qualitative agreement with the experimental one.  相似文献   

The effect of the light harvesting 1 (LH1) antenna complex on the driving force for light-driven electron transfer in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction center has been examined. Equilibrium redox titrations show that the presence of the LH1 antenna complex influences the free energy change for the primary electron transfer reaction through an effect on the reduction potential of the primary donor. A lowering of the redox potential of the primary donor due to the presence of the core antenna is consistently observed in a series of reaction center mutants in which the reduction potential of the primary donor was varied over a 130 mV range. Estimates of the magnitude of the change in driving force for charge separation from time-resolved delayed fluorescence measurements in the mutant reaction centers suggest that the mutations exert their effect on the driving force largely through an influence on the redox properties of the primary donor. The results demonstrate that the energetics of light-driven electron transfer in reaction centers are sensitive to the environment of the complex, and provide indirect evidence that the kinetics of electron transfer are modulated by the presence of the LH1 antenna complexes that surround the reaction center in the natural membrane.  相似文献   

We use Normal Mode Analysis to investigate motions in the photosynthetic reaction center (RC) protein. We identify the regions involved in concerted fluctuations of the protein matrix and analyze the normalized amplitudes and the directionality of the first few dominant modes. We also seek to quantify the coupling of normal modes to long-range electron transfer (ET). We find that a quasi-continuous spectrum of protein motions rather than one individual mode contributes to light-driven electron transfer. This is consistent with existing theoretical models (e.g. the spin-boson/dispersed polaron model) for the coupling of the protein and solvent "bath" to charge separation events. [Figure: see text].  相似文献   

Mammalian cytochrome c can effectively replace bacterial cytochrome c2 as the electron donor to the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center in either the natural chromatophore or a reconstituted reaction center/phospholipid membrane. In this paper, the reconstituted membrane was used to describe the nature of cytochrome c binding to the reaction center, the location of bound cytochrome c in the membrane profile and the perturbation of the reaction center and phospholipid profile structures induced by cytochrome c binding. These structural studies utilized the combined techniques of X-ray and neutron diffraction.  相似文献   

Mixed self-assembled monolayers (MSAMs) composed of diverse ligands offer a mechanism for the specific binding of biomolecules onto solid surfaces. In this study, we examined the formation of MSAMs on gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and the immobilization of hexa-arginine-tagged esterase (Arg6-esterase) on the surfaces of the resulting particles. The functionalization of AuNPs with MSAMs was achieved by introducing a mixture of tethering and shielding ligands into an AuNP solution. The formation of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on the AuNP surface was characterized by UV/visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Arg6-esterase was immobilized in a highly specific manner onto AuNPs treated with mixed SAMs (MSAM–AuNPs) by providing a shielding ligand which reduce the non-specific adsorption of enzymes caused by hydrophobic interaction compared to AuNPs treated with single-component SAMs (SSAM–AuNPs). Moreover, Arg6-esterase immobilized on MSAM–AuNPs showed substantially enhanced catalytic activity up to an original activity compared to that on SSAM–AuNPs (58%).  相似文献   

Photosynthetic reaction centers isolated from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides strain R-26 were excited with non-saturating 7-ps, 600-nm flashes under various conditions, and the resulting absorbance changes were measured. If the quinone electron acceptor (Q) is in the oxidized state, flash excitation generates a transient state (PF), in which an electron has moved from the primary electron donor (P, a dimer of bacteriochlorophylls) to an acceptor complex involving a special bacteriopheophytin (H) and another bacteriochlorophyll (B). PF decays in 200 ps as an electron moves from H to Q. If Q and the acceptor complex are reduced photochemically before the excitation, the flash generates a different transient state of P with a high quantum yield. This state decays with a lifetime of 340 ps. There is no indication of electron transfer from P to B under these conditions, but this does not rule out the possibility that B is an intermediate electron carrier between P and H. Measurements of the yield of fluorescence from P under various conditions show that the 340 ps state is not the fluorescent excited singlet state of P. The transient state could be a triplet state, a charge-transfer state of P, or another excited singlet state that is not fluorescent.  相似文献   

A biosensor design involving coimmobilization of fructose dehydrogenase (FDH) and inulinase (INU) on a gold nanoparticle-cysteamine (Cyst) self-assembled monolayer (SAM)-modified gold electrode (Au(coll)-Cyst-AuE), for the determination of the carbohydrate inulin in foodstuffs, is reported. Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF), used as the mediator, was also coimmobilized by crosslinking with glutaraldehyde. INU catalyzes the hydrolysis of inulin, forming fructose that is detected through the fructose dehydrogenase system by the electrochemical oxidation of TTF at the bioelectrode. The variables involved in the preparation and performance of both the single enzyme FDH biosensor and the bienzyme inulin biosensor were optimized. The FDH-Au(coll)-Cyst-AuE biosensor exhibited rapid and sensitive response to fructose, allowing the obtention of improved analytical characteristics for the determination of fructose with respect to other FDH electrochemical biosensors. Moreover, the lifetime of this biosensor was 35 days. The bienzyme INU/FDH-Au(coll)-Cyst-AuE biosensor provided a calibration plot for inulin in the (5-100)x10(-6) M linear range, with a detection limit of 6.6 x 10(-7) mol L(-1). One single bienzyme biosensor responded within the control limits, set at +/-3x the standard deviation of the currents measured on the first day of use, for more than 5 months. Furthermore, the biosensor exhibited high selectivity with respect to other carbohydrates. The usefulness of the biosensor was evaluated by the rapid determination of inulin in food products involving minimization of the fructose interference.  相似文献   

Quinone and inhibitor binding to Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides (R-26 and GA) reaction centers were studied using spectroscopic methods and by direct adsorption of reaction centers onto anion exchange filters in the presence of 14C-labelled quinone or inhibitor. These measurements show that as secondary acceptor, QB, ubiquinone (UQ) is tightly bound in the semiquinone form and loosely bound in the quinone and quinol forms. The quinol is probably more loosely bound than the quinone. o-Phenanthroline and terbutryn, a triazine inhibitor, compete with UQ and with each other for binding to the reaction center. Inhibition by o-phenanthroline of electron transfer from the primary to the secondary quinone acceptor (QA to QB) occurs via displacement of UQ from the QB binding site. Displacement of UQ by terbutryn is apparently accessory to the inhibition of electron transfer. Terbutryn binding is lowered by reduction of QB to Q?B but is practically unaffected by reduction of QA to Q?A in the absence of QB. UQ-9 and UQ-10 have a 5- to 6-fold higher binding affinity to the QB site than does UQ-1, indicating that the long isoprenoid chain facilitates the binding to the QB site.  相似文献   

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