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Summary The role of transmembrane pH gradients on the ouabain, bumetanide and phloretin-resistant Na+ transport was studied in human red cells. Proton equilibration through the Jacobs-Stewart cycle was inhibited by the use of DIDS (125 m) and methazolamide (400 m). Red cells with different internal pH (pH i =6.4, 7.0 and 7.8) were prepared and Na+ influx was measured at different external pH (pH o =6.0, 7.0, 8.0). Na+ influx into acid-loaded cells (pH i =6.4) markedly increased when pH o was raised from 6.0 to 8.0. Amiloride, a well-known inhibitor of Na+/H+ exchange systems blocked about 60% of the H+-induced Na+ entry, while showing small inhibitory effects in the absence of pH gradients. When pH0 was kept at 8.0, the amiloride-sensitive Na+ entry was abolished as pH i was increased from 6.4 to 7.8. Moreover, measurements of H+ efflux into lightly buffered media indicated that the imposition of an inward Na+ gradient stimulated a net H+ efflux which was sensitive to the amiloride analog 5-N-methyl-N-butyl-amiloride. Furthermore, in the absence of a chemical gradient for Na+ (Na i + =Na 0 + =15mm,Em=+6.7 mV), an outward H+ gradient (pH i =6.4, pH0=8.0) promoted a net amiloride-sensitive Na+ uptake which was abolished at an external pH of 6.0. These findings are consistent with the presence of an amiloride-sensitive Na+/H+ exchange system in human red cells.  相似文献   

Summary Rabbit erythrocytes are well known for possessing highly active Na+/Na+ and Na+/H+ countertransport systems. Since these two transport systems share many similar properties, the possibility exists that they represent different transport modes of a single transport molecule. Therefore, we evaluated this hypothesis by measuring Na+ transport through these exchangers in acid-loaded cells. In addition, selective inhibitors of these transport systems such as ethylisopropyl-amiloride (EIPA) and N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) were used. Na+/Na+ exchange activity, determined as the Na o + -dependent22Na efflux or Na i + -induced22Na entry was completely abolished by NEM. This inhibitor, however, did not affect the H i + -induced Na+ entry sensitive to amiloride (Na+/H+ exchange activity). Similarly, EIPA, a strong inhibitor of the Na+/H+ exchanger, did not inhibit Na+/Na countertransport, suggesting the independent nature of both transport systems. The possibility that the NEM-sensitive Na+/Na+ exchanger could be involved in Na+/H+ countertransport was suggested by studies in which the net Na+ transport sensitive to NEM was determined. As expected, net Na+ transport through this transport system was zero at different [Na+] i /[Na+] o ratios when intracellular pH was 7.2. However, at pH i =6.1, net Na+ influx occurred when [Na+] i was lower than 39mm. Valinomycin, which at low [K+] o was lower than 39mm. Valinomycin, which at low [K+] o clamps the membrane potential close to the K+ equilibrium potential, did not affect the net NEM-sensitive Na+ entry but markedly stimulated, the EIPA-and NEM-resistant Na+ uptake. This suggest that the net Na+ entry through the NEM-sensitive pathway at low pH i , is mediated by an electroneutral process possibly involving Na+/H+ exchange. In contrast, the EIPA-sensitive Na+/H+ exchanger is not involved in Na+/Na+ countertransport, because Na+ transport through this mechanism is not affected by an increase in cell Na from 0.4 to 39mm. Altogether, these findings indicate that both transport systems: the Na+/Na+ and Na+/H+ exchangers, are mediated by distinct transport proteins.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the kinetic properties of rabbit red cell (RRBC) Na+/Na+ and Na+/H+ exchanges (EXC) in order to define whether or not both transport functions are conducted by the same molecule. The strategy has been to determine the interactions of Na+ and H+ at the internal (i) and external (o) sites for both exchanges modes. RRBC containing varying Na i and H l were prepared by nystatin and DIDS treatment of acid-loaded cells. Na+/Na+ EXC was measured as Na o -stimulated Na+ efflux and Na+/H+ EXC as Na o -stimulated H+ efflux and pH o -stimulated Na+ influx into acid-loaded cells.The activation of Na+/Na+ EXC by Na o at pH i 7.4 did not follow simple hyperbolic kinetics. Testing of different kinetic models to obtain the best fit for the experimental data indicated the presence of high (K m 2.2 mM) and low affinity (K m 108 mM) sites for a single- or two-carrier system. The activation of Na+/H+ EXC by Na o (pH i 6.6, Na i <1 mM) also showed high (K m 11 mM) and low (K m 248 mM) affinity sites. External H+ competitively inhibited Na+/Na+ EXC at the low affinity Na o site (K H 52 nM) while internally H+ were competitive inhibitors (pK 6.7) at low Na i and allosteric activators (pK 7.0) at high Na i .Na+/H+ EXC was also inhibited by acid pH o and allosterically activated by H i (pK 6.4). We also established the presence of a Na i regulatory site which activates Na+/H+ and Na+/Na+ EXC modifying the affinity for Na o of both pathways. At low Na i , Na+/Na+ EXC was inhibited by acid pH i and Na+/H+ stimulated but at high Na i , Na+/Na+ EXC was stimulated and Na+/H+ inhibited being the sum of both pathways kept constant. Both exchange modes were activated by two classes of Na o sites,cis-inhibited by external H o , allosterically modified by the binding of H+ to a H i regulatory site and regulated by Na i . These findings are consistent with Na+/Na+ EXC being a mode of operation of the Na+/H+ exchanger.Na+/H+ EXC was partially inhibited (80–100%) by dimethyl-amiloride (DMA) but basal or pH i -stimulated Na+/Na+ EXC (pH i 6.5, Na i 80 mM) was completely insensitive indicating that Na+/Na+ EXC is an amiloride-insensitive component of Na+/H+ EXC. However, Na+ and H+ efflux into Na-free media were stimulated by cell acidification and also partially (10 to 40%) inhibited by DMA: this also indicates that the Na+/H+ EXC might operate in reverse or uncoupled modes in the absence of Na+/Na+ EXC.In summary, the observed kinetic properties can be explained by a model of Na+/H+ EXC with several conformational states, H i and Na i regulatory sites and loaded/unloaded internal and external transport sites at which Na+ and H+ can compete. The occupancy of the H+ regulatory site induces a conformational change and the occupancy of the Na i regulatory site modulates the flow through both pathways so that it will conduct Na+/H+ and/or Na+/Na+ EXC depending on the ratio of internal Na+:H+.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the effect of second messengers on ATP-driven H+ transport in an H+ ATPase-bearing endosomal fraction isolated from rabbit renal cortex. cAMP (0.1mm) had no effect on H+ transport. Acridine orange fluorescence in the presence of 0.5mm Ca2+ (+1mm EGTA) was 19±6% of control. Inhibition of ATP-driven H+ transport by Ca2+ was concentration dependent; 0.25 and 0.5mm Ca2+ (+1mm EGTA) inhibited acridine orange fluorescence by 50 and 80%, respectively. Ca2+ also produced a concentration-dependent increase in the rate of pH-gradient dissipation. Ca2+ did not affect ATP hydrolysis. ATP-dependent Br uptake was virtually unchanged in the presence of 0.5mm Ca2+ (+1mm EGTA). These vesicles were also shown to transport Ca2+ in an ATP-dependent mode. Inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate had no effect on ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake. These results are consistent with the co-existence of an H+ ATPase and an H+/Ca2+ exchanger on these endosomes, the latter transport system using the H+ gradient to energize Ca2+ uptake. Attempts to demonstrate an H+/Ca2+ antiporter in the absence of ATP have been unsuccessful. Yet, when a pH gradient was established by preincubation with ATP and residual ATP was subsequently removed by hexokinase + glucose, stimulation of Ca2+ uptake could be demonstrated. A Ca2+-dependent increase in H+ permeability and an ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake might have important implications for the regulation of vacuolar H+ ATPase activity as well as the homeostasis of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular Ca2+ has been suggested to play an important role in the regulation of epithelial Na+ transport. Previous studies showed that preincubation of toad urinary bladder, a tight epithelium, in Ca2+-free medium enhanced Na+ uptake by the subsequently isolated apical membrane vesicles, suggesting the downregulation of Na+ entry across the apical membrane by intracellular Ca2+. In the present study, we have examined the effect of Ca2+-free preincubation on apical membrane Na+ transport in a leaky epithelium, i.e., brush border membrane (BBM) of rabbit renal proximal tubule. In contrast to toad urinary bladder, it was found that BBM vesicles derived from proximal tubules incubated in 1mm Ca2+ medium exhibited higher Na+ uptake than those derived from proximal tubules incubated in Ca2+-free EGTA medium. Such effect of Ca2+ in the preincubation medium was temperature dependent and could not be replaced by another divalent cation, Ba2+ (1mm). Ca2+ in the preincubation medium did not affect Na+-dependent BBM glucose uptake, and its effect on BBM Na+ uptake was pH gradient dependent and amiloride (10–3 m) sensitive, suggesting the involvement of Na+/H+ antiport system. Addition of verapamil (10–4 m) to 1mm Ca2+ preincubation medium abolished while ionomycin (10–6 m) potentiated the effect of Ca2+ to increase BBM Na+ uptake, suggesting that the effect of Ca2+ in the preincubation medium is likely to be mediated by Ca2+-dependent cellular pathways and not due to a direct effect of extracellular Ca2+ on BBM. Neither the proximal tubule content of cAMP nor the inhibitory effect of 8, bromo-cAMP (0.1mm) on BBM Na+ uptake was affected by the presence of Ca2+ in the preincubation medium, suggesting that Ca2+ in the preincubation medium did not increase BBM Na+ uptake by removing the inhibitory effect of cAMP. Addition of calmodulin inhibitor, trifluoperazine (10–4 m) to 1mm Ca2+ preincubation medium did not prevent the increase in BBM Na+ uptake. The effect of Ca2+ was, however, abolished when protein kinase C in the proximal tubule was downregulated by prolonged (24 hr) incubation with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (10–6 m). In summary, these results show the Ca2+ dependency of Na+ transport by renal BBM, possibly through stimulation of Na+/H+ exchanger by protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of complete substitution of gluconate for mucosal and/or serosal medium Cl on transepithelial Na+ transport have been studied using toad urinary bladder. With mucosal gluconate, transepithelial potential difference (V T) decreased rapidly, transepithelial resistance (R T) increased, and calculated short-circuit current (I sc) decreased. CalculatedE Na was unaffected, indicating that the inhibition of Na+ transport was a consequence of a decreased apical membrane Na+ conductance. This conclusion was supported by the finding that a higher amiloride concentration was required to inhibit the residual transport. With serosal gluconateV T decreased,R T increased andI sc fell to a new steady-state value following an initial and variable transient increase in transport. Epithelial cells were shrunken markedly as judged histologically. CalculatedE Na fell substantially (from 130 to 68 mV on average). Ba2+ (3mm) reduced calculatedE Na in Cl Ringer's but not in gluconate Ringer's. With replacement of serosal Cl by acetate, transepithelial transport was stimulated, the decrease in cellular volume was prevented andE Na did not fall. Replacement of serosal isosmotic Cl medium by a hypo-osmotic gluconate medium (one-half normal) also prevented cell shrinkage and did not result in inhibition of Na+ transport. Thus the inhibition of Na+ transport can be correlated with changes in cell volume rather than with the change in Cl per se. Nystatin virtually abolished the resistance of the apical plasma membrane as judged by measurement of tissue capacitance. With K+ gluconate mucosa, Na+ gluconate serosa, calculated basolateral membrane resistance was much greater, estimated basolateral emf was much lower, and the Na+/K+ basolateral permeability ratio was much higher than with acetate media. It is concluded the decrease in cellular volume associated with substitution of serosal gluconate for Cl results in a loss of highly specific Ba2+-sensitive K+ conductance channels from the basolateral plasma membrane. It is possible that the number of Na+ pump sites in this membrane is also decreased.  相似文献   

Summary Exposing the apical membrane of toad urinary bladder to the ionophore nystatin lowers its resistance to less than 100 cm2. The basolateral membrane can then be studied by means of transepithelial measurements. If the mucosal solution contains more than 5mm Na+, and serosal Na+ is substituted by K+, Cs+, or N-methyl-d-glucamine, the basolateral membrane expresses what appears to be a large Na+ conductance, passing strong currents out of the cell. This pathway is insensitive to ouabain or vanadate and does not require serosal or mucosal Ca2+. In Cl-free SO 4 2– Ringer's solution it is the major conductive pathway in the basolateral membrane even though the serosal side has 60mm K+. This pathway can be blocked by serosal amiloride (K i=13.1 m) or serosal Na+ ions (K i 10 to 20mm). It also conducts Li+ and shows a voltage-dependent relaxation with characteristic rates of 10 to 20 rad sec–1 at 0 mV.  相似文献   

The carrier-mediated, electroneutral exchange of Na(+) for H(+) across the plasma membrane does not directly consume metabolic energy. Nevertheless, acute depletion of cellular ATP markedly decreases transport. We analyzed the possible involvement of polyphosphoinositides in the metabolic regulation of NHE1, the ubiquitous isoform of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger. Depletion of ATP was accompanied by a marked reduction of plasmalemmal phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)) content. Moreover, sequestration or hydrolysis of plasmalemmal PIP(2), in the absence of ATP depletion, was associated with profound inhibition of NHE1 activity. Examination of the primary structure of the COOH-terminal domain of NHE1 revealed two potential PIP(2)-binding motifs. Fusion proteins encoding these motifs bound PIP(2) in vitro. When transfected into antiport-deficient cells, mutant forms of NHE1 lacking the putative PIP(2)-binding domains had greatly reduced transport capability, implying that association with PIP(2) is required for optimal activity. These findings suggest that NHE1 activity is modulated by phosphoinositides and that the inhibitory effect of ATP depletion may be attributable, at least in part, to the accompanying net dephosphorylation of PIP(2).  相似文献   

Summary The present studies were designed to test our previous suggestion that Na+/H+ exchange was activated by muscarinic stimulation of rat parotid acinar cells. Consistent with this hypothesis, we demonstrate here that intact rat parotid acini stimulated with the muscarinic agonist carbachol in HCO 3 -free medium show an enhanced recovery from an acute acid load as compared to similarly challenged untreated preparations. Amiloride-sensitive22Na uptake, due to Na+/H+ exchange, was also studied in plasma membrane vesicles prepared from rat parotid acini pretreated with carbachol. This uptake was stimulated twofold relative to that observed in vesicles from control (untreated) acini. This stimulation was time dependent, requiring 15 min of acinar incubation with carbachol to reach completion, and ws blocked by the presence of the muscarinic antagonist atropine (2×10–5 m) in the pretreatment medium. The effect of carbachol was dose dependent withK 0.53×10–6 m. Stimulation of the exchanger was also seen in vesicles prepared from acini pretreated with the -adrenergic agonist epinephrine, but not with the -adrenergic agonist isoproterenol, or with substance P. Kinetic analysis indicated that the stimulation induced by carbachol was due to an alkaline shift in the pH responsiveness of the exchanger in addition to an increasedapparent transport capacity. Taken together with previous results from this and other laboratories, these results strongly suggest that the Na+/H+ exchanger and its regulation are intimately involved in the fluidsecretory response of the rat parotid.  相似文献   

Na+/H+ antiporters are universal devices involved in the Na+ and H+ circulation of both eukaroyotes and prokaryotes, thus playing an essential role in the pH and Na+ homeostasis of cells. This review focuses on the major impact of the application of molecular biology tools in the study of the antiporters. These tools permit the verification of the role of the antiporters and provide insights into their unique biology. A novel signal transduction to Na+ involvingnhaR, a positive regulator, controls the expression ofnhaA inE. coli. A pH sensor regulates the activity of Na+/H+ antiporters, both in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. A most intricate signal transduction to pH involving phosphorylation steps controls the activity ofnhel in higher mammals. The identification of Histidine 226 in the pH sensor of NhaA is a step forward towards the understanding of the pH regulation of these proteins.  相似文献   

The effect of the putative K+/H+ ionophore, nigericin on the internal Na+ concentration ([Na i ]), the internal pH (pH i ), the internal Ca2+ concentration ([Ca i ]) and the baseline release of the neurotransmitter, GABA was investigated in Na+-binding benzofuran isophtalate acetoxymethyl ester (SBFIAM), 2′,7′-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6) carboxyfluorescein acetoxymethyl ester (BCECF-AM), fura-2 and [3H]GABA loaded synaptosomes, respectively. In the presence of Na+ at a physiological concentration (147 mM), nigericin (0.5 μM) elevates [Na i ] from 20 to 50 mM, increases thepH i , 0.16 pH units, elevates four fold the [Ca i ] at expense of external Ca2+ and markedly increases (more than five fold) the release of [3H]GABA. In the absence of a Na+ concentration gradient (i.e. when the external Na+ concentration equals the [Na i ]), the same concentration (0.5 μM) of nigericin causes the opposite effect on thepH i (acidifies the synaptosomal interior), does not modify the [Na i ] and is practically unable to elevate the [Ca i ] or to increase [3H]GABA release. Only with higher concentrations of nigericin than 0.5 μM the ionophore is able to elevate the [Ca i ] and to increase the release of [3H]GABA under the conditions in which the net Na+ movements are eliminated. These results clearly show that under physiological conditions (147 mM external Na+) nigericin behaves as a Na+/H+ ionophore, and all its effects are triggered by the entrance of Na+ in exchange for H+ through the ionophore itself. Nigericin behaves as a K+/H+ ionophore in synaptosomes just when the net Na+ movements are eliminated (i.e. under conditions in which the external and the internal Na+ concentrations are equal). In summary care must be taken when using the putative K+/H+ ionophore nigericin as an experimental tool in synaptosomes, as under standard conditions (i.e. in the presence of high external Na+) nigericin behaves as a Na+/H+ ionophore.  相似文献   

Summary The initial rate of ATP-dependent proton uptake by hog gastric vesicles was measured at pH's between 6.1 and 6.9 by measuring the loss of protons from the external space with a glass electrode. The apparent rates of proton loss were corrected for scalar proton production due to ATP hydrolysis. For vesicles in 150mm KCl and pH 6.1, corrected rates of proton uptake and ATP hydrolysis were 639±84 and 619±65 nmol/min×mg protein, respectively, giving an H+/ATP ratio of 1.03±0.7. Furthermore, at all pH's tested the ratio of the rate of proton uptake to the rate of ATP hydrolysis was not significantly different than 1.0. No proton uptake (<10 nmol/min×mg protein) was exhibited by vesicles in 150mm NaCl at pH 6.1 despite ATP hydrolysis of 187±46 nmol/min×mg (nonproductive hydrolysis). Comparison of the rates of proton transport and ATP hydrolysis in various mixture of KCl and NaCl showed that the H+/ATP stoichiometries were not significantly different than 1.0 at all concentrations of K+ greater than 10mm. This fact suggests that the nonproductive rate is vanishingly small at these concentrations, implying that the measured H+/ATP stoichiometry is equal to the enzymatic stoichiometry. This result shows that the isolated gastric (K++H+)-ATPase is thermodynamically capable of forming the observed proton gradient of the stomach.  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the kinetic properties of the human red blood cell Na+/H+ exchanger to provide a tool to study the role of genetic, hormonal and environmental factors in its expression as well as its functional properties in several clinical conditions. The present study reports its stoichiometry and the kinetic effects of internal H+ (H i ) and external Na+ (Na o ) in red blood cells of normal subjects.Red blood cells with different cell Na+ (Na i ) and pH (pH i ) were prepared by nystatin and DIDS treatment of acid-loaded cells. Unidirectional and net Na+ influx were measured by varying pH i (from 5.7 to 7.4), external pH (pH o ), Na i and Na o and by incubating the cells in media containing ouabain, bumetanide and methazolamide. Net Na+ influx (Na i <2.0 mmol/liter cell, Na o = 150mm) increased sigmoidally (Hill coefficient 2.5) when pH i fell below 7.0 and the external pH o was 8.0, but increased linearly at pH o 6.0. The net Na+ influx driven by an outward H+ gradient was estimated from the difference of Na+ influx at the two pH o levels (pH o 8 and pH o 6). The H+-driven Na+ influx reached saturation between pH i 5.9 and 6.1. TheV max had a wide interindividual variation (6 to 63 mmol/liter cell · hr, 31.0±3, mean±sem,n=20). TheK m for H i to activate H+-driven Na+ influx was 347±30nm (n=7). Amiloride (1mm) or DMA (20 m) partially (59±10%) inhibited red cell Na+/H+ exchange. The stoichiometric ratio between H+-driven Na+ influx and Na+-driven H+ efflux was 11. The dependence of Na+ influx from Na o was studied at pH i 6.0, and Na i lower than 2 mmol/liter cell at pH o 6.0 and 8.0. The meanK m for Na o of the H+-gradient-driven Na+ influx was 55±7mm.An increase in Na i from 2 to 20 mmol/liter cell did not change significantly H+-driven net Na+ influx as estimated from the difference between unidirectional22Na influx and efflux. Na+/Na+ exchange was negligible in acid-loaded, DIDS-treated cells. Na+ and H+ efflux from acid-loaded cells were inhibited by amiloride analogs in the absence of external Na+ indicating that they may represent nonspecific effects of these compounds and/or uncoupled transport modes of the Na+/H+ exchanger.It is concluded that human red cell Na+/H+ exchange performs 11 exchange of external Na+ for internal protons, which is partially amiloride sensitive. Its kinetic dependence from internal H+ and external Na+ is similar to other cells, but it displays a larger variability in theV max between individuals.  相似文献   

Summary In the isolated, superfused mouse lacrimal gland, intracellular Na+ activities (aNa i ) of the acinar cells were directly measured with double-barreled Na+-selective microelectrodes. In the nonstimulated conditionaNa i was 6.5±0.5 mM and membrane potential (V m ) was –38.9±0.4 mV. Addition of 1 mM ouabain or superfusion with a K+-free solution slightly depolarized the membrane and caused a gradual increase inaNa i . Stimulation with acetylcholine (ACh, 1 M) caused a membrane hyperpolarization by about 20 mV and an increase inaNa i by about 9 mM in 5 min. The presence of amiloride (0.1 mM) reduced the ACh-induced increase inaNa i by approximately 50%, without affectingV m and input resistance in both nonstimulated and ACh-stimulated conditions. Acid loading the acinar cells by an addition/withdrawal of 20 mM NH4Cl or by replacement of Tris+-buffer saline solution with HCO 3 /CO2-buffered solution increasedaNa i by a few mM. Superfusion with a Cl-free NO 3 solution or 1 mM furosemide or 0.5 mM bumetanide-containing solution had little effect on the restingaNa i levels, however, it reduced the ACh-induced increase inaNa i by about 30%. Elimination of metabolite anions (glutamate, fumarate and pyruvate) from the superfusate reduced both the restingaNa i and the ACh-induced increase inaNa i .The present results suggest the presence of multiple Na+ entry mechanisms activated by ACh, namely, Na+/H+ exchange, Na-K-Cl cotransport and organic substrate-coupled Na+ transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

Goat antisera against (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and its isolated subunits and against (K+ + H+)-ATPase have been prepared in order to test for immune cross-reactivity between the two enzymes, whose catalytic subunits show great chemical similarity. None of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase antisera cross-reacted with (K+ + H+)-ATPase or inhibited its enzyme activity. The same was true for the (K+ + H+)-ATPase antiserum with regard to (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and its subunits and its enzyme activity. So not withstanding the chemical similarity of their subunits, there is no immunological cross-reactivity between these two plasma membrane ATPases.Number LIII in the series Studies on (Na+ + K+)-Activated ATPase.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of angiotensin II (A-II) on membrane expression of Na+/H+ exchange isoforms NHE3 and NHE2 in the rat renal cortex. A-II (500 ng/kg per min) was chronically infused into the Sprague-Dawley rats by miniosmotic pump for 7 days. Arterial pressure and circulating plasma A-II level were significantly increased in A-II rats as compared to control rats. pH-dependent uptake of 22Na+ study in the presence of 50 μM HOE-694 revealed that Na+ uptake mediated by NHE3 was increased ∼88% in the brush border membrane from renal cortex of A-II-treated rats. Western blotting showed that A-II increased NHE3 immunoreactive protein levels in the brush border membrane of the proximal tubules by 31%. Northern blotting revealed that A-II increased NHE3 mRNA abundance in the renal cortex by 42%. A-II treatment did not alter brush border NHE2 protein abundance in the renal proximal tubules. In conclusion, chronic A-II treatment increases NHE3-mediated Na+ uptake by stimulating NHE3 mRNA and protein content.  相似文献   

Na+-H+ exchange and passive Na+ flux were investigated in cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles as a function of changing the ionic composition of the reaction media. The inclusion of EGTA in the reaction medium resulted in a potent stumulation of Na+ uptake by Na+-H+ exchange. It was found that millimolar concentrations of Mg2+ and Li+ were capable of inhibiting Na+-H+ exchange by 80%. One mechanism by which these ions may inhibit intravesicular Na+ accumulation by Na+-H+ exchange is via an increase in Na+ efflux. An examination of Na+ efflux kinetics from vesicles pre-loaded with Na+ revealed that Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Li+ could stimulate Na+ efflux. Na+-H+ exchange was potently inhibited by an organic divalent cation, dimenthonium, which screens membrane surface charge. This would suggest that Na+-H+ exchange occurs in the diffuse double layer region of cardiac sarcolemma and this phenomenon is distinctly different from other Na+ transport processes. The results in this study indicate that in addition to a stimulation of Na+ efflux, the inhibitory effects of Mg2+, Ca2+ and Li+ on Na+-H+ exchange may also involve a charge dependent screening of Na+ interactions with the membrane.  相似文献   

In order to identify defects in Na+-Ca2+ exchange and Ca2+-pump systems in cardiomyopathic hearts, the activities of sarcolemmal Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake, Na+-induced Ca2+ release, ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase were examined by employing cardiomyopathic hamsters (UM-X7.1) and catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy produced by injecting isoproterenol into rats. The rates of Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake, ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake and Ca2+-stimulated ATPase activities of sarcolemmal vesicles from genetically-linked cardiomyopathic as well as catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathic hearts were decreased without any changes in Na+-induced Ca2+-release. Similar results were obtained in Ca2+-paradox when isolated rat hearts were perfused for 5 min with a medium containing 1.25 mM Ca2+ following a 5 min perfusion with Ca2+-free medium. Although a 2 min reperfusion of the Ca2+-free perfused hearts depressed sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump activities without any changes in Na+-induced Ca2+-release, Na+-dependent Ca2+ uptake was increased. These results indicate that alterations in the sarcolemmal Ca2+-efflux mechanisms may play an important role in cardiomyopathies associated with the development of intracellular Ca2+ overload.  相似文献   

The relationship linking Na+ and H+ transports and exocytosis/endocytosis located in the apical membranes of the frog skin epithelium was investigated under various conditions of ion transport stimulation. The exocytosis process, indicating insertion of intracellular vesicles, which were preloaded with fluorescent FITC-dextran (FD), was measured by following the FD efflux in the apical bathing solution.Na+ transport stimulators such as serosal hypotonic shock (replacement of serosal Ringer solution by half-Ringer or 4/5-Ringer), apical PCMPS (10–3 m) and amphotericin-B (20 g/ml), were also found to stimulate the exocytotic rates of FD. Acidification of the epithelium by CO2 or post NH4 load, conditions which increase the proton secretion also stimulated the FD release in the apical bathing solution. On the other hand, alkalization of the epithelial cells increased the endocytosis rate. Hypotonic shock, acid load and PCMPS induced an increase in cell calcium which is probably the signal within the cell for exocytosis. In addition, quantitative spectrofluorimetric measurements of F-actin content after rhodamine-phalloidin staining, indicated a decrease in the F-actin content as a result of cell acidosis, hypotonic conditions and amphotericin additions. It is proposed that the insertion/retrieval of intracytoplasmic vesicles containing H+ pumps plays a key role in the regulation of proton secretion in tight epithelia. In addition, it is suggested that cytoskeleton depolymerization of F-actin filaments facilitates H+ pump insertion. A comparable working hypothesis for the control of Na+ transport is proposed.This work was supported by grants from the Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique and The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique UA 638.We would like to thank Dr. R.M. Hays and Dr. J. Condeelis (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York) for stimulating discussions. The confocal microscope observations were done through the courtesy of Dr. C. Sardet and C. Rouvière (Station Marine de Villefranche/mer France).  相似文献   

Summary The relative contributions of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange and the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump to active Ca2+ efflux from stimulated rat pancreatic acini were studied. Na+ gradients across the plasma membrane were manipulated by loading the cells with Na+ or suspending the cells in Na+-free media. The rates of Ca2+ efflux were estimated from measurements of [Ca2+] i using the Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent dye Fura 2 and45Ca efflux. During the first 3 min of cell stimulation, the pattern of Ca2+ efflux is described by a single exponential function under control, Na+-loaded, and Na+-depleted conditions. Manipulation of Na+ gradients had no effect on the hormone-induced increase in [Ca2+] i . The results indicate that Ca2+ efflux from stimulated pancreatic acinar cells is mediated by the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump. The effects of several cations, which were used to substitute for Na+, on cellular activity were also studied. Choline+ and tetramethylammonium+ (TMA+) released Ca2+ from intracellular stores of pancreatic acinar, gastric parietal and peptic cells. These cations also stimulated enzyme and acid secretion from the cells. All effects of these cations were blocked by atropine. Measurements of cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-OP)-stimulated amylase release from pancreatic acini, suspended in Na+, TMA+, choline+, or N-methyl-d-glucamine+ (NMG+) media containing atropine, were used to evaluate the effect of the cations on cellular function. NMG+, choline+, and TMA+ inhibited amylase release by 55, 40 and 14%, respectively. NMG+ also increased the Ca2+ permeability of the plasma membrane. Thus, to study Na+ dependency of cellular function, TMA+ is the preferred cation to substitute for Na+. The stimulatory effect of TMA+ can be blocked by atropine.  相似文献   

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