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Routine blood typing of German Landrace pedigree populations and an earlier study revealed very low frequencies of the favourable alleles at the marker loci Phi, Pgd and H. The hypothesis was that in this population the whole linkage group of favourable alleles at the halothane and neighbouring marker loci may have been lost as a consequence of intense selection for leanness and type. The present study of 1050 German Landrace pigs at the Relliehausen experimental station, where some effort has been made to maintain a higher frequency of the favourable alleles PhiA (0.48), H- (0.43) and PgdA (0.70) gave quite different results. The frequency of halothane-positive pigs found by using a severe test was only 30%. Only 5.4%, 8.8%, 13.4% and 13.9% of animals with PhiA/A, H-/-, PgdA/A and PhiA/B genotypes respecitively were halothane-positive. Forty to sixty per cent of pigs with these marker genotypes could therefore be expected to be homozygous halothane-negative (N/N) animals. Creatine kinase activity and three selected meat quality characters showed highly significant differences between the A/A and the B/B genotypes for the marker loci Phi and Pgd, with the heterozygotes being intermediate. These differences are greater than those observed between halothane-negative and halothane-positive phenotypes. The only other consistently superior marker genotype in this population was the H blood group genotype H-/-. In contrast to findings from Sweden and Switzerland, the postalbumin locus Po2 and the suppressor locus S for the A-O blood groups did not exhibit useful marker qualities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The linkage of the Phi, Pgd, Po2, S, H and halothane sensitivity loci was followed in a Belgian Landrace family, heterozygous for these systems over 6 generations. Recombination next to the S locus occurred mainly in pigs belonging to this particular family. From this investigation the position of the S locus is proved to be outwith the Phi-Pgd region, next to Phi . Therefore the gene sequence S - Phi - Hal -H- Po2 -Pgd is proposed. Higher recombination rates were observed in the female parental line of the multiheterozygous family when compared to the male parental line. Additional data from animals, unrelated to this strain, confirm the evidence of close linkage of the S system to the nearest marker loci.  相似文献   

Previous reports have indicated that a proportion of pigs, homozygous normal for the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1), was halothane sensitive, and this was associated with poor meat quality when pigs were handled aggressively. This study was conducted to evaluate halothane sensitivity in RYR1-normal pigs, managed under simulated commercial conditions, to ascertain the association of halothane sensitivity with growth rate and meat quality. A total of 363 pigs across four farrowing groups, from seven Landrace sires and 38 Yorkshire–Landrace F1 dams, were tested at 8 weeks of age for halothane sensitivity using a closed system that delivered 5% halothane at 2 l/min for 3 (group 1) or 2 (groups 2 to 4) min. After 1 min, limb rigidity, limb tremors and abdominal discoloration were evaluated on a binomial scale with 0 indicating no reaction and 1 indicating reaction. Testing was repeated 2 days later. At 10 weeks of age, pigs were moved to finishing pens and not moved again until marketing. Within farrowing group, pigs were harvested in one of two groups, and at marketing were moved a distance of 91 m, weighed, tattooed, loaded and transported a distance of 550 km to a commercial harvest plant. After overnight rest, pigs were harvested and the pH of the loin muscle was measured at 45 min (pH45) after stunning. After an 18-h chill, loin muscle pH (pHu), International Commission on Illumination (CIE) L*, a*, b*, color (1 to 6) and marbling (1 to 10) scores and fluid loss percent were collected. Generalized linear mixed models were used to estimate repeatabilities for response to halothane challenge. Repeatabilities for limb rigidity for the front right and left legs were 0.24 and 0.31, respectively, whereas rear right and left leg repeatabilities were 0.19 and 0.17, respectively. Repeatabilities for front right and left leg tremors were 0.16 and 0.20, respectively. Growth rate was not influenced by any measure of halothane sensitivity. Carcasses from pigs exhibiting limb rigidity tended to have lower pH45 (5.88 v. 5.97; P = 0.06), similar pHu (5.47 v. 5.49; P = 0.32), less pH decline from 45 min to 18 h (−0.40 v. −0.50; P = 0.04) and a tendency for greater fluid loss percent (5.01 v. 4.55; P = 0.08) than carcasses from pigs that did not exhibit limb rigidity during halothane challenge. A proportion of pigs normal for RYR1 did exhibit limb rigidity during halothane gas challenge, and subsequently tended to have lower 45 min pH and greater longissimus muscle fluid loss post harvest.  相似文献   

Families of Czech Landrace (94 litters and 636 offspring) were tested for halothane sensitivity, A-O (S), H, PHI and PGD phenotypes. Informative matings for the estimation of recombination rates between marker loci were selected. The following recombination frequencies were established: S-Phi = 4.8 % (2.5 % -10.7 %);S-H = 6.8 % (4.3 %-11.7 %); Phi-H = 2.6 % (0.9 %-5.3 9%); H-Pgd = 4.4 % (1.6 %-8.0 %). CCCC-overs were observed also between S- Hal, Hal-H andHal - Pgd, but were not found between Phi - Hal. On the basis of these results it has been possible to revise the position of the S locus in this linkage group. The most probable gene order would be: S - Phi - Hal (or Hal - Phi) -H- (P02) - Pgd.
A striking difference was found between the number of halothane-sensitive pigs (87) and HalnHal n genotypes determined by haplotyping (123). Segregation rates in 19 backcross matings and experimental matings of the animals proved that this difference is mostly due to incomplete CCC or low expression of halothane sensitivity.  相似文献   

The localization of the Po2 locus controlling a polymorphic serum postalbumin was studied in 41 families of the Czech Landrace breed. The haplotypes involving six closely linked loci (S, Phi, Hal, H, Po2, Pgd) were determined for each family member. The crossovers observed between the H, Po2 and Pgd loci indicated that Po2 is located between H and Pgd. The Po2 locus appears to be closer to H [theta = 0.54% (0.06%-1.92%)] than to Pgd [theta = 4.02% (1.67%-7.96%)]. A strong Ha-Po2S association (r = 0.96, P less than 0.001) and H-PO2 linkage disequilibrium (D = 0.2218, P less than 0.01, D/DMax = 0.98) were found.  相似文献   

Data from one apparent crossover between S and H, two between PHI and HAL on one side and S on the other, and one between PHI on one side and HAL, S and H on the other, indicate a gene order in pigs of Phi-Hal-S-H-Pgd for genes for PHI, halothane sensitivity, inhibition of expression of A and O, H red blood cell antigens and 6-PGD types. Rasmusen et al. (1980) provided data for a gene order in pigs ofPhi-Hal-H-Pgd for genes for phosphohexose isomerase (PHI) isozyme variants, halothane sensitivity (HAL), H red cell antigens and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD) variants, and suggested that there might be a locus for a gene for inhibition of expression of A and O separate from the locus for H. This is contrary to an earlier proposal by Rasmusen (1972) that the H-system genotype directly influences expression of A and O. Imlah (1980) suggested that the recessive gene for halothane sensitivity has a suppressant effect on the expression of A and O. Andresen (1981) proposed that the locus for inhibition of A and O (for which Rasmusen, 1964, proposed the symbol S) was between the loci for HAL and H types. Data presented in Table 1, which includes haplotypes for three recombinant offspring described by Rasmusen et al. (1980) (883-1, 233-3 and 3864-1) as well as one other recombinant (296-2) provide evidence for the gene order for five genes proposed by Andresen. Types for 6-PGD are listed for all pigs, although they do not provide evidence for gene order in these cases. Male 883-1 (Table 1, and Rasmusen et al., 1980, Table 5) provided the original evidence for recombination between S and H. His phenotype, as well as his genotype as revealed by progeny test (Rasmusen et al., 1980, Table 6) indicated that recombination had occurred between the genes for PHI, HAL and S and the gene for H type in his dam, so that the S locus mapped between H and the loci for the other three traits. The phenotype of one of his sons (233-3, Table 1, and Rasmusen et al., 1980, Table 6) indicated that there had been a recombination between genes for PHI and HAL types on one side and S and H types on the other, providing evidence that the S locus was separate from PHI and HAL as well as H. Another pig listed in Table 1,3864-1, was also described by Rasmusen et al. (1980, Table 9) as a recombinant. This pig provides evidence for recombination between PHI on one side and HAL, S and H on the other, establishing a gene order of Phi-Hal-S-H-Pgd. The last pig listed in Table 1,296-2, is a recombinant comparable to 233-3. The H type of his dam provides markers indicating the recombination was between PHI and HAL on one side and S and H on the other, although the unusual expression of HAL phenotype in both parents of 296-2 makes her haplotypes somewhat uncertain. (Recombination may have been between PHI and HAL rather than as indicated in Table 1.) In spite of incomplete penetrance for HAL (Ollivier et al., 1975; Smith & Bampton, 1977) which makes haplotypes for HAL questionable in some cases, the other genetic markers available are useful to show that recombination has taken place. Without considering the results of halothane testing, if the apparent recombinants are accepted as being as indicated, the order of the genes at the other four loci seems established. Alleles for S types appear to be separable by recombination from those for PHI and H, and the S locus appears to be between the loci for PHI and H. For the five loci, data obtained thus far are cohsistent with a gene order of Phi-Hal-S-H-Pgd.  相似文献   

Pigs deriving from 150 breeding centres constituting a representative section of elite breeding herds (2496 Swiss Landrace pigs, 587 Swiss Large White pigs) were subjected to blood typing during the period 1981 to 1984. Production traits such as daily gain, feed conversion ratio, lean meat content and meat quality score were available to show the trend in these performance traits since 1978. Field data on the halothane reaction of 14 270 Swiss Landrace (SL) pigs were used to assess the porcine stress syndrome during the period 1978–1983.
In SL pigs the frequency of the alleles Ha, PhiB and AdaA decreased significantly, and that of the Hc and PhiA increased during the period of the study. The frequency of the Ha allele dropped from 0.36 in 1981 to 0.20 in 1984, whereas the Hc allele rose from 0.22 to 0.37. In Swiss Large White (SLW) pigs, on the other hand, the frequency of the Ha allele increased constantly from 0.31 to 0.37 during this period.
An initial frequency of 17.7 % (1978) halothane reactors in SL pigs was lowered to 0.7 % (1982) after five years of halothane testing.
In SL pigs the meat quality scores improved regularly, whereas in SLW pigs it did not change very much. The percentage of PSE animals in the SL breed was reduced from 32.7 % in 1978 to 7.1 % in 1983.
Because the Hal locus is associated with production traits such as meat quality, linkage disequilibria could explain the observed associations between the H and Phi types and production traits.  相似文献   

Results from a large-scale study, comprising 75 different breeding herds, are reported on predicting the halothane ( Hal ) genotypes of individual pigs by making use of the known close linkage between Hal and three C blood marker loci ( Phi, Po2, Pgd ). The parents haplotypes (involving Hal and marker loci) were determined from the HAL phenotypes (halothane test results) and marker loci phenotypes of their offspring in the first one or two litters studied. In subsequent litters of the Hal -marker loci haplotyped parents, the offspring's expected Hal genotypes could be predicted on the basis of the marker loci haplotypes inherited by them. By comparing the expected and observed HAL phenotypes of offspring in subsequent litters, the predicted Hal genotype was found to be correct in 90–95 % of the 4000 offspring (from Nn × Nn and Nn × nn matings) of Swedish Landrace and Yorkshire breeds studied.
The order of the three marker loci was confirmed as Phi-Po2-Pgd but the position of Hal with regards to Phi could not be resolved. The recombination frequencies between the most distant loci in this region, viz. Hal-Pgd and Phi-Pgd , were estimated to be 3–4.5 % and 4–6 % , respectively. The easy and rapid electrophoretic techniques described in the study to phenotype PHI, PO2, PGD, also allowed phe-notyping of six other polymorphic protein systems on the same gels. Thus Hal genotyping and effective parentage control can be conducted simultaneously.  相似文献   

Data from matings appropriate to test linkage in pigs of genes for halothane sensitivity (HAL), H red cell antigens, phosphohexose isomerase (PHI) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD) red cell isoenzyme variants were consistent with a gene order of Phi-Hal-H-Pgd. There was no unequivocal evidence for a Hal locus separate from Phi, although the phenotype of one pig not tested for halothane sensitivity suggested recombination between Hal and Phi. Breeding tests confirmed that in two cases there had been recombination between Hal and H. Offspring of one of these recombinant types provided evidence for a locus for a gene for inhibition of expression of A and O separate from the locus for H.  相似文献   

Cardiac oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertrophy, cardiomyopathy and heart failure. Systemic deletion of the gene encoding adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), the enzyme that catalyzes the rate-limiting step of triglyceride lipolysis, results in a phenotype characterized by severe steatotic cardiac dysfunction. The objective of the present study was to investigate a potential role of oxidative stress in cardiac ATGL deficiency. Hearts of mice with global ATGL knockout were compared to those of mice with cardiomyocyte-restricted overexpression of ATGL and to those of wildtype littermates. Our results demonstrate that oxidative stress, measured as lucigenin chemiluminescence, was increased ~ 6-fold in ATGL-deficient hearts. In parallel, cytosolic NADPH oxidase subunits p67phox and p47phox were upregulated 4–5-fold at the protein level. Moreover, a prominent upregulation of different inflammatory markers (tumor necrosis factor α, monocyte chemotactant protein-1, interleukin 6, and galectin-3) was observed in those hearts. Both the oxidative and inflammatory responses were abolished upon cardiomyocyte-restricted overexpression of ATGL. Investigating the effect of oxidative and inflammatory stress on nitric oxide/cGMP signal transduction we observed a ~ 2.5-fold upregulation of soluble guanylate cyclase activity and a ~ 2-fold increase in cardiac tetrahydrobiopterin levels. Systemic treatment of ATGL-deficient mice with the superoxide dismutase mimetic Mn(III)tetrakis (4-benzoic acid) porphyrin did not ameliorate but rather aggravated cardiac oxidative stress. Our data suggest that oxidative and inflammatory stress seems involved in lipotoxic heart disease. Upregulation of soluble guanylate cyclase and cardiac tetrahydrobiopterin might be regarded as counterregulatory mechanisms in cardiac ATGL deficiency.  相似文献   

Wang F  Li X  Xie X  Zhao L  Chen W 《FEBS letters》2008,582(13):1919-1927
A non-protein-coding RNA, UCA1, has been cloned from human bladder TCC cell line BLZ-211 by using 5' and 3' RACE. The UCA1 full-length cDNA was 1442 bp. RT-PCR analysis indicated that UCA1 is an embryonic development and bladder cancer-associated RNA. The proliferative, migrative, invasive, and drug resistance behaviors of human bladder TCC cell line BLS-211 were enhanced by exogenous UCA1 expression in vitro. Several potential target genes of UCA1 were identified through microarray analysis. Moreover, the expression of UCA1 also increased tumorigenic potential of BLS-211 cells in nude mice. Results from the present study suggested that UCA1 might play a pivotal role in bladder cancer progression and embryonic development.  相似文献   

NSAIDs displayed chemopreventive and anticancer effects against several types of cancers. Moreover, combination of NSAIDs with anticancer agents resulted in enhanced anticancer activity. These findings have attracted much attention of researchers working in this field. The 2-arylpropionic acid-derived NSAIDs represent one of the most widely used anti-inflammatory agents. Additionally, they displayed antiproliferative activities against different types of cancer cells. Large volume of research was performed to identify molecular targets responsible for this activity. However, the exact mechanism underlying the anticancer activity of profens is still unclear. In this review article, the anticancer potential, structure activity relationship and synthesis of selected profen derivatives were summarized. This review is focused also on non-COX targets which can mediate the anticancer activity of this derivatives. The data in this review highlighted profens as promising lead compounds in future research to develop potent and safe anticancer agents.  相似文献   

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