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Mating systems are an important factor influencing the variance in reproductive success among individuals within natural populations and thus have important ecological and evolutionary implications. We used molecular pedigree reconstruction techniques with microsatellite DNA data to characterize the genetic mating system and mate selection in adult smallmouth bass spawning in Lake Opeongo. The genetic mating system of smallmouth bass in this system can be characterized as predominantly monogamous with a low rate of polygynandry particularly among larger individuals. Iteroparous individuals showed a complete absence of interannual mate fidelity, presumably due to the low annual return rate of spawning adults. Within a season, individuals from both sexes pursued additional mating opportunities with males showing greater variance in mate number than females. Female mate selection appeared to be largely random with little evidence for elevated levels of inbreeding in this population. Multiple mating females pursued additional males to whom they were less related than the first male with which they spawned within a given season, however, this pattern varied among years. The mating pattern observed in this population would likely limit the strength of sexual selection and thus could account for the lack of sexual dimorphism and the absence of alternative reproductive tactics in this species.  相似文献   

An individual-based model of nesting smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, is used to predict the effects of water level fluctuations on reproductive success. The model simulates daily nest site selection, spawning, nest guarding, and development and survival of eggs, embryos, and larvae until dispersal. The model was configured for Brownlee Reservoir, Idaho-Oregon. Each reservoir bank is represented as a rectangular grid of cells, with each cell characterized by an assigned slope, substrate, and elevation, and by a water depth that varied daily. Nest site (cell) selection is determined from a habitat suitability index (HSI) based on substrate, slope, and depth. Development of young is temperature-dependent. Mortality of young occurs via attrition, abandonment by the guarding male, and probabilistic whole-nest catastrophe. Simulations were performed that used observed data for 1991 to 1996. Model predicted nest habitat selection and egg-to-dispersal survival rates were similar to observed values. Additional model simulations showed that: (1) nest habitat selection was best predicted when depth, slope, and substrate were considered together rather than singly, (2) egg-to-dispersal survival was related to the magnitude of water level fluctuations during the peak spawning period, (3) relating mortality to HSI values resulted in lower survival, while relating growth to HSI values resulted in higher survival, and (4) spawning habitat is not limiting in Brownlee Reservoir. Suggestions for future monitoring of reservoir-based smallmouth bass populations are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

1. Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) have been widely introduced to fresh waters throughout the world to promote recreational fishing opportunities. In the Pacific Northwest (U.S.A.), upstream range expansions of predatory bass, especially into subyearling salmon‐rearing grounds, are of increasing conservation concern, yet have received little scientific inquiry. Understanding the habitat characteristics that influence bass distribution and the timing and extent of bass and salmon overlap will facilitate the development of management strategies that mitigate potential ecological impacts of bass. 2. We employed a spatially continuous sampling design to determine the extent of bass and subyearling Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) sympatry in the North Fork John Day River (NFJDR), a free‐flowing river system in the Columbia River Basin that contains an upstream expanding population of non‐native bass. Extensive (i.e. 53 km) surveys were conducted over 2 years and during an early and late summer period of each year, because these seasons provide a strong contrast in the river’s water temperature and flow condition. Classification and regression trees were applied to determine the primary habitat correlates of bass abundance at reach and channel‐unit scales. 3. Our study revealed that bass seasonally occupy up to 22% of the length of the mainstem NFJDR where subyearling Chinook salmon occur, and the primary period of sympatry between these species was in the early summer and not during peak water temperatures in late summer. Where these species co‐occurred, bass occupied 60–76% of channel units used by subyearling Chinook salmon in the early summer and 28–46% of the channel units they occupied in the late summer. Because these rearing salmon were well below the gape limitation of bass, this overlap could result in either direct predation or sublethal effects of bass on subyearling Chinook salmon. The upstream extent of bass increased 10–23 km (2009 and 2010, respectively) as stream temperatures seasonally warmed, but subyearling Chinook salmon were also found farther upstream during this time. 4. Our multiscale analysis suggests that bass were selecting habitat based on antecedent thermal history at a broad scale, and if satisfactory temperature conditions were met, mesoscale habitat features (i.e. channel‐unit type and depth) played an additional role in determining bass abundance. The upstream extent of bass in the late summer corresponded to a high‐gradient geomorphic discontinuity in the NFJDR, which probably hindered further upstream movements of bass. The habitat determinants and upstream extent of bass were largely consistent across years, despite marked differences in the magnitude and timing of spring peak flows prior to bass spawning. 5. The overriding influence of water temperature on smallmouth bass distribution suggests that managers may be able limit future upstream range expansions of bass into salmon‐rearing habitat by concentrating on restoration activities that mitigate climate‐ or land‐use‐related stream warming. These management activities could be prioritised to capitalise on survival bottlenecks in the life history of bass and spatially focused on landscape knick points such as high‐gradient discontinuities to discourage further upstream movements of bass.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of abrupt temperature change on the hatching success and larval survival of eggs, yolk-sac larvae (YSL) and larvae above nest (LAN), for both largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides and smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu were quantified. Temperature had a significant effect on hatching success and time to 50% mortality, with large heat shocks causing accelerated mortality. The temperature changes shown to influence survival of all life stages, however, were beyond what is typically experienced in the wild. Micropterus salmoides had greater egg hatching success rates and increased survival rates at YSL and LAN stages, relative to M. dolomieu. Additionally, egg hatching success and survival of LAN varied across nests within the study. These findings suggest that temperature alone may not account for variations in year-class strength and may emphasize the need for protection of the nest-guarding male Micropterus spp. to ensure recruitment.  相似文献   

Synopsis We measured macroinvertebrate densities and abundance, size, and diet of juvenile smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, at five sites located at varying distances from a metalimnetic release dam. We used these data to determine the influence of high prey abundances on stomach fullness and age-0 year-class strength. Summer diets of juvenile smallmouth bass (27.7–107.7 mm total length) were dominated by Ephemeroptera (primarily Baetidae) but diet composition was highly variable among years and sites. A linear index of prey selection showed that Ephemeroptera were preferred and Trichoptera were avoided at all sites in all years; but, selection indices were not consistent for Chironomidae or Amphipoda and Isopoda. In two of three years, stomach fullness (gut content mass relative to predicted maximum) of juvenile smallmouth bass decreased with distance downstream of the dam, which reflected patterns observed in benthic macroinvertebrate densities. However, in 1989 when flooding and increased turbidity reduced abundances of juvenile smallmouth bass, no differences in stomach fullness were found among sites. High stomach fullness of juvenile smallmouth bass was attributed to high prey abundances near the dam in years of low or normal streamflow. However, patterns in juvenile smallmouth bass abundances in mid-summer could not be attributed to longitudinal variation in prey abundance.  相似文献   

Summer mortality ('die-off') is common in striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), in the San Francisco Bay-Delta region. Tissue and blood samples of moribund and healthy striped bass collected during the summers of 1986–1988 were analysed. Sixteen moribund and 25 healthy reference fish from the Carquinez Strait area and eight fish caught in the Pacific Ocean were studied. Moribund fish plasma was invariably yellow-orange; most of the moribund fish had discoloured livers with haemorrhagic regions, and approximately one-third had haemorrhagic intestines. Piasma levels of aspartale aminotransferase, uric acid, alkaline phosphatase and cortisol were significantly higher than in reference fish from Carquinez Strait and the Pacific Ocean, whereas cholesterol, sodium, chloride, triiodothyronine and glucose levels were significantly lower. Hepatic heavy metal concentrations and bacterial content were similar in moribund and reference fish. Gill Na.+, K+ -ATPase activity was significantly lower in moribund fish. Liver, kidney, intestine, and thyroid follicles of moribund fish displayed various histopathological changes, and corticosteroidogenic (interrenal) tissue could not be identified positively in moribund fish. These findings are discussed in relation to recent work on the chemical burdens (industrial and agricultural hydrocarbons) found in livers from some of the fish examined in this study.  相似文献   

山西五鹿山褐马鸡不同季节的空间分布与栖息地选择研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
1997~1998年在山西省五鹿山自然保护区内对世界珍禽褐马鸡(Crossoptilon mantchuricum)越冬期与繁殖期的空间分布模式及其变化规律进行了研究,同时探讨了种群空间分布模式与栖息地结构特征之间的关系。经Pois—son函数和χ^2检验,发现褐马鸡在越冬期和繁殖期均为聚集分布,但越冬期的聚集程度更为明显。通过对栖息地可利用率与实际利用率的比较,发现褐马鸡在越冬期与繁殖期对栖息地的利用存在显著性差异:越冬期褐马鸡对阔叶林具有明显的负选择性;进入繁殖期后,褐马鸡对落叶阔叶林和灌丛的利用率显著增加,而对针叶林和针阔混交林的利用率有所减少。对两个时期的栖息地样方进行判别分析,发现草本植物数量、草本植物平均高度、乔木胸径、乔木高度是影响褐马鸡越冬期与繁殖期栖息地选择的主要因子。研究结果表明,褐马鸡种群的空间分布模式及其变化,与栖息地结构以及空间资源分布的季节性变化有关。在越冬期,由于温度、降雪等气候因素的影响,草本植物都已枯萎,落叶阔叶林的郁闭度较低,隐蔽条件较差,褐马鸡活动的区域范围受到一定的限制,此时褐马鸡常常在郁闭度较高的针叶林或针阔混交林中,并聚集形成较大的群体,共同取食,聚集分布的程度较高;进入繁殖期后,随着落叶阔叶林郁闭度增大以及林下、灌草丛中草本植物种类和数量的增多,褐马鸡群体逐渐变小,多以配偶对的形式活动,空间聚集程度降低。但由于褐马鸡对栖息地具有严格的选择性,许多配偶对主要集中在质量较好的区域内占区和营巢,因此在大尺度上褐马鸡种群的空间分布仍为聚集型分布。  相似文献   

1. Strong vertical gradients in light, water temperature, oxygen, algal concentration and predator encounters during summer in stratified lakes may influence patterns of depth selection in crustacean zooplankton, especially Daphnia species. 2. To test how crustacean depth selection varies among lakes along a gradient of catchment disturbance by recent residential development and land use change, we calculated the weighted mean depth distribution of the biomass of crustaceans by day and night in eight nutrient‐poor boreal lakes. 3. Generally, the greatest biomass of crustaceans was located at the metalimnion or at the lower boundary of the euphotic zone during thermal stratification in July. The crustacean zooplankton avoided warm surface layers and tended to stay in colder deep waters by both day and night. They also remained at greater depths in lakes with a more extensive euphotic zone. 4. There was some evidence of upward nocturnal migrations of large Daphnia and copepods in some lakes, and one case of downward migration in a lake inhabited by chaoborid larvae. 5. Multivariate regression trees (MRT) were used to cluster crustaceans and Daphnia species in homogeneous groups based on lake natural and disturbance factors. For crustaceans, the depth of the euphotic zone, the sampling depth (epilimnion, metalimnion and hypolimnion), time (day or night) of sampling and the biomass of chlorophyll a were the main driving factors. For Daphnia species, the drainage area, the sampling depth, the cleared land surface area within the catchment and the concentration of total dissolved phosphorus were the main factors.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the energy density of fishes in the North Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The energy density ( E D, kJ g-1 wet mass) of saithe Pollachius virens , haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus , whiting Merlangius merlangus , Norway pout Trisopterus esmarki , herring Clupea harengus , sprat Sprattus sprattus , sandeel Ammodytes marinus and pearlsides Maurolicus Muelleri , from the North Sea, increased with total length, L T. However, there was not always a significant ( P> 0·05) linear relationship between L T and E D. Seasonal differences in E D were obvious in mature fish, while geographical differences were insignificant. For all species there was a highly significant correlation ( P< 0·0001) between the percent dry mass of the fish ( D S) and E D. A general relationship was established for gadoids and sandeel E D=–3·1492+0·3459 D S and herring E D=–4·6395+0·4170 D S. Thus seasonal and size-specific data on E D needed for bioenergetics and gastric evacuation models can be determined simply from D S, which is considerably less costly and time consuming than calorimetry or proximate analysis.  相似文献   

Synopsis We provided supplemental food for parental male smallmouth bass,Micropterus dolomieu, to determine if food supply limits the reproductive performance of nesting males as measured by care duration, reproductive success and survival of adult males. Although supplementing the diet of parental males had a positive effect on all three reproductive measures, the experiment generated contrasting results in different years. In the first year, supplemental feeding only improved the survival of fed males versus unfed males. In the second year, supplemental feeding increased care duration and reproductive success of fed males but reduced their survival relative to unfed males. Our supplemental feeding improved current or future measures of reproductive performance, but not both simultaneously. The results appear to demonstrate phenotypic plasticity in the extent to which energy from supplemental feeding can be allocated to present or future reproduction.  相似文献   

Direct field measurements of the energetic expenditure on parental care and within-nest reproductive success of individual male smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieui were determined by measuring the change in total body mass as well as by total body electroconductivity analysis (TOBEC™). With TOBEC, the change in total body lean mass of the same live individual was measured non-destructively at the beginning and end of the parental care period. Lean mass was the primary source of energy utilized during parental care indicating starvation and potential loss of future reproduction. Individual loss in lean mass was related positively to reproductive success suggesting that the energy expended during parental care does affect individual fitness.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of natural selection can be identified using experimental approaches. However, such experiments often yield nonsignificant effects and imprecise estimates of selection due to low power and small sample sizes. Combining results from multiple experimental studies might produce an aggregate estimate of selection that is more revealing than individual studies. For example, bony pelvic armour varies conspicuously among stickleback populations, and predation by vertebrate and insect predators has been hypothesized to be the main driver of this variation. Yet experimental selection studies testing these hypotheses frequently fail to find a significant effect. We experimentally manipulated length of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) pelvic spines in a mesocosm experiment to test whether prickly sculpin (Cottus asper), an intraguild predator of stickleback, favours longer spines. The probability of survival was greater for stickleback with unclipped pelvic spines, but this effect was noisy and not significant. We used meta‐analysis to combine the results of our mesocosm experiment with previously published experimental studies of selection on pelvic armour. We found evidence that fish predation indeed favours increased pelvic armour, with a moderate effect size. The same approach found little evidence that insect predation favours reduced pelvic armour. The causes of reduced pelvic armour in many stickleback populations remain uncertain.  相似文献   

Year-class strength in northern populations of smallmouth bass is strongly influenced by winter starvation of young-of-the-year. We examined starvation among young bass under both winter and summer light and temperature conditions. During starvation, body condition declines to a specific level and then the fish dies. Body condition at death is a well defined function of body size that remains relatively constant over a wide range of environmental conditions. Starvation rate varies systematically with body size, temperature, pH and water hardness. Available stored energy increases more rapidly with body size than starvation rate. Therefore, lifetime under starvation conditions tends to increase with increasing body size. The Q10 for starvation rate over the temperature range 2.5-8° C is 2.2. Starvation rate increases as pH declines from 7.0-4.9: the rate at pH 4.9 is ∼ 1.25 times the rate at pH 7 Starvation rate decreases as Ca concentration increases from 1 mgl−1 to 80mgl−1: the rate at 80 mg Ca 1−1 is ∼0.80 times the rate at 1 mgl−1.  相似文献   

Drought is one of the main abiotic constraints in rice. A deep root system contributes efficiently to maintaining the water status of the crop through a stress period. After identifying QTLs affecting root parameters in a doubled-haploid (DH) population of rice derived from the cross IR64/Azucena, we started a marker-assisted backcross program to transfer the Azucena allele at four QTLs for deeper roots (on chromosomes 1, 2, 7 and 9) from selected DH lines into IR64. We selected the backcross progenies strictly on the basis of their genotypes at the marker loci in the target regions up to the BC3F2. We assessed the proportion of alleles remaining from Azucena in the non-target areas of the BC3F2 plants, which was in the range expected for the backcross stage reached. Twenty nine selected BC3F3 near-isogenic lines (NILs) were developed and compared to IR64 for the target root traits and three non-target traits in replicated experiments. Of the three tested NILs carrying target 1, one had significantly improved root traits over IR64. Three of the seven NILs carrying target 7 alone, as well as three of the eigth NILs carrying both targets 1 and 7, showed significantly improved root mass at depth. Four of the six NILs carrying target 9 had significantly improved maximum root length. Five NILs carrying target 2 were phenotyped, but none had a root phenotype significantly different from that of IR64. A re-analysis of the initial data with the composite interval mapping technique revealed two linked QTLs with opposite effects in this area. Some NILs were taller than IR64 and all had a decreased tiller number because of a likely co-introgression of linked QTLs. The usefulness of NILs, the efficiency of marker-aided selection for QTLs and the relationship between root traits are discussed. The NILs with an improved root system will permit testing the importance of root depth for water-limited environments. Received: 17 July 2000 / Accepted: 20 October 2000  相似文献   

Synopsis We tested depth selection by different sizes of mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi, in a southern Appalachian stream. Field observations indicated that, during one hour periods, both small (<50 mm SL) and large (≥55 mm SL) individuals move within an area less than 0.50 m2. Individuals of both sizes, placed in field enclosures, preferred deep microhabitat. When large fish were placed in cages with small fish, small fish initially spent more time in slope and shallow microhabitats. Average interfish distances were not correlated with their absolute size differences, suggesting C. bairdi interactions may involve both predation and competition. In streams, size-related differences in microhabitat depth may result more from intraspecific interactions than from size-specific depth preferences.  相似文献   

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