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A gene at 42 min on theEscherichia coli chromosome, identified as the locus of pseudoreversion of knockout mutations in the biotin sulfoxide reductase gene,bisC, has 64% base sequence identity withbisC. This makes it a member of a multigene family of molybdopterin enzymes that includes genes for anaerobic reduction of trimethylamine oxide (torA) and dimethylsulfoxide (dmsA). Disruption of this gene eliminates the background activity of biotin sulfoxide reduction observed inbisC mutants. Sequence comparison of the new gene (bisZ) withbisC indicates that certaints mutants ofbisC arise by gene conversion between the two loci.  相似文献   

Summary Escherichia coli bulk protein synthesis continued during the first 3–4 h of carbon starvation at 50–75% that of non-starved (growing) cells. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis of in vivo pulse-labelled proteins resolved at least 30 polypeptides with new or increased synthesis, relative to total protein synthesis, during this time. Among these polypeptides were several that were also synthesized by ethanol-treatedE. coli (heat-shock proteins). In addition, a number of unique polypeptides were synthesized by carbon-starved cells. These starvation proteins may be involved in survival of the starving bacteria.  相似文献   

Feil  R.  Bigl  M.  Ruth  P.  Hofmann  F. 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1993,127(1):71-80
Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (cGMP kinase) is involved in the relaxation of smooth muscle. The enzyme has been cloned and expressed in eukaryotic cell lines but so far not in prokaryotic cells. Three vectors were constructed for the expression of I cGMP kinase inEscherichia coli. Transformation with the pET3a/cgk vector which uses the T7 RNA polymerase/promotor system resulted in efficient accumulation of cGMP kinase. Most of the protein was in an insoluble and catalytic inactive form. Various solubilization and refolding conditions did not yield an active enzyme. A small fraction of the cGMP kinase was present in the soluble cell extract. This fraction bound cGMP with high affinity but had no cGMP stimulated kinase activity. To prevent aggregation two additional vectors were constructed. (I) A bacterial leader sequence, which directs the export of proteins into the periplasmic space, was fused to the aminoterminus of the cGMP kinase. (II) A gram/gram+ shuttle vector for expression under the control of the tac promotor was used. Both constructs directed the synthesis of an isoluble and inactive cGMP kinase. These results suggest that large amounts of cGMP kinase can be expressed inE. coli, but mainly in an isoluble and inactive form. In contrast to eukaryotic cells, bacteria may lack systems for correct protein folding and/or posttranslational modification that are crucial for the productive folding and/or activation of cGMP kinase.  相似文献   

It is shown that partial phenotypic suppression of two ochre mutations (argE3 andlacZU118) and an amber mutation (inargE) by sublethal concentrations of streptomycin in anrpsL + (streptomycin-sensitive) derivative of theEscherichia coli strain AB1157 greatly enhances their adaptive mutability under selection. Streptomycin also increases adaptive mutability brought about by theppm mutation described earlier. Inactivation ofrecA affects neither phenotypic suppression by streptomycin nor replication-associated mutagenesis but abolishes adaptive mutagenesis. These results indicate a causal relationship between allele leakiness and adaptive mutability.  相似文献   

Summary A variety of feeding strategies have been described for attaining high cell densities in fed-batch fermentors. Although cell density is an important component in the produtivity of recombinant fermentations, it must be achievable with high product expression levels. Experiments were conducted to study the influence of fermentation feeding strategies on the production of a recombinant malaria antigen inEscherichia coli. C-source feeding profiles were calculated to maintain specific growth rates at 0.1, 0.2, 0.35, and 0.5 l/h prior to induction in defined and complex media using an exponential growth model. Fed-batch fermentations employing these feeding profiles effectively controlled the specific growth rates prior to induction. Antigen yields per dry cell weight did not vary with specific growth rate. Antigen yields from fed-batch fermentations achieving high cell densities were similar to batch fermentations achieving low cell densities. These results show that C-feeding policies can limit growth without reducing expression levels in some systems, and suggest applications in managing oxygen demand and catabolic by-product formation during process scale-up.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the mature, chloroplast-localized carbonic anhydrase in pea has been expressed inE. coli. The enzyme is fully active and yields of up to 20% of the total soluble protein can be obtained from the bacteria. This expression system was used to monitor the effects of site-directed mutagenesis of seven residues found within conserved regions in the pea carbonic anhydrase amino acid sequence. The effects of these modifications are discussed with respect to the potential of various amino acids to act as sites for zinc coordination or intramolecular proton shuttles.  相似文献   

Glutamate excretion due to amino acid starvation was investigated in “stringent” and “relaxed” strains ofEscherichia coli. The observed excretion process isrelA-dependent, carrier-mediated, and glutamate-specific. After induction, excretion was detected within less than 2 min and continued for more than 5h with a rate of 7–10 nmol (mg dry weight)−1 min−1. Using carbonyl cyanidem-chlorophenylhydrazone or polymyxin B nonapeptide, together with valinomycin, it was shown that glutamate excretion is driven by the membrane potential.  相似文献   

Thenar promoter as an inducible promoter was characterized for the process development for the gene expression and the protein production under anaerobic condition. The LB medium was selected as a main culture medium showing the enzyme activity of 18,000 units/min/g cell in the flask cultivation. The optimum concentration of nitrate was 1%. Under anaerobic conditions, the gene expression was fully induced in the presence of nitrate.  相似文献   

Summary Comparison of growth rates of isogenic strains that synthesize varying levels of-galactosidase during continuous culture on non-inducing medium indicates that synthesis of low levels of non-functional protein has a small but possibly significant effect upon growth rate.  相似文献   

Expression of theZymomonas mobilis pyruvate decarboxylase (pdc) and alcohol dehydrogenase (adh) genes inEscherichia coli has been known to reduce acetate accumulation by shifting carbon flow from acetate to ethanol. In this study, we investigated the effects of physiological and environmental conditions on the metabolic flux alteration caused by the expression of thepdc andadh genes. In the batch cultures, no significant differences, regardless of medium composition, were found in growth rate and glucose uptake rate between the host strains and the recombinant strains expressing thepdc andadh genes. In the continuous cultures performed with glucose minimal medium, however, the recombinant strains gave more biomass than the host strains at the same specific growth rates. On the contrary, in the continuous cultures with complex medium, the host strains yielded more biomass than the recombinant strains. Analysis of the culture supernatants revealed that the effect of thepdc andadh expression on byproduct formation was more significant at low specific growth rates than at high specific growth rates. This study suggests that physiological and environmental conditions should be carefully considered and precisely defined in assessing the effects of heterologous gene expression on metabolic activities of recombinantE. coli.  相似文献   

A short (43-bp) A/T-rich stretch of DNA located in The intergenic region between thebaiA2 andbaiF genes fromEubacterium sp. strain VPI 12708 was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and inserted in front of the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequences of three inefficiently-expressedEubacterium sp. strain VPI 12708 genes cloned inEschcrichia coli plasmids. Insertion of this A/T-rich cassette increased gene expression in all cases tested. Deletion of part of the A/T-rich region from abaiF clone in pUC19 resulted in decreased gene expression. Synthesis of specific mRNA was increased with addition of the A/T-rich cassette to constructs containing thebaiC gene from Eubacterium sp. strain VPI 12708, but mRNA synthesis was not significantly changed in cells containing plasmid constructs with thebaiF andbaiG genes. Enhanced translation resulting from a decrease in mRNA secondary structure in the ribosome binding site region is discussed as a possible reason for increased gene expression with the A/T-rich cassette.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405 produces an extremely complicated multi-component cellulase aggregate (cellulosome) highly active on crystalline cellulose. From the cellulosome, two subunits, CelS (or S s ;M r = 82 000) and CelL (or S l , CipA;M r = 250 000), have been identified as essential for crystalline cellulose degradation [Wu et al. (1988) Biochemistry 27:1703]. We have determined the DNA sequence of thecelS gene from four cloned DNA fragments encompassing this gene [Wang et al. (1993) J Bacteriol 175:1293]. To express the entirecelS gene inEscherichia coli, thecelS structural gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) employing the PCR primers corresponding to sequences flanking the desired gene. This PCR product (2.1 x 103 bases; 2.1 kb) was cloned into anE. coli expression vector pRSET B. Subsequent expression of the cloned gene resulted in a fusion protein (rCelS;M r = 86 000) as inclusion bodies. The rCelS protein was recognized specifically by an anti-CelS antiserum in a Western blot analysis. The inclusion bodies were purified and solubilized in 5m urea. The refolded rCelS produced very little reducing sugar from carboxymethylcellulose. However, it showed a higher activity on the crystalline cellulose (Avicel) and an even higher activity on phosphoricacid-swollen Avicel. These results indicate that the CelS is an exoglucanase.  相似文献   

Many bacteria in nature are nutritionally deprived, and there has been heightened interest during the past decade in the properties of these bacteria. We subjected five populations ofEscherichia coli to prolonged starvation in a minimal salts medium, during which time the density of viable cells declined by several orders of magnitude. From each one, we isolated a surviving clone that showed some heritable difference in colony morphology. We then characterized these mutants in two ecologically relevant respects. First, we determined the nature of their selective advantage, if any, during prolonged starvation. (i) Three of the five mutants had significantly lower net death rate when progenitor and mutant clones were starved separately. (ii) Three mutants showed a significant reduction in death rate in mixed culture that was frequency dependent and manifest when the mutant clone was initially rare. This pattern suggests that these mutants fed on some byproduct of progenitor cells (living or dead). (iii) Two mutants caused the death rate of their progenitors to increase significantly relative to the rate measured in the absence of the mutant. This pattern suggests that these mutants had become allelopathic to their progenitors. Thus, three distinct ecological adaptations to prolonged starvation are evident. No advantage was detected for one mutant, whereas two mutants exhibited multiple advantages. Second, we asked whether the starvation-selected mutants were as fit in growth-supporting conditions as their progenitors. All five mutants were inferior to their progenitor during competition in fresh medium. Evidently, there is an evolutionary tradeoff between performance under growth and starvation conditions.  相似文献   

In genetic engineering, gene expression is often modulated by replacements in promoter regions. Any deliberate intervention into the regulatory elements requires a subsequent evaluation based on analysis of reporter proteins. We have developed a new and rapid approach for characterization of promoter activity in which promoter strengths are determined by antibiotic resistance level. Values are expressed in comparison with those obtained from the reference promoter using the kanamycin resistance (aminoglycoside 3′-phosphotransferase) gene as a reporter. The new assay vector pSB1K0prom enables straightforward cloning of promoters or their subparts; therefore, mutations in different elements of the promoter region are easily introduced and analyzed. A series of promoters can be examined in parallel because no protein analysis is required other than determination of bacterial growth rates in the presence of increasing kanamycin concentrations. An internet application called PromCal for evaluation of experimental data has also been developed and is freely accessible at http://web.fkkt.uni-lj.si/biokemija/nskrlj/tools/PromCal.php.  相似文献   

The strength and regulatory characteristics of the heat-inducibleHSA1, HSA2 andTPS1 promoters were compared with those of the well-established, carbon source-regulatedFMD promoter in aHansenula polymorpha-based host systemin vivo. In addition, theSaccharomyces cerevisiae-derivedADH1 promoter was analysed. WhileADH1 promoter showed to be of poor activity in the foreign host, the strength of the heat shockTPS1 promoter was found to exceed that of theFMD promoter, which at present is considered to be the strongest promoter for driving heterologous gene expression inH. polymorpha.  相似文献   

This study uncovers a new mechanism of regulation of DNA supercoiling operativein vivo upon an aerobic-anaerobic transition inEscherichia coli. Exponentially growing aerobic batch cultures were subjected to a shift to anaerobic conditions. The ratio [ATP]/[ADP] remained essentially constant at 8.5 in the aerobic culture and after a transition to anaerobiosis while DNA supercoiling increased noticeably upon anaerobiosis. This result indicated that the mechanism of regulation of DNA supercoiling by the [ATP]/[ADP] ratio was not operative. The increase in DNA supercoiling was followed by a large decrease in the DNA-relaxing activity of topoisomerase I while gyrase activity remained relatively constant. This decrease in the activity of topoisomerase I is likely to be responsible for the increase in DNA supercoiling.Abbreviations TPE Tris-phosphate-EDTA buffer - TBE Tris-borate-EDTA buffer  相似文献   

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