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The influences of the mu blocker naloxone and the novel opioid delta receptor antagonist ICI, 154, 129 on videotaped encounters between individually-housed, male Swiss mice and anosmic male ‘standard opponents’ were assessed using a variety of ethological analyses. The effects of drugs were studied on individual elements and on the times allocated by subjects to broad categories of behaviour. Neither of the drugs significantly altered times allocated to broad categories of behaviour. Both doses of both compounds significantly increased the incidences of some ‘fearful’/defensive postures. A more detailed analysis considered the effects of the drugs on the sequences of postures used in the resident's behaviour. This involved the generation of ‘dendrograms’ which provided support for the view that both naloxone and ICI 154, 129 altered the associations between behavioural elements seen in saline controls (especially at higher doses) and that the effects of these antagonists were qualitatively different.  相似文献   

黄体酮(P4)是一种类固醇激素。为了探究P4的内分泌干扰效应, 选择成年斑马鱼(Danio rerio)作为受试生物, 研究了P4对斑马鱼下丘脑-垂体-性腺轴(HPG轴)相关基因转录表达影响。成年斑马鱼在不同浓度P4(2、11和16 ng•L–1)下处理21 d。结果显示: 暴露于高浓度组的P4能够抑制雌鱼大脑中促性腺激素释放激素2(gnrh2)、促性腺激素释放激素3(gnrh3), 卵泡刺激素(fshb)、雌激素受体1(esr1)基因的转录表达; 然而诱导了雄鱼大脑中fshb、黄体生成素(lhb)、雄激素受体(ar)基因的转录表达, 这些转录变化暗示了P4对成年斑马鱼有潜在的弱雄激素效应。此外, P4暴露对雌鱼卵巢和雄鱼精巢类固醇合成途径中固醇激素合成急性调节蛋白(star)、细胞色素p450介导侧链裂解酶(cyp11a1)、17α羟化酶(cyp17)、卵巢细胞色素P450芳香化酶(cyp19a1a)、11β羟化酶(cyp11b)、羟基类固醇3β脱氢酶(hsd3b)、羟基类固醇20β脱氢酶(hsd20b)、羟基类固醇17β脱氢酶3(hsd17b3)、羟基类固醇11β脱氢酶2(hsd11b2)以及受体信号途径中孕激素受体(pgr)、esr1、ar基因的转录表达没有显著影响。可见, 在P4暴露下, 斑马鱼大脑比性腺更加敏感。总而言之, P4能够改变斑马鱼大脑中HPG轴相关基因的转录表达水平, 进而对斑马鱼的内分泌系统具有潜在的危险。  相似文献   

In the present work it was observed that the diabetic state alters the hypophyseal response to castration, without the expected increase in the LH serum levels, as found in the control rats. On the other hand, the stimulation of the hypophysis with LHRH resulted in a lower response in the case of the diabetic animal. The results presented herein are in good agreement with the finding of a reduction in the number of androgen binding sites and also with a diminished activity of the 5 alpha-reductase in the hypophysis from diabetic animals. The present results indicate an alteration in the hypophyseal gonadotropin production as well as in the overall process of hypophyseal response in experimental diabetes.  相似文献   

This study analyzes cadmium effects at the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. Male rats were given cadmium during puberty or adulthood. Cadmium exposure through puberty increased norepinephrine content in all hypothalamic areas studied, but not in the median eminence. Metal exposure increased serotonin turnover in median eminence and the anterior hypothalamus, while decreased it in mediobasal hypothalamus. Also, decreased plasma levels of testosterone were found. Cadmium exposure during adulthood increased norepinephrine content in posterior hypothalamus and decreased the neuro-transmitter content in anterior and mediobasal hypothalamus. Decreased circulating levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone and increased plasma follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were also observed. Cadmium accumulated in all analyzed tissues. Various parameters showed age-dependent changes. These data suggest that cadmium globally effects hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis function by acting at the three levels analyzed and that an interaction between cadmium exposure and age emerge.  相似文献   

AimsThe current study assessed the in vivo antagonist properties of nalmefene using procedures previously used to characterize the opioid antagonists naloxone, naltrexone, 6β-naltrexol and nalbuphine.Main methodsICR mice were used to generate antagonist dose–response curves with intraperitoneal (i.p.) nalmefene against fixed A90 doses of morphine in models of morphine-stimulated hyperlocomotion and antinociception. Additional dose–response curves for antagonist precipitated opioid withdrawal were run in mice treated acutely (100 mg/kg, s.c., ? 4 h) or chronically (75 mg pellet, s.c., ? 72 h) with morphine. Comparisons were made between antagonist potency and degree of precipitated withdrawal.Key findingsNalmefene produced dose- and time-related antagonism of morphine-induced increases in locomotor activity with a calculated ID50 (and 95% confidence interval) of 0.014 (0.007–0.027) mg/kg. Nalmefene produced rapid reversal of morphine-induced locomotor activity (5.1 min for 50% reduction in morphine effect). A 0.32 mg/kg dose of nalmefene produced blockade of morphine-induced antinociception in the 55 °C tail-flick test that lasted approximately 2 h. Nalmefene was able to potently precipitate withdrawal in mice treated acutely or chronically with morphine.SignificanceThese results demonstrate that nalmefene is similar to naloxone and naltrexone with respect to its in vivo pharmacology in mice. Specifically, nalmefene produces potent antagonism of morphine agonist effects while precipitating severe withdrawal. The compound has a slower onset and longer duration of action compared to naloxone and naltrexone. The data allows for a more complete preclinical comparison of nalmefene against other opioid antagonists including the putative opioid neutral antagonist 6β-naltrexol.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》1997,91(3-5):257-264
The effect of dexloxiglumide, a new potent cholecystokinin (CCK) antagonist, on pancreatic enzyme secretion and growth was studied in the rat. Pancreatic exocrine secretion was studied both in vitro (isolated and perfused pancreatic segments) and in vivo (anaesthetized animals with cannulation of the common bile duct) whereas the trophic effect was investigated after short-term (7 days) administration of the CCK-agonist, caerulein, or camostate (a potent trypsin inhibitor), with or without dexloxiglumide. CCK-8 stimulated amylase release from in vitro pancreatic segments in a concentration-dependent manner. Dexloxiglumide displaced the concentration response curves to CCK-8 to the right without affecting the maximum response, suggesting a competitive antagonism. The Schild plot analysis of data gave a straight line with a slope (0.90±0.36) not significantly different from unity. The calculated pA2 for dexloxiglumide was 6.41 ± 0.38. In vivo experiments confirmed results from in vitro studies since intravenous dexloxiglumide reduced pancreatic exocrine secretion induced by submaximal CCK-8 stimulation (0.5 nmol/kg/h) in a dose-dependent manner, the ID50 being 0.64 mg/kg. Both exogenous and endogenous (released by camostate) CCK increased the weight of the pancreas, the total pancreatic protein and DNA, trypsin and amylase content. Dexloxiglumide (25 mg/kg), administered together with caerulein (1 μg/kg), reduced the peptide-induced increase in pancreatic weight, protein and enzyme content. Similarly, when dexloxiglumide was given together with camostate (200 mg/kg), all the observed changes were reduced by concomitant administration of the antagonist. These results demonstrate the ability of dexloxiglumide to antagonize the effects of CCK on pancreatic secretion and growth, suggesting that this compound is a potent and selective antagonist of CCK-A-receptors in the pancreas.  相似文献   

Testosterone does not influence opiate binding sites in the male rat brain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
T J Cicero  K S Newman  E R Meyer 《Life sciences》1983,33(13):1231-1239
It has been reported previously that castration produces testosterone-reversible increases in the density of 3H-naltrexone binding sites in the male rat brain. Unfortunately, we were unable to replicate these observations in a comprehensive series of studies. Specifically, we found that castration failed to produce changes in the Kd or Bmax of opiate binding sites in whole male rat brain, or in the hypothalamus, utilizing 3H-dihydromorphine (a mu receptor ligand), 3H-D-alanine, D-leucine enkephalin (delta) or 3H-naltrexone (ubiquitous). Furthermore, we found that the relative proportion of mu and delta binding sites in brain was unchanged by castration. The reasons for the discrepancy between the present results and those previously reported are unclear, but it appears that the provocative hypothesis that testosterone influences opioid receptors in brain must be carefully reevaluated.  相似文献   

Since cholecystokinin produced important effects on prolactin secretion following its intraventricular injection in ovariectomized rats, we have evaluated the effects of the cholecystokinin antagonist, proglumide, to assess the physiologic significance of CCK in the control of prolactin release. Conscious rats of either sex were used following implantation of third ventricular and/or intravenous cannulae for the administration of proglumide. Blood samples were drawn from conscious animals at various times after injection of the compound. Intraventricular injection of 1 or 10 micrograms of proglumide produced a dramatic decline in plasma prolactin levels in either castrate or intact male rats. Similar results were found following the intravenous injection of 10 or 100 micrograms of the drug. These results contrasted sharply with the findings in ovariectomized females in which the intraventricular injection of the same two doses of proglumide used in males produced a dose-related elevation of prolactin which was opposite to the delayed lowering of prolactin following the intravenous injection of the same doses of the compound used in males. These results indicate that proglumide can lower prolactin in male rats and suggests a physiologically significant role of CCK in the control of prolactin secretion in the male. There appears to be a sex difference in the response since the results contrasted sharply in ovariectomized female rats. The results in the females are puzzling and it is apparent that further studies are needed to determine whether or not CCK has a physiologically significant role to play in prolactin secretion in the female. Since previous results have shown that CCK has no effect on the release of prolactin by the pituitary directly these interactions are presumably taking place in the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

1. In the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, effects of opiate receptor antagonist naloxone, 9 or 30 microg per animal, on aggressive behavior were investigated. 2. Naloxone had no significant impact on aggression of isolated and dominant males. In contrast, the drug caused a dramatic release of social aggression in female and subordinate male crickets. 3. The results suggest that activity of the opioid system contributes to suppress aggression in subordinate males, as well as in females, during social contacts.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to investigate the influence of adrenalectomy on the 24 hour periodicity in the hypothalamo-pituitary axis in adult male rat. Adrenal gland ablation resulted in the shift in the occurrence of peak content of hypothalamic LHRH and attenuation in the responsiveness of the pituitary to synthetic LHRH. Following adrenalectomy, the circadian serum LH peak was attenuated and serum FSH showed a 24 hour periodicity. In conclusion, the results suggest the possible role of adrenal gland in the maintenance of 24 hour periodicity of hormones in the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis in male rat.  相似文献   

In addition to its potent antileukemic properties, cyclocytidine has a sialogogue action that depends on stimulation of beta adrenergic ereceptors of salivary glands. Furthermore, when chronically administered (for 3 days), cyclocytidine caused enlargement of parotid and submaxillary glands and heart that resembled the hypertrophy caused by chronic isoproterenol administration. The salivas evoked by cyclocytidine also closely resembled those evoked by isoproterenol, and were extremely viscous, and high in K+, (121 plus or minus 5.6, for submaxillary, and 42 plus or minus 2.9, for parotid), low in flow rate (0.007 mg/min times mg) and parotid saliva contained high concentrations of amylase (805 plus or minus 33 mg/mg gland). Cyclocytidine also caused marked emptying of parotid gland amylase. The cyclocytidine-induced salivary flow and gland emptying of amylase were prevented for 90 min when propranolol (but not dibenzyline or atropine) was administered prior to injection of the cyclocytidine. In addition, when the superior cervical ganglion was acutely removed, administration of cyclocytidine elicited salivary flow from the denervated as well as the innervated glands. These findings suggest that cyclocytidine does not affect salivary glands through indirect central or ganglionic actions. Cyclocytidine action does not exclusively involve beta receptors, since even in the presence of propranolol, secretory flow was evident after 90 min but when dibenzyline was given with the propranolol, complete blockade of cyclocytidine-stimulated saliva was effected. The dominant effect is, however, a beta adrenergic one. The undesirable side effects of cyclocytidine (parotid pain, postural hypotension, and cardiac hypertrophy) probably stem chiefly from its beta adrenergic properties and might be eliminated (or at least modified) by administration of propranolol with the cyclocytidine.  相似文献   

This article reviews the mechanisms believed to mediate stress-induced inhibition of reproductive functions and the anatomical sites at which these effects take place. Particular emphasis is placed on the potential modulating role of hormones or neurotransmitters released during stress. At the level of the gonads, adrenal corticoids, pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)-like peptides, and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) are reported to interfere with the stimulatory action of gonadotropins on sex steroid-producing cells. Increased circulating corticosteroid levels may also decrease pituitary responsiveness to GnRH. There is, however, increasing evidence that these mechanisms are primarily involved in mediating the effects of prolonged stress, but not those of an acute stimulus. In contrast, a variety of hormones or neurotransmitters, including CRF, POMC peptides, and biogenic amines act within the brain to mediate the inhibitory influence of both acute and prolonged stresses on reproductive function.  相似文献   

Unexpected male choosiness for mates in a spider   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual selection theory traditionally considers choosiness for mates to be negatively related to intra-sexual competition. Males were classically considered to be the competing, but not the choosy, sex. However, evidence of male choosiness is now accumulating. Male choosiness is expected to increase with an individual's competitive ability, and to decrease as intra-sexual competition increases. However, such predictions have never been tested in field conditions. Here, we explore male mate choice in a spider by studying size-assortative pairing in two natural sites that strongly differ in the level of male-male competition. Unexpectedly, our results demonstrate that mate choice shifts from opportunism to high selectivity as competition between males increases. Males experiencing weak competition did not exhibit size-related mating preferences. By contrast, when competition was intense we found strong size-assortative pairing due to male choice: while larger, more competitive males preferentially paired with larger, more fecund females, smaller males chose smaller females. Thus, we show that mating preferences of males vary with their competitive ability. The distinct preferences exhibited by males of different sizes seem to be an adaptive response to the lower reproductive opportunities arising from increased competition between males.  相似文献   

The specific opiate antagonist naloxone was used to assess the hypothesis that an endogenous opioid plays a significant role in temperature regulation in the rat. A very slight hypothermic effect was observed at a naloxone dose sufficient to block the opiate receptors. Even under conditions of cold stress, the magnitude of the effect was so small as to lend little support to the hypothesis.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether nalmefene, an orally administered opiate-receptor antagonist, would inhibit gastric acid secretion in response to a meal in healthy humans. On separate days either 50 mg nalmefene or a placebo tablet was administered by mouth 90 min before a blenderized steak meal was infused into the stomach through a nasogastric tube. Compared to placebo, nalmefene inhibited meal-stimulated acid secretion in each of 6 subjects studied (P less than 0.05). During the second and third hours after the meal, nalmefene inhibited mean acid secretion by 16%. Nalmefene also resulted in significantly higher meal-stimulated serum gastrin concentrations than placebo (P less than 0.05) even though intragastric pH was kept constant at 5.0 in both experiments. These studies indicate that an orally administered opiate-receptor antagonist can inhibit gastric acid secretion in response to a meal in humans, yet increase meal-stimulated serum gastrin concentrations.  相似文献   

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