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Studies of the sapwood of aphid-attacked Abies grandis (Doug.)Lindl. showed that the infestation by Adelges piceae (Ratz.)did not cause ‘rotholz’, the abnormal xylem usuallyproduced in response to aphid attack. The tracheid length, annualring width, and per cent latewood per annual ring were not significantlydifferent between the wood of infested and non-infested trees. Gas permeability, in combination with a modified Adzumi equation,was used to determine the total number and size of the conductingpit-membrane pores and tracheid lumina. In infested and non-infestedsapwood dried by solvent exchange, the average pore radius ofthe pit membrane was calculated to be about 0.l µm. Theradius of the pit pore, and the tracheid lumina and the numberof conducting tracheid lumina were not significantly differentin the infested and non-infested wood. Infestation reduced thenumber of pit pores per conducting tracheid in the wood by afactor of about three. The reduced number of conducting pitpores may have lowered the permeability of the infested woodby directly reducing the number of available flow channels.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of bordered-pit membranes in normal grandfir trees, Abies grandis (Doug.) Lindl., was compared with thatin trees infested with the blasam woolly aphid, Adelges piceae(Ratz). In sapwood of non-infested trees the membranes of earlywoodpits were well perforated, whereas those of latewood pits wereeither heavily incrusted or incompletely developed and showedfew perforations. In the heartwood pit membranes from both earlywoodand latewood were heavily incrusted. In aphid-infested trees all the pit membranes from the sapwoodwere incrusted and resembled those from heartwood of non-infestedtrees. These incurstations reduced the number of pores in themargo of pit membranes, and could account for the reduced permeabilityto water reported for sapwood trees attacked by the aphid. Wesuggest that the incrustation of pit membranes in sapwood inAbies grandis infested with Adelges piceae occurs because theseaphids cause heartwood to form prematurely.  相似文献   

The stem content of diterpene resin acids (rosin) increases dramatically following wounding of grand fir (Abies grandis) saplings, but the level of monoterpene olefins (turpentine) in the stem decreases following injury, in spite of a significant increase in monoterpene cyclase (synthase) activity. However, this observation was explained when rapid evaporative losses of the volatile monoterpenes from the wound site was demonstrated by trapping experiments, a finding consistent with a role of turpentine as a solvent for the mobilization and deposition of rosin to seal the injury. Mature forest trees responded to stem wounding by the enhancement of monoterpene cyclization capacity in a manner similar to 2-year-old grand fir saplings raised in the greenhouse. Light and water stresses greatly reduced the constitutive level of monoterpene cyclase activity and abolished the wound-induced response. The diminution in monoterpene biosynthetic capacity was correlated with a dramatic decrease in cyclase protein as demonstrated by immunoblotting. Relief of stress conditions resulted in the restoration of cyclase activity (both constitutive and wound induced) to control levels. The results of these experiments indicate that grand fir saplings are a suitable model for studies of the regulation of defensive oleoresinosis in conifers.  相似文献   

Summary Of ten terpenes that comprise most of the volatiles of grand fir foliage only four were affected by addition of nitrogen. Levels of beta-phellandrene, camphene and bornyl acetate and terpinolene were significantly reduced with nitrogen added to the equivalent amount of 44.8 g/m2. A quantity of 22.4 g/m2 did not affect terpene production. Several populations were examined and these did not respond consistently on a regional basis, yet a significant interaction effect was apparent between treatment and local population response. Overall, total yield of terpenes as a function of fertilization was not altered.  相似文献   

Oleoresin (pitch) is a defensive secretion composed of monoterpene olefins (turpentine) and diterpene resin acids (rosin) that is produced in grand fir (Abies grandis Lindl.) stems in response to wounding. Monoterpene and diterpene biosynthesis are coordinately induced in wounded stems as determined by monitoring the activity of monoterpene and diterpene cyclases, as well as two cytochrome P450-dependent diterpenoid hydroxylases involved in the formation of ([mdash])-abietic acid, the principal resin acid of this species. The activity of these enzymes reaches maximum levels that are 5- to 100-fold higher than those of nowwounded control stems 10 d after wounding and this is followed by a synchronous decline. The increase in biosynthetic activity is consequently followed by the accumulation of a viscous mass of resin acids, with the loss of the volatile monoterpenes, at the site of injury. The observed coordinate induction of monoterpene olefin and abietic acid bio-synthesis and the results of oleoresin analysis are consistent with the role of the volatile monoterpenes as a solvent for the mobilization and deposition of resin acids at the wound site to seal the injury with a rosin barrier after the evaporation of the turpentine. The last step of resin acid biosynthesis is catalyzed by an operationally soluble aldehyde dehydrogenase that is not inducible by wounding but seemingly is expressed constitutively at a high level. In vivo [14C]acetate feeding and resin analysis indicate that this enzyme is not efficiently coupled to the earlier steps of the pathway.  相似文献   

The production of cytokinin-like substances by different strains of Cylindrocarpon destructans either pathogenic or non pathogenic to fir (Abies alba Mill.) was studied. The cytokinins were extracted from the fungal culture media and separated by means of column chromatography. The biological activities in different fractions were assayed by callus growth of soybean (Glycine max Merill var. Acme). The amount of these substances was calculated on the basis of fresh weight of callus obtained from cultures containing authentic cytokinin. Cytokinin-like substances were detected in 5 of 6 pathogenic isolates tested and in 2 of 5 non-pathogenic isolates. On the basis of their occurrence in particular column fractions, most of the substances seem to be identical or similar to zeatin and zeatin riboside. In addition the fungi studied produced other, not identified cytokinin-like substances. The synthesis of Ri P can not be excluded. However the method applied did not allow to separate Ri P from zeatin and zeatin riboside.  相似文献   

Water conductance through Abies amabilis seedlings was measured while the roots were exposed to temperatures from 15 to 0.25°C. Before conductance was measured, the seedlings were preconditioned for 3 months at either a high temperature (23°C) or a low temperature (3°C). For both groups of seedlings, conductance decreased as root temperature decreased. Conductance was lowest at 0.25°C. In addition, preconditioning at 3°C for 3 months significantly lowered conductance to water at all root temperatures. Under the same environmental conditions, seedlings preconditioned at 3°C had less than 25% of the transpirational water loss of seedlings preconditioned at high temperature. A decrease in leaf osmotic potential also resulted from low temperature preconditioning. In trees growing in the subalpine forest, which is the natural habitat of Abies amabilis, both decreased leaf conductance to water vapor and lower osmotic potentials were evident in winter. Since in winter the temperature of the soil in the subalpine zone remains less than 1°C for many months, lowered leaf conductance and decreased osmotic potentials appear to be mechanisms which aid in preventing desiccation damage.  相似文献   

Hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae Annand (Homoptera: Adelgidae), is native to Japan where it is an innocuous inhabitant of Tsuga diversifolia Masters and T. sieboldii Carriere throughout their natural growing areas. Native adelgid populations are regulated by host resistance and natural enemies, in particular the oribatid mite, Diapterobates humeralis (Hermann) and the coccinellid beetle, Pseudoscymnus tsugae Sasaji and McClure. Invading populations of A. tsugae in western North America on T. heterophylla Sargent and T. mertensiana Carriere are mainly regulated by host resistance. However, invading populations in eastern North America attain damaging levels on T. canadensis (L.) Carriere and T. caroliniana Engelmann and are regulated mainly by weather and negative density-dependent feedback mechanisms related to host deterioration. Although A. tsugae is only passively dispersed by wind, birds, forest-dwelling mammals and humans, it is spreading at an alarming rate and is sufficiently cold hardy to threaten the existence of the two eastern hemlock species throughout their natural ranges. The current hope for suppressing invading populations of hemlock woolly adelgid in eastern North America lies with the exotic predator, P. tsugae. Extensive laboratory studies of the biology and predatory ability of P. tsugae revealed that it feeds on all life stages of its prey, that its multivoltine life cycle is well synchronized with that of the adelgid, and that it has great potential for biological control. We have reared and released nearly 130,000 adults of P. tsugae in forests in Connecticut, New Jersey and Virginia during the past four years. P. tsugae has reproduced, dispersed, overwintered and reduced densities of hemlock woolly adelgid by 47–88% in only five months on release branches at these sites. Current studies are investigating the long-term ability of P. tsugae to regulate invading populations of A. tsugae in eastern North America.  相似文献   

Previous papers have shown that abscisic acid can inhibit transportof ions across the root to the xylem vessels, resulting in reducedexudation from excised roots or inhibiting guttation from intactplants. However, it has not been established whether the inhibitionwas due to a reduction in salt transport (Js) or in permeabilityof the roots to water (Lp). This paper investigates the effectof ABA on Lp and Js separately. It is shown that Lp increasedin ABA and then fell, but was about the same as in control rootswhen transport was inhibited. The effect of ABA on exudationtherefore appeared to be mainly due to reduction in Js. Inhibitionof Js was also present in intact, transpiring plants and sowas not due to reduced water flow. The inhibition of ion releaseto the xylem affected Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and phosphate as wellas the major ion in the exudate, K+. It is concluded that ABAinhibits salt transport to the shoot by acting on ion transportinto the xylem, and not by reducing water flow coupled withsalt transport.  相似文献   

Single channel properties, whole vacuole currents and protonpumping capacity were investigated in the intact vacuoles andmembrane patches of leaf tonoplast from the halophyte Suaedamaritima. ATP-dependent proton pumping capacity was similarto non-halophytes whether the plants were or were not grownwith added sodium chloride (200 mM). The most abundant ion channelwas inward rectifying and had a single channel conductance of58 pS in symmetrical KCl solutions (100 mM) to 170 pS usingphysiological conditions (50/150 mM KCl/NaCl cytoplasmic side,50/450 mM KCl/NaCl vacuolar side). The channel showed all thecharacteristics of the SV type channel described in many otherspecies. In the open state these channels caused tonoplast conductancesin excess of 0.5 nS m2– but conductances were much lowerusing physiological ion concentrations and membrane potentials.In spite of the poor selectivity and the potentially large tonoplastconductance it is calculated that compartmentation of NaCl inleaf vacuoles can be sustained by about 30% of ATP-dependentproton pumping capacity. The results do not indicate any specialadaptation of the tonoplast ion channels in the halophyte. Key words: Ion-channels, patch-clamp, salt-tolerance, vacuole  相似文献   

Yeast cells exposed to mercuric chloride suffer irreversible damage to the membrane, resulting in a loss of potassium and cellular anions to the medium. The maximal loss of K+, but not the time course of K+ loss is related to the mercury concentration, the relationship following a normal curve on a graph of log-concentration versus effect. It is concluded that the response is all or none for individual cells, and that with increasing concentrations of metal, the threshold is exceeded in an increasing proportion of the cells. Parallel studies of the binding of mercury by the cells indicate two distinct phases, only one of which is associated with the physiological response. The binding process is relatively slow but reaches an equilibrium state. Desorption is markedly dependent on temperature. No simple stoichiometric relationship exists between the binding of mercury and the physiological response (K+ loss).  相似文献   

The seed coats of Pisum elatius, P. fulvum and P. humile areimpermeable to water while those of P. sativum and P. humilex P. sativum are permeable. The anatomical structure of theseed coats and the location of phenolics and quinones in thecells is described. The barriers to permeation of water in theimpermeable seeds are the continuous, very hard, pectinaceouslayer of the caps of the palisade cells and the presence ofquinones in either the palisade or osteosclereid cells, in acontinuous layer of these cells. In water permeable seeds thecaps are looser and quinones discontinuous or absent in palisadeor osteosclereid cells. Pisum, testa, water permeability, quinones, phenolics, palisade cells, osteosclereids, pectinaceous caps  相似文献   

Stomatal responses to water stress and to applied (±)-abscisicacid (ABA) were examined in genotypes of pearl millet (Pennisetumamericanum (L.) Leeke) known to differ in amounts of endogenousABA accumulating during drought. In both a pot and a field experiment,Serere 39, a genotype with a high capacity to accumulate ABA,showed a higher stomatal sensitivity to water stress than didthe ‘low’ ABA accumulator, BJ 104. In the fieldexperiment, a third genotype, B282, accumulating least amountsof ABA, also had the lowest stomatal sensitivity to water stress. There were no significant differences between these genotypesin stomatal response to applied (±)-ABA, or in the relationshipsbetween leaf conductance and levels of endogenous ABA. It isconcluded that the differences in accumulation of endogenousABA by these genotypes of pearl millet are of functional significance,and that endogenous ABA generated during a water stress whichdevelops over days or weeks mediates stomatal responses to suchstress.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The objective of this study was to analyse the relationship between selected ecological factors (insolation, degree of cover of stump side surface with mosses and lichens, degree of bark and wood decomposition, wood moisture) and the numbers of Pissodes piceae in stumps of Abies alba . A total of 688 fir stumps were chosen at random in partially protected forest reserves of the Świętokrzyski National Park. Out of the analysed fir stumps, 36% (247 stumps) were inhabited by P. piceae . The mean number was 10.5 individuals of P. piceae per stump, and the mean colonization density was 107.0 individuals per m2. A geometric distribution (event probability was 0.0872) correctly approximated the real distribution of P. piceae numbers in fir stumps. Pissodes piceae was most abundant in fir stumps from about 40 cm to about 60 cm in the top surface diameter, and from about 35 cm to about 50 cm in height. This insect species preferred fir stumps occurring in places that were slightly insolated (in stand openings from about 5 m to about 15 m in diameter), devoid of moss and lichen cover, with the bark moderately decomposed, and the wood slightly decayed and moderately moist.  相似文献   

Developmental patterns of lateral roots and their vascular differentiationwere investigated for Vitis vinifera L. cv. Shiraz to assessthe likely contribution of lateral roots to total water uptakeof plants subjected to different irrigation regimes. Correlationanalyses showed a significant positive correlation between mainroot diameter and the diameter of first order lateral rootsof well-watered plants, but in water-stressed plants the twowere not significantly correlated. The correlations betweendiameters of first order lateral roots and the diameters ofmain roots were greater than correlations between the lengthsof first order laterals and the diameters of main roots. Thesuberised surface area of well-watered main roots increasedfrom 4% of total surface area at 0·25 cm to 100% at 10cm from the tip, whereas that of stressed plants increased from15% at 0·25 cm to 100% at 5 cm from the tip. In all treatmentsthe highest linear density of first order laterals was about7 laterals cm-1 of main root. More than 50% of first order lateralshad diameters less than 0·05 cm, and more than 90% ofthem had lengths less than 5 cm. Calculations of axial resistancesbased on xylem diameter measurements suggest that the axialresistances of root segments may not be uniform along rootsas is often assumed in models of water uptake. Water flow intothe main roots via the lateral root pathway is likely to bemuch smaller than that via the direct radial flow pathway asonly about 1% of surface area of main roots is directly occupiedby lateral roots, leaving the other 99% of main root surfacearea available for the direct radial flow pathway.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Axial resistance, grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Shiraz) roots, root diameter, root length, xylem vessels  相似文献   

Two diverse population of Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench, onegrowing on a Ca2+-rich, alkaline, Leblanc waste tip, the otheron an acid moorland, were investigated. It was anticipated thata comparative study of the morphology, growth and floweringpatterns, protein composition, specific isoenzyme and root-surfacephosphatase activities of both populations would clarify thetaxonomic status of populations of Molinia and help towardsunderstanding the ability of M. caerulea to colonize widelydiffering habitats. Both populations were identified as Moliniacaerulea caerulea. The Molinia growing on Leblanc spoil displayedcharacteristics typified by r-selected plants, i.e. displayinglarger flowers after faster development. Acid moorland plantsshowed greater vegetative development and were more typicalof K-selected types. These differences between the more vigorousshoot growth of the moorland compared to the waste tip plantspersisted under controlled conditions, irrespective of the mediain which they were grown. Root surface phosphatase activityshowed a plastic response to edaphic pH which may contributeto the success of M. caerulea caerulea in colonizing diversehabitats.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Molinia, edaphic extremes, variation, morphometry, enzyme activities, plasticity, colonization, taxonomy  相似文献   

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