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人甲状旁腺激素结构与功能研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
甲状旁腺激素(PTH)分子由84个氨基酸残基组成。二级结构中富含α-螺旋,该螺旋结构在与受体相互作用中起重要作用。探索PTH分子结构与功能间的关系,有助于制药工业的发展,为临床治疗提供借鉴。本阐述PTH分子结构与功能的研究进展。  相似文献   

人甲状旁腺激素在大肠杆菌中的表达及鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
化学合成人甲状旁腺激素(hPTH)全长基因,克隆到大肠杆菌表达载体pBV220和pET22b中,获得了高表达。经破菌、阳离子交换层析、反相层析纯化获得了纯度大于95%的纯品。N端测序、质谱分析结果表明重组hPTH 结果完整,N端无Met或fMet。生物活性试验证明重组hPTH具有激活腺苷酸环化酶、增加骨质量和骨密度等作用。  相似文献   

人甲状旁腺激素的基因克隆及在大肠杆菌中的表达   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人甲状旁腺激素(Hon,an parathyroid hormone hPTH)是84个氨基酸组成的多肽激素。从人甲状旁腺肿瘤组织分离纯化总RNA.其mRNA逆转录得cDNA,以cDNA为模板,PCR扩增得hPTH基因。将该基因克隆到表达载体pBV220上,转化大肠杆菌DH5n细胞,获得了表达。细胞抽提液1000倍稀释后hPTH的放免活性265,77ng/dl,为对照的480倍。表达产物粗分离后经Resource-s阳离子柱进行了分离.对活性峰进行了MALDI质谱分析及HPLCC18反相柱分析。  相似文献   

甲状旁腺素(PTH)在体内最为重要的作用就是调节钙、磷代谢,近年来的研究证明,PTH在骨的代谢过程中也有着极其重要的作用.目前,PTH及其片段已成为重要的骨形成促进剂,尤其是PTH1-34已由美国礼来(lilly)公司开发为治疗骨质疏松症的药物特立帕肽(teriparatide),它是目前临床应用效果最好的的促进骨合成代谢的药物.本文就PTH的结构、作用机制及其对骨的作用和特里帕肽的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

李园园  郭磊  卢晟盛  韩之明 《遗传》2014,36(9):871-878
甲状旁腺激素样激素(Parathyroid hormone-like hormone, PTHLH)又称为甲状旁腺激素相关蛋白(Parathyroid hormone-related protein, PTHrP),发现初期被认为是引起人类恶性肿瘤伴发的高钙血症的主要原因。进一步的研究发现,PTHLH在不同物种的多种成体和胎儿组织中均有表达,其生物学作用涉及形态发生、细胞生长与分化的调控、胎盘钙的转运等多个方面。文章主要综述了PTHLH的生物学特性及其在胚胎发育过程中的作用,并进一步探讨了涉及的信号通路及可能的作用机制。  相似文献   

人工合成人甲状旁腺激素1-34肽段 (PTH1-34)的cDNA序列,克隆到大肠杆菌蛋白表达载体pThioHis中,获得了高表达菌株。经发酵、破菌、金属鳌合层析、反相层析和凝胶层析后获得了纯度大于95%的hPTH1-34。hPTH1-34肽N端测序和质谱分子量测定结果与天然PTH1-34一致。生物学活性研究表明,hPTH1-34在体外具有刺激腺苷酸环化酶的作用。  相似文献   

利用重叠PCR技术拼接PTH和HSA基因,并将构建好的融合基因插入到载体pUC19测序后插入表达载体pPIC9K中,在启动子AOXⅠ和α交配因子信号肽的作用下,分泌表达融合蛋白PTH-HSA。重组质粒pPIC9K/PTH-HSA经SalⅠ线性化后,电击转化毕赤酵母KM71,经G418筛选得到的转化子。PCR鉴定后,用甲醇诱导表达,蛋白电泳分析表明融合基因得到表达; Western blot分析表明发酵液上清中表达的融合蛋白PTH-HSA具有HSA的抗原性:用酶标法测定发酵上清中融合蛋白的甲状旁腺激素活性为318IU/ml  相似文献   

甲状旁腺激素(parathyroid hormone,PTH)是人体骨转换的主要决定因子,它在骨质疏松的发生、预防和治疗中发挥着重要作用,也是目前应用于临床的主要的促骨形成药物之一。PTH的表达和分泌受到Ca2+浓度、钙敏感受体(calcium-sensing recepter,Ca SR)、维生素D、成纤维细胞生长因子(fibroblast growth factor-23,FGF-23)、雌激素等因素影响。本文就近年来PTH基因表达调控的研究进展进行了简要综述,以期为该领域的研究和应用提供有益参考。  相似文献   

构建人甲状旁腺激素(1-34)二联体与人血清白蛋白融合蛋白的表达载体,并表达得到该融合蛋白.通过设计强特异性的引物,利用重叠PCR技术,定向定量的拼接得到hPTH(1-34)二联体-HSA融合蛋白的基因;将构建好的融合基因插入表达载体pPIC9K,大量扩增重组质粒,并用Sal I线性化,电击转化毕赤酵母GS115,经组氨酸缺陷和G418抗性双重筛选得到阳性转化子;挑选阳性转化子进行甲醇诱导表达.测序结果表明得到的重组质粒pPIC9K-hPTH(1-34)二联体-HSA与目标设计完全一致;基因组PCR鉴定结果证明成功构建了hPTH(1-34)二联体-HSA融合基因的毕赤酵母(GS115)表达系统;SDS-PAGE电泳表明融合蛋白获得了表达,尿微量白蛋白试剂盒测定甲醇诱导表达3d后融合蛋白的产量为127 mg/L.  相似文献   

用重叠PCR技术将PTH(parathyroid hormone, 甲状旁腺激素)基因与TFN(transferrin N_terminal half_molecule, 转铁蛋白N端半分子)基因在体外融合,融合基因克隆至真核表达载体pPIC9中,转化毕赤酵母GS115。转化子经甲醇诱导后,融合蛋白得到了表达并分泌到发酵上清液中。经 SP Sepharose F F阳离子交换层析、Phenyl Sepharose Fast Flow疏水层析纯化获得了纯度大于95%的PTH_TFN样品。Western blot分析及腺苷酸环化酶实验证明融合蛋白中的PTH具有与抗PTH抗体结合能力及刺激腺苷酸环化酶的活性,铁饱和实验证明融合蛋白中的TFN和单独的TFN具有相同铁结合能力。因而TFN可望作为PTH的天然运输载体。  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone is the most important endocrine regulator of calcium concentration. Its N-terminal fragment (1–34) has sufficient activity for biological function. Recently, site-directed mutagenesis studies demonstrated that substitutions at several positions within shorter analogues (1–14) can enhance the bioactivity to greater than that of PTH (1–34). However, designing the optimal sequence combination is not simple due to complex combinatorial problems. In this study, support vector machines were introduced to predict the biological activity of modified PTH (1–14) analogues using mono-substituted experimental data and to analyze the key physicochemical properties at each position that correlated with bioactivity. This systematic approach can reduce the time and effort needed to obtain desirable molecules by bench experiments and provide useful information in the design of simpler activating molecules.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a major mediator of calcium and phosphate metabolism through its interactions with receptors in kidney and bone. PTH binds with high affinity to PTH1 and PTH2, members of the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors. In order to clone the canine PTH1 receptor, a canine kidney cDNA library was screened using the human PTH1 receptor cDNA and two clones were further characterized. The longest clone was 2177 bp and contained a single open reading frame of 1785 bp, potentially encoding a protein of 595 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 66.4 kD. This open reading frame exhibits >91% identity to the human PTH1 receptor cDNA and >95% identity when the putative canine and human protein sequences are compared. Competition binding following transfection of the canine PTH1 receptor into CHO cells demonstrated specific displacement of 125I-human PTH 1-34 by canine PTH 1-34, human PTH 1-34, and canine/human parathyroid hormone related peptide (PTHrP) 1-34. Treatment of canine PTH1 receptor transfected cells, but not mock transfected cells, with these ligands also resulted in increased levels of intracellular cAMP. In contrast, the non-related aldosterone secretion inhibiting factor 1-35 neither bound nor activated the canine PTH1 receptor. Northern blot analysis revealed high levels of PTH1 receptor mRNA in the kidney, with much lower, but detectable, levels in aorta, heart, lung, prostate, testis, and skeletal muscle. Together, these data indicate that we have cloned the canine PTH1 receptor and that it is very similar, both in sequence and in functional characteristics, to the other known PTH1 receptors.  相似文献   

Human parathyroid hormone (hPTH) was expressed and secreted in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In batch fermentations performed at pH = 5.6, 6.5, 7.2 and 7.5, optimal production of hPTH (12.1 mg/l) was obtained at pH 7.2 after 24 h of culture. At pH 5.6, most of secreted hPTH was degraded. Proteolysis of hPTH was significantly decreased by increasing the culture pH.  相似文献   

The parathyroid hormone, PTH, is responsible for calcium and phosphate ion homeostasis in the body. The first 34 amino acids of the peptide maintain the biological activity of the hormone and is currently marketed for calcium imbalance disorders. Although several methods for the production of recombinant PTH(1‐34) have been reported, most involve the use of cleavage conditions that result in a modified peptide or unfavorable side products. Herein, we detail the recombinant production of 15N‐enriched human parathyroid hormone, 15N PTH(1‐34), generated via a plasmid vector that gives reasonable yield, low‐cost protease cleavage (leaving the native N‐terminal serine in its amino form), and purification by affinity and size exclusion chromatography. We characterize the product by multidimensional, heteronuclear NMR, circular dichroism, and LC/MS. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a transgenic mouse model we have targeted the expression of recombinant human parathyroid hormone (hPTH) to the mammary gland yielding hPTH as a secretory, soluble peptide in milk. A 2.5 kb upstream regulatory sequence of the murine whey acidic protein (WAP) directed the expression of the hPTH cDNA in a fusion gene construct (WAPPTHSV2) containing the SV40 small t-antigen intron and polyadenylation site in the 3′ end. Established lines of transgenic mice secreted hPTH to milk in concentrations up to 415 ng/ml. Recombinant hPTH recovered from the milk was purified by HPLC and shown to be identical to hPTH standard as analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting. Expression of the WAPPTHSV2 was limited to the mammary gland as analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Southern blot of reversed transcribed mRNA from different tissues. hPTH is an important bone anabolic hormone and may be a potentially important pharmaceutical for treatment of demineralization disorders such as osteoporosis. We present the transgenic animal as a possible production system for hPTH. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Human bone marrow stromal cells (hMSCs) have the potential to differentiate into osteoblasts; there are age‐related decreases in their proliferation and differentiation to osteoblasts. Parathyroid hormone (PTH), when applied intermittently in vivo, has osteoanabolic effects in a variety of systems. In this study, we compared PTH signaling and osteoanabolic effects in hMSCs from young and old subjects. There were age‐related decreases in expression of PTH/PTHrP receptor type 1 (PTHR1) gene (P = 0.049, n = 19) and in PTH activation of CREB (P = 0.029, n = 7) and PTH stabilization of β‐catenin (P = 0.018, n = 7). Three human PTH peptides, PTH1‐34, PTH1‐31C (Ostabolin‐C, Leu27, Cyclo[Glu22‐Lys26]‐hPTH1‐31), and PTH1‐84 (10 nm ), stimulated osteoblast differentiation with hMSCs. Treatment with PTH1‐34 resulted in a significant 67% increase in alkaline phosphatase activity in hMSCs obtained from younger subjects (<50 years old, n = 5), compared with an 18% increase in hMSCs from elders (>55 years old, n = 7). Both knockdown of CREB and treatment with a protein kinase A inhibitor H‐89 blocked PTH stimulation of osteoblast differentiation in hMSCs from young subjects. The PTH peptides significantly stimulated proliferation of hMSCs. Treatment with PTH1‐34 resulted in an average of twice as many cells in cultures of hMSCs from young subjects (n = 4), but had no effect with hMSCs from elders (n = 7). Upregulation of PTHR1 by 24‐h pretreatment with 100 nm dexamethasone rescued PTH stimulation of proliferation in hMSCS from elders. In conclusion, age‐related intrinsic alterations in signaling responses to osteoanabolic agents like PTH may contribute to cellular and tissue aging of the human skeleton.  相似文献   

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