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Recently, a novel 87-amino acid influenza A virus protein with proapoptotic properties, PB1-F2, has been reported that originates from an alternative reading frame in the PB1 polymerase gene and is encoded in most known human influenza A virus isolates. Here we characterize the molecular structure of a biologically active synthetic version of the protein (sPB1-F2). Western blot analysis, chemical cross-linking, and NMR spectroscopy afforded direct evidence of the inherent tendency of sPB1-F2 to undergo oligomerization mediated by two distinct domains located in the N and C termini, respectively. CD and (1)H NMR spectroscopic analyses indicate that the stability of structured regions in the molecule clearly depends upon the hydrophobicity of the solvent. In aqueous solutions, the behavior of sPB1-F2 is typical of a largely random coil peptide that, however, adopts alpha-helical structure upon the addition of membrane mimetics. (1)H NMR analysis of three overlapping peptides afforded, for the first time, direct experimental evidence of the presence of a C-terminal region with strong alpha-helical propensity comprising amino acid residues Ile(55)-Lys(85) connected via an essentially random coil structure to a much weaker helix-like region, located in the N terminus between residues Trp(9) and Lys(20). The C-terminal helix is not a true amphipathic helix and is more compact than previously predicted. It corresponds to a positively charged region previously shown to include the mitochondrial targeting sequence of PB1-F2. The consequences of the strong oligomerization and helical propensities of the molecule are discussed and used to formulate a hypothetical model of its interaction with the mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

The 11th influenza A virus protein PB1-F2 was previously shown to enhance apoptosis in response to cytotoxic stimuli. The 87 amino acid protein that is encoded by an alternative reading frame of the PB1 polymerase gene was described to localize to mitochondria consistent with its proapoptotic function. However, PB1-F2 is also found diffusely distributed in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus suggesting additional functions of the protein. Here we show that PB1-F2 colocalizes and directly interacts with the viral PB1 polymerase protein. Lack of PB1-F2 during infection resulted in an altered localization of PB1 and decreased viral polymerase activity. Consequently, mutant viruses devoid of a functional PB1-F2 reading frame exhibited a small plaque phenotype. Thus, we have identified a novel function of PB1-F2 as an indirect regulator of the influenza virus polymerase activity via its interaction with PB1.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨A型流感病毒PB1-F2蛋白和人类凋亡调节因子1(MOAP-1)之间的相互作用。【方法】构建pACT2-MOAP-1重组质粒,与pGBKT7-PB1-F2质粒共转化酵母AH109,检测转化菌在四缺培养基的生长情况及β半乳糖苷酶报告基因的活性;利用GST pull-down和免疫共沉淀(Co-IP)技术进一步验证PB1-F2与宿主细胞蛋白MOAP-1的相互作用;通过过表达PB1-F2和MOAP-1,检测PB1-F2对MOAP-1蛋白表达水平的影响。【结果】酵母双杂交结果表明,PB1-F2和MOAP-1可以在酵母细胞内特异性结合。GST pull-down和Co-IP实验也进一步证实了这两种蛋白的相互作用,而且PB1-F2可上调外源MOAP-1的蛋白水平。【结论】流感病毒PB1-F2与MOAP-1存在相互作用,PB1-F2可能通过与MOAP-1的相互作用参与调控细胞生长及凋亡过程。  相似文献   

The 11th influenza A virus gene product is an 87-amino-acid protein provisionally named PB1-F2 (because it is encoded by an open reading frame overlapping the PB1 open reading frame). A significant fraction of PB1-F2 localizes to the inner mitochondrial membrane in influenza A virus-infected cells. PB1-F2 appears to enhance virus-induced cell death in a cell type-dependent manner. For the present communication we have identified and characterized a region near the COOH terminus of PB1-F2 that is necessary and sufficient for its inner mitochondrial membrane localization, as determined by transient expression of chimeric proteins consisting of elements of PB1-F2 genetically fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in HeLa cells. Targeting of EGFP to mitochondria by this sequence resulted in the loss of the inner mitochondrial membrane potential, leading to cell death. The mitochondrial targeting sequence (MTS) is predicted to form a positively charged amphipathic alpha-helix and, as such, is similar to the MTS of the p13(II) protein of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1. We formally demonstrate the functional interchangeability of the two sequences for mitochondrial localization of PB1-F2. Mutation analysis of the putative amphipathic helix in the PB1-F2 reveals that replacement of five basic amino acids with Ala abolishes mitochondrial targeting, whereas mutation of two highly conserved Leu to Ala does not. These findings demonstrate that PB1-F2 possesses an MTS similar to other viral proteins and that this MTS, when fused to EGFP, is capable of independently compromising mitochondrial function and cellular viability.  相似文献   

The influenza A virus PB1-F2 protein predominantly localizes in the mitochondria of virus-infected cells. A series of cDNAs encoding N- and C-terminal deletion mutants and site-directed mutagenesis of the basic residues of PB1-F2 appended to 3xFLAG revealed the domain from residues 46 to 75 to be both necessary and sufficient for mitochondrial targeting. In addition, the subdomain residues 63-75 and both Lys73 and Arg75 are minimally required for mitochondrial localization. Transfection of untagged- and 3xFLAG tagged-PB1-F2 into Vero, HeLa and MDCK cells changed the mitochondrial morphology from a filamentous to a dotted structure and suppressed the inner-membrane potential.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the viral factors contributing to the lethality of the 1918 pandemic, although its unparalleled virulence was likely due in part to the newly discovered PB1-F2 protein. This protein, while unnecessary for replication, increases apoptosis in monocytes, alters viral polymerase activity in vitro, enhances inflammation and increases secondary pneumonia in vivo. However, the effects the PB1-F2 protein have in vivo remain unclear. To address the mechanisms involved, we intranasally infected groups of mice with either influenza A virus PR8 or a genetically engineered virus that expresses the 1918 PB1-F2 protein on a PR8 background, PR8-PB1-F2(1918). Mice inoculated with PR8 had viral concentrations peaking at 72 hours, while those infected with PR8-PB1-F2(1918) reached peak concentrations earlier, 48 hours. Mice given PR8-PB1-F2(1918) also showed a faster decline in viral loads. We fit a mathematical model to these data to estimate parameter values. The model supports a higher viral production rate per cell and a higher infected cell death rate with the PR8-PB1-F2(1918) virus. We discuss the implications these mechanisms have during an infection with a virus expressing a virulent PB1-F2 on the possibility of a pandemic and on the importance of antiviral treatments.  相似文献   

The influenza virus PB1-F2 is an 87-amino acid mitochondrial protein that previously has been shown to induce cell death, although the mechanism of apoptosis induction has remained unclear. In the process of characterizing its mechanism of action we found that the viral PB1-F2 protein sensitizes cells to apoptotic stimuli such as tumor necrosis factor alpha, as demonstrated by increased cleavage of caspase 3 substrates in PB1-F2-expressing cells. Moreover, treatment of purified mouse liver mitochondria with recombinant PB1-F2 protein resulted in cytochrome c release, loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential, and enhancement of tBid-induced mitochondrial permeabilization, suggesting a possible mechanism for the observed cellular sensitization to apoptosis. Using glutathione-S-transferase pulldowns with subsequent mass spectrometric analysis, we identified the mitochondrial interactors of the PB1-F2 protein and showed that the viral protein uniquely interacts with the inner mitochondrial membrane adenine nucleotide translocator 3 and the outer mitochondrial membrane voltage-dependent anion channel 1, both of which are implicated in the mitochondrial permeability transition during apoptosis. Consistent with this interaction, blockers of the permeability transition pore complex (PTPC) inhibited PB1-F2-induced mitochondrial permeabilization. Based on our findings, we propose a model whereby the proapoptotic PB1-F2 protein acts through the mitochondrial PTPC and may play a role in the down-regulation of the host immune response to infection.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus PB1-F2 protein contributes to viral pathogenesis in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influenza virus PB1-F2 protein is a novel protein previously shown to be involved in induction of cell death. Here we characterize the expression and the function of the protein within the context of influenza viral infection in tissue culture and a mouse model. We show that the C-terminal region of the protein can be expressed from a downstream initiation codon and is capable of interaction with the full-length protein. Using this knowledge, we generated influenza viruses knocked out for the expression of PB1-F2 protein and its downstream truncation products. Knocking out the PB1-F2 protein had no effect on viral replication in tissue culture but diminished virus pathogenicity and mortality in mice. The viruses replicated to similar levels in mouse lungs by day 3 postinfection, suggesting that the knockout did not impair viral replication. However, while the PB1-F2 knockout viruses were cleared after day 5, the wild-type viruses were detectable in mouse lungs until day 7, implying that expression of PB1-F2 resulted in delayed clearance of the viruses by the host immune system. Based on our findings and on the fact that the PB1 genomic segment was always newly introduced into some pandemic influenza viruses of the last century, we speculate that the PB1-F2 protein plays an important role in pathogenesis of influenza virus infection and may be an important contributor to pathogenicity of pandemic influenza viruses.  相似文献   

The 11th influenza A virus (IAV) protein PB1-F2 is encoded by an alternative reading frame of the PB1 polymerase gene and found in the nucleus, cytosol and at the mitochondria of infected cells, the latter is consistent with experimental evidence for its pro-apoptotic function. Here, the function of PB1-F2 as a phosphoprotein was characterized. PB1-F2 derived from isolate IAVPR8 and synthetic fragments thereof were phosphorylated in vitro by purified protein kinase C (PKC) and cellular extract. Constitutively active PKCα interacts with PB1-F2 in yeast two-hybrid assays. 32P radiolabelling of transfected 293T cells revealed that phosphorylation of PB1-F2 is sensitive to inhibitors of PKC and could be increased by the PKC activator PMA. ESI-MS analysis and cellular expression of PB1-F2 mutants identified the positions Ser-35 as the major and the Thr-27 as an alternative PKC phosphorylation site. Infection of MDCK cells with recombinant IAVPR8 lacking these PKC sites abrogated phosphorylation of PB1-F2 in vivo . Furthermore, infection of primary human monocytes with mutant viruses lacking these PB1-F2 phosphorylation sites resulted in impaired caspase 3 activation and reduced progeny virus titres, indicating that the integrity of the identified phosphorylation sites is crucial for a cell-specific function of PB1-F2 during virus replication.  相似文献   

The proapoptotic influenza A virus PB1-F2 protein contributes to viral pathogenicity and is present in most human and avian influenza isolates. The structures of full-length PB1-F2 of the influenza strains Pandemic flu 2009 H1N1, 1918 Spanish flu H1N1, Bird flu H5N1 and H1N1 PR8, have been characterized by NMR and CD spectroscopy. The study was conducted using chemically synthesized full-length PB1-F2 protein and fragments thereof. The amino acid residues 30–70 of PR8 PB1-F2 were found to be responsible for amyloid formation of the protein, which could be assigned to formation of β-sheet structures, although α-helices were the only structural features detected under conditions that mimic a membranous environment. At membranous conditions, in which the proteins are found in their most structured state, significant differences become apparent between the PB1-F2 variants investigated. In contrast to Pandemic flu 2009 H1N1 and PR8 PB1-F2, which exhibit a continuous extensive C-terminal α-helix, both Spanish flu H1N1 and Bird flu H5N1 PB1-F2 contain a loop region with residues 66–71 that divides the C-terminus into two shorter helices. The observed structural differences are located to the C-terminal ends of the proteins to which most of the known functions of these proteins have been assigned. A C-terminal helix–loop–helix motif might be a structural signature for PB1-F2 of the highly pathogenic influenza viruses as observed for 1918 Spanish flu H1N1 and Bird flu H5N1 PB1-F2. This signature could indicate the pathological nature of viruses emerging in the future and thus aid in the recognition of these viruses.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus PB1-F2: a small protein with a big punch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Virulence factors, such as the recently discovered PB1-F2, contribute to the pathogenesis and comorbidity of influenza A virus. In this issue of Cell Host & Microbe, McAuley et al. characterize the role of PB1-F2, including in the pandemic 1918 virus, in causing increased lung pathology and fatal pneumococcus infection in mice. This work sheds light on the mechanisms of pathogenicity during influenza A virus infections.  相似文献   

PB1-F2 is a recently described influenza A viral protein that induces apoptosis by binding with two mitochondrial membrane proteins, i.e. VDAC1 (outer membrane) and ANT3 (inner membrane). Knowledge of this binding mechanism could provide insights that would aid in the design of novel inhibitors against this protein. Therefore, to better understand these interactions, we have undertaken this study to model the PB1-F2 protein of the highly pathogenic influenza A virus subtype H5N1. Moreover, a model of human ANT3 was also established. The dynamics of the molecular interactions between the C-terminal region of PB1-F2 protein and VDAC1 and ANT3 were expounded by employing an in silico approach. Our results suggest the involvement of 12 amino acids of PB1-F2 protein, which form hydrophobic contacts with 22 amino acids of VDAC1. Of these, Leu64, Arg75 and Val76 were found to be crucial for mitochondrial targetting. In the case of the PB1-F2-ANT3 complex, 14 amino acids of ANT3 were found to make hydrophobic contacts with 9 amino acids of PB1-F2. Furthermore, two hydrogen bonds were predicted in both complexes PB1-F2/VDAC1 and PB1-F2/ANT3. This study reveals the molecular interactions required for PB1-F2-induced apoptosis and suggests a hypothetical model for future study.  相似文献   

Purified M2 protein from the Udorn strain of influenza virus was reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers from liposomes. In 1 mM HCl, the single-channel conductance was measured as 6 pS with open probability of < or =0.03. The current voltage curve is linear over the achievable voltage range. The current amplitude is amantadine sensitive. In HCl solutions, the single-channel current was essentially invariant with changes in [Cl(-)], [Na(+)], and [tetraethylammonium] ([TEA(+)]), but dependent on [H(+)]. The reversal potential, determined with asymmetrical hydrogen chloride solution, is very close to the equilibrium potential of hydrogen. This appears to be the first report of single-channel proton currents with the full-length M2 protein.  相似文献   

PB1-F2 is a 90 amino acid protein that is expressed from the +1 open reading frame in the PB1 gene of some influenza A viruses and has been shown to contribute to viral pathogenicity. Notably, a serine at position 66 (66S) in PB1-F2 is known to increase virulence compared to an isogenic virus with an asparagine (66N) at this position. Recently, we found that an influenza virus expressing PB1-F2 N66S suppresses interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes in mice. To characterize this phenomenon, we employed several in vitro assays. Overexpression of the A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 (PR8) PB1-F2 protein in 293T cells decreased RIG-I mediated activation of an IFN-β reporter and secretion of IFN as determined by bioassay. Of note, the PB1-F2 N66S protein showed enhanced IFN antagonism activity compared to PB1-F2 wildtype. Similar observations were found in the context of viral infection with a PR8 PB1-F2 N66S virus. To understand the relationship between NS1, a previously described influenza virus protein involved in suppression of IFN synthesis, and PB1-F2, we investigated the induction of IFN when NS1 and PB1-F2 were co-expressed in an in vitro transfection system. In this assay we found that PB1-F2 N66S further reduced IFN induction in the presence of NS1. By inducing the IFN-β reporter at different levels in the signaling cascade, we found that PB1-F2 inhibited IFN production at the level of the mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS). Furthermore, immunofluorescence studies revealed that PB1-F2 co-localizes with MAVS. In summary, we have characterized the anti-interferon function of PB1-F2 and we suggest that this activity contributes to the enhanced pathogenicity seen with PB1-F2 N66S- expressing influenza viruses.  相似文献   

PB1-F2 is an 87- to 90-amino-acid-long protein expressed by certain influenza A viruses. Previous studies have shown that PB1-F2 contributes to virulence in the mouse model; however, its role in natural hosts-pigs, humans, or birds-remains largely unknown. Outbreaks of domestic pigs infected with the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus (pH1N1) have been detected worldwide. Unlike previous pandemic strains, pH1N1 viruses do not encode a functional PB1-F2 due to the presence of three stop codons resulting in premature truncation after codon 11. However, pH1N1s have the potential to acquire the full-length form of PB1-F2 through mutation or reassortment. In this study, we assessed whether restoring the full-length PB1-F2 open reading frame (ORF) in the pH1N1 background would have an effect on virus replication and virulence in pigs. Restoring the PB1-F2 ORF resulted in upregulation of viral polymerase activity at early time points in vitro and enhanced virus yields in porcine respiratory explants and in the lungs of infected pigs. There was an increase in the severity of pneumonia in pigs infected with isogenic virus expressing PB1-F2 compared to the wild-type (WT) pH1N1. The extent of microscopic pneumonia correlated with increased pulmonary levels of alpha interferon and interleukin-1β in pigs infected with pH1N1 encoding a functional PB1-F2 but only early in the infection. Together, our results indicate that PB1-F2 in the context of pH1N1 moderately modulates viral replication, lung histopathology, and local cytokine response in pigs.  相似文献   

Translation of influenza A virus PB1-F2 occurs in a second open reading frame (ORF) of the PB1 gene segment. PB1-F2 has been implicated in regulation of polymerase activity, immunopathology, susceptibility to secondary bacterial infection, and induction of apoptosis. Experimental evidence of PB1-F2 molecular function during infection has been collected primarily from human and avian viral isolates. As the 2009 H1N1 (H1N1pdm09) strain highlighted, some swine-derived influenza viruses have the capacity to infect human hosts and emerge as a pandemic. Understanding the impact that virulence factors from swine isolates have on both human and swine health could aid in early identification of viruses with pandemic potential. Studies examining PB1-F2 from swine isolates have focused primarily on H1N1pdm09, which does not encode PB1-F2 but was engineered to carry a full-length PB1-F2 ORF to assess the impact on viral replication and pathogenicity. However, experimental evidence of PB1-F2 protein expression from swine lineage viruses has not been demonstrated. Here, we reveal that during infection, PB1-F2 expression levels are substantially different in swine and human influenza viruses. We provide evidence that PB1-F2 expression is regulated at the translational level, with very low levels of PB1-F2 expression from swine lineage viruses relative to a human isolate PB1-F2. Translational regulation of PB1-F2 expression was partially mapped to two independent regions within the PB1 mRNA, located downstream of the PB1-F2 start site. Our data suggest that carrying a full-length PB1-F2 ORF may not be predictive of PB1-F2 expression in infected cells for all influenza A viruses.  相似文献   

Here, we assessed the effects of PB1-F2 and NS1 mutations known to increase the pathogenicity of influenza viruses on the replication and pathogenicity in mice of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza viruses. We also characterized viruses possessing a PB1-F2 mutation that was recently identified in pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza virus isolates, with and without simultaneous mutations in PB2 and NS1. Our results suggest that some NS1 mutations and the newly identified PB1-F2 mutation have the potential to increase the replication and/or pathogenicity of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 influenza viruses.  相似文献   

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