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The quaternary structure and dynamics of phage λ repressor are investigated in solution by 1H-NMR methods. λ repressor contains two domains separable by proteolysis: an N-terminal domain that mediates sequence-specific DNA-A binding, and a C-terminal domain that contains strong dimer and higher-order contacts. The active species in operator recognition is a dimer. Although the crystal structure of an N-terminal fragment has been determined, the intact protein has not been crystallized, and there is little evidence concerning its structure. 1H-NMR data indicate that the N-terminal domain is only loosely tethered to the C-terminal domain, and that its tertiary structure is unperturbed by proteolysis of the “linker” polypeptide. It is further shown that in the intact repressor structure a quaternary interaction occurs between N-terminal domains. This domain-domain interaction is similar to the dimer contact observed in the crystal structure of the N-terminal fragment and involves the hydrophobic packing of symmetry-related helices (helix 5). In the intact structure this interaction is disrupted by the single amino-acid substitution, Ile84→Ser, which reduces operator affinity at least 100-fold. We conclude that quaternary interactions between N-terminal domains function to appropriately orient the DNA-binding surface with respect to successive major grooves of B-DNA.  相似文献   

Two previously obtained, full-size, fully human antibodies that reversibly bind the active form of an enzyme belonging to the subtype EC 3.2.1, which is used for substitutive enzymatic therapy in lysosomal storage diseases, have been characterized by surface plasmon resonance and biolayer interferometry methods. It was shown under normal physiological conditions that the designed antibodies specifically bound with the antigen (KD ~ 10–8 M) and rapidly dissociated at neutral pH in 60% ethylene glycol while leaving the enzymatic activity unchanged. Dan ue to their properties, the developed antibodies can be used in industry as affinity ligand in the isolation of therapeutic substances of the enzyme.  相似文献   

One of the final steps in the morphogenetic pathway of phage λ is the packaging of a single genome into a preformed empty head structure. In addition to the terminase enzyme, the packaging chaperone, FI protein (gpFI), is required for efficient DNA packaging. In this study, we demonstrate an interaction between gpFI and the major head protein, gpE. Amino acid substitutions in gpFI that reduced the strength of this interaction also decreased the biological activity of gpFI, implying that this head binding activity is essential for the function of gpFI. We also show that gpFI is a two-domain protein, and the C-terminal domain is responsible for the head binding activity. Using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we determined the three-dimensional structure of the C-terminal domain and characterized the helical nature of the N-terminal domain. Through structural comparisons, we were able to identify two previously unannotated prophage-encoded proteins with tertiary structures similar to gpFI, although they lack significant pairwise sequence identity. Sequence analysis of these diverse homologues led us to identify related proteins in a variety of myo- and siphophages, revealing that gpFI function has a more highly conserved role in phage morphogenesis than was previously appreciated. Finally, we present a novel model for the mechanism of gpFI chaperone activity in the DNA packaging reaction of phage λ.  相似文献   

A hallmark of Alzheimer disease (AD) is the accumulation of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide in the brain. Considerable evidence suggests that soluble Aβ oligomers are responsible for the synaptic dysfunction and cognitive deficit observed in AD. However, the mechanism by which these oligomers exert their neurotoxic effect remains unknown. Recently, it was reported that Aβ oligomers bind to the cellular prion protein with high affinity. Here, we show that N1, the main physiological cleavage fragment of the cellular prion protein, is necessary and sufficient for binding early oligomeric intermediates during Aβ polymerization into amyloid fibrils. The ability of N1 to bind Aβ oligomers is influenced by positively charged residues in two sites (positions 23–31 and 95–105) and is dependent on the length of the sequence between them. Importantly, we also show that N1 strongly suppresses Aβ oligomer toxicity in cultured murine hippocampal neurons, in a Caenorhabditis elegans-based assay, and in vivo in a mouse model of Aβ-induced memory dysfunction. These data suggest that N1, or small peptides derived from it, could be potent inhibitors of Aβ oligomer toxicity and represent an entirely new class of therapeutic agents for AD.  相似文献   

α-Synuclein (a-Syn), a protein implicated in Parkinson disease, contributes significantly to dopamine metabolism. a-Syn binding inhibits the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine synthesis. Phosphorylation of TH stimulates its activity, an effect that is reversed by protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). In cells, a-Syn overexpression activates PP2A. Here we demonstrate that a-Syn significantly inhibited TH activity in vitro and in vivo and that phosphorylation of a-Syn serine 129 (Ser-129) modulated this effect. In MN9D cells, a-Syn overexpression reduced TH serine 19 phosphorylation (Ser(P)-19). In dopaminergic tissues from mice overexpressing human a-Syn in catecholamine neurons only, TH-Ser-19 and TH-Ser-40 phosphorylation and activity were also reduced, whereas PP2A was more active. Cerebellum, which lacks excess a-Syn, had PP2A activity identical to controls. Conversely, a-Syn knock-out mice had elevated TH-Ser-19 phosphorylation and activity and less active PP2A in dopaminergic tissues. Using an a-Syn Ser-129 dephosphorylation mimic, with serine mutated to alanine, TH was more inhibited, whereas PP2A was more active in vitro and in vivo. Phosphorylation of a-Syn Ser-129 by Polo-like-kinase 2 in vitro reduced the ability of a-Syn to inhibit TH or activate PP2A, identifying a novel regulatory role for Ser-129 on a-Syn. These findings extend our understanding of normal a-Syn biology and have implications for the dopamine dysfunction of Parkinson disease.  相似文献   

Although behavioral and endocrine consequences of acute exposure to stressors have been extensively studied, little is known about how simultaneous exposure to two different stressors interacts to induce short- and long-term effects. In the present experiment we studied this interaction in adult male rats exposed to cat fur odor (impregnated cloth) or immobilization on boards either separately or simultaneously. We reasoned that exposure to the odor of a potential predator while immobilized, may potentiate its negative consequences as compared to exposure to only one of the stressors. Exposure to cat odor elicited the expected reduction of activity and avoidance of the area where the impregnated cloth was located. The endocrine response (plasma levels of ACTH and corticosterone, as a measure of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, HPA) was markedly greater after immobilization than after cat fur odor and no additive effects were found by simultaneous exposure to both stressors. Cat odor, but not immobilization, increased anxiety-like behavior as evaluated in the elevated plus-maze 7 days after the stressors, with no evidence of enhanced HPA activation. In addition, cat odor exposure resulted in long-lasting (8 days later) fear conditioning to the box containing a clean cloth, which was reflected by hypoactivity, avoidance of the cloth area and enhanced HPA activation. All these effects were similarly observed in rats exposed simultaneously to cat odor and immobilization. In rats only exposed to immobilization, only some weak behavioral signs of fear conditioning were found, but HPA activation in response to the context paired to immobilization was enhanced to the same extent as in cat odor-exposed animals, supporting a certain degree of endocrine conditioning. The present results did not reveal important behavioral interactions between the two stressors when animals experienced both simultaneously, whereas some interactions were found regarding HPA activation. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Petit bacteriophage λ is a hollow λ head precursor which is found in λ-infected lysates, including lysates of phage λ carrying mutations in head genes. Wild-type petit λ has a protein composition similar to heads, except that it is missing pD 4, a major component of heads. About 95% of the mass of petit λ is pE, the major structural protein of heads, and in addition it has proteins pB, h3, X1, and X2. Tryptic fingerprint analysis shows that h3 is a proteolytic cleavage product of pB, and previous experiments have shown that X1 and X2 are protein fusion products, closely related to each other and containing amino acid sequences of both pC and pE. Petit lambdas derived from infection by phages defective in genes A or D are indistinguishable from wild-type petit λ. B, C, or groE defective petit lambdas show differences from wild-type in protein composition and in extent of protein processing. On the basis of the properties of mutant petit lambdas it is concluded that: (1) the protein processing reactions (cleavage of pB; fusion of pC with pE) occur on the petit λ structure; (2) cleavage of pB requires the functioning of genes C and groE but not A or D; (3) fusion of pC and pE requires gene groE but not A, B or D; (4) pNu3 participates directly in petit λ assembly but is lost from the structure by the time assembly is complete.Physical studies of petit λ show that wild-type, A, B and D petit lambdas sediment at 150 S, while C and groE petit lambdas sediment at 190 S. Purified petit λ of either class has an ultraviolet absorption spectrum characteristic of pure protein.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum mitochondria encounter structure (ERMES) tethers the ER to mitochondria and contains four structural components: Mmm1, Mdm12, Mdm10, and Mmm2 (Mdm34). The Gem1 protein may play a role in regulating ERMES function. Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Neurospora crassa strains lacking any of Mmm1, Mdm12, or Mdm10 are known to show a variety of phenotypic defects including altered mitochondrial morphology and defects in the assembly of β-barrel proteins into the mitochondrial outer membrane. Here we examine ERMES complex components in N. crassa and show that Mmm1 is an ER membrane protein containing a Cys residue near its N-terminus that is conserved in the class Sordariomycetes. The residue occurs in the ER-lumen domain of the protein and is involved in the formation of disulphide bonds that give rise to Mmm1 dimers. Dimer formation is required for efficient assembly of Tom40 into the TOM complex. However, no effects are seen on porin assembly or mitochondrial morphology. This demonstrates a specificity of function and suggests a direct role for Mmm1 in Tom40 assembly. Mutation of a highly conserved region in the cytosolic domain of Mmm1 results in moderate defects in Tom40 and porin assembly, as well as a slight morphological phenotype. Previous reports have not examined the role of Mmm2 with respect to mitochondrial protein import and assembly. Here we show that absence of Mmm2 affects assembly of β-barrel proteins and that lack of any ERMES structural component results in defects in Tom22 assembly. Loss of N. crassa Gem1 has no effect on the assembly of these proteins but does affect mitochondrial morphology.  相似文献   

"Conservative phage" containing a genome derived from an infecting phage particle which has not undergone replication in the cell but nevertheless has become encapsulated and released in a normal phage particle, are found after infection of Escherichia coli with rII(-) or rI(-) mutants under conditions which result in rapid lysis. If such conservative phage are derived from a mixed infection with v(+) and v(1) phage, they display phenotypic mixing of the v gene product (an endonuclease carried in the phage particle). Populations of rI and rII mutant phage grown under conditions of rapid lysis include particles containing short DNA fragments. It is suggested that a "maturation defect", common to rI and rII mutants, but absent in rIII mutants, may account for the encapsulation of nonreplicated DNA as well as that of the DNA fragments.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci can harbor both primary and secondary endosymbionts, and the specific endosymbionts can differ among different B. tabaci biotypes. This study determined (1) the prevalence of the primary endosymbiont Portiera aleyrodidarum and secondary endosymbionts Arsenophonus and Wolbachia in two invasive biotypes (B and Q) and one indigenous biotype (Cv) in China and (2) the in vivo effect of three antibiotics (tetracycline, ampicillin trihydrate, and rifampicin) against the endosymbionts; if an antibiotic substantially inhibits an endosymbiont, it could be used to determine the effect of that endosymbiont on B. tabaci. P. aleyrodidarum and Wolbachia were detected in all the three biotypes, while Arsenophonus was found only in the Q and Cv biotypes. P. aleyrodidarum was found in all tested individuals of the three biotypes. Infection rates of Wolbachia in the B, Cv, and Q biotypes were 58, 68, and 48%, respectively. The infection rate of Arsenophonus was 44% in the Q biotype but only 22% in the Cv biotype. The antibiotics failed to eliminate P. aleyrodidarum from any individual of the B, Cv, and Q biotypes but eliminated the secondary endosymbionts, Arsenophonus and Wolbachia, from 50 to 80% of the adult B. tabaci. The effect of the antibiotics depended on the species of endosymbiont, the antibiotic, the B. tabaci biotype, and various interactions between these factors. When used against Arsenophonus, the efficiency of rifampicin was better than ampicillin and tetracycline, regardless of B. tabaci biotype. When inactivating Wolbachia in Cv and Q biotypes, the efficiency tetracycline was better than ampicillin and rifampicin, and while the efficiency of tetracycline was better than rifampicin and ampicillin when they were used against Wolbachia in B biotype.  相似文献   

Abstract It is well known, that local B→A transformation in DNA is involved in several biological processes. In vitro B?A transition is sequence-specific. The physical basis of this specificity is not known yet. Here we analyze the effect of intramolecular interactions on the structural behavior of the GG/CC and AA/TT steps. These steps exemplify sequence specific bias to the B- or A-form structure. Optimization of potential energy of the molecular systems composed of an octanucle-otide, neutralized by Na(+) and solvated with TIP3P water molecules in rectangular box with periodic boundary conditions gives the statistically representative sets of low energy structures for GG/CC and AA/TT steps in the middle of the diverse flanking sequences. Permissible 3D variations of GG/CC and AA/TT, and correlation of the relative motion of base pairs in these steps were analyzed. AA/TT step permits high variability for low energy conformers in the B-form DNA and small variability for low energy conformers in the A-form DNA. In contrast GG/CC step permits high variability for low energy conformers in the A-form DNA and small variability for low energy conformers in the B-form DNA. The relative motion of base pairs in GG/CC step is high correlated, while in AA/TT step this correlation is notably less. Atom-atom interactions inside-the-step always favors the B-form and their component - stacking interactions (atomatom interactions between nucleic bases) is crucial for the duplex stabilization. Formation of the A-form for both steps is a result of interactions with the flanking sequences and water-cation environment in the box. The average energy difference between conformations presenting B-form and A-form for the GG/CC step is high, while for the AA/TT step it is rather low. Thus, intramolecular interactions in GG/CC and AA/TT steps affect the possible conformational diversity ("conformational entropy") of the A- and B- type structures of DNA step. This determines the known bias of the A-form DNA depending on the enrichment of sequences with GG/CC. If structural tuning during the process of protein-DNA complex formation lead to the local B→A transformation of DNA, it is largely directed by high conformational diversity of GG/CC step in the A-form. In such a case the presence in the target site of both kinds of examined steps ensures the reversible character of ligand binding.  相似文献   

In addition to a conventional relaxed state, a fraction of myosins in the cardiac muscle exists in a low-energy consuming super-relaxed (SRX) state, which is kept as a reserve pool that may be engaged under sustained increased cardiac demand. The conventional relaxed and the super-relaxed states are widely assumed to correspond to a structure where myosin heads are in an open configuration, free to interact with actin, and a closed configuration, inhibiting binding to actin, respectively. Disruption of the myosin SRX population is an emerging model in different heart diseases, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which results in excessive muscle contraction, and stabilizing them using myosin inhibitors is budding as an attractive therapeutic strategy. Here we examined the structure–function relationships of two myosin ATPase inhibitors, mavacamten and para-nitroblebbistatin, and found that binding of mavacamten at a site different than para-nitroblebbistatin populates myosin into the SRX state. Para-nitroblebbistatin, binding to a distal pocket to the myosin lever arm near the nucleotide-binding site, does not affect the usual myosin SRX state but instead appears to render myosin into a new, perhaps much more inhibited, ‘ultra-relaxed’ state. X-ray scattering-based rigid body modeling shows that both mavacamten and para-nitroblebbistatin induce novel conformations in human β-cardiac heavy meromyosin that diverge significantly from the hypothetical open and closed states, and furthermore, mavacamten treatment causes greater compaction than para-nitroblebbistatin. Taken together, we conclude that mavacamten and para-nitroblebbistatin stabilize myosin in different structural states, and such states may give rise to different functional energy-sparing states.  相似文献   

Soluble oligomers of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide play a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, but their elusive nature makes their detection challenging. Here we describe a novel immunoassay based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) that specifically recognizes biologically active Aβ oligomers. As a capturing agent, we immobilized on the sensor chip the monoclonal antibody 4G8, which targets a central hydrophobic region of Aβ. This SPR assay allows specific recognition of oligomeric intermediates that rapidly appear and disappear during the incubation of synthetic Aβ(1-42), discriminating them from monomers and higher order aggregates. The species recognized by SPR generate ionic currents in artificial lipid bilayers and inhibit the physiological pharyngeal contractions in Caenorhabditis elegans, a new method for testing the toxic potential of Aβ oligomers. With these assays we found that the formation of biologically relevant Aβ oligomers is inhibited by epigallocatechin gallate and increased by the A2V mutation, previously reported to induce early onset dementia. The SPR-based immunoassay provides new opportunities for detection of toxic Aβ oligomers in biological samples and could be adapted to study misfolding proteins in other neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

β-Amyloid (Aβ) accumulation in the brain is widely accepted to be critical to the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Current efforts at reducing toxic Aβ40 or 42 have largely focused on modulating γ-secretase activity to produce shorter, less toxic Aβ, while attempting to spare other secretase functions. In this paper we provide data that offer the potential for a new approach for the treatment of AD. The method is based on our previous findings that the production of Aβ from the interaction between the β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) and Presenilin (PS), as part of the γ-secretase complex, in cell culture is largely inhibited if the entire water-soluble NH2-terminal domain of PS is first added to the culture. Here we demonstrate that two small, non-overlapping water-soluble peptides from the PS-1 NH2-terminal domain can substantially and specifically inhibit the production of total Aβ as well as Aβ40 and 42 in vitro and in vivo in the brains of APP transgenic mice. These results suggest that the inhibitory activity of the entire amino terminal domain of PS-1 on Aβ production is largely focused in a few smaller sequences within that domain. Using biolayer interferometry and confocal microscopy we provide evidence that peptides effective in reducing Aβ give a strong, specific and biologically relevant binding with the purified ectodomain of APP 695. Finally, we demonstrate that the reduction of Aβ by the peptides does not affect the catalytic activities of β- or γ-secretase, or the level of APP. P4 and P8 are the first reported protein site-specific small peptides to reduce Aβ production in model systems of AD. These peptides and their derivatives offer new potential drug candidates for the treatment of AD.  相似文献   


A procedure to identify which base pair of lac operator (lacO) a suspected contacting amino acid of Lac repressor (LacR) interacts with is presented. The procedure is to eliminate the ability of the amino acid under study to contact DNA, and then to determine at which base pair—if any—specificity is eliminated. To implement this procedure, four sets of Escherichia coli K-12 strains have been constructed. These strains permit: (i) the substitution of a selected amino acid of LacR by, respectively, Gly, Ser, Leu, or Gln, and (ii) the analysis of the specificity of the resulting substituted LacR with respect to base pairs 5,6,7,8,9, and 10 of lacO. This procedure has been applied to Gln18 of LacR. The preliminary data indicate that LacR(Gln18?Gly) is unable to distinguish between the O+ base pair G:C and the Oc base pair T:A at position 7 of lacO (KDoc/KDO + = 0.93). In contrast, LacR(Glnl8?Gly) discriminates O+ from Oc by a factor of 13 to 23 at each other position. The same qualitative pattern of results was obtained with LacR(Glnl8?Ser) and LacR(Gln18?Leu). Therefore, I propose that Gln18 contacts base pair 7 of lacO. This proposal is consistent with the contact predicted in Ebright, R. in Protein Structure, Folding, and Design. D. Oxender ed., Alan R. Liss, New York (1985), in press.  相似文献   

Here, we investigated whether the cell surface glycoprotein CD47 was required for normal formation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts and to maintain normal bone formation activity in vitro and in vivo. In parathyroid hormone or 1α,25(OH)2-vitamin D3 (D3)-stimulated bone marrow cultures (BMC) from CD47−/− mice, we found a strongly reduced formation of multinuclear tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)+ osteoclasts, associated with reduced expression of osteoclastogenic genes (nfatc1, Oscar, Trap/Acp, ctr, catK, and dc-stamp). The production of M-CSF and RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor κβ ligand) was reduced in CD47−/− BMC, as compared with CD47+/+ BMC. The stromal cell phenotype in CD47−/− BMC involved a blunted expression of the osteoblast-associated genes osterix, Alp/Akp1, and α-1-collagen, and reduced mineral deposition, as compared with that in CD47+/+ BMC. CD47 is a ligand for SIRPα (signal regulatory protein α), which showed strongly reduced tyrosine phosphorylation in CD47−/− bone marrow stromal cells. In addition, stromal cells lacking the signaling SIRPα cytoplasmic domain also had a defect in osteogenic differentiation, and both CD47−/− and non-signaling SIRPα mutant stromal cells showed a markedly reduced ability to support osteoclastogenesis in wild-type bone marrow macrophages, demonstrating that CD47-induced SIRPα signaling is critical for stromal cell support of osteoclast formation. In vivo, femoral bones of 18- or 28-week-old CD47−/− mice showed significantly reduced osteoclast and osteoblast numbers and exhibited an osteopenic bone phenotype. In conclusion, lack of CD47 strongly impairs SIRPα-dependent osteoblast differentiation, deteriorate bone formation, and cause reduced formation of osteoclasts.  相似文献   

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