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Seasonal variations in abundance and carbon biomass of ciliated protozoa and micrometazoa were studied from May 1998 to November 1999 in the eutrophicated area of Katela Bay (Middle Adriatic Sea). Ciliates showed peaks in spring and autumn, primarily due to changes in the abundance and biomass of tintinnines, which participated in total ciliate abundance and biomass with 40.48 and 60.02%, respectively. The highest tintinnine density was 4,278 ind. l–1, while their average biomass varied from 0.611 to 26.557 gC l–1 . Maximal average density and biomass of non-loricates were 1,430 ind. l–1 and 3.925 gC l–1, respectively. The micrometazoa community was dominated by copepod nauplii, especially during the summer and autumn. The copepod biomass ranged between 3.47 and 26.75 gC l–1 . High abundance and biomass values of the investigated zooplankton groups point to an important role of these organisms in the secondary production in the Bay, indicating that they may be (1) a crucial factor in controlling the populations of nano-/pico-phytoplankton and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and (2) a significant prey for larger micrometazoans.  相似文献   

Short term variations of zooplankton populations were studied during an algal spring bloom in two characteristic areas of the Marennes-Oléron Bay (France). The sampling sites were chosen in the north of the bay, one close to the neritic zone, the other close to the estuarine zone. Five distinct zooplanktonic communities were observed: two typical neritic and estuarine assemblages, two eurytopic groups (linked to neritic or estuarine water masses) and an autochtonous community, widely distributed in the north of the bay. The copepod Euterpina acutifrons dominated the zooplankton community during this period of the year in terms of abundance (up to 83% of the zooplankton community). Its production differed between water masses: the highest production occurred at the estuarine station (3.48 ± 0.65 mg C m–3 d–1), where nauplii accounted for a large part of these high values. Its P/B ratio was similar at the two stations (0.196 and 0.209 d–1).  相似文献   

Distribution and buoyancy studies in Rostherne Mere (depth: 30m) show that the life-cycle of Microcystis is intimately related to the cycle of thermal stratification: colonies overwinter on the bottom muds, but migrate to the epilimnion in summer, returning again in late autumn or winter.  相似文献   

Zooplankton vertical migratory patterns are a classic example of optimal habitat choice. We hypothesize that zooplankton distribute themselves vertically in the water column according to an ideal free distribution (IFD) with costs such as to optimize their fitness. In lakes with a deep-water chlorophyll maximum, zooplankton are faced with a trade-off, either experiencing high food (high reproductive potential) but low temperature (slow development) in the hypolimnion or high temperature and low food in the epilimnion. Thus, in the absence of fish predation (e.g. at night) they should allocate the time spent in the different habitats according to fitness gain dependent on the temperature gradient and distribution of food. We tested this hypothesis with a Daphnia hyalina x galeata clone in large indoor columns (Plön Plankton Towers) and with a dynamic energy budget model. In the tower experiments, we simulated a deep-water algal maximum below the thermocline with epilimnetic/hypolimnetic temperature differences of 2, 5 and 10 degrees C. Experimental data supported the model. We found a significantly larger proportion of daphniids in the hypolimnion when the temperature difference was smaller. Our results are consistent with the concept of IFD with costs originally developed for stream fishes. This concept can be applied to predict the vertical distribution of zooplankton in habitats where fish predation is of minor importance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the antibiotic susceptibility profiles and the presence of extended-spectrum-β-lactamases (ESBLs) in Pseudomonas fluorescens isolates from coastal waters of the Kaštela Bay, Croatia. Twenty-two water samples were collected during 2009. Isolates were tested for susceptibilities to 13 antibiotics by Etest. ESBL production was confirmed by double-disk synergy test carried out on Mueller–Hinton agar plates containing efflux pump inhibitor Phe-Arg-β-naphthylamide dihydrochloride. PCR and DNA sequencing analysis were used to identify ESBL-encoding genes. The transferability of cephalosporin resistance was tested by conjugation experiments. Genetic relatedness of ESBL-producing isolates was determined by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Out of 185 P. fluorescens isolates recovered, 70 (37.8%) demonstrated multiresistance phenotype with highest rates of resistance to tetracycline (61.6%), aztreonam (31.9%), meropenem (17.3%), ceftazidime (15.1%) and cefotaxime (12.4%). Ten (5.4%) isolates were identified as ESBL producers. All isolates carried chromosomally located bla TEM-116 gene. RAPD analysis identified four different genotypes. Here, we demonstrated a baseline profiles of antimicrobial resistance of P. fluorescens from coastal waters of the Kaštela Bay, Croatia. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of TEM-type ESBL in P. fluorescens, indicating this bacterium as a reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes with clinical relevance.  相似文献   

Diurnal vertical distribution of rotifers was investigated in the Chara bed and the water immediately above it in the shallow region (ca. 1 m depth) of Budzyskie Lake (Wielkopolski National Park, Poland) in early September 1998. Eighty one rotifer species were identified – 71 among Chara and 59 in the open water. Significant differences in rotifer densities were observed in the Chara, with highest numbers during the day (2316 ind. l–1) and lowest numbers early morning (521 ind. l–1) and at dusk (610 ind. l–1). Above the Chara, the numbers of rotifers did not change significantly (615–956 ind. l–1). Littoral- or limnetic-forms differed in their diel vertical distribution between both zones. One group of littoral species was characterized by increased densities in the Chara in the daytime, while a second group increased in density during the night. The densities of limnetic species, which were much higher in open water, decreased in the morning or daytime in this zone. These differences in the diel behaviour of particular groups of rotifers may be dependent on microhabitat and may also be related to different kinds of predation, the exploitative competition for shared food resources between rotifers and crustaceans, as well as typical adaptation to littoral or limnetic life.  相似文献   

Smirnov AV 《Protist》2002,153(3):239-250
The sandy sediments of Niv? Bay (Baltic Sea, The Sound, Denmark) are often covered with the mats of sulphur bacteria and are temporarily anoxic. The vertical distribution and abundance of naked amoebae species in three sediment cores from this bay were studied. Amoebae were most abundant and diverse in the upper 1 cm of sediment, and their number and diversity decreased with increasing depth into the sediment. Amoebae were recovered from both upper oxygenated and deep anoxic layers of sediments. The species composition and abundance of amoebae was very heterogeneous, even at spatial scales of several centimeters, suggesting the existence of microhabitats selectively occupied by particular species. All species found were recorded from aerobic cultures and some of these amoebae occur in both the aerobic and anaerobic layers of the sediment. Minimal possible number of amoebae in the sediments, estimated for the first time as areal abundance integrated for depth was: core 1 -597 cm(-2); core 2 -1,110 cm(-2); core 3 -1,430 cm(-2). These abundances are probably best regarded as "potential" abundances of amoebae hidden in the sediments, as the question of the ratio between active and resting amoebae remains open.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution and abundance of conspicuous gastropod and bivalve species were studied at five rocky beaches in Cuastecomate Bay, Jalisco. Sampling was done from September, 1993 through March, 1994 with 0.75 m2 quadrants placed along replicate transect lines (10 m long) in the supralittoral and mesolittoral (upper, middle and lower intertidal) zones. A total of 6,643 mollusks were collected. Gastropods dominated the samples (6,272 individuals, 44 species); the bivalves were less abundant and diverse (371 individuals, five species). Seventeen species comprised 89.8% of all individuals collected. The gastropods Nodilittorina aspera and Nerita scabricosta were the most abundant with 637.8 and 71.43 individuals/m2, respectively. The most abundant bivalves were Brachidontes adamsianus and Chloromytilus palliopunctatus with 60.7 and 61.3 individuals/m2 respectively. The abundance of gastropods decreased from the supralittoral to the lower tidal zones while the number of species increased in the same direction. The number of species of bivalves also increased from the supralittoral to the lower intertidal zone; the abundance of individuals was higher at the middle intertidal zone. Affinities between groups of species among sampling stations were identified by computing Pearson's correlation coefficient using abundance values (ind./m2) and Jaccard's dissimilarity index using species presence or absence in the lower intertidal zone. Affinity among stations was not dependent upon their vicinity but on the high dominance of few species, the occurrence of many secondary species and beach characteristics.  相似文献   

Within the framework of an investigation into the carrying capacity of the Bay of Marennes-Oléron (France) for bivalve culture, thein situ uptake of suspended particulate material by oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and mussels (Mytilus edulis) was determined in experiments with benthic ecosystem tunnels. Very high fluctuations in seston quantity and quality were observed within and between tidal cycles. The percentage of organic carbon was inversely related to seston quantity at low concentrations. Organic carbon was diluted by resuspension of material rich in inorganic matter. At high seston concentrations a constant level of about 2% organic carbon was found. The C/N ratio was relatively constant throughout the seasons and fairly low (6.5 to 8.4). Owing to the presence of bivalves large fluxes of suspended particulate material were observed in thein situ measurements. Selective retention of organic carbon or nitrogen could not be demonstrated. Clearance rates based on chlorophyll uptake were within a normal range compared to other studies. A large contribution to the food of the bivalves seemed to be formed by resuspended microphytobenthos. Judged by the low C/N ratio, the food was of good quality. Although its quantity was variable by dilution, it may support largely the carrying capacity of the Bay of Marennes-Oléron for the cultivation of bivalves. Communication no. 687 of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for Estuarine and Coastal Ecology, Yerseke, the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Summary A comparison of the EPOS leg 3 material of Weddell Sea Isopoda with the known literature data revealed some new results for the horizontal and vertical distribution of isopods in the eastern Weddell Sea. The number of isopod species known for the Weddell Sea almost doubled to 118 species. New results on the vertical distribution of 11 isopod genera are presented.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

1. In this study, sediment chlorophyll profiles at twenty littoral stations in three oligo‐mesotrophic lakes were compared to test whether the vertical distribution of chlorophyll is related to site characteristics (light availability, temperature, physical disturbances) and whether these profiles differ between shallow and deep portions of the littoral zone.
2. The magnitude of chlorophyll peaks at the sediment surface did not vary with light intensity. Chlorophyll peaks in the shallow littoral zone had a weak tendency to decrease with increasing effective fetch. The magnitude of chlorophyll peaks at deeper sites was more closely related to water temperature than to substrate slope.
3. High chlorophyll concentrations were measured down to 1–3 cm in the sediments, both at shallow (< 2.5 m) and deep (4–10 m) stations. The depth to which high chlorophyll was found in sediments did not vary with effective fetch or sediment water content, two indices of wave disturbance in the shallow littoral zone, or with substrate slope, an index of sediment stability in the deep littoral zone. Sediment mixing is apparently not related to common indices of physical disturbances.
4. Between 8 and 100% of sediment surface chlorophyll was 'retained' 4–5 cm into the sediments. The proportion of chlorophyll 'retained' in littoral sediments increased with increasing depth, increasing lake productivity (total phosphorus concentration) and increasing lake pH.
5. Among‐core variability (standard error/mean) in chlorophyll concentration at the sediment surface ranged from less than 1% to 33% at different stations and was highest at shallow, exposed sites. These levels of variability are similar to those found in other periphytic communities.  相似文献   

The present work analyses the abundance and species composition of mesozooplankton in relation to different patterns of wind speed and tides in Admiralty Bay. The plankton was sampled on 12, 13 and 15 March 1989 with a 385 m mesh size conical-cylindrical net by R.V. Barão de Teffé. In Martel Inlet, the zooplankton standing stock reached 25,223 individuals 100 m–3 during the high tide. Under north-west winds, the abundance of the dominant species Ctenocalanus citer and Fritillaria borealis followed the tidal cycle. Weak south-west winds promoted the input of plankton even during low tide. Throughout the Bay, the highest densities of plankton (446–2,899 individuals 100 m–3) were observed in surface waters flowing towards the Bransfield Strait. Surface waters flowing through the Bay and the inlets showed different species composition to surface waters flowing towards the Bransfield Strait.  相似文献   

The North Atlantic gastropod Littorina littorea exhibits a characteristic “intertidal” distribution: the snail is abundant in the littoral zone but scarce in the shallow subtidal and the relatively few subtidal individuals are larger (in shell size) on average than those in the intertidal zone. For highly mobile species like L. littorea, this vertical distribution is primarily determined by directional movement. Biotic and abiotic factors vary across tidal heights, and natural selection for movement to shore levels where fitness is maximized provides the ultimate (evolutionary) explanation for vertical distribution patterns. In this study, we asked whether variation in growth rate and/or predation pressure among tidal heights provide an ultimate explanation for vertical gradients in L. littorea size and abundance. We used a cage experiment to compare juvenile growth rate among tidal heights and a series of field and laboratory experiments to examine variation in predation pressure among tidal heights and snail size classes. Juvenile growth rates were highest in the low intertidal zone, declining at both higher and lower levels. Predation risk for tethered L. littorea increased with both decreasing tidal height and decreasing body size (shell height). Almost all tethered prey were consumed by shell- breaking predators and a census revealed that the two most abundant such predators were the crabs Carcinus maenas and Cancer borealis. Laboratory feeding experiments were used to compare size-dependent prey vulnerability and prey-size preferences for these two key predators. We found that L. littorea vulnerability decreased with increasing snail size and increased with increasing size of both predator species. However, whereas C. borealis were capable of consuming even the largest L. littorea, most Carcinus were unable to feed on individuals larger than 10 mm in shell height. Additionally, C. borealis preferred larger sizes of L. littorea than did Carcinus. Thus, Carcinus, which co-occurs with L. littorea in the intertidal, is a much less effective predator than C. borealis, which is found primarily in the subtidal. We conclude that predation on L. littorea by C. borealis and other subtidal consumers has resulted in the scarcity of this ecologically important grazer in the subtidal. This effect has been produced both through direct predation and by imposing strong selection for movement of L. littorea to higher tidal zones.  相似文献   

In this paper an overview is given of earlier work on transport, deposition AND transformation of suspended matter, and contaminants (metals, hydrocarbons) in Lithuanian coastal waters as well as in other parts of the Baltic Sea. The Lithuanian river Nemunas dischargesc. 600.106 kg suspended matter into the Kuršių Marios Lagoon annually, of which two thirds are accumulated in the lagoon. The remainder is exported to the Baltic Sea through the Klaipéda Strait influencing biological activity in the coastal zone. Sedimentation rate in Kuršių Marios Lagoon is estimated at 3.2 mm y−1. In the last 50 years the surface area of the lagoon decreased by 0.7 km2 y−1. Concentration profiles of metals and hydrocarbons were measured in the Kuršių Marios Lagoon, the Baltic proper, and in the Gulf of Finland. Among hydrocarbons both anthropogenic and compounds from natural sources are present. It is argued that correct interpretation of concentration horizons in sediment may be hampered by various processes,e. g. early sedimentogenesis and diagenesis, and cyclic salinity changes in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in the size-fractionated chlorophylla concentrations (<3 μm, 3 to 25 μm, and >25 μm) were investigated at a pelagic site of the north basin of Lake Biwa during June to December 1985. Autofluorescing plankton cells in the <3-μm fractions were also examined using the fluorescein isothiocyanate staining epifluorescence microscopic technique. The <3-μm phytoplankton (usually dominated by chroococcoid cyanobacteria except for a few cases dominated by small eukaryotes) showed a clearly different pattern of seasonal change compared with the larger fractions. That is, from August to early September, chlorophylla of the larger fractions declined considerably, while the <3-μm chlorophylla did not decrease significantly. Moreover, cyanobacterial cell density in the <3-μm fraction showed a maximum value (2–3.5×105 cells·ml−1) during this period. The relative contribution of the <3-μm chlorophylla to the total chlorophylla increased from <5% to 45% during the course of this change. No clear vertical trend in the distribution and composition of the <3-μm phytoplankton was found, except that relatively large cyanobacteria (>4 μm3) appeared at a depth of 15m but not at 0,5 and 10 m from late July to August. These large cells were also found in November and December. The drastic seasonal change of phytoplankton size structure occurring in this basin was discussed in relation to grazing, nutrient depletion and sinking. Contribution from Otsu Hydrobiological Station, Kyoto Univeristy (No. 308, foreign language series).  相似文献   

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