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Mechanisms of recent genome size variation in flowering plants   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plant nuclear genomes vary tremendously in DNA content, mostly due to differences in ancestral ploidy and variation in the degree of transposon amplification. These processes can increase genome size, but little is known about mechanisms of genome shrinkage and the degree to which these can attenuate or reverse genome expansion. This research focuses on characterizing DNA removal from the rice and Arabidopsis genomes, and discusses whether loss of DNA has effectively competed with amplification in these species. METHODS: Retrotransposons were analyzed for sequence variation within several element families in rice and Arabidopsis. Nucleotide sequence changes in the two termini of individual retrotransposons were used to date their time of insertion. KEY RESULTS: An accumulation of small deletions was found in both species, caused by unequal homologous recombination and illegitimate recombination. The relative contribution of unequal homologous recombination compared to illegitimate recombination was higher in rice than in Arabidopsis. However, retrotransposons are rapidly removed in both species, as evidenced by the similar apparent ages of intact elements (most less than 3 million years old) in these two plants and all other investigated plant species. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in the activity of mechanisms for retrotransposon regulation or deletion generation between species could explain current genome size variation without any requirement for natural selection to act on this trait, although the results do not preclude selection as a contributing factor. The simplest model suggests that significant genome size variation is generated by lineage-specific differences in the molecular mechanisms of DNA amplification and removal, creating major variation in nuclear DNA content that can then serve as the substrate for fitness-based selection.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes in dioecious and polygamous plants evolved as a mechanism for ensuring outcrossing to increase genetic variation in the offspring. Sex specificity has evolved in 75% of plant families by male sterile or female sterile mutations, but well-defined heteromorphic sex chromosomes are known in only four plant families. A pivotal event in sex chromosome evolution, suppression of recombination at the sex determination locus and its neighboring regions, might be lacking in most dioecious species. However, once recombination is suppressed around the sex determination region, an incipient Y chromosome starts to differentiate by accumulating deleterious mutations, transposable element insertions, chromosomal rearrangements, and selection for male-specific alleles. Some plant species have recently evolved homomorphic sex chromosomes near the inception of this evolutionary process, while a few other species have sufficiently diverged heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Comparative analysis of carefully selected plant species together with some fish species promises new insights into the origins of sex chromosomes and the selective forces driving their evolution.  相似文献   

N. Jones 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):727-737

B chromosomes (Bs) can be described as “selfish chromosomes”, a term that has been used for the repetitive DNA which comprises the bulk of the genome in large genome species, except that Bs have a life of their own as independent chromosomes. They can accumulate in number by various processes of mitotic or meiotic drive, especially in the gametophyte phase of the life cycle of flowering plants. This parasitic property of drive ensures their survival and spread in natural populations, even against a gradient of harmful effects on the host plant phenotype. B chromosomes are inhabitants of the nucleus and they are subject to control by “genes” in the A chromosome (As) complement. This interaction with the As, together with the balance between drive and harmful effects makes a dynamic system in the life of a Bs. In this review, we concentrate mainly on recent developments in the Bs of rye and maize, two of the species currently receiving most attention. We focus on their population dynamics and on the molecular basis of their structural organisation and mechanisms of drive, as well as on their mode of origin and potential applications in plant biotechnology.  相似文献   

B chromosomes in plants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Mechanisms and rates of genome expansion and contraction in flowering plants   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Bennetzen JL 《Genetica》2002,115(1):29-36
Plant genomes are exceptional for their great variation in genome size, an outcome derived primarily from their frequent polyploid origins and from the amplification of retrotransposons. Although most studies of plant genome size variation have focused on developmental or physiological effects of nuclear DNA content that might influence plant fitness, more recent studies have begun to investigate possible mechanisms for plant genome expansion and contraction. Analyses of relatively neutral genome components, like transposable elements, have been particularly fruitful, largely due to the enormous growth in genomic sequence information from many different plant species. Current data suggest that unequal recombination can slow the growth in genome size caused by retrotransposon amplification, but that illegitimate recombination and other deletion processes may be primarily responsible for the removal of non-essential DNA from small genome plants.  相似文献   

Plant genome structure is largely derived from the differing specificities, abundances and activities of transposable elements. Recent studies indicate that both the amplification and the removal of transposons are rapid processes in plants, accounting for the general lack of intergenic homology between species that last shared a common ancestor more than 10 million years ago. Two newly discovered transposon varieties, Helitrons and Pack-MULEs, acquire and fuse fragments of plant genes, creating the raw material for the evolution of new genes and new genetic functions. Many of these recently assembled, chimeric gene-candidates are expressed, suggesting that some might escape epigenetic silencing and mutational decay, but a proven case of gene creation by any transposable element activity in plants remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Bats are distinct from other mammals in their small genome size as well as their high metabolic rate, possibly related to flight ability. Although the genome sequence has been published in two species, the data lack cytogenetic information. In this study, the size and GC content of each chromosome are measured from the flow karyotype of the mouse-eared bat, Myotis myotis (MMY). The smaller chromosomes are GC-rich compared to the larger chromosomes, and the relative proportions of homologous segments between MMY and human differ among the MMY chromosomes. The MMY genome size calculated from the sum of the chromosome sizes is 2.25 Gb, and the total GC content is 42.3 %, compared to human and dog with 41.0 and 41.2 %, respectively. The GC-rich small MMY genome is characterised by GC-biased smaller chromosomes resulting from preferential loss of AT-rich sequences. Although the association between GC-rich small chromosomes and small genome size has been reported only in birds so far, we show in this paper, for the first time, that the same phenomenon is observed in at least one group of mammals, implying that this may be a mechanism common to genome evolution in general.  相似文献   

Sex determination in flowering plants.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
In many ways, plants offer unique systems through which to study sex determination. Because the production of unisexual flowers has evolved independently in many plant species, different and novel mechanisms may be operational. Hence, there is probably not one unifying mechanism that explains sex determination in plants. Advances in our understanding of sex determination will come from the analysis of the genetics, molecular biology, and biochemistry of genes controlling sexual determination in plants. Several excellent model systems for bisexual floral development (Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum), monoecy (maize), and dioecy (Silene, asparagus, and mercury) are available for such analyses. The important questions that remain concern the mechanism of action of sex determination genes and their interrelationship, if any, with homeotic genes that determine the sexual identity of floral organ primordia. At the physiological level, the connection between hormone signaling and sexuality is not well understood, although significant correlations have been discovered. Finally, once the genes that regulate these processes are identified, cloned, and studied, new strategies for the manipulation of sexuality in plants should be forthcoming.  相似文献   

Leaf morphogenesis in flowering plants.   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
R S Poethig 《The Plant cell》1997,9(7):1077-1087

Self-pollination in some groups of plants is prevented by a sophisticated biochemical signalling system. The molecule active in the female emerges as a highly charged glycoprotein, but the identity of the male determinant remains unknown. Studies of both the molecular biology and the physiology of the interaction suggest that the female polypeptide belongs to a family of glycoproteins which may play an additional, and more general, role in pollination. Pollen compatibility is controlled by one of two genetic systems and new information indicates a mechanism by which they may have arisen, together with the different stigma types with which they are correlated.  相似文献   

There appears to be only a weak correlation between genome size and the corresponding total length of a complete set of synaptonemal complexes (SCs) based on published evidence for several fungal, plant, and animal species. This result is unexpected, considering the strong positive correlations between genome size (DNA amount) and total chromosome length and volume and between relative lengths of chromosomes and SCs. Because the observed weak correlation was based on limited data, we systematically investigated the relationship between genome size and SC length, using ten higher plant species. Two-dimensional spreads of SCs from primary microsporocytes at pachytene were prepared using a hypotonic bursting technique. The SC spreads were examined either by light or electron microscopy, and the lengths of at least ten complete sets of SCs were measured for each of the ten species. Additionally, the genome size of each species was determined from pollen tetrad protoplasts using flow cytometry. A strong correlation (r = 0.97) between total SC length and genome size was observed for higher plants, indicating a constant amount of DNA is associated with a given length of SC, at least when averaged over the whole genome.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of nuclear DNA variation in angiosperms is still widely debated. The discussion mainly revolves round the causative factors influencing genome size and the adaptive consequences to an organism according to its growth form and environmental conditions. Nuclear DNA values are now known for 3874 angiosperm species (including 773 woody species) from over 219 families (out of a total of 500) and 181 species of woody gymnosperms, representing all the families. Therefore, comparisons have been made on not only angiosperms, taken as a whole, but also on the subsets of data based on taxonomic groups, growth forms, and environment. Nuclear DNA amounts in woody angiosperms are restricted to less than 23.54 % of the total range of herbaceous angiosperms; this range is further reduced to 6.8 % when woody and herbaceous species of temperate angiosperms are compared. Similarly, the tropical woody dicots are restricted to less than 50.5 % of the total range of tropical herbaceous dicots, while temperate woody dicots are restricted to less than 10.96 % of the total range of temperate herbaceous dicots. In the family Fabaceae woody species account for less than 14.1 % of herbaceous species. Therefore, in the total angiosperm sample and in subsets of data, woody growth form is characterized by a smaller genome size compared with the herbaceous growth form. Comparisons between angiosperm species growing in tropical and temperate regions show highly significant differences in DNA amount and genome size in the total angiosperm sample. However, when only herbaceous angiosperms were considered, significant differences were obtained in DNA amount, while genome size showed a non-significant difference. An atypical result was obtained in the case of woody angiosperms where mean DNA amount of tropical species was almost 25.04 % higher than that of temperate species, which is because of the inclusion of 85 species of woody monocots in the tropical sample. The difference becomes insignificant when genome size is compared. Comparison of tropical and temperate species among dicots and monocots and herbaceous monocots taken separately showed significant differences both in DNA amount and genome size. In herbaceous dicots, while DNA amount showed significant differences the genome size varies insignificantly. There was a non-significant difference among tropical and temperate woody dicots. In three families, i.e., Poaceae, Asteraceae, and Fabaceae the temperate species have significantly higher DNA amount and genome size than the tropical ones. Woody gymnosperms had significantly more DNA amount and genome size than woody angiosperms, woody eudicots, and woody monocots. Woody monocots also had significantly more DNA amount and genome size than woody eudicots. Lastly, there was no significant difference between deciduous and evergreen hardwoods. The significance of these results in relation to present knowledge on the evolution of genome size is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is a mismatch between the sophistication of the cytometer and the resulting data, made possible by the computing power of today, and the traditional statistical methods based on the computing power of the early 1930s. The purpose here is to apply modern statistical techniques that similarly take advantage of this computer power. METHODS: Likelihood functions and their graphs are introduced as direct measures of plausibility of the parameters of interest. These methods are valid for samples of any size. They are exemplified on an experimental plant flow cytometer data set with n = 2 replications. RESULTS: The likelihood functions revealed important features of the data that would have been missed by the traditional methods, and in fact would invalidate them. CONCLUSIONS: The likelihood function produced highly informative graphs that allow quantitative comparisons of different aspects of 2C DNA nuclear contents among different groups or varieties of plants.  相似文献   

Plants have been propagating themselves by cloning for millennia. It is, however, widely recognised that mixing genes with other individuals of the same species makes better evolutionary sense, as it provides the variation that is the raw material for natural selection. How, then, do some plants prevent self-fertilisation?  相似文献   

The objective of the present article is to compare apomictic and sexual reproduction (amphimixis) in flowering plants. Light-optical and ultrastructural aspects of the cytoembryological processes in apomicts, beginning with the early stages of development of the ovule and concluding with the newly formed seed, are considered. In the overwhelming majority of apomicts, an inability to develop an autonomous endosperm or to form viable seeds without the involvement of the process of fertilization of the nuclei of the central cell of the embryo sac is observed. Characteristic features of the ultrastructural differentiation of the megasporocytes in diplospory, of aposporous initial cells in apospory, of embryocytes in adventive embryony, and of ovicells in parthenogenesis and synergids in apogamety are identified and are compared to the generative structures of amphimicts. The hypothesis is made that the mechanisms of genetic regulation in the formation and development of the generative structures in apomixis and amphimixis are similar at the cellular level. The present study is not a survey of apomixis in general. Previously published original results that have been obtained by the present author as a result of many years of research in the area of apomixis have served as a basis for the preparation of the study.  相似文献   

Mating systems directly control the transmission of genes across generations, and understanding the diversity and distribution of mating systems is central to understanding the evolution of any group of organisms. This basic idea has been the motivation for many studies that have explored the relationships between plant mating systems and other biological and/or ecological phenomena, including a variety of floral and environmental characteristics, conspecific and pollinator densities, growth form, parity, and genetic architecture. In addition to these examples, a potentially important but poorly understood association is the relationship between plant mating systems and genome duplication, i.e., polyploidy. It is widely held that polyploid plants self-fertilize more than their diploid relatives, yet a formal analysis of this pattern does not exist. Data from 235 species of flowering plants were used to analyze the association between self-fertilization and ploidy. Phylogenetically independent contrasts and cross-species analyses both lend support to the hypothesis that polyploids self-fertilize more than diploids. Because polyploidy and self-fertilization are so common among angiosperms, these results contribute not only to our understanding of the relationship between mating systems and polyploidy in particular, but more generally, to our understanding of the evolution of flowering plants.  相似文献   

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