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The mechanism of ion transport in the epithelium of rabbit cornea was studied by determining the intracellular ion activity of Cl-, Na+ and K+ under various conditions. Ionic activities were measured by means of microelectrodes containing liquid ion-exchangers selective for Cl-, Na+ or K+. The Cl- activity in basal cells of the epithelium in Na+ containing bathing solutions amounts to 28 +/- 2 mM (n = 11). This value is 1.9-times greater than expected on the basis of passive distribution across the tear side membrane. This finding suggests the existence of a Cl- accumulating process. Replacement of Na+ in the aqueous bathing solution by choline or tetraethylammonium results in a reversible decrease in Cl- activity to 22 +/- 1 mM (n = 11, P less than 0.025). The ratio of observed and predicted Cl- activity decreased significantly from 1.9 to 1.4 (P less than 0.05). The decrease in Cl- activity due to Na+ replacement was rather slow. In contrast, after readmittance of Na+ to the aqueous bathing solution, Cl- activity rose to a stable level within 30 min. These results indicate involvement of Na+ in Cl- accumulation into the basal cells of the epithelium. The K+ and Na+ activities of the basal cells of rabbit corneal epithelium in control bathing solutions were 75 +/- 4 mM (n = 13) and 24 +/- 3 mM (n = 12), respectively. The results can be summarized in the following model for Cl- transport across corneal epithelium. Cl- is accumulated in the basal cells across the aqueous side membrane, energized by a favourable Na+ gradient. Cl- will subsequently leak out across the tear side membranes. Na+ is extruded again across the aqueous side membrane of the epithelium by the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase.  相似文献   

Intracellular hydration of ions in relation to age   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N R Joseph 《Gerontologia》1966,12(3):155-173

Summmary Electric characteristics of internodalChara australis cells, from which the tonoplast had been removed by vacuolar perfusion with media containing EGTA, were studied in relation to intracellular concentrations of ATP and Mg2+ using the ordinary microelectrode method and the open-vacuole method developed by Tazawa, Kikuyama and Nakagawa (1975.Plant Cell Physiol. 16:611). The concentration of ATP was decreased by introducing hexokinase and glucose into the cell and that of Mg2+ by introducing EDTA or CyDTA. The membrane potential decrease and the membrane resistance increase were both significant when the ATP or Mg2+ concentration was decreased. An ATP-dependent membrane potential was also found in other species of Characeae,Nitella axillaris andN. pulchella. Excitability of the membrane was also completely lost by reducing the ATP or Mg2+ concentration. Both membrane potential and excitability were recovered by introducing ATP or Mg2+ into ATP- or Mg2+-depleted cells.The time course of membrane potential recovery was followed by the open-vacuole method. Recovery began as soon as intracellular perfusion with medium containing ATP and Mg2+ was started. Reversible transition of the membrane potential between polarized and pepolarized levels by controlling the intracellular concentration of ATP or Mg2+ could be repeated many times by the open-vacuole method, when the excitability was suppressed by addition of Pb2+ to the external medium.The ineffectiveness of an ATP analog, AMP-PNP, and the synergism of ATP and Mg2+ in maintaining the membrane potential and excitability strongly suggest that ATP act via its hydrolysis by Mg2+-activated ATPase. The passive nature of the membrane, as judged from responses of the membrane potential to changes of the external K+ concentration, was not altered by lowering the ATP concentration in the cell. The mechanism of membrane potential generation dependent on ATP is discussed on the basic of an electrogenic ion pump. Involvement of the membrane potential generated by the ion pump in the action potential is also discussed.  相似文献   

Channels selective for potassium or chloride ions are present in all intracellular membranes such as mitochondrial membranes, sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear membrane and chromaffin granule membranes. They probably play an important role in events such as acidification of intracellular compartments and regulation of organelle volume. Additionally, intracellular ion channels are targets for pharmacologically active compounds, e.g. mitochondrial potassium channels interact with potassium channel openers such as diazoxide. This review describes current observations concerning the properties and functional roles of intracellular potassium and chloride channels.  相似文献   

Changes of the resting potential of Valonia cell in sea wateragainst a 10-fold increase of the external concentrations ofK$, Na$ and Cl were 1±1, 6.2±0.1 and 38.9±4mV, respectively. The potassium conductance was smaller than7 µ/cm2, while the Na and Cl conductances were 45 and281 µ/cm2, respectively, in normal sea water. The positivevacuolar potential could be explained by these ionic conductances.On the other hand, the membrane became more sensitive to K$,if the cell was incubated for about 30 min in K-rich (100 mM)sea water. It is worth noting, however, that the membrane conductancewas lower in the K-rich sea water than in the normal sea water. (Received October 7, 1974; )  相似文献   

Summary Voltage-clamped steps in the electric potential difference (PD) across the membrane in cells of the green alga,Chara inflata, cause voltage- and time-dependent current flows, interpreted to arise from opening and closing of various types of ion channel in the membrane. With cells in the light, these channels are normally closed, and the resting PD is probably determined by the operation of an H+ efflux pump. Positive steps in PD from the resting level often caused the opening of K+ channels with sigmoid kinetics. The channels began to show opening when the PD–120 mV for an external concentration of K+ of 1.0mm. Return of the PD to the resting level caused closing of the channels with complex kinetics. Various treatments of the cell could cause these K+ channels to open, and remain open continuously, with the PD then lying closer to the Nernst PD for K+. The K+ channels have been identified by the blocking effects of TEA+. Another group of channels, probably Cl and Ca2+ associated with the action potential open when the PD is stepped to values less negative than –50 mV. Negative steps from the resting PD cause the slow opening, with a time course of seconds, of yet another type of channel, probably Cl.  相似文献   

Cholesterol is an essential component of lysosomal membranes. In this study, we investigated the effects of membrane cholesterol on the permeability of rat liver lysosomes to K+ and H+, and the organelle stability. Through the measurements of lysosomal β-hexosaminidase free activity, membrane potential, membrane fluidity, intra-lysosomal pH, and lysosomal proton leakage, we established that methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD)-produced loss of membrane cholesterol could increase the lysosomal permeability to both potassium ions and protons, and fluidize the lysosomal membranes. As a result, potassium ions entered the lysosomes through K+/H+ exchange, which produced osmotic imbalance across the membranes and osmotically destabilized the lysosomes. In addition, treatment of the lysosomes with MβCD caused leakage of the lysosomal protons and raised the intra-lysosomal pH. The results indicate that membrane cholesterol plays important roles in the maintenance of the lysosomal limited permeability to K+ and H+. Loss of this membrane sterol is critical for the organelle acidification and stability.  相似文献   

Itracellular injections of Mg into cat spinal motoneurones have a depolarizing action, associated with a fall in input conductance, and depression of the postspike hyperpolarizing after-potential (a.h.p.) as well as its underlying conductance increase. There is also an increase in excitability, sometimes leading to outright discharge, and a change in the current-firing relation: the normal primary range is largely abolished and the firing appears to have the characteristics of the normal secondary range. Intracellular effects of Mg are thus mainly opposite to those of Ca, possibly owing to competition at sites where Ca activates K channels. Intracellular injections of Mn also tend to depress the a.h.p. but have relatively little effect on resting potential and conductance, or action potentials. Co also depresses the a.h.p. but has a more pronounced depolarizing action, and produces particularly strong depression of action potentials. By contrast intracellular Sr tends to raise the membrane conductance and has a mild hyperpolarizing effect. During the injection of Sr, a.h.p's are depressed but this is followed by a rebound of increased a.h.p. amplitude and conductance. Unlike the other divalent cations tested, Sr strongly depressed excitatory postsynaptic potentials. In most respects Sr appears to behave like Ca.  相似文献   

Lanthanum chloride (1 mM) inhibits the activity of acetylcholinesterasein vitro in the human erythrocyte membrane. Lineweaver-Burk analysis indicates that lanthanum chloride induced inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity is competitive in nature. The Arrhenius plot shows that the transition temperature of erythrocyte membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase is significantly reduced in the presence of lanthanum chloride. These results suggest that lanthanum chloride increases the fluidity of the erythrocyte membrane and this may be a cause of inhibition of membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase activity.  相似文献   

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