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Neonatal handling affects the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis in female rats. Indeed, postnatal handling induces anovulatory estrous cycles and decreases sexual receptiveness. On the other hand, Angiotensin II (Ang II) infused into the medial amygdala (MeA) reduces sexual behavior in male and female rats. Considering this, and that gonadal steroid secretion after copulatory behavior is important for reproductive success, the purpose of the present study was to investigate whether the reduction in sexual receptiveness in neonatally handled female rats is mediated by changes in Ang II receptor density in MeA. Moreover, gonadal steroid secretion after sexual behavior was analyzed. Two groups of female Wistar rats were studied: nonhandled (pups were left undisturbed) and handled (pups were handled for 1 min once a day during the first 10 days of life). Once they were 80-85 days old in the evening of the proestrus day, sexual receptiveness was recorded and after that the animals were killed by decapitation. Trunk blood samples were collected, and plasma estradiol and progesterone were measured by radioimmunoassay. The brains were removed for Ang II receptor autoradiography in MeA. The decreased lordosis quotient in the neonatally handled group was confirmed in the present study. Neonatal handling also reduced the progesterone concentration in the plasma, but did not change the estradiol and the density of Ang II receptors in MeA. The reduced progesterone could be due to the decreased lordosis frequency of handled females. However, this decreased sexual receptiveness is not mediated by changes in Ang II receptors in MeA.  相似文献   

Castration of male rats causes a rapid loss of their normal erectile response to inaccessible estrous females. Previous studies had demonstrated that these noncontact erections (NCEs), a putative sign of sexual arousal, could be restored by systemic treatment with testosterone (T) or dihydrotestosterone (DHT), but not estradiol (E). We examined whether androgen delivered to the medial amygdala (MeA) of castrated rats would maintain NCE. In Experiment 1, males received bilateral cannulae filled with T, DHT, or E directed at the MeA. Control males had the same hormone-filled cannulae implanted subcutaneously and blank cannulae in the MeA, or they received T in the anterior forebrain. During the 2 weeks after surgery, males were tested twice for NCE and copulation. About half the males with androgens in the MeA had NCEs 1 week after castration, but few responded a week later. Closer proximity of androgen implants to the posterodorsal MeA (MeApd) predicted shorter NCE latencies. No males with subcutaneous androgen had NCEs in either test, and few anterior forebrain-implanted males did. Some males receiving E in MeA or subcutaneously had NCE in each test. In copulation tests, the type of steroid treatment did not affect the incidence of ejaculation or most measures of copulation, and the proximity of cannulae to MeApd predicted only the time from ejaculation to the occurrence of NCE during the postejaculatory interval. Experiment 2 showed that NCEs displayed by males with androgen in MeA occurred in response to estrous females, not spontaneously. The results suggest that androgens, perhaps augmented by estrogen, act in the posterodorsal MeA to facilitate NCE and its associated arousal.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that aromatization is involved in the maintenance by testosterone of the appetitive component of male sexual behavior. We measured appetitive sexual behavior by administering behavioral tests in bilevel chambers and quantifying anticipatory level changes during a 5-min period prior to introduction of a stimulus female. In addition, we recorded standard measures of consummatory male sexual behavior after the female was introduced. Following 3 weekly tests, level-changing behavior reached a plateau and remained stable for up to 10 weeks. After 10 bilevel tests, rats were given subcutaneous testosterone capsules to clamp circulating androgen at physiological levels. Rats were tested and divided into two groups that were matched for measures of sexual behavior. One group was then treated with the nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor, Fadrozole (2.5 mg/kg/day), given subcutaneously in beta-cyclodextrin and the other group was treated with vehicle. Within 1 week of Fadrozole treatment, the number of anticipatory levels changes was significantly reduced, but not the latency to begin searching. Fadrozole treatment also significantly reduced all measures of copulatory behavior over the period of treatment and increased latencies to first mount, intromission, and ejaculation. After 8 weeks, both treatment groups were given an additional Silastic capsule filled with estradiol and tested for 4 additional weeks. Estrogen treatment partially restored level-changing behavior, mounts, and intromissions but had little effect on ejaculations. These results support the view that aromatization is important for maintaining both the appetitive and the consummatory aspects of sexual behavior in male rats.  相似文献   

Specific binding sites for angiotensin II were localized in the developing rat kidney (18th day of pregnancy and immediately before birth) by autoradiography using [125I]-ileu-5-angiotensin II either perfused in vivo through the fetal aorta or added in vitro to frozen sections in an incubation mixture. Specific binding was localized in the walls of the afferent and efferent arterioles, in the intraglomerular cells and in the peritubular arterioles of the subcapsular cortical zone. The immunohistochemical analysis, carried out on receptors saturated with unlabelled angiotensin II perfused through the mother's aorta, confirmed the autoradiographical localization. Antisera against ileu-5-angiotensin II were used in the indirect immunofluorescence technique and in the PAP method. Immunolocalization of angiotensin II was also found in the proximal tubule and in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop.  相似文献   

Oxytocin (OT) is a versatile neuropeptide that is involved in a variety of mammalian behaviors, and its role in reproductive function and behavior has been well established. The majority of pharmacological studies of the effects of OT on male sexual behavior have focused on the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), ventral tegmental area (VTA), hippocampus, and amygdala. Less attention has been given to the medial preoptic area (MPOA), a major integrative site for male sexual behavior. The present study investigated the effects of intra-MPOA administration of OT and (d(CH2)51, Tyr(Me)2, Thr4, Orn8, Tyr-NH29)-vasotocin, an OT antagonist (OTA), on copulation in the male rat. The relationship between OT receptor (OTR) binding levels in the MPOA and sexual efficiency was also explored. Microinjection of OT into the MPOA facilitated copulation in sexually experienced male rats, whereas similar injections of an OTA inhibited certain aspects of copulation but had no significant effect on locomotor activity in an open field. Contrary to expectation, sexually efficient males had lower levels of OTR binding in the rostral MPOA compared to inefficient animals. The present data suggest that OT activity in the MPOA is not necessary for the expression of male sexual behavior but is sufficient to facilitate copulatory behaviors and improve sexual efficiency in sexually experienced male rats. These data also suggest that OTR activity in the MPOA stimulates anogenital investigation, facilitates the initiation of copulation, and plays a role in the sensitization effect of the first ejaculation on subsequent ejaculations.  相似文献   

High-affinity angiotensin receptors in rat adrenal medulla   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Angiotensin II receptors have been quantitated in single rat adrenal medullas by incubation of tissue sections with 125I-[Sar1]-AII, autoradiography with exposure to 3H-sensitive Ultrofilm, computerized densitometry and comparison with 125I-labelled standards. Rat adrenal medulla contains a single class of high affinity AII receptors with a Ka of 0.84 +/- 0.02 X 10(9) M-1 and a Bmax of 3259 +/- 502 fmol/mg protein, one of the highest densities in AII receptors found in rat tissues. These observations provide evidence for a local site of action of AII in the release of adrenal medullary catecholamines.  相似文献   

In the present study, the aphrodisiac properties of Microdesmis keayana J. Léonard root extract and major isolated alkaloids were evaluated by observing the sexual behavior of male rats.Aqueous extract (150 mg/kg body weight) and pure alkaloids (3 mg/kg body weight) were administered orally by gavage to male rats. Latent times of observation, intromission and ejaculation, mounting behavior, number of intromissions and mating performances were evaluated and compared to those obtained with untreated rats in the presence of receptive and non-receptive females. The results have shown that aqueous extract and alkaloids of M. keayana stimulate sexual parameters in rats’ sexual behavior.A short-term toxicity study undertaken to establish the therapeutic index of aqueous extract, showed that a high dose of the extract (2 g/kg body weight) caused no mortality or changes in rats’ behavior.  相似文献   

The changes in neuron dendroarchitectonics in the posteromedial nucleus of the amygdala induced by administration of 1250 μg testosterone propionate on neonatal day 5 have been revealed in adult female Wistar rats for the first time.  相似文献   

One large social group of each of three species of macaques (Macaca mulatta, M. fascicularis, M. radiata), housed in half-acre field cages at the California Primate Research Center, were observed for a total of 150 h. Data on sexual behavior and dominance interactions were recorded by pairs of experienced observers using a focal animal technique. Single or multiple mount-to-ejaculation sequences, number of thrusts per mount, number of mounts per sequence, duration of mounts per sequence, duration of sequences, social rank and frequency of sexual activity were recorded for each adult male. M. mulatta used a multiple mount-to-ejaculation (MME) pattern in 91% of their copulations. M. radiata used a single mount-to-ejaculation (SME) pattern in 91% of their copulations. M. fascicularis used both patterns—53% MME and 47% SME. A positive correlation was found between rank and sexual activity in fascicularis and mulatta males. A negative correlation between rank and sexual activity was found in radiata males and also a positive correlation between rank and age indicating that the youngest and most subordinate radiata males were the most sexually active males. In reviewing the literature, a relationship between degree of intermale competition, intermale tolerance and type of mounting pattern was revealed. Macaque species that primarily use an SME pattern also show sa high degree of intermale tolerance and little interrnale competition. Macaque species that primarily use an MME pattern typically show a high degree of intermale competition and a low degree of intermale tolerance. Possible events leading to such relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

Specific and high affinity binding sites for angiotensin II were demonstrated in the membranes of the developing rat metanephros during the second half of pregnancy and in the newborn by binding studies with 125I angiotensin II. Only one type of angiotensin receptor was found during intrauterine life while after birth two classes of angiotensin receptors were present in the membranes of the cortical renal tissue.  相似文献   

目的和方法:采用两肾一夹型肾血管性高血压(RVH)模型,以合成的大鼠血管紧张素Ⅱ-1受体(AT1R)细胞外第二环165-191位氨基酸序列作为特异性抗原,用ELISA法检测大鼠血清中血管紧张素Ⅱ-1受体自身抗体,动态观察(13周)氯沙坦(术后第2周开始,5mg/kg dig,连续12周)治疗对模型大鼠AT1R自身抗体产生的影响。结果:RVH组大鼠血清中AT1R自身抗体从术后1周起阳性率、滴度逐渐升高;给予氯沙坦治疗不仅可抑制模型大鼠心脏功能和结构的改变,而且使血清AT1R自身抗体的阳性率和滴度明显低于肾血管性高血压组。结论:氯沙坦有抑制AT1R自身抗体产生而达到降压的作用。  相似文献   

The mitogenic agent that disrupts male and female sexual behavior has been isolated from corncob bedding. The disrupting activity resides in an isomeric mixture of linoleic acid derivatives with a tetrahydrofuran ring and two hydroxyl groups (THF-diols) that include 9, (12)-oxy-10, 13-dihydroxtstearic acid and 10, (13)-oxy-9, 12-dihydroxystearic acid. We examined the effects of exposure of male rats to THF-diols in drinking water on several parameters of male sexual behavior. THF-diols disrupt sexual behavior in male rats by reducing mounting and intromission frequencies. The mount, intromission and ejaculatory latencies are enhanced while the ejaculatory responses are diminished. These findings suggest that the THF-diols modulate hypothalamo-pituitary axis to regulate steroid hormone-dependent male sexual behavior.  相似文献   

1. Angiotensin II receptors have been studied by quantitative autoradiography in selected brain areas of young (2-week-old) and adult (8-week-old) rats. 2. In young rats, angiotensin II receptors were present in brain areas which did not express receptors in the adult brain, such as thalamic nuclei, cortical areas, and the cerebellum. 3. Young rats had more angiotensin II receptors in the subfornical organ than adult rats. In the inferior olive, the number of angiotensin receptors in young animals was 10 times higher than that in adult rats. Angiotensin II binding in the inferior olive was insensitive to incubation in the presence of dithiothreitol. 4. Conversely, the number of angiotensin II receptors in the nucleus of the solitary tract was lower in young rats compared to adults. Incubation in the presence of dithiothreitol resulted in a more than 90% inhibition of angiotensin II binding in the nucleus of the solitary tract. 5. Our results indicate the presence of two types of angiotensin II receptor in brain, one sensitive (type 1) and one insensitive (type 2) to the reducing agent dithiothreitol. 6. The expression of type 2 angiotensin II receptors, insensitive to dithiothreitol, is more marked in young rats, indicating a role for this type of angiotensin receptors in brain development.  相似文献   

In many rodent species, including Syrian hamsters, the expression of appropriate social behavior depends critically on the perception and identification of conspecific odors. The behavioral response to these odors is mediated by a network of steroid-sensitive ventral forebrain nuclei including the medial amygdala (Me), posterior bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), and medial preoptic area (MPOA). Although it is well-known that Me, BNST, and MPOA are densely interconnected and each uniquely modulates odor-guided social behaviors, the degree to which conspecific odor information and steroid hormone cues are directly relayed between these nuclei is unknown. To answer this question, we injected the retrograde tracer, cholera toxin B (CTB), into the BNST or MPOA of male subjects and identified whether retrogradely-labeled cells in Me and BNST 1) expressed immediate early genes (IEGs) following exposure to male and/or female odors or 2) expressed androgen receptor (AR). Although few retrogradely-labeled cells co-localized with IEGs, a higher percentage of BNST- and MPOA-projecting cells in the posterior Me (MeP) expressed IEGs in response to female odors than to male odors. The percentage of retrogradely-labeled cells that expressed IEGs did not, however, differ between and female and male odor-exposed groups in the anterior Me (MeA), posterointermediate BNST (BNSTpi), or posteromedial BNST (BNSTpm). Many retrogradely-labeled cells co-localized with AR, and a higher percentage of retrogradely-labeled MeP and BNSTpm cells expressed AR than retrogradely-labeled MeA and BNSTpi cells, respectively. Together, these data demonstrate that Me, BNST, and MPOA interact as a functional circuit to process sex-specific odor cues and hormone information in male Syrian hamsters.  相似文献   

The review considers the published data and the results obtained by the author on the role of monoamines (serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline) in the control of male sexual behavior. In the above respect, the central mechanisms of action of the neurotransmitters are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:研究孕期低氧应激对子代雄性大鼠的繁殖行为及相关激素分泌的影响。方法:实验将配对获得的怀孕第14天的母鼠随机分为3组:对照组(Control)、3300m模拟高原低氧应激组和5000m模拟高原低氧应激组,实验组母鼠放入低氧舱中进行持续7天的模拟低氧应激处理,对照组在实验条件下常规饲养。结果:孕期经低氧应激子代雄性性成熟个体具有与雌性个体交配的能力,但是行为能力有不同程度的下降。同时,应激组个体肛阴距变短,血浆睾酮水平下降而皮质酮水平显著升高,而3组动物睾酮、附睾以及肾上腺指数间无显著差异。结论:出生前受到低氧应激对子代雄性个体的性行为能力产生持久的抑制影响。  相似文献   

The octapeptide angiotensin II mediates the physiological actions of the renin-angiotensin system through activation of several angiotensin II receptor subtypes; in particular the AT1. In many tissues, the presence of multiple angiotensin II receptor subtypes, together with a low number of receptors, makes it difficult to study biological responses to physiological concentrations (10–11–10–9 M) of angiotensin II. Also, cultured cells show diminished angiotensin II receptor binding with respect to time in culture and passage number. To address these problems, we expressed the recombinant AT1A receptor in CHO-K1 cells. The stably transfected receptor was characterized using radioligand binding studies and functional coupling to cytosolic free calcium. Radioligand binding of [125I] angiotensin II to the angiotensin II receptor was specific, saturable, reversible and modulated by guanine nucleotides. Like the endogenous AT1A receptor, reported in a variety of tissues, the specific, noncompetitive, nonpeptide AII receptor antagonist, EXP3174, blocked binding of [125I] angiotensin II to the transfected receptor. Scatchard analysis demonstrated that the transfected receptor had a dissociation constant of 1.9 nM with a density of 3.4 pmol/mg protein.An important feature of many of the responses to angiotensin II is the rapid desensitization that occurs following agonist occupancy and the development of tachyphylaxis. In AT1A receptor transfected CHO-K1 cells, angiotensin II (10–9 M) stimulated a rapid increase in cytosolic free calcium that was completely desensitized within 50 sec following receptor occupancy. Agonist induced desensitization was unaffected when receptor internalization was blocked by pretreatment with concanavalin A or incubation at 4°C, and no changes in AT1A receptor affinity or number were observed. Receptor desensitization was also unaffected by inhibition or activation of protein kinase C. Thus, we have established a permanent, high-level transfectant of the AT1A receptor in CHO-K1 cells and have shown that these receptors rapidly desensitize following exposure to physiological concentrations of agonist. The mechanism of rapid desensitization is not related to receptor sequestration, internalization or controlled by PKC phosphorylation. This provides an excellent model for studying AII actions mediated through a specific receptor subtype, at subnanomolar concentrations.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the role of androgen in the medial amygdala (MeA) in the expression of sexual odor preference in male rats. Gonadally intact, sexually experienced male rats received bilateral administration of flutamide, an androgen receptor (AR) blocker, aimed at either the posterior dorsal part (MePD) or the anterior dorsal part (MeAD) of the MeA through inner cannulae inserted into the implanted guide cannulae. Prior to flutamide administration, all subjects spent longer sniffing volatile odors from an estrous female than those from a sexually active male. Experiment 1 demonstrated that the preference for the female odors over the male odors was eliminated during flutamide administration into the MePD, but not into either the MeAD or outside MePD/MeAD. This elimination of the female-directed odor preference resulted from increase of time sniffing the male odors rather than decrease of time sniffing the estrous odors. In Experiment 2, odor discrimination tests confirmed that the flutamide administration into the MePD did not induce impairment in the ability of the subjects to discriminate the estrous odors from the male odors. These results demonstrated that activation of AR in the MePD plays a critical role in the expression of the preference for estrous odors over male odors. AR blockade, however, seemed to induce a preference for male odors rather than reduce the existing preference for estrous odors, suggesting a complicated regulation of sexual odor preference by sex steroids.  相似文献   

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