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To investigate the microscopic interactions between cholesterol and lipids in biological membranes, we have performed a series of molecular dynamics simulations of large membranes with different levels of cholesterol content. The simulations extend to 10 ns, and were performed with hydrated dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers. The bilayers contain 1024 lipids of which 0-40% were cholesterol and the rest DPPC. The effects of cholesterol on the structure and mesoscopic dynamics of the bilayer were monitored as a function of cholesterol concentration. The main effects observed are a significant ordering of the DPPC chains (as monitored by NMR type order parameters), a reduced fraction of gauche bonds, a reduced surface area per lipid, less undulations--corresponding to an increased bending modulus for the membrane, smaller area fluctuations, and a reduced lateral diffusion of DPPC-lipids as well as cholesterols.  相似文献   

Recoverin is cotranslationally modified by the covalent linkage of a myristoyl group to its N terminus. It is a member of a family of Ca(2+)-myristoyl switch proteins. Recombinant myristoylated revoverin is currently produced by the cotransformation of bacteria with recoverin and an enzyme that allows N-myristoylation and by supplementing the culture medium with myristic acid. A large variation in the myristoylation level of recoverin and in the amount of myristic acid supplied to the culture medium can be found in the literature. Moreover, although it is known to strongly affect bacterial growth, the amount of ethanol used to solubilize myristic acid is only scarcely mentioned. To improve our understanding of the parameters responsible for recombinant recoverin myristoylation, the effects of myristic acid and ethanol on recoverin myristoylation and expression levels have been systematically studied. In addition, a single-step purification procedure to produce purified myristoylated and nonmyristoylated recombinant recoverin has also been devised. Finally, sodium myristate has been used as an efficient alternative substrate to achieve high myristoylation and expression levels of recoverin. Given that a large number of proteins are myristoylated, these procedures could be applied to several other proteins in addition to recoverin.  相似文献   

Because liposomes containing fluoroalkylated phospholipids are being developed for in vivo drug delivery, the structure and interactive properties of several fluoroalkylated glycerophosphocholines (PCs) were investigated by x-ray diffraction/osmotic stress, dipole potential, and hydrophobic ion binding measurements. The lipids included PCs with highly fluorinated tails on both alkyl chains and PCs with one hydrocarbon chain and one fluoroalkylated chain. Electron density profiles showed high electron density peaks in the center of the bilayer corresponding to the fluorine atoms. The height and width of these high density peaks varied systematically, depending on the number of fluorines and their position on the alkyl chains, and on whether the bilayer was in the gel or liquid crystalline phase. Wide-angle diffraction showed that in both gel and liquid crystalline bilayers the distance between adjacent alkyl chains was greater in fluoroalkylated PCs than in analogous hydrocarbon PCs. For interbilayer separations of less than about 8 A, pressure-distance relations for fluoroalkylated PCs were similar to those previously obtained from PC bilayers with hydrocarbon chains. However, for bilayer separations greater than 8A, the total repulsive pressure depended on whether the fluoroalkylated PC was in a gel or liquid-crystalline phase. We argue that these pressure-distance relations contain contributions from both hydration and entropic repulsive pressures. Dipole potentials ranged from -680 mV for PCs with both chains fluoroalkylated to -180 mV for PCs with one chain fluoroalkylated, compared to +415 mV for egg PC. The change in dipole potential as a function of subphase concentration of tetraphenyl-boron was much larger for egg PC than for fluorinated PC monolayers, indicating that the fluorine atoms modified the binding of this hydrophobic anion. Thus, compared to conventional liposomes, liposomes made from fluoroalkylated PCs have different binding properties, which may be relevant to their use as drug carriers.  相似文献   

L K Tamm 《Biochemistry》1988,27(5):1450-1457
Supported phospholipid bilayers prepared by Langmuir-Blodgett techniques were introduced recently as a new model membrane system [Tamm, L.K., & McConnell, H.M. (1985) Biophys. J. 47, 105-113]. Here, supported bilayers are applied to study the lateral diffusion and lateral distribution of membrane-bound monoclonal antibodies. A monoclonal anti-trinitrophenol antibody was found to bind strongly and with high specificity to supported phospholipid bilayers containing the lipid hapten (trinitrophenyl)phosphatidylethanolamine at various mole fractions. The lateral distribution of the membrane-bound antibodies was studied by epifluorescence microscopy. The bound antibodies aggregated into patches on a host lipid bilayer of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine below the lipid chain melting phase transition and redistributed uniformly on fluid-phase supported bilayers. Lateral diffusion coefficients and mobile fractions of fluorescent phospholipid analogues and fluorescein-labeled antibodies were measured by fluorescence recovery after pattern photobleaching. The lateral diffusion coefficients of the membrane-bound antibodies resembled those of the phospholipids but were reduced by a factor of 2 in the fluid phase. The lipid chain melting phase transition was also reflected in the lateral diffusion coefficient of the bound antibody but occurred at a temperature about 3 deg higher than the phase transition in supported bilayers of pure phospholipids. The antibody lateral diffusion coefficients decreased in titration experiments monotonically with increasing antibody surface concentrations by a factor of 2-3. Correspondingly, a relatively small decrease of the antibody lateral diffusion coefficient was observed with increasing mole fractions of lipid haptens in the supported bilayer.  相似文献   

Interaction of the calcium-channel antagonist dihydropyridines (DHPs), lacidipine and nifedipine, with a phospholipid bilayer was studied using 600 ps molecular dynamic simulations. We have constructed a double layer membrane model composed of 42 dimirystoyl-phosphatidylcholine molecules. The DHP molecules locate at about 7 Å from the centre of the membrane, inducing an asymmetry in the bilayer. While lacidipine did not induce significant local perturbations as judged by the gauche-trans isomerisation rate, nifedipine significantly decreased this rate, probably by producing a local rigidity of the membrane in the vicinity of the DHP.  相似文献   

The molecular interaction between common polymer chains and the cell membrane is unknown. Molecular dynamics simulations offer an emerging tool to characterise the nature of the interaction between common degradable polymer chains used in biomedical applications, such as polycaprolactone, and model cell membranes. Herein we characterise with all-atomistic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations the interaction between single polycaprolactone chains of varying chain lengths with a phospholipid membrane. We find that the length of the polymer chain greatly affects the nature of interaction with the membrane, as well as the membrane properties. Furthermore, we next utilise advanced sampling techniques in molecular dynamics to characterise the two-dimensional free energy surface for the interaction of varying polymer chain lengths (short, intermediate, and long) with model cell membranes. We find that the free energy minimum shifts from the membrane-water interface to the hydrophobic core of the phospholipid membrane as a function of chain length. Finally, we perform coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of slightly larger membranes with polymers of the same length and characterise the results as compared with all-atomistic molecular dynamics simulations. These results can be used to design polymer chain lengths and chemistries to optimise their interaction with cell membranes at the molecular level.  相似文献   

The hexapeptide Ac-RRWWRF-NH2 has earlier been identified as a potent antimicrobial peptide by screening synthetic combinatorial hexapeptide libraries. In this study, it was found that this peptide had a large influence on the thermotropic phase behavior of model membranes containing the negatively charged headgroup phosphatidylglycerol, a major component of bacterial membranes. In contrast, differential scanning calorimetry showed that it had little effect on model membranes containing the zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine headgroup, the main component of erythrocyte membranes. This behavior is consistent with its biological activity and with its affinity to these membranes as determined by titration calorimetry, implying that peptide-lipid interactions play an important role in this process. The structure of this peptide bound to membrane-mimetic sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and dodecylphosphocholine micelles has been determined using conventional two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance methods. It forms a marked amphipathic structure in SDS with its hydrophobic residues on one side of the structure and with the positively charged residues on the other side. This amphipathic structure may allow this peptide to penetrate deeper into the interfacial region of negatively charged membranes, leading to local membrane destabilization. Knowledge about the importance of electrostatic interactions of Arg and the role of Trp residues as a membrane interface anchor will provide insight into the future design of potent antimicrobial peptidomimetics.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the structure of an 18-residue peptide AQSLLVPSIIFILAYSLK [M6(252-269, C252A)] in 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-phosphocholine bilayers was carried out using solid state NMR and attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The peptide corresponds to a portion of the 6th transmembrane domain of the alpha-factor receptor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ten homologs of M6(252-269, C252A) were synthesized in which individual residues were labeled with (15)N. One- and two-dimensional solid state NMR experiments were used to determine the chemical shifts and (1)H-(15)N dipolar coupling constants for the (15)N-labeled peptides in oriented dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers on stacked glass plates. These parameters were used to calculate the structure and orientation of M6(252-269, C252A) in the bilayers. The results indicate that the carboxyl terminal residues (9-14) are alpha-helical and oriented with an angle of about 8 degrees with respect to the bilayer normal. Independently, an attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis on M6(252-269, C252A) in a 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-phosphocholine bilayer concluded that the helix tilt angle was about 12.5 degrees. The results on the structure of M6(252-269, C252A) in bilayers are in good agreement with the structure determined in trifluoroethanol/water solutions (B. Arshava et al. Biopolymers, 1998, Vol. 46, pp. 343-357). The present study shows that solid state NMR spectroscopy can provide high resolution information on the structure of transmembrane domains of a G protein-coupled receptor.  相似文献   

Specific RNA binding to ordered phospholipid bilayers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have studied RNA binding to vesicles bounded by ordered and disordered phospholipid membranes. A positive correlation exists between bilayer order and RNA affinity. In particular, structure-dependent RNA binding appears for rafted (liquid-ordered) domains in sphingomyelin-cholesterol-1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine vesicles. Binding to more highly ordered gel phase membranes is stronger, but much less RNA structure-dependent. All modes of RNA-membrane association seem to be electrostatic and headgroup directed. Fluorometry on 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine liposomes indicates that bound RNA broadens the gel-fluid melting transition, and reduces lipid headgroup order, as detected via fluorometric measurement of intramembrane electric fields. RNA preference for rafted lipid was visualized and confirmed using multiple fluorophores that allow fluorescence and fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy on RNA molecules closely associated with ordered lipid patches within giant vesicles. Accordingly, both RNA structure and membrane order could modulate biological RNA–membrane interactions.  相似文献   

In this study we use ab initio molecular dynamics simulations to analyze the structure and dynamics of the oxygen ligand in models of the oxymyoglobin active site and its cobalt-substituted analog. Our calculations are performed for iron-porphyrin and cobalt-porphyrin complexes with imidazole and oxygen as axial ligands, and we investigate the effect of the distal histidine in the structure and dynamics of the metal-oxygen unit (MeO(2), Me = Fe, Co). We find that the interaction between the distal histidine and the oxygen ligand is stronger for the cobalt complex than for the iron one, consistent with the superoxide ion character of the bound O(2). The dynamics of the O(2) ligand can be described as oscillations of the O-O axis projection on the porphyrin plane within a porphyrin quadrant combined with frequent jumps from one quadrant to another. However, the ligand motion is significantly faster for CoO(2) compared to FeO(2). As a result, the iron complex shows localized ligand sites, whereas for cobalt several configurations are possible. This gives support to the highly dynamic motion of the oxygen ligand found in several experiments on cobalt oxymyoglobin and model complexes and underlines the higher mobility of the CoO(2) fragment compared to FeO(2).  相似文献   

Cell-signaling peptides have been extensively used to transport functional molecules across the plasma membrane into living cells. These peptides consist of a hydrophobic sequence and a cationic nuclear localization sequence (NLS). It has been assumed that the hydrophobic region penetrates the hydrophobic lipid bilayer and delivers the NLS inside the cell. To better understand the transport mechanism of these peptides, in this study, we investigated the structure, orientation, tilt of the peptide relative to the bilayer normal, and the membrane interaction of two cell-signaling peptides, SA and SKP. Results from CD and solid-state NMR experiments combined with molecular dynamics simulations suggest that the hydrophobic region is helical and has a transmembrane orientation with the helical axis tilted away from the bilayer normal. The influence of the hydrophobic mismatch, between the hydrophobic length of the peptide and the hydrophobic thickness of the bilayer, on the tilt angle of the peptides was investigated using thicker POPC and thinner DMPC bilayers. NMR experiments showed that the hydrophobic domain of each peptide has a tilt angle of 15 +/- 3 degrees in POPC, whereas in DMPC, 25 +/- 3 degree and 30 +/- 3 degree tilts were observed for SA and SKP peptides, respectively. These results are in good agreement with molecular dynamics simulations, which predict a tilt angle of 13.3 degrees (SA in POPC), 16.4 degrees (SKP in POPC), 22.3 degrees (SA in DMPC), and 31.7 degrees (SKP in DMPC). These results and simulations on the hydrophobic fragment of SA or SKP suggest that the tilt of helices increases with a decrease in bilayer thickness without changing the phase, order, and structure of the lipid bilayers.  相似文献   

Lung surfactant protein B (SP-B) is a lipophilic protein critical to lung function at ambient pressure. KL4 is a 21-residue peptide which has successfully replaced SP-B in clinical trials of synthetic lung surfactants. CD and FTIR measurements indicate KL4 is helical in a lipid bilayer environment, but its exact secondary structure and orientation within the bilayer remain controversial. To investigate the partitioning and dynamics of KL4 in phospholipid bilayers, we introduced CD3-enriched leucines at four positions along the peptide to serve as probes of side chain dynamics via 2H solid-state NMR. The chosen labels allow distinction between models of helical secondary structure as well as between a transmembrane orientation or partitioning in the plane of the lipid leaflets. Leucine side chains are also sensitive to helix packing interactions in peptides that oligomerize. The partitioning and orientation of KL4 in DPPC/POPG and POPC/POPG phospholipid bilayers, as inferred from the leucine side chain dynamics, is consistent with monomeric KL4 lying in the plane of the bilayers and adopting an unusual helical structure which confers amphipathicity and allows partitioning into the lipid hydrophobic interior. At physiologic temperatures, the partitioning depth and dynamics of the peptide are dependent on the degree of saturation present in the lipids. The deeper partitioning of KL4 relative to antimicrobial amphipathic α-helices leads to negative membrane curvature strain as evidenced by the formation of hexagonal phase structures in a POPE/POPG phospholipid mixture on addition of KL4. The unusual secondary structure of KL4 and its ability to differentially partition into lipid lamellae containing varying levels of saturation suggest a mechanism for its role in restoring lung compliance.  相似文献   

The binding of organic anions and cations, mainly tetraphenylboride and tetraphenylarsonium, to phospholipid membranes has been studied using an NMR method. Binding is appreciable and is affected by cholesterol in the membrane and counterions in solution. The passage of the organic anions through the membrane has also been followed. These measurements indicate that it is naive to use organic anions to measure membrane potentials in a simple manner.  相似文献   

The effect of cholesterol on phospholipid acyl chain packing in bilayers consisting of highly unsaturated acyl chains in the liquid crystalline phase was examined for a series of symmetrically and asymmetrically substituted phosphatidylcholines (PCs). The time-resolved fluorescence emission and decay of fluorescence anisotropy of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene (DPH) was used to characterize equilibrium and dynamic structural properties of bilayers containing 30 mol % cholesterol. The bilayers were composed of symmetrically substituted PCs with acyl chains of 14:0, 18:1n9, 20:4n6, or 22:6n3, containing 0, 1, 4, or 6 double bonds, respectively, and mixed-chain PCs with a saturated 16:0 sn-1 chain and 1, 4, or 6 double bonds in the sn-2 chain. DPH excited-state lifetime was fit to a Lorentzian lifetime distribution, the center of which was increased 1-2 ns by 30 mol % cholesterol relative to the cholesterol-free bilayers. Lifetime distributions were dramatically narrowed by the addition of cholesterol in all bilayers except the two consisting of dipolyunsaturated PCs. DPH anisotropy decay was interpreted in terms of the Brownian rotational diffusion model. The effect of cholesterol on both the perpendicular diffusion coefficient D perpendicular and the orientational distribution function f(theta) varied with acyl chain unsaturation. In all bilayers, except the two dipolyunsaturated PCs, 30 mol % cholesterol dramatically slowed DPH rotational motion and restricted DPH orientational freedom. The effect of cholesterol was especially diminished in di-22:6n3 PC, suggesting that this phospholipid may be particularly effective at promoting lateral domains, which are cholesterol-rich and unsaturation-rich, respectively. The results are discussed in terms of a model for lipid packing in membranes containing cholesterol and PCs with highly unsaturated acyl chains.  相似文献   

Traaseth NJ  Buffy JJ  Zamoon J  Veglia G 《Biochemistry》2006,45(46):13827-13834
Phospholamban (PLN), a single-pass membrane protein, regulates heart muscle contraction and relaxation by reversible inhibition of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase (SERCA). Studies in detergent micelles and oriented lipid bilayers have shown that in its monomeric form PLN adopts a dynamic L shape (bent or T state) that is in conformational equilibrium with a more dynamic R state. In this paper, we use solid-state NMR on both uniformly and selectively labeled PLN to refine our initial studies, describing the topology and dynamics of PLN in oriented lipid bilayers. Two-dimensional PISEMA (polarization inversion spin exchange at the magic angle) experiments carried out in DOPC/DOPE mixed lipid bilayers reveal a tilt angle of the transmembrane domain with respect to the static magnetic field, of 21 +/- 2 degrees and, at the same time, map the rotation angle of the transmembrane domain with respect to the bilayer. PISEMA spectra obtained with selectively labeled samples show that the cytoplasmic domain of PLN is helical and makes an angle of 93 +/- 6 degrees with respect to the bilayer normal. In addition, using samples tilted by 90 degrees , we find that the transmembrane domain of PLN undergoes fast long-axial rotational diffusion about the bilayer normal with the cytoplasmic domain undergoing this motion and other complex dynamics, scaling the values of chemical shift anisotropy. While this dynamic was anticipated by previous solution NMR relaxation studies in micelles, these measurements in the anisotropic lipid environment reveal new dynamic and conformational features encoded in the free protein that might be crucial for SERCA recognition and subsequent inhibition.  相似文献   

Recent experiments have shown that liquid crystals can be used to image mammalian cell membranes and to amplify structural reorganization in phospholipid-laden liquid crystal-aqueous interfaces. In this work, molecular dynamics simulations were employed to explore the interactions between commonly used liquid crystal-forming molecules and phospholipid bilayers. In particular, umbrella sampling was used to obtain the potential of mean force of 4-cyano-4'-pentylbiphenyl (5CB) and 4'-(3,4-difluor-phenyl)-4-pentyl-bicylohexyl (5CF) molecules partitioning into a dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer. In addition, results of simulations are presented for systems consisting of a fully hydrated bilayer with 5CB or 5CF molecules at the lowest (4.5 mol %) and highest (20 mol %) concentrations used in recent laboratory experiments. It is found that mesogens preferentially partition from the aqueous phase into the membrane; the potential of mean force exhibits highly favorable free energy differences for partitioning (-18 k(B)T for 5CB and -26 k(B)T for 5CF). The location and orientation of mesogens associated with the most stable free energies in umbrella sampling simulations of dilute systems were found to be consistent with those observed in liquid-crystal-rich bilayers. It is found that the presence of mesogens in the bilayer enhances the order of lipid acyl tails, and changes the spatial and orientational arrangement of lipid headgroup atoms. These effects are more pronounced at higher liquid-crystal concentrations. In comparing the behavior of 5CB and 5CF, a stronger spatial correlation (i.e., possibly leading to aggregation) is observed between 5CB molecules within a bilayer than between 5CF molecules. Also, the range of molecular orientations and positions along the bilayer normal is larger for 5CB molecules. At the same time, 5CF molecules were found to bind more strongly to lipid headgroups, thereby slowing the lateral motion of lipid molecules.  相似文献   

The first step in the fusion of two phospholipid membranes culminates in the aggregation of the two lipid bilayers. We have used a custom-built fluorimeter to detect multilamellar vesicles (liposomes) containing the fluorescent dye, 6-carboxyfluorescein (6-CF), bound to a planar lipid bilayer (BLM). Liposomes were added to one side of the BLM, and unbound vesicles were perfused out. This left a residual fluorescence from the BLM, but only when the membranes contained anionic lipids, and then only when millimolar levels of calcium were present. This residual fluorescence was consistently detected only when calcium was included in the buffer during the perfusion. This residual fluorescence originated from liposomes bound to the BLM. Breaking the BLM or lysing the adsorbed vesicles with distilled water abolished it. free 6-CF and/or calcium in the absence of liposomes resulted in no residual fluorescence. No residual fluorescence was detected when both the liposomes and the BLM were composed entirely of zwitterionic lipids. This was found to result from the insensitivity of the fluorimeter to a small number of liposomes adsorbed to the BLM. For this system, we conclude that calcium is necessary for both the initiation and maintenance of the state in which the vesicle membrane is bound to the planar bilayer when the membranes contain negatively charged lipids. This attachment is stronger than the interaction between zwitterionic membranes.  相似文献   

J D Jones  T E Thompson 《Biochemistry》1990,29(6):1593-1600
We have previously demonstrated that spontaneous phospholipid transfer between bilayer vesicles at higher vesicle concentrations is characterized not only by a first-order desorption rate but also by a second-order process dependent on vesicle concentration (Jones & Thompson, 1989b). We have extended our studies to examine the mechanism of this second-order process by investigating transfer as a function of lipid type, temperature, aqueous medium composition, and vesicle size. The results suggest a mechanism of concentration-dependent transfer in which the rate of lipid monomer desorption from vesicle bilayers is enhanced in transient vesicle-vesicle complexes.  相似文献   

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