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外来种入侵与物种多样性   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
在入侵生态学研究方面 ,物种多样性与生物入侵之间的关系已成为当前研究和争论的焦点。自Elton的经典假说提出以来 ,物种丰富度高的群落比物种贫乏的群落更能抵抗外来种入侵的观点得到广泛接受。一些理论模型和多样性处理实验支持了该假说。但现在越来越多的野外观测和实验研究开始对这一经典假说提出异议 ,甚至反对。同时 ,在入侵生态学广泛受到关注的今天 ,大量的实验研究也提出了一些新的观点。本文对Elton经典假说提出以来全球有关物种多样性与生物入侵关系的主要研究及其观点进行了评述 ,以期为我国有关研究工作的开展提供参考。  相似文献   

Biological invasions in Hungary are causing severe problems as a result of recent introductions and rapid land use changes. Poorly managed agricultural and rural, disturbed areas, and aquatic ecosystems are the most prone to plant invasions. Dry grasslands and semi-natural forests are less prone to invasions. A few plant species have led to human health (allergenic) problems. Some insect species have caused economic problems to crop production. A number of monitoring networks and control measures are in place for selected plants and insects. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The first symposium on Alien Plant Invasions in Chile was held in southern Chile in November of 2002. Chile represents an interesting setting to study biological invasions because of its long history of introductions, and its high rate of endemisms that makes it more prone to invasions. However, little is known about plant invasions in Chile and the country lacks a clear policy on alien species. The speakers at the symposium discussed their research on several aspects of alien plant invasions in southern Chile and Argentina. They also elaborated a list of future challenges of plant invasion ecology for the area. The package of recommendations may be useful for other developing countries with similar state of knowledge of their flora and similar environmental and economic issues. We expect that this type of meeting will help to stimulate the scientific debate about invasion ecology and the development of coordinated research to answer local questions, while contributing to find generalities in plant invasion patterns and processes.  相似文献   

Flow diversion and invasive species are two major threats to freshwater ecosystems, threats that restoration efforts attempt to redress. Yet, few restoration projects monitor whether removal of these threats improve target characteristics of the ecosystem. Fewer still have an appropriate experimental design from which causal inferences can be drawn as to the relative merits of removing exotic fish, restoring flow, or both. We used a dam decommissioning in Fossil Creek, Arizona, to compare responses of native fish to exotic fish removal and flow restoration, using a before‐after‐control‐impact design with three impact treatments: flow restoration alone where exotics had not been present, flow restoration and exotic fish removal, and flow restoration where exotics remain and a control reach that was unaffected by restoration actions. We show that removal of exotic fish dramatically increased native fish abundance. Flow restoration also increased native fish abundance, but the effect was smaller than that from removing exotics. Flow restoration had no effect where exotic fish remained, although it may have had other benefits to the ecosystem. The cost to restore flow ($12 million) was considerably higher than that to eradicate exotics ($1.1 million). The long‐term influence of flow restoration could increase, as travertine dams grow and re‐shape the creek increasing habitat for native fish. But in the 2‐year period considered here, the return on investment for extirpating exotics far exceeded that from flow restoration. Projects aimed to restore native fish by restoring flow should also consider the additional investment required to eradicate exotic fish.  相似文献   

To restore diversity of native vegetation, we must understand factors responsible for diversity in targeted communities. These factors operate at different spatial scales and may affect the number and relative abundances of species differently. We measured diversity of plant species and functional groups of species in replicated plots within paired restored and remnant (relic) tallgrass prairies at three locations in central Texas, U.S.A. To determine the contributions of species abundances and of spatial patterns of diversity to differences between prairie types, we separated diversity into richness and evenness (relative biomass) and into within‐plot (α), among‐plot (β), and prairie (γ) components. Species diversity was greater in remnant than in restored prairies at all spatial scales. At the γ scale, both species richness and species evenness were greater in remnants because of greater spatial variation in species composition. At the α scale, remnants were more diverse because of greater richness alone. Mean α richness correlated positively with the size of the species pool in restored prairies only, implying that in remnants, α richness was influenced more by colonization dynamics than by the number of species available for colonization. Plots in remnant prairies contained more functional groups and fewer species per group than did plots in restored prairies, suggesting that resource partitioning was greater in relic prairies. Our results are consistent with the interpretation that local ecological processes, like resource partitioning and limitations on seed dispersal, contribute to the greater diversity of remnant than restored prairies in central Texas. Restoration practices that limit abundances of competitive dominants, increase the number of species in seed mixtures, and increase the proximity of plants of different functional groups thus may be required to better simulate the plant diversity of tallgrass prairies.  相似文献   

The human mediation of biological invasions is still an underestimated phenomenon. This paper attempts to show that introductions on varying spatial scales may strongly foster invasions throughout the whole invasion process. As shown by data from central Europe, invasions frequently result from an interplay of biological and anthropogenic mechanisms. The latter, however, cannot be explained nor predicted by ecological rules. This may be an important reason for the limited predictability of invasions. Initial introductions from a donor to a new range are here distinguished from following secondary releases within the new range. The rate of naturalisation is higher in deliberately introduced plants as compared to accidental introductions. Due to higher numbers of accidental introductions, such species contribute significantly to the pool of naturalised species. Secondary releases of alien species are frequently made over long periods subsequent to the initial introduction. They may mimic demographic and dispersal processes that lead to population growth and range expansion. They also offer a pathway to overcome spatial isolation in species whose propagules are not naturally moved long distances. This even holds for most of Germany's noxious alien plant species. Secondary releases may thus promote invasions even beyond the threshold of naturalisation. In consequence, attempts at prevention should focus on secondary releases as well as on initial introductions. In the last section of the paper, the final invasion stage subsequent to naturalisation is shown as a multi-scale phenomenon. In consequence, the classification of a species as 'invasive' depends on the perspective chosen. Using different biologically or anthropocentrically based approaches leads to sub-sets of alien species that overlap only partially. In conclusion, the term `invasive' should preferably be used in a broader sense to describe the entire invasion process. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the invasion of two exotic plants – Berberis thunbergii and Microstegium vimineum – in hardwood forests of New Jersey have shown a significant increase of pH in soils under the invasive plants as compared with soils from under native shrubs (Vaccinium spp). We present a further investigation of soil properties under the exotic plants in question. We measured the densities of earthworms in the soil under the two exotics and the native shrubs in three parks in New Jersey. In the same populations we also measured the extractable ammonium and nitrate in the top 5 cm of the soil, as well as the respiration of the soils and the potential rates of mineralization (aerobic lab incubation). In addition, we measured the nitrate reductase activity in leaves of the two exotic plants and several native shrubs and trees. Although there were differences between parks, we observed significantly higher earthworm densities in the soil under the exotic species. The worms were all European species. Soil pH, available nitrate and net potential nitrification were significantly higher in soils under the two exotic species. In contrast, total soil C and N and net ammonification were significantly higher under native vegetation. Nitrate reductase activities were much higher in the leaves of exotic plants than in the leaves of native shrubs and trees. Changes in soil properties, especially the change in nitrogen cycling, associated with the invasion of these two plant species may permit the invasion of other weedy or exotic species. Our results also suggest that even if the two exotic species were removed, the restoration of the native flora might be inhibited by the high nitrate concentrations in the soil.  相似文献   

Life-history Habitat Matching in Invading Non-native Plant Species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We briefly reviewed the literature on habitat matching in invading non-native plant species. Then we hypothesized that the richness and cover of native annual and perennial plant species integrate complex local information of vegetation and soils that would help to predict invasion success by similarly adapted non-native plant species. We tested these ‘life-history habitat matching’ relationships in 603 0.1-ha plots, including 294 plots in Colorado, which were relatively high for the cover of native perennial plant species, and for 309 0.1-ha plots in southern Utah, which were relatively high in the cover of native annual plant species. We found strong positive relationships between the richness and foliar cover for both native and non-native species, whether they were annual or perennial species (0.34 > r 2 < 0.53; P < 0.0001). We also found significant positive relationships between the cover of native annual species at a site and the richness (r 2 = 0.13; P < 0.0001) and the foliar cover (r 2 = 0.06; P < 0.0001) of non-native annual species. The proportion of non-native annual species in the flora of a plot also increased significantly with the foliar cover of native annual species. Conversely, the richness and cover of non-native annual species were significantly negatively associated with the foliar cover of native perennial species (r 2 = 0.05 and 0.06, respectively; P < 0.0001). The cover of non-native annual or perennial species was not significantly correlated with soil texture variables, %N, or %C. We conclude that there may be a high degree of life-history habitat matching by non-native annual species in these study sites. Information on native annual and perennial species richness and cover may help characterize the complex soils, climate, and disturbance environment in which similarly adapted non-native plant species establish and gain foliar cover.  相似文献   

Aim To determine relative effects of habitat type, climate and spatial pattern on species richness and composition of native and alien plant assemblages in central European cities. Location Central Europe, Belgium and the Netherlands. Methods The diversity of native and alien flora was analysed in 32 cities. In each city, plant species were recorded in seven 1‐ha plots that represented seven urban habitat types with specific disturbance regimes. Plants were classified into native species, archaeophytes (introduced before ad 1500) and neophytes (introduced later). Two sets of explanatory variables were obtained for each city: climatic data and all‐scale spatial variables generated by analysis of principal coordinates of neighbour matrices. For each group of species, the effect of habitat type, climate and spatial variables on variation in species composition was determined by variation partitioning. Responses of individual plant species to climatic variables were tested using a set of binomial regression models. Effects of climatic variables on the proportion of alien species were determined by linear regression. Results In all cities, 562 native plant species, 188 archaeophytes and 386 neophytes were recorded. Proportions of alien species varied among urban habitats. The proportion of native species decreased with increasing range and mean annual temperature, and increased with increasing precipitation. In contrast, proportions of archaeophytes and neophytes increased with mean annual temperature. However, spatial pattern explained a larger proportion of variation in species composition of the urban flora than climate. Archaeophytes were more uniformly distributed across the studied cities than the native species and neophytes. Urban habitats rich in native species also tended to be rich in archaeophytes and neophytes. Main conclusions Species richness and composition of central European urban floras are significantly affected by urban habitat types, climate and spatial pattern. Native species, archaeophytes and neophytes differ in their response to these factors.  相似文献   

This paper provides a review of the first national inventory of non-indigenous species in Austria. In summary, 1110 vascular plant species (27 of the entire flora), 83 mycetes and at least 500 animal species (approximately 1 of the entire fauna) were documented for Austria, which are introduced intentionally or unintentionally by humans after 1492 and reported from the wild. About 25 of non-indigenous vascular plant species have become naturalized. Most non-indigenous vascular plants are native to the Palaearctic region (55%; with 33% originating from the Mediterranean subregion) and North America (20%). More than 90% of non-indigenous plant species are confined to naturally and anthropogenically disturbed (ruderal, urban, arable land, and riverine) habitats. Aquatic ecosystems are more affected and vulnerable to changes in their animal species composition. The current data demonstrate that non-indigenous species continue to invade and disperse and it also emphasize the necessity and responsibility to develop scientific strategies to minimize the impact of biological invasions and to raise public awareness of the problem.  相似文献   

Plant invasions are an increasingly serious global concern, especially as the climate changes. Here, we explored how plant invasions differed between native‐ and novel exotic‐dominated grasslands with experimental addition of summer precipitation in Texas in 2009. Exotic species greened up earlier than natives by an average of 18 days. This was associated with a lower invasion rate early in the growing season compared to native communities. However, invasion rate did not differ significantly between native and exotic communities across all sampling times. The predictors of invasion rate differed between native and exotic communities, with invasion being negatively influenced by species richness in natives and by dominant species in exotics. Interestingly, plant invasions matched the bimodal pattern of precipitation in Temple, Texas, and did not respond to the pulse of precipitation during the summer. Our results suggest that we will need to take different approaches in understanding of invasion between native and exotic grasslands. Moreover, with anticipated increasing variability in precipitation under global climate change, plant invasions may be constrained in their response if the precipitation pulses fall outside the normal growing period of invaders.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of management strategies for invasive species is often hampered by a lack of clear understanding of the factors that limit species distributions. The distribution of exotic species, especially those that are invasive, are often so dynamic that limiting factors are difficult to identify. Comparisons of exotic species between their native ranges, where they are presumably close to equilibrium with controlling factors, and their ranges in areas of introduction can circumvent this difficulty. Such studies would help identify (1) limiting factors for distributions in native ranges, (2) factors associated with a high degree of invasiveness, (3) changes in genetics and morphology since introduction, which also might contribute to invasiveness, and (4) future directions and rates of invasion as a basis for developing detection/warning systems. Findings from such comparative studies would be highly valuable for understanding the dynamics of biological invasions and for improving the effectiveness of management to prevent or control invasives.  相似文献   

为探讨系统发育多样性和系统发育结构在岛屿植物群落保护决策制定中的作用,以海南三亚蜈支洲岛被子植物群系为例,分析物种丰富度和系统发育多样性的相关性。结果表明,蜈支洲岛植被可分为10种群系类型,22个样方的物种丰富度与系统发育多样性呈显著正相关,但系统发育多样性与物种丰富度对植物多样性保护优先顺序的指示有差异。森林群系的物种丰富度和系统发育多样性普遍高于灌木和草本群系,4个森林群系样方表现为系统发育结构发散,3个森林群系样方表现为系统发育结构聚集。灌木群系中露兜树(Pandanus tectorius)灌丛和草海桐(Scaevola sericea)灌丛系统发育多样性较高,草本群系中厚藤(Vitex trifolia)灌草丛系统发育多样性较高,灌木和草本群系大多倾向于系统发育结构聚集。距海或人类活动区较近的群系可能受环境过滤的作用,而远离海和人类活动区的群系主要受竞争排斥作用影响。因此,在岛屿植物多样性保护策略制定中应当综合考虑物种和系统发育维度,以及环境、演替阶段及用岛方式等因素的影响。  相似文献   

植物群落物种多样性研究综述   总被引:108,自引:4,他引:108  
物种多样性是生物多样性在物种水平上的表现形式 ,包括两方面的含义 ,一是指一定区域内物种的总和 ,主要从分类学、系统学和生物地理学角度对一个区域内物种的状况进行研究 ,也称区域物种多样性 ;二是指生态学方面物种分布的均匀程度 ,常常是从群落组织水平上进行研究 ,也称为生态多样性或群落多样性[1] 。本文所涉及物种多样性即为群落组织水平上的物种多样性。植物群落物种多样性的研究是其它多样性 (遗传多样性、生态系统多样性等 )的基础 ,有大量的研究成果相继报道 ,也有一些综述对植物群落物种多样性某一领域的研究进行总结。Magu…  相似文献   

Plant invasions have the potential to significantly alter soil microbial communities, given their often considerable aboveground effects. We examined how plant invasions altered the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of native plant roots in a grassland site in California and one in Utah. In the California site, we used experimentally created plant communities composed of exotic (Avena barbata, Bromus hordeaceus) and native (Nassella pulchra, Lupinus bicolor) monocultures and mixtures. In the Utah semi-arid grassland, we took advantage of invasion by Bromus tectorum into long-term plots dominated by either of two native grasses, Hilaria jamesii or Stipa hymenoides. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonizing roots were characterized with PCR amplification of the ITS region, cloning, and sequencing. We saw a significant effect of the presence of exotic grasses on the diversity of mycorrhizal fungi colonizing native plant roots. In the three native grasses, richness of mycorrhizal fungi decreased; in the native forb at the California site, the number of fungal RFLP patterns increased in the presence of exotics. The exotic grasses also caused the composition of the mycorrhizal community in native roots to shift dramatically both in California, with turnover of Glomus spp., and Utah, with replacement of Glomus spp. by apparently non-mycorrhizal fungi. Invading plants may be able to influence the network of mycorrhizal fungi in soil that is available to natives through either earlier root activity or differential carbon provision compared to natives. Alteration of the soil microbial community by plant invasion can provide a mechanism for both successful invasion and the resulting effects of invaders on the ecosystem.  相似文献   

稀有植物十齿花群落物种多样性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
林长松  左经会  廖雯 《植物研究》2008,28(3):353-358
运用样方法对贵州省玉舍国家级森林公园稀有保护植物十齿花(Dipentodon sinicus)群落的物种多样性进行了研究,结果表明:玉舍国家级森林公园十齿花群落以蔷薇科、杜鹃花科、壳斗科、桦木科、山茶科、樟科、忍冬科、山茱萸科等为优势科;10个样地中有8个样地以十齿花种群占绝对优势,其平均重要值高达135.69,远远高于其它种群;十齿花群落乔木层物种丰富度为2.847、Simpson指数为0.601、Shannon-Wiener指数为1.523、种间相遇机率为0.601、均匀度指数为0.569,总体上均小于灌木层(分别为:5.580、0.830、2.377、0.829、0.672),表现为较明显的亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林的物种多样性特征。10个样地中,Q1的物种多样性程度最高,Q3次之,Q5和Q6最小,多样性程度最低,10个样地的物种多样性排序为Q1>Q3>Q9>Q7>Q2>Q4>Q10>Q8>Q5>Q6。  相似文献   

Aim To determine whether invasive and locally abundant non‐native species have a more homogenizing effect on plant communities than non‐invasive and less abundant non‐native species. Location California and Florida counties, conservation areas in the USA, and eight US cities. Methods Species lists among counties, conservation areas and cities were compared to see whether invasive and abundant non‐native species increased the Jaccard index of similarity between localities beyond any increases caused by non‐invasive and less abundant non‐native species. Results For all comparisons, we found that invasive non‐native species have a significantly greater homogenizing effect than non‐invasive non‐native species. For the US conservation areas, we found that locally abundant invasive species tend to be more widespread and more widely shared than less abundant invasive species. There is also a positive relationship between homogenization by invasive species and the magnitude of human disturbance. Main conclusions Invasive non‐native species tend to be disproportionately shared among communities relative to non‐invasive non‐native species. This effect is enhanced by human disturbance, as measured by the ratio of non‐native to native species. There is a synergism between abundance and geographical range which enhances the homogenizing effects of abundant species. Invasive species, with wide ecological niches, are more widely shared among communities and more locally abundant. Abundant invasive species are thus more spatially homogenizing, and more ecologically dominant (functionally homogenizing). Also, ‘perceived homogenization’ is probably greater than homogenization measured by the increase in shared species. The abundant species typically seen by the casual observer in a biological community are probably more commonly shared between communities than less common species. Studies that lack abundance data and measure homogenization only on the basis of shared species, which includes most homogenization studies to date, probably underestimate the homogenizing impacts of non‐native species as perceived by people.  相似文献   

陆地植物群落物种多样性演替研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
植物群落物种多样性在不同梯度上,其变化规律不一致.物种多样性与纬度呈反相关关系,与水分关系密切,表现出不同变化规律,与海拔主要表现为反相关关系和中间高度膨胀规律.土壤盐度、水分、肥力对物种多样性也有影响.在不同演替阶段物种多样性出现不同变化规律,群落结构最复杂的演替阶段,物种多样性最高.  相似文献   

Endemic freshwater finfish of Asia: distribution and conservation status   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Freshwater finfish species richness and level of endemism in East, and South and South‐East Asia that included 17 nations were studied using available databases, and included nation‐wise distribution, habitat types, and conservation status. The number of endemic finfish species in the region was 559, belonging to 47 families. Families Cyprinidae and Balitoridae accounted for 43.5% and 16.2% of the total number of endemic species in the region, respectively, followed by Sisoridae (25), Gobiidae (20), Melanotaeniidae (19), and Bagridae (16), and the other 41 families had at least one endemic species. Nation‐wise the most number of endemic freshwater finfish species occur in India (191), followed by China (88), Indonesia (84), and Myanmar (60). In India, the endemic species accounted for 26.4% of the native freshwater fish fauna, followed by South Korea (16.9%), the Philippines, (16.3%) and Myanmar (15.7%). Statistically significant relationships discerned between the number of indigenous and endemic species richness to land area (Xla in 103 km2) of the nations in the region were, Yin = 218.961 Ln(Xla) – 843.1 (R2 = 0.735; P < 0.001) and Ye = 28.445 Ln Xla?134.47 (R2 = 0.534; P < 0.01), respectively, and between indigenous and endemic species richness was Ye = 0.079Xn? 1.558 (R2 = 0.235; P < 0.05). The overall conservation status of endemic finfish in Asia was satisfactory in that only 92 species were in some state of vulnerability, of which 37 species (6.6%) are endangered or critically endangered. However, the bulk of these species (83.7%) were cave‐ and or lake‐dwelling fish. However, nation‐wise, the endemic freshwater finfish fauna of the Philippines and Sri Lanka, based on the imperilment index, were found to be in a highly vulnerable state. Among river basins, the Mekong Basin had the highest number of endemic species (31.3%). The discrepancies between databases are highlighted and the need to consolidate information among databases is discussed. It is suggested that the Mekong Basin be considered as a biodiversity hotspot, and appropriate management strategies be introduced in this regard.  相似文献   

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