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We assessed the effect of short‐term underfeeding on weight and protein mass of splanchnic tissues in adult ewes submitted to a factorial experimental design. In a pre‐experimental period, 18 ewes divided into 2 groups of 9 were fed a second cut of natural grassland hay during 4 weeks at 112 or 38% of their energy maintenance requirements. Three ewes of each group were then fed the same hay during 4 weeks at either low (group L), moderate (group M) or high intake (group H), corresponding to 38, 75 or 112% of their energy maintenance requirements, respectively, then slaughtered. Fresh weight and protein mass of splanchnic organs were measured. No carry‐over effect of the pre‐experimental level of intake on weight and protein mass was observed for any splanchnic organs. Splanchnic tissues contributed at 10.7 and 8.6% to the decrease in live weight for groups M and L, respectively. The decrease in weight of splanchnic tissues (‐15%) was mainly attributed to reticulorumen (‐23%), liver (‐21%), and at a lesser extent small intestine (‐11%). No large change in the mass ratio between mucosa and muscular‐sercsa in both dorsal and ventral sacs occurred in the rumen wall. These results are discussed together with previous published results on long‐term underfed ewes, and suggest that the decrease in energy expenditure in whole animal induced by underfeeding is mainly related to the decrease in splanchnic weight at short‐term, and to the decrease in other tissues at long‐term, splanchnic weight being stabilized.  相似文献   

A review of the literature on the effects of short‐term isolation on aggressive behaviour in a variety of fishes reveals different approaches and often conflicting results. This diversity is attributed to a number of factors, including different experimental conditions and specific differences in habitat, behavioural repertoire and social system. Some common trends are identified and the main hypotheses proposed to account for the different results are discussed. Some methodological issues as well as proximate and ultimate mechanisms are examined, and the importance of a standard experimental paradigm in comparative research emphasised.  相似文献   


Sixteen volunteers have been studied during 3–4 control nights and eight of these subjects again during four successive sleeps on 30‐h “days”;. The experiments took place in a comfortable environment provided by an isolation chamber. Rectal temperature and the sleep EEG were measured throughout. The relationship between sleep stages, particularly SWS and REM sleep, and short‐term changes in rectal temperature has been investigated during both protocols. Care was taken to correct for or remove those temperature changes that could be attributed to circadian rhythmicity or the effects of loss of masking due to being awake. Results showed that there was a small but significant effect of sleep stages, with SWS producing a fall and REM sleep a rise in rectal temperature after a delay of about 30–48 minutes. It is concluded that such spontaneous changes in sleeping subjects accord with the results of other studies which indicate that thermoregulatory reflexes to hot or cold stimuli alter in different sleep stages.  相似文献   

There are two ways in which an animal can confine its behavior to a nocturnal or diurnal niche. One is to synchronize an endogenous clock that in turn controls the sleep–wake cycle. The other is to respond directly to illumination with changes in activity. In mice, high illumination levels suppress locomotion (negative masking) and low illumination levels enhance locomotion (positive masking). To investigate the role of the newly discovered opsin‐like protein melanopsin in masking, we used 1h and 3h pulses of light given in the night, and also a 3.5:3.5h light–dark (LD) cycle. Mice lacking the melanopsin gene had normal enhancement of locomotion in the presence of dim lights but an impaired suppression of locomotion in the presence of bright light. This impairment was evident only with lights in the order of 10 lux or brighter. This suggests that melanopsin in retinal ganglion cells is involved in masking, as it is in pupil contraction and phase shifts. Melanopsin is especially important in maintaining masking responses over long periods.  相似文献   

In the cooler portions of the six years 1961–1966, there were 22 weeks in which the night attendances for asthma at the Royal Brisbane Hospital Casualty Department were much higher than would be expected from the seasonal and annual variation, 23 weeks in which they were much lower, and 114 intermediate weeks. The high-asthma weeks differed significantly from intermediate weeks in having on the average a greater decrease from the previous week in mean and minimum temperature, dew point, relative humidity and rainfall, and a greater increase in hours of sunshine. There was a significant association with the arrival of a cold dry change. No significant difference was found with smoke density, fungal elements or pollens. In many of the individual high-asthma weeks the increase in asthma occurred within 48 hours after a definite fall in minimum temperature or dew point or both. However, in some of the weeks, particularly in spring, there had not been a cold or dry change, and many cold dry changes were not followed by an increase in asthma. The low-asthma weeks differed significantly from intermediate weeks in having on the average a higher dew point and relative humidity, more rainy days, a lower temperature range and fewer hours of sunshine. This applied particularly to autumn. In autumn and spring, rain was significantly less frequent on days with asthma attendances than on days with none. These relationships are largely the converse of those with high-asthma weeks.
Zusammenfassung Während der kühleren Jahreszeiten in 6 Jahren (1961–1966) waren 22 Wochen in denen die Anzahl der nächtlichen Einlieferungen wegen Asthma im Royal Brisbane Hospital weit höher war als die erwartete Anzahl, 23 Wochen in denen sie wesentlich geringer war, und 114 Wochen mit einer mittleren Anzahl Fälle. Die Wetterbedingungen während der Wochen mit vielen Asthmafällen waren signifikant unterschieden von denen mit mittlerer Häufigkeit. Im Mittel waren die mittlere und die Minimaltemperatur tiefer als in der vorausgegangenen Woche, es waren weniger Regen, niedrigere Luftfeuchtigkeit und mehr Stunden Sonnenschein. Es bestand eine signifikante Beziehung zu dem Eintreffen kalter trockener Luft. Dagegen bestand keine Beziehung zur Dichte der Luftverunreinigung und der Menge Pilzsporen und Pollen in der Luft. In vielen Wochen trat Asthma innerhalb 48 Stunden nach dem Fall der Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit auf. Während einiger Wochen dagegen, besonders im Frühling, lag dieser Wetterwechsel nicht vor und in vielen Fällen bewirkte der Wechsel keinen Anstieg der Asthmahäufigkeit. Während der Wochen mit niedriger Asthmahäufigkeit waren im Mittel die Feuchtigkeit erhöht, ein geringerer Temperaturwechsel, weniger Regen und weniger Sonnenscheinstunden, besonders im Herbst. Im Herbst und Frühling war signifikant weniger Regen an Tagen mit als an Tagen ohne Asthmameldungen. Diese Beziehungen waren weitgehend umgekehrt von denen in Wochen mit hoher Asthmahäufigkeit.

Resume Des statistiques de la permanence du "Royal Brisbane Hospital" il appert que durant les périodes froides des années 1961 à 1966, on a dénombré 22 semaines pendant lesquelles, la nuit, les entrées d'urgence causées par des crises d'asthme furent beaucoup plus nombreuses que ne le laissaient supposer les variations saisonnières et annuelles. Durant les mêmes laps de temps, on en a décompté 23 pendant lesquelles les crises nocturnes d'asthme étaient moins fréquentes et 114 qui occupent une position intermédiaire. Les semaines à haute fréquence d'asthme présentent des moyennes de température, des minimums journaliers, des points de rosée, des humidités relatives et des précipitations inférieurs et une durée d'insolation supérieure à la normale et cela de façon significative. On a pu déceler une relation significative entre les crises d'asthme et des invasions d'air froid et sec. On n'a par contre pas pu déceler de différences en ce qui concerne le taux de fumée ou le nombre de spores et de grains de pollen. Dans bon nombre de semaines avec de hautes fréquences d'asthme, le déclenchement des crises se produit 48 heures après la chute du minimum de la température ou du point de rosee, voire des 2 ensemble. Pourtant, quelques unes de ces semaines — au printemps surtout — n'ont pas connu d'invasion d'air froid et sec et de nombreuses invasions de ce type ne furent pas suivies d'une augmentation du nombre de crises. Les semaines de faible fréquence se distinguent de façon significative de la classe intermédiaire en ce sens qu'elles présentent en moyenne des points de rosée et une humidité plus élevés, plus de jours avec précipitations, une température plus basse et moins d'heures d'insolation. Ceci est valable surtout en automne. En automne et au printemps, la pluie fut moins fréquente les jours où l'on note des crises d'asthme qu'à ceux où il n'y en a pas. Cette relation est en général inverse à celle que l'on rencontre durant les semaines à haute fréquence de crises d'asthme.


Vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR) are considered essential for angiogenesis. The VEGFR‐family proteins consist of VEGFR‐1/Flt‐1, VEGFR‐2/KDR/Flk‐1, and VEGFR‐3/Flt‐4. Among these, VEGFR‐2 is thought to be principally responsible for angiogenesis. However, the precise role of VEGFRs1–3 in endothelial cell biology and angiogenesis remains unclear due in part to the lack of VEGFR‐specific inhibitors. We used the newly described, highly selective anilinoquinazoline inhibitor of VEGFR‐2 tyrosine kinase, ZM323881 (5‐[[7‐(benzyloxy) quinazolin‐4‐yl]amino]‐4‐fluoro‐2‐methylphenol), to explore the role of VEGFR‐2 in endothelial cell function. Consistent with its reported effects on VEGFR‐2 [IC(50) < 2 nM], ZM323881 inhibited activation of VEGFR‐2, but not of VEGFR‐1, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), platelet‐derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR), or hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor. We studied the effects of VEGF on human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs), which express VEGFR‐1 and VEGFR‐2, but not VEGFR‐3, in the absence or presence of ZM323881. Inhibition of VEGFR‐2 blocked activation of extracellular regulated‐kinase, p38, Akt, and endothelial nitric oxide synthetase (eNOS) by VEGF, but did not inhibit p38 activation by the VEGFR‐1‐specific ligand, placental growth factor (PlGF). Inhibition of VEGFR‐2 also perturbed VEGF‐induced membrane extension, cell migration, and tube formation by HAECs. Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor‐2 inhibition also reversed VEGF‐stimulated phosphorylation of CrkII and its Src homology 2 (SH2)‐binding protein p130Cas, which are known to play a pivotal role in regulating endothelial cell migration. Inhibition of VEGFR‐2 thus blocked all VEGF‐induced endothelial cellular responses tested, supporting that the catalytic activity of VEGFR‐2 is critical for VEGF signaling and/or that VEGFR‐2 may function in a heterodimer with VEGFR‐1 in human vascular endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Short‐chain fatty acids (SCFA), viz. acetate, propionate and butyrate are quantitatively important substrates in ruminant energy metabolism. In the reviewed literature, 16–44% of ME intake was recovered as portal appearance of SCFA. This is considerably lower than expected when related to the estimated intra‐gastric flux of SCFA. The discrepancy is caused by portal drained viscera metabolism of arterially abundant metabolites e.g., acetate and the metabolism of acetate and butyrate to acetoacetate and D‐3‐hydroxybu‐tyrate in the absorptive epithelia. Even though considerable variations between experiments on acetate and propionate appearance are found, there seems to be a great deal of evidence that the proportion of gastroin‐testinally produced acetate and propionate absorbed to the portal blood is 50–75%. The portal recovery of butyrate has been found to be between 10 and 36% dependent on intraruminal infusion rate.

It is concluded that major parts of acetate and propionate are directly absorbed to the portal vein. The true absorption rate of acetate can only be estimated by taking the portal drained viscera metabolism of arterial actetate into account. Butyrate is generally found to have a low recovery in the portal vein, but the production of D‐3‐hydroxybutyrate seems to be underestimated in major parts of the literature. It is therefore necessary to measure portal appearance as well as portal drained viscera metabolism to assess the quantitative as well as the qualitative contribution of SCFA and SCFA metabolites to whole animal metabolism.  相似文献   


Disclosures that this decade has had the five hottest years ever recorded globally raise concern that extreme temperatures might be associated with higher mortality. An analysis of fluctuations in annual cause‐specific deaths, seasonal temperatures, and annual income per capita in Massachusetts, Michigan, Washington, Utah, North Carolina, and Mississippi, 1930 to 1985, suggests that, on the contrary, a temperature increase throughout the year was associated with fewer deaths from all causes combined, including deaths from infectious diseases, heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, pneumonia, and influenza. An average temperature increase of one degree Fahrenheit was associated with a more than 2 per cent decline in deaths from pneumonia and influenza. The only category of deaths showing no significant association was death from malignant neoplasms. Compared to spring, summer, and fall temperature fluctuations, unusually cold winter temperatures had the strongest fatal effects, but only in North Carolina and Mississippi. The greatest cumulative temperature effects on mortality were found in the same two states. Controlling for annual fluctuations in income per capita did not influence the relationship between temperature and mortality. There was evidence suggesting that the level of wealth ameliorated the fatal effects of extreme temperatures. In conclusion, unusually warm weather was followed by fewer deaths; unusually cold weather, by more deaths.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) loading has the potential to affect plant community structure and function, and the carbon dioxide (CO2) sink of peatlands. Our aim is to study how vegetation changes, induced by nutrient input, affect the CO2 exchange of a nutrient-limited bog. We conducted 9- and 4-year fertilization experiments at Mer Bleue bog, where we applied N addition levels of 1.6, 3.2, and 6.4 g N m−2 a−1, upon a background deposition of about 0.8 g N m−2 a−1, with or without phosphorus and potassium (PK). Only the treatments 3.2 and 6.4 g N m−2 a−1 with PK significantly affected CO2 fluxes. These treatments shifted the Sphagnum moss and dwarf shrub community to taller dwarf shrub thickets without moss, and the CO2 responses depended on the phase of vegetation transition. Overall, compared to the large observed changes in the vegetation, the changes in CO2 fluxes were small. Following Sphagnum loss after 5 years, maximum ecosystem photosynthesis (Pgmax) and net CO2 exchange (NEEmax) were lowered (−19 and −46%, respectively) in the highest NPK treatment. In the following years, while shrub height increased, the vascular foliar biomass did not fully compensate for the loss of moss biomass; yet, by year 8 there were no significant differences in Pgmax and NEEmax between the nutrient and the control treatments. At the same time, an increase (24–32%) in ecosystem respiration (ER) became evident. Trends in the N-only experiment resembled those in the older NPK experiment by the fourth year. The increasing ER with increasing vascular plant and decreasing Sphagnum moss biomass across the experimental plots suggest that high N deposition may lessen the CO2 sink of a bog.  相似文献   

The non-covalent association of beta 2-microglobulin with MHC class I molecules and MHC class I-type molecules such as FcRn or the hemochromatosis protein (HFE) is of major importance for their function, i.e., antigen presentation, IgG transport, and regulation of iron uptake, respectively. In the human hemochorial placenta, the syncytiotrophoblast forms a continuous epithelial layer covering the villous trees, where it directly contacts maternal blood and, among many other functions, mediates uptake of maternal IgG and iron. The villous syncytiotrophoblast lacks MHC class I molecules but expresses FcRn and HFE. Since data on beta 2-microglobulin synthesis and localization in the term villous syncytiotrophoblast were contradictory, we investigated the subcellular localization of beta 2-microglobulin by immunoelectron microscopy. Synthesis in the trophoblast is demonstrated by colocalization of beta 2-microglobulin with protein disulfide isomerase, a marker protein of the endoplasmic reticulum. The presence of beta 2-microglobulin at the apical plasma membrane corresponds to the recently observed association of beta 2-microglobulin with HFE and FcRn. Localization of beta 2-microglobulin in late endosomes/lysosomes, labeled with antibodies to lysosome membrane antigen LAMP 2, suggests also a degradative route of beta 2-microglobulin internalized by fluid-phase from the maternal blood.  相似文献   

Joël Broyer 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):141-150
Capsule Mowing postponement in 25% of a meadow system may lead to improved but instable population dynamics in meadow birds.

Aim To monitor the long‐term effects of mowing postponement on the abundance and territory density of meadow passerines in 25% of a 3000‐ha hay‐meadow area in the Saône Valley (eastern France).

Methods From 1993 to 2009, passerine abundance was measured annually in 78 plots using point counts and territory density was assessed in two study areas by Territory Mapping.

Results The programme of mowing postponement led to substantially increased passerine abundance and territory density, with the highest increase detected in Whinchats Saxicola rubetra. No positive trend was observed in Corn Buntings Emberiza calandra. Immediately after the increase in abundance, bird distribution within the study area was not influenced by the timing of mowing. The hatching success, assessed by the systematic observation of food carrying, was negatively influenced by early mowing (<40% recorded when >60% of the meadow area was already harvested on 1 July) or, in late mown areas, by high meadow passerine territory density (<40% when territory density was >10 per 10 ha). Hatching rate was usually higher in Whinchats than in Corn Buntings.

Conclusion By improving meadow passerine breeding outputs and density, mowing postponement led to instable population dynamics with dominance of certain species and density‐dependent breeding success.  相似文献   

A fraction of otherwise antimicrobial-sensitive Bacillus subtilis cells, called persisters, are phenotypically tolerant of antimicrobial treatment. We report that, independently of B. subtilis'' growth phase, transient ζ toxin expression induces a dormant state and alters cellular responses so that cells are more sensitive to antimicrobials with different modes of action. This outcome is modulated by fine tuning (p)ppGpp and GTP levels: i) in the presence of low “dysregulated” (p)ppGpp levels (as in relA cells) hyper-tolerance to both toxin and antimicrobials was observed; ii) physiological or low (p)ppGpp levels (as in the wild-type, sasA, sasB and relAsasA context) show a normal toxin and antimicrobial tolerance; and iii) lower levels (in relAsasB) or absence of (p)ppGpp (in the relAsasAsasB context), in concert with elevated GTP levels, potentiate the efficacy of both toxin and antimicrobial action, rendering tolerance vulnerable to eradication.  相似文献   

Ewert F 《Annals of botany》2004,93(6):619-627
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The problem of increasing CO(2) concentration [CO(2)] and associated climate change has generated much interest in modelling effects of [CO(2)] on plants. While variation in growth and productivity is closely related to the amount of intercepted radiation, largely determined by leaf area index (LAI), effects of elevated [CO(2)] on growth are primarily via stimulation of leaf photosynthesis. Variability in LAI depends on climatic and growing conditions including [CO(2)] concentration and can be high, as is known for agricultural crops which are specifically emphasized in this report. However, modelling photosynthesis has received much attention and photosynthesis is often represented inadequately detailed in plant productivity models. Less emphasis has been placed on the modelling of leaf area dynamics, and relationships between plant growth, elevated [CO(2)] and LAI are not well understood. This Botanical Briefing aims at clarifying the relative importance of LAI for canopy assimilation and growth in biomass under conditions of rising [CO(2)] and discusses related implications for process-based modelling. MODEL: A simulation exercise performed for a wheat crop demonstrates recent experimental findings about canopy assimilation as affected by LAI and elevation of [CO(2)]. While canopy assimilation largely increases with LAI below canopy light saturation, effects on canopy assimilation of [CO(2)] elevation are less pronounced and tend to decline as LAI increases. Results from selected model-testing studies indicate that simulation of LAI is often critical and forms an important source of uncertainty in plant productivity models, particularly under conditions of limited resource supply. CONCLUSIONS: Progress in estimating plant growth and productivity under rising [CO(2)] is unlikely to be achieved without improving the modelling of LAI. This will depend on better understanding of the processes of substrate allocation, leaf area development and senescence, and the role of LAI in controlling plant adaptation to environmental changes.  相似文献   



The analysis of tree-ring carbon isotope composition (δ13C) has been widely used to estimate spatio-temporal variations in intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) of tree species. Numerous studies have reported widespread increases in iWUE coinciding with rising atmospheric CO2 over the past century. While this could represent a coherent global response, the fact that increases of similar magnitude were observed across biomes with no apparent effect on tree growth raises the question of whether iWUE calculations reflect actual physiological responses to elevated CO2 levels.


Here we use Monte Carlo simulations to test if an artifact of calculation could explain observed increases in iWUE. We show that highly significant positive relationships between iWUE and CO2 occur even when simulated data (randomized δ13C values spanning the observed range) are used in place of actual tree-ring δ13C measurements. From simulated data sets we calculated non-physiological changes in iWUE from 1900 to present and across a 4000 m altitudinal range. This generated results strikingly similar to those reported in recent studies encompassing 22 species from tropical, subtropical, temperate, boreal and mediterranean ecosystems. Only 6 of 49 surveyed case studies showed increases in iWUE significantly higher than predicted from random values.


Our results reveal that increases in iWUE estimated from tree-ring δ13C occur independently of changes in 13C discrimination that characterize physiological responses to elevated CO2. Due to a correlation with CO2 concentration, which is used as an independent factor in the iWUE calculation, any tree-ring δ13C data set would inevitably generate increasing iWUE over time. Therefore, although consistent, previously reported trends in iWUE do not necessarily reflect a coherent global response to rising atmospheric CO2. We discuss the significance of these findings and suggest ways to distinguish real from artificial responses in future studies.  相似文献   

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