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Cultures ofStreptomyces tendae andPenicillium expansum grown on Actinomyces and Czapek's media, respectively, were exposed to 5 mg L–1 of manganese, magnesium, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper and zinc, supplied as sulfate salts. Only copper markedly increased geosmin (1, 10-dimethyl-9-decalol), biomass, and spore production. inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometric analysis ofS. tendae andP. expansum cells did not indicate an accumulation of copper. Both 1 and 5 mg L–1 copper, as copper sulfate, increased total geosmin production in cultures ofS. tendae on several media, but decreased production on others, suggesting that substrate composition affects responses to copper.  相似文献   

Spiramycin production by Streptomyces ambofaciens Sp181110 with glucose as the carbon source was studied under a controlled nutritional environment. In a batch culture, the glucose excess after ammonium depletion led to pyruvate and α-ketoglutarate accumulation. 85 mg/l of spiramycin were produced in less than 70 h during the stationary and maintenance phase on these acids after glucose exhaustion. Fed-batch strategy was designed to study spiramycin production without by-product formation and glucose accumulation. In these conditions, up to 150 mg/l were produced in less than 80 h during the stationary phase on glucose. The antibiotic titre was found independent of the glucose feeding under carbon limitation and the importance of putative intracellular reserves formed after nutrient exhaustion was suggested. Besides, spiramycin production was not inhibited by the limiting flux of glucose.  相似文献   

A thermophilic bacterial strain, Streptomyces thermonitrificans, produced high levels of extracellular deoxyribonuclease (DNase) when grown on NBG medium (containing 1% peptone, 0.3% beef extract, 1% glucose and 0.5% NaCl). Maximum DNase activity (140 U ml−1) was obtained, in 24 h, when the culture was grown on modified NBG medium (containing 1.3% beef extract, 1% glucose, 0.5% NaCl and 50 μM Mn2+ at 45°C. The crude enzyme showed higher activity on native DNA than on sonicated and heat denatured DNA. Moreover, addition of Mn2+ in the assay mixture resulted in a significant stimulation (10–15 fold) of the enzyme activity. Received 24 November 1998/ Accepted in revised form 25 April 1999  相似文献   

The polyketide aglycone, tylactone (protylonolide), does not normally accumulate during tylosin production in Streptomyces fradiae, suggesting that the capacity of the organism to glycosylate tylactone exceeds the capacity for polyketide synthesis. Consistent with this model, tylosin yields were significantly increased (due to bioconversion of the added material) when exogenous tylactone was added to fermentations. However, tylosin yield improvements were also observed (albeit at lower levels) in solvent controls to which dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) was added. At least in part, the latter effect resulted from stimulation of polyketide metabolism by DMSO. This was revealed when the solvent was added to fermentations containing the tylA mutant, S. fradiae GS14, which normally accumulates copious quantities of tylactone. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2001) 27, 46–51. Received 18 March 2001/ Accepted in revised form 29 May 2001  相似文献   

Aims:  To isolate and characterize bioactive metabolites produced by a micro-organism isolated from a soil sample associated with the roots of a medicinal plant, Azadirachta indica .
Methods and Results:  Morphological, cultural, physiological and 16S rRNA homology studies revealed that the organism showed 99% similarity with Streptomyces griseoruber NBRC 12873. One bioactive metabolite (Py2) isolated from the fermented broth was characterized as actinomycin-D (act-D). It showed high activity against various Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial cultures, Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and human neoplastic cells in vitro using standard protocols.
Conclusions:  The isolated strain S. griseoruber produced act-D predominantly (210 mg l−1, c. 88% of the crude) under nonoptimized growth conditions.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Streptomyces griseoruber may be exploited as a potential source for the commercial production of act-D, as this strain is not reported to produce act-D. Further investigations on the strain for commercial application will be of immense pharmaceutical importance.  相似文献   

Six non-amino acid nitrogen compounds were examined as nitrogen source for growth of Streptomyces hygroscopicus and biosynthesis of rapamycin. Of the nitrogen sources studied, ammonium sulfate was the best with respect to formation of rapamycin, and supported cell growth comparable to the organic nitrogen sources used in the control chemically defined medium, ie, aspartate, arginine plus histidine. In the new chemically defined medium, which is buffered with 200 mM 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid to prevent decline of pH during fermentation, an ammonium sulfate concentration of 40 mM was optimal for biosynthesis of rapamycin. Rapamycin production increased by more than 30% on both volumetric and specific bases as compared to the previous medium containing the three amino acids as nitrogen source. Received 08 November 1996/ Accepted in revised form 07 April 1997  相似文献   

长期施肥对红壤微生物生物量碳氮和微生物碳源利用的影响   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
采集湖南省祁阳县红壤长期定位施肥19年的土壤样品,分析长期不同施肥红壤的微生物生物量碳、氮和微生物碳源利用率,以揭示长期施肥对红壤微生物学性状的影响.结果表明:施肥19年后,有机肥单施或与化肥配合施用均显著提高土壤微生物生物量碳、氮和微生物碳源利用率.单施有机肥的土壤微生物生物量碳、氮含量分别为231和81 mg·kg-1,化肥有机肥配施分别为148和73 mg·kg-1,均显著高于化肥配施秸秆、不施肥和单施化肥;施用有机肥和化肥配施秸秆的土壤微生物生物量氮占全氮的比例平均为6.0%,显著高于单施化肥和不施肥.Biolog-ECO分析中,平均吸光值(AWCD)的大小为:化肥有机肥配施、单施有机肥>对照>单施化肥、化肥配施秸秆.单施有机肥或与化肥有机肥配施增加了红壤微生物对碳水化合物、羧酸、氨基酸、聚合物、酚类和胺类的碳源利用率;化肥配施有机肥的红壤微生物对聚合物类碳源利用率最高,化肥配施秸秆的红壤微生物对碳水化合物类碳源的利用率最高.表明施用有机肥能显著提高红壤的微生物生物量碳、氮和微生物碳源利用率,提高红壤肥力,保持作物高产.  相似文献   

The effect of space flight on production of the antibiotic actinomycin D by Streptomyces plicatus WC56452 was examined onboard the US Space Shuttle mission STS-80. Paired space flight and ground control samples were similarly prepared using identical hardware, media, and inoculum. The cultures were grown in defined and complex media under dark, anaerobic, thermally controlled (20°C) conditions with samples fixed after 7 and 12 days in orbit, and viable residuals maintained through landing at 17 days, 15 h. Postflight analyses indicated that space flight had reduced the colony-forming unit (CFU) per milliliter count of S. plicatus and increased the specific productivity (pg CFU−1) of actinomycin D. The antibiotic compound itself was not affected, but its production time course was altered in space. Viable flight samples also maintained their sporulation ability when plated on agar medium postflight, while the residual ground controls did not sporulate. Received 21 August 2001/ Accepted in revised form 30 July 2002  相似文献   

研究了添加秸秆碳源在连续种植条件下对根结线虫病害严重土壤中微生物生物量和原生动物丰富度的影响. 供试作物为番茄, 设置3个梯度的小麦秸秆添加量\[1N(2.08 g·kg-1)、2N (4.16 g·kg-1)和4N(8.32 g·kg-1)\].结果表明: 添加秸秆碳源对微生物生物量碳、氮和原生动物丰富度具有显著影响,且这种影响呈现为4N>2N>1N>CK.添加秸秆碳源对原生动物群落结构也具有显著影响,各处理鞭毛虫、肉足虫和纤毛虫的平均比例分别为36.0%、59.5%和4.5%.在相同秸秆添加量下,土壤微生物量碳氮、微生物碳氮比和原生动物丰富度随种植年限的延长而提高.  相似文献   

Aims: The production of aureofuscin is very low in the wild‐type strain. We attempt to increase the production of aureofuscin by over‐expression of a controlling gene in the wild‐type strain. Methods and Results: The aurj3M gene was PCR‐amplified from Streptomyces aureofuscus SYAU0709, ligated into vector pMD19 and sequenced. The predicted translation of the 579‐bp cloned fragment was 97% similar to pimM from Streptomyces natalensis, which has an N‐terminal PAS domain and a LuxR‐type C‐terminal helix–turn–helix. Recombinant bacterial strains were constructed by transforming SYAU0709 with an expression plasmid (pBJJ3M) that contained aurj3M, thereby increasing the number of aurj3M gene copies. Conclusions: Bioassays for the antibiotic compound aureofuscin indicated that the recombinant bacteria had greater antifungal activity than the wild‐type strain. Specifically, the recombinant strain produced approx. 600% more aureofuscin, as quantified by high‐performance liquid chromatography analysis. Significance and Impact of the Study: To our knowledge, this approach has not been attempted in S. aureofuscus before and few genes in the aureofuscin pathway have been cloned and characterized.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of supplying forest biomass on forest ecosystem services and goods with a dynamic systems model. This unique analysis models dynamic trade and investments in forestry, thereby capturing price changes from increased forest biomass demand on current and future flows of forest ecosystem services and natural capital stocks. Forests across the globe are interconnected through timber and forest biomass markets, which influence forest management decisions, land rents, and policy responses. Results indicate that expanding forest biomass consumption, even at relatively low levels, will have important impacts on ecosystem services, particularly the benefits of terrestrial carbon sequestration and timber outputs. Increased forest biomass production can be achieved with smaller impacts on ecosystem services through policies targeting natural forest preservation. However, policies that encourage residual biomass use for energy or discourage forest plantation expansion could potentially compromise carbon benefits.  相似文献   

太湖沉积物微生物生物量及其与碳、氮、磷的相关性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对太湖沉积物中微生物生物量碳(MBc)、氮(MBN)、磷(MBp),以及沉积物总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)进行测定并进行相关性分析,揭示太湖沉积物微生物对太湖沉积物营养盐的响应及反馈特征.结果表明:沉积物微生物生物量(MB)在湖体沿岸地区大于湖心区,平均值为184.66 mg·kg-1,MBc在西部沿岸区以及竺山湾和梅梁湾区域较高,平均值为127.57 mg·kg-1;MBN在梅梁湾、贡湖部分区域以及靠近梅梁湾和贡湖的湖心区域和东部沿岸区较高,平均值为19.25 mg·kg-1;MBp在东部沿岸区及其附近的湖心区最高,平均值为19.09 mg·kg-1;沉积物TOC高值区(≥2.30 g· kg-1)主要集中在竺山湾、西部沿岸区、梅梁湾、贡湖地区,平均值为1.59 g·kg-1;沉积物TN高值区(≥0.30g· kg-1)主要集中在贡湖、梅梁湾、竺山湾部分地区以及西部沿岸区,平均值为0.21 g·kg-1;沉积物TP高值区(≥1.20g·kg-1)主要集中在东部沿岸区以及湖心部分区域,平均值为0.55 g·kg-1;太湖沉积物TOC/TN在7~19,平均值为8.97,表明太湖沉积物中的有机质具有明显的双重来源,其中陆源有机质主要集中在西部沿岸区;太湖沉积物MB与沉积物TOC和TN呈显著正相关,与沉积物TP相关性不显著;沉积物MBc/MBN与沉积物TOC/TN显著相关.太湖沉积物微生物主要受沉积物TOC、TN影响,且沉积物TOC/TN的变化显著影响微生物群落结构.  相似文献   

The bacterioplankton of Lake Taihu,China: abundance,biomass, and production   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abundance, biomass and production of pelagic bacteria were examined over one year at monthly sampling intervals across a trophic profile in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu. With the lowest density in the open lake, the bacterial abundance showed a clear trend in relation to trophic status. The carbon content per cell was higher in autumn and winter, and the opposite was true for bacterial biomass. Bacterial 3[H]-TdR and 14[C]-Leu incorporation rates, cell production, turnover times and carbon production varied during the annual cycle at different sites. The ratio of bacterial production to primary production was high, independently of the method used, indicates that the microbial food web in Lake Taihu is an important component of the total food web of the lake and dominated by external inputs. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users  相似文献   

Interactive effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on biomass production and N2 fixation were investigated using black locust ( Robinia pseudoacacia ). Seedlings were grown in growth chambers maintained at either 350 μmol mol−1 or 710 μmol mol−1 CO2. Seedlings were inoculated with Rhizobium spp. and were grown with or without AM fungi. The 15N isotope dilution method was used to determine N source partitioning between N2 fixation and inorganic fertilizer uptake. Elevated atmospheric CO2 significantly increased the percentage of fine roots that were colonized by AM fungi. Mycorrhizal seedlings grown under elevated CO2 had the greatest overall plant biomass production, nodulation, N and P content, and root N absorption. Additionally, elevated CO2 levels enhanced nodule and root mass production, as well as N2 fixation rates, of non- mycorrhizal seedlings. However, the relative response of biomass production to CO2 enrichment was greater in non-mycorrhizal seedlings than in mycorrhizal seedlings. This study provides strong evidence that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi play an important role in the extent to which plant nutrition of symbiotic N2-fixing tree species is affected by enriched atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

The effect of decreased oxygen concentration on photosynthetic biomass production was determined for Euglena gracilis Klebs strain z and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard. At a constant carbon dioxide concentration of 0.03% (v/v), decreasing the oxygen concentration from 21% to 2% (v/v) gave a two-fold increase in dry-weight yield for E. gracilis; a result consistent with the operation of a functional glycollate pathway in this alga. A similar effect of oxygen concentration on dry-weight yield was not observed with C. reinhardtii.  相似文献   

在青藏高原高寒草甸区设置模拟增温和氮添加处理,研究长期增温与外源氮输入对高寒草甸群落生产及其分配的影响.结果表明:开顶箱增温装置造成小环境暖干化,即显著提高地表空气温度1.6℃,提高表层土壤温度1.4℃,降低土壤含水量4.7%.2012、2013和2014年不施氮处理下增温分别降低地上生物量61.5%、108.8%和77.1%,在高氮(40和80kg N·hm-2·a-1)处理下增温对群落地上生物量无显著影响,这说明增温的影响依赖于氮添加水平,且施氮补偿了增温导致的土壤氮损失.增温导致根冠比增加,2012、2013和2014年不施氮处理下增温分别增加根冠比98.6%、60.7%和97.8%.在不增温处理下,植物群落地上、地下生物量的变化率均表现出低氮(10、20 kg N·hm-2·a-1)促进、高氮抑制的趋势,达到饱和阈值时的氮添加剂量分别为56.0和55.5 kg N·hm-2·a-1;而在增温处理下,地上、地下生物量随施氮量增加呈线性增加趋势.这说明增温改变了高寒草甸生物量分配对外源氮输入的响应模式,增温导致的土壤无机氮含量变化是生物量分配模式改变的主要原因.由氮添加试验估算的高寒草甸氮饱和阈值表明,高寒草甸对氮输入的敏感性高于其他类型草地.  相似文献   

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