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Novel aerobic granular sludge membrane bioreactor (GMBR) was established by combining aerobic granular sludge technology with membrane bioreactor (MBR). GMBR showed good organics removal and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) performances for synthesized wastewater. When influent total organic carbon (TOC) was 56.8-132.6 mg/L, the TOC removal of GMBR was 84.7-91.9%. When influent ammonia nitrogen was 28.1-38.4 mg/L, the ammonia nitrogen removal was 85.4-99.7%, and the total nitrogen removal was 41.7-78.4%. Moreover, batch experiments of sludge with different particle size demonstrated that: (1) flocculent sludge under aerobic condition almost have no denitrification capacity, (2) SND capacity was caused by the granular sludge, and (3) the denitrification rate and total nitrogen removal efficiency were enhanced with the increased particle size. In addition, study on the sludge morphology stability in GMBR showed that, although some granular sludge larger than 0.9 mm disaggregated at the beginning of operation, the granular sludge was able to maintain the stability of its granular morphology, and at the end of operation, the amount of granular sludge (larger than 0.18 mm) stabilized in GMBR was more than 56-62% of the total sludge concentration. The partial disaggregation of large granules is closely associated with the change of operating mode from sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system to MBR system.  相似文献   

To maximize nitrogen utilization rates during nitrification and denitrification in a simultaneous reaction for direct nitrogen removal from ammonia–nitrogen in a single reactor, two different carriers were applied that immobilized nitrifiers and denitrifiers separately. With the optimized DO concentration and mixing ratio of immobilization carriers, ammonium–nitrogen was successfully removed as designed until the middle phase of treatment where nitrogen removal rate was higher than 83% of the theoretical value, although an imbalance between nitrification and denitrification occurred at a later phase of treatment where residual nitrate–nitrogen concentration was less than 2 mg/l. The new approach using two different carriers to immobilize nitrifiers and denitrifiers separately was proved useful for controlling both nitrification and denitrification rates, enabling the utilization of maximum treatment ability of both nitrifiers and denitrifiers in a single reactor for direct nitrogen removal from ammonium–nitrogen.  相似文献   

A laboratory scale experiment was described in this paper to enhance biological nitrogen removal by simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) via nitrite with a sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR). Under conditions of total nitrogen (TN) about 30 mg/L and pH ranged 7.15–7.62, synthetic wastewater was cyclically operated within the reactor for 110 days. Optimal operation conditions were established to obtain consistently high TN removal rate and nitrite accumulation ratio, which included an optimal temperature of 31 °C and an aeration time of 5 h under the air flow of 50 L/h. Stable nitrite accumulation could be realized under different temperatures and the nitrite accumulation ratio increased with an increase of temperature from 15 to 35 °C. The highest TN removal rate (91.9%) was at 31 °C with DO ranged 3–4 mg/L. Process control could be achieved by observing changes in DO and pH to judge the end-point of oxidation of ammonia and SND.  相似文献   

Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) was investigated in the single aeration tank of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Microelectrode measurements and batch experiments were performed to test for the presence of SND. Microelectrodes recorded the presence of O(2) concentration gradients in individual activated sludge flocs. When the O(2) concentration in the bulk liquid was <45 microM, anoxic zones were detected within flocs with a larger diameter (approximately 3000 microm). The O(2) penetration depth in the floc was found to be dependent on the O(2) concentration in the bulk liquid. Nitrification was restricted to the oxic zones, whereas denitrification occurred mainly in the anoxic zones. The nitrification rate of the activated sludge increased with increasing O(2) concentration in the bulk liquid, up to 40 microM, and remained constant thereafter. SND was observed in the aerated activated sludge when O(2) concentration was in the range of 10 to 35 microM.  相似文献   

The microbial community composition and activity was investigated in aggregates from a lab-scale bioreactor, in which nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal occurred simultaneously. The biomass was highly enriched for polyphosphate accumulating organisms facilitating complete removal of phosphorus from the bulk liquid; however, some inorganic nitrogen still remained at the end of the reactor cycle. This was ascribed to incomplete coupling of nitrification and denitrification causing NO(3)(-) accumulation. After 2 h of aeration, denitrification was dependent on the activity of nitrifying bacteria facilitating the formation of anoxic zones in the aggregates; hence, denitrification could not occur without simultaneous nitrification towards the end of the reactor cycle. Nitrous oxide was identified as a product of denitrification, when based on stored PHA as carbon source. This observation is of critical importance to the outlook of applying PHA-driven denitrification in activated sludge processes.  相似文献   

Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification using a mixed methanotrophic culture was investigated. When both NO3 -N (108 mg l–1) and NH3-N (59 mg l–1) were added into batch reactors, nitrate removal was complete within 10 h at the rate of 47 mg NO3 -N g VSS–1 day–1 when dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration was maintained at 2 mg DO l–1. Ammonia removal started simultaneously with nitrate removal at a slower rate of 14 NH3-N g VSS–1 day–1. No significant accumulation of nitrite or nitrate during ammonia utilization suggested the occurrence of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of two different membrane bioreactor (MBR) configurations (external/immersed) on sludge structure and microbial activity. Sludge structure was deduced from rheological measurements. The high shear stress induced by the recirculation pump in the external MBR was shown to result in decreasing viscosity due to activated sludge (AS) deflocculation. Besides, soluble microbial products (SMP) release was higher in the external MBR (5 mgCOD gMLVSS−1) than in the immersed configuration (2 mgCOD gMLVSS−1). Microbial activity was followed from respirometry tests by focusing on the distinction between heterotrophs and autotrophs. An easier autotrophic microbe development was then observed in the immersed MBR compared to the external one. However, the external MBR was shown to allow better heterotrophic microbe development.  相似文献   

The soils of mid-Wales in grazed permanent pasture usually exhibit stagnogley features in the top 4–10 cm even though on sloping sites, they are freely drained. Nitrogen is often poorly recovered under these conditions. Our previous studies suggest that continuing loss of available N through concurrent nitrification and denitrification might provide an explanation for poor response to fertilizer N. The work described was designated to further test this proposition. When NH 4 + –N was applied to the surface of intact cores, equilibrated at –5kPa matric potential, about 70% of NH 4 + –N initially present was lost within 56 days of incubation. Study of different sections of the cores showed a rise in NO 3 - level in the surface 0–2.5 cm soil layer but no significant changes below this depth. The imbalance between NO 3 - accumulation and NH 4 + disappearance during the study indicated a simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in the system. Furthermore, the denitrification potential of the soil was 3–4 times greater than nitrification potential so no major build-up of NO 3 - would be expected when two processes occur simultaneously in micro-scale. When nitrification was inhibited by nitrapyrin, a substantial amount of NH 4 + –N remained in the soil and persisted till the end of the incubation. The apparent recovery of applied N increased and of the total amount of N applied, 50% more was recovered relative to without nitrapyrin. It appears that addition of nitrapyrin inhibited nitrification, and consequently denitrification, by limiting the supply of NO 3 - for denitrifying organisms. Emission of N2O from the NH 4 + amended soil cores further confirmed that loss of applied N was the result of both nitrification and denitrification, which occurred simultaneously in adjacent sites at shallow depths. This N loss could account for the poor response to fertilizer N often observed in pastoral agriculture in western areas of the UK.  相似文献   

A membrane bioreactor filled with carriers instead of activated sludge named a moving bed membrane bioreactor (MBMBR) was investigated to minimize the effect of suspended solids on membrane fouling. The MBMBR and a conventional membrane bioreactor (CMBR) were operated in parallel for about two months. Unexpectedly, the rate of membrane fouling in MBMBR was about three times of that in CMBR. MBMBR showed a higher cake layer resistance than CMBR due to plenty of filamentous bacteria inhabited in suspended solids in MBMBR. Protein and polysaccharide contents of soluble EPS in MBMBR were obviously larger than those in CMBR. It could be speculated that the overgrowth of filamentous bacteria in MBMBR resulted in severe cake layer and induced a large quantity of EPS, which deteriorated the membrane fouling.  相似文献   

This paper is designed to critically review the recent developments of membrane bio-technologies for sludge reduction and treatment by covering process fundamentals, performances (sludge reduction efficiency, membrane fouling, pollutant removal, etc.) and key operational parameters. The future perspectives of the hybrid membrane processes for sludge reduction and treatment are also discussed. For sludge reduction using membrane bioreactors (MBRs), literature review shows that biological maintenance metabolism, predation on bacteria, and uncoupling metabolism through using oxic-settling-anaerobic (OSA) process are promising ways that can be employed in full-scale applications. Development of control methods for worm proliferation is in great need of, and a good sludge reduction and MBR performance can be expected if worm growth is properly controlled. For lysis-cryptic sludge reduction method, improvement of oxidant dispersion and increase of the interaction with sludge cells can enhance the lysis efficiency. Green uncoupler development might be another research direction for uncoupling metabolism in MBRs. Aerobic hybrid membrane system can perform well for sludge thickening and digestion in small- and medium-sized wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), and pilot-scale/full-scale applications have been reported. Anaerobic membrane digestion (AMD) process is a very competitive technology for sludge stabilization and digestion. Use of biogas recirculation for fouling control can be a powerful way to decrease the energy requirements for AMD process. Future research efforts should be dedicated to membrane preparation for high biomass applications, process optimization, and pilot-scale/full-scale tracking research in order to push forward the real and wide applications of the hybrid membrane systems for sludge minimization and treatment.  相似文献   

Effect of low dissolved oxygen on simultaneous nitrification and denitrification was evaluated in a membrane bioreactor treating black water. A fully aerobic membrane bioreactor was operated at a sludge age of 60 days under three low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels below 0.5mg/L. It sustained effective simultaneous nitrification/denitrification for the entire observation period. Nitrification was incomplete due to adverse effects of a number of factors such as low DO level, SMPs inhibition, alkalinity limitation, etc. DO impact was more significant on denitrification: Nitrate was fully removed at low DO level but the removal was gradually reduced as DO was increased to 0.5mg/L. Nitrogen removal remained optimal within the DO range of 0.15-0.35 mg/L. Experimental results were calibrated and simulated by model evaluation with the same model coefficients. The model defined improved mass transfer with lower affinity coefficients for oxygen and nitrate as compared to conventional activated sludge.  相似文献   

Wu Z  Zhu X  Wang Z 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(13):6863-6869
Membrane foulants were extracted at different operation time in simultaneous sludge thickening and digestion reactors using flat-sheet membranes. Temporal variations of foulants were analyzed by three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy, gel filtration chromatography (GFC), particle size distribution (PSD) and attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. Results showed that during the first 4 days fouling was mainly assigned to internal membrane foulants (IMFs), and afterwards external membrane foulants (EMFs) increased dramatically. EEM analysis showed that both IMFs and EMFs changed during the operation. Cluster analysis demonstrated that the characteristics of IMFs were relatively similar; however, both quantity and properties of EMFs were changed. GFC analysis showed that EMFs contained more molecules with large molecular weight compared to IMFs. PSD analysis illuminated that particle size of EMFs gradually increased and was larger than that of IMFs. ATR-FTIR analysis indicated that the foulants on membranes consisted of polysaccharides and proteins.  相似文献   

Membrane filtration was integrated with a post-denitrification process to form an innovative membrane bioreactor (MBR) system for effective organic degradation and nutrient (N and P) removal. The system comprised of an aerobic tank, an anoxic tank, an intermediate sedimentation tank, and a membrane filtration tank. The sedimentation tank functioned not only as a rough settler for sludge–water separation before membrane filtration but also as an anaerobic chamber for P release. While half of the influent flowed into the aerobic tank, the other half was fed into the anoxic tank to favor the proliferation of phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs). The experiment was conducted continuously for about 430 days. With a short overall treatment time of less than 10 h for municipal wastewater, the MBR-based process could achieve the total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus removals of around 94%, 85%, and 87%, respectively. The growth and activity of PAOs in the MBR system were evidenced by the significant P release in the anaerobic chamber followed by the luxury P uptake in the membrane tank. With the DAPI and PAOmix probe staining, the increases of PAOs and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in sludge during the experiment were well observed under the fluorescent microscope.  相似文献   

Choi C  Lee J  Lee K  Kim M 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(13):5397-5401
An intermittently aerated membrane bioreactor (IAMBR) system has been developed to improve the efficiency of nutrient removal, and for the stable treatment of organic matter which is contained as suspended solid (SS) in the influent. The important operating factors of an intermittently aerated bioreactor (IABR) are sludge retention times (SRTs) and carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratios. Because research on IAMBR is young, this paper explores the effect of SRTs and C/N ratios on these systems. For SRTs of 20, 25, 30, and 40 days, there was little difference in the removal of COD, T–N, and T–P. In comparing C/N ratios of 4.5, 7, and 10, the COD concentration in permeate with a C/N ratio of 10 was most stable, although the concentration of organic matter in the influent was high. The removal efficiencies of T–N and T–P in permeate with a C/N ratio of 10 were the highest at 92.9% and 88.9%, respectively. This implies that a C/N ratio above 10 should be maintained for a nutrient removal efficiency of approximately 90%.  相似文献   

Lin H  Liao BQ  Chen J  Gao W  Wang L  Wang F  Lu X 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(3):2373-2379
A laboratory-scale submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor (SAnMBR) treating thermomechanical pulping whitewater was operated for over 7 months to investigate and compare the characteristics of cake sludge and bulk sludge during stable state operation period. Serial analysis showed that cake sludge had a smaller particle size distribution (PSD), much higher specific filtration resistance (1.34 × 1014 m/kg), 1.5 times higher bound EPS and significantly different microbial community as compared with bulk sludge. Further analysis indicated that small flocs, bound EPS and inorganic materials play important role in cake formation process. The formed cake layer was found to have a heterogeneous structure. The results obtained in this study indicated that cake formation process started from attachment of small flocs and/or specific bacterial clusters which colonize the surface of the membrane and provide enhanced conditions that allow for cake formation to progress.  相似文献   

The performance of a submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) has been investigated for abattoir wastewater (AW) treatment. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) of permeate has not exceeded 25 mg L−1 providing an average COD removal of 98%. Microbiological analysis showed that the SMBR has allowed a complete removal of fecal coliforms, Listeria and Salmonella. A significant reduction in the excess biomass production was also observed. In fact, the yield of biomass production (Yobs) ranged between 0 and 0.106 g suspended solids/g COD removed.The study of the dynamic of bacterial communities using the single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) method showed a significant change in the population structure and revealed a correlation between the sludge production yield and the bacterial communities.  相似文献   

In this paper, three identical membrane bioreactors (MBRs) were operated in parallel in order to specify the influence mechanism of hydraulic retention time (HRT) on MBR. The results showed that the removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was stable though it decreased slightly as HRT decreased, but biomass activity and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in sludge suspension decreased as HRT decreased. The filamentous bacteria grew easily with decreasing HRT. The extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) concentration and sludge viscosity increased significantly as filamentous bacteria excessively grew. The over growth of filamentous bacteria, the increase of EPS and the decrease of shear stress led to the formation of large and irregular flocs. Furthermore, the mixed liquid suspended solids (MLSS) concentration and sludge viscosity increased significantly as HRT decreased. The results also indicated that sludge viscosity was the predominant factor that affecting hydrodynamic conditions of MBR systems.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify the factors affecting the performance of membrane bioreactor (MBR) for piggery wastewater treatment. The change of organic and nitrogen concentrations in piggery wastewater was studied to investigate the treatment efficiency. The increase of COD, BOD and NH3–N from 1150 to 2050 mg/L, 683 to 1198 mg/L and 154 to 248 mg/L has led to the decrease of treatment efficiency. Removal efficiencies of COD, BOD and NH3–N have decreased from 96.0% to 92.0%, 97.0% to 92.7% and 93.2% to 69.5%, respectively. The effects of biomass characteristics on membrane fouling were determined based on Pearson’s correlation coefficient (rp). It was found that MLSS had a negative correlation with permeate flux (rp = −0.745, at significant level of 0.05) while sludge floc size a positive correlation (rp = 0.731, at significant level of 0.05). MLSS and sludge floc size were found to be the dominant factors that controlled the membrane filterability while sludge viscosity, EPS, SMP and SV30 have taken as the sub-factors affecting membrane fouling.  相似文献   

Upgrading activated sludge systems and reduction in excess sludge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most of 200 Activated Sludge Plant in Iran are overloaded and as a result, their efficiency is low. In this work, a pilot plant is manufactured and put into operation in one of the wastewater treatment plants in the west of Tehran. Instead of conventional activated sludge, a membrane bioreactor and an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor used as a pretreatment unit in this pilot. For the sake of data accuracy and precision, an enriched municipal wastewater was opted as an influent to the pilot. Based on the attained result, the optimum retention time in this system was 4h, and the overall COD removal efficiency was 98%. As a whole, the application of this retrofit would increase the plant's capacity by a factor of 5 and reducing the excess sludge by a factor of 10. The sludge volume index in the anaerobic reactor was about 12 after granulation occurred.  相似文献   

海岸带地区的固氮、氨化、硝化与反硝化特征   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
徐继荣  王友绍  孙松 《生态学报》2004,24(12):2907-2914
海岸带是海洋环境中受人类活动影响最大、生物地球化学循环最为活跃的地区。这一地区氮的生物地球化学循环包括 :生物固氮、有机氮的氨化、氮的硝化、反硝化等 4个主要过程。概括性地介绍了有关这四个过程的发生机制、环境影响因素及研究方法等方面的研究动态、进展、存在的科学问题与今后的研究方向。过去十几年来 ,固氮主要集中在对束毛藻属的研究上 ,其间有两个重要发现 ,一是生物固氮在海洋氮循环中的作用远比人们以前的想象要重要得多 ;二是蓝细菌已经在海洋中存在了 2 0亿年 ,它们有可能调节大气中的 CO2 ,进而影响全球气候。由于有机物的结构千差万别 ,含氮有机物的氨化过程可能是一个简单的矿化反应 ,也有可能是一系列复杂的代谢过程 ,在水解酶的作用下含氮有机物降解为下一级化合物。硝化过程分两步进行 ,氨的硝化为反硝化细菌提供了重要的硝酸盐来源 ,通常采用同位素方法来研究硝化过程。发生在沉积物中的反硝化过程是氮循环的关键步骤 ,反硝化过程一方面减少了海水中初级生产者可利用的氮 ,另一方面产生了终结产物 N2 和 N2 O,而 N2 O是一种温室气体 ,可能影响全球气候变化  相似文献   

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