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Capsule We characterized the brood-guarding behaviour of the Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii at two Atlantic colonies. Our results suggest that predation avoidance might be a major factor driving brood-guarding duration on this species.  相似文献   

Capsule?The breeding foraging and post-breeding dispersal movements of five satellite-tagged Bulwer's Petrels from the Canary Islands were recorded. Foraging trips lasted 5.6 days in average (n?=?3), while the mean distance covered was 1261 km, and foraging areas were located over the continental slope and the adjacent pelagic waters, around 1200–2000 m depth and up to 350 km from the colony. After the chick-rearing period, birds dispersed southwestwards to the tropical waters of the central Atlantic.  相似文献   

据悉,2005年9月28日晚9时左右,3只鸟飞至云南省红河州金平县城分水岭自然保护区管理局的建筑工地上方,其中一只撞到墙壁后受伤落地,经管理局工作人员饲养两天后死亡。管理局人员将此鸟交给正在当地工作的硕士研究生倪庆永带回昆明动物研究所。经鉴定,该鸟为纯褐鹱(Bul-weria bulwerii),属鹱形目(Procellariiformes)鹱科(Procellariidae)鸟类,为云南省鸟类目、科、属、种的新记录,特此报道。纯褐鹱Bulweria bulweriiJardine and Selby俗名:燕鹱(Cheng,1987)英文名:Bulwer s PetrelProcellaria bulweriiJardine and Selby,1828,Orn.,pt.…  相似文献   

Samples of Lacerta dugesii were collected on the Madeiran islands, measured and scored for number of scales in seven scale rows. Body length is related to age. Scale number varies between the island groups but does not appear to decrease in variance with age. Relative leg length declines in variability with age and varies significantly from one sample to another on Madeira.  相似文献   

舟山群岛獐的食性研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
郭光普  张恩迪 《兽类学报》2005,25(2):122-130
利用野外观察、粪便显微组织学分析和投喂实验等方法对舟山群岛獐的食性进行了研究。结果表明,研究地的獐所食植物共有137种,隶属于6l科l15属,其中豆科植物在取食种类和取食频次上均多于其它科植物。尽管獐对植物科和种的选择在四季间没有显著差别,但取食科和种的数量依然从春天到冬天呈递减趋势,并且冬天与其它3个季节差别较大。獐的食物中,每个季节都含有非禾草类草本植物、禾草类草本植物、木本植物和蕨类植物,且其食物组成在季节间亦无显著差异;除木本植物外,獐对其它3类植物的选择在季节间有显著差异。獐在冬天较多选择木本植物,而其它季节较多选择草本植物,但木本植物和非禾草类草本植物在四季食物组成中均占较高比例,而禾草类植物所占的比例很小。因此,笔者认为舟山群岛的獐应该偏向于嫩食者。  相似文献   

舟山群岛变态后牛蛙的食性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛蛙(Ranacatesbeiana)是极其危险的外来入侵种,对当地生物类群的捕食是其主要的危害机制,但目前有关其食性的研究均只局限于一个研究地点。为了全面评估牛蛙对当地生物类群的捕食影响,2005年6月30日至8月11日期间,作者采用洗胃法对舟山群岛8个岛屿(岱山、六横、秀山、佛渡、桃花、虾峙、册子和普陀山)变态后牛蛙的食性进行了研究。共采集到变态后的牛蛙391只,包括牛蛙成体113只和亚成体278只。食性分析结果表明:(1)按食物体积计算,成年牛蛙以十足目、鞘翅目、蜻蜓目、中腹足目、蛙形目和鲤形目为主要食物,亚成体牛蛙以十足目、鞘翅目、鲤形目、蜻蜓目、直翅目、膜翅目、鳞翅目幼虫、中腹足目和蛙形目为主要食物;成体和亚成体牛蛙胃中食物的平均大小均随其体长增加而增大;(2)不同岛屿上的牛蛙在主要食物类型构成上存在差异。这表明牛蛙在不同地方对不同生物类群造成的捕食危害是不一样的,充分反映了其生态危害的广泛性。  相似文献   

The diet of the Madeiran lizard Lacerta dugesii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gut contents of about 1700 lizards from the Madeiran Archipelago and die Salvage Islands were examined. The diet, which shows habitat and geographical variation, consists of a variety of invertebrates and a good amount of plant matter. The degree of herbivory is correlated widi lizard sex and size and widi tail autotomy. The amount of food and specialization in the diet were also correlated. Comparisons are made between die sex-size classes widiin die populations.  相似文献   

The Madeiran archipelago consists of Madeira itself, Porto Santo and the Deserta islands. On Madeira, the forest arid the coastal floral associations are so different that their faunas are effectively isolated and have undergone largely independent development. There are different faunal associations on the eastern peninsula and in the SE coastal region, which may have been separated from each other in the past. On Porto Santo, western and eastern hills have different faunas. Most observations on the fauna are compatible with evolution by allopatric speciation, consequent upon isolation on different islands or mountains, as opposed to parapatric or sympatric processes following disruptive selection. Some cases where the taxonomy is difficult to unravel may, however, indicate parapatric speciation; examples belong to the genera Discula and Heterostoma (Helicidae) and Amphorella (Ferussaciidae). Most evidence relating to species composition in communities is compatible with a balance of random immigration and extinction, rather than selective interaction, allowing clusters of similar sympatric species to accumulate. However, this impression may indicate that test procedures are insufficiently sensitive to detect interactions, and detailed ecological studies are required. Questions about speciation and distribution would be clarified if dates of divergence were established.  相似文献   

The diversity and distribution of the Madeiran land snail fauna is analysed in relation to the geological and environmental history of the archipelago. High levels of single-island endemism, the varying balance of families and genera between islands and the local differentiation of populations within islands all suggest that speciation has been predominantly a within island phenomenon. Restricted patterns of distribution, nevertheless, suggest that speciation is predominantly allopatric and that it is driven by repeated and sometimes devastating environmental changes. An equilibrium model of faunal diversity is rejected; the fauna is supersaturated at archipelago level, yet individual sites are not species rich, nor are all niches full. The consequences for the success and effects of invasions and introductions are discussed, and questions still to be answered raised, in particular about the timing of colonization events and their number, and about the great range of rates of radiation apparently achieved by different stocks.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial distribution patterns of lotic larval trichopteran assemblages in relation to environmental variables were investigated in Madeiran streams using multivariate analyses. TWINSPAN classification detected distinct faunal assemblages related to spatial factors between non-polluted high altitude sites and lower lying enriched sites where tolerant taxa were predominant but showed strong seasonal shifts in species composition and abundance. The 15 TWINSPAN end groups were grouped into five arbitrary clusters based upon the seasonal and spatial changes in the trichopteran assemblages detected by the analysis. Significant differences between environmental variables (distance from source, altitude, temperature, conductivity, alkalinity and nitrate) and the trichopteran assemblages (using trichopteran based metrics) of these clusters were confirmed by the Kruskal-Wallis test (H) and Dunn’s test. Chemical classification of samples within the clusters revealed a strong association between trichopteran assemblages and water quality. Canonical Correspondence Analysis and Monte Carlo global permutation tests also identified significant associations between the larval assemblages and physicochemical variables such as temperature and conductivity along a strong physical gradient (altitude, slope) and nitrate along a weaker seasonal gradient. Analysis of functional feeding group distribution patterns clearly showed that mid to high altitude indigenous woodland sites were trophically diverse whilst the lower reaches of the islands streams are trophically impoverished with strong seasonal shifts between two feeding groups of enrichment tolerant taxa. Trichopteran shredders are exclusive to indigenous woodland sites, indicating a limited distribution associated with land use, allochthonous input and habitat destruction. The results indicate that several ‘environmental filters’ operate at different levels upon the islands trichopteran fauna, producing temporally and spatially distinct ‘subsets’ of species best able to exploit conditions and resources at a given site or time, confounding the direct comparison of these insular systems with the findings of the River Continuum Concept, traditionally associated with unaffected continental lotic systems.  相似文献   

To study the colonization history of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) on the Madeiran archipelago, complete mitochondrial D-loop sequences were obtained for 44 individuals from Madeira, Porto Santo and Ilhas Desertas. Altogether, 19 D-loop haplotypes were identified which formed part of a single clade in a phylogeny incorporating haplotypes from elsewhere in the range of M. m. domesticus, indicating that the Madeiras were colonized from a single source. Similarities between the sequences found in the Madeiras and those in Scandinavia and northern Germany suggest that northern Europe was the source area, and there is the intriguing possibility that the Vikings may have accidentally brought house mice to the archipelago. However, there is no record of Vikings visiting the Madeiras; on historical grounds, Portugal is the most likely source area for Madeiran mice and further molecular data from Portugal are needed to rule out that possibility.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the thermoregulatory capacity of Antarctic Petrel chicks, Thalassoica antarctica, breeding in a large colony in Queen Maud Land (71°53S,5°10E) on the Antarctic continent. Compared to newly hatched chicks of other birds, those of the Antarctic Petrel are characterized by a relatively high standard metabolic rate (SMR) and thermal conductance. Their metabolic scope is limited, however, being only 1.6 times the SMR, and they consequently depend on parental brooding to maintain Tb. At an age of 11 days the chicks become thermally independent and are left alone in the nest. The chicks keep a relatively high body temperature (>36°C) throughout their early development and we found no indication that they normally experience hypothermia. A significant positive relationship between latitude of breeding and SMR of the hatchlings is shown to exist for procellariiform birds. It is suggested that the high SMR found in Antarctic Petrel hatchlings could be a prerequisite for achieving a high growth rate, rather than being of any thermoregulatory significance.Publication no. 105 from the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expeditions (1984/1985)  相似文献   


Three Storm Petrels were observed on the coast near Ka? on the Turkish Mediterranean Sea, on 29.4.1988. This is the first Turkish record.  相似文献   

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