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北京幽灵蛛体表微感受器的类型、结构和分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
北京幽灵蛛(Pholcus beijingensis)体表的微感受器包括毛状感受器(触毛、听毛、味觉毛和刺)、裂缝状感受器(单个裂缝器、竖琴器)和跗节器等.扫描电镜观察显示,北京幽灵蛛体表的毛状感受器数量最多,分布最广;其次是裂缝感受器;此外,每个跗节末端具有一个跗节器.除触毛在整个身体表面均有分布外,其他毛状感受器(...  相似文献   

化学通讯是蜘蛛最基础和最普遍的种内和种间通讯方式之一,蜘蛛体表的味觉毛能够接触性的或者近距离地感知环境中的化学物质,但味觉毛的相关研究仅在少数几种蜘蛛中有过报道。我们通过扫描电镜对分别对幽灵蛛、弱蛛、泰莱蛛、幽灵蛛、蟹蛛和球蛛共5科32种蜘蛛味觉毛的形态、数量和分布进行了观察,结果显示:蜘蛛味觉毛一般呈“S”形或弧形;毛根部与体表形成较大角度,末端开口。一般分布在步足的跗节和后跗节,一些种类在步足胫节亦有味觉毛分布。所观察的蜘蛛中绝在部分种类在触肢上未发现味觉毛,仅有两种蟹蛛 (Thomisus labefactus Lysiteles inflatus) 和一种球蛛 (Phycosoma mustelinum) 在触肢上有味觉毛。味觉毛的数量在不同蜘蛛种类中有较大差异,从十几根到上百根不等。蜘蛛味觉毛的形态、数量和分布等特征除了与遗传相关外,亦有可能与其生境和生活方式等有关。  相似文献   

化学通讯是蜘蛛最基础和最普遍的种内及种间通讯方式之一,蜘蛛体表的味觉毛能够接触性地或者近距离地感知环境中的化学物质,但味觉毛的相关研究仅在少数几种蜘蛛中有过报道。我们通过扫描电镜分别对幽灵蛛科(Pholcidae)、弱蛛科(Leptonetidae)、泰莱蛛科(Telemidae)、蟹蛛科(Thomisidae)和球蛛科(Theridiidae)共5科32种蜘蛛味觉毛的形态、数量及分布进行了观察。结果显示:蜘蛛味觉毛一般呈"S"形或弧形;毛根部与体表形成较大角度,末端开口。一般分布在步足的跗节和后跗节,一些种类在步足胫节亦有味觉毛分布。所观察的蜘蛛中绝大部分种类在触肢上未发现味觉毛,仅有2种蟹蛛即角红蟹蛛(Thomisus labefactus)和膨胀微蟹蛛(Lysiteles inflatus)以及1种球蛛即鼬形微姬蛛(Phycosomamustelinum)在触肢上有味觉毛。味觉毛的数量在不同蜘蛛种类中有较大差异,从十几根到上百根不等。蜘蛛味觉毛的形态、数量和分布等特征除了与遗传相关外,亦有可能与其生境和生活方式等有关。  相似文献   

通过对拟环纹豹蛛(Pardosa pseudoannulata)附肢体毛(触毛、听毛、味觉感觉毛)的扫描电子显微镜观察,发现拟环纹豹蛛的触毛与体表形成的角度为锐角,触毛粗大,毛干较挺立,周围有绒毛环绕,触毛主要分布在蜘蛛体触肢的跗节、胫节和步足的跗节、胫节、端部处,其中第一步足分布最多,其数量较听毛和化学感觉毛多。拟环纹豹蛛的听毛细而长,基本垂直于表皮,毛囊深窝有褶皱,听毛主要分布于触肢和第四步足的胫节上,其余腿节分布较少,不同部位的听毛在形态、长度上没有太大的差别。拟环纹豹蛛的味觉感觉毛基部四周有微微隆起的圆形毛囊,味觉感觉毛大于听毛又小于触毛,四周被绒毛环绕,主要分布于蜘蛛的第一步足和第二步足的跗节胫节处,在触肢和螯肢也有少量分布。  相似文献   

寄生蜂是蜘蛛的主要天敌类群之一,但寄生于漏斗蛛的寄生蜂种类较少,且缺乏相关寄生蜂的详细研究报道。我们研究了皱胸尖裂姬蜂(Oxyrrhexis rugosus)对机敏异漏斗蛛(Allagelena difficilis)的拟寄生,旨在揭示蜘蛛寄生蜂的拟寄生行为及其发育特征。显微镜下观察了12头机敏异漏斗蛛头胸部背面的皱胸尖裂姬蜂卵,并以均值法统计了皱胸尖裂姬蜂各发育阶段的历期,进一步观察了皱胸尖裂姬蜂寄生机敏异漏斗蛛后对寄主的影响。交配后的雌性皱胸尖裂姬蜂经过寻找、降落、蛰刺蛛体后伺机将卵产在机敏异漏斗蛛的头胸部背面后部;孵化后的皱胸尖裂姬蜂幼虫头部形成一个特殊摄食导管,通过摄食导管获取蛛体的营养;幼虫随着龄期增长,体色由浅变深,历期约10 d;幼虫老熟后在蛛网的漏斗状管道内结茧化蛹,蛹期约为12 d;成体雌、雄蜂寿命约为11 d,皱胸尖裂姬蜂的平均生活史周期约为33 d。皱胸尖裂姬蜂寄生后对寄主蜘蛛的行为和生活状态造成了严重的影响,随着幼虫龄期增长被寄生机敏异漏斗蛛不再进食、蜕皮,活动减少,蛛体逐渐萎缩,直至老熟幼虫离开蛛体时,蜘蛛死亡。该研究不仅增加了漏斗蛛寄生性天敌的已知种类,而且初步了解了以漏斗蛛为寄主的姬蜂的产卵行为、后代的发育特征以及对寄主蜘蛛的影响,这将为研究蜘蛛寄生蜂及其与寄主蜘蛛之间的化学通讯和协同进化提供重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

机敏异漏斗蛛Allagelena difficilis是我国常见蜘蛛,在自然生态系统的害虫控制中起重要作用。野外调查结合室内饲养观察,弄清机敏异漏斗蛛的生活史及各龄虫态特征。机敏异漏斗蛛一年1代,蜕6次皮,以成蛛、卵和1龄幼蛛越冬,翌年4月上旬在蛛网上可以见到活动的2龄幼蛛,8月中旬发育为成蛛,由卵到成蛛平均历时265 d。卵椭球形,黄色;1-3龄幼蛛体光亮,枣红或红褐色;3龄幼蛛腹部背面隐约可见四对"八字形"灰白斑纹;4-6龄幼蛛体表光泽不明显,"八字形"灰白斑纹明显;6龄雄蛛触肢开始膨大而透明,雄性成蛛触肢膨大且色深。各龄虫态步足足式均为:ⅣⅠⅡⅢ。  相似文献   

机敏异漏斗蛛的捕食行为及其控虫效能评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为掌握园林常见蜘蛛对害虫的控制能力,在实验室条件下研究了不同发育期机敏异漏斗蛛Allagelena difficilis(Fox)对黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster的捕食行为及其功能反应,并对雌、雄蛛捕食能力进行了比较。结果表明,机敏异漏斗蛛幼蛛和成蛛的捕食行为谱相似,均可分为靠近、奔向和试探、捕获、吸食、残体处理、清理附肢和休整,但具体行为稍有差异;对机敏异漏斗蛛雌性成蛛捕食黑腹果蝇的功能反应拟合,其结果符合HollingⅡ型方程:Na=1.003N/(1+0.002N),r2=0.98,其瞬间攻击率为0.95。雌蛛在未孕卵时其捕食量与雄性成蛛相近,但孕卵雌成蛛捕食量明显高于雄蛛。此结果可以为机敏异漏斗蛛的研究和利用提供依据。  相似文献   

荆奇  周琼  欧丹霞  谭灿 《昆虫知识》2014,(4):1040-1045
【目的】蜘蛛的感觉在发现猎物和捕食过程中起重要作用,研究机敏异漏斗蛛Allagelena difficilis(Fox)的不同感觉对其捕食和趋向行为的影响,有助于揭示影响漏斗蛛捕猎的主要感觉因素及其机制。【方法】视觉屏蔽法、"Y"型嗅觉仪法、去除蛛网法等方法。【结果】视觉和嗅觉对机敏异漏斗蛛的捕食量和趋向行为无显著影响,但蛛网的存在对其捕食量影响明显:视觉屏蔽与未屏蔽的机敏异漏斗蛛24 h捕食黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster Meigen量分别为25.20头/管和26.00头/管,两者之间差异不显著;嗅觉测试发现,在不同的气流条件下,机敏异漏斗蛛停留、选择有猎物管臂和对照管臂的数量之间差异均不显著;另外,该蛛在无蛛网情况下也可捕食,但捕食量极低,与已结网蛛之间的捕食量差异极显著(P<0.01),随着蛛网的修复,两者之间捕食量差距逐渐减小,至24 h时,两者捕食量相近。【结论】机敏异漏斗蛛主要通过机械感觉线索感受蛛网振动、听觉以及猎物的直接碰触发现和捕获猎物,视觉和嗅觉对其捕食行为影响不明显。  相似文献   

马尾松毛虫雄蛾触角毛状感受器的细微结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马尾松毛虫Dendrolimus punctagus(Walker)雄蛾有一对羽毛状触角。在触角鞭节的每对侧枝的内侧(迎风面)着生许多毛状感受器。每个毛状感受器由几丁质表皮毛及位于其下的三个感觉神经原和三个呈同心排列的辅助细胞-鞘原细胞、毛原细胞和膜原细胞构成。几丁质表皮毛上有许多孔。毛腔内充满感受器淋巴液。感觉神经原发出的树状突伸入毛腔,浸浴于感受器淋巴液内。这些结构特征表明它是一种司嗅觉的化学感受器。雄蛾终生不取食,推断它的嗅觉感受器主要用以感受雌蛾释放的性外激素,帮助寻找配偶。  相似文献   

马尾松毛虫雄蛾触角毛状感受器的细微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马尾松毛虫Dendrolimuspunctatus(Walker)雄蛾有一对羽毛状触角。在触角鞭节的每对侧枝的内侧(迎风面)着生许多毛状感受器。每个毛状感受器由几丁质表皮毛及位于其下的三个感觉神经原和三个呈同心排列的辅助细胞──鞘原细胞、毛原细胞和膜原细胞构成。几丁质表皮毛上有许多孔。毛腔内充满感受器淋巴液。感觉神经原发出的树状突伸入毛腔,浸浴于感受器淋巴液内。这些结构特征表明它是一种司嗅觉的化学感受器。雄蛾终生不取食,推断它的嗅觉感受器主要用以感受雌蛾释放的性外激素,帮助寻找配偶  相似文献   

To allow an animal to behave appropriately, the location of sensorial structures is expected to be related to their function. As the different leg pairs of arachnids may have different functions (probing x supporting the body), one could expect them to have a different density of sensilla. Moreover, different regions of the same leg (dorsal, lateral, and ventral) would also be expected to have different densities of sensilla, according to the use of each region (e.g., the ventral part is often in contact with the substrate while the dorsal part is not). As cavernicolous animals are expected to be more sensitive than their epigean relatives, one could also expect a different density of sensilla when comparing cavernicolous and epigean animals. Using three epigean and three cavernicolous species of harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones), this study aimed at describing the morphology of hair sensilla on the legs and answering three questions: (1) Are there differences in the density of hair sensilla between the dorsal, lateral and ventral regions of each leg pair of the same individual? (2) Are there differences in the density of hair sensilla between the leg pairs of the same individual? (3) Are there differences in the density of hair sensilla when comparing the leg pairs of individuals of cavernicolous and non-cavernicolous species? The tarsi and metatarsi of all right legs of the six studied species were analyzed under a scanning electron microscope. The results (P < 0.05) showed that, in general: the ventral region of the tarsus was denser in sensilla trichodea than the lateral and dorsal regions, particularly on legs I and II; the density of sensilla chaetica did not differ on legs III and IV, but was greater on the dorsal region of legs I and II; the ventral part of legs I had the higher density of sensilla trichodea of the four pairs, whereas the second pair had the lower density; Holcobunus citrinus (Eupnoi) was the species with higher density of sensilla trichodea, on all legs; the cavernicolous species had a lower density of sensilla than the epigean species. The results are tentatively related to harvestmen behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract. The apex of the larval antenna of the crane fly Nephrotoma suturalis has 6 cuticular sensilla that stained intensely black with silver nitrate, which indicates their porosity. The large sensory cone is innervated by 14 neurons and the 3 small, smooth surfaced, conical pegs have 4 neurons each. The small and large cylindrical sensilla with their smooth walls and pleated apices are innervated by 4 and 6 nerve cells, respectively. The 15 sensilla on the apex of the maxillary palp are all stained by silver nitrate. These sensilla are of five types: 7 type A sensilla with a smooth surface, a distinct apical pore, and 3 or 4 neurons; 2 type B sensilla with a smooth surface, many pores, and 5 neurons; 1 type C sensillum with a grooved surface, a large apical pore, smaller pores in the grooves, and 6 neurons; 3 type D sensilla with a smooth surface, a grooved apex that is elongated into a projection, and 4 neurons; 2 type E sensilla with many pores covering the surface, leaf-like appearance, and 4 neurons. The number and types of sensilla are similar to those in other nematocerous larvae, but in the many different forms of sensilla and the structure of the sensory cone, these tipulid larvae differ greatly from other larvae of lower Diptera.  相似文献   

白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera (Horváth)是水稻的主要害虫之一。采用扫描电镜技术对白背飞虱触角感器进行了观察。结果表明,白背飞虱成虫触角上有3种类型的感器——毛形、刺形和耳状感器,以及由毛形和耳状感器组成的一种菊花状的感器簇,且这些感器在雌雄中不存在二型性。同时,对其高龄若虫触角感器的观察也表明,白背飞虱触角感器的数量随若虫龄期的增加而增加,且在羽化为成虫时数量会大幅度的增加。  相似文献   

In the leaf‐cutting ant Atta vollenweideri, the worker caste exhibits a pronounced size‐polymorphism, and division of labor is dependent on worker size (alloethism). Behavior is largely guided by olfaction, and the olfactory system is highly developed. In a recent study, two different phenotypes of the antennal lobe of Atta vollenweideri workers were found: MG‐ and RG‐phenotype (with/without a macroglomerulus). Here we ask whether the glomerular numbers are related to worker size. We found that the antennal lobes of small workers contain ~390 glomeruli (low‐number; LN‐phenotype), and in large workers we found a substantially higher number of ~440 glomeruli (high‐number; HN‐phenotype). All LN‐phenotype workers and some small HN‐phenotype workers do not possess an MG (LN‐RG‐phenotype and HN‐RG‐phenotype), and the remaining majority of HN‐phenotype workers do possess an MG (HN‐MG‐phenotype). Using mass‐staining of antennal olfactory receptor neurons we found that the sensory tracts divide the antennal lobe into six clusters of glomeruli (T1–T6). In LN‐phenotype workers, ~50 glomeruli are missing in the T4‐cluster. Selective staining of single sensilla and their associated receptor neurons revealed that T4‐glomeruli are innervated by receptor neurons from the main type of olfactory sensilla, the Sensilla trichodea curvata. The other type of olfactory sensilla (Sensilla basiconica) exclusively innervates T6‐glomeruli. Quantitative analyses of differently sized workers revealed that the volume of T6 glomeruli scales with the power of 2.54 to the number of Sensilla basiconica. The results suggest that developmental plasticity leading to antennal‐lobe phenotypes promotes differences in olfactory‐guided behavior and may underlie task specialization within ant colonies. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70: 222–234, 2010.  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟成虫触角的扫描电镜观察   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
对亚洲玉米螟成虫触角的外部形态结构在扫描电镜下作了观察.触角由柄节、梗节和62—67个鞭节组成,触角背面被鳞片覆盖,绝大部分触角感器位于触角的腹面和侧面.所有鞭节的表皮上都有连续的网纹结构,但在柄节和梗节的表皮上则无.在雌雄蛾的触角上都可以找到以下七种感器,即栓锥感器、腔锥感器、锥形感器(即B?hm氏鬃毛)、刺形感器、耳形惑器、鳞形感器和毛形感器.毛形感器数目最多,并根据其形状和表面细微结构分为两种类型:A型和B型.除锥形感器外,所有的感器都分布在触角鞭节的网纹区上.对此昆虫的触角两性差异进行了详细的讨论.  相似文献   

The imaginal wing disc of flies gives rise to the adult wing blade and dorsal thorax (notum). A great deal has been learned in recent years about the process of neurogenesis in this disc; a number of genes that play crucial roles in the formation of sensory mother cells and in the differentiation of the sensory organs have been identified and their roles defined. Given this extensive background of developmental genetics, it has seemed profitable to summarize what is known about the end-products of neural development, the adult sensory organs. Discussed are their physiological function and role in behavior, the pathways followed by their axons in the CNS, and both genes and epigenetic processes that might play some role in the later stages of neural development and in adult function. The highly individual characteristics of certain of the sensory organs is emphasized, both in the context of their adult roles and as a challenge for future studies in developmental genetics. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Antennae of the wheat stink bug Eurygaster maura L. (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) were investigated to elucidate structure and distribution of antennal chemosensilla in females. Five type of sensilla were identified and characterized using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Type 1 sensilla are mechanical and contact chemoreceptors with a single apical pore. Types 2 and 3 sensilla are multiporous chemoreceptors both with typical features of olfactory sensilla. Type 4 are multiporous peg-like sensilla, short and with a grooved surface. Type 5 are sensilla coeloconica with a smooth and aporous peg completely inserted in a sub-cuticular chamber. All types are distributed on the two flagellar segments, but we considered only the apical flagellomere in which the largest number of sensilla are located. The most abundant sensilla are type 3, while the less numerous are type 5. All types, except type 2, decreased in number from the tip to the base of the segment. The lower density of sensilla was recorded on the dorsal-internal part of the apical antennomere, while the higher density was recorded on the opposite side (external-ventral).  相似文献   

黄脊竹蝗是中国南方地区重要的竹子害虫,为了更好地理解黄脊竹蝗"趋尿行为"的生理生化机制,通过电镜扫描技术研究了黄脊竹蝗成虫触角感器的类型、数量、形态及分布特征,比较分析了其在雌、雄成虫间的差异。结果表明:黄脊竹蝗雌、雄成虫触角丝状,由1节柄节、1节梗节和23节鞭节构成,雌雄间触角长度及直径差异不显著(P>0.05);雌、雄成虫触角感器均有毛形感器Ⅰ、毛形感器Ⅱ、刺形感器、锥形感器Ⅰ、锥形感器Ⅱ和腔锥形感器6种;其中,锥形感器数量最多,约占感器总数的53%,主要分布在鞭节的第8~21亚节上;各类感器在雌、雄成虫间触角上的分布特征相似,雄成虫触角上感器总数、锥形和腔锥形感器数量显著多于雌成虫(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The campaniform sensilla on the trochanter of the stick insect, Cuniculina impigra Redtenbacher, were stimulated by slightly bending the leg in the horizontal plane. Single sensory units in the nerve were recorded using glass microelectrodes. These units can be classified into tonic and phasic-tonic receptors. In both cases there were units which increased their discharge frequency during forward movement of the femur, and units which responded to backward movement. No purely phasic receptors were found.  相似文献   

The Asian long‐horned beetle (ALB) is one of the most important international trunk‐boring insect pests of forest trees, which has caused enormous losses in the forests of China, the USA and some countries in Europe. To investigate the morphology of the antennal, maxillary palp and labial palp sensilla in the five larval instars of the ALB, scanning electron microscopy was used to determine the typology, morphology, number and distribution of the sensilla. The antennae had two types of sensilla: the sensilla twig basiconica (s.t.b.) and sensilla basiconica. Three different types of sensilla were observed on the maxillary palps, which were the sensilla digitiformia, the sensilla chaetica and the s.t.b. The labial palps had two types of sensilla: the sensilla chaetica and the s.t.b. The s.t.b. had seven total subtypes, and the sensilla basiconica had two subtypes. The typology, quantity and distribution of sensilla on the antennae, maxillary palps and labial palps remained constant in the five larval instars, but the dimensions of all sensilla types increased throughout the development. We discussed the mechanoreception and the chemoreception of ALB larvae inside the host tree to provide a theoretical understanding and information for further research on the behaviour and the electrophysiology of this devastating forest pest.  相似文献   

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