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Coumarin, at concentrations between 1.0 and 0.1 mm, inhibited red light-induced opening of the etiolated bean hypocotyl hook. In addition, anthocyanin synthesis and geotropic bending were inhibited. Coumarin stimulated ethylene synthesis, and ethylene was shown to mediate the inhibitory actions of coumarin. This conclusion was supported by: (a) the parallel concentration dependence and time sequence of hook closing and ethylene synthesis, (b) the restriction of the bulk of coumarin-induced ethylene production to the curved portion of the hook where opening is expressed, (c) the ability of both coumarin and ethylene to reclose partially opened hooks, and (d) the ability of exogenous ethylene, in the amounts produced by coumarintreated hooks, to duplicate the inhibitory effects of coumarin. There was an increasing stimulation of growth of the straight portion of the hypocotyl hook section as coumarin concentrations were increased from 0.1 to 1.0 mm. This action of coumarin was not duplicated by ethylene and occurred regardless of the presence or absence of added ethylene. The results of this study suggest that many actions of coumarin in growth systems are mediated by ethylene produced in response to the coumarin. 相似文献
The influence of the cotyledons and apical bud and the root system on the light-induced opening of the hypocotyl hook of etiolated seedlings of Gossypium hirsutum L., Phaseolus vulgaris L., Helianthus annuus L., Ipomoea alla L., Ipomoea sp., Cucumis sativus L., Linum usitatissimum L., Hibiscus esculentus L., and Raphanus sativus L. was studied. Light stimulated the opening of hypocotyl hook in all cases, but the cotyledons and roots had different effects in different plants. Generally, the presence of cotyledons and the remainder of the shoot apical to the hook inhibited light-mediated opening, but in Gossypium the organs stimulated light-mediated opening. Presence of roots either promoted opening, had no effect, or had an effect only when the cotyledons were present. In the dark the adjacent organs had a reduced effect over that shown in the light, but one cultivar of cotton, Acala SJ1, opened the hook in the dark without cotyledons as much as under any condition in the light. The variation between species in hook opening may related to the need of that process for a proper hormonal balance, as affected by light, which must be obtained from adjacent tissues. 相似文献
Acetylcholine did not show a short-time effect on the extracellularbioelectric potential differences of etiolated bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L.) hypocotyls. Acetylcholine in the dark did not mimicany light effect but influenced the photoelectric responsesinduced by blue light. Hyperpolarization was inhibited by increasingthe acetylcholine concentration. This effect seemed to dependon the increasing hyperpolarization of the resting potentialof the hooks during incubation with acetylcholine. Potassiumchloride showed the same effect on the photoelectric responsebut in this case, we found a more positive resting potentialwith increasing salt concentrations. The potassium content ofhypocotyl hooks incubated in the dark in 0.2 M KCl solutionwith acetylcholine was significantly less than in the controls. (Received May 31, 1977; ) 相似文献
Rubinstein B 《Plant physiology》1971,48(2):187-192
Evidence is presented to support the suggestion that endogenous auxinlike substances participate in controlling the unbending of the hypocotyl hook of Phaseolus vulgaris L. (cv. Black Valentine). An acidic indole was detected in hook diffusates by fluorometry; triiodobenzoic acid, an inhibitor of auxin transport, prevented red light-induced unbending, and indoleacetic acid can be substituted for tissue just above the elbow region as an inhibitor of opening. Indoleacetic acid also stimulated growth of shank cells, and red light increased the sensitivity of this tissue to the hormone. A small red light-induced stimulation of auxin transport through the inside half of the hypocotyl shank was observed and may be related to light-induced unbending of the hook. 相似文献
Interactions of light and ethylene in hypocotyl hook maintenance in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Etiolated seedlings frequently display a hypocotyl or epicotyl hook which opens on exposure to light. Ethylene has been shown to be necessary for maintenance of the hook in a number of plants in darkness. We investigated the interaction of ethylene and light in the regulation of hypocotyl hook opening in Arabidopsis thaliana . We found that hooks of Arabidopsis open in response to continuous red, far-red or blue light in the presence of up to 100 μl l−1 ethylene. Thus a change in sensitivity to ethylene is likely to be responsible for hook opening in Arabidopsis, rather than a decrease in ethylene production in hook tissues. We used photomorphogenic mutants of Arabidopsis to demonstrate the involvement of both blue light and phytochrome photosensory systems in light-induced hook opening in the presence of ethylene. In addition we used ethylene mutants and inhibitors of ethylene action to investigate the role of ethylene in hook maintenance in seedlings grown in light and darkness. 相似文献
白纹伊蚊对光线与二氧化碳的行为反应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
白纹伊蚊Aedesalbopictus是重要的媒介昆虫 ,骚扰叮咬、传播病菌 ,严重危害人体健康。该文利用市场上流行的不同型号的 2种驱蚊灯和 4种诱蚊灯分别处理白纹伊蚊种群 ,观测其行为反应 ,结果表明白纹伊蚊在活动、取食和存活等方面均产生保护性行为反应。未照射 (CK)蚊子生长正常、活动性强、取食活跃、存活率高。除虫灯光线照射后 ,初期 ( 1d内 )蚊子活泼、活动量较大、存活率较高 ;前期 ( 1~ 3d间 )活动加剧、取食减少而存活率降低 ;一定时期 ( 3d)后活动性逐渐降低、取食越来越少、存活率明显下降。除虫效果检测表明 ,诱蚊灯的诱杀效果比驱蚊灯的驱逐作用对减少蚊虫的数量更明显 ;同时显示 ,诱蚊灯的灭蚊效果均较好 ,但诱蚊作用不十分理想。继而探索出一个对白纹伊蚊具有较好引诱效应的二氧化碳 (CO2 )浓度 4 464× 1 0 -4mol L ,并与紫外线诱蚊灯结合试验表明 ,一定浓度的CO2 能够显著提高诱蚊灯的诱杀效果 ,这可为开辟蚊虫物理防治新途径提供理论依据。 相似文献
Alexander Ziegler-Jöns 《Planta》1989,178(1):84-91
One cultivar each of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arkas), oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Lorenz), and barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Aramir) was chosen in order to study the relative contributions of individual bracts to the gas exchange of whole ears. The distribution and frequency of the stomata on the bracts were examined. Gas exchange was measured at normal atmospheric CO2 (330 bar) and at high CO2 (2000 bar) on intact ears and on ears from which glumes or lemmas and pleae (wheat and oat) or awns (barley) had been removed.The relative contribution to the gas exchange of the whole organ is highest for the awns of barley ears. In wheat, the contribution of the glumes is slightly higher than that of the inner bracts before anthesis. Two weeks after anthesis the inner bracts contribute more than the glumes. This tendency of increasing importance of the inner bracts is also found in oat ears, but the relative amount of CO2 uptake by the glumes is higher than in wheat. These changes during ontogeny result from the better supply of light to the inner bracts caused by opening of the ears' structures during grain filling, which in part compensates for the decreasing photosynthetic capacity.The ratio of the photosynthesis rate at high CO2 to that at normal CO2 is lower for the glumes of oat and for the awns of barley than for the other bracts.Abbreviations A330, A2000
net photosynthesis rate, A330 at normal atmospheric CO2 (330 bar), A2000 at high CO2 (2000 bar)
photosynthetic photon flux density
- pc
intercellular partial pressure of CO2 相似文献
The hypocotyl hook of the lettuce (Lactuca sativa cv. Grand Rapids) seedling is stimulated to a high degree of curvature through a synergistic interaction of ethylene and gibberellic acid in the light. Presentation of various inorganic salts to the seedlings caused extensive alteration of the hormone-induced curvatures, with ammonium and sulfate being the most stimulatory of curvature, and potassium and carbonate being the most inhibitory of curvature. Experiments using organic buffers indicated that the effect was not a pH response. The abilities of various cations and anions to alter the hormonally regulated curvature is suggested as further evidence of solute alteration of hormonal effectiveness. The interpretation is offered that the solutes may be influencing hormonal effectiveness through salting-in and salting-out effects on macro-molecules such as proteins. 相似文献
Nevins DJ 《Plant physiology》1970,46(3):458-462
The enzymes β-glucosidase, α-glucosidase, β-galactosidase, α-galactosidase, and β-xylosidase were detected in Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Red Kidney bean hypocotyl tissue throughout the first 13 days of development with p-nitrophenyl glycosides as substrates. Activities of all enzymes except β-glucosidase declined as a function of increasing tissue age. In contrast, β-glucosidase activity increased rapidly 3 days after imbibition to a maximal activity at 5 days and then subsided to one-third the maximum by day 7. This activity peak immediately preceded the logarithmic phase of hypocotyl growth. This enzyme is strongly associated with cell walls during extraction, suggesting that it is wall-bound in situ. Various polysaccharide substrates were used to evaluate the specificity of this enzyme. 相似文献
Ethylene and auxin control the Arabidopsis response to decreased light intensity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

Vandenbussche F Vriezen WH Smalle J Laarhoven LJ Harren FJ Van Der Straeten D 《Plant physiology》2003,133(2):517-527
Morphological responses of plants to shading have long been studied as a function of light quality, in particular the ratio of red to far red light that affects phytochrome activity. However, changes in light quantity are also expected to be important for the shading response because plants have to adapt to the reduction in overall energy input. Here, we present data on the involvement of auxin and ethylene in the response to low light intensities. Decreased light intensities coincided with increased ethylene production in Arabidopsis rosettes. This response was rapid because the plants reacted within minutes. In addition, ethylene- and auxin-insensitive mutants are impaired in their reaction to shading, which is reflected by a defect in leaf elevation and an aberrant leaf biomass allocation. On the molecular level, several auxin-inducible genes are up-regulated in wild-type Arabidopsis in response to a reduction in light intensity, including the primary auxin response gene IAA3 and a protein with similarity to AUX22 and the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase genes ACS6, ACS8, and ACS9 that are involved in ethylene biosynthesis. Taken together, the data show that ethylene and auxin signaling are required for the response to low light intensities. 相似文献
Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Kinghorn Wax seedlings, supplied with nutrient solution containing either 0 or 5 mM nitrate as sole N source, were exposed to 0.25 μl/l NO2 for 6 hr each day for 10 days at continuous photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) of 100, 300, 500 or 700 μmol m−2 sec−1. There was a significant interaction of PPF and nitrate. Shoot and root dry weights increased with increasing PPFs only when nitrate was supplied. The main effects of NO2 on plant growth were significant; none of the interactions involving NO2 were significant. Exposure to NO2 decreased shoot and root dry weight in both the presence and absence of nutrient N and at all PPF levels. All interactions were significant for in vitro leaf nitrate reductase activity (NRA), which increased markedly at PPFs above 100 μmol m−2 sec−1 when nitrate was supplied. Treatment with NO2 strongly inhibited enzyme activity in the presence of nitrate, particularly at the 300 μmol m−2 sec−1 PPF level. These experiments demonstrated that PPF level does not modify the effect of NO2 on growth but does have a major effect on NRA and on NO2 effects on NRA in the presence of nutrient nitrate. 相似文献
Either ethylene or carbon dioxide stimulated the growth of oat mesocotyls in darkness, although the effect was much greater for carbon dioxide. Maximum elongation was obtained in the presence of both gases. Ethylene also induced lateral expansion of the mesocotyl: the volume of the mesocotyl was increased more in air with added ethylene than in air depleted of ethylene. Ethylene also stimulated mesocotyl growth under red light. Gibberellin only slightly increased mesocotyl length under red light and acted cooperatively with ethylene in the promotion of growth. The oat mesocotyl is a unique organ in terrestrial plants because ethylene simultaneously stimulates not only longitudinal growth but also lateral expansion. The ecological significance of oat mesocotyl growth in relation to the response to ethylene and carbon dioxide is discussed. 相似文献
Conditions influencing the opening of the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) hypocotyl hook were defined. Such hooks were shown to undergo geotropic curvature; orientation of the hook with respect to gravity greatly affected the observed opening. Cotton and bean hooks behaved exactly opposite in regard to the presence of the cotyledons and apical bud. The cotton hook required the cotyledons for opening, but the corresponding tissue slowed or inhibited opening of the bean hook. With cotton, lower hypocotyl and root tissues stimulated hook opening, but with bean, the tissues below the hook section had little effect. Kinetin and gibberellic acid both modified hook opening in light and dark; the former was inhibitory and the latter was stimulatory. Indoleacetic acid, at concentrations above 10−5 M, caused pronounced hook closing in red light but not in the dark. These effects were generally the same with both plants. In opening of the cotton hook, the cotyledons were not necessary as a light receptor tissue. None of the growth substances tested were able to substitute completely for the cotton cotyledon. Coumarin was a pronounced inhibitor of opening of the cotton hook, and this response was expressed to such a degree as to cause hook closure with bean tissue. Reduced oxygen levels inhibited hook opening in bean. Oxygen was required in processes subsequent to the light reaction, but not for the photochemical process. 相似文献
Effect of the hypocotyl hook on greening in etiolated cucumber cotyledons 总被引:2,自引:11,他引:2

Four-day-old etiolated cucumber cotyledons (Cucumis sativus, L.) were excised and allowed to green in white fluorescent light at 28 C. Cotyledons excised with a full hypocotyl hook exhibited a lag phase of 1 hour before entering the rapid greening phase, whereas cotyledons excised without any hypocotyl hook exhibited a lag phase of 6 hours. Cotyledons excised with varying lengths of hypocotyl hook accumulated chlorophyll roughly in proportion to the hook length. When cotyledons were excised with a full hook and were partially or totally shielded from light with aluminum foil, the samples with the hook covered accumulated more chlorophyll than the wholly exposed samples. The samples with the cotyledons covered showed no net accumulation of chlorophyll irrespective of hook's exposure to light. These data suggest the contribution of some factor or factors by the hypocotyl hook which reduce the lag phase during greening. 相似文献
Ethylene production by auxin-deprived, suspension-cultured pear fruit cells in response to auxins, stress, or precursor 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1

Auxin-deprived, mannitol-supplemented, suspension-cultured pear (Pyrus communis L. Passe Crassane) fruit cells produce large quantities (20-40 nanoliters ethylene per 106 cells per hour) of ethylene in response to auxins, CuCl2 or 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). Maximum rates of production are achieved about 12 hours after the addition of optimal amounts of indoleacetic acid (IAA), naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 4 to 5 hours after the addition of CuCl2 and 1 to 2 hours after the addition of ACC. Supraoptimal concentrations of IAA result in a lag phase followed by a normal response. High concentrations of NAA and 2,4-D result in an early (4-5 hours) stress response and injury.
Continuous protein and RNA synthesis are essential for elaboration of the full IAA response; only protein synthesis is necessary for the response to CuCl2 and ACC. Based on polysomal states and rates of amino acid incorporation, CuCl2 partially inhibits protein synthesis while nonetheless stimulating ethylene production. In general, ethylene production by the pear cells resembles that of other plant systems. Some differences may reflect the sensitivity of the cells and are discussed. The relatively high levels of ethylene produced and the experimental convenience of the cultured cells should make them especially suitable for further investigations of ethylene production and physiology.
Peebles KC Ball OG Macrae BA Horsman HM Tzeng YC 《Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)》2012,113(5):700-706
Although the cerebrovasculature is known to be exquisitely sensitive to CO(2), there is no consensus on whether the sympathetic nervous system plays a role in regulating cerebrovascular responses to changes in arterial CO(2). To address this question, we investigated human cerebrovascular CO(2) reactivity in healthy participants randomly assigned to the α(1)-adrenoreceptor blockade group (9 participants; oral prazosin, 0.05 mg/kg) or the placebo control (9 participants) group. We recorded mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), mean middle cerebral artery flow velocity (MCA(V mean)), and partial pressure of end-tidal CO(2) (Pet(CO(2))) during 5% CO(2) inhalation and voluntary hyperventilation. CO(2) reactivity was quantified as the slope of the linear relationship between breath-to-breath Pet(CO(2)) and the average MCAv(mean) within successive breathes after accounting for MAP as a covariate. Prazosin did not alter resting HR, Pet(CO(2)), MAP, or MCA(V mean). The reduction in hypocapnic CO(2) reactivity following prazosin (-0.48 ± 0.093 cm·s(-1)·mmHg(-1)) was greater compared with placebo (-0.19 ± 0.087 cm·s(-1)·mmHg(-1); P < 0.05 for interaction). In contrast, the change in hypercapnic CO(2) reactivity following prazosin (-0.23 cm·s(-1)·mmHg(-1)) was similar to placebo (-0.31 cm·s(-1)·mmHg(-1); P = 0.50 for interaction). These data indicate that the sympathetic nervous system contributes to CO(2) reactivity via α(1)-adrenoreceptors; blocking this pathway with prazosin reduces CO(2) reactivity to hypocapnia but not hypercapnia. 相似文献