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The interaction of Chlamydomonas cytochrome f (cyt f) with either Chlamydomonas plastocyanin (PC) or Chlamydomonas cytochrome c(6) (cyt c(6)) was studied using Brownian dynamics simulations. The two electron acceptors (PC and cyt c(6)) were found to be essentially interchangeable despite a lack of sequence homology and different secondary structures (beta-sheet for PC and alpha-helix for cyt c(6)). Simulations using PC and cyt c(6) interacting with cyt f showed approximately equal numbers of successful complexes and calculated rates of electron transfer. Cyt f-PC and cyt f-cyt c(6) showed the same types of interactions. Hydrophobic residues surrounding the Y1 ligand to the heme on cyt f interacted with hydrophobic residues on PC (surrounding the H87 ligand to the Cu) or cyt c(6) (surrounding the heme). Both types of complexes were stabilized by electrostatic interactions between K65, K188, and K189 on cyt f and conserved anionic residues on PC (E43, D44, D53, and E85) or cyt c(6) (E2, E70, and E71). Mutations on cyt f had identical effects on its interaction with either PC or cyt c(6). K65A, K188A, and K189A showed the largest effects whereas residues such as K217A, R88A, and K110A, which are located far from the positive patch on cyt f, showed very little inhibition. The effect of mutations observed in Brownian dynamics simulations paralleled those observed in experiments.  相似文献   

Gross EL 《Biophysical journal》2004,87(3):2043-2059
The interaction of Phormidium laminosum plastocyanin (PC) with P. laminosum cytochrome f (cyt f) was studied using Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations. Few complexes and a low rate of electron transfer were observed for wild-type PC. Increasing the positive electrostatic field on PC by the addition of a Zn(2+) ion in the neighborhood of D44 and D45 on PC (as found in crystal structure of plastocyanin) increased the number of complexes formed and the calculated rates of electron transfer as did PC mutations D44A, D45A, E54A, and E57A. Mutations of charged residues on Phormidium PC and Phormidium cyt f were used to map binding sites on both proteins. In both the presence and absence of the Zn(2+) ion, the following residues on PC interact with cyt f: D44, D45, K6, D79, R93, and K100 that lie in a patch just below H92 and Y88 and D10, E17, and E70 located on the upper portion of the PC molecule. In the absence of the Zn(2+) ion, K6 and K35 on the top of the PC molecule also interact with cyt f. Cyt f residues involved in binding PC, in the absence of the Zn(2+) ion, include E165, D187, and D188 that are located on the small domain of cyt f. The orientation of PC in the complexes was quite random in accordance with NMR results. In the presence of the Zn(2+) ion, K53 and E54 in the lower patch of the PC molecule also interact with cyt f and PC interacts with E86, E95, and E123 on the large domain of cyt f. Also, the orientation of PC in the complexes was much more uniform than in the absence of the Zn(2+) ion. The difference may be due to both the larger electrostatic field and the greater asymmetry of the charge distribution on PC observed in the presence of the Zn(2+) ion. Hydrophobic interactions were also observed suggesting a model of cyt f-PC interactions in which electrostatic forces bring the two molecules together but hydrophobic interactions participate in stabilizing the final electron-transfer-active dock.  相似文献   

Brownian Dynamics (BD) computer simulations were used to study electrostatic interactions between turnip cytochrome f (cyt f) and spinach plastocyanin (PC). Three different spinach PC structures were studied: The X-ray crystal structure of Xue and coworkers [(1998) Protein Sci 7:2099–2105] and the NMR structure of Musiani et al. [(2005) J Biol Chem 280:18833–18841] and Ubbink and co-workers [(1998) Structure 6:323–335]. Significant differences exist in the backbone conformation between the PC taken from Ubbink and coworkers and the other two PC structures particularly the regions surrounding G10, E59–E60, and D51. Complexes formed in BD simulations using the PC of Ubbink and colleagues had a smaller Cu–Fe distance than the other two. These results suggest that different PC conformations may exist in solution with different capabilities of forming electron-transfer-active docks. All three types of complexes show electrostatic contacts between D42, E43, and D44 on PC and K187 on cyt f as well as between E59 on PC and K58 on cyt f. However, the PC of Ubbink and coworkers reveals additional contacts between D51 and cyt f as a result of the difference in backbone configuration. A second minor complex component was observed for the PC of Ubbink and co-workers and Xue and co-workers which had contacts between K187 on cyt f and E59 and E60 on PC rather than between K187 on cyt f and D42-D44 on PC as observed for the major components. This second type of complex may represent an earlier complex which rearranges to form a final complex capable of electron transfer. Professor Elizabeth L. Gross, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry, The Ohio State University, passed away on June 27, 2007.  相似文献   

The interaction between cytochrome f and its electron acceptor plastocyanin (PC) was studied. To address the question of which specific regions and which of the positively charged residues of cytochrome f are important for the interaction with the negatively charged residues of PC we have used two different experimental approaches. Cytochrome f was proteolytically cleaved and fragments that could bind to a PC-affinity column were isolated. The smallest of these fragments was analysed to give information on the minimum structural requirement for binding to PC. By this procedure, we identified a peptide of approx. 11 kDa, containing the heme binding site, and having an N-terminal sequence identical to that of the mature cytochrome f. This finding suggests that the first 90 amino acids of cytochrome f contain at least some of the residues interacting with PC. The second approach involved modification of Arg residues of cytochrome f with the specific chemical modifier, hydroxyphenylglyoxal (HPG). Cytochrome f modification was performed in the absence of PC to enable identification of residues that are protected from modification when PC is bound to cytochrome f. Two peptides containing Arg residues which are modified in the absence of PC, but are not modified when PC is present, were isolated. Sequence analysis of these two peptides revealed that Arg residues no. 88 and 154 of cytochrome f are the residues that are protected from modification when cytochrome f is bound to PC, suggesting a role for these residues in the binding of cytochrome f to PC.  相似文献   

The oxidation of cytochrome f by the soluble cupredoxin plastocyanin is a central reaction in the photosynthetic electron transfer chain of all oxygenic organisms. Here, two different computational approaches are used to gain new insights into the role of molecular recognition and protein-protein association processes in this redox reaction. First, a comparative analysis of the computed molecular electrostatic potentials of seven single and multiple point mutants of spinach plastocyanin (D42N, E43K, E43N, E43Q/D44N, E59K/E60Q, E59K/E60Q/E43N, Q88E) and the wt protein was carried out. The experimentally determined relative rates (k(2)) for the set of plastocyanin mutants are found to correlate well (r(2) = 0.90 - 0.97) with the computed measure of the similarity of the plastocyanin electrostatic potentials. Second, the effects on the plastocyanin/cytochrome f association rate of these mutations in the plastocyanin "eastern site" were evaluated by simulating the association of the wild type and mutant plastocyanins with cytochrome f by Brownian dynamics. Good agreement between the computed and experimental relative rates (k(2)) (r(2) = 0.89 - 0.92) was achieved for the plastocyanin mutants. The results obtained by applying both computational techniques provide support for the fundamental role of the acidic residues at the plastocyanin eastern site in the association with cytochrome f and in the overall electron-transfer process.  相似文献   

Using Brownian dynamics simulations, all of the charged residues in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cytochrome c(6) (cyt c(6)) and plastocyanin (PC) were mutated to alanine and their interactions with cytochrome f (cyt f) were modeled. Systematic mutation of charged residues on both PC and cyt c(6) confirmed that electrostatic interactions (at least in vitro) play an important role in bringing these proteins sufficiently close to cyt f to allow hydrophobic and van der Waals interactions to form the final electron transfer-active complex. The charged residue mutants on PC and cyt c(6) displayed similar inhibition classes. Our results indicate a difference between the two acidic clusters on PC. Mutations D44A and E43A of the lower cluster showed greater inhibition than do any of the mutations of the upper cluster residues. Replacement of acidic residues on cyt c(6) that correspond to the PC's lower cluster, particularly E70 and E69, was observed to be more inhibitory than those corresponding to the upper cluster. In PC residues D42, E43, D44, D53, D59, D61, and E85, and in cyt c(6) residues D2, E54, K57, D65, R66, E70, E71, and the heme had significant electrostatic contacts with cyt f charged residues. PC and cyt c(6) showed different binding sites and orientations on cyt f. As there are no experimental cyt c(6) mutation data available for algae, our results could serve as a good guide for future experimental work on this protein. The comparison between computational values and the available experimental data (for PC-cyt f interactions) showed overall good agreement, which supports the predictive power of Brownian dynamics simulations in mutagenesis studies.  相似文献   

Brownian dynamics simulations were used to study the role of electrostatic forces in the interactions of cytochrome f from the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum with various cyanobacterial plastocyanins. Both the net charge on the plastocyanin molecule and the charge configuration around H92 (H87 in higher plants) are important in determining the interactions. Those plastocyanins (PCs) with a net charge more negative than -2.0, including those from Synechococcus sp. PCC7942, Synechocystis sp. 6803, and P. laminosum showed very little complex formation. On the other hand, complex formation for those with a net charge more positive than -2.0 (including Nostoc sp. PCC7119 and Prochlorothrix hollandica) as well as Nostoc plastocyanin mutants showed a linear dependence of complex formation upon the net charge on the plastocyanin molecule. Mutation of charged residues on the surface of the PC molecules also affected complex formation. Simulations involving plastocyanin mutants K35A, R93A, and K11A (when present) showed inhibition of complex formation. In contrast, D10A and E17A mutants showed an increase in complex formation. All of these residues surround the H92 (H87 in higher plant plastocyanins) ligand to the copper. An examination of the closest electrostatic contacts shows that these residues interact with D63, E123, R157, D188, and the heme on Phormidium cytochrome f. In the complexes formed, the long axis of the PC molecule lies perpendicular to the long axis of cytochrome f. There is considerable heterogeneity in the orientation of plastocyanin in the complexes formed.  相似文献   

The role of charged residues on the surface of plastocyanin from the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum in the reaction with soluble cytochrome f in vitro was studied using site-directed mutagenesis. The charge on each of five residues on the eastern face of plastocyanin was neutralized and/or inverted, and the effect of the mutation on midpoint potentials was determined. The dependence of the overall rate constant of reaction, k(2), on ionic strength was investigated using stopped-flow spectrophotometry. Removing negative charges (D44A or D45A) accelerated the reaction and increased the dependence on ionic strength, whereas removing positive charges slowed it down. Two mutations (K46A, K53A) each almost completely abolished any influence of ionic strength on k(2), and three mutations (R93A, R93Q, R93E) each converted electrostatic attraction into repulsion. At low ionic strength, wild type and all mutants showed an inhibition which might be due to changes in the interaction radius as a consequence of ionic strength dependence of the Debye length or to effects on the rate constant of electron transfer, k(et). The study shows that the electrostatics of the interaction between plastocyanin and cytochrome f of P. laminosum in vitro are not optimized for k(2). Whereas electrostatics are the major contributor to k(2) in plants [Kannt, A., et al. (1996) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1277, 115-126], this role is taken by nonpolar interactions in the cyanobacterium, leading to a remarkably high rate at infinite ionic strength (3.2 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1)).  相似文献   

The availability of seven different structures of cytochrome f (cyt f) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii allowed us, using Brownian dynamics simulations, to model interactions between these molecules and their redox partners, plastocyanin (PC) and cytochrome c6 (cyt c6) in the same species to study the effect of cyt f structure on its function. Our results showed that different cyt f structures, which are very similar, produced different reaction rates in interactions with PC and cyt c6. We were able to attribute this to structural differences among these molecules, particularly to a small flexible loop between A-184 and G-191 (which has some of the highest crystallographic temperature factors in all of the cyt f structures) on the cyt f small domain. We also showed that deletion of the cyt f small domain affected cyt c6 more than PC, due to their different binding positions on cyt f. One function of the small domain in cyt f may be to guide PC or cyt c6 to a uniform dock with cyt f, especially due to electrostatic interactions with K-188 and K-189 on this domain. Our results could serve as a good guide for future experimental work on these proteins to understand better the electron transfer process between them. Also, these results demonstrated the sensitivity and the power of the Brownian dynamics simulations in the study of molecular interactions.  相似文献   

The highly efficient electron-transfer chain in photosynthesis demonstrates a remarkable variation among organisms in the type of interactions between the soluble electron-transfer protein plastocyanin and it partner cytochrome f. The complex from the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC 7119 was studied using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and compared to that of the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum. In both systems, the main site of interaction on plastocyanin is the hydrophobic patch. However, the interaction in the Nostoc complex is highly dependent on electrostatics, contrary to that of Phormidium, resulting in a binding constant that is an order of magnitude larger at low ionic strength for the Nostoc complex. Studies of the mixed complexes show that these differences in interactions are mainly attributable to the surface properties of the plastocyanins.  相似文献   

In oxygenic photosynthesis, plastocyanin shuttles electrons between the membrane-bound complexes cytochrome b6f and photosystem I. The homologous complex between cytochrome f and plastocyanin, both from spinach, is the object of this study. The solution structure of the reduced spinach plastocyanin was determined using high field NMR spectroscopy, whereas the model structure of oxidized cytochrome f was obtained by homology modeling calculations and molecular dynamics. The model structure of the intermolecular complex was calculated using the program AUTODOCK, taking into account biological information obtained from mutagenesis experiments. The best electron transfer pathway from the heme group of cytochrome f to the copper ion of plastocyanin was calculated using the program HARLEM, obtaining a coupling decay value of 1.8 x 10(-4). Possible mechanisms of interaction and electron transfer between plastocyanin and cytochrome f were discussed considering the possible formation of a supercomplex that associates one cytochrome b6f, one photosystem I, and one plastocyanin.  相似文献   

Plastocyanin can be covalently cross-linked to the monomeric cytochrome f from turnip by incubation in the presence of a water-soluble carbodiimide. The adduct between the two proteins has a molecular weight of approximately 43,000 suggesting a 1:1 stoichiometry between the two proteins of the adduct. This stoichiometry has been verified by spectral characterization of the adduct. The efficiency of the cross-linking reaction is pH dependent with a higher degree of cross-linking being observed at pH 6.5 than at pH 7.0.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies on a cross-linked complex between plastocyanin cytochrome f   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A cross-linked complex between plastocyanin and cytochrome f was prepared by incubation in the presence of a water soluble carbodiimide and its kinetic properties were studied. The optical spectra, oxidation-reduction potentials and isoelectric pH of plastocyanin and cytochrome f did not change upon the formation of the cross-linked complex. Studies on the ionic strength effect on the electron transfer rate from cross-linked plastocyanin to ferricyanide indicated that the negative charge on the reaction site of plastocyanin was masked upon the cross-linking. It was also suggested that the sign of the net charge near the cytochrome f heme edge changed from positive to negative upon the cross-linking. On the other hand, electrostatic interactions between cross-linked plastocyanin and P700 seemed to be essentially the same as those in the case of native plastocyanin, although the rate of electron transfer from cross-linked plastocyanin to P700 was severely reduced. We also measured the intra-complex electron transfer from cytochrome f to plastocyanin. This suggested that the covalently cross-linked complex is a valid model of the electron transfer encounter complex. Based on these results, the reaction sites of plastocyanin with P700 and cytochrome f were discussed.  相似文献   

The availability of the structures of the cytochrome b6f complex (cyt b6f), plastocyanin (PC), and cytochrome c6 (cyt c6) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii allowed us, for the first time, to model electron transfer interactions between the luminal domains of this complex (including cyt f and the Rieske FeS protein) and its redox partners in the same species. We also generated a model structure in which the FeS center of the Rieske protein was positioned closer to the heme of cyt f than observed in the crystal structure and studied its interactions with both PC and cyt c6. Our data showed that the Rieske protein in both the original crystal structure and in our modeled structure of the cyt b6f complex did not physically interfere with binding position or orientation of PC or cyt c6 on cyt f. PC docked on cyt f with the same orientation in the presence or the absence of the Rieske protein, which matched well with the previously reported NMR structures of complexes between cyt f and PC. When the FeS center of the Rieske protein was moved close to the heme of cyt f, it even enhanced the interaction rates. Studies using a cyt f modified in the 184-191 loop showed that the cyt f structure is a more important factor in determining the rate of complex formations than is the presence or the absence of the Rieske protein or its position with respect to cyt f.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to computer simulation of complex formation of protein plastocyanin with transmembrane pigment-protein complex photosystem I and subunit f of cytochrome b 6 f complex in the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum. The computer algorithm considers diffusion and electrostatic interactions of protein molecules. The computer models have shown that electrostatic interactions in the cyanobacterium play a less important role than in higher plants because of different electrostatic potentials created by charged amino acid residues on the protein surfaces.  相似文献   

The role of charge on the surface of cytochrome f from the cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum in the reaction with plastocyanin was investigated in vitro using site-directed mutagenesis. Charge was neutralized at five acidic residues individually and introduced at a residue close to the interface between the two proteins. The effects on the kinetics of the reaction were measured using stopped-flow spectrophotometry, and the midpoint potentials of the mutant proteins were determined. The dependence of the bimolecular rate constant of reaction, k(2), on ionic strength was determined for the reactions of the cytochrome f mutants with wild-type and mutant forms of plastocyanin. Double mutant cycle analysis was carried out to probe for the presence of specific electrostatic interactions. The effects of mutations on Cyt f were smaller than those seen previously for mutants of plastocyanin [Schlarb-Ridley, B. G. et al. (2002) Biochemistry 41, 3279-3285]. One specific short-range interaction between charged residues of wild-type plastocyanin (Arg93) and wild-type cytochrome f (Asp63) was identified. The kinetic evidence from this study and that of Schlarb-Ridley et al., 2002, appears to conflict with the NMR structure of the P. laminosum complex, which suggests the absence of electrostatic interactions in the final complex [Crowley, P. et al. (2001) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123, 10444-10453]. The most likely explanation of the apparent paradox is that the overall rate is diffusion controlled and that electrostatics specifically influence the encounter complex and not the reaction complex.  相似文献   

The interaction between plastocyanin and the intact cytochrome bf complex, both from spinach, has been studied by stopped-flow kinetics with mutant plastocyanin to elucidate the site of electron transfer and the docking regions of the molecule. Mutation of Tyr-83 to Arg or Leu provides no evidence for a second electron transfer path via Tyr-83 of plastocyanin, which has been proposed to be the site of electron transfer from cytochrome f. The data found with mutations of acidic residues indicate that both conserved negative patches are essential for the binding of plastocyanin to the intact cytochrome bf complex. Replacing Ala-90 and Gly-10 at the flat hydrophobic surface of plastocyanin by larger residues slowed down and accelerated, respectively, the rate of electron transfer as compared with wild-type plastocyanin. These opposing effects reveal that the hydrophobic region around the electron transfer site at His-87 is divided up into two regions, of which only that with Ala-90 contributes to the attachment to the cytochrome bf complex. These binding sites of plastocyanin are substantially different from those interacting with photosystem I. It appears that each of the two binding regions of plastocyanin is split into halves, which are used in different combinations in the molecular recognition at the two membrane complexes.  相似文献   

The plastocyanin-cytochrome f complex from Nostoc exhibits relevant structural differences when compared with the homologous complexes from other cyanobacteria and plants, with electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions being differently involved in each case. Here, five negatively charged residues of a recombinant form of cytochrome f from Nostoc have been replaced with either neutral or positively charged residues, and the effects of mutations on the kinetics of electron transfer to wild-type and mutant forms of plastocyanin have been measured by laser flash absorption spectroscopy. Cytochrome f mutants with some negative charges replaced with neutral residues exhibit an apparent electron transfer rate constant with wild-type plastocyanin similar to or slightly higher than that of the wild-type species, whereas the mutants with negative charges replaced with positive residues exhibit a significantly lower reactivity. Taken together, these results indicate that the effects of neutralizing residues at the electrostatically charged patch of cytochrome f are smaller than those previously observed for mutants of plastocyanin, thus suggesting that it is the copper protein which determines the specificity of the electrostatic interaction with the heme protein. Moreover, cross reactions between mutants of both proteins reveal the presence of some short-range specific electrostatic interactions. Our findings also make evident the fact that in Nostoc the main contribution to the electrostatic nature of the complex is provided by the small domain of cytochrome f.  相似文献   

Both plastocyanin and cytochrome f were purified using a combination of affinity chromatography together with established methods. Plastocyanin was partially purified using the method of Davis and San Pietro (Anal. Biochem. 95 (1979) 254-259), after which it was further purified using a column of cytochrome c covalently attached to Sepharose 4B. The affinity column was prepared using the method of Godinot and Gautheron (Methods Enzymol. 54 (1979) 112-114). The final purity index ratio (A278/A597) was less than 1.2, which is equal to that obtained using the more expensive FPLC procedure (Anderson, G.P., Sanderson, D.G., Lee, C.H., Durell, S., Anderson, L.B. and Gross, E.L. (1987) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 894, issue 3). Cytochrome f was partially purified using a modification of the method of Matazaki et al. (Plant Cell. Physiol. 16 (1975) 237-246) and bound to an affinity column of plastocyanin covalently attached to Sepharose 4B. Cytochrome f purified using this procedure had a purity index ratio (A554.5/A277) of 1.2. Both proteins are tyrosine proteins containing no tryptophan residues. After the affinity chromatography step, the fluorescence emission spectrum of either plastocyanin or cytochrome f was typical of a tyrosine protein free from tryptophan contamination.  相似文献   

Most biological functions, including photosynthetic activity, are mediated by protein interactions. The proteins plastocyanin and cytochrome f are reaction partners in a photosynthetic electron transport chain. We designed a 3D computer simulation model of diffusion and interaction of spinach plastocyanin and turnip cytochrome f in solution. It is the first step in simulating the electron transfer from cytochrome f to photosystem 1 in the lumen of thylakoid. The model is multiparticle and it can describe the interaction of several hundreds of proteins. In our model the interacting proteins are represented as rigid bodies with spatial fixed charges. Translational and rotational motion of proteins is the result of the effect of stochastic Brownian force and electrostatic force. The Poisson-Boltzmann formalism is used to determine the electrostatic potential field generated around the proteins. Using this model we studied the kinetic characteristics of plastocyanin-cytochrome f complex formation for plastocyanin mutants at pH 7 and a variety of ionic strength values.  相似文献   

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