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Antibiotic-resistant Esch. coli were found in 10.6% of milk samples collected from 998 farms in the west of Scotland. The incidence of both Esch. coli and antibiotic-resistant Esch. coli in milk was higher when the cattle were housed day and night than when they were outdoors. Of the 1125 Esch. coli isolates tested 22.2% were antibiotic resistant and of these 42.4% were resistant to more than one antibiotic. Escherichia coli carrying up to six resistance determinants were isolated. The possible implications to animal and human health are discussed.  相似文献   

Antibiotic-resistant Esch. coli were found in 10.6% of milk samples collected from 998 farms in the west of Scotland. The incidence of both Esch. coli and antibiotic-resistant Esch. coli in milk was higher when the cattle were housed day and night than when they were outdoors. Of the 1125 Esch. coli isolates tested 22.2% were antibiotic resistant and of these 42.4% were resistant to more than one antibiotic. Escherichia coli carrying up to six resistance determinants were isolated. The possible implications to animal and human health are discussed.  相似文献   

Nineteen girls with characteristic features of Rett''s syndrome, including normal initial development, regression at about 12 months of age, repetitive hand movements, and severe mental handicap were studied. This represents an estimated incidence of one in 30 000 live births (one in 15 000 girls) in the west of Scotland. Although the children were often initially considered to be autistic, they did not conform to this diagnosis as they made good personal contact within the limits of their mental development. The developmental regression was sometimes falsely attributed to vaccination. Each child showed striking involuntary movements and abnormality of tone, varying from hypotonia, which was found only in the youngest, to rigidity, which was common in older girls; this permitted classification into three clinical subtypes. The abnormalities were highly suggestive of an extrapyramidal disorder, and this has implications for further research and possible treatment.  相似文献   

This paper describes a procedure in which 24-well multidishes and an eight-channel pipette were used in physiological tests to characterize proteolytic, psychorotrophic and, mainly fluorescent, pseudomonads which had been isolated from refrigerated raw milk. Some of these tests have not been duplicated by any of the currently available commercial identification systems.Of the 41 biochemical tests examined, 32 could be performed in multidishes. Multidishes could be used in tests to determine carbon source utilization (27 substrates), growth on MacConkey and cetrimide agars, pigment production on King B agar, gelatin hydrolysis and levan production. Since four tests could be simultaneously inoculated, with less than 2.0 ml of medium per test, the properties of a large number of strains could be rapidly and economically determined. Differences between multidish and conventional test results in the 37°C growth test depended upon whether strains were grown on agar or in liquid medium. Hydrolyses of DNA, butterfat and egg yolk and the dissolution of crystals on tyrosine agar were more easily read when tests were performed in petri dishes than in multidishes. False positive results were obtained for melanin production on tyrosine agar. Arginine dihydrolase, Simmons' citrate and urease tests could not be performed in multidishes since the diffusion of an alkaline product, presumably ammonia, through the headspace above wells resulted in false positive reactions.  相似文献   

Forty children with the fetal alcohol syndrome were identified in the west of Scotland. All were growth retarded and had abnormal facial features, and all those who were tested were found to have neurological or developmental abnormalities. Two children died of associated physical defects. Most of the mothers were socially deprived, and all had drunk heavily while pregnant. Three women had subsequently died. These findings provide clear evidence that in the west of Scotland maternal alcohol abuse during pregnancy is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in children.  相似文献   

Lipolytic and proteolytic psychrotrophs were isolated from raw and pasteurized goats' milk, which had been stored at 5 degrees C for 7 d. The 241 strains isolated and 20 reference strains were examined by 149 biochemical, physiological, and morphological tests. The results yielded 195 characters suitable for taxonomic analysis. Computer-assisted complete linkage analysis, using the Jaccard coefficient, produced 22 phenons at 75% S. The results showed that Pseudomonas fluorescens was the predominant psychrotrophic bacterium, but that Pseudomonas fragi was dominant in some milk samples. Strains of Serratia liquefaciens and Flavobacterium balustinum were also identified.  相似文献   

Lipolytic and proteolytic psychrotrophs were isolated from raw and pasteurized goats'milk, which had been stored at 5°C for 7d. The 241 strains isolated and 20 reference strains were examined by 149 biochemical, physiological, and morphological tests. The results yielded 195 characters suitable for taxonomic analysis. Computer-assisted complete linkage analysis, using the Jaccard coefficient, produced 22 phenons at 75% S. The results showed that Pseudomonas fluorescens was the predominant psychrotrophic bacterium, but that Pseudomonas fragi was dominant in some milk samples. Strains of Serratia liquefaciens and Flavobacterium balustinum were also identified.  相似文献   

Users of the six major methods of contraception are compared across a broad range of variables using data from a community sample. Differences between the groups were apparent for a range of socioeconomic and reproductive variables, and current users of the various methods also differed in their past use of contraception. Users of barrier methods fared particularly well. Few differences were observed for current health status or for the sociocultural variables examined, although users of natural methods differed from all others in their religious affiliation and commitment. Discriminant analysis showed that the most predictive variables distinguishing women who had opted for permanent methods of contraception (female sterilization and vasectomy) were the woman's stated reason for using her current method and her past contraceptive patterns; the inclusion of social, health and reproductive indicators did little to improve the prediction. It is argued that heightened expectations for contraceptive efficacy in the face of increasing concerns about long-term health consequences have contributed to the increased use of permanent methods.  相似文献   

A regional telephone pacemaker follow-up service has been established in the west of Scotland. Medical care is provided by clinics at district general hospitals in Ayrshire, and the pacemaker signals are transmitted by telephone from these clinics to a pacemaker centre in Glasgow. The success of the pilot project in Ayrshire will allow expansion of the service to include hospitals in other areas of the west of Scotland. The scheme is carefully monitored to ensure that patients with pacemakers receive adequate attention with a minimum of inconvenience.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To quantify the relation between lung cancer and exposure to asbestos in men in west Scotland and to estimate the proportion of lung cancer which may be attributed to exposure to asbestos. DESIGN--An ecological correlation study of the incidence of lung cancer in men and past asbestos exposure. The unit of analysis was the postcode sector. Correction was made for past cigarette smoking, air pollution, and deprivation. SETTING--The region covered by the west of Scotland cancer registry, containing 2.72 million people and including Glasgow and the lower reaches of the River Clyde, where shipbuilding was once a major industry. SUBJECTS--All men diagnosed with lung cancer between 1975 and 1984 whose residence at the time of registration was within the west of Scotland. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--The population attributable risk for asbestos related lung cancer. RESULTS--An estimated 5.7% (95% confidence interval 2.3 to 9.1%) of all lung cancers in men registered in the west of Scotland during the period 1975-84 were asbestos related, amounting to 1081 cases. CONCLUSIONS--A considerable proportion of cases of lung cancer in men in Glasgow and the west of Scotland from 1975 to 1984 were asbestos related. Most of these may not have been considered for compensation by the Department of Social Security. Given the very small annual number of recorded cases of asbestosis this condition is probably not a prerequisite for the development of asbestos related lung cancer. A heightened awareness of the increasing incidence of asbestos related neoplasms and their more thorough investigation are recommended.  相似文献   

Grounding of thousands of newly fledged petrels and shearwaters (family Procellariidae) in built‐up areas due to artificial light is a global problem. Due to their anatomy these grounded birds find it difficult to take off from built‐up areas and many fall victim to predation, cars, dehydration or starvation. This research investigated a combination of several factors that may influence the number of Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus groundings in a coastal village of Scotland located close to a nesting site for this species. A model was developed that used meteorological variables and moon cycle to predict the daily quantity of birds that were recovered on the ground. The model, explaining 46.32% of the variance of the data, revealed how new moon and strong onshore winds influence grounding. To a lesser extent, visibility conditions can also have an effect on grounding probabilities. The analysis presented in this study can improve rescue campaigns of not only Manx Shearwaters but also other species attracted to the light pollution by predicting conditions leading to an increase in the number of groundings. It could also inform local authorities when artificial light intensity needs to be reduced.  相似文献   

The valves and girdle bands of Melosira varians C. A. Agardh have been shown to possess greater detail than had been supposed from light microscopy. Spines, pores and projections on the surface of the loculate valve are described, and the precise relationships of the girdle bands to each other and to the valves have been elucidated.  相似文献   

The scale of population structuring in cod Gadus morhua from the west of Scotland (ICES stock area VIa) and northern North Sea was investigated using a combination of non-genetic methods. Site fidelity of spawning aggregations was examined using historic tag-recapture experiments and individual geolocation estimates from data storage tagged fish. The extent of movements from spawning areas indicated by these two tagging approaches was broadly similar. Between 67 and 97% of adult cod remained within 100 km of spawning areas throughout the year, suggesting resident spawning groups. A small proportion of cod, however, did appear to stray between spawning areas. A comparison of the elemental signature of the otoliths of 0 year-group and the 0 year-group component from the same year-class at age 2 years indicated that most adults originate from local nursery areas. Moreover, there did not appear to be detectable exchange between spawning areas >200 km apart, such as the Clyde and Minch or Shetland and the Inner Hebrides. As such, population processes may operate at a smaller spatial scale than the stock level, with spawning aggregations functioning as local populations within a metapopulation. The relevance of this scale of dynamics is discussed in relation to recently imposed closed areas in the region.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE-To assess the risk of cardiorespiratory symptoms and mortality in non-smokers who were passively exposed to environmental smoke. DESIGN--Prospective study of cohort from general population first screened between 1972 and 1976 and followed up for an average of 11.5 years, with linkage of data from participants in the same household. SETTING--Renfrew and Paisely, adjacent burghs in urban west Scotland. SUBJECTS--15,399 Men and women (80% of all those aged 45-64 resident in Renfrew or Paisley) comprised the original cohort; 7997 attended for multiphasic screening with a cohabitee. Passive smoking and control groups were defined on the basis of a lifelong non-smoking index case and whether the cohabitee had ever smoked or never smoked. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Cardiorespiratory signs and symptoms and mortality. RESULTS--Each of the cardiorespiratory symptoms examined produced relative risks greater than 1.0 (though none were significant) for passive smokers compared with controls. Adjusted forced expiratory volume in one second was significantly lower in passive smokers than controls. All cause mortality was higher in passive smokers than controls (rate ratio 1.27 (95% confidence interval 0.95 to 1.70)), as were all causes of death related to smoking (rate ratio 1.30 (0.91 to 1.85] and mortality from lung cancer (rate ratio 2.41 (0.45 to 12.83)) and ischaemic heart disease (rate ratio 2.01 (1.21 to 3.35)). When passive smokers were divided into high and low exposure groups on the basis of the amount smoked by their cohabitees those highly exposed had higher rates of symptoms and death. CONCLUSION--Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke cannot be regarded as a safe involuntary habit.  相似文献   

The feeding relationships of an assemblage of demersal fishes present on a soft-sediment bottom off the west coast of Scotland in the late summer-autumn were investigated. On the basis of stomach content analyses of the fifteen commonest species, three major feeding types could be distinguished. The first consisted of small browsing species feeding predominantly on infaunal polychaetes. The second relied heavily on caridean decapods, but within this group three subgroups could be detected which supplemented their diet with amphipods, mysids or polychaetes, respectively. The third group fed on large prey consisting of mysids and/or fish. Several species passed from one group to another as they grew, and there was a general tendency for fish to become more specialized in their diet with increasing size. The three groups represent a series in which decreasing reliance is placed on the substratum as a source of food.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To identify the requirements of an interhospital transfer service for critically ill patients. DESIGN--Retrospective survey of the current functions of a specialist interhospital transfer team from data collected at the time of transfer and from records of intensive care unit. SETTING--Mobile intensive care unit based at a tertiary referral centre, which serves the west of Scotland. PATIENTS--All critically ill patients (378) transferred between hospitals by the unit from 1986 to 1988. RESULTS--365 Patients were transferred by road and 13 by air. There was a wide variation in age (range 6 weeks to 87 years), diagnosis, reason for transfer, support required, and distance travelled. Most patients (232) were transferred for respiratory or cardiovascular support; 100 were trauma cases. 300 Patients (79%) were mechanically ventilated during transfer. No patient died in transit, although the eventual mortality was 28% (105 patients). Mortality was significantly higher in patients transferred from hospitals with intensive care units than from those without (38% (125 patients) v 23% (253); p less than 0.005). IMPLICATIONS--Safe interhospital transfer of critically ill patients is feasible; the high eventual mortality in some patient groups emphasises the need for accurate prediction of outcome if inappropriate transfer is to be avoided. The findings may help in organising secondary transfer services in future.  相似文献   

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