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Zusammenfassung Die sechs auf den Samoa-Inseln lebenden Taubenarten bewohnen alle denselben Lebensraum (tropischer Urwald), wo sie mit akustischen Signalen inter- und intraspezifisch kommunizieren. Bei den sechs typischen Standortrufen handelt es sich mit Ausnahme vonDucula pacifica um wenig strukturierte u-Rufe, die auf zweierlei Weise modifiziert werden. Von drei Arten wird ein kurzer Ruf in Reihen wiederholt mit Unterschieden von Ruflänge und Intervallen. Zwei Arten bilden ihren Standortruf aus unterschiedlich langen u-Komponenten, die mit wechselnder Betonung vorgetragen werden. Der gurrende Standortruf vonDucula pacifica kann als zeitliche Auflösung eines u-Rufes angesehen werden. Die Abwandlung dieses Rufes gewährleitet die Arterkennung und Artabgrenzung.
Acoustic features of the six species of pigeons of the Samoan Islands
Summary The six species (Didunculus strigirostris, Columba vitiensis, Gallicolumba stairi, Ptilinopus porphyraceus, Ptilinopus perousii, Ducula pacifica) all occur in the same habitat of tropical rain forest, where they communicate inter- and intraspecifically by acoustic signals. With the exception ofDucula pacifica, these advertising coos are relatively unstructured oo-calls, being modified in two different ways. Three species repeat a short call in series, with varying length and intervals in the different species. In two species the advertising coos consist of oo-components with different length, being sung with varying intonation. The cooing call ofDucula pacifica can be interpreted as a temporal resolution of one oo-call. By using a relatively unstructured oo-call, the pigeons benefit from not being localized easily by predators. The modification of this call guarantees in principle the protection of the species as well as their recognition and differentiation.

Dietary changes linked to the availability of anthropogenic food resources can have complex implications for species and ecosystems, especially when species are in decline. Here, we use recently developed primers targeting the ITS2 region of plants to characterize diet from faecal samples of four UK columbids, with particular focus on the European turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur), a rapidly declining obligate granivore. We examine dietary overlap between species (potential competition), associations with body condition in turtle doves and spatiotemporal variation in diet. We identified 143 taxonomic units, of which we classified 55% to species, another 34% to genus and the remaining 11% to family. We found significant dietary overlap between all columbid species, with the highest between turtle doves and stock doves (Columba oenas), then between turtle doves and woodpigeons (Columba palumbus). The lowest overlap was between woodpigeons and collared doves (Streptopelia decaocto). We show considerable change in columbid diets compared to previous studies, probably reflecting opportunistic foraging behaviour by columbids within a highly anthropogenically modified landscape, although our data for nonturtle doves should be considered preliminary. Nestling turtle doves in better condition had a higher dietary proportion of taxonomic units from natural arable plant species and a lower proportion of taxonomic units from anthropogenic food resources such as garden bird seed mixes and brassicas. This suggests that breeding ground conservation strategies for turtle doves should include provision of anthropogenic seeds for adults early in the breeding season, coupled with habitat rich in accessible seeds from arable plants once chicks have hatched.  相似文献   

Many bird species were extirpated or became extinct when prehistoric man reached oceanic islands We list > 200 species of extinct island birds only recorded as sub-fossils and which probably vanished due to prehistoric man In addition we list c 160 cases where an extant species has been found as subfossil on islands where it no longer occurs Several species today considered endemic to single islands of island groups had a much wider distribution in the past Biogeographic analyses of insular avifaunas are almost meaningless it the extensive prehistoric extinctions are not taken into account
Most extinct species belong to Anatidae Rallidae and Drcpanididae while local extirpations are numerous among doves and seabirds Smaller birds are rare mainly due to sampling bias and taphonomic factors The bird populations were depleted mainly by overhunting predation by introduced vertebrates and alteration of the original vegetation
Prehistoric humans on islands although dependent on limited animal resources regularly failed to exploit these in a sustainable way Several cases where human populations disappeared from islands in the Pacific may have been due to over-exploitation of native animals
Prehistoric man reached most tropical and temperate islands and most of the few remaining island faunas have been severely depleted in historic times The prehistoric extinctions emphasize the extreme vulnerability and value of the very few pristine island faunas that still remain  相似文献   

Basal metabolic rate (MR), body temperature (T(b)) and wet thermal conductance (C(wet)) of three tropical species of fruit-doves were investigated at ambient temperatures (T(a)) of 11-33 degrees C in activity (alpha) and rest (rho) phases to investigate the possible effect of obligate frugivory on the physiology of columbids. The basal metabolic rates of Ptilinopus melanospila (black-naped fruit-dove, 94 g), Drepanoptila holosericea (cloven-feathered dove, 198 g) and Ducula pinon (Pinon's imperial pigeon, 748 g) are 20-38% lower than predicted for all birds, including granivorous columbid species from temperate and tropical regions. The MR was minimal at a T(a) value of approximately 30 degrees C (=lower critical temperature, T(lc)) for all three species, indicating that these rainforest birds are not able to withstand high ambient temperatures as well as arid-adapted members of the pigeon family. Minimal wet-thermal conductance was, on average, higher than expected, indicating poor insulation in these tropical birds. Body temperatures were as expected; however, below T(lc) the body temperatures decreased to levels of 35-36 degrees C (T(a)=12 degrees C).  相似文献   

Over 13 months we studied the diet of the fruit dove Ptilinopus insularis , endemic to the exceptionally remote South Pacific island of Henderson. Nineteen plant species were recorded in the diet by faecal analysis and direct observation. The fruit of Procris pedunculata (Urticaceae) was the most common food. When it was unavailable, the doves turned to the young shoots of the fern Phymatosorus scolopendria. Subject to a maximum diameter of about 18 mm, the doves ate nearly all types of available fruit. By combining the diet studies with studies of plant phenology we were able to assess which, of the fruits available, were preferred. The doves preferred the larger fruit. Given that the fruit dove today eats nearly all available fruit species, we ponder on how it co-existed with at least two other pigeon species that formerly lived on Henderson Island.  相似文献   

Pigeons and doves (Columbidae) are an interesting group to examine for physiological adaptations to climate and diet because this cosmopolitan family comprises more than 300 species that are mostly granivores, although some are specialized frugivores. We determined allometric and phylogenetic effects on body temperature (T(b)), basal metabolic rate (BMR; J h(-1)), and wet thermal conductance (C(wet); J h(-1) C(-1)), and we examined mass (M) and phylogenetically corrected residuals for further effects of climate, diet, and landmass size (mainland or island). Independent contrasts, correlograms, autoregression, and phylogenetic eigenvector regression (PVR) were used to examine phylogenetically related effects. We found a small but significant phylogenetic pattern for body mass of columbids. For T(b), there was no significant effect of mass or phylogeny. There was a significant effect of climate on T(b) and no significant effects of diet or landmass without mass or phylogenetic correction, but after mass and phylogenetic correction, there were no effects of climate, diet, or landmass. For BMR, there was a strong allometric effect, and residuals were significantly lower for arid and tropical species but not for temperate species, compared to predictions for nonpasserine birds. There was a nearly significant autoregressive phylogenetic relationship for BMR parl0;r=0.44), and the strong allometry of BMR remained for independent contrasts (slope=0.731), autoregressive residuals (0.698), and PVR (0.705). Residuals, from regression of autoregression and PVR residuals of M and BMR, were significantly associated with climate: arid pigeons had a lower BMR residual than tropical and temperate pigeons. PVR residuals were significantly affected by landmass (island columbids had a smaller residual than mainland columbids), but autoregression residuals were not. There was no association of autoregression or PVR residuals with diet. For C(wet), there was a strong allometric effect, and residuals for columbids were significantly higher compared to other birds. There was no significant relationship for C(wet) of columbids to climate, diet, or landmass. There was no significant autoregressive or PVR relationship for C(wet), and the strong allometry remained after phylogenetic analysis by independent contrasts (slope=0.501), autoregression (0.509), and PVR (0.514). Residuals from autoregression and PVR were not significantly correlated with climate, diet, or landmass (mainland/island).  相似文献   

The helminth community composition and structure of 6 species of columbids residing in south Texas are reported and compared herein. Sixty individuals of the following species, rock pigeons (Columba livia [RP]), mourning doves (Zenaida macroura [MD]), Eurasian collared-doves (Streptopelia decaocto [ECD]), white-winged doves (Zenaida asiatica [WWD]), and common ground doves (Columbina passerina [CGD]), and 48 Inca doves (Columbina inca [ID]) were collected during the summer of 2006 and examined for helminths. Twelve helminth species were found (9 nematodes and 3 cestodes), representing 486 individuals. Nematodes numerically dominated the component community in all host species. Overall, helminth prevalence was similar among host sex within all dove species. However, prevalence of Skrjabinia bonini and Hymenolepis sp. in RPs was significantly different among host age groups (P = 0.01, P = 0.0002, respectively). Likewise, prevalence of Killigrewia delafondi was higher (P = 0.0001) in adult WWDs. Based on percent similarity and Jaccard's coefficient of community indices, helminth component communities were dissimilar, and the number of shared helminth species varied among host species. Data from this study suggest that the environment surrounding preferred host habitat and foraging strategies of each host species is the driving force behind helminth component communities. This study emphasizes the importance of examining co-occurring hosts at both local and regional scales to elucidate helminth community structure and patterns.  相似文献   

Aim The closure of the Central American land‐bridge connection between North and South America 3.5 million years ago was a major biogeographic event that allowed considerable interchange of the previously isolated faunas of these continents. However, the role that this connection may have had in diversification of North and South American faunas is less well understood. The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential role of the formation of this land connection in generating diversity, through repeated rare dispersal events followed by isolation. Location North and South America. Methods We evaluated the role of the Central American land‐bridge connection in avian diversification using a molecular phylogeny based on four gene regions for mid‐sized New World doves. Diversification events were dated using a Bayesian relaxed clock analysis and internal calibration points for endemic island taxa with known island ages. Results The reconstructed phylogenetic tree was well supported and recovered monophyly of the genera Leptotila and Zenaida, but the quail‐doves (Geotrygon) were paraphyletic, falling into three separate lineages. The phylogeny indicated at least nine dispersal‐driven divergence events between North and South America. There were also five dispersal events in the recent past that have not yet led to differentiation of taxa (polymorphic taxa). Main conclusions Most of these dispersal‐driven diversification events occurred at the time of or after the formation of the Central American land bridge, indicating that this land connection played a role in facilitating divergence via dispersal of doves between continents.  相似文献   

Learning differences predicted from ecological variables can be confounded with differences in wariness of novel stimuli (neophobia). Previous work on feral pigeons ( Columba livia ), as well as on group-feeding and territorial zenaida doves ( Zenaida aurita ), reported individual and social learning differences predicted from social foraging mode. In the present study, we show that speed of learning a foraging task covaries with neophobia and latency to feed from a familiar dish in the three types of columbids. Pigeons were much faster than either territorial or group-feeding zenaida doves on all tests conducted in captivity, but showed unexpectedly strong neophobia in some urban flocks during field tests. Human proximity strongly affected performance in group-feeding doves both in the field and in captivity. They were slightly faster at learning than their territorial conspecifics in cage tests. In multiple regressions, species identity, but not social foraging mode, significantly predicted individual variation in learning, as did individual variation in neophobia. Wariness of novel stimuli and species differences associated with artificial selection appear to be more important than foraging mode and wariness of humans in accounting for learning differences between these columbids.  相似文献   

Summary Comparisons of prehistoric (A.D. 1100–1400) and extant cricetine-dominated rodent faunas from two locations in New Mexico and one in Arizona reveal temporal changes in both species diversity and taxonomic composition. The archaeological context of the prehistoric faunas permitted them to be dated rather accurately; paleoenvironmental inferences generated from other materials recovered in the excavations such as pollen samples, agricultural remains, and tree-ring specimens provided evidence about prehistoric environmental conditions in the study areas. Both richness and evenness components of diversity are lower in the present day faunas than in their prehistoric counterparts. At the beta (between-habitat or valley-wide) level of diversity the increased prehistoric species richness as well as the nature of the differences in present and prehistoric taxonomic composition can be accounted for by small climatic shifts which were occurring between A.D. 1100 and 1300 in the Southwest and the resultant biogeogrphic responses of certain rodent species. Alpha (or within-habitat) diversity is similar for all analyzed faunas. This suggests basic similarities in very local species packing despite observed spatial and temporal variation in valley-wide diversities. Environmental changes stemming from climatic shifts provide a reasonable explanation of the observed patterns of rodent species occurrence and diversity. Habitat destruction resulting from agricultural practies of prehistoric human populations appears to have had only a limited impact on these rodent communities.  相似文献   

Franklin J  Steadman DW 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e15685


We examined species composition of forest and bird communities in relation to environmental and human disturbance gradients on Lakeba (55.9 km2), Nayau (18.4 km2), and Aiwa Levu (1.2 km2), islands in the Lau Group of Fiji, West Polynesia. The unique avifauna of West Polynesia (Fiji, Tonga, Samoa) has been subjected to prehistoric human-caused extinctions but little was previously known about this topic in the Lau Group. We expected that the degree of human disturbance would be a strong determinant of tree species composition and habitat quality for surviving landbirds, while island area would be unrelated to bird diversity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

All trees >5 cm diameter were measured and identified in 23 forest plots of 500 m2 each. We recognized four forest species assemblages differentiated by composition and structure: coastal forest, dominated by widely distributed species, and three forest types with differences related more to disturbance history (stages of secondary succession following clearing or selective logging) than to environmental gradients (elevation, slope, rockiness). Our point counts (73 locations in 1 or 2 seasons) recorded 18 of the 24 species of landbirds that exist on the three islands. The relative abundance and species richness of birds were greatest in the forested habitats least disturbed by people. These differences were due mostly to increased numbers of columbid frugivores and passerine insectivores in forests on Lakeba and Aiwa Levu. Considering only forested habitats, the relative abundance and species richness of birds were greater on the small but completely forested (and uninhabited) island of Aiwa Levu than on the much larger island of Lakeba.


Forest disturbance history is more important than island area in structuring both tree and landbird communities on remote Pacific islands. Even very small islands may be suitable for conservation reserves if they are protected from human disturbance.  相似文献   

The tooth-billed pigeon Didunculus strigirostris lives on three islands in Western (Independent) Samoa. A larger, extinct species, Didunculus placopedetes , is described from bones recovered in late Quaternary cave deposits on 'Eua, Kingdom of Tonga. Also referred to D. placopedetes are bones from archaeological sites on the larger Tongan island of Tongatapu and the smaller, lower islands of Lifuka, Ha'ano, 'Uiha and Ha'afeva. As with so many other landbirds in Polynesia, the extinction of D. placopedetes occurred since the arrival of people and presumably was due to human impact. The peopling of Tonga is why the genus Didunculus is considered to be endemic to Samoa. The biogeographic implications of the new data on Didunculus are not unique; human activities have reduced or eliminated the natural range of nearly every genus and species group of Polynesian landbird. The reduced ranges of surviving taxa have created a situation (herein called 'pseudo-endemism') where a taxon that seems today to be endemic to a restricted area (often one or two islands) was much more widespread at first human arrival. As the prehistoric record of insular birds improves in the Pacific and elsewhere, the list of pseudo-endemic taxa will continue to grow.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among genera of pigeons and doves (Aves, Columbiformes) have not been fully resolved because of limited sampling of taxa and characters in previous studies. We therefore sequenced multiple nuclear and mitochondrial DNA genes totaling over 9000 bp from 33 of 41 genera plus 8 outgroup taxa, and, together with sequences from 5 other pigeon genera retrieved from GenBank, recovered a strong phylogenetic hypothesis for the Columbiformes. Three major clades were recovered with the combined data set, comprising the basally branching New World pigeons and allies (clade A) that are sister to Neotropical ground doves (clade B), and the Afro-Eurasian and Australasian taxa (clade C). None of these clades supports the monophyly of current families and subfamilies. The extinct, flightless dodo and solitaires (Raphidae) were embedded within pigeons and doves (Columbidae) in clade C, and monophyly of the subfamily Columbinae was refuted because the remaining subfamilies were nested within it. Divergence times estimated using a Bayesian framework suggest that Columbiformes diverged from outgroups such as Apodiformes and Caprimulgiformes in the Cretaceous before the mass extinction that marks the end of this period. Bayesian and maximum likelihood inferences of ancestral areas, accounting for phylogenetic uncertainty and divergence times, respectively, favor an ancient origin of Columbiformes in the Neotropical portion of what was then Gondwana. The radiation of modern genera of Columbiformes started in the Early Eocene to the Middle Miocene, as previously estimated for other avian groups such as ratites, tinamous, galliform birds, penguins, shorebirds, parrots, passerine birds, and toucans. Multiple dispersals of more derived Columbiformes between Australasian and Afro-Eurasian regions are required to explain current distributions.  相似文献   

Rate of metabolism and temperature regulation were studied in 16 species of South Pacific pigeons, which constitute 13 fruit-eaters, 1 seed-eater, 1 fruit/nut-eater, and 1 fruit/leaf-eater; 14 tropical and two temperate species; and ten mainland and six intermediate- or small-island species. The data presented here and those from 11 additional columbids indicate in an analysis of covariance that log(10) basal rate of metabolism is correlated with log(10) body mass (P< or =0.0001), distribution (P=0.0023), and climate (P=0.0016). These factors account for 94.3% of the variation in log(10) basal rate of metabolism. In this analysis the lowest basal rates, corrected for body mass, are found in tropical pigeons living on small oceanic islands, whereas the highest basal rates are found in temperate species living on continents. The reduction of basal rate in large columbids facilitates their long-term persistence on small islands characterized by a limited resource base and unstable weather. Some small-island specialists have a smaller mass than their continental relatives, which further reduces resource requirements. The question whether a reduction in basal rate occurs in small columbids on small islands is unresolved. Log(10) minimal thermal conductance is apparently correlated only with log(10) body mass (P< or =0.0001); r(2)=89.4%. The mean nocturnal body temperature of columbids is 39.7 degrees C.  相似文献   

The Burrellian trilobite faunas of the Leinster terrane comprise at least 31 species from a spectrum of faunal associations. Strong faunal links with the Anglo-Welsh area confirm the likely close proximity of these parts of Avalonia during the mid Caradoc but together with existing magmatic and palaeomagnetic data, the Leinster faunas also indicate that the existing simple structural models of the relationship between these areas need to be reappraised. Of the 22 identifiable trilobite genera, eight are not known from equivalent or older horizons in the Anglo-Welsh area and indicate a significant link with Scoto-Appalachian faunas on the margins of Laurentia. This colonization by trilobites of Scoto-Appalachian origin may have been achieved by ‘volcanic island hopping’ across the shrinking Iapetus Ocean. The Leinster trilobites are therefore critical in documenting the breakdown of faunal provincialism and in fingerprinting the faunas and likely palaeogeographical setting of terranes now caught up in the Iapetus suture zone to the north. Eighteen species are described or discussed in detail including a new species of AmpyxinaA. hibernica sp. nov., a probable new species of Calyptaulax and revision of the M'Coy species Trinodus agnostiformis, Autoloxolichas laxatus, Flexicalymene forcipata Remopleurides platyceps.  相似文献   

Situated at the extreme margin of the Indo-West Pacific biotic province, the four islands of the isolated Pitcairn Group hold interest for biogeographers and archaeologists alike. Human settlement may have been as early as the 8th century AD for the uplifted limestone island of Henderson, the most pristine island of its kind. An archaeological survey of the Pitcairn Islands is provided, while Henderson is examined in detail. Recent extensive excavations provide a record of change during 600 years of human occupation. Adaptation to the ecologically-marginal conditions is documented by artefacts, more than 150000 vertebrate bones, molluscs and subfossil plant remains recovered from stratigraphic contexts. The effects of prehistoric human occupation on the pristine environment are revealed by Polynesian plant and animal introductions, bird extinctions and range reductions, possible over-predation of marine molluscs, exploitation of sea turtles, and large-scale burning for swidden agriculture. The origin of human colonists is documented by analysing imported artefacts by geochemical characterization (x-ray fluorescence analysis). The human abandonment of Henderson, by the seventeenth century, is viewed in the context of prehistoric regional dynamics.  相似文献   

Although well known as a widespread parasitic disease of columbids and birds of prey, there have been few studies of trichomonosis in populations of wild birds. In Mauritius, trichomonosis has been highlighted as a major threat to an endangered endemic, the Pink Pigeon (Neosoenas [Columba] mayeri). In this study, we examined the role that populations of other columbids in Mauritius might be playing as infectious reservoirs of the causal flagellate protozoan, Trichomonas gallinae. We screened 296 wild individuals of three columbid species (Madagascan Turtle Dove [Streptopelia picturata], Spotted Dove [Streptopelia chinensis], and Zebra Dove [Geopelia striata]) between September 2002 and April 2004. Prevalence varied significantly among species (ranging from 19% in S. chinensis to 59% in G. striata) and between S. picturata sampled from upland and coastal sites; S. picturata from upland sites (>500 m) were significantly less likely to be infected with T. gallinae than those from lowland sites (<50 m; 62% and 27% prevalence, respectively). There was no significant difference in the prevalence of T. gallinae at sites where Pink Pigeons were also present compared to those sampled at sites without Pink Pigeons. We show that T. gallinae infection prevalence is higher at sites and times of warmer temperatures and lower rainfall.  相似文献   

Thirteen Polynesian islands, including five true atolls, an uplifted atoll, and seven high volcanic islands of varying ages, were surveyed for ants by hand collecting techniques. Ten of the thirteen islands had been surveyed previously, and more and species were found in the present survey than were known from all earlier surveys combined, with two exception (Ducie Atoll and Easter Island).This represents the first report of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile Mayr, from Easter Island. L. humile is a very successful pest species which has only recently invaded Easter Island, and is now very abundant and widespread, occurring at 16 of the 17 sample sites scattered across the island. The introduction of this species is almost certainly responsible for the apparent decline in species richness on Easter Island.In general, more species were present on high islands than atolls of a similar size, and elevation was significant while log (area) and latitude were not in a multiple linear regression with ant species number as the dependent variable. Not enough time was spent on the islands to survey their ant faunas completely, and extrapolations from species effort curves and jackknife estimators of earlier, thorough surverys for ants in the society Islands suggest that only about 50% of the total species were collected in the present survey, at least on the high islands. My collections were probably more complete on the atolls. The increase in species numbers from the present survey relative to known species richnesses (particularly when a large fraction of the species actually present were probably not included in the present survey) supports the hypothesis that remote Polynesian islands are not as depauperate in terms of ant species numbers as previously thought.  相似文献   

Sixty-three Eurasian collared-doves (ECDs) (Streptopelia decaocto) from Florida were examined for parasitic helminths from June to December 2001. Nine species of helminths were identified (5 nematodes, 2 cestodes, and 2 trematodes). The most prevalent helminths were Ascaridia columbae (73.0%), Fuhrmannetta crassula (28.6%), Ornithostrongylus quadriradiatus (12.7%), and Bruscapillaria obsignata (11.1%). The helminths with the greatest mean intensity were Tanaisia bragai (13.5), A. columbae (9.3), and O. quadriradiatus (7.1). In Florida, the mean intensity of A. columbae in ECDs (9.3) was similar to that found in white-winged doves (Zenaida asiatica) (9.1) (P = 0.461), and both the intensities were significantly higher than that in the native mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) (3.7) (P = 0.001 and 0.005, respectively). Fuhrmannetta crassula is reported for the first time in columbids from Florida.  相似文献   

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