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Collagen type VI was demonstrated immunomorphologically in articular cartilage (distal femur) of young (2–8 weeks) and adult mice by fluorescence and electron microscopy (gold-labelled second antibody—sandwich method) using pre-and post-embedding techniques. This collagen type was mainly seen in the vicinity of chondrocytes, and in larger amounts in adult cartilage. Electron-microscopic inspection (pre-embedding technique) revealed labelling above plaques that were 40–160 nm in size, and from which up to 7 fine filaments ( 10 nm) per unit sectional plane radiated. Using the post-embedding technique, only labelled plaques could be demonstrated; fine filaments were not perceptible. This was partly a result of the low contrast. It is assumed that the globular ends of up to 20 of the fine type VI filaments are anchored in one plaque and that the antibodies bind to the non-collagenous globular domains. Filaments radiated from the plaques and formed a threedimensional network that stabilized the structures of the cartilaginous matrix. Antibodies against fibronectin also labelled similar plaques. The ends of the type VI filaments are possibly linked into the plaques by fibronectin.  相似文献   

The effect of type IX on in vitro fibrillogenesis of type II collagen indicated that, while not preventing fibrillogenesis, the presence of type IX collagen reduced the size of the type II fibre aggregates. This observation is consistent with the in vivo localisation studies of type IX collagen. Using the immunogold labelling technique, type IX collagen was shown to be located evenly on small fibrils which occur at higher concentration closer to the cell. Therefore type IX collagen may function as a regulator of fibre diameter in articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Chondrons have recently been extracted from adult articular cartilages and techniques developed to study their structure and composition in isolation. This study introduces methods to immobilize isolated canine chondrons in thin layers of agarose gel for immunohistochemistry and future in vitro studies. An antibody to Type VI collagen which stained the chondron in suspension was used to successfully validate the system and its feasibility for immunoelectron microscopy. Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to a variety of epitopes on the proteoglycan molecule were tested on fresh and fixed plugs cored from chondron-agarose gels. Plugs were immunolabeled with peroxidase-diaminobenzidine before or after digestion with testicular hyaluronidase or chondroitinase ABC. Trypsin/chymotrypsin were used to challenge epitopes of the core protein. The results indicate that epitopes to keratan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronate binding region, and core protein are localized in the chondron. Consistent staining was found in the tail and interconnecting segments between chondrons, whereas staining of the pericellular matrix and capsule adjacent to the chondrocyte varied according to the enzyme pre-treatment employed. We conclude that isolated chondrons are rich in proteoglycan monomer, which is particularly concentrated in the tail and interconnecting segments of the chondron where it could function to protect and stabilize the chondrocyte.  相似文献   

The tissue localization was analysed of collagen X during human fetal and juvenile articular cartilagebone metamorphosis. This unique collagen type was found in the hypertrophic cartilage zone peri- and extracellularly and in cartilage residues within bone trabeculae. In addition, occasionally a slight intracellular staining reaction was found in prehypertrophic proliferating chondrocytes and in chondrocytes surrounding vascular channels. A slight staining was also seen in the zone of periosteal ossification and occasionally at the transition zone of the perichondrium to resting cartilage. Our data provide evidence that the appearance of collagen X is mainly associated with cartilage hypertrophy, analogous to the reported tissue distribution of this collagen type in animals. In addition, we observed an increased and often spotty distribution of collagen X with increasing cartilage degeneration associated with the closure of the growth plate. In basal hypertrophic cartilage areas, a co-distribution of collagens II and X was found with very little and spotty collagen III. In juvenile cartilage areas around single hypertrophic chondrocytes, co-localization of collagens X and I was also detected.  相似文献   

D-periodic distribution of collagen type IX along cartilage fibrils   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
It has recently become apparent that collagen fibrils may be composed of more than one kind of macromolecule. To explore this possibility, we developed a procedure to purify fibril fragments from 17-d embryonic chicken sternal cartilage. The fibril population obtained shows, after negative staining, a uniformity in the banding pattern and diameter similar to the fibrils in situ. Pepsin digestion of this fibril preparation releases collagen types II, IX, and XI in the proportion of 8:1:1. Rotary shadowing of the fibrils reveals a d-periodic distribution of 35-40-nm long projections, each capped with a globular domain, which resemble in form and dimensions the aminoterminal globular and collagenous domains, NC4 and COL3, of type IX collagen. The monoclonal antibody (4D6) specific for an epitope close to the amino terminal of the COL3 domain of type IX collagen bound to these projections, thus confirming their identity. Type IX collagen is therefore distributed in a regular d-periodic arrangement along cartilage fibrils, with the chondroitin sulfate chain of type IX collagen in intimate contact with the fibril.  相似文献   

Type IX collagen was partially purified from the Swarm rat chondrosarcoma by a series of a conventional salting-out procedures. The preparation was further separated by anion exchange chromatography into an unbound and a bound fraction in an A230 ratio of about 5:1. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the bound fraction appeared as a broad band, whose molecular mass ranged from 250 to 270 kDa. Digestion with chondroitinase ABC reduced the apparent molecular mass of the bound fraction to about 250 kDa, a value comparable to the molecular mass of the unbound fraction. Tryptic peptide maps of the protein moieties of unbound and bound forms showed that their molecular structures were basically identical. A monoclonal antibody specific for LMW, one of the pepsin-resistant fragments of the rat sarcoma type IX, reacted with both the unbound and bound fractions. Together the results indicate that the unbound and bound fractions represent a type IX collagen devoid of the chondroitin sulfate chain and its proteoglycan form with covalently bound chondroitin sulfate, respectively. The extent of glycosaminoglycan attachment to type IX collagen molecules in rat chondrosarcoma (about 16%) is quite different from the extents described in chick embryo cartilage (about 80%), chick vitreous humour (100%) and bovine cartilage (less than 5%). Further studies on the neoplastic tissue will offer additional information regarding the biological basis and biological consequences of the glycosaminoglycan attachment to type IX collagen molecules.  相似文献   

Chondrocytes from the Swarm rat chondrosarcoma were pulse-labeled with [3H]serine for 30 min and chased, in the presence of cycloheximide, for times up to 300 min. The movement of newly synthesized core protein precursor of the proteoglycan through elements of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex was examined. Rough and smooth microsome fractions were obtained by centrifuging postmitochondrial supernatants from cell homogenates on discontinuous sucrose gradients. The core protein precursor was identified in subcellular fractions by (a) immunoprecipitation with an antiserum directed against the hyaluronate binding region of the core protein and the link protein and (b) its size on polyacrylamide gels. Labeled core protein precursor decreased from the microsomes with a t1/2 of 60 +/- 8 min, nearly the same as for the appearance of label in completed proteoglycan monomer (t1/2 = 58 +/- 13 min), consistent with a precursor-product relationship. After correcting for incomplete recovery of the core protein precursor in the microsomal fractions and for cross-contamination of the smooth microsomes by elements of rough endoplasmic reticulum, the redistribution of core protein precursor and completed proteoglycan in the intracellular compartments and of labeled extracellular proteoglycan were fit to a three-compartment model. A t1/2 of 98 +/- 7 min for the loss of core protein precursor from the rough microsomes and a t1/2 = 10 +/- 4 min for the completed proteoglycan in the intracellular compartment (Golgi and secretory vesicles) was obtained. The data indicate that at least 70% of the intracellular transit time for the core protein precursor is spent in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The addition of glycosaminoglycan chains followed by secretion from the cell occurs relatively rapidly, occupying less than 30% of the total intracellular dwell time.  相似文献   

The tissue localization was analysed of collagen X during human fetal and juvenile articular cartilage-bone metamorphosis. This unique collagen type was found in the hypertrophic cartilage zone peri- and extracellularly and in cartilage residues within bone trabeculae. In addition, occasionally a slight intracellular staining reaction was found in prehypertrophic proliferating chondrocytes and in chondrocytes surrounding vascular channels. A slight staining was also seen in the zone of periosteal ossification and occasionally at the transition zone of the perichondrium to resting cartilage. Our data provide evidence that the appearance of collagen X is mainly associated with cartilage hypertrophy, analogous to the reported tissue distribution of this collagen type in animals. In addition, we observed an increased and often "spotty" distribution of collagen X with increasing cartilage "degeneration" associated with the closure of the growth plate. In basal hypertrophic cartilage areas, a co-distribution of collagens II and X was found with very little and "spotty" collagen III. In juvenile cartilage areas around single hypertrophic chondrocytes, co-localization of collagens X and I was also detected.  相似文献   

Type IX collagen is a quantitatively minor component of hyaline cartilage that is essential for the normal structural integrity of the tissue. Purification and analysis are difficult because the mature protein is insoluble as a cross-linked integral component of the fibrillar matrix. In order to view a peptide map of the total pool of type IX collagen in a cartilage sample, a selective method based on Western blot analysis was developed for displaying collagen IX peptides in a cyanogen bromide digest of tissue. Digests were partially resolved by reverse-phase HPLC, individual fractions were run on SDS-PAGE and then transblotted to membrane, and the collagen IX fragments were revealed using an anti-collagen IX rabbit antiserum. All major CB-peptides from alpha1(IX), alpha2(IX), and alpha3(IX) chains in the resulting two-dimensional display were identified by amino-terminal sequence analysis. Cross-linked peptides originating from sites of covalent interaction between collagen types IX and II and between IX and IX were also defined. By comparison with an analysis of soluble type IX collagen from chondrocyte culture medium, the results showed that the pool of type IX collagen molecules in fetal and adult human cartilage is extensively cross-linked intermolecularly at sites previously revealed by other methods using purified protein. This sensitive, direct method has the potential to screen for abnormalities in the content and properties of type IX collagen in tissue samples, for example, in the study of heritable chondrodysplasia syndromes and the pathogenesis of cartilage destruction in osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

The limited availability of fresh osteochondral allograft tissues necessitates the use of banking for long-term storage. A vitrification solution containing a 55% cryoprotectant formulation, VS55, previously studied using rabbit articular cartilage, was evaluated using porcine articular cartilage. Specimens ranging from 2 to 6 mm in thickness were obtained from 6 mm distal femoral cartilage cores and cryopreserved by vitrification or freezing. The results of post-rewarming viability assessments employing alamarBlue demonstrated a large decrease (p < 0.001) in viability in all three sizes of cartilage specimen vitrified with VS55. This is in marked contrast with prior experience with full thickness, 0.6 mm rabbit cartilage. Microscopic examination following cryosubstitution confirmed ice formation in the chondrocytes of porcine cartilage vitrified using VS55. Experiments using a more concentrated vitrification formulation (83%), VS83, showed a significant treatment benefit for larger segments of articular cartilage. Differences between the VS55 and the VS83 treatment groups were significant at p < 0.001 for 2 mm and 4 mm plugs, and at p < 0.01 for full thickness, 6 mm plugs. The percentage viability in fresh controls, compared to VS55 and VS83, was 24.7% and 80.7% in the 2 mm size group, 18.2% and 55.5% in the 4 mm size group, and 5.2% and 43.6% in the 6 mm group, respectively. The results of this study continue to indicate that vitrification is superior to conventional cryopreservation with low concentrations of dimethyl sulfoxide by freezing for cartilage. The vitrification technology presented here may, with further process development, enable the long-term storage and transportation of living cartilage for repair of human articular surfaces.  相似文献   

Type IX collagen functions in covalent cross-linkage to type II collagen in cartilage (Eyre, D. R., Apone, S., Wu, J. J., Ericsson, L. H., and Walsh, K. A. (1987) FEBS Lett. 220, 337-341). To understand this molecular relationship better, an analysis of all cross-linking sites labeled by [3H]borohydride was undertaken using the protein prepared from fetal bovine cartilage. Sequence analysis of tryptic peptides containing the 3H-labeled cross-links showed that each of the chains of type IX collagen, alpha 1(IX), alpha 2(IX), and alpha 3(IX), contained a site of cross-linking at the amino terminus of the COL2 triple-helix to which the alpha 1(II)N-telopeptide could bond. The alpha 3(IX)COL2 domain alone also had an attachment site for the alpha 1(II)C-telopeptide. The distance between the alpha 1(II)N-telopeptide and alpha 1(II)C-telopeptide interaction sites, 137 residues, is equal to the length of the hole zone (0.6D) in a type II collagen fibril. This implies an antiparallel type II to type IX cross-linking relationship. Peptide analysis also revealed an unknown amino acid sequence linked to the COL2 cross-linking domains in both the alpha 1(IX) and alpha 3(IX) chains. Using antibodies to this novel peptide, its origin in the collagen alpha 3(IX)NC1 domain was established. In summary, the results confirm extensive covalent cross-linking between type IX and type II collagen molecules and reveal the existence of type IX-type IX bonding. These data provide a molecular basis for the proposed function of type IX collagen as a critical contributor to the mechanical stability and resistance to swelling of the collagen type II fibril framework of cartilage.  相似文献   

The tissue distribution of type II and type IX collagen in 17-d-old chicken embryo was studied by immunofluorescence using polyclonal antibodies against type II collagen and a peptic fragment of type IX collagen (HMW), respectively. Both proteins were found only in cartilage where they were co-distributed. They occurred uniformly throughout the extracellular matrix, i.e., without distinction between pericellular, territorial, and interterritorial matrices. Tissues that undergo endochondral bone formation contained type IX collagen, whereas periosteal and membranous bones were negative. The thin collagenous fibrils in cartilage consisted of type II collagen as determined by immunoelectron microscopy. Type IX collagen was associated with the fibrils but essentially was restricted to intersections of the fibrils. These observations suggested that type IX collagen contributes to the stabilization of the network of thin fibers of the extracellular matrix of cartilage by interactions of its triple helical domains with several fibrils at or close to their intersections.  相似文献   

From a study to understand the mechanism of covalent interaction between collagen types II and IX, we present experimental evidence for a previously unrecognized molecular site of cross-linking. The location relative to previously defined cross-linking sites predicts a specific manner of interaction and folding of collagen IX on the surface of nascent collagen II fibrils. The initial evidence came from Western blot analysis of type IX collagen extracted by pepsin from fetal human cartilage, which showed a molecular species that had properties indicating an adduct between the alpha1(II) chain and the C-terminal domain (COL1) of type IX collagen. A similar component was isolated from bovine cartilage in sufficient quantity to confirm this identity by N-terminal sequence analysis. Using an antibody that recognized the putative cross-linking sequence at the C terminus of the alpha1(IX) chain, cross-linked peptides were isolated by immunoaffinity chromatography from proteolytic digests of human cartilage collagen. They were characterized by immunochemistry, N-terminal sequence analysis, and mass spectrometry. The results establish a link between a lysine near the C terminus (in the NC1 domain) of alpha1(IX) and the known cross-linking lysine at residue 930 of the alpha1(II) triple helix. This cross-link is speculated to form early in the process of interaction between collagen IX molecules and collagen II polymers. A model of molecular folding and further cross-linking is predicted that can spatially accommodate the formation of all six known cross-linking interactions to the collagen IX molecule on a fibril surface. Of particular biological significance, this model can accommodate potential interfibrillar as well as intrafibrillar links between the collagen IX molecules themselves, so providing a mechanism whereby collagen IX could stabilize a collagen fibril network.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether a fragment(s) of type II collagen can induce cartilage degradation. Fragments generated by cyanogen bromide (CB) cleavage of purified bovine type II collagen were separated by HPLC. These fragments together with selected overlapping synthetic peptides were first analysed for their capacity to induce cleavage of type II collagen by collagenases in chondrocyte and explant cultures of healthy adult bovine articular cartilage. Collagen cleavage was measured by immunoassay and degradation of proteoglycan (mainly aggrecan) was determined by analysis of cleavage products of core protein by Western blotting. Gene expression of matrix metalloproteinases MMP-13 and MMP-1 was measured using Real-time PCR. Induction of denaturation of type II collagen in situ in cartilage matrix with exposure of the CB domain was identified with a polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies that only react with this domain in denatured but not native type II collagen. As well as the mixture of CB fragments and peptide CB12, a single synthetic peptide CB12-II (residues 195-218), but not synthetic peptide CB12-IV (residues 231-254), potently and consistently induced in explant cultures at 10 microM and 25 microM, in a time, cell and dose dependent manner, collagenase-induced cleavage of type II collagen accompanied by upregulation of MMP-13 expression but not MMP-1. In isolated chondrocyte cultures CB12-II induced very limited upregulation of MMP-13 as well as MMP-1 expression. Although this was accompanied by concomitant induction of cleavage of type II collagen by collagenases, this was not associated by aggrecan cleavage. Peptide CB12-IV, which had no effect on collagen cleavage, clearly induced aggrecanase specific cleavage of the core protein of this proteoglycan. Thus these events involving matrix molecule cleavage can importantly occur independently of each other, contrary to popular belief. Denaturation of type II collagen with exposure of the CB12-II domain was also shown to be much increased in osteoarthritic human cartilage compared to non-arthritic cartilage. These observations reveal that peptides of type II collagen, to which there is increased exposure in osteoarthritic cartilage, can when present in sufficient concentration induce cleavage of type II collagen (CB12-II) and aggrecan (CB12-IV) accompanied by increased expression of collagenases. Such increased concentrations of denatured collagen are present in adult and osteoarthritic cartilages and the exposure of chondrocytes to the sequences they encode, either in soluble or more likely insoluble form, may therefore play a role in the excessive resorption of matrix molecules that is seen in arthritis and development.  相似文献   

A major site of pyridinoline cross-linking in bovine type IX collagen was traced to a tryptic peptide derived from one of the molecule's HMW chains. This peptide gave two amino acid sequences (in 2/1 ratio) consistent with it being a three-chained structure. The major sequence matched exactly that of the C-telopeptide of type II collagen from the same tissue. A second HMW chain that contained pyridinoline cross-links also gave two amino-terminal sequences, one from its own amino terminus, the other matching exactly the N-telopeptide cross-linking sequence of type II collagen. We conclude that type IX collagen molecules are covalently cross-linked in cartilage to molecules of type II collagen, probably at fibril surfaces.  相似文献   

Experimental osteoarthritis was surgically induced in the right knee joint of dogs; the left knee served as a control. Articular cartilage was extracted with 4 M guanidinium chloride, 0.05 M sodium acetate, pH 6.0, containing proteinase inhibitors and the proteins purified by associative CsCl density gradient centrifugation. Equal quantities of protein were electrophoresed in agarose-acrylamide gradient gels and the high molecular weight type VI collagen bands detected in immunoblots with a polyclonal antiserum. Type VI collagen bands between 185 and 220 kDa were evident in the pathological specimens of dogs sacrificed 3, 5, and 7 months after surgery and were either absent or only very weakly visible in the controls. These results demonstrate that experimental osteoarthritic cartilage is enriched in 4 M guanidine-soluble type VI collagen.  相似文献   

Pieces of adult human articular cartilage and chondrosarcoma were incubated in the presence of [35S]sulphate. After continuous or pulse-change incorporation of radioactivity, proteoglycans were extracted with 4.0 M-guanidinium chloride, purified by equilibrium density-gradient centrifugation and fractionated by gel chromatography. A comparison of the results suggests that the formation of stable aggregates occurs at a lower rate in articular cartilage than in chondrosarcoma.  相似文献   

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