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Sirtuins regulate a variety of cellular processes through protein deacetylation. The best-known member of mammalian sirtuin family, Sirt1, plays important roles in the maintenance of cellular homeostasis by regulating cell metabolism, differentiation and stress responses, among others. Sirt1 activity requires tight regulation to meet specific cellular requirements, which is achieved at different levels and by specific mechanisms. Recently, a regulatory loop between Sirt1 and another sirtuin, Sirt7, was identified. Sirt7 inhibits Sirt1 autodeacetylation at K230 and activation thereby preventing Sirt1-mediated repression of adipocyte differentiation by inhibition of the PPARγ gene. Here, we extend the regulatory complexity of Sirt7-dependent restriction of Sirt1 activity by demonstrating that Sirt7 reduces activation of a previously described prominent Sirt1 target, the histone methyltransferase Suv39h1. We show that removal of the acetyl-group at K230 in Sirt1 due to the absence of Sirt7 leads to hyperactivation of Sirt1 and thereby to constantly increased activity of Suv39h1.  相似文献   

Sirt1 is the most prominent and extensively studied member of sirtuins, the family of mammalian class III histone deacetylases heavily implicated in health span and longevity. Although primarily a nuclear protein, Sirt1’s deacetylation of Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor Gamma Coactivator-1α (PGC-1α) has been extensively implicated in metabolic control and mitochondrial biogenesis, which was proposed to partially underlie Sirt1’s role in caloric restriction and impacts on longevity. The notion of Sirt1’s regulation of PGC-1α activity and its role in mitochondrial biogenesis has, however, been controversial. Interestingly, Sirt1 also appears to be important for the turnover of defective mitochondria by mitophagy. I discuss here evidences for Sirt1’s regulation of mitochondrial biogenesis and turnover, in relation to PGC-1α deacetylation and various aspects of cellular physiology and disease.  相似文献   

沉默交配型信息调节因子2同源蛋白1(silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog 1,Sirt1)是哺乳动物中与酵母沉默信息调节蛋白2(silencing information regulator 2,Sir2)高度同源的蛋白质,它是一种依赖NAD+的III类组蛋白去乙酰化酶(HDAC III),在细胞分化、衰老、凋亡、DNA损伤修复、能量及内分泌代谢调节中起重要作用,同时在基因沉默、表观遗传学修饰、转录调控及信号转导调节中发挥重要的生物学功能。本文对其近年的研究进展做一概述。  相似文献   

Emerging proteomic evidence suggests that acetylation of metabolic enzymes is a prevalent post-translational modification. In a few recent reports, acetylation down-regulated activity of specific enzymes in fatty acid oxidation, urea cycle, electron transport, and anti-oxidant pathways. Here, we reveal that the glycolytic enzyme phosphoglycerate mutase-1 (PGAM1) is negatively regulated by Sirt1, a member of the NAD(+)-dependent protein deacetylases. Acetylated PGAM1 displays enhanced activity, although Sirt1-mediated deacetylation reduces activity. Acetylation sites mapped to the C-terminal "cap," a region previously known to affect catalytic efficiency. Overexpression of a constitutively active variant (acetylated mimic) of PGAM1 stimulated flux through glycolysis. Under glucose restriction, Sirt1 levels dramatically increased, leading to PGAM1 deacetylation and attenuated activity. Previously, Sirt1 has been implicated in the adaptation from glucose to fat burning. This study (i) demonstrates that protein acetylation can stimulate metabolic enzymes, (ii) provides biochemical evidence that glycolysis is modulated by reversible acetylation, and (iii) demonstrates that PGAM1 deacetylation and activity are directly controlled by Sirt1.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play a critical role in metabolic homeostasis of a cell. Our recent studies, based on the reported interrelationship between c-Myc and Sirt1 (mammalian orthologue of yeast sir2 [silent information regulator 2]) expression and their role in mitochondrial biogenesis and function, demonstrated a significant downregulation of Sirt1 protein expression and an upregulation of c-Myc following trauma-hemorrhage (T-H). Activators of Sirt1 are known to improve mitochondrial function and the naturally occurring polyphenol resveratrol (RSV) has been shown to significantly increase Sirt1 activity by increasing its affinity to both NAD+ and the acetylated substrate. In this study we tested the salutary effect of RSV following T-H and its influence on Sirt1 expression. Rats were subjected to T-H or sham operation. RSV (8 mg/kg body weight, intravenously) or vehicle was administered 10 min after the onset of resuscitation, and the rats were killed 2 h following resuscitation. Sirtinol, a Sirt1 inhibitor, was administered 5 min prior to RSV administration. Cardiac contractility (±dP/dt) was measured and heart tissue was tested for Sirt1, Pgc-1α, c-Myc, cytosolic cytochrome C expression and ATP level. Left ventricular function, after T-H, was improved (P < 0.05) following RSV treatment, with significantly elevated expression of Sirt1 (P < 0.05) and Pgc-1α (P < 0.05), and decreased c-Myc (P < 0.05). We also observed significantly higher cardiac ATP content, declined cytosolic cytochrome C and decreased plasma tumor necrosis factor-α in the T-H-RSV group. The salutary effect due to RSV was abolished by sirtinol, indicating a Sirt1-mediated effect. We conclude that RSV may be a useful adjunct to resuscitation fluid following T-H.  相似文献   

Dietary restriction (DR) has multiple beneficial effects, the two most prominently studied being an increased longevity and an increased cancer protection. Mammalian Sirt1 is a protein deacetylase that has been linked to DR. To explore the relation between Sirt1 and DR, we have examined here DR-induced cancer protection in mice overexpressing Sirt1 (2-3 fold) under its own regulatory elements (Sirt1-tg mice). In particular, we have subjected p53?deficient mice, carrying or not the Sirt1-tg allele, to every-other-day fasting (EOD), which is a type of DR that significantly delays cancer onset. As expected, EOD extended the survival of p53-heterozygous (p53+/-) mice. However, the extension of survival of p53-heterozygous mice by EOD was the same in the presence or absence of the Sirt1-tg allele. These results suggest that Sirt1 has a limited role in mediating cancer protection by DR in mammals.  相似文献   



Sirtuin (Sirt), a sensor of the cell metabolic state, regulates glucose and lipid metabolism. The aim of this study was to address whether rosiglitazone (RGZ) alters hepatic Sirt1 and whether Sirt1 and/or Sirt6 have a regulatory role in the protective effects of RGZ on hepatocyte steatosis.


To investigate the effect of RGZ on hepatic Sirt1, rats were administered with RGZ for 6 weeks. The involvement of Sirt1/6 in the RGZ-mediated effect against hepatic steatosis was evaluated by single or double knockdown of Sirt1 and Sirt6 in a hepatocyte steatosis model.


RGZ in vivo increased Sirt1 expression and its activity in rat livers. In a hepatocyte steatosis model, RGZ significantly reduced lipid accumulation and activated the Sirt1/6-LKB1-AMPK pathway. Sirt1 knockdown abolished the effects of RGZ with regard to hepatocyte fat accumulation and the Sirt1/6-LKB1-AMPK pathway, suggesting that Sirt1 is a key regulator of RGZ-mediated metabolic processes. Sirt6 knockdown inhibited the protective effects of RGZ to a lesser extent than Sirt1, and double knockdown of Sirt1/6 showed no synergistic effects.


Our results demonstrate that Sirt1/6 are involved in the RGZ-mediated effects on hepatocyte steatosis, and the regulatory effects of Sirt1 and Sirt6 are not synergistic but compensatory for improving hepatocyte steatosis.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded polyglutamine repeat in huntingtin (HTT) protein. We previously showed that calorie restriction ameliorated Huntington's disease pathogenesis and slowed disease progression in mice that model Huntington's disease (Huntington's disease mice). We now report that overexpression of sirtuin 1 (Sirt1), a mediator of the beneficial metabolic effects of calorie restriction, protects neurons against mutant HTT toxicity, whereas reduction of Sirt1 exacerbates mutant HTT toxicity. Overexpression of Sirt1 improves motor function, reduces brain atrophy and attenuates mutant-HTT-mediated metabolic abnormalities in Huntington's disease mice. Further mechanistic studies suggested that Sirt1 prevents the mutant-HTT-induced decline in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) concentrations and the signaling of its receptor, TrkB, and restores dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein, 32 kDa (DARPP32) concentrations in the striatum. Sirt1 deacetylase activity is required for Sirt1-mediated neuroprotection in Huntington's disease cell models. Notably, we show that mutant HTT interacts with Sirt1 and inhibits Sirt1 deacetylase activity, which results in hyperacetylation of Sirt1 substrates such as forkhead box O3A (Foxo3a), thereby inhibiting its pro-survival function. Overexpression of Sirt1 counteracts the mutant-HTT-induced deacetylase deficit, enhances the deacetylation of Foxo3a and facilitates cell survival. These findings show a neuroprotective role for Sirt1 in mammalian Huntington's disease models and open new avenues for the development of neuroprotective strategies in Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

In multiple types of cancer, decreased tumour cell apoptosis during chemotherapy is indicative of decreased chemosensitivity. Forkhead box K2 (FOXK2), which is essential for cell fate, regulates cancer cell apoptosis through several post‐translational modifications. However, FOXK2 acetylation has not been extensively studied. Here, we evaluated the effects of sirtiun 1 (SIRT1) on FOXK2 deacetylation. Our findings demonstrated that SIRT1 inhibition increased FOXK2‐induced chemosensitivity to cisplatin and that K223 in FOXK2 was acetylated. Furthermore, FOXK2 K223 deacetylation reduced chemosensitivity to cisplatin in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, FOXK2 was acetylated by the acetyltransferase cAMP response element binding protein and deacetylated by SIRT1. Furthermore, cisplatin attenuated the interaction between FOXK2 and SIRT1. Cisplatin or SIRT1 inhibition enhanced FOXK2 acetylation, thereby reducing the nuclear distribution of FOXK2. Additionally, FOXK2 K223 acetylation significantly affected the expression of cell cycle–related and apoptosis‐related genes in cisplatin‐stimulated cancer cells, and FOXK2 K223 hyperacetylation promoted mitotic catastrophe, which enhanced chemosensitivity to cisplatin. Overall, our results provided insights into the mechanisms of SIRT1‐mediated FOXK2 deacetylation, which was involved in chemosensitivity to cisplatin.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the mechanisms that control muscle precursor cell (MPC) proliferation for the development of countermeasures to offset the deleterious effects of the aging-related loss of skeletal muscle mass (and myonuclei) and the impaired ability of old muscle to regrow and regenerate. Over-expression of the NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase Sirt1 increased MPC proliferation and cell cycle progression as evidenced by increased 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation, an increase in cell number, proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression, and the phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein. Associated with the Sirt1-mediated increase in MPC cycle progression were the bidirectional decreases and increases in the expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21(Waf/Cip1) and p27(Kip1), respectively. Based upon our recent observation that lowering oxygen (O2) in culture from ambient (20%) to estimated physiological levels (5%) increased MPC proliferation, we next measured Sirt1 protein at 5% and 20% O2. Interestingly, in addition to increased proliferation in MPCs cultured at 5% O2, Sirt1 expression increased, compared to 20% O2. Using O2 levels as a platform to modulate basal Sirt1 protein, activation of Sirt1 activity with resveratrol in 20% O2 increased MPC proliferation while inhibition of Sirt1 with nicotinamide in 5% O2 lowered proliferation. For the first time, Sirt1 has been shown to increase MPC proliferation. These findings could have clinical significance since MPC proliferation has important implications in regulating skeletal muscle growth, maintenance, and repair, and the aging-related loss of skeletal muscle mass.  相似文献   

沉默信息调节因子1(Sirt1),属于Ⅲ类组蛋白去乙酰化酶,是依赖于NAD+的去乙酰化酶,具有高度保守的催化结构域,通过对多种底物进行去乙酰化作用在机体内参与一系列生物学活动.Sirt1去乙酰化调节多种转录因子活性,介导包括细胞凋亡、自噬、代谢、蛋白质内稳态、炎症等多种功能.近年研究发现,Sirt1在免疫调节中也具有重要作用,Sirtl可调节巨噬细胞功能,参与T细胞增殖、分化,在维持T细胞耐受中也具有一定作用,Sirt1还可能通过CD38介导的相关途径调节B细胞功能.大量文献报道多种疾病的发生与Sirt1活性水平有关,Sirt1活性受损可增加炎症和自身免疫性疾病的发生.本文通过综述Sirtl对NF-κB、AP-1信号通路的调节机制,来明确Sirt1在天然免疫和获得性免疫应答中的作用,为临床治疗自身免疫性疾病提供理论依据和可能的治疗靶点.  相似文献   

生物钟调控机制广泛存在于各种类型的细胞中,控制着细胞代谢的节律性变化.最近的研究发现,NAD+依赖的组蛋白去乙酰化酶Sirt1参与了生物钟调控过程,对维持正常的生物钟节律具有重要作用;另一方面,Sirt1的表达也受到生物钟系统的调控,呈现出昼夜节律性的表达.因此Sirt1能与生物钟进行相互调控,并且这一作用机制很可能广泛参与了不同类型细胞内的信号转导和能量代谢过程.本文总结了Sirt1与生物钟之间相互调控的一些研究进展,对它们之间的分子调控机制进行了概述.  相似文献   

The nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)-activated protein deacetylase Sir2p/Sirt1 has been strongly implicated in the modulation of replicative lifespan and promotion of longevity. Part of Sirt1’s capacity for lifespan extension in complex organisms may be attributed to its protective activity against neuronal degeneration. Manipulation of Sirt1’s activity or levels by pharmacological and genetic means in several models of neurodegenerative diseases demonstrated its neuroprotective credentials. However, recent data have indicated that under certain contexts, Sirt1 inhibition, rather than activation, is neuroprotective. These inconsistencies highlight the complex nature of Sirt1-mediated effects. The enzyme has both histone and nonhistone targets, and could potentially act in both nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. These activities intertwine in a manner depending on the context of a system under investigation. One needs to be cautious in extrapolating results derived from short-term observations to a longer-term context, and in assessing efficacies of Sirt1-based therapeutic approaches in treating neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence shows that Sirt1 regulates a variety of neurological functions through the deacetylation of many proteins besides histone; however, the literature on the relationship between Sirt1 and axonal outgrowth is limited. Here, we first demonstrated that Sirt1 was located in the axon, especially in the growth cone. Then, we found that genetic inhibition of Sirt1 retarded axonal development in embryonic hippocampal neurons, whereas genetic and pharmacologic upregulation of Sirt1 promoted not only the formation but also the elongation of axons. Sirt1 can deacetylate and thus activate Akt, and inhibition of Akt significantly reversed the axonogenesis induced by Sirt1 overexpression. We also found that Sirt1 inhibited the activity of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), whereas activation of GSK3 could abolish the effect of Sirt1. These results suggest that Sirt1 promotes axonogenesis by deacetylating Akt and thereby activates the Akt/GSK3 pathway, which could be a promising therapeutic target for axonopathy.  相似文献   

Sir2 and insulin/IGF-1 are the major pathways that impinge upon aging in lower organisms. In Caenorhabditis elegans a possible genetic link between Sir2 and the insulin/IGF-1 pathway has been reported. Here we investigate such a link in mammals. We show that Sirt1 positively regulates insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells. Sirt1 represses the uncoupling protein (UCP) gene UCP2 by binding directly to the UCP2 promoter. In beta cell lines in which Sirt1 is reduced by SiRNA, UCP2 levels are elevated and insulin secretion is blunted. The up-regulation of UCP2 is associated with a failure of cells to increase ATP levels after glucose stimulation. Knockdown of UCP2 restores the ability to secrete insulin in cells with reduced Sirt1, showing that UCP2 causes the defect in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. Food deprivation induces UCP2 in mouse pancreas, which may occur via a reduction in NAD (a derivative of niacin) levels in the pancreas and down-regulation of Sirt1. Sirt1 knockout mice display constitutively high UCP2 expression. Our findings show that Sirt1 regulates UCP2 in beta cells to affect insulin secretion.  相似文献   

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