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Ultrastructurally, the compound eyes of the luminescent marine ostracodes Vargula graminkola and V. tsujii are similar. These ostracodes have two lateral compound eyes, with relatively few ommatidia (13 and 20 respectively). They exhibit apposition type compound eyes as seen in many other arthropods. Each ommatidium includes: a flat, ectodermal cuticular covering, corneagen cells, two long cone cells that give rise to a large conspicuous crystalline cone, retinular cells, pigment cells, a microvillar rhabdom and proximal axonal neurons. The axons merge to form an optic nerve that extends into the brain through a short, muscular stalk that is surrounded externally by a cuticle. The number of retinular cells is typically six per ommatidium in V. graminicola and eight per ommatidium in V. tsujii. Screening pigment cells surround each ommatidium forming a layer that is about 5–15 pigment granules thick. In addition to pigment cells, the cytoplasm of the retinular cells includes numerous screening pigment granules. In light/dark adaptation, there are no obvious morphological differences in the orientation of the rhabdom or in the organization of the screening pigments. Both Vargula species studied are nocturnally active and bioluminescent suggesting that these eyes are capable receptors of the bright conspecific luminescence.  相似文献   

CO2激光对女性外生殖系疾病的审美修复作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭秀琼 《激光生物学报》1997,6(1):990-992,997
应用CO2激光对56例女性外生殖系疾患的74个病灶地汽化治疗,效果显著,治愈率达100%,同时对处女膜发育异常,阴唇肥大及外有黑色素痣等进行了审美修复,并对术后伤口愈合及其功能恢复进行了随访,作者对CO2激光治疗外阴疾患和审美修复的有关问题提出了见解。  相似文献   

Functional morphology of the reproductive organs is a key component for the better understanding of reproductive patterns as well to maximize reproductive efficiency and to develop assisted breeding techniques adapted to wildlife. This study examined anatomical and histological characteristics of genital organs of 60 Poeppig's woolly monkey females in the wild in different reproductive stages, collected by rural hunters in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon. The endometrium, the endometrial glands, and the myometrium showed a significant increase in size related to the follicular growth. In nonpregnant females in the follicular phase, the endometrium, the endometrial glands, and the myometrium showed a significant increase related to the follicular growth. Nonpregnant females in the luteal phase had a thicker endometrium, a greater proliferation of endometrial glands, and a thicker myometrium, compared to females in the follicular phase. Nonpregnant females with small antral follicles presented high amounts of collagen beneath the endometrial epithelium, a sign of endometrial regeneration after menstruation that could be useful for the diagnosis of the reproductive phase in this species. A larger proportion of secreting cervical glands was observed in pregnant females compared to other females. The cervical mucous secretion occupied the lumen of the endocervical canal, assuring that no material could enter the uterus during gestation. The Poeppig's woolly monkey showed different vaginal epithelium features in accordance with the reproductive state of the female, suggesting that vaginal cytology could be a successful methodology with which to characterize the estrous cycle of wild primates. The present reproductive evaluation of Poeppig's woolly monkey provides important information that could improve the methodologies for the diagnosis of the reproductive phase of females, the assisted reproductive techniques in non‐human primates, and could also give us opportunity for comparative studies and an insight into the evolution of animal reproductive biology, including humans. Am. J. Primatol. 74:1006‐1016, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

本文调查了959名不同性激素状态妇女生殖道溶脲支原体(Uu)和人型支原体(Mh)的寄居情况。结果表明新生女婴、产后妇女和绝经妇女Uu和Mh寄居率较低,妊娠妇女Uu和Mh寄居率则相当高;已婚非孕妇女Uu和Mh寄居率高于未婚者。提示了女性激素水平与生殖道支原体寄居状态有密切联系。  相似文献   

Among the benthic ostracods Asterope mariae and Philomedes interpuncta, the adult males emerge at dusk from the benthos and swim straight up to the surface, where they soon concentrate in the neustonic realm. The migration starts when the irradiance is almost 1 W cm-2 and the maximal density occurs at the surface when the light has reached 0.005 W cm-2, before it is completely dark. The migration ends <1 h later and very few animals are observed in the water column later in the night. Upward migration does not result from a positive phototaxis to dim light, but rather from a strong negative geotaxis and an increase in kinesis or swimming activity which occur at around 1 W cm-2. This activity is induced both by the end of the diurnal period of photoinhibition and by an endogenous circadian rhythm. This rhythm could be clearly observed in both species from the recordings made during up to 2 weeks in constant darkness. The length of the period was roughly 24 h (24 h 3 min in Asterope, 23 h 10 min i Philomedes). The timing of the activity phase in total darkness varied depending on the post-capture history of the experimental animals, especially on the time of onset of the experiment. The adaptive advantage of this rapid diel vertical migration may be a question of feeding, but this may also increase the nocturnal dispersal of the reproductive males, and thus promote the reproduction of the species.   相似文献   

Ostracodes from the Tuloi (Floian, Dapingian and the lower Darriwilian) and Karasu (Darriwilian and Sandbian) formations of the northeastern Gorny Altai are discussed and several ostracode localities are briefly described. Two new species Soanella tuloica sp. nov. and Maraphonia caliginosa sp. nov. are described and figured. The previously described forms are only illustrated.  相似文献   

p16 Expression in Squamous Lesions of the Female Genital Tract   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to examine the role of p16 in the pathogenesis of squamous carcinoma of the gynecologic tract. Squamous carcinoma and carcinoma in situ from the female genital tract were examined for the expression of p16 by paraffin immunohistochemistry. About 74% (40/54) of cases showed p16 expression. By primary site, 77% (23/30) of cervical, 67% (6/9) of vaginal and 85% (11/13) of vulvar primaries expressed p16, but two endometrial primary squamous carcinomas were negative (0/2). In addition, p16 was not identified in non-dysplastic tissue and low grade dysplasia. In cases where there were matched vaginal or vulvar and cervical primaries in a given patient, there was concordant positive p16 expression. It is concluded that p16 is frequently expressed in squamous carcinoma of the cervix, vagina and vulva, but not seen in cases of benign and low grade lesions. It may be a marker of transformation from a low to a high grade lesion. More cases of endometrial primaries need to be studied to see if these evolve by a p16-independent pathway.  相似文献   

The developmental morphology and anatomy of the female conesof Acmopyle pancheri(Brongn. & Gris) Pilg. (Podocarpaceae)are described and illustrated, based on observations, histology,scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) imaging. Ovulate development is typically podocarpaceous.Ovules are unitegmic, and horizontal or inclined upwards throughoutontogeny; the pollination drop is inverted because of the declinatemicropyle. Ontogeny of the epimatium-ovule complex is acropetal,the epimatium developing first. A terminal, distal sterile bractcreates a pollen-scavenging area. During development, the wholecone re-orientates through some 270°, and the seed realignsapprox. 60° with respect to the receptacle axis. The ‘receptacle’or podocarpium supporting the seed is formed by gradual fusionof initially free bracts. The structures adnate to these bractsrepresent homologues of ovuliferous scales; they bear vestigialepimatia which may develop into supernumerary ovules or non-functionalepimatia. Thus, female cones ofA. pancheri are vestigially multi-ovulate.NMR imaging effectively and non-invasively revealed the three-dimensionalarrangement of vascular bundles and resin canals in the cones.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Acmopyle pancheri(Brongn. & Gris) Pilg., anatomy, developmental morphology, gymnosperms, histology, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging, ontogeny, ovules, Podocarpaceae, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), seed cones  相似文献   

The mechanism(s) by which bacterial communities impact susceptibility to infectious diseases, such as HIV, and maintain female genital tract (FGT) health are poorly understood. Evaluation of FGT bacteria has predominantly been limited to studies of species abundance, but not bacterial function. We therefore sought to examine the relationship of bacterial community composition and function with mucosal epithelial barrier health in the context of bacterial vaginosis (BV) using metaproteomic, metagenomic, and in vitro approaches. We found highly diverse bacterial communities dominated by Gardnerella vaginalis associated with host epithelial barrier disruption and enhanced immune activation, and low diversity communities dominated by Lactobacillus species that associated with lower Nugent scores, reduced pH, and expression of host mucosal proteins important for maintaining epithelial integrity. Importantly, proteomic signatures of disrupted epithelial integrity associated with G. vaginalis-dominated communities in the absence of clinical BV diagnosis. Because traditional clinical assessments did not capture this, it likely represents a larger underrepresented phenomenon in populations with high prevalence of G. vaginalis. We finally demonstrated that soluble products derived from G. vaginalis inhibited wound healing, while those derived from L. iners did not, providing insight into functional mechanisms by which FGT bacterial communities affect epithelial barrier integrity.  相似文献   

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is still a common practice in many countries in Africa and the Middle East. Understanding the determinants of FGM can lead to more active interventions to prevent this harmful practice. The goal of this study is to explore factors associated with FGM behavior among Iranian mothers and their daughters. Based on Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior, we examined the predictive value of attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and several socio-demographic variables in relation to mothers’ intentions to mutilate their daughters. A paper-and-pencil survey was conducted among 300 mothers (mean age = 33.20, SD = 9.09) who had at least one daughter and who lived in Ravansar, a county in Kermanshah Province in Iran. Structural equation modeling was used to investigate the relationships among the study variables. Our results indicate that attitude is the strongest predictor of mothers’ intentions to allow their daughters to undergo FGM, followed by subjective norms. Compared to younger mothers, older mothers have more positive attitudes toward FGM, perceive themselves as having more control over their behavior and demonstrate a greater intention to allow their daughter to undergo FGM. Furthermore, we found that less educated mothers and mothers living in rural areas had more positive attitudes toward FGM and feel more social pressure to allow FGM. The model accounts for 93 percent of the variance in the mothers’ intentions to allow their daughters to undergo FGM. Intervention programs that want to decrease FGM might focus primarily on converting mothers’ neutral or positive feelings toward FGM into negative attitudes and on alleviating the perceived social pressure to mutilate one’s daughter. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations about how to curtail mothers’ intentions to allow their daughters to undergo FGM.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the Z-organ and associated apophyses in Xiphinema coxi coxi was studied by transmission electron microscopy to determine their structural origin and relationship with other parts of the genital tract. The Z-organ of X. coxi coxi is oval-shaped, ca. 30 µm long and 16 µm wide. It is clearly distinguished from the other parts of the female genital tract by its thick muscular outer wall, epithelium-lined lumen, and 4-5 centrally located apophyses. Each apophysis is continuous with the epithelial lining of the Z-organ, suggesting that it originated from epithelium. The apophyses appear as thickened and densely folded masses forming numerous interlaced pores and (or) chambers containing mucous-like materials and electron-dense crystals. These apophyses are characteristic of a typical Z-organ; no globular structures characteristics of the pseudo-Z-organ were observed. The thickness of the muscular layer of the oviduct and uterus varied with position. The overall Z-organ ultrastructure of this study, including body wall and internal apophyses, was comparable to the typical Z-organ of X. ifacolum. This suggests that X. coxi coxi should be classified as a Xiphinema species that contains the typical Z-organ.  相似文献   

We have characterized the folate receptor in malignant and benign tissues of human female genital tract (Fallopian tube and benign and malignant tissues of uterus). Radioligand binding displayed characteristics similar to those of other folate binding proteins. Those include a high-affinity type of binding (K=1010M–1), apparent positive cooperativity, a slow dissociation at pH 7.4 becoming rapid at pH 3.5, and inhibition of binding by folate analogues. The gel filtration profile of Triton X-100 solubilized tissue contained two large peaks of 3H-folate labelled protein (>=130 and 100kDa) as well as a 25 kDa peak. Only a single band of 70 kDa was seen on SDS-PAGE immunoblotting. The large molecular size forms on gel filtration appear to represent folate receptors having a hydrophobic membrane anchor inserted into Triton X-100 micelles. The folate receptor of female genital tract showed cross-reactivity in ELISA and positive immunostaining with rabbit antibodies against human milk folate binding protein. Variations in the ratio of immunoresponse to total high affinity folic acid binding suggests the presence of multiple isoforms of the receptor in different types of malignant and benign tissues.  相似文献   



Genital granulomas induced by Schistosoma haematobium eggs can manifest as different lesion types visible by colposcopy; rubbery papules (RP), homogenous sandy patches (HSP) and grainy sandy patches (GSP). Pronounced tissue eosinophilia is a candidate marker for active S. haematobium pathology, as viable schistosome egg granulomas often are eosinophil rich. Here it was investigated whether eosinophil granule proteins ECP (eosinophil cationic protein) and EPX (eosinophil protein-X) in urine and genital lavage can be used as markers for active FGS lesions.


Uro-genital samples from 118 Malagasy women were analysed for ECP and EPX by standard sandwich avidin/biotin amplified ELISA.

Principal findings

The women with RP lesions had significantly higher levels of ECP and EPX in both lavage and urine. Furthermore, women with RP lesions were significantly younger than those with GSP. This could indicate that RP lesions might be more recently established and thus represent an earlier inflammatory lesion stage.


ECP in genital lavage might be a future tool aiding the identification of FGS pathology at a stage where reversibility remains a possibility following praziquantel treatment.  相似文献   

Female Genital Surgeries: The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article reviews the literature on female genital surgeries and examines the extent to which available research supports commonly accepted "facts" about the prevalence and harmful effects of these practices, in particular their possible health complications, and their effect on sexuality. While information regarding the prevalence of female genital surgeries is becoming increasingly available, the powerful discourse that depicts these practices as inevitably causing death and serious ill health, and as unequivocally destroying sexual pleasure, is not sufficiently supported by the evidence. The article discusses some of the implications of research on female genital surgeries for the societies that are involved—not merely those where the practices are found, but also those whose gaze has been so intensely focused on the customs of others, [female genital surgeries/mutilation, prevalence, health complications, sexuality]  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the upper lip, which is the location of the light organ in luminescent ostracods, is described for two species of marine ostracods (Vargula graminicola, and V. tsujii). The light organ contains four primary cell types (here designated A–D) readily identified both by the types of vesicles that they contain and their location. Cell type A, restricted to the center of the light organ, has vesicles that are homogeneous throughout. Cell type B has vesicles with a single electron-dense central area. This cell is most common in the lateral regions but is also found in the tusks. Immunocytochemical experiments revealed that luciferase is found in B cells, but not in any other cells or in control specimens. Cell type C has vesicles containing many electrondense microstructures; this cell type is the least common and is found along with B cells within the lateral margins of the light organ. Cell type D has granulated vesicles and is restricted to the tusks. Metachromatic staining with toluidine blue suggests that the vesicles contain acidic mucosubstances. The cells of the light organ are very long (360–460 μm) and extend through its entire length. The cells found exclusively in the tusks are shorter (ea. 150 μm). All cells possess similar polarity: proximal synthesis, middle transitional, and distal secretory regions. These cells terminate ventrally at nozzles on the anterior portion of the upper lip, and on the tusks. The upper lip and light organ possess two large longitudinal muscles, a central muscle, and several smaller “bridle” muscles that attach onto sclerotized ridges. Various hypotheses for the storage and secretion of light organ materials are suggested relative to these morphological data. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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