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The Floating-Harbor syndrome (FHS) is clinically characterized by short stature, retarded speech development, delayed bone age, typical facies, bulbous nose, wide columella, thin lips. Four cases with celiac disease have been described previously. In two other cases, autosomal dominant inheritance has been suggested. We describe a boy aged 2 years 11 months with clinical features of FHS and celiac disease. His mother also presents minor phenotypical characteristics, suggesting that the present observation corresponds to a variant example of familial FHS.  相似文献   

In this report we have described an affected sib in a large Turkish family who appears to have a new distinct dominantly-inherited blindness, scoliosis and arachnodactyly syndrome. The combination of clinical abnormalities in these patients did not initially suggest Marfan syndrome or other connective tissue disorders associated with ectopia lentis. The proband was a 16-year-old boy who was referred to our clinics for scoliosis. He had arachnodactyly of both fingers and toes. He had been suffering from progressive visual loss and strabismus since he was eight-years-old. His 20-year-old brother had severe kyphoscoliosis, and arachnodactyly of fingers and toes. He was 130 cm tall and was bilaterally blind. His 23-year-old sister had only eye findings but no arachnodactyly or scoliosis. His 60-year-old father had mild scoliosis, blindness and arachnodactyly and mother was normal. We performed routine mutation analyses in the genes FBN1, TGFBR1 and TGFBR2, but no mutation has been detected. Our Turkish patients are most likely affected by a hitherto unrecorded condition which is caused by an autosomal dominant gene defect with variable expression but we can not exclude multigenic inheritance. Further studies are needed to assess the contribution of sex influence to the syndrome because the female relative is less affected.  相似文献   

We describe the clinical histories and physical findings most compatible with the diagnosis of Floating-Harbor syndrome in two sisters. The genetic basis of the Floating-Harbor syndrome is still unclear, and family data are in favour of autosomal recessive inheritance although germinal mosaicism for an autosomal dominant gene mutation cannot be fully excluded.  相似文献   

Three patients presented with symptoms suggesting a Mallory-Weiss tear. Endoscopy showed a localized, clearly demarcated area of bright red mucosa near the gastro-oesophageal junction; this was thought to have arisen by retrograde intussusception of the stomach during vomiting or retching and may have caused the haemorrhage.  相似文献   

Six patients with severe hyponatraemia had neurological features of hyponatraemia and pronounced hypoalbuminaemia. All had biochemical features typical of the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone with low serum osmolality and an inappropriately high urinary osmolality. All were given infusions of whole plasma or albumin solution, or both, to restore their plasma albumin concentrations to normal, which led to a dramatic increase in plasma sodium concentrations and serum osmolality, with a concomitant fall in urinary osmolality in all patients. Neurological features were reversed in four patients. It is suggested that severe hypoalbuminaemia is an important cause of appreciable hyponatraemia; infusions of plasma and albumin in such patients may reverse the biochemical and clinical features and should form the basis of management.  相似文献   

Apathy is defined as a disorder of motivation that expresses itself at an emotional, cognitive and behavioural level. Apathy can occur as a symptom and a syndrome. In the recent years diagnostic criteria and a number of scales for measuring apathy in elderly with psychiatric or neurological disorders have been introduced. Two scales are specifically developed to measure apathy, the Apathy Evaluation Scale (AES) from Marin and the Apathy Scale (AS) from Starkstein. Both scales have been translated into Dutch. The AS is more convenient. The AS in addition can be used when applying the criteria for the apathy syndrome which has been introduced in 2001 by Starkstein. In addition, the Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and the 'Gedragsobservatieschaal voor de Intramurale Psychogeniatrie' (GIP) (a scale in Dutch) have an apathy domain. Conceptual problems surrounding apathy have only partly been resolved. The criteria for the apathy syndrome can only be used for assessing the extent of the problem. Apathy and depression are strongly correlated. Studies show that apathy as a syndrome can occur without concomitant depression in the elderly, but regularly occurs besides a depressive disorder, in percentages varying between 9% and 53% of the population under study. Especially the varying validity of an apathy syndrome in relation to late life depression needs further clarification.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between the gender of insects and their ability to act as vectors of insect-borne diseases (IBDs) could provide clues as to the origin of the intimate interplay among insect, pathogen and vertebrate hosts. The vector activity of several species of blood-feeding insects is linked to adult females. Interestingly, the only known exception is the transmission of canine and human thelaziosis by a male dipteran fly. This biological difference raises the question as to whether the parasitic behaviour of male and female insects transmitting IBDs is an expression of a co-evolution of vectors and pathogens.  相似文献   

Familial transmission of a dysmorphic syndrome: a variant example of Kabuki syndrome?: We report a Romanian family with a dysmorphic syndrome in three generations: a boy, his mother and maternal grandfather, who all presented with the typical facial appearance, characteristic skeletal and dermatoglyphic findings of Kabuki syndrome, but no mental retardation, short stature and visceral abnormalities. The phenotype observed in this family may represent the mild end of a spectrum of clinical manifestations described in this condition. This report provides a further evidence for autosomal dominant transmission of the disorder.  相似文献   

J C Godel  A G Hart 《CMAJ》1984,131(3):199-204
A syndrome is described that affected 16 Indian and Inuit infants roughly 3 months old, most of whom were born in settlements in the Canadian Arctic. The infants presented with a clinical picture that included hepatitis, hemolytic anemia, rickets and respiratory distress, a combination that resembled a syndrome first described in malnourished infants at the turn of the century by von Jaksch and Luzet. The clinical course was self-limited, and all the infants survived without sequelae. The cause of the syndrome was not determined; no infectious agents were discovered. However, low levels of vitamins A, C, D and E were found in a few infants in whom assays were done. The implications of these findings and their relation to the possible cause of this "northern infant syndrome" are discussed.  相似文献   

Dubowitz syndrome (DS) (MIM#223370) (4) is a very rare genetic and developmental disorder involving multiple congenital anomalies including: 1) growth failure/short stature; 2) unusual but characteristic facial features; small triangular face, high sloping forehead, ptosis, short palpebral fissures, broad and flat nasal bridge; 3) microcephaly; 4) mild mental retardation; and 5) in at least 50% of the cases, eczema. Multiple organ systems are affected and the disorder is unpredictable and extremely variable in its expression. Here we describe a male Turkish patient who has typical and less common findings of DS with additionally persistently low serum lipid levels and an arachnoid cyst. The present patient is the second case of DS with persistently low cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is neurogenetic disorder involving the imprinting mechanism at 15q11-13 region. We report a 4-year-old girl who was referred to our laboratory to be investigated for clinical obesity, mental deficiency and respiratory problems. The patient was born for non-consanguineous and healthy biological parents. After normal pregnancy, the patient was delivered by cesarean section at full term, with a birth weight of 2500 g, and the height and head circumference were unknown. In neonatal stage, she presented severe hypotonia with feeding problems. Her developmental progress was delayed. She walked and developed speech at the age of 3 years. Since the age of 3 years, she presented severe dental problems. Methylation study had confirmed the diagnosis, and for detecting etiology, fluorescence in situ hybridization using probes for small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N (SNRPN), which map inside the chromosomal region 15q11-15q13, was necessary to confirm the 15q11-15q13 deletion of paternal chromosome 15, which is the predominant genetic defect in PWS. In conclusion, we report this case with an objective to reinforce the necessity of analysis of DNA methylation within the 15q11-13 region, which is an important tool for the correct diagnosis among children presenting with neonatal hypotonia, mental deficiency and obesity.  相似文献   

The Guillain-Barré syndrome is an acute inflammatory polineuropathy; it's frequency is established at the level of 1,3 cases/ 100 000 persons/ year. The main etiological factors concerned with the GBS occurrence are: Campylobacter jejuni, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barre virus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae. The authors present a case of the 15 years old boy with the clinical features of acute motor axonal polineuropathy and confirmed C. jejuni infection. Identification of C. jejuni isolate was based on colony morphology on CCDA plate (OXOID), characteristic motility, catalase, oxidase, hippurate hydrolysis and acetate hydrolysis. The identity of C. jejuni was also confirmed by a specific PCR. According to the authors' knowledge this is the first case of a patient with GBS with confirmed C. jejuni infection reported from Poland.  相似文献   

Schinzel acrocallosal syndrome: a variant example of the Greig syndrome?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 5-month-old male is reported with clinical and radiological findings identical to those present in the Schinzel acrocallosal syndrome. The similarity with the Greig syndrome is discussed and the question is raised whether both syndromes are variant examples of the same autosomal dominant condition.  相似文献   

The recent discovery that the tumour suppressor LKB1 is an upstream kinase in the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) cascade provided a molecular link between energy metabolism and cancer. A recent study by Shaw and colleagues elucidated the role of LKB1 in type 2 diabetes. Deletion of the gene encoding LKB1 in the liver leads to marked hyperglycaemia as a consequence of increased gluconeogenic gene expression and hepatic glucose output. Importantly, the absence of LKB1 in the liver abolishes the effect of lowering glucose level caused by metformin, a drug that is widely used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. These findings should help solve the mystery surrounding the function of metformin, which has lasted for >30 years.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of essential hypertension may possibly involve a deficiency in, or a decreased response to, endogenous vasodilator and natriuretic factor(s). Searching for hereditary or familial defects, it is plausible to evaluate blood pressure (BP) regulating factors in (yet) normotensive offspring of hypertensive parents (OHyp), some of whom are in fact in a stage of prehypertension. Studies by our group demonstrated that compared with healthy offspring of normotensive parents, OHyp have plasma atrial natriuretic (ANF) factor levels that are unaltered on a low salt intake but often fail to increase normally in response to a high salt intake. Plasma levels of cyclic GMP, the presumed second messenger of ANF, also may tend to be decreased in certain OHyp. On the other hand, renal excretory responses of cyclic GMP and electrolytes to ANF infused in "physiological" dose were unchanged in some OHyp tested so far. In borderline to moderate, uncomplicated essential hypertension, plasma ANF levels are often "normal." This may be inappropriately low relative to the existing BP, although the relationship of circulating ANF to atrial pressures in essential hypertension remains to be clarified. A conversion to higher plasma ANF values may occur with cardiac complications such as left ventricular hypertrophy, enlargement, dysfunction, or overt heart failure. Acute or short-term elevation of circulating ANF within the physiological and pathophysiological range by ANF infusion produces an exaggerated natriuresis and lowers BP in essential hypertensive patients. We postulate a syndrome of ANF deficiency, characterized by an impaired response of circulating ANF to high salt intake and by low cyclic GMP levels in certain yet normotensive offspring of essential hypertensive parents and by inappropriately "normal" plasma ANF in some patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension. At the stage of prehypertension, a disturbance in the ANF - cyclic GMP pathway may be expressed primarily at the circulatory rather than at the renal level. Hypertension-prone humans also tend to have an exaggerated vascular reactivity to norepinephrine. Whether the two disturbances may be interrelated is presently unknown. Both defects may potentially predispose to the development of essential hypertension. Relative ANF deficiency, an enhanced natriuretic response to ANF, and a sustained antihypertensive effect of infused ANF may represent a rational basis for treatment of essential hypertension with agents that activate the ANF system.  相似文献   

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