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Suzaki T  Yoshida A  Hirano HY 《The Plant cell》2008,20(8):2049-2058
Postembryonic development in plants depends on the activity of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) and root apical meristem (RAM). In Arabidopsis thaliana, CLAVATA signaling negatively regulates the size of the stem cell population in the SAM by repressing WUSCHEL. In other plants, however, studies of factors involved in stem cell maintenance are insufficient. Here, we report that two proteins closely related to CLAVATA3, FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER2 (FON2) and FON2-LIKE CLE PROTEIN1 (FCP1/Os CLE402), have functionally diversified to regulate the different types of meristem in rice (Oryza sativa). Unlike FON2, which regulates the maintenance of flower and inflorescence meristems, FCP1 appears to regulate the maintenance of the vegetative SAM and RAM. Constitutive expression of FCP1 results in consumption of the SAM in the vegetative phase, and application of an FCP1 CLE peptide in vitro disturbs root development by misspecification of cell fates in the RAM. FON1, a putative receptor of FON2, is likely to be unnecessary for these FCP1 functions. Furthermore, we identify a key amino acid residue that discriminates between the actions of FCP1 and FON2. Our results suggest that, although the basic framework of meristem maintenance is conserved in the angiosperms, the functions of the individual factors have diversified during evolution.  相似文献   

CLAVATA3 (CLV3), CLV3/ESR19 (CLE19), and CLE40 belong to a family of 26 genes in Arabidopsis thaliana that encode putative peptide ligands with unknown identity. It has been shown previously that ectopic expression of any of these three genes leads to a consumption of the root meristem. Here, we show that in vitro application of synthetic 14-amino acid peptides, CLV3p, CLE19p, and CLE40p, corresponding to the conserved CLE motif, mimics the overexpression phenotype. The same result was observed when CLE19 protein was applied externally. Interestingly, clv2 failed to respond to the peptide treatment, suggesting that CLV2 is involved in the CLE peptide signaling. Crossing of the CLE19 overexpression line with clv mutants confirms the involvement of CLV2. Analyses using tissue-specific marker lines revealed that the peptide treatments led to a premature differentiation of the ground tissue daughter cells and misspecification of cell identity in the pericycle and endodermis layers. We propose that these 14-amino acid peptides represent the major active domain of the corresponding CLE proteins, which interact with or saturate an unknown cell identity-maintaining CLV2 receptor complex in roots, leading to consumption of the root meristem.  相似文献   

Murine interferon-gamma (MuIFN-gamma), produced by the T-cell lymphoma, L12-R4, and stimulated with phorbol myristic acetate, was purified by rat monoclonal antibodies AN-18.17.24. The purified product retained its biologic activity and consisted of two proteins (Mr = 17,500 and 16,500), as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis. Both species were found to be glycosylated, since their Mr values decreased to 14,500 and 13,500 when the producing cells were stimulated in the presence of tunicamycin. Analysis of intracellular and secreted forms in the presence of [35S] methionine revealed that MuIFN-gamma is synthetized as a single peptide of Mr = 17,500 and undergoes proteolytic cleavage during or after secretion. Peptide mapping by reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography showed indeed that the peptide profile of both species is very similar, suggesting a high degree of homology in the primary structure. These results demonstrate that the molecular heterogeneity of the MuIFN-gamma is probably the outcome of proteolytic processing during or after secretion.  相似文献   

Using 26 chemically synthetic CLAVATA3/ESR (CLE) peptides, which correspond to the predicted products of the 31 Arabidopsis CLE genes, we investigated the CLE peptide function in Arabidopsis and rice. Treatment with some CLE peptides inhibited root elongation in rice as well as in Arabidopsis. It also reduced the size of the shoot apical meristem in Arabidopsis but not in rice. Database searches revealed 47 putative CLE genes in the rice genome and multiple CLE domains in some CLE genes, indicating diverse CLE function in these plants.  相似文献   

The C-terminal G domains of laminin alpha chains have been implicated in various cellular and other interactions. The G domain of the alpha4 chain was now produced in transfected mammalian cells as two tandem arrays of LG modules, alpha4LG1-3 and alpha4LG4-5. The recombinant fragments were shown to fold into globular structures and could be distinguished by specific antibodies. Both fragments were able to bind to heparin, sulfatides, and the microfibrillar fibulin-1 and fibulin-2. They were, however, poor substrates for cell adhesion and had only a low affinity for the alpha-dystroglycan receptor when compared with the G domains of the laminin alpha1 and alpha2 chains. Yet antibodies to alpha4LG1-3 but not to alpha4LG4-5 clearly inhibited alpha(6)beta(1) integrin-mediated cell adhesion to laminin-8, indicating the participation of alpha4LG1-3 in a cell-adhesive structure of higher complexity. Proteolytic processing within a link region between the alpha4LG3 and alpha4LG4 modules was shown to occur during recombinant production and in endothelial and Schwann cell culture. Cleavage could be attributed to three different peptide bonds and is accompanied by the release of the alpha4LG4-5 segment. Immunohistology demonstrated abundant staining of alpha4LG1-3 in vessel walls, adipose, and perineural tissue. No significant staining was found for alpha4LG4-5, indicating their loss from tissues. Immunogold staining demonstrated an association of the alpha4 chain primarily with microfibrillar regions rather than with basement membranes, while laminin alpha2 chains appear primarily associated with various basement membranes.  相似文献   

In this article, we present the cloning of two CLAVATA3/ESR (CLE)-like genes, HsCLE1 and HsCLE2, from the beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii, a plant-parasitic cyst nematode with a relatively broad host range that includes the model plant Arabidopsis. CLEs are small secreted peptide ligands that play important roles in plant growth and development. By secreting peptide mimics of plant CLEs, the nematode can developmentally reprogramme root cells for the formation of unique feeding sites within host roots for its own benefit. Both HsCLE1 and HsCLE2 encode small secreted polypeptides with a conserved C-terminal CLE domain sharing highest similarity to Arabidopsis CLEs 1-7. Moreover, HsCLE2 contains a 12-amino-acid CLE motif that is identical to AtCLE5 and AtCLE6. Like all other plant and nematode CLEs identified to date, HsCLEs caused wuschel-like phenotypes when overexpressed in Arabidopsis, and this activity was abolished when the proteins were expressed without the CLE motif. HsCLEs could also function in planta without a signal peptide, highlighting the unique, yet conserved function of nematode CLE variable domains in trafficking CLE peptides for secretion. In a direct comparison of HsCLE2 overexpression phenotypes with those of AtCLE5 and AtCLE6, similar shoot and root phenotypes were observed. Exogenous application of 12-amino-acid synthetic peptides corresponding to the CLE motifs of HsCLEs and AtCLE5/6 suggests that the function of this class of CLEs may be subject to complex endogenous regulation. When seedlings were grown on high concentrations of peptide (10 μm), root growth was suppressed; however, when seedlings were grown on low concentrations of peptide (0.1 μm), root growth was stimulated. Together, these findings indicate that AtCLEs1-7 may be the target peptides mimicked by HsCLEs to promote parasitism.  相似文献   

Ling Meng  Lewis J. Feldman 《Planta》2010,232(5):1061-1074
Towards an understanding of the interacting nature of the CLAVATA (CLV) complex, we predicted the 3D structures of CLV3/ESR-related (CLE) peptides and the ectodomain of their potential receptor proteins/kinases, and docking models of these molecules. The results show that the ectodomain of CLV1 can form homodimers and that the 12-/13-amino-acid CLV3 peptide fits into the binding clefts of the CLV1 dimers. Our results also demonstrate that the receptor domain of CORYNE (CRN), a recently identified receptor-like kinase, binds tightly to the ectodomain of CLV2, and this likely leads to an increased possibility for docking with CLV1. Furthermore, our docking models reveal that two CRN-CLV2 ectodomain heterodimers are able to form a tetramer receptor complex. Peptides of CLV3, CLE14, CLE19, and CLE20 are also able to bind a potential CLV2-CRN heterodimer or heterotetramer complex. Using a cell-division reporter line, we found that synthetic 12-amino-acid CLE14 and CLE20 peptides inhibit, irreversibly, root growth by reducing cell division rates in the root apical meristem, resulting in a short-root phenotype. Intriguingly, we observed that exogenous application of cytokinin can partially rescue the short-root phenotype induced by over-expression of either CLE14 or CLE20 in planta. However, cytokinin treatment does not rescue the short-root phenotype caused by exogenous application of the synthetic CLE14/CLE20 peptides, suggesting a requirement for a condition provided only in living plants. These results therefore imply that the CLE14/CLE20 peptides may act through the CLV2-CRN receptor kinase, and that their availabilities and/or abundances may be affected by cytokinin activity in planta.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, important roles for the 84–88 kDa Group VIA Ca2+-independent phospholipase A2 (iPLA2β) in various organs have been described. We demonstrated that iPLA2β participates in insulin secretion, insulinoma cells and native pancreatic islets express full-length and truncated isoforms of iPLA2β, and certain stimuli promote perinuclear localization of iPLA2β. To gain a better understanding of its mobilization, iPLA2β was expressed in INS-1 cells as a fusion protein with EGFP, enabling detection of subcellular localization of iPLA2β by monitoring EGFP fluorescence. Cells stably-transfected with fusion protein expressed nearly 5-fold higher catalytic iPLA2β activity than control cells transfected with EGFP cDNA alone, indicating that co-expression of EGFP does not interfere with manifestation of iPLA2β activity. Dual fluorescence monitoring of EGFP and organelle Trackers combined with immunoblotting analyses revealed expression of truncated iPLA2β isoforms in separate subcellular organelles. Exposure to secretagogues and induction of ER stress are known to activate iPLA2β in β-cells and we find here that these stimuli promote differential localization of iPLA2β in subcellular organelles. Further, mass spectrometric analyses identified iPLA2β variants from which N-terminal residues were removed. Collectively, these findings provide evidence for endogenous proteolytic processing of iPLA2β and redistribution of iPLA2β variants in subcellular compartments. It might be proposed that in vivo processing of iPLA2β facilitates its participation in multiple biological processes.  相似文献   

The structural organization of small peptides reproducing the amino acid sequence of the common ocytocin/neurophysin precursor around the LysArg cleavage locus was investigated by a combination of spectroscopical techniques. In water both circular dichroism and [1H] NMR spectra indicated that these peptides adopted a random conformation. Evidence for folded structures was obtained when these compounds were placed in a membrane-like environment i.e. 40 mM SDS in phosphate buffer or trifluoroethanol. Whereas the CD spectra indicated the formation of various types of beta-turn in rapid equilibrium, measurements of NH temperature coefficients and Nuclear Overhauser Effects by 400 and 500 MHz NMR revealed the existence of contacts and of a folded conformation. These observations are discussed in relation with previous hypothesis made on the secondary structure organization of the proteolytic processing site of polypeptide hormone precursors.  相似文献   

Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6) is a member of low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) family which cooperates with Frizzled receptors to transduce the canonical Wnt signal. As a critical component of the canonical Wnt pathway, LRP6 is essential for appropriate brain development, however, the mechanism by which LRP6 facilitates Wnt canonical signaling has not been fully elucidated. Interestingly, LRP6 which lacks its extracellular domain can constitutively activate TCF/LEF and potentiate the Wnt signal. Further, the free cytosolic tail of LRP6 interacts directly with glycogen synthase kinase (GSK3) and inhibits GSK3's activity in the Wnt canonical pathway which results in increased TCF/LEF activation. However, whether these truncated forms of LRP6 are physiologically relevant is unclear. Recent studies have shown that other members of the LDLR family undergo gamma-secretase dependent regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP). Using independent experimental approaches, we show that LRP6 also undergoes RIP. The extracellular domain of LRP6 is shed and released into the surrounding milieu and the cytoplasmic tail is cleaved by gamma-secretase-like activity to release the intracellular domain. Furthermore, protein kinase C, Wnt 3a and Dickkopf-1 modulate this process. These findings suggest a novel mechanism for LRP6 in Wnt signaling: induction of ectodomain shedding of LRP6, followed by the gamma-secretase involved proteolytic releasing its intracellular domain (ICD) which then binds to GSK3 inhibiting its activity and thus activates the canonical Wnt signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis shepherd (shd) mutant shows expanded shoot apical meristems (SAM) and floral meristems (FM), disorganized root apical meristems, and defects in pollen tube elongation. We have discovered that SHD encodes an ortholog of GRP94, an ER-resident HSP90-like protein. Since the shd phenotypes in SAM and FM are similar to those of the clavata (clv) mutants, we have explored the possibility that CLV complex members could be SHD targets. The SAM and FM morphology of shd clv double mutants are indistinguishable from those of clv single mutants, and the wuschel (wus) mutation is completely epistatic to the shd mutation, indicating that SHD and CLV act in the same genetic pathway to suppress WUS function. Moreover, the effects of CLV3 overexpression that result in the elimination of SAM activity were abolished in the shd mutant, indicating that CLV function is dependent on SHD function. Therefore, we conclude that the SHD protein is required for the correct folding and/or complex formation of CLV proteins.  相似文献   

《Bioscience Hypotheses》2008,1(6):336-337
TSGA10 protein is important for sperm motility and fetal development. On the basis of population genetics, we hypothesized that amino acid residue 273 may be critical for the proper proteolytic processing of this protein, and hence for its function.  相似文献   

The guinea pig seminal vesicle epithelium synthesizes and secretes four major secretory proteins (SVP-1-4). Previous work has established that these four proteins are cleaved from two primary translation products in a complex series of protein processing reactions. The present studies suggest that these protein processing reactions are regulated by androgens. In vitro labeling of seminal vesicle proteins revealed significant differences in the patterns of secretory protein intermediates produced by tissue from intact and castrated animals. Seminal vesicle tissue explants from castrated animals secreted a subset of the processing intermediates secreted by tissue from intact animals. The changes in the patterns of secretory protein intermediates became more pronounced with increasing time after castration, and were fully reversible by treatment of castrated animals with testosterone, suggesting that androgens were affecting the processing or secretion of secretory protein precursors. Amino-terminal protein sequencing of secretory protein processing intermediates that accumulate in the seminal vesicle lumen after castration suggests that the guinea pig seminal vesicle contains an androgen-regulated proteolytic processing activity.  相似文献   

In a variety of organisms, a number of proteins associated with the cortical actin cytoskeleton contain SH3 domains, suggesting that these domains may provide the physical basis for functional interactions among structural and regulatory proteins in the actin cytoskeleton. We present evidence that SH3 domains mediate at least two independent functions of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae actin-binding protein Abp1p in vivo. Abp1p contains a single SH3 domain that has recently been shown to bind in vitro to the adenylyl cyclase-associated protein Srv2p. Immunofluorescence analysis of Srv2p subcellular localization in strains carrying mutations in either ABP1 or SRV2 reveals that the Abp1p SH3 domain mediates the normal association of Srv2p with the cortical actin cytoskeleton. We also show that a site in Abp1p itself is specifically bound by the SH3 domain of the actin-associated protein Rvs167p. Genetic analysis provides evidence that Abp1p and Rvs167p have functions that are closely interrelated. Abp1 null mutations, like rvs167 mutations, result in defects in sporulation and reduced viability under certain suboptimal growth conditions. In addition, mutations in ABP1 and RVS167 yield similar profiles of genetic "synthetic lethal" interactions when combined with mutations in genes encoding other cytoskeletal components. Mutations which specifically disrupt the SH3 domain-mediated interaction between Abp1p and Srv2p, however, show none of the shared phenotypes of abp1 and rvs167 mutations. We conclude that the Abp1p SH3 domain mediates the association of Srv2p with the cortical actin cytoskeleton, and that Abp1p performs a distinct function that is likely to involve binding by the Rvs167p SH3 domain. Overall, work presented here illustrates how SH3 domains can integrate the activities of multiple actin cytoskeleton proteins in response to varying environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Streptococcus equisimilis streptokinase (SK) is a bacterial protein of unknown tertiary structure and domain organization that is used extensively to treat acute myocardial infarction following coronary thrombosis. Six fragments of SK were generated by limited proteolysis with chymotrypsin and purified. NMR and CD experiments have shown that the secondary and tertiary structure present in the native molecule is preserved within all fragments, except the N-terminal fragment SK7. NMR spectra demonstrate the presence in SK of three structurally autonomous domains and a less structured C-terminal "tail." Cleavage within the N-terminal domain generates an N-terminal fragment, SK7, which remains noncovalently associated with the remainder of the molecule; in isolation, SK7 adopts an unfolded conformation. The abilities of these fragments to induce active site formation within human plasminogen upon formation of their heterodimeric complex were assayed. The lowest mass SK fragment exhibiting Plg-dependent activator activity was shown to be SK27 (mass 27,000, residues 147-380), which contains both central and C-terminal domains, although this activity was reduced approximately 6,000-fold relative to that of full-length SK. The activity of a 36,000 mass fragment, SK36 (residues 64-380), which differs from SK27 in possessing a portion of the N-terminal domain, was reduced to 0.1-1.0% of that of SK. Other fragments (masses 7,000, 11,000, 16,000, 17,000, 25,000, and 26,000), representing either single domains or single domains extended by portions of other domains, were inactive. However, SK7 (residues 1-63), at a 100-fold molar excess concentration, greatly potentiated the activities of SK27 and SK36, by up to 50- and > 130-fold, respectively. These findings demonstrate that all of SK's three domains are essential for native-like SK activity. The central and C-terminal domains mediate plasminogen-binding and active site-generating functions, whereas the N-terminal domain mediates an activity-potentiating function.  相似文献   

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