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DNA concentrations in municipal drinking water samples were measured by fluorometry, using Hoechst 33258 fluorochrome. The concentration, extraction, and detection methods used were adapted from existing techniques. The method is reproducible, fast, accurate, and simple. The amounts of DNA per cell for five different bacterial isolates obtained from drinking water samples were determined by measuring DNA concentration and total cell concentration (acridine orange epifluorescence direct cell counting) in stationary pure cultures. The relationship between DNA concentration and epifluorescence total direct cell concentration in 11 different drinking water samples was linear and positive; the amounts of DNA per cell in these samples did not differ significantly from the amounts in pure culture isolates. We found significant linear correlations between DNA concentration and colony-forming unit concentration, as well as between epifluorescence direct cell counts and colony-forming unit concentration. DNA concentration measurements of municipal drinking water samples appear to monitor changes in bacteriological quality at least as well as total heterotrophic plate counting and epifluorescence direct cell counting.  相似文献   

The diaminobenzoic acid dihydrochloride fluorescence method has been examined to determine optimal conditions for the assay of DNA in perchloric acid extracts and in pretreated Chlamydomonas cells on glass-fiber filters. Maximal fluorescence yield was obtained by allowing: (a) the perchloric acid extract to react with 4–6% diaminobenzoic acid dihydrochloride for 20–40 min at 60–80°C at about pH 3.0; (b) the pretreated cells on glass-fiber filters to react with a 20% solution of diaminobenzoic acid dihydrochloride for 40 min at 60°C.  相似文献   

Mice (CD-1 strain) were placed on diets containing either municipal drinking water (Durham, North Carolina) or water that had been distilled and passed through cartridges to reduce organics and remove inorganics. After a two-week acclimation period, animals were bred and pregnancy confirmed by the presence of a sperm plug. During the 8-month course of the study, approximately 500 pregnant mice were sacrificed on day 18 of gestation and their fetuses examined for visceral and skeletal anomalies. No significant water-related effects were found on any fetal parameter studied except for a 28.1% incidence of supernumerary ribs in the tap-water group as compared to 21.1% in the purified-water group. No differences were noted in the type or occurrence of anomalies between the two groups. A month to month variation was observed in a number of parameters. The degree of variation was similar for the treatment groups, suggesting that these changes might be random fluctuations.  相似文献   

The measurement of DNA in tissue samples fixed in ethanol/acetic acid is described. Small, fixed tissue samples are digested by warm alkaline treatment followed by neutralization with HCl, and DNA is determined by complex formation with the dye ethidium bromide (EB). When standard DNA from calf thymus was treated similarly, a hyperchromicity of 8–12% and a reduction in fluorescence intensity of the EB-DNA complex to 55% was observed. The NaOH concentration (0.5–2.0 mol/liter) or the temperature (50–60°C) used for the digestion of tissue, as well as subsequent ribonuclease or protease treatment had no effect on the observed tissue DNA concentrations.  相似文献   

An intercalating fluorochrome, PicoGreen, was assessed for its ability to determine the concentration of DNA in clarified mammalian cell culture broths containing monoclonal antibodies. Fluorescent signal suppression was ameliorated by sample dilution or by performing the assay above the pI of secreted IgG. The source of fluorescence in clarified culture broth was validated by incubation with RNase A and DNase I. At least 91.8% of fluorescence was attributable to nucleic acid and pre-digestion with RNase A was shown to be a requirement for successful quantification of DNA in such samples.  相似文献   

By using the fluorescence enhancement of ethidium bromide bound to nuclei acid, a very rapid, simple and sensitive assay of DNA in the green alga Chlamydomonas has been devised. Total fluorescence (DNA + RNA) was determined by complex formation with ethidium bromide in a cell lysate made by mixing cell samples with lauroyl sarcosinate, EDTA and NaOH and incubating the mixture for 5 min at room temperature followed by neutralization. For determination of DNA the RNA was digested by incubating the cell sample in te alkaline lysis solution for 45 min at 60 degrees C followed by neutralization, and complex formation with ethidium bromide. Quenching of the fluorescence due to cellular pigments was corrected for using an internal DNA standard.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to investigate the survival and multiplication of Legionella spp. in public drinking water supplies. An attempt was made, over a period of several years, to isolate legionellae from a municipal system. Sampling sites included the river water supply, treatment plant, finished water reservoir system, mains, and distribution taps. Despite the use of several isolation techniques, Legionella spp. could not be detected in any of the samples other than those collected from the river. It was hypothesized that this was due to the maintenance of a chlorine residual throughout the system. To investigate the potential for Legionella growth, additional water samples, collected from throughout the system, were dechlorinated, pasteurized, and inoculated with Legionella pneumophila. Subsequent growth indicated that many of these samples, especially those collected from areas affected by an accumulation of algal materials, exhibited a much greater ability to support Legionella multiplication than did river water prior to treatment. Chemical analyses were also performed on these samples. Correlation of chemical data and experimental growth results indicated that the chemical environment significantly affects the ability of the water to support multiplication, with turbidity, organic carbon, and certain metals being of particular importance. These studies indicate that the potential exists for Legionella growth within municipal systems and support the hypothesis that public water supplies may contaminate the plumbing systems of hospitals and other large buildings. The results also suggest that useful methods to control this contamination include adequate treatment plant filtration, maintenance of a chlorine residual throughout the treatment and distribution network, and effective covering of open reservoirs.  相似文献   

The validity of in vivo fluorometric assays was ascertained for phage and bacterial DNA measurements. The following parameters were determined by this simple technique. The DNA content of dividing cells of Bacillus subtilis 168/2 was 2.65 times higher than in resting cells. Assuming that resting cells harbor 1 genomic equivalent, its Mr was estimated to be 4.4 x 10(9) Da. A polymerization rate during growth of 788,000 bp min-1/cell is accounted for by a multifork replication mechanism. Both phage and host DNA could be measured accurately during the lytic cycle. Phage 2C DNA synthesis proceeded at a linear rate of 5.2 genome equivalents min-1.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to investigate the survival and multiplication of Legionella spp. in public drinking water supplies. An attempt was made, over a period of several years, to isolate legionellae from a municipal system. Sampling sites included the river water supply, treatment plant, finished water reservoir system, mains, and distribution taps. Despite the use of several isolation techniques, Legionella spp. could not be detected in any of the samples other than those collected from the river. It was hypothesized that this was due to the maintenance of a chlorine residual throughout the system. To investigate the potential for Legionella growth, additional water samples, collected from throughout the system, were dechlorinated, pasteurized, and inoculated with Legionella pneumophila. Subsequent growth indicated that many of these samples, especially those collected from areas affected by an accumulation of algal materials, exhibited a much greater ability to support Legionella multiplication than did river water prior to treatment. Chemical analyses were also performed on these samples. Correlation of chemical data and experimental growth results indicated that the chemical environment significantly affects the ability of the water to support multiplication, with turbidity, organic carbon, and certain metals being of particular importance. These studies indicate that the potential exists for Legionella growth within municipal systems and support the hypothesis that public water supplies may contaminate the plumbing systems of hospitals and other large buildings. The results also suggest that useful methods to control this contamination include adequate treatment plant filtration, maintenance of a chlorine residual throughout the treatment and distribution network, and effective covering of open reservoirs.  相似文献   

Fluorometric methods are described for the determination of the enzymes hexokinase and β-glucosidase, and the carbohydrates glucose, fructose, maltose, cellobiose, lactose, glycogen, and salicin Glucose and fructose are determined fluorometrically using hexokinase and the resazurin-resorufin indicator reaction. Maltose, cellobiose, lactose, glycogen, and salicin are enzymically hydrolyzed to glucose, which is then determined fluorometrically using glucose oxidase, p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, and peroxidase. All the carbohydrates were assayed in the range 0.01–50 μg/ml and the enzymes hexokinase and β-glucosidase in the range 10?3 to 10?1 unit/ml with an accuracy and precision of about 1.5%.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori has been detected in drinking water in Peru and Sweden, suggesting the possibility of water-borne transmission. To date there have been few reports of H. pylori being detected in water; one was of the ureA gene of H. pylori in wells and springs in rural Japan. We examined water sampled in or near urban areas of Japan for H. pylori DNA by three assays using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Near Tokyo, samples were obtained: 10 of tap water, 6 of well water, 10 of river water, and 10 of sea water. Samples were filtered with membranes with 0.05- or 0.22-microm pores, which bacterial cells are caught by. Bacterial nucleic acids were extracted and purified and the PCR was done to amplify adhesin specific for H. pylori and the ureA gene, if present. Real-time PCR that measured the yield in terms of fluorescence was done with primers for 16S rRNA. None of the samples of tap, river, or sea water contained adhesin, ureA or 16S rRNA. None of the 6 samples of well water contained adhesin or ureA, but 2 of the 6 samples contained 16S rRNA. Some of the users of the well had had H. pylori infection in the past. H. pylori DNA was detected in well water and the users had been infected, so water-borne transmission via well water may occur even in towns in Japan.  相似文献   

Municipal water samples were analyzed by membrane filter (MF) and presence-absence (P-A) tests for pollution indicator bacteria. In four years, 11 514 bacterial cultures were isolated from either raw water, drinking water, or new main water samples submitted to three environmental laboratories. The bacterial species occurring most often in all types of water samples were Escherichia coli (11.6-39.7%), Enterobacter aerogenes (18.1-26.3%), Aeromonas hydrophila (8.8-17.0%), Klebsiella pneumoniae (7.7-10.3%), and Citrobacter freundii (5.9-22.7%). A lactose - lauryl tryptose - tryptone broth was examined as an alternative medium to modified MacConkey broth in the presumptive portion of the P-A test. The intensity of acid and gas production in presumptive positive P-A bottles was compared with the types and frequencies of indicator bacteria shown by confirmatory tests. The results of detecting indicator bacteria following the analysis of 53 130 samples over a 2-year period were arranged by water source (well, lake, river, mixed) and water type (raw or drinking) to determine the influence of these parameters on the recovery of indicator bacteria. A further subdivision of the sample types into raw surface, raw ground, in-plant, plant discharge, reservoir, and distribution samples demonstrated the effect of water treatment practices.  相似文献   

A sensitive, rapid and inexpensive analysis method has been developed for the triazines most frequently used in Palestine; the method includes fluorodensitometric screening and densitometric determination of the individual substances. Terbutryn as a model substance was derivatized with dansyl chloride in sodium hydrogen-carbonate or phosphate buffer solution to yield a green-blue fluorescent compound. Derivatization occurred at 120 degrees C within maximum of 10-min reaction time. The fluorescent compound formed was separated from excess reagent and other by-products on silica gel TLC plates and was then determined fluorodensitometrically. A linearity range between 20 and 1200 pg/spot was achieved. The method was also applied to other triazine herbicides such as ametryn, atrazine, propazine, terbuthylazine and simazine. Drinking water samples spiked with triazines were extracted using RP-C18 polar plus cartridges, and the extract could be then dansylated as a total. Recoveries were between 88% and 95%; the detection limit was 10 pg/spot and could be further improved to 2 pg/spot by a dipping solution. For quantification, each of the six triazines can be separated on one of three different stationary phases after solid phase extraction and measured densitometrically. The LOD for each individual triazine was 100 ng/l.  相似文献   

Fluorometric determination of pyridoxal phosphate in enzymes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A total of 3819 bacterial cultures isolated from municipal water samples were identified using a combination of Enterotubules and confirmatory media. Frequency distributions for the different genera or groups of bacteria were similar for raw water and drinking water isolations, except for Escherichia organisms which doubled their frequency in raw water. Differences between the membrane filter (MF) and presence-absence (P-A) test with regard to types of organisms isolated were limited to Klebsiella organisms which were preferentially cultured from MF plates. Members of the genus Enterobacter were isolated more than twice as frequently as any of the other coliform genera dealt with in this study. Aeromonas organisms were detected almost as often as such individual genera as Escherichia, Citrobacter, or Klebsiella. Although non-lactose fermenting colonies (false-negatives) of the coliform genera would not be detected by the MF technique, their lack of detection would likely be offset by the Aeromonas colonies (false-positives). At least 25% of the coliform isolates were either anaerogenic or non-lactose fermenters and would therefore go undetected by the most probably number (MPN) technique.  相似文献   

Fluorometric measurements of the levels of radiation injury to DNA of leucocyte lysates were made on the basis of the estimates of alkaline denaturation rate obtained by the method of Birnboim and Jevcak. Leucocytes of human blood in vitro and rats were exposed to doses of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 3, 6 and 9 Gy. It was shown that the percentage of double-stranded DNA of leucocytes of irradiated human blood decreased with the increase in the radiation dose while that of exposed rats decreased immediately after irradiation and was normalized after 20 h.  相似文献   

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