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The kil gene of the ColE1 plasmid was cloned under control of the lac promoter. Its expression under this promoter gave rise to the same pattern of bacterial cell damage and lethality as that which accompanies induction of the kil gene in the colicin operon by mitomycin C. This confirms that cell damage after induction is solely due to expression of kil and is independent of the cea or imm gene products. Escherichia coli derivatives resistant to the lethal effects of kil gene expression under either the normal or the lac promoter were isolated and found to fall into several classes, some of which were altered in sensitivity to agents that affect the bacterial envelope.  相似文献   

Mutants of the dnaA, dnaC, dnaD, polC, dnaF and dnaG gene loci were tested for their capacity for colicinogenic plasmid E1 (ColE1) replication at a non-permissive temperature. It was found that ColE1 replication was independent of the dnaA gene function and dependent on dnaC, D, F and G. ColE1 replication in the polC mutant E486 continued for several hours but at a greatly reduced rate. No effect was found of the dnaG mutation on thymine-deprivation-induced "priming" of ColE1 replication at the non-permissive temperature. The mutants also were tested for aberrant replication intermediates of plasmid DNA as well as a temperature sensitive supercoiled DNA-protein relaxation complex. RNA-containing supercoils were found to accumulate in a poIC mutant also blocked for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Temperature-sensitive mutants of Tetrahymena pyriformis which had previously been selected for their inability to grow at 38°C but which grew normally (or near normally) at 30°C were characterized with respect to their patterns of RNA and protein accumulation at both the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures. Out of 116 such mutants, the majority (72) acted like wild type for these accumulations during a 3 h labelling period although some of them stopped dividing during this time. The remainder exhibited a variety of altered phenotypes for the rate, extent, and timing of RNA and/or protein accumulation. Those mutants which exhibited selective inhibition of RNA accumulation, and were thus potential ribosomal RNA (rRNA) mutants, were further characterized by examining patterns of protein and RNA synthesis in cells starved at the permissive temperature, but re-fed at the permissive and non-permissive temperatures. At least five different types of mutants as defined by patterns of protein and RNA synthesis in refed cells were identified. Direct analysis of the RNA synthesized in cells from 2 of these types of mutants showed that in 5 out of 6 cases rRNA synthesis and/or processing was inhibited within 30 min after shifting to the non-permissive temperature. The other mutant examined was found to show a delayed inhibition of rRNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Expression of the kil gene of the ColE1 plasmid in certain classes of Escherichia coli mutants (Kilr) resistant to kil-caused cell death brought about release of periplasmic enzymes and of colicin. Phospholipase A was present but was not activated by kil expression in any of the mutants. This indicates that in these mutants the various effects of kil gene expression have become dissociated.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrid plasmids were constructed from fragments of F'ara episomes formed by the restriction endonuclease EcoRI and a linear form of the plasmid ColE1 created by cleavage with EcoRI. Hybrid plasmids were constructed containing the entire ara region or the ara region with various parts deleted. E. coli K12 host strains were constructed which contained different deletions of the ara region. The hybrid plasmids were transferred to those strains whose ara deletion complemented that of the plasmid. The initial differential rates of synthesis of L-arabinose isomerase, the product of the araA gene, were determined for the Ara+, plasmid containing strains. These studies demonstrated that strains containing (araO1BA)718 produce elevated levels of araC protein, suggesting the araC promoter has been altered by this deletion. Evidence is also presented which suggests that araC protein activates the ara-BAD operon to higher levels when it is present in cis rather than trans. Amplification of the products of the cloned genes is observed when compared to haploid levels in some cases.  相似文献   

Heterologous gene products produced by Escherichia coli cells can be exported into the culture medium by the action of the kil gene of the ColE1 plasmid, which encodes a bacterial release protein. The kil gene was fused with the stationary-phase promoter of the fic gene of E. coli, and a secretion cassette (Kil-Km cassette) containing the regulated kil gene, the Km-resistance gene, and multiple cloning sites for the integration of target genes was constructed. Using the gene for β-glucanase (bgl) as a target gene, it was shown that the protein produced was only secreted into the medium during the stationary phase. Quasi-lysis and lethality were not observed. The primary effect of the induction of the kil gene was the overproduction of β-glucanase. The total amount produced per milliliter of bacterial culture was almost threefold higher than that of the corresponding Kil control. The protein pattern of periplasm and culture medium was analyzed before and after induction of the kil gene expression, indicating that the release of periplasmic proteins is semiselective. This secretion system is the first to use a growth-phase-regulated promoter for the expression of the kil gene. Received: 17 October 1996 / Accepted: 13 December 1996  相似文献   

We isolated three Escherichia coli suppressor strains that reduce the copy number of a mutant ColE1 high-copy-number plasmid. These mutations lower the copy number of the mutant plasmid in vivo up to 15-fold; the wild-type plasmid copy number is reduced by two- to threefold. The suppressor strains do not affect the copy numbers of non-ColE1-type plasmids tested, suggesting that their effects are specific for ColE1-type plasmids. Two of the suppressor strains show ColE1 allele-specific suppression; i.e., certain plasmid copy number mutations are suppressed more efficiently than others, suggesting specificity in the interaction between the suppressor gene product and plasmid replication component(s). All of the mutations were genetically mapped to the chromosomal polA gene, which encodes DNA polymerase I. The suppressor mutational changes were identified by DNA sequencing and found to alter single nucleotides in the region encoding the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I. Two mutations map in the DNA-binding cleft of the polymerase region and are suggested to affect specific interactions of the enzyme with the replication primer RNA encoded by the plasmid. The third suppressor alters a residue in the 3'-5' exonuclease domain of the enzyme. Implications for the interaction of DNA polymerase I with the ColE1 primer RNA are discussed.  相似文献   

A method is described for the in situ detection of individual whole fixed cells of Escherichia coli containing ColE1-related plasmids. It makes use of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and the regulatory RNA II as a target molecule for both, Cy3- and HRP-labeled olinucleotide probes. Various methods for signal amplification were compared. Probes targeting the regulatory RNA I did not result in the in situ detection of plasmid-bearing cells.  相似文献   

The Clarke-Carbon bank of Escherichia coli strains carrying ColE1 hybrid plasmids was screened for complementation of gdh, gltB, and glnA mutations affecting nitrogen metabolism in E. coli. Plasmids which complemented each one of these mutations were isolated. In every case, the plasmids conferred to otherwise mutant cells the capacity to synthesize the corresponding wild-type enzymes: glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamate synthase, and glutamine synthetase (GS), respectively. For three representative plasmids, endonuclease restriction maps were constructed. One of the plasmids, pACR1, which complemented glnA mutations, including the glnA21::Tn5 insertion, was deemed to carry the glnA+ allele. GS synthesis by pACR1 glnA+glnA20 heterozygous merodiploids was subjected to repression by growth on 15 mm NH4+ and had a twofold high derepressed level than wild-type (glnA+) haploid cells when grown on 0.5 mm NH4+ or on glutamate as only nitrogen sources. The presence of glutamine as sole nitrogen source promoted repressed GS synthesis in the glnA+glnA20 merodiploids. By contrast, glutamine allowed almost fully derepressed synthesis of GS in glnA+ haploid cells.  相似文献   

Homology between Escherichia coli plasmids ColE1 and p15A.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The location and extent of the homology between plasmids ColE1 and p15A were determined by analysis of heteroduplexes formed between them as well as with a related plasmid, pBR322, and by hybridization of radioactive deoxyribonucleic acids to restriction fragments of p15A and ColE1. The homology between the plasmids contained the entire region of ColE1 required for its replication as well as an additional 400 base pairs downstream from the origin of replication. This region on p15A, which was 980 +/- 43 base pairs, started at 0.1 of the molecular length from one end formed by cleavage with the restriction endonuclease BglI and extended to 0.54 of the molecular length from the same end. Restriction cleavage maps for the enzymes BglI, HpaI, HaeII, HaeIII, and HincII are also presented.  相似文献   

Weitao T  Dasgupta S  Nordström K 《Plasmid》2000,43(3):200-204
Fluorescence microscopy was used to determine the location(s) of the replication origin of plasmid R1 in exponentially growing cells of Escherichia coli. The number of oriR1 foci per cell was smaller than the number of R1 copies per cell and was found to be the same for a copA mutant of R1 and for the wild-type plasmid. The intensities of individual foci were stronger for the cop mutant than for the wild type. We interpreted these results to imply that the plasmid DNA molecules were localized in small groups/clusters, a result that seems contrary to the earlier observations that plasmid R1 replicates randomly and segregates as a single-copy unit. The implications for the quantitative behavior of plasmid R1 in stability, incompatibility tests, replication, and partition experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary An Escherichia coli mutant has been isolated (Hek) in which the kil gene of bacteriophage Mu is not functionally expressed. The hek locus has been mapped between rpoD (66.2 min) and argR (69.5 min) on the E. coli chromosome. No influence of the hek mutation on phage or E. coli development could be detected.  相似文献   

Synthetic ColE1 plasmids carrying genes for cell division in Escherichia coli.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Clarke and Carbon's collection of 2000 E. coli strains, which harbor ColE1 plasmids carrying small random segments of the E. coli chromosome, was screened for the correction of thermosensitive defects in the processes of cell division and in the synthesis of murein-lipoprotein. The genetic defects examined in this screening were those in partition of daughter nuclei (par), cleavage of cells (fts), determination of a cell shape (rod), and synthesis of murein-lipoprotein (lpo). We found plasmids carrying E. coli chromosomal segments containing ftsB+, ftsE+,ftsI+,ftsM+, and parA+. However, none was found to transfer ftsA+, ftsC+, ftsF+, ftsG+, ftsJ+, ftsK+, ftsL+, parB+, rod+, and lpo+. One of the donor strains transferring a gene that corrected thermosensitive cell cleavage in the ftsI? mutant overproduced the penicillin-binding protein 3 by ca. 10-fold.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli mutant (polA1), defective in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase I, (EC is unable to maintain colicinogenic factor E1 (ColE1), whereas several sex factor plasmids are maintained normally in this strain. polA1 mutant strains containing these sex factor plasmids do not exhibit a readily detectable plasmid-induced polymerase activity. A series of E. coli mutants that are temperature sensitive for ColE1 maintenance, but able to maintain other plasmids, were isolated and shown to fall into two phenotypic groups. Mutants in one group are defective specifically in ColE1 maintenance at 43 C, but exhibit normal DNA polymerase I activity. Mutations in the second group map in the polA gene of E. coli, and bacteria carrying these mutations are sensitive to methylmethanesulfonate (MMS). Revertants that were selected either for MMS resistance or the ability to maintain ColE1 were normal for both properties. The DNA polymerase I enzyme of two of these mutants shows a pronounced temperature sensitivity when compared to the wild-type enzyme. An examination of the role of DNA polymerase I in ColE1 maintenance indicates that it is essential for normal replication of the plasmid. In addition, the presence of a functional DNA polymerase I in both the donor and recipient cell is required for the ColV-promoted conjugal transfer of ColE1 and establishment of the plasmid in the recipient cell.  相似文献   

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