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Field measurements of hearing thresholds were obtained from the Atlantic sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon terraenovae using the auditory evoked potential method (AEP). The fish had most sensitive hearing at 20 Hz, the lowest frequency tested, with decreasing sensitivity at higher frequencies. Hearing thresholds were lower than AEP thresholds previously measured for the nurse shark Ginglymostoma cirratum and yellow stingray Urobatis jamaicensis at frequencies <200 Hz, and similar at 200 Hz and above. Rhizoprionodon terraenovae represents the closest comparison in terms of pelagic lifestyle to the sharks which have been observed in acoustic field attraction experiments. The sound pressure levels that would be equivalent to the particle acceleration thresholds of R. terraenovae were much higher than the sound levels which attracted closely related sharks suggesting a discrepancy between the hearing threshold experiments and the field attraction experiments.  相似文献   

Synopsis The Atlantic sharpnose shark is a viviparous anamniote that develops an epitheliochorial yolksac placenta. Initially, contents of the yolksac nourish the embryos. Yolk is partially digested in the yolk syncytial-endoderm complex and subsequently transferred to the vitelline circulation. Yolk is also transported by ciliary activity of the yolk stalk ductus to the fetal gut for digestion. When embryos are 4.0cm in length, vascular ridges, termed appendiculae, develop on the yolk stalk. As yolk stores are depleted, the yolksac differentiates into the fetal portion of the placenta and the uterus abutting the yolksac differentiates into the maternal portion of the placenta. The yolk stalk differentiates into an elongate umbilical cord. The uterine epithelium produces secretions that are positive by the periodic acid-Schiff and alcian blue methods and metachromatic when stained with toluidine blue. Uterine capillaries are continuous and the surface epithelium is active both in secretion and transport of nutrients. When the embryos are 7–10cm in length, appendiculae are elongate, branched and populated by separate microvillar and granulated cells. Appendiculae may function as a paraplacental nutrient absorptive organ and be involved in the regulation of osmolarity of periembryonic fluids. The fetal placenta has two functional regions: a proximal portion that is presumed to function as a steroid producing organ and a distal portion that effects nutrient and metabolic exchange between the mother and fetus. Characteristics of the fetal placenta include endocytotic activity, crystalline-like cytoplasmic bodies and fenestrated capillaries. Fetal and maternal components of the placenta are separated by the egg envelope.  相似文献   

The Atlantic sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon terraenovae (Richardson) is a small carcharhinid that is a common year-round resident along the southeast coast of the United States. It is viviparous and its embryos develop an epithelio-vitelline placenta. Females enter shallow water to give birth in late May and early June. Mating occurs shortly after parturition, and four to seven eggs are ovulated. Fertilized eggs attain the blastoderm stage in early June to early July. Separate compartments for each egg are formed in the uterus when the embryos reach 3–30 mm. Embryos depend on yolk for the first 8 weeks of development. When embryos reach 72 mm their yolk supply is nearly depleted and they shift to matrotrophic nutrition. When the embryos reach 40–55 mm, placental development begins with the vascularization of the yolk sac where it contacts the uterine wall. Implantation occurs at an age of 8–10 weeks by which time the embryos reach 70–85 mm. The expanding yolk sac engulfs the maternal placental villi, and its surface interdigitates with the villi to form the placenta. The rest of the lumenal surface of the uterus is covered by non-placental villi that appear shortly after implantation. Histotrophe production by the non-placental villi begins just after their formation. The placenta grows continuously during gestation. The egg envelope is present throughout gestation, separating maternal and fetal tissues. Embryos develop numerous appendiculae on the umbilical cord. Young sharks are born at 290–320 mm after a gestation period of 11 to 12 months. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A re‐assessment of the diet of the Atlantic sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon terraenovae was conducted to provide an update on their trophic level. Rhizoprionodon terraenovae primarily consume teleosts, but previously unreported loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta were also found in the diet. Analysis suggests that calculated trophic level may depend on diet and geographic area.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty Atlantic sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon terraenovae livers were collected from April 1999 to October 2001 from inshore waters of the Mississippi Sound to investigate seasonal and inter‐annual variation in their energetic condition. A decline in the hepato‐somatic index ( I H) was observed from 1999 to 2001. In addition, I H, liver specific energy content and total energy content were lowest during the summer and highest during the spring and autumn, while liver water content was highest during the summer and lowest during the spring and autumn.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the yolk syncytial-endoderm complex of the preimplantation yolk sac of the shark is examined by light- and transmission electron microscopy. The yolk syncytium is bounded by a membrane that is anchored to the plasmalemma of adjacent endoderm cells by desmosomes. Enlarged nuclei, rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, mitochondria, and other cellular organelles populate the syncytium. Microtubules and filamentous elements are also observed free in the syncytium. Yolk is present as pleomorphic droplets, the profiles of which are generally spherical but may be vesicular, especially at the periphery of large yolk droplets. Occasionally, large yolk droplets have a paracrystalline configuration. Small yolk droplets are modulated through the Golgi complex of the yolk syncytium, and it is suggested that acid hydrolases are added there. Small yolk droplets released from the maturing face of the Golgi complex are sequestered in membrane-limited packets. The membrane of the packets fuses with the membrane enveloping the yolk syncytium and the yolk droplets are released into the yolk syncytialendoderm interspace. Subsequently, the yolk droplets are endocytosed by the endoderm. Yolk droplets disperse and fuse to form the large irregular yolk inclusions of the endoderm. Yolk metabolites are transported out of the endoderm through the yolk sac endothelium. The yolk sac endoderm thus mediates the transfer of metabolites from the yolk mass to the extraembryonic circulation.  相似文献   

Quantifying the trophic role of sharks in coastal ecosystems is crucial for the construction of accurate ecosystem models. This is particularly important for wide-ranging species like the Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae), ubiquitous across the northern Gulf of Mexico. We used gut content and stable isotope analyses to determine if differences in abundance of Atlantic sharpnose sharks in the waters around Mobile Bay, Alabama translated into differences in dietary sources or trophic position among sharks sampled east and west relative to the mouth of the bay. Gut content analysis suggested that Atlantic sharpnose sharks eat primarily teleost fishes (%IRI?>?90% across size classes), and both stomach content and stable isotope analyses highlighted an ontogenetic shift in diet. Nitrogen stable isotope data from liver and muscle tissues indicated regional shifts in trophic position for Atlantic sharpnose sharks. The mixing model SIAR (stable isotope analysis in R) v.4.0.2 was used to suggest possible contributions from likely prey items for Atlantic sharpnose sharks sampled east and west of Mobile Bay. Portunid crabs and shrimp made higher contributions to the diet of Atlantic sharpnose sharks in the western region, compared to higher and more variable contributions from fish like croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) and hardhead catfish (Arius felis) in the eastern region. Our results suggest trophic plasticity in Atlantic sharpnose sharks, findings that emphasize the importance of examining regional variation in trophic position when constructing coastal foodweb models.  相似文献   

The Atlantic sharpnose shark (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) is abundant and easily captured throughout the southeastern United States. Therefore this species serves as an ideal model for generating basic immunological reagents to establish baseline information regarding the immunophysiology of sharks in the wild, and for attempting to correlate shark immune responses to potential pathogens with the quality of the habitat in which they reside. Sharpnose shark serum IgM was purified over a protein-A column and used to generate mouse polyclonal anti-sera to develop indirect ELISAs for quantifying bacteria-specific IgM antibody titers against Vibrio anguillarium, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio charchariae, Escherichia coli, Mycobacterium fortuitum, and Mycobacterium marinum. Serum samples from Atlantic sharpnose sharks were collected in Charleston, SC, Beaufort, SC, and New Brunswick, GA estuaries during the early summer, and again from Charleston, SC in the fall of the same year. Relative antibody titers against E. coli, V. anguillarium, and V. parahaemolyticus differed among the three sampling locations, suggesting differences in microbial abundance or immunological responses in sharks from three locations. Overall, antibody titers in Charleston, SC sharks increased between summer and fall. A combination of chronic exposure to specific bacteria and increased antibody responses due to elevated water temperatures are likely responsible for elevated specific IgM in these sharks sampled in the fall. To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine IgM responses in elasmobranchs collected directly from their habitat.  相似文献   

Diet and feeding habits of the smooth dogfish, Mustelus canis, Atlantic sharpnose, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, dusky, Carcharhinus obscurus, and the sand tiger, Carcharias taurus sharks, were investigated through analysis of stomach contents. Diet in M. canis was relatively homogeneous and was dominated by crustaceans, consisting mostly of rock crabs, Cancer irroratus. Diet in R. terraenovae was more heterogeneous and consisted largely of crustaceans and teleosts, in similar levels of prey importance. Use of cumulative prey curves as a measure of precision indicated that data were insufficient to fully describe the diets of C. obscurus and C. taurus. Nonetheless, these data suggested that both species are generalized feeders and consume a variety of teleost and elasmobranch prey. Further studies are necessary to fully characterize diet in these two species.  相似文献   

The distributional patterns of the seven species of Rhizoprionodon were analysed using the panbiogeographical method of track analysis. The individual tracks of Rhizoprionodon suggest that the genus is mainly an Indian–Atlantic Ocean group. Five generalized tracks were found: (1) Caribbean, defined by R. porosus and R. terraenovae; (2) eastern coast of South America, defined by R. porosus and R. lalandei; (3) Indian Ocean, defined by R. acutus and R. oligolinx; (4) north‐western Australia, defined by R. acutus, R. oligolinx and R. taylori; (5) north‐north‐eastern Australia, defined by R. acutus and R. taylori. Only R. longurio was not included in any generalized track, and its distribution is restricted to the eastern Pacific Ocean. Two biogeographical nodes were found at the intersection of the generalized tracks 1 and 2 (Caribbean Sea) and generalized tracks 4 and 5 (north Australia). The generalized tracks overlap with those found in several unrelated marine taxa. Overall, the generalized tracks are associated with warm currents. The biogeographical nodes found (Caribbean and Australian) are coincident with the global distribution of mangroves.  相似文献   

The peculiar head morphology of hammerhead sharks has spawned a variety of untested functional hypotheses. One of the most intuitively appealing ideas is that the anterior foil acts, as in canard-winged aircraft, to increase maneuverability. We tested this hypothesis by determining whether juveniles of two hammerhead species (Sphyrna tiburo and S. lewini) turn more sharply, more often, and with greater velocity than a juvenile carcharhinid shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus). Although the hammerheads were more maneuverable, further investigation revealed that they do not roll their body during turns, suggesting that the cephalofoil does not act as a steering wing. We also show that hammerhead sharks demonstrate greater lateral flexure in a turn than carcharhinids, and that this flexibility may be due to cross sectional shape rather than number of vertebrae.  相似文献   

Synopsis Age and growth were studied inRhizoprionodon taylori using specimens caught in Cleveland Bay, North Queensland, Australia. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated using three different techniques: vertebral ageing, back calculation and length frequency. Vertebrae from 138 specimens were sectioned and narrow circuli counted to estimate age. Marginal increment analysis verified that circuli were produced annually in late summer, probably as a result of stress during the mating season. The oldest female was 7 and male 6 years old. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters estimated from vertebral ageing data for males were tO = 0.410 yr, K = 1.337, L = 652.2 mm, and for females tO = 0.455 yr, K = 1.013 and L = 732.5 mm. Growth parameters determined by length frequency and back calculation techniques concurred with those from vertebral ageing. Growth of the 0+ age class was very rapid, averaging 140% of the size at birth in the first year. Males and females matured after only one year, the lowest age at maturity reported in the family Carcharhinidae. Annual growth increments decreased rapidly after maturity, and little growth occurred after three years.  相似文献   

Age and growth of Rhizoprionodon acutus were estimated from vertebrae age bands. From December 2009 to November 2010, 423 R. acutus between 37 and 112 cm total length (LT) were sampled along the Senegalese coast. Marginal increment ratio was used to check annual band deposition. Three growth models were adjusted to the length at age and compared using Akaike's information criterion. The Gompertz growth model with estimated size at birth appeared to be the best and resulted in growth parameters of L = 139·55 (LT) and K = 0·17 year?1 for females and L = 126·52 (LT) and K = 0·18 year?1 for males. The largest female and male examined were 8 and 9 years old, but the majority was between 1 and 3 years old. Ages at maturity estimated were 5·8 and 4·8 years for females and males, respectively. These results suggest that R. acutus is a slow‐growing species, which render the species particularly vulnerable to heavy fishery exploitation. The growth parameters estimated in this study are crucial for stock assessments and for demographic analyses to evaluate the sustainability of commercial harvests.  相似文献   

Multivariate and machine‐learning methods were used to develop field identification techniques for two species of cryptic blacktip shark. From 112 specimens, precaudal vertebrae (PCV) counts and molecular analysis identified 95 Australian blacktip sharks Carcharhinus tilstoni and 17 common blacktip sharks Carcharhinus limbatus. Molecular analysis also revealed 27 of the 112 were C. tilstoni × C. limbatus hybrids, of which 23 had C. tilstoni PCV counts and four had C. limbatus PCV counts. In the absence of further information about hybrid phenotypes, hybrids were assigned as either C. limbatus or C. tilstoni based on PCV counts. Discriminant analysis achieved 80% successful identification, but machine‐learning models were better, achieving 100% successful identification, using six key measurements (fork length, caudal‐fin peduncle height, interdorsal space, second dorsal‐fin height, pelvic‐fin length and pelvic‐fin midpoint to first dorsal‐fin insertion). Furthermore, pelvic‐fin markings could be used for identification: C. limbatus has a distinct black mark >3% of the total pelvic‐fin area, while C. tilstoni has markings with diffuse edges, or has smaller or no markings. Machine learning and pelvic‐fin marking identification methods were field tested achieving 87 and 90% successful identification, respectively. With further refinement, the techniques developed here will form an important part of a multi‐faceted approach to identification of C. tilstoni and C. limbatus and have a clear management and conservation application to these commercially important sharks. The methods developed here are broadly applicable and can be used to resolve species identities in many fisheries where cryptic species exist.  相似文献   

Stomach contents of 175 Brazilian sharpnose sharks, Rhizoprionodon lalandii, were examined to assess their feeding habits. Caught by artisanal fishers between June 2006 and July of 2007 at Ipanema Beach, on the central coast of the state of Paraná, southern Brazil, R. lalandii appears to be piscivorous (89.7% IRI), feeding mainly on families of Clupeidae (5.1% IRI) and Sciaenidae (3.7% IRI) and secondarily on squid Lolliguncula brevis (8.6% IRI). Diets were similar between sexes and seasons. However, there were ontogenetic changes in their diets. The major items for neonates were Penaeidae crustaceans (%IRI = 56.4) and Engraulidae fishes (%IRI = 29.3); for the juveniles, Sciaenidae (%IRI = 62.5) and Clupeidae (%IRI = 19.7), and for adults Clupeidae (%IRI = 45.8) and Sciaenidae (%IRI = 15.9). Only neonate sharks consumed crustaceans, whereas all size classes consumed cephalopods and teleosts. Neonates had the lowest trophic level (TR = 3.8), with the diet of juveniles and adults the highest (TR = 4.2). Given its abundance and diet, R. lalandii may be an important predator of demersal and pelagic prey in coastal waters of Brazil.  相似文献   

Female Rhizoprionodon acutus were found to mature between 62 and 74 cm total length ( L T) whereas males matured between 63 and 71 cm L T. The L T at 50% maturity was 64·3 cm for females and 64·7 cm for males. Litter size varied from one to six embryos, and was positively correlated with maternal L T. Female embryos outnumbered males by a ratio of 2·3:1. The size at birth was c . 37 cm L T. Full‐term embryos and post‐partum females were observed during all seasons although their occurrence was highest in spring. Spermatozoa were rarely recorded in the oviducal gland, indicating that this species does not store sperm. It was not possible to generate maturity curves for Iago omanensis but it was evident that females matured by the time they reached 35 cm and males were mature by 31 cm L T. This species displayed a clearly defined reproductive cycle with parturition occurring primarily in spring, after a gestation period of c . 1 year. Maximal embryo size was 19 cm L T while maximal litter size was 24 embryos. The oviducal gland appeared to act as a seminal receptacle and it appeared that females may utilize these stores by not mating every year.  相似文献   

The diets of the milk shark, Rhizoprionodon acutus, and the slit‐eye shark, Loxodon macrorhinus, landed from the artisanal fishery in the Arabian Gulf waters of the United Arab Emirates were investigated to determine their dietary preferences. Stomach contents from 57 milk sharks and 53 slit eye sharks were collected from Abu Dhabi (R. acutus, n = 23), Dubai (R. acutus, n = 5; L. macrorhinus, n = 15) and Ras Al Khaimah (R. acutus, n = 29; L. macrorhinus, n = 38) during fishery surveys from January to May 2012. Prey items were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level, grouped into five categories including ‘teleost fish’, ‘cephalopods’, ‘crustaceans’, ‘invertebrates’, and ‘other’. The diets of both species were described using the numeric, frequency and weight methods, and the index of relative importance (IRI). The majority of stomachs for both species had food, with 66.6% of milk shark stomachs and 90.5% of slit‐eye shark stomachs containing prey items, both dominated by small teleosts. Rhizoprionodon acutus fed on a wide variety of teleost species, primarily Engraulidae (anchovies) (28%), Gerreidae (mojarras) (5.6%) and Carangidae (jacks) (1.6%) with occasional crustacean and cephalopod prey (8%). On the other hand, L. macrorhinus seemed to have a preference for one species in terms of teleosts (anchovies) (35.1%) and fed on a wider variety of crustaceans and cephalopods (22.6%). There was little overlap in the diets of these two species, suggesting that they may either be using different habitats or that in these waters, the milk shark is a generalist species while the slit‐eye is a specialist feeder.  相似文献   

The diet of the milk shark, Rhizoprionodon acutus, from the Senegalese coast (12°30′N–14°45′N) was investigated in 3600 specimens with total lengths ranging from 44 to 113 cm for females and from 45 to 110 cm for males. Conducted from May 2010 to April 2011, the study revealed that of the 3600 stomachs examined, 577 contained food (16.03%). Cumulative prey diversity curves reached a stable level at 175 stomachs and thus the sample size was large enough to describe the overall milk shark diet. Relevant differences in the diet were found between sexes, maturity stages, sampling seasons and locations. The milk shark diet was composed of teleosts, crustaceans, mollucs, nematodes, annelids, and unidentified invertebrates. R. acutus seemed to have a preference for teleosts (98.75% in terms of IRI). The trophic level of milk shark calculated in this study was 4.2.  相似文献   

Background: Physiological stress evokes rapid changes in both the innate and adaptive immune response. Immature αβ T cells developing in the thymus are particularly sensitive to stress, with infections and/or exposure to lipopolysaccharide or glucocorticoids eliciting a rapid apoptotic program. MicroRNAs are a class of small, non-coding RNAs that regulate global gene expression by targeting diverse mRNAs for degradation. We hypothesized that a subset of thymically encoded microRNAs would be stress responsive and modulate thymopoiesis. We performed microRNA profiling of thymic microRNAs isolated from control or stressed thymic tissue obtained from mice. We identified 18 microRNAs that are dysregulated >1.5-fold in response to lipopolysaccharide or the synthetic corticosteroid dexamethasone. These included the miR-17-90 cluster, which have anti-apoptotic functions, and the miR-181 family, which contribute to T cell tolerance. The stress-induced changes in the thymic microRNAs are dynamically and distinctly regulated in the CD4(-)CD8(-), CD4(+)CD8(+), CD4(+)CD8(-), and CD4(-)CD8(+) thymocyte subsets. Several of the differentially regulated murine thymic miRs are also stress responsive in the heart, kidney, liver, brain, and/or spleen. The most dramatic thymic microRNA down modulated is miR-181d, exhibiting a 15-fold reduction following stress. This miR has both similar and distinct gene targets as miR-181a, another member of miR-181 family. Many of the differentially regulated microRNAs have known functions in thymopoiesis, indicating that their dysregulation will alter T cell repertoire selection and the formation of na?ve T cells. This data has implications for clinical treatments involving anti-inflammatory steroids, ablation therapies, and provides mechanistic insights into the consequences of infections.  相似文献   

Routine oxygen consumption rates of bonnethead sharks, Sphyrna tiburo , increased from 141·3±29·7 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 during autumn to 218·6±64·2 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 during spring, and 329·7±38·3 mg O2 kg−1 h−1 during summer. The rate of routine oxygen consumption increased over the entire seasonal temperature range (20–30° C) at a Q 10=2·34.  相似文献   

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