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Atherosclerosis stems from imbalances in lipid metabolism and leads to maladaptive inflammatory responses. The AMP-activated protein kinase (Ampk) is a highly conserved serine/threonine kinase that regulates many aspects of lipid and energy metabolism, although its specific role in controlling macrophage cholesterol homeostasis remains unclear. We sought to address this question by testing the effects of direct Ampk activators in primary bone marrow-derived macrophages from Ampk β1-deficient (β1−/−) mice. Macrophages from Ampk β1−/− mice had enhanced lipogenic capacity and diminished cholesterol efflux, although cholesterol uptake was unaffected. Direct activation of Ampk β1 via salicylate (the unacetylated form of aspirin) or A-769662 (a small molecule activator), decreased the synthesis of FAs and sterols in WT but not Ampk β1−/− macrophages. In lipid-laden macrophages, Ampk activation decreased cholesterol content (foam cell formation) and increased cholesterol efflux to HDL and apoA-I, effects that occurred in an Ampk β1-dependent manner. Increased cholesterol efflux was also associated with increased gene expression of the ATP binding cassette transporters, Abcg1 and Abca1. Moreover, in vivo reverse cholesterol transport was suppressed in mice that received Ampk β1−/− macrophages compared with the WT control. Our data highlight the therapeutic potential of targeting macrophage Ampk with new or existing drugs for the possible reduction in foam cell formation during the early stages of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Cholesterol homeostasis is strictly regulated through the modulation of HMG-CoA reductase (HMGCR), the rate-limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis. Phosphorylation of HMGCR inactivates it and dephosphorylation activates it. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is the major kinase phosphorylating the enzyme. Our previous study found that thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) increased the hepatocytic HMGCR expression, but it was still unclear whether TSH affected hepatic HMGCR phosphorylation associated with AMPK. We used bovine TSH (bTSH) to treat the primary mouse hepatocytes and HepG2 cells with or without constitutively active (CA)-AMPK plasmid or protein kinase A inhibitor (H89), and set up the TSH receptor (Tshr)-KO mouse models. The p-HMGCR, p-AMPK, and related molecular expression were tested. The ratios of p-HMGCR/HMGCR and p-AMPK/AMPK decreased in the hepatocytes in a dose-dependent manner following bTSH stimulation. The changes above were inversed when the cells were treated with CA-AMPK plasmid or H89. In Tshr-KO mice, the ratios of liver p-HMGCR/HMGCR and p-AMPK/AMPK were increased relative to the littermate wild-type mice. Consistently, the phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, a downstream target molecule of AMPK, increased. All results suggested that TSH could regulate the phosphorylation of HMGCR via AMPK, which established a potential mechanism for hypercholesterolemia involved in a direct action of the TSH in the liver.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients and model systems exhibit consistent abnormalities in PUFA metabolism, including increased metabolism of linoleate to arachidonate. Recent studies have connected these abnormalities to increased expression and activity of the Δ6- and Δ5-desaturase enzymes. However, the mechanism connecting these changes to the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutations responsible for CF is unknown. This study tests the hypothesis that increased activity of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), previously described in CF bronchial epithelial cells, causes these changes in fatty acid metabolism by driving desaturase expression. Using CF bronchial epithelial cell culture models, we confirm elevated activity of AMPK in CF cells and show that it is due to increased phosphorylation of AMPK by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase β (CaMKKβ). We also show that inhibition of AMPK or CaMKKβ reduces desaturase expression and reverses the metabolic alterations seen in CF cells. These results signify a novel AMPK-dependent mechanism linking the genetic defect in CF to alterations in PUFA metabolism.  相似文献   

Obesity-associated low-grade chronic inflammation plays an important role in the development of insulin resistance. The membrane lipid transporter ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) promotes formation of nascent HDL particles. ABCA1 also dampens macrophage inflammation by reducing cellular membrane cholesterol and lipid raft content. We tested the hypothesis that myeloid-specific ABCA1 deletion may exacerbate insulin resistance by increasing the obesity-associated chronic low-grade inflammation. Myeloid cell-specific ABCA1 knockout (MSKO) and wild-type (WT) mice developed obesity, insulin resistance, mild hypercholesterolemia, and hepatic steatosis to a similar extent with a 45% high-fat (HF) diet feeding or after crossing into the ob/ob background. Resident peritoneal macrophages and stromal vascular cells from obese MSKO mice accumulated significantly more cholesterol. Relative to chow, HF diet markedly induced macrophage infiltration and inflammatory cytokine expression to a similar extent in adipose tissue of WT and MSKO mice. Among pro-inflammatory cytokines examined, only IL-6 was highly upregulated in MSKO-ob/ob versus ob/ob mouse peritoneal macrophages, indicating a nonsignificant effect of myeloid ABCA1 deficiency on obesity-associated chronic inflammation. In conclusion, myeloid-specific ABCA1 deficiency does not exacerbate obesity-associated low-grade chronic inflammation and has minimal impact on the pathogenesis of insulin resistance in both HF diet-induced and genetically obese mouse models.  相似文献   

Fhits (fragile histidine triad proteins) occur in eukaryotes but their function is largely unknown, although human Fhit is believed to act as a tumour suppressor. Fhits also exhibit dinucleoside triphosphatase, adenylylsulfatase and nucleoside phosphoramidase activities that in each case yield nucleoside 5′-monophosphate as a product. Due to the dinucleoside triphosphatase activity, Fhits may also be involved in mRNA decapping. In the present study, we demonstrate Fhit-catalysed ammonolysis of adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate, which results in the formation of adenosine 5′-phosphoramidate. This reaction has previously been associated with adenylylsulfate–ammonia adenylyltransferase (EC Our finding shows that the capacity to catalyse ammonolysis is another inherent property of Fhits. Basic kinetic parameters and substrate specificity of this reaction catalysed by human Fhit are presented.  相似文献   

High uric acid (HUA) is associated with insulin resistance (IR) in cardiomyocytes. We investigated whether metformin protects against HUA-induced IR in cardiomyocytes. We exposed primary cardiomyocytes to HUA, and cellular glucose uptake was quantified by measuring the uptake of 2-NBDG, a fluorescent glucose analog. Western blot was used to examine the levels of signalling protein. Membrane of glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4) was analysed by immunofluorescence. We monitored the impact of metformin on HUA-induced IR and in myocardial tissue of an acute hyperuricaemia mouse model established by potassium oxonate treatment. Treatment with metformin protected against HUA-reduced glucose uptake induced by insulin in cardiomyocytes. HUA directly inhibited the phosphorylation of Akt and the translocation of GLUT4 induced by insulin, which was blocked by metformin. Metformin promoted phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and restored the insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in HUA-induced IR cardiomyocytes. As a result of these effects, in a mouse model of acute hyperuricaemia, metformin improved insulin tolerance and glucose tolerance, accompanied by increased AMPK phosphorylation, Akt phosphorylation and translocation of GLUT4 in myocardial tissues. As expected, AICAR, another AMPK activator, had similar effects to metformin, demonstrating the important role of AMPK activation in protecting against IR induced by HUA in cardiomyocytes. Metformin protects against IR induced by HUA in cardiomyocytes and improves insulin tolerance and glucose tolerance in an acute hyperuricaemic mouse model, along with the activation of AMPK. Consequently, metformin may be an important potential new treatment strategy for hyperuricaemia-related cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Clinical complications associated with atherosclerotic plaques arise from luminal obstruction due to plaque growth or destabilization leading to rupture. Tumour necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 12 (TNFSF12) also known as TNF-related weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) is a proinflammatory cytokine that participates in atherosclerotic plaque development, but its role in plaque stability remains unclear. Using two different approaches, genetic deletion of TNFSF12 and treatment with a TWEAK blocking mAb in atherosclerosis-prone mice, we have analysed the effect of TWEAK inhibition on atherosclerotic plaques progression and stability. Mice lacking both TNFSF12 and Apolipoprotein E (TNFSF12−/−ApoE−/−) exhibited a diminished atherosclerotic burden and lesion size in their aorta. Advanced atherosclerotic plaques of TNFSF12−/−ApoE−/− or anti-TWEAK treated mice exhibited an increase collagen/lipid and vascular smooth muscle cell/macrophage ratios compared with TNFSF12+/+ApoE−/− control mice, reflecting a more stable plaque phenotype. These changes are related with two different mechanisms, reduction of the inflammatory response (chemokines expression and secretion and nuclear factor kappa B activation) and decrease of metalloproteinase activity in atherosclerotic plaques of TNFSF12−/−ApoE−/−. A similar phenotype was observed with anti-TWEAK mAb treatment in TNFSF12+/+ApoE−/− mice. Brachiocephalic arteries were also examined since they exhibit additional features akin to human atherosclerotic plaques associated with instability and rupture. Features of greater plaque stability including augmented collagen/lipid ratio, reduced macrophage content, and less presence of lateral xanthomas, buried caps, medial erosion, intraplaque haemorrhage and calcium content were present in TNFSF12−/−ApoE−/− or anti-TWEAK treatment in TNFSF12+/+ApoE−/− mice. Overall, our data indicate that anti-TWEAK treatment has the capacity to diminish proinflamatory response associated with atherosclerotic plaque progression and to alter plaque morphology towards a stable phenotype.  相似文献   

In genetically heterogeneous mice produced by the CByB6F1 x C3D2F1 cross, the “non‐feminizing” estrogen, 17‐α‐estradiol (17aE2), extended median male lifespan by 19% (p < 0.0001, log‐rank test) and 11% (p = 0.007) when fed at 14.4 ppm starting at 16 and 20 months, respectively. 90th percentile lifespans were extended 7% (p = 0.004, Wang–Allison test) and 5% (p = 0.17). Body weights were reduced about 20% after starting the 17aE2 diets. Four other interventions were tested in males and females: nicotinamide riboside, candesartan cilexetil, geranylgeranylacetone, and MIF098. Despite some data suggesting that nicotinamide riboside would be effective, neither it nor the other three increased lifespans significantly at the doses tested. The 17aE2 results confirm and extend our original reports, with very similar results when started at 16 months compared with mice started at 10 months of age in a prior study. The consistently large lifespan benefit in males, even when treatment is started late in life, may provide information on sex‐specific aspects of aging.  相似文献   

Rod photoreceptor cyclic nucleotide–gated (CNG) channels are modulated by tyrosine phosphorylation. Rod CNG channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes are associated with constitutively active protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and protein tyrosine phosphatases that decrease and increase, respectively, the apparent affinity of the channels for cGMP. Here, we examine the effects of genistein, a competitive inhibitor of the ATP binding site, on PTKs. Like other PTK inhibitors (lavendustin A and erbstatin), cytoplasmic application of genistein prevents changes in the cGMP sensitivity that are attributable to tyrosine phosphorylation of the CNG channels. However, unlike these other inhibitors, genistein also slows the activation kinetics and reduces the maximal current through CNG channels at saturating cGMP. These effects occur in the absence of ATP, indicating that they do not involve inhibition of a phosphorylation event, but rather involve an allosteric effect of genistein on CNG channel gating. This could result from direct binding of genistein to the channel; however, the time course of inhibition is surprisingly slow (>30 s), raising the possibility that genistein exerts its effects indirectly. In support of this hypothesis, we find that ligands that selectively bind to PTKs without directly binding to the CNG channel can nonetheless decrease the effect of genistein. Thus, ATP and a nonhydrolyzable ATP derivative competitively inhibit the effect of genistein on the channel. Moreover, erbstatin, an inhibitor of PTKs, can noncompetitively inhibit the effect of genistein. Taken together, these results suggest that in addition to inhibiting tyrosine phosphorylation of the rod CNG channel catalyzed by PTKs, genistein triggers a noncatalytic interaction between the PTK and the channel that allosterically inhibits gating.  相似文献   

Lipoproteins play a key role in transport of cholesterol to and from tissues. Recent studies have also demonstrated that red blood cells (RBCs), which carry large quantities of free cholesterol in their membrane, play an important role in reverse cholesterol transport. However, the exact role of RBCs in systemic cholesterol metabolism is poorly understood. RBCs were incubated with autologous plasma or isolated lipoproteins resulting in a significant net amount of cholesterol moved from RBCs to HDL, while cholesterol from LDL moved in the opposite direction. Furthermore, the bi-directional cholesterol transport between RBCs and plasma lipoproteins was saturable and temperature-, energy-, and time-dependent, consistent with an active process. We did not find LDLR, ABCG1, or scavenger receptor class B type 1 in RBCs but found a substantial amount of ABCA1 mRNA and protein. However, specific cholesterol efflux from RBCs to isolated apoA-I was negligible, and ABCA1 silencing with siRNA or inhibition with vanadate and Probucol did not inhibit the efflux to apoA-I, HDL, or plasma. Cholesterol efflux from and cholesterol uptake by RBCs from Abca1+/+ and Abca1−/− mice were similar, arguing against the role of ABCA1 in cholesterol flux between RBCs and lipoproteins. Bioinformatics analysis identified ABCA7, ABCG5, lipoprotein lipase, and mitochondrial translocator protein as possible candidates that may mediate the cholesterol flux. Together, these results suggest that RBCs actively participate in cholesterol transport in the blood, but the role of cholesterol transporters in RBCs remains uncertain.  相似文献   

Clinical trials have shown that angiotensin II receptor blockers reduce the new onset of diabetes in hypertensives; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. We investigated the effects of telmisartan on peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (PPAR‐δ) and the adenosine monophosphate (AMP)‐activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway in cultured myotubes, as well as on the running endurance of wild‐type and PPAR‐δ‐deficient mice. Administration of telmisartan up‐regulated levels of PPAR‐δ and phospho‐AMPKα in cultured myotubes. However, PPAR‐δ gene deficiency completely abolished the telmisartan effect on phospho‐AMPKαin vitro. Chronic administration of telmisartan remarkably prevented weight gain, enhanced running endurance and post‐exercise oxygen consumption, and increased slow‐twitch skeletal muscle fibres in wild‐type mice, but these effects were absent in PPAR‐δ‐deficient mice. The mechanism is involved in PPAR‐δ‐mediated stimulation of the AMPK pathway. Compared to the control mice, phospho‐AMPKα level in skeletal muscle was up‐regulated in mice treated with telmisartan. In contrast, phospho‐AMPKα expression in skeletal muscle was unchanged in PPAR‐δ‐deficient mice treated with telmisartan. These findings highlight the ability of telmisartan to improve skeletal muscle function, and they implicate PPAR‐δ as a potential therapeutic target for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Human genetic association and brain expression studies, and mouse behavioral and molecular studies implicate a role for the histidine triad nucleotide‐binding protein 1 (HINT1) in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety. The high comorbidity between smoking and psychiatric disorders, schizophrenia in particular, is well established. Associations with schizophrenia and HINT1 are also sex specific, with effects more predominant in males; however, it is unknown if sex differences associated with the gene extend to other phenotypes. Thus, in this study, using a battery of behavioral tests, we elucidated the role of HINT1 in acute nicotine‐mediated behaviors using male and female HINT1 wild‐type (+/+) and knockout (?/?) mice. The results show that male HINT1 ?/? mice were less sensitive to acute nicotine‐induced antinociception in the tail‐flick, but not hot‐plate test. At low nicotine doses, male and female HINT1 ?/? mice were less sensitive to nicotine‐induced hypomotility, although the effect was more pronounced in females. Baseline differences in locomotor activity observed in male HINT1 +/+ and ?/? mice were absent in females. Nicotine did not produce an anxiolytic effect in male HINT1 ?/? mice, but rather an anxiogenic response. Diazepam also failed to induce an anxiolytic response in these mice, suggesting a general anxiety phenotype not specific to nicotine. Differences in anxiety‐like behavior were not observed in female mice. These results further support a role for HINT1 in nicotine‐mediated behaviors and suggest that alterations in the gene may have differential effects on phenotype in males and females.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] are a well-established risk factor for developing CVD. While Lp(a) levels are thought to be independent of other plasma lipoproteins, some trials have reported a positive association between Lp(a) and HDL. Whether Lp(a) has a direct effect on HDL is not known. Here we investigated to determine whether Lp(a) had any effect on the ABCA1 pathway of HDL production in liver cells. Incubation of HepG2 cells with Lp(a) upregulated the PPARγ protein by 1.7-fold and the liver X receptor α protein by 3-fold. This was accompanied by a 1.8-fold increase in ABCA1 protein and a 1.5-fold increase in cholesterol efflux onto apoA1. We showed that Lp(a) was internalized by HepG2 cells, however, the ABCA1 response to Lp(a) was mediated by the selective uptake of oxidized phospholipids (oxPLs) from Lp(a) via the scavenger receptor-B1 and not by Lp(a) internalization per se. We conclude that there is a biological connection between Lp(a) and HDL through the ability of Lp(a)’s oxPLs to upregulate HDL biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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