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Briefly discussed are experiments with single molecules, representing a novel trend in the biophysical study of DNA. The techniques of optical and magnetic tweezers whereby external force can be applied to individual DNA molecules were used to assess the structural transitions of the DNA double helix under such conditions. Discussed are the latest data on the dependence of the rate of complementary chain synthesis by DNA polymerase on the stretching of the template.  相似文献   

This article presents a new, highly sensitive method for the identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in homogeneous solutions using fluorescently labeled hairpin-structured oligonucleotides (smart probes) and fluorescence single-molecule spectroscopy. While the hairpin probe is closed, fluorescence intensity is quenched due to close contact between the chromophore and several guanosine residues. Upon hybridization to the respective target SNP sequence, contact is lost and the fluorescence intensity increases significantly. High specificity is achieved by blocking sequences containing mismatch with unlabeled oligonucleotides. Time-resolved single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy enables the detection of individual smart probes passing a small detection volume. This method leads to a subnanomolar sensitivity for this single nucleotide specific DNA assay technique.  相似文献   

Smad7 is an antagonist of TGF-β signaling pathway and the mechanism of its inhibitory effect is of great interest. We recently found that Smad7 could function in the nucleus by binding to the DNA elements containing the minimal Smad binding element CAGA box. In this work, we further applied single-molecule force spectroscopy to study the DNA-binding property of Smad7. Smad7 showed similar binding strength to the oligonucleotides corresponding to the CAGA-containing activin responsive element (ARE) and the PAI-1 promoter, as that of Smad4. However, Smad7 also exhibited a binding activity to the mutant ARE with the CAGA sequence substituted, indicating its DNA-binding specificity is different from other Smads. Moreover, we demonstrated that the MH2 domain of Smad7 had a higher binding affinity to the DNA elements than the full-length Smad7, while the N-terminal domain exhibited an inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

Telomeres play important roles in maintaining the stability of linear chromosomes. Telomere maintenance involves dynamic actions of multiple proteins interacting with long repetitive sequences and complex dynamic DNA structures, such as G-quadruplexes, T-loops and t-circles. Given the heterogeneity and complexity of telomeres, single-molecule approaches are essential to fully understand the structure–function relationships that govern telomere maintenance. In this review, we present a brief overview of the principles of single-molecule imaging and manipulation techniques. We then highlight results obtained from applying these single-molecule techniques for studying structure, dynamics and functions of G-quadruplexes, telomerase, and shelterin proteins.  相似文献   

XPD-like helicases constitute a prominent DNA helicase family critical for many aspects of genome maintenance. These enzymes share a unique structural feature, an auxiliary domain stabilized by an iron-sulphur (FeS) cluster, and a 5′–3′ polarity of DNA translocation and duplex unwinding. Biochemical analyses alongside two single-molecule approaches, total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and high-resolution optical tweezers, have shown how the unique structural features of XPD helicase and its specific patterns of substrate interactions tune the helicase for its specific cellular function and shape its molecular mechanism. The FeS domain forms a duplex separation wedge and contributes to an extended DNA binding site. Interactions within this site position the helicase in an orientation to unwind the duplex, control the helicase rate, and verify the integrity of the translocating strand. Consistent with its cellular role, processivity of XPD is limited and is defined by an idiosyncratic stepping kinetics. DNA duplex separation occurs in single base pair steps punctuated by frequent backward steps and conformational rearrangements of the protein–DNA complex. As such, the helicase in isolation mainly stabilizes spontaneous base pair opening and exhibits a limited ability to unwind stable DNA duplexes. The presence of a cognate ssDNA binding protein converts XPD into a vigorous helicase by destabilizing the upstream dsDNA as well as by trapping the unwound strands. Remarkably, the two proteins can co-exist on the same DNA strand without competing for binding. The current model of the XPD unwinding mechanism will be discussed along with possible modifications to this mechanism by the helicase interacting partners and unique features of such bio-medically important XPD-like helicases as FANCJ (BACH1), RTEL1 and CHLR1 (DDX11).  相似文献   

Single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (SMFRET) was used to study the interaction of a 25-nucleotide (nt) DNA aptamer with its binding target, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Conformational dynamics of the aptamer were studied in the absence of VEGF in order to characterize fluctuations in the unbound nucleic acid. SMFRET efficiency distributions showed that, while the aptamer favors a base-paired conformation, there are frequent conversions to higher energy conformations. Conversions to higher energy structures were also demonstrated to be dependent on the concentration of Mg2+-counterion by an overall broadening of the SMFRET efficiency distribution at lower Mg2+ concentration. Introduction of VEGF caused a distinct increase in the frequency of lower SMFRET efficiencies, indicating that favorable interaction of the DNA aptamer with its VEGF target directs aptamer structure towards a more open conformation.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein (gp32) is a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein, and is essential for DNA replication, recombination and repair. While gp32 binds preferentially and cooperatively to ssDNA, it has not been observed to lower the thermal melting temperature of natural double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). However, in single-molecule stretching experiments, gp32 significantly destabilizes lambda DNA. In this study, we develop a theory of the effect of the protein on single dsDNA stretching curves, and apply it to the measured dependence of the DNA overstretching force on pulling rate in the presence of the full-length and two truncated forms of the protein. This allows us to calculate the rate of cooperative growth of single clusters of protein along ssDNA that are formed as the dsDNA molecule is stretched, as well as determine the site size of the protein binding to ssDNA. The rate of cooperative binding (ka) of both gp32 and of its proteolytic fragment *I (which lacks 48 residues from the C terminus) varies non-linearly with protein concentration, and appears to exceed the diffusion limit. We develop a model of protein association with the ends of growing clusters of cooperatively bound protein enhanced by 1-D diffusion along dsDNA, under the condition of protein excess. Upon globally fitting ka versus protein concentration, we determine the binding site size and the non-cooperative binding constants to dsDNA for gp32 and I. Our experiment mimics the growth of clusters of gp32 that likely exist at the DNA replication fork in vivo, and explains the origin of the "kinetic block" to dsDNA melting by gene 32 protein observed in thermal melting experiments.  相似文献   

Replicative DNA polymerases present an intrinsic proofreading activity during which the DNA primer chain is transferred between the polymerization and exonuclease sites of the protein. The dynamics of this primer transfer reaction during active polymerization remain poorly understood. Here we describe a single‐molecule mechanical method to investigate the conformational dynamics of the intramolecular DNA primer transfer during the processive replicative activity of the Φ29 DNA polymerase and two of its mutants. We find that mechanical tension applied to a single polymerase–DNA complex promotes the intramolecular transfer of the primer in a similar way to the incorporation of a mismatched nucleotide. The primer transfer is achieved through two novel intermediates, one a tension‐sensitive and functional polymerization conformation and a second non‐active state that may work as a fidelity check point for the proofreading reaction.  相似文献   

The first step of base excision repair utilizes glycosylase enzymes to find damage within a genome. A persistent question in the field of DNA repair is how glycosylases interact with DNA to specifically find and excise target damaged bases with high efficiency and specificity. Ensemble studies have indicated that glycosylase enzymes rely upon both sliding and distributive modes of search, but ensemble methods are limited in their ability to directly observe these modes. Here we review insights into glycosylase scanning behavior gathered through single-molecule fluorescence studies of enzyme interactions with DNA and provide a context for these results in relation to ensemble experiments.  相似文献   

In this work, we use force spectroscopy to investigate the interaction between the DAPI fluorescent dye and the λ ‐DNA molecule under high (174 mM) and low (34 mM) ionic strengths. Firstly, we have measured the changes on the mechanical properties (persistence and contour lengths) of the DNA‐DAPI complexes as a function of the dye concentration in the sample. Then, we use recently developed models in order to connect the behavior of both mechanical properties to the physical chemistry of the interaction. Such analysis has allowed us to identify and to decouple two main binding modes, determining the relevant physicochemical (binding) parameters for each of these modes: minor groove binding, which saturates at very low DAPI concentrations ( 0.50 μM) and presents equilibrium binding constants of the order of ~107 M?1 for the two ionic strengths studied; and intercalation, which starts to play a significant role only after the saturation of the first mode, presenting much smaller equilibrium binding constants (~105 M?1).  相似文献   

Single-molecule force spectroscopy is a powerful experimental technique for probing intermolecular forces and conformational transitions of individual molecules. This technique involves measuring the mechanical response of a molecule subjected to a constant or time-varying force. Statistical mechanics has played a pivotal role in interpreting force measurements in terms of the underlying kinetics and energy landscape of the molecular transition being studied. Here, we provide a didactic review of various statistical–mechanical models used for analysing these measurements, emphasising the theoretical ideas and assumptions used in deriving these models.  相似文献   

Lavery R  Lebrun A 《Genetica》1999,106(1-2):75-84
We have used internal coordinate molecular mechanics calculations to study how the DNA double helix deforms upon stretching. Results obtained for polymeric DNA under helical symmetry constraints suggest that two distinct forms, an unwound ribbon and a narrow fibre, can be formed as a function of which ends of the duplex are pulled. Similar results are also obtained with DNA oligomers. These experiments lead to force curves which exhibit a plateau as the conformational transition occurs. This behaviour is confirmed by applying an increasing force to DNA and observing a sudden length increase at a critical force value. It is finally shown some DNA binding proteins can also stretch DNA locally, to conformations related to those created by nanomanipulation.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

DNA with all cytosines, thymines, or all pyrimidines of one strand substituted by fluorescently labeled analogs shows diminished solubility in aqueous media and a strong tendency to aggregation that hampers enzymatic downstream processing. In this study, immobilization of fully fluorescently labeled DNA on microarrays was shown to resolve the named problems and to enable successive DNA degradation by exonuclease III. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and single-molecule counting for monitoring the course of DNA hydrolysis in real time revealed the virtually processive degradation of labeled DNA that occurred at an average rate of approximately 4 nt/s.  相似文献   

Molecular motors drive genome packaging into preformed procapsids in many double-stranded (ds)DNA viruses. Here, we present optical tweezers measurements of single DNA molecule packaging in bacteriophage lambda. DNA-gpA-gpNu1 complexes were assembled with recombinant gpA and gpNu1 proteins and tethered to microspheres, and procapsids were attached to separate microspheres. DNA binding and initiation of packaging were observed within a few seconds of bringing these microspheres into proximity in the presence of ATP. The motor was observed to generate greater than 50 picoNewtons (pN) of force, in the same range as observed with bacteriophage phi29, suggesting that high force generation is a common property of viral packaging motors. However, at low capsid filling the packaging rate averaged approximately 600 bp/s, which is 3.5-fold higher than phi29, and the motor processivity was also threefold higher, with less than one slip per genome length translocated. The packaging rate slowed significantly with increasing capsid filling, indicating a buildup of internal force reaching 14 pN at 86% packaging, in good agreement with the force driving DNA ejection measured in osmotic pressure experiments and calculated theoretically. Taken together, these experiments show that the internal force that builds during packaging is largely available to drive subsequent DNA ejection. In addition, we observed an 80 bp/s dip in the average packaging rate at 30% packaging, suggesting that procapsid expansion occurs at this point following the buildup of an average of 4 pN of internal force. In experiments with a DNA construct longer than the wild-type genome, a sudden acceleration in packaging rate was observed above 90% packaging, and much greater than 100% of the genome length was translocated, suggesting that internal force can rupture the immature procapsid, which lacks an accessory protein (gpD).  相似文献   

Manipulating single molecules and systems of molecules with mechanical force is a powerful technique to examine their physical properties. Applying force requires attachment of the target molecule to larger objects using some sort of molecular tether, such as a strand of DNA. DNA handle attachment often requires difficult manipulations of the target molecule, which can preclude attachment to unstable, hard to obtain, and/or large, complex targets. Here we describe a method for covalent DNA handle attachment to proteins that simply requires the addition of a preprepared reagent to the protein and a short incubation. The handle attachment method developed here provides a facile approach for studying the biomechanics of biological systems.  相似文献   

DNA分子克隆是基本的分子生物学实验技术,传统的分子克隆方法大多需经过酶切链接过程,但在某些情况下,没有合适的酶切位点往往会成为阻碍克隆进行的障碍.本文描述了一种新的分子克隆方法,称为不依赖酶切和链接的分子克隆(RLIC).利用RLIC,将3种不同大小的DNA片段克隆到3种不同载体,证明了这种方法的有效性和可靠性.由于该方法不受限制性酶切序列限制,省去了酶切连接步骤,因此具有很大的灵活性和简便性,在分子生物学研究方面有广泛应用前景.  相似文献   

The generation and detection of mechanical forces is a ubiquitous aspect of cell physiology, with direct relevance to cancer metastasis1, atherogenesis2 and wound healing3. In each of these examples, cells both exert force on their surroundings and simultaneously enzymatically remodel the extracellular matrix (ECM). The effect of forces on ECM has thus become an area of considerable interest due to its likely biological and medical importance4-7.Single molecule techniques such as optical trapping8, atomic force microscopy9, and magnetic tweezers10,11 allow researchers to probe the function of enzymes at a molecular level by exerting forces on individual proteins. Of these techniques, magnetic tweezers (MT) are notable for their low cost and high throughput. MT exert forces in the range of ~1-100 pN and can provide millisecond temporal resolution, qualities that are well matched to the study of enzyme mechanism at the single-molecule level12. Here we report a highly parallelizable MT assay to study the effect of force on the proteolysis of single protein molecules. We present the specific example of the proteolysis of a trimeric collagen peptide by matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP-1); however, this assay can be easily adapted to study other substrates and proteases.  相似文献   

Kinetic enhancement of organophosphate hydrolysis is a long-standing challenge in catalysis. For prophylactic treatment against organophosphate exposure, enzymatic hydrolysis needs to occur at high rates in the presence of low substrate concentrations and enzymatic activity should persist over days and weeks. Here, the conjugation of small DNA scaffolds was used to introduce substrate binding sites with micromolar affinity to VX, paraoxon, and methyl-parathion in close proximity to the enzyme phosphotriesterase (PTE). The result was a decrease in KM and increase in the rate at low substrate concentrations. An optimized system for paraoxon hydrolysis decreased KM by 11-fold, with a corresponding increase in second-order rate constant. The initial rates of VX and methyl-parathion hydrolysis were also increased by 3.1- and 6.7-fold, respectively. The designed scaffolds not only increased the local substrate concentration, but they also resulted in increased stability and PTE-DNA particle size tuning between 25 and ~150 nm. The scaffold engineering approach taken here is focused on altering the local chemical and physical microenvironment around the enzyme and is therefore compatible with active site engineering via combinatorial and computational approaches.  相似文献   

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