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The interpretation of felling dates established by dendrochronological dating requires understanding of sample context and building practices, as well as knowledge of processes and timescales within the timber supply chain. In New Zealand (N.Z.), tree ring analysis of kauri from colonial-era (1840–1906) and early Dominion-era (1907–1920) buildings has been undertaken since 2000 and felling dates have been identified from several structures, providing a terminus post quem date for construction or modification of the building. What has been lacking is a good understanding of how long it took for a kauri tree to become timber used in a building or other structure. As a first estimate, felling dates from a small set of buildings were compared to documented construction dates, suggesting a delay of up to 5 years. To improve interpretation of felling dates, we investigated timescales associated with two stages of timber production within the 19th and early 20th century kauri timber industry: (a) transportation from stump to mill, and (b) seasoning of sawn timber. Documentary sources for ∼1850 until the 1920s were analysed, covering the development, expansion and decline of industrialised kauri timber production. The available evidence suggests that transportation to the sawmill was the most important variable. Logs could arrive within a few weeks of felling or potentially experience a delay of a year or more. Transportation times were affected by geography, weather, spatial differences and temporal changes in transportation methods and economic fluctuations. Seasoning of sawn timber probably contributed little to the time lag, as the balance of evidence suggests framing timber was not usually seasoned. In general, any delay associated with transportation and seasoning is unlikely to be more than a couple of years. The findings support the earlier use-date range of up to 5 years, but suggest it is generous. The dating of waney-edge timbers from buildings with accurate construction dates would help refine a use date range for kauri, as would further research into other stages of the production process including conversion of logs, transportation to market, and stockpiling in the timber yard and/or building site. The current study is also a starting point for further research in three related areas: (a) biography of timber; (b) technological change; and (c) trade networks.  相似文献   

One of the longest Southern Hemisphere tree ring chronologies that has potential to provide past climate reconstructions has been produced using New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis). Work to date on kauri has been limited to reconstructions from whole-ring width analysis. In this study, we present the first replicated stable oxygen isotopic composition of early season alpha-cellulose from calendar-dated kauri tree rings within the natural growth range of the species. We also use newly established kauri physiology information about stomatal conductance and a mechanistic model to place initial interpretations on kauri δ18O signatures.Kauri early season δ18O has a range from 26 to 34‰ (V-SMOW) for a site located at Lower Huia Dam in west Auckland, and the mean δ18O chronology from that site is significantly correlated (p < 0.05) to October-December vapor pressure, May-December relative humidity and other associated hydroclimatic variables. The observed statistical relationships are consistent with mechanistic δ18O simulations using the forward model of Barbour et al. (2004) that incorporates a leaf temperature energy balance model to calculate transpiration as forced with local meteorological variables and a range of physiological parameters. The correlation results and mechanistic model simulations suggest kauri δ18O early season wood has the potential to provide new quantitative past climate information for northern New Zealand, and also complement whole ring-width reconstructions of past regional climate variability – a component of which is previously established as sensitive to El Niño-Southern Oscillation activity. Additional work is required to determine whether the observed relationships are consistent across the growth range of kauri and what the optimum sample depth is before long isotope-based palaeoclimate reconstructions from modern and sub-fossil kauri sites are undertaken.  相似文献   

New Zealand (NZ) is a well-known hotspot of biodiversity and endemism for macroscopic organisms, but its microbial diversity is comparatively poorly documented. We assembled all records on NZ testate amoebae published since the early 20th century and present a comprehensive taxonomic checklist for NZ. Testate amoebae are reported from six major habitat types across both the North and South Islands of NZ, but the sampling effort is ecologically and geographically biased in favour of wetlands and the South Island. As a result, 93% of all 128 morphotypes recorded in NZ occur in wetlands, 28% are restricted to the South Island, and diversity is greater at higher latitudes. Around 50% of morphotypes have a broad latitudinal distribution across the NZ mainland, whereas 15% have narrow latitudinal ranges. Future research should aim to broaden the geographical and ecological ranges. We predict that our list of NZ testate amoebae will expand substantially with future work, and that the latitudinal diversity gradient will be inverted. We also introduce an interactive, fully illustrated, online Lucid key for the rapid identification of NZ testate amoebae. As many morphospecies are cosmopolitan, this key provides a useful tool for testate amoebae identification in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll-nutrient relationships in North Island lakes (New Zealand)   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
A model for the prediction of chlorophyll a in the near surface waters (1 m) of North Island lakes was developed using data from the literature and our own study of 12 North Island lakes. Annual geometric mean concentrations of chlorophyll a, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were used since no distinct growing season was discernable. Annual mean ratios of total nitrogen to total phosphorus in the near surface waters ranged between 10 and 59 (by weight). Strong correlations were obtained between log-transformed values of chlorophyll a and total nitrogen (r2 = 0.53, n = 16), chlorophyll a and total phosphorus (r2 = 0.71, n = 21), and between total nitrogen and total phosphorus (r2 = 0.69, n = 16). However, after correcting for the high interdependency between total nitrogen and total phosphorus, only total phosphorus was found to be important in predicting chlorophyll concentrations. Much of the variance in the chlorophyll-phosphorus relation was attributable to differences in mean lake depth. Lakes with mean depths less than 11 m had significantly more chlorophyll a per unit of total phosphorus ( = 0.54 µg · µg–1, SE = 0.05, n = 6) than lakes of greater mean depth ( = 0.17 µg · µg–1, SE = 0.02, n = 14). When the effect of mean depth was taken into account, 89% of the variance in chlorophyll a was explained compared with 71% for the simple linear regression on total phosphorus alone.  相似文献   

Jamieson  C. D. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,367(1-3):189-197
The distribution of four calanoid copepod species of Boeckella in New Zealand are mapped and described. An explanation of their distribution patterns based on panbiogeographic methods is compared to an explanation based on dispersalist concepts. The panbiogeographic explanation is simpler, and is consistent with explanation of distribution patterns among other genera of plants, invertebrates, amphibians and birds. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The common smelt is one of the most widespread indigenous freshwater fishes in New Zealand. One other member of the family Retropinnidae, Stokellia anisodon (Stokell), is present but is confined to a small region of the South Island. There are many diadromous as well as river and lake resident populations, the latter, sometimes a result of introductions to serve as forage fish for trout. Diadromous smelt spawn during austral autumn–winter on sand bars of lower riverine reaches. Larval stages inhabit coastal marine waters, and the postlarvae to immature stages re‐enter rivers and some lowland lakes. Diadromous smelt are distinguished from lowland lake resident forms by high vertebral but low gill raker numbers and larger size and from those present in some isolated waters, by high vertebral numbers alone. Lake or reservoir resident smelt usually spawn in austral spring–summer on sandy shallows at stream mouths or along shorelines. Verified smelt ages (otolith analyses) indicate that in some populations most smelt mature and spawn after c. 1 year. Adult smelt feed on a spectrum of primarily invertebrate animals ranging from small zooplankters to insects and occasionally small fishes. Smelt are a major prey for both brown trout and rainbow trout. Adult smelt are a minor food for the Maori people. As postlarvae they are a component of a few 'whitebait' fisheries. Most smelt populations are increasingly affected by environmental changes induced by human activities. Although many studies have examined problems affecting smelt, further effort is required, along with more basic research.  相似文献   


Internationally, birds of prey are often reported as being relatively prone to collision with wind turbines in comparison to other groups of birds. However, as yet it is unclear to what extent New Zealand's only endemic bird of prey, the New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae), is at risk. In this paper we summarise the potential for wind farms to impact New Zealand falcon, evaluate the efficacy of a range of risk assessment and post-consent monitoring practices, and present options for mitigating and/or offsetting any residual effects. We conclude that the lack of knowledge on the effects of wind farms on New Zealand falcon is the result of inconsistency in the assessment methods thus far employed and the absence of a coordinated approach to monitoring methods and the dissemination of results. To remedy this we present a risk assessment framework that, if adopted, will provide the information necessary to ensure alternative energy targets can be met without compromising the conservation of this threatened species.  相似文献   

Summary Many plant species prominent in the native vegetation of the dry shingle banks at Dungeness (Britain) are also prominent as exotics in the dry Upper Clutha catchment (New Zealand). To examine the realised niche relations of these species, vegetation was sampled in the two areas. Inverse classification and ordination were used to determine the relative beta niches of the species in the two areas. There was little agreement; it seems that the exotic species in the Upper Clutha were pre-adapted to different niches from those in their native range.  相似文献   


Spider webs vary in size to meet the nutritional requirements of the resident spider with the resident’s body size strongly informing these requirements. In this way, the effect of body size on web-building behaviour should be apparent across species. To determine whether the size of analogous web structures scales with body size across closely related species, we first measured mainsheet area and adult female body size of 12 sheet-web spider species (Cambridgea). Using these species, we then generated alignments from the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and histone 3 (H3) gene regions. These alignments were phylogenetically analysed using Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood methods. While phylogenetic trees for the COI gene suggested that Cambridgea is monophyletic relative to sampled outgroups, H3 did not. Combining our COI phylogenetic tree’s branch lengths with data on web-building behaviour, we used phylogenetic least squares to determine whether web size scales with spider size across species. While we found evidence that larger species generally build larger webs, the variation in web size across even similarly sized species suggests that environmental characteristics which influence site selection and prey type may play a role in determining the optimal web size for different species.  相似文献   


The invertebrate fauna of five ephemeral forest streams on Hauturu-o-Toi/Little Barrier Island in northern New Zealand was assessed in January 2014. Low summer flows restricted benthic sampling largely to pools that would, during periods of ‘normal’ flow, be main-channel riffle/run habitat. Additionally, adult stages of aquatic insects were sampled by light trapping. Fifty-three aquatic species/morphospecies were recorded during the study, including 25 new records, bringing total island species richness to 65. The fauna was dominated by Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera; species richness of Plecoptera and Diptera was low, and only single species of Mollusca and Crustacea were recorded. Species found were either common with broad New Zealand distributions, or species restricted to the North Island. No species was endemic to the island. Faunal comparisons with adjacent mainland streams indicated the island had similar assemblages of core taxa, but generally lower species richness, likely resulting from physiographic differences found there.  相似文献   

Host specificity in parasitic mistletoes (Loranthaceae) in New Zealand   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. We quantify the degree of host specificity for the five extant New Zealand loranthaceous mistletoes ( Alepis flavida, Ileostylus micranthus, Peraxilla colensoi, Peraxilla tetrapetala and Tupeia antarctica ).
2. Host specificity is highest for A. flavida, P. colensoi and P. tetrapetala which primarily parasitize species of Nothofagus , and lowest for T. antarctica and especially I. micranthus which parasitize a wide range of host species.
3. These patterns of host specificity support the suggestion that relative host abundance is a key factor determining the degree of host specialization in mistletoes (resource fragmentation hypothesis). While evolutionary history may be important in the specificity of the mistletoe–host relationship in some situations, our data suggest that for New Zealand mistletoes evolutionary history simply reflects the temporal component of relative host abundance.
4. We conclude that it is the stability of host availability through time and space which is the dominant factor determining host specificity patterns.  相似文献   


Oribotritia contortula n. sp., O. contraria n. sp., O. teretis n. sp., Rhysotritia bifurcata n. sp., Microtritia contraria n. sp., M. glabrata n. sp., Hoplophthiracarus bisulcus n. sp., Austrophthiracarus pulchellus n. sp., and Notophthiracarus claviger n. sp. are described from New Zealand.

The genera of Oribotritia Jacot, Rhysotritia Märkel & Meyer, Hoplophthiracarus Jacot, and Austrophthiracarus Balogh & Mahunka are new records for New Zealand.  相似文献   

We measured water quality, recorded physical habitat characteristics and collected aquatic invertebrates from 17 rockface seeps, five springs and five streams in a geologically diverse region of New Zealand's North Island to investigate factors influencing invertebrate distribution and community composition within and among these habitats. A total of 147 aquatic invertebrate taxa was found; 84 taxa occurred in seepage samples and 53% of these were found only in those habitats, including several new species. Where paired stream-seepage comparisons could be made, seeps contributed on average 35% of new species to the total species pool. The invertebrate faunas of all habitats were dominated taxonomically by Trichoptera and Diptera, but seepages were relatively depauperate in Ephemeroptera and richer in Coleoptera taxa compared to streams and springs. Seepage faunas were dominated numerically by Mollusca, and had lower percent abundance of aquatic insects (23% overall) compared to springs (77%) and streams (93%). Seepages underlain by different geologies generally had distinct water quality signatures, with seeps draining greywacke, sandstone and volcanic rocks grouping close to their receiving streams in a Principal Component Analysis. Seepage invertebrate community composition reflected underlying geology and associated differences in water chemistry, as well as seepage size and cover by moss. Incorporation of seepage habitats into conservation planning and aquatic ecosystem protection, and maintenance of their function and connectivity with lotic and groundwater ecosystems are important considerations for freshwater biodiversity management. Maintenance of riparian plant cover over seepages should help sustain supplies of organic matter, moss cover and shade, providing habitat complexity and low water temperatures.  相似文献   

报道了新西兰水果主产区果园普遍采用的规范化栽培技术系统,包括果园布局、果树定植与枝条定向牵引、果产品全程质量管理、果园生态环境管理等技术,并分析了该技术的特点、目的和作用,对新西兰果园近年在栽培技术上的优化和创新进行了总结,提出了新西兰果园栽培的发展趋势。  相似文献   

In January 2016 New Zealand released a consultation document proposing a new act on marine protected areas designed to significantly reform current and now dated policy. This article explores those reform proposals in the context of the current regulatory regime, international obligations, and the best practice of selected other states. While the proposed act provides for a much firmer legislative base from which to develop an MPA network to conserve biodiversity and ecosystem function, nevertheless it is limited in geographic and functional scope. As such, it represents a missed opportunity and undermines New Zealand's claims to be an international leader in ocean management.  相似文献   

新西兰鸟类入侵成功的有关因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sean Nee 《生物多样性》2002,10(1):106-108
了解外来入侵物种(alien invasive species,AIS)的生物学涉及纯生物学及应用生物学的问题,但是靠预先设计的实验来加深人们的了解显然是不可能的,然而我们可以研究现有的入侵,这也是一个很好的途径,本文利用新西兰历史上的一些记录,探讨了物种在新环境中成功定居的因素,令人惊奇的是,物种间的生物学差异对成功的定居几乎没有什么作用,相反,真正起作用的是一个物种被引入新环境的频率及数量。  相似文献   

Five new species of Crotonia from New Zealand ( C. cervicorna, C. cupulata, C. longibulbula, C. tuberculata and C. reticulata ) are described as new, and two species ( C. cophinana (Michael 1908) and C. caudatis (Hammer 1966)) are redescribed. Five species groups of the genus are characterized and a key to the adequately described species of the world is presented.  相似文献   


Recent collecting has increased the number of scorpionfish species known from New Zealand, particularly the Kermadec Islands. The following species are now represented in collections at the National Museum of New Zealand: Scorpaena papillosus (Bloch & Schneider); S. cardinalis Richardson; S. cooki Günther; Trachyscorpia capensis (Gilchrist & von Bonde); Phenacoscorpius megalops Fowler; Maxillicosta raoulensis Eschmeyer & Poss; Ectreposebastes niger (Fovrmanoir); Pterois volitans (Linnaeus); P. antennata (Bloch & Schneider); Ocosia apia Poss & Eschmeyer; Plectrogenium nanum Gilbert; and Scorpaenodes guamensis (Quoy & Gaimard). Helicolenus, represented by a complex of species, is not discussed here. All other species are figured and at least briefly described, and a key to their identification is provided.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on technologies for assisting conception and considers how normative notions of conception and family formation have informed the rejection, incorporation and adaptation of technologies and their regulation in New Zealand. Drawing on a textual analysis of primary written materials and secondary sources generated between 1965 and 2004, the paper reveals how these technologies help various groups in New Zealand society make explicit their understandings of relatedness, identity and social and cultural belonging. Whilst biological/genetic connection and social connections inform understandings of kinship, reproduction, parenthood and social structure for many New Zealanders, the boundaries between the biological and social are often blurred and precedence of one over the other is very much context dependent. The incorporation of the new reproductive technologies has been an inherently politicised process, with barriers to access to these technologies emerging in relation to ethnic identity and race, sexuality, socioeconomic status, gender, and marital status.  相似文献   

This study examines and quantifies the linkages between population health, environmental risks, and its determinants for drinking water in New Zealand using routinely collected data. It was conducted as part of the national environmental health indicators project in New Zealand. The project is based on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) “Environmental and Health Information System” program. Drinking water quality indicators based on the Driving force–Pressure–State–Exposure–Effect–Action (DPSEEA) framework as part of this program were analyzed to validate the model by quantifying the linkages between the indicators. The results of the model suggested over the study period, the state (drinking water quality) and exposure (water access) indicators are significant independent predictors of the effect indicator (waterborne disease rate). This study suggests that routinely collected data can be structured using the DPSEEA framework and tested quantitatively using standard Poisson regression models, thus, illustrating that the model can be used routinely to provide a basis for consideration of the costs and benefits of any interventions to reduce the burden of waterborne disease. Data quality issues need to be considered if such routinely collected data linkages are to be performed for policy purposes. The online version of this article (doi:) contains electronic supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Supplemental histograms are available in the online appendix.  相似文献   

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