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Tropical West African savannas are exposed to high climatic variability with potential impacts on tree growth, forest dynamics and ecosystem productivity. In such context, understanding the long-term ecological responses of savanna trees to changing environmental conditions is of great relevance for taking appropriate conservation actions. We conducted the first study on tree-ring analysis and quantitative wood anatomy on Afzelia africana Sm. in Burkina Faso, to investigate the life-span growth trajectories and wood anatomical adjustment to site and to climate variations. A total of 24 stem discs was collected in four protected forests along the Sudano-sahelian and the Sudanian climatic zones. Wood samples were analyzed using standard dendrochronological methods and quantitative wood anatomy. The mean annual growth rates varied from 1.002 (± 0.249) mm. year−1 in the Sudanian zone to 1.128 (± 0.436) mm. year−1 in the Sudano-sahelian zone. Analysis of growth trajectories showed high variations within sites and between climatic zones. Wood anatomical traits significantly varied between sites. Principal Component Analysis revealed strong relationships between ring width, wood density and vessel traits, with 82.81 % of the total variance explained. Vessel size significantly increased from the pith to the bark, highlighting the ontogenetic effects on xylem anatomical variations. Inverse relationships were found between vessel size and vessel density across the driest site and the wettest site, suggesting that the higher the rainfall, the taller the tree, the larger vessel size, but the lower vessel density. By contrast, more arid conditions and high evapotranspiration lead to smaller vessel sizes and higher vessel density. Such anatomical adjustments highlight the trade-offs between water conductance efficiency and hydraulic safety, and emphasize physiological responses to climate variability. These variations on the long-term dynamics and xylem anatomical patterns underline complex interactions between ontogenetic effects and contrasting environmental factors that affect the eco-physiological functioning of A. africana throughout the Sudanian region.  相似文献   

The response of non-native forest plantation trees to climate change remains poorly understood.We hypothesized that precipitation and temperature modulate tree-ring width chronology at each site and that higher tree growth is exhibited at remote sites than sites near copper mines. This study investigates if the annual tree-ring boundaries in non-native Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gordon in Zambia are distinct, cross-datable, and coherent with climate signal. We collected increment cores from live trees and climate data near and further away from emission sources and developed site tree-ring width chronologies. Based on cross-dating and chronology building statistics (i.e., ESP > 0.85; Glk > 0.6 and series inter-correlation > 0.4), P. kesiya posses cross-datable distinct annual growth ring boundaries that exhibited a high climate signal at both sites. The tree-ring width chronology was positively modulated by precipitation and negatively by solar radiation and temperature. The dry season precipitation was the limiting factor for the growth of P. kesiya. The predicted decrease in dry season precipitation and increase in temperature and solar radiation may reduce tree growth of P. kesiya, reduce productivity, and extend the rotation age. The mean ring width in P. kesiya was not significantly (p = 0.296) different between sites. However, the mean basal area increment at the site near the emission source (Ichimpe) was significantly (p < 0.001) higher than at the remote site (Chati), suggesting site-specific influences that require investigation. We recommend evaluating the causes and consequences of tree growth variation between sites and their relation to environmental variation, including microclimate, soils, and pollution. In this regard, an assessment of site-specific ring-width chronology and tree growth variation in this study directly contributes to an improved understanding of non-native P. kesiya ecology, and it offers the potential to study trees' responses to edaphic and climatic factors. Knowing these responses deepens our understanding of non-native pine tree growth in the face of climate change, given the significant role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Though the extraction of increment cores is common practice in tree-ring research, there is no standard for the number of samples per tree, or trees per site needed to accurately describe the common growth pattern of a discrete population of trees over space and time. Tree-ring chronologies composed of living, subfossil and archaeological material often combine an uneven distribution of increment cores and disc samples. The effects of taking one or two cores per tree, or even the inclusion of multiple radii measurements from entire discs, on chronology development and quality remain unreported. Here, we present four new larch (Larix cajanderi Mayr) ring width chronologies from the same 20 trees in northeastern Siberia that have been independently developed using different combinations of core and disc samples. Our experiment reveals: i) sawing is much faster than coring, with the latter not always hitting the pith; ii) the disc-based chronology contains fewer locally absent rings, extends further back in time and exhibits more growth coherency; iii) although the sampling design has little impact on the overall chronology behaviour, lower frequency information is more robustly obtained from the disc measurements that also tend to reflect a slightly stronger temperature signal. In quantifying the influence of sampling strategy on the quality of tree-ring width chronologies, and their suitability for climate reconstructions, this study provides useful insights for optimizing fieldwork campaigns, as well as for developing composite chronologies from different wood sources.  相似文献   

Most tropical regions are facing historical difficulties of generating biologically reconstructed long‐term climate records. Dendrochronology (tree‐ring studies) is a powerful tool to develop high‐resolution and exactly dated proxies for climate reconstruction. Owing to the seasonal variation in rainfall we expected the formation of annual tree rings in the wood of tropical West African tree species. In the central‐western part of Benin (upper Ouémé catchment, UOC) and in northeastern Ivory Coast (Comoé National Park, CNP) we investigated the relationship between climate (precipitation, sea surface temperature (SST)) and tree rings and show their potential for climate reconstruction. Wood samples of almost 200 trees belonging to six species in the UOC and CNP served to develop climate‐sensitive ring‐width chronologies using standard dendrochronological techniques. The relationship between local precipitation, monthly SST anomalies in the Gulf of Guinea, El Niño‐ Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and ring‐width indices was performed by simple regression analyses, two sample tests and cross‐spectral analysis. A low‐pass filter was used to highlight the decadal variability in rainfall of the UOC site. All tree species showed significant relationships with annual precipitation proving the existence of annual tree rings. ENSO signals could not be detected in the ring‐width patterns. For legume tree species at the UOC site significant relationships could be found between SST anomalies in the Gulf of Guinea indicating correlations at periods of 5.1–4.1 and 2.3 years. Our findings accurately show the relationship between tree growth, local precipitation and SST anomalies in the Gulf of Guinea possibly associated with worldwide SST patterns. A master chronology enabled the reconstruction of the annual precipitation in the UOC to the year 1840. Time series analysis suggest increasing arid conditions during the last 160 years which may have large impacts on the hydrological cycles and consequently on the ecosystem dynamics and the development of socio‐economic cultures and sectors in the Guinea‐Congolian/Sudanian region.  相似文献   

Xerophytic thickets occur along the southwestern part of Madagascar. Although providing a wide variety of resources and services to the local population, this particular vegetation is subjected to deforestation. This study focuses on linking dendroclimatology and dendroecology by examining the spatial and temporal variability of the ecological growth conditions. Information from tree rings was retrieved, on one hand, to identify the problem of the limiting effects of past climate on growth and, on the other hand, to show how local environment takes part in the growth pattern of South Soalara species, in the southwestern part of Madagascar. Methods and principles of dendrochronology were applied on nine species belonging to seven botanical families. A total of 42 stem discs from 3 to 5 trees per species were collected at 30 cm height. All discs exhibited visible tree rings, but anatomical distinctness varied between species. This study highlighted the annual formation of tree rings through successful crossdating techniques. Then, from the nine constructed chronologies, species were grouped into three clusters. Analysis between precipitation and radial growth showed that the response to climate occurred mainly in rainy season. Large-scale climatic drivers such as sea surface temperature (SST1) of ENSO2 regions revealed a teleconnection with tree growth in cluster 1. Mean radial increments were computed from the measured tree ring width and varied from 0.66 to 1.98 mm year−1, showing that those species are slow-growing. All species were recorded as having a certain dendrochronological potential, which was ranked as useful for Rhizogum madagascariense and Terminalia gracilipes, poor for Gyrocarpus americanus and problematic for the other species. It is recommended to increase the number of wood samples and to provide more knowledge on the characteristics of the species in order to improve the quality of the chronology and the climatic signal on tree rings.  相似文献   

Many tree-ring-based climate reconstructions are based on the assumption that the climate reaction of trees is independent of their size. Here, we test this assumption for New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis), one of the longest tree ring-based proxies for the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The most recent kauri chronology contains a large amount of archaeological material, e.g. timber for which the original tree size is often unknown. We analyzed the climate–growth relationship of different-sized kauri in a pristine forest using different temporal scales, i.e. annually, monthly and daily data on tree growth and climate conditions. Trees of different life stages exhibited approximately the same seasonal growth peaks during austral spring (October and November). The dormancy period overlaps with the period where weekly air temperature maxima are below ca. 17–18 °C, and where the corresponding daily minima are below ca. 8 °C. However, both correlation functions between annual growth and seasonal climate as well as Kalman filter regressions between daily growth and climate conditions suggest an influence of tree size on the climate–growth relationship for kauri. Smaller trees (DBH < 40 cm) contain weaker climate signals than larger trees. Therefore, the precautionary stripping of near-pith material (first 20 cm) from kauri chronologies may result in more uniform responses to climate forcing and thus enhance the reliability of long-term climate reconstructions.  相似文献   

Dendrochronology is a valuable tool to understanding climate-growth and growth-age relationships of native tree species from tropical forests. The information obtained from growth rings can elucidate climate responses of tree-growth under the ongoing environmental changes and support the development of sustainable forest management strategies based on species and site conditions. The Cerrado, which is a vast tropical savannah ecoregion of Brazil, has precipitation seasonality capable of inducing the formation of annual tree rings in moisture sensitive woody species. Hymenaea stigonocarpa is the typical tree species in the Cerrado with proven annual tree rings. It is an important commercial species that has been massively exploited for timber causing the considerable reduction of its natural populations. This study provides information about tree age and growth trajectories as well as climatic-growth signals of H. stigonocarpa in southeastern Brazil. We sampled 13 trees for tree-ring analysis. Tree-ring measurement and analysis were conducted using standard dendrochronological techniques. Sampled trees revealed the young successional stage of the stand, with ages varying from 20 to 35 years old. Nine out of 13 trees were used to build the standard chronology (1981 to 2013) that was positively correlated with precipitation at the end of the growing season (March-April). The chronology was able to capture SST anomalies patterns related to the South American Monsoon System. Growth modeling indicated that minimum logging diameter of 10.4cm is achieved at 24 years of age. The results reported here add valuable contribution to the discussion of sustainable management strategies for Cerrado ecoregion species.  相似文献   

For a better understanding of forest ecology, tree-ring studies can provide information on climate sensitivity, tree growth patterns and population age structure that can inform about stand dynamics such as recruitment of new individuals, and other interspecific interactions related to competition and facilitation. Little is known about the ecology of the recently identified high Andean tree species Polylepis rodolfo-vasquezii. Here, we analyzed the relationship between tree size and age of two P. rodolfo-vasquezii forest stands located in the central Peruvian Andes at 11°S in latitude, and compared their growth patterns and climate sensitivity. We measured the height and diameter of each individual tree and collected tree core samples of living trees and cross sections of dead standing trees to generate two centennial tree-ring chronology at Toldopampa (1825–2015 CE) and at Pomamanta (1824–2014 CE) sites. The dendrochronological dates were evaluated by 14C analysis using the bomb-pulse methods analyzing a total of 9 calendar years that confirm the annual periodicity of this tree species. At the Toldopampa stand most trees ranged from 70 to 80 years old, with a 190-year old individual, being an older and better preserve forest than Pomamanta, with younger trees, probably because more human disturbances due to closer village proximity. No significant relationships were found between tree age and size in the oldest stand alerting that tree diameter should not be used as a metric for estimating tree ages as a general rule. The distinct growth patterns and the size-age relationship observed at the two forests may reflect distinct histories regarding human activities such as fire and logging. Nevertheless, both the Toldopampa and the Pomamanta tree-ring width chronologies exhibited common growth patterns and shared a similar positive response to temperature of the current growing season. Overall, our study confirmed the annual radial growth periodicity in P. rodofolfo-vasquezii trees using an independent method such as 14C analyses and a strong climate sensitivity of this tree species. These findings encourage the development of an extensive P. rodolfo-vasquezii tree-ring network for ecological and paleoclimate studies in the tropical Andes in South America.  相似文献   

In temperate climates, tree growth dormancy usually ensures the annual nature of tree rings, but in tropical environments, determination of annual periodicity can be more complex. The purposes of the work are as follows: (1) to generate a reliable tree‐ring width chronology for Prioria copaifera Griseb. (Leguminoceae), a tropical tree species dwelling in the Atrato River floodplains, Colombia; (2) to assess the climate signal recorded by the tree‐ring records; and (3) to validate the annual periodicity of the tree rings using independent methods. We used standard dendrochronological procedures to generate the P. copaifera tree‐ring chronology. We used Pearson correlations to evaluate the relationship of the chronology with the meteorological records, climate regional indices, and gridded precipitation/sea surface temperature products. We also evaluated 24 high‐precision 14C measurements spread over a range of preselected tree rings, with assigned calendar years by dendrochronological techniques, before and after the bomb spike in order to validate the annual nature of the tree rings. The tree‐ring width chronology was statistically reliable, and it correlated significantly with local records of annual and October–December (OND) streamflow and precipitation across the upper river watershed (positive), and OND temperature (negative). It was also significantly related to the Oceanic Niño Index, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and the Southern Oscillation Index, as well as sea surface temperatures over the Caribbean and the Pacific region. However, 14C high‐precision measurements over the tree rings demonstrated offsets of up to 40 years that indicate that P. copaifera can produce more than one ring in certain years. Results derived from the strongest climate–growth relationship during the most recent years of the record suggest that the climatic signal reported may be due to the presence of annual rings in some of those trees in recent years. Our study alerts about the risk of applying dendrochronology in species with challenging anatomical features defining tree rings, commonly found in the tropics, without an independent validation of annual periodicity of tree rings. High‐precision 14C measurements in multiple trees are a useful method to validate the identification of annual tree rings.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Wood density is a key variable for understanding life history strategies in tropical trees. Differences in wood density and its radial variation were related to the shade-tolerance of six canopy tree species in seasonally dry tropical forest in Thailand. In addition, using tree ring measurements, the influence of tree size, age and annual increment on radial density gradients was analysed.


Wood density was determined from tree cores using X-ray densitometry. X-ray films were digitized and images were measured, resulting in a continuous density profile for each sample. Mixed models were then developed to analyse differences in average wood density and in radial gradients in density among the six tree species, as well as the effects of tree age, size and annual increment on radial increases in Melia azedarach.

Key Results

Average wood density generally reflected differences in shade-tolerance, varying by nearly a factor of two. Radial gradients occurred in all species, ranging from an increase of (approx. 70%) in the shade-intolerant Melia azedarach to a decrease of approx. 13% in the shade-tolerant Neolitsea obtusifolia, but the slopes of radial gradients were generally unrelated to shade-tolerance. For Melia azedarach, radial increases were most-parsimoniously explained by log-transformed tree age and annual increment rather than by tree size.


The results indicate that average wood density generally reflects differences in shade-tolerance in seasonally dry tropical forests; however, inferences based on wood density alone are potentially misleading for species with complex life histories. In addition, the findings suggest that a ‘whole-tree’ view of life history and biomechanics is important for understanding patterns of radial variation in wood density. Finally, accounting for wood density gradients is likely to improve the accuracy of estimates of stem biomass and carbon in tropical trees.Key words: Radial gradients, shade-tolerance, tree biomass estimates, tree rings, tropical trees, wood density  相似文献   

We sampled Rocky Mountain junipers (RMJ) to produce a multi-century tree-ring chronology from a relict lava flow, the Paxton Springs Malpais (PAX), in the Zuni Mountains of western New Mexico. Our objective was to assess crossdating potential for RMJ growing on the volcanic badlands of the region, investigate potential relationships between climate and RMJ growth, and investigate temporal variability in relationships identified between climate and RMJ growing at our site. We hypothesized that, similar to other drought stressed-conifers growing on the lava flows, RMJ responds to climate factors that influence and indicate moisture availability. We found a high average mean sensitivity value (0.53), which indicated the PAX chronology exhibited enough annual variability to capture fluctuations in environmental conditions. The average interseries correlation (0.74) indicated confident crossdating and a significant association of annual growth among trees within the stand. The positive correlation between the PAX chronology and total precipitation for the local water year was significant (r = 0.53; P < 0.001). Significant positive correlations also were identified between monthly PDSI, monthly total precipitation, and RMJ radial growth. Analyses of temporal stability indicated that the positive relationship between RMJ growth at the PAX site and monthly PDSI was the most stable relationship during the period of analysis (1895–2007). More importantly, we identified a unique inverse relationship between radial growth and monthly mean temperature during periods of the preceding year and current growing year, the first such finding of a strong temperature response for a low-mid elevation tree species in the American Southwest. Our results confirm that RMJ samples collected on the Paxton Springs Malpais are sensitive to climate factors that affect moisture availability, further suggesting that RMJ may be suitable for use in dendroclimatic research at additional locations across the broad distribution of the species.  相似文献   

Tectona grandis (teak) is an important commercial tree species that is widely used in tropical dendrochronology due to the formation of climate-sensitive annual growth rings. However, young trees growing in plantation conditions exhibit poor ring visibility during the first years of growth, limiting the dendrochronology application. In the present study, we use x-ray densitometry to determine the wood density profile between and within annual rings and at the sapwood-heartwood boundary in trees from fast-growth plantations. The resulting wood density profiles (WDP) can be categorized as uniform, stable growth, unstable growth, and false. The annual ring boundaries were indistinct in trees less than 8 years old. In mature trees, the annual ring boundaries are more defined. In relation to the sapwood-heartwood boundary, the WDP showed a decrease in the wood density; however, this decrease is influenced by the annual ring boundary when the two boundaries coincide. The identification of annual rings in trees growing in fast-growth plantations should be combined with X-ray densitometry and visual identification if wood density data are necessary for deriving other analysis, as climate change, from annual ring.  相似文献   

Oak decline, a complex process leading to increased mortality of this species, has been observed in Europe for many years. Previous studies suggest that climate conditions, especially drought, may be one of the most important factors that trigger this phenomenon. The paper investigates the radial growth and wood anatomy features of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) trees of various health status as well as their response to climate conditions. Wood samples including all annual increments were taken at two sites (western and central Poland, 15 trees each). Based on the crown defoliation level, three health groups (healthy, weakened and dead oaks) were distinguished. Cross-sections were prepared with sliding microtome and Cell P image analysis software was used for the measurements. Tree-ring width (TRW), earlywood vessels density (VDen) and non-weighted vessels diameter (VD) were determined and correlated with mean monthly values of temperature, precipitation, vapour pressure, and Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). Radial increment and anatomical parameters were significantly higher for the healthy oaks than for the weakened and the dead trees. TRW showed smaller dependence on climate than analysed anatomical attributes. No obvious pattern of relationship was found between oak radial growth and climate regarding tree health status. Our results revealed that the drought has a weak impact on the process of oak decline on investigated sites in Poland.  相似文献   

Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) O. Kuntze (Araucariaceae) is a Neotropical tree, widely distributed in subtropical mountain rain forests and nearby natural grasslands of Southern Brazil. This species produces annual growth rings, but its dendroclimatic potential is barely known. In the present paper, the long‐term growth patterns of A. angustifolia were investigated using annual growth ring time series and association to climate over the last century. Wood cores of A. angustifolia trees growing in forest and grassland habitats were obtained with an increment borer. The cores were surfaced, measured and cross‐dated. The dated ring‐width time series were standardized and submitted to correlation and principal component analysis to verify growth trends among sites and trees. Growth‐climate relationships were investigated using correlation and regression analyses, comparing the ordination axes scores to regional time series of precipitation and temperature. Due to anatomical irregularities, mainly partial rings, only 35 out of 60 trees were cross‐dated. The correlation and ordination analyses showed common tree‐growth trends within and between sites, indicative of a regional environmental force determining inter‐annual cambial activity variation. Despite growing in distinct habitats and disturbance regimes, A. angustifolia trees share a common long‐term growth pattern, which is significantly related to thermal conditions during the current and previous growing seasons. Moreover, site‐specific characteristics may have influenced opposite growth responses and association to climate conditions between forest and grassland trees.  相似文献   

Wood structure of three species i.e. Larix chinensis Beissn., Alnus sibirica Fisch. and Quercus mongolica Fisch. of normal and dwarf trees were comparatively studied. The age variation of width of annual rings and size of tracheary elements in these trees follows their own regularities respectively during the course of ontogenesis. In normal, as trees grow, the width of annual rings increases gradually, reaches maximum, then declines in subsequence; while the size of tracheary elements exhibits a crescendo increment, and remains constant after reaching maximum. These trends were not affected by the change of enviromental conditions in which the trees grow. However, the width of annual rings and size of tracheary elements of dwarf trees which grow in adverse circumstances are respectively narrower and smaller than those of normal trees. Further, in dwarf tree of L. chinensis (coniferous wood); the diameter of bordered pits on tracheids of early wood decreases, ray height is lower and ray frequence is higher. In dwarf tree of A. sibirica (diffuse porous wood), vessel frequence increases and the number of bars per perforation decreases. The quatitative features of wood structure of dwarf trees, as compared with those of normal trees, showed more variations; whereas, their own qualitative features of wood structure remain constant. These findings might indicate that modifications of wood structure responsing directly to change of enviromental conditions are usually only qualitative.  相似文献   

The availability of exactly dated tree‐ring chronologies is limited in tropical regions. However, these chronologies could contribute widely to studies of the influence of natural and human‐induced factors on tropical forests. We examine the potential for building a chronology based on three sites in the miombo woodland of western Zambia. Brachystegia spiciformis Benth., a dominant species from this vegetation type, is used. Response of the chronology to several climatic factors is examined. All specimens showed very clear growth rings, and cross‐dating between radii of a tree was successful for all trees. Site chronologies could be constructed after cross‐dating of growth ring series of individual trees. The mean growth ring curves of the three sites were significantly similar, allowing for the construction of a regional chronology. Correlation function analysis between the tree‐ring chronology and regional climatic variables revealed that climate at the core of the rainy season, in December and January, has an explicit influence on tree growth. Where precipitation and relative humidity in these months influence tree growth positively, temperature correlates in a negative way. Some 20 percent of the variance in the B. spiciformis tree‐ring chronology is accounted for by wet season rainfall. The successful cross‐dating and correlation between a tree‐ring chronology and climate demonstrated in this study indicate annual ring formation in B. spiciformis trees and sensitivity to climatic conditions.  相似文献   


Key message

The retrospective analysis of wood anatomical features evidences how a long-term deterioration of hydraulic performance and carbon use portend drought-induced mortality in Scots pine.


Widespread episodes of drought-induced tree mortality are predicted to become more frequent as climate becomes warmer and drier. Nevertheless, growth trends and their links to changes in wood anatomy before tree dies are still poorly understood. Wood anatomical features provide valuable information that can be extracted to infer the mechanisms leading to tree death. In this study, we characterize drought-induced mortality affecting two Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) sites (Prades and Arcalís) located in the North Eastern Iberian Peninsula. Co-occurring now-dead and living Scots pine trees were sampled and their wood anatomical features were measured and compared. We aimed to detect differences in anatomical features between living and dead trees, and to infer past physiological performances that might have determined their subsequent death or survival. Now-dead trees showed lower tracheid and resin duct production, and smaller radial lumen diameters than co-occurring living trees. At the more xeric Prades site, these anatomical differences were larger and chronic, i.e. were observed over the three studied decades, whilst they were less pronounced at the other, more mesic Arcalís site, where tree mortality episodes were more recent. This indicates that dead trees’ hydraulic conductivity was severely affected and that carbon investment in xylem formation and resin duct production was constrained prior to tree death. Our findings show that both hydraulic deterioration and low carbon allocation to xylem formation were associated to drought-induced mortality in Scots pine. Nevertheless, the temporal dynamics of these processes differed between populations as a function of site climatic conditions.  相似文献   

本文比较观察了三种不同木材类型的正常与矮化树木的木材结构:针叶材的太白红杉(Larix chinensis Beissn.)、散孔材的辽东桤木(Alnus sibirica Fisch.)和环孔材的蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica Fisch.)。这些植物在个体发育过程中,各年的年轮宽度及管状分子长度、宽度等变化,存在各自的规律性。这些规律并不因生长环境的差异而变更。不过,逆境下生长的矮化植株的年轮宽度和管状分子的大小明显地比正常的要窄小,同时在木材结构的其它数量性状上,也有较大变化;然而,其各自的种属定性特征仍保持稳定。这些似乎可说明:生态环境的变化对木材结构的数量性状有较大影响,但是对木材种属的定性特征则无明显作用。  相似文献   

Thanks to acclimation, trees overcome environmental changes and endure for centuries. The anatomy of water conducting cells is an important factor determining plant success. Forming cells are coupled with the environment and their properties are naturally archived in the wood. Its variability across tree rings can thus provide a retrospective of plant’s hydraulic adjustments. In this work, we measured lumen and wall thickness of tracheids along tree-rings to explore how trees regulate their conducting system under variable plant-water conditions. Tracheids were measured along 51 dated rings of five mature Larix decidua and Picea abies trees from a low elevation site. Anatomical-based chronologies of annual growth performance, hydraulic conductance and safety, and construction costs were built. Similarities among chronologies and the relation to monthly climate data were analyzed. Most parameters displayed high annual plasticity which was partly coherent among trees and mostly associated with radial growth. In general, summer drought reduced growth and potential hydraulic conductivity of the forming ring, and increased hydraulic safety and construction costs. To evaluate the functional relevance of the annual acclimation, the conductivity of the forming ring relative to the entire sapwood needs to be assessed.  相似文献   


Key message

This study demonstrates that Millettia stuhlmannii produces annual growth rings responsive to seasonal climate and should be useful for dendrochronology.


Millettia stuhlmannii is a highly valuable and potentially overexploited timber species indigenous to southeastern Africa. It is of particular economic importance in Mozambique though relatively little is known about its growth rate or response to climate. This study investigates whether M. stuhlmannii is potentially useful for dendrochronology—that is whether this species forms annual growth rings that are responsive to external forcing such as climate. Five methods were used to determine whether M. stuhlmannii growth rings are indeed annual in nature, including analysis of ring anatomy, dating trees of known age, cambial wounding, classical cross-dating, and comparison of annual growth to climate variables. Growth rings of Millettia stuhlmannii are distinct and well formed, young trees from plantations of known age formed an appropriate number of distinct annual rings, trees showed distinct wood reaction to cambial wounding, adding exactly one complete ring in one calendar year, cross-dating within and between trees was somewhat successful, and annual growth is significantly correlated with wet season precipitation. Results of this study indicate that M. stuhlmannii is a potentially useful species for dendrochronology. These findings should allow a better understanding of this species’ growth dynamics and ecology, as well as its response to climate variability in the past and potentially to future climate change.

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